YXCHD :: Volume #7

#690: Luoluo is not literate, why to flip through book ( 1 / 2 ) randomly

The reading treasure trove that Shi Yun said is located in the middle of library, did not look that is very difficult to imagine, in this library, a courtyard in scrap similar central courtyard middle garden! 施韵说的看书宝地位于图书馆的中间,不看都很难想象得到,这图书馆里面,还有一小块类似四合院中间庭院的天井! Although the floor is too high, that scrap sky that withstand/top enters the light quantity to be few, now a building seems somewhat dark, but it seems like an independent small garden, inside does not have the shrubbery that needs the sunlight to be very good to grow, there are several building high big trees! 虽然楼层太高,顶上的那一小块天空进光量很少,现在一楼看起来就有些幽暗,但是它就好像是一个独立的小花园,里面有不太需要阳光就能很好成长的灌木丛,也有几层楼高的大树! Encircles reads around this day well, has to plant the satisfied feeling of under the park shade reading! 围在这天井周围看书,就有种在公园绿荫下阅读的惬意感! Naturally, around the courtyard position is also very marketable, fortunately, Xia Yu they come time, just several students leave, vacate a table, Shi Yun hurrying bring Xia Yu they to seize. 当然,天井周围的位置也很抢手,幸运的是,夏瑜她们过来的时候,刚好有几个学生离开,空出一张桌子,施韵赶紧带着夏瑜她们抢占过去。 Luoluo was held to sit the purple black rattan chair by Mama, sat the soft rattan chair to fall her small buttocks by many students, causes small short leg that little girl extends a little to acclivity, the long short Chinese-style jacket skirt shrank a point, revealed her half fair small ankle area. 落落妈妈抱着坐上了紫黑色的藤椅,被很多学生坐得松软的藤椅将她的小屁股陷了进去,使得小姑娘伸出来的小短腿有点向上斜,长长的襦裙都缩下来了一点,露出她半截白皙的小脚踝。 It is not right, above has a red packet, under the Luoluo white and tender flesh serves as contrast, but also is very obvious! 不对,上面有一个红红的小包,在落落白嫩的肌肤衬托下,还挺明显的! Well, strolled the campus a moment ago time, was nipped by the mosquito?” Xia Yu also saw, she places on the book the table, somewhat loves dearly to put out a hand, traces the Luoluo's ankle area gently, asked. “咦,刚才逛校园的时候,被蚊子咬了?”夏瑜也看到了,她将书放在桌子上,有些心疼地伸手过去,轻轻地摸了摸落落的脚踝,问道。 Luoluo does not certainly know when was nipped, but she knows that the mosquito will nip little girl of oneself this soft and fair skin, this then supports the body, looked at one diligently, then looks at Mama, muttered: Wanted, to nip......” 落落当然不知道啥时候被咬的,但她知道蚊子会咬自己这个细皮嫩肉的小姑娘,这便支起身子,努力地看了一眼,然后看着妈妈,喃喃道:“要,咬了……” „Was Luoluo bit by the mosquito?” Shi Yun also sets out from opposite rattan chair, collects, looked curiously, what to do can that?” 落落被蚊子咬了?”施韵也从对面的藤椅上起身,凑过来,好奇地看了看,“那可怎么办?” What to do Xia Yu knows should, the first time is not met such situation, Luoluo may be nipped by the mosquito a lot. Was nipped by the mosquito, should spreads to give Luoluo to stop itchy with the soapy water or the baby floral water! 夏瑜知道该怎么办,又不是第一次碰见这样的情况,落落可没少被蚊子咬。被蚊子咬了,应该用肥皂水或者婴儿花露水涂上给落落止痒的! But, Xia Yu brings Luoluo to come out to stroll today, but brought her canteen, after all today the one who usually thinks of various types of Luoluo's things the small book bag also to stay in the company she to put on was the man (Han) clothing/taking, was not convenient at the back of the book bag. 可是,今天夏瑜落落出来逛,只是带了她的水壶,平时装着各种落落的用品的小书包还留在了公司里毕竟她今天穿的是汉服,背着书包不方便。 Itchy?” Xia Yu turns the head to ask with Luoluo. “痒吗?”夏瑜转头跟落落问道。 Luoluo winked the big eye, looked again the red package on own foot, then shakes the head with Mama. 落落眨了眨大眼睛,再次看了看自己脚上的红包,然后跟妈妈摇了摇头。 It is not truly itchy, possibly has crossed the itchy time, Luoluo was walking a moment ago, without attention! 确实不痒,可能已经过了痒的时机了,刚才落落都是在走路,没有注意呢! We and other noon went back, Mama scratches a floral water to you again!” The Xia Yu gentle voice said that you cannot flexure it!” “那我们等中午回去的时候,妈妈再给你擦点花露水吧!”夏瑜柔声说道,“不过你可不能挠它哦!” Luoluo nods cleverly, but, she cannot bear look to that red package, long on oneself ankle area in vain, looks very obvious! 落落乖巧地点了点头,不过,她还是忍不住看向那个红红的包,就长在自己白白的脚踝上,看起来很明显! Xia Yu noticed the Luoluo's line of sight, she worried that the little fellow will unable to bear begin flexure it, drew the skirt swayed of Luoluo that short Chinese-style jacket skirt simply, covered the line of sight of little fellow. 夏瑜注意到了落落的视线,她担心小家伙会忍不住上手挠它,索性拉了拉落落那齐腰襦裙的裙摆,遮挡住了小家伙的视线。 Reads, this has attractive drawing!” Xia Yu brings the comic book of that lecture of history, opens to place on the Luoluo's leg, said with a smile. “看书吧,这个是有很好看的画画的!”夏瑜将那本讲历史的漫画书拿过来,翻开放在落落的腿上,笑着说道。 Finally to studying time, Xia Yu holds her «Crime scene» sits on Luoluo that rattan chair with great interest is seeming like, Luoluo is pressing with the small hand from the beginning in the big book that on own leg spreads out, but also a little vacant about looks around. 终于到了读书的时候,夏瑜抱着她的《案件现场》坐在落落身边的那个藤椅上津津有味地看起来,落落一开始用小手压着在自己腿上摊开的大书,还有点茫然左右张望一下。 Probably is not a little right! 好像有点不对啊! It is not plays? 不是来玩的吗? How to sit motionless? 怎么坐着不动了? The line of sight of little girl has swept swayingly, actually saw that named Shi Yun the aunt is smiling eye, Shi Yun also with her to push winking. 小姑娘的视线晃晃悠悠地扫过,却看见了那位叫施韵的阿姨微笑着的眼睛,施韵还跟她挤了挤眼。 This may have a scare Luoluo, she has turned the head hastily, looked at Mama again. 这可把落落吓了一跳,她连忙转过头,再看了看妈妈 The example strength from parents is quite big, Mama is curling upwards one leg on the other, cool and reads her to put the book on thigh earnestly, after Luoluo looked at a while dull, lowers the head, looks to that picture-book in own. 来自父母的榜样力量还是比较大的,妈妈翘着二郎腿,又酷又认真地翻看着她搁在大腿上的书,落落呆呆地看了一会儿后,也低下头来,看向自己手上的那本图画书。 This book before Luoluo has read the picture book is not quite same, its paper is very thin, be only the front several pages are the color pages, behind uses black and white ordinary printing very much parsimoniously. 这本书跟落落之前看过的绘本不太一样,它纸张很薄,而且只有前面几页是彩页,后面则是很吝啬地用上了黑白的普通印刷。 Naturally, Luoluo has not cared about it olorful, but after little girl looked at a p. 1, in the big eye was full of the look of doubts. 当然,落落倒没有在意它olorful不olorful,只是小姑娘看了一下第一页后,大大的眼睛里都充满了疑惑的神色。 Cannot understand! 看不懂呀! Although above has the design, what are more is the description and dense Mama of writing dialog box...... 上面虽然有图案,但是更多的还是文字的描述和密密麻麻的对话框…… This regarding two -year-old little girl, was too difficult a point! 这对于两岁多的小姑娘来说,还是太难了一点! „......” The Luoluo's small eyebrow did not wrinkle slightly, she lifts the small head, looks at Mama. “唔……”落落的小眉毛微微皱了起来,她抬起小脑袋来,看一看身边的妈妈 This time Xia Yu happen to saw an essential place of case, her look was very earnest, moreover is starting the head full power, substituted the role status to ponder issue that in gave. 这时候的夏瑜正好看到了一个案件的关键处,她的眼神很认真,而且也是全力开动着脑袋,代入角色身份去思考里面给出的问题。 Where does she pay attention to Luoluo this not to move law-abidingly? 她哪里注意得到落落这不安分地动弹呢? Only if Luoluo from the chair, perhaps such big sound will let only pay attention to Luoluo's Xia Yu to recover with the corner of the eye split vision. 除非是落落从椅子上下来,这样大的动静恐怕才会让只用眼角余光留意着落落的夏瑜回过神来。 Good, Mama could not happen to obtain somebody's favor! 好吧,妈妈靠不上了! Luoluo has to transfer the head , to continue to read. 落落只好又将脑袋转回来,继续低头去看书。 What to do can't understand? 看不懂怎么办? little girl is very intelligent, her small claw according to the right page, one rubs toward the left. 小姑娘还是很聪明的,她小爪子按在右边的书页上面,往左边一搓。 Papa usually brings she reads, like this turns the page! 爸爸平时带她看书的时候,也是这样翻页的呀! However, this book is a little probably different, Luoluo small hand rubs to arch several pages, same hit with the fan! 不过,这本书好像有点不一样,落落小手儿一搓就拱起来好几页,跟扇子一样打了开来! Oh! 喔! Luoluo opens the small mouth surprisedly, but also coiled o. 落落惊奇地张开小嘴,还卷成了o型。 How can like this? 怎么会这样? After all the child, were too few to the cognition of the world, little girl then studied full of enthusiasm. 毕竟还是小孩子,对世界的认知太少了,小姑娘便兴致勃勃地研究了起来。 This comic book is not thin, but was opened one pack to change by Luoluo this all of a sudden, without a while, turned. 这本漫画书可不薄,但被落落这样一下子翻开一叠地翻动着,没一会儿,就翻完了。 „...... Mama......” little girl did not look in own hand closed the book, has turned the head again, the sound called Mama weakly. “唔……麻麻……”小姑娘看了看自己手上合上了的书,再次转过头去,声音弱弱地叫了叫妈妈 Luoluo, how?” Xia Yu moved out of the way the line of sight finally, looks to Luoluo. 落落,怎么了?”夏瑜终于挪开了视线,看向落落 What looks for Mama to make? 妈妈做什么? „......” Luoluo is not groaning, actually cannot return to the words. “唔……唔……”落落哼哼着,却回不上话。 Sees the book that on the little fellow leg gathers, Xia Yu then cannot bear smile, asks: „Did your book look?” 看到小家伙腿上合起来的书,夏瑜便忍不住笑了笑,问道:“你的书都看完了?” Luoluo winked the big eye, nods with Mama obediently: Un, searched, searches curved!” 落落眨了眨大眼睛,乖乖地跟妈妈点了点头:“嗯呢,探,探弯了呢!” That looks again.” Xia Yu caressed the Luoluo's small head, the gentle voice said. “那再看一遍。”夏瑜抚了抚落落的小脑袋,柔声说道。 „, Does not want...... to want, must look that Papa......” a while has not seen Papa, Luoluo wants to look for Papa. “唔,不要……要,要看粑粑……”才一会儿没看到爸爸,落落就又想去找爸爸了。 Has not arrived at noon, we to noon must eat meal, again looks for Papa, is good?” Xia Yu also wants to read the little while book again. “还没到中午啊,我们到中午要吃饭的时候,再去找爸爸,好不好?”夏瑜还想再看会儿书。 , eating meal food?” Luoluo a little looks at Mama puzzled. “唔,吃饭饭?”落落有点困惑地看着妈妈 Right, later we look for the Papa eating meal food again! At noon we, Papa, with your Elder Sister Shi Yun, Uncle Jiang Yuan eat meal together!” Xia Yu said with a smile. “对,待会我们再去找爸爸吃饭饭!中午我们,还有爸爸,跟你施韵姐姐,还有江源叔叔一起吃饭哦!”夏瑜笑道。 ...... …… What Xia Yu has not thought that Yang Yan in the company, he is called by the person who he is unable to reject now! 夏瑜没想到的是,杨言现在可不在公司了,他被一个他无法拒绝的人叫了出去!
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