YFGYM :: Volume #2

#150: Opens crowd of jeering little doll( lolicon in addition 2 / 2)

I said, what your Youkai is all right here to make?” “我说,你这个妖怪没事儿来我这里做什么?” Sits little doll both hands on counter holds the sour milk bottle, to is standing in following Yakumo Mo asks. 坐在柜台上的小人偶双手捧着酸奶瓶,对着站在下面的八云墨问到。 Ma, only is curious, Doll sells Doll to be what appearance.” ,只是好奇,人偶人偶会是个什么样子而已。” Backs on Yakumo Mo on wall to size up the Suigintou Doll shop. 背靠在墙壁上的八云墨四下打量着水银灯人偶店。 Rozen Maiden, this is the name of Doll store Suigintou sets up. 蔷薇少女,这是水银灯开办的人偶商店的名字。 The shop that this is located in seventh School District, treads, most conspicuous is placed in a midpoint row of seven seat and above six Doll. 这间位于第七学区的店铺,一踏进去,最显眼的就是摆在正中央的一排七个座位和上面的六个人偶 The first seat is emptying, starts from the second position, sits six very fine cute Doll in turn, the following label writes the canary and green star stone, the dark green star stone, Shinku, the young raspberry and snow magnificence Qi crystal respectively. 第一个座位空着,从第二个位置开始,依次坐着六个非常精致可爱人偶,下面的标签分别写着金丝雀、翠星石、苍星石、真红、雏莓和雪华绮晶。 Under this row of Doll, is pasting one line of label —— items nots for sale. 这一排人偶下面,贴着一行标签——非卖品。 Although does unusual is lifelike, but Yakumo Mo looks, that only ordinary Doll. 虽然做的非常逼真,但八云墨一眼就看出来,那只是普通的人偶而已。 „The first position is you leaves own? Is that your six Little Sister?” “第一个位置是你留给自己的吧?那就是你的六个妹妹?” „The matter that your Youkai knows are really many.” “你这个妖怪知道的事情还真不少。” Suigintou casts aside excessively, looks at that row of six little doll spookily, the look is complex. 水银灯撇过头,幽幽看着那一排六个小人偶,眼神复杂。 Ma, since this world will have the information about Gensoukyou, other world have your Rozen Doll information not strangely right?” ,既然这个世界会有关于幻想乡的资讯,其他世界有你们蔷薇人偶的资讯也不奇怪对吧?” Yakumo Mo opens Gap, takes out one cup of black tea. 八云墨打开隙间,取出一杯红茶。 Do not drink the black tea before me!” “别在我面前喝红茶!” Suigintou frowns, some discontentedly snort/hum. 水银灯皱起了眉头,有些不满地哼了一声。 Do be not so excited, I am not Shinku.” Yakumo Mo is swaying the porcelain cup in hand. “不要那么激动,我又不是真红。”八云墨自顾自地摇晃着手中的瓷杯。 „The words that does not buy, please leave.” “不买的话,就请离开吧。” Hears Yakumo Mo to raise Shinku, Suigintou as if starts to act difficult. 听到八云墨提起真红,水银灯似乎开始闹别扭。 „Did this start to drive away the guest?” Yakumo Mo smiles gently, lowers the head to taste the black tea, even an ordinary guest was good, can satisfy my curiosity? How you are come to here to live by the Doll status, these ordinary human saw that you won't be surprised?” “这就开始驱赶客人了?”八云墨轻轻笑起来,低头品尝着红茶,“就算是个普通的客人好了,能满足一下我的好奇心吗?你是怎么以人偶的身份来这里生活的,那些普通人类看到你不会惊讶吗?” „Won't yourself look?” “你自己不会看吗?” A Suigintou finger/refers of nearby register. 水银灯一指旁边的收银台。 Above places a box, direct is pasting label —— money to place here. 上面摆放着一个箱子,正面贴着一张标签——“钱放在这里”。 Then, under each Doll in entire shop has the price ticket. 然后,整个店铺中的每一个人偶下面都有着价格标签。 in other words, what if comes is ordinary human, will you hide?” 也就是说,如果来的是普通的人类,你就会躲起来?” Yakumo Mo nod. 八云墨点头 Will become urban legend no wonder.” “怪不得会成为都市传说呢。” Is these stupid human bored rumors, your will Youkai also be interested?” “不过是那些愚蠢的人类无聊的流言而已,你这个妖怪也会感兴趣?” Ma, although makes the Youkai time is not short, but came from person reincarnation after all.” ,虽然做妖怪的时间已经不短了,但毕竟是从人转生过来的。” Yakumo Mo looks on the Suigintou face that surprised expression, as if the scheme works to smile generally. 八云墨看着水银灯脸上那惊讶的表情,仿佛计谋得逞一般笑起来。 Saw rarely you will show this expression, is very surprised?” “难得看到你会露出这种表情呢,很惊讶吗?” You before were human!?” “你以前是个人类!?” This is not the shameful background, should not be so surprised.” Yakumo Mo is blowing the float gently in the tea surface tea leaves, now is from head to tail Youkai and that's the end.” “这又不是什么见不得人的背景,不要那么惊讶。”八云墨轻轻吹着漂浮在茶水表面的茶叶,“不过现在是个彻头彻尾的妖怪就是了。” This world has not mentioned this point about your various settings.” “这个世界关于你的各种设定可没有提到这一点。” They have not known that I actually have the wife and daughters, not only so, dares to give me to add on those unfathomable mystery settings unexpectedly.” “他们还不知道我其实有妻女呢,不但如此,居然还胆敢给我加上那么些莫名其妙设定。” Yakumo Mo complexion gloomy gets down suddenly. 八云墨的脸色突然阴沉下去。 The Suigintou satire said with a smile: human is so always boring, words saying, you are not arrive at this world passively?” 水银灯讽刺地笑道:“人类总是那么无聊,话说,你不是被动来到这个世界的吧?” Yakumo Mo showed the look of being interested immediately. 八云墨顿时露出了感兴趣的神色。 How to see? You intuition as woman?” “怎么看出来的?你身为女人的直觉吗?” Shuā——!!” 唰——!!” A big piece of black feather just like the throwing knife to submerge the body of Yakumo Mo. 一大片黑色的羽毛犹如飞刀般淹没了八云墨的身体。 tch tch tch, too violent was not good.” 啧啧啧,太暴力了可不好。” Yakumo Mo's voice passes on suddenly from another side. 八云墨的声音突然从另一边传过来。 Suigintou turns head to look, Youkai that made his hateful was just long-drawn-out overlaps the both legs to sit in the Gap high-grade the black tea. 水银灯扭头看去,那个令他讨厌妖怪正悠哉地交叠着双腿坐在隙间上品着红茶。 That stance, making her think of Shinku. 那种姿态,令她想到了真红 „...... Really uncomfortable, hey, that side Youkai, do you have the means to pass through the world?” “嘁……真不爽,喂,那边的妖怪,你有办法穿越世界吧?” What's wrong? To make me deliver you to go back?” “怎么?想让我送你回去?” Suigintou is silent. 水银灯沉默不语。 Goes back............ 回去……吗…… Must go back! Some things, she must do. 必须回去!有些事情,她必须去做。 Passes through the world I naturally to achieve, if the direction detection passes through, must be I had gone to the world is good.” “穿越世界我自然可以做到,不过如果是定向穿越的话,必须是我曾经去过的世界才行。” Yakumo Mo is shrugging to indicate to help but unable to Suigintou. 八云墨对着水银灯耸了耸肩表示爱莫能助。 If I had gone to your world, that naturally can the direction detection pass again, what a pity I have not gone.” “如果我曾经去过你的世界,那自然可以定向再次过去,可惜我没有去过。” Saw that the black tea in cup bottoms, Yakumo Mo outputs Youkai Power in the palm directly, after a weak ray flashes through, the teacup changed to the most basic granule together with the inside surplus tea together, dissipates in the world. 看到杯中的红茶见底,八云墨直接在掌心输出一丝妖力,一阵微弱的光芒闪过后,茶杯连同里面剩余的茶水一起化作了最基本的粒子,消散在天地间。 Naturally, if which day my luck were incautiously good to go to your original world, I naturally did not mind that delivered you to go back.” “当然,如果哪天我一不小心运气好去到你原本的世界了,我自然不介意送你回去。” „Did you say?” “你说的?” Suigintou closely is staring at Yakumo Mo. 水银灯紧紧盯着八云墨 Since this, before then, I first follow you.” “既然这样,在这之前,我都先跟着你。” Ha? 哈? Yakumo Mo stunned. 八云墨愕然 Does not need, you to be able like this in this city relieved life, if I really went to your original world fortunately, naturally can come back to meet you.” “不必这样的,你可以在这座都市安心生活,若是我真的有幸去了你原本的世界,自然会回来接你。” I did not feel relieved, who knows you can go back on word?” “我不放心,谁知道你会不会食言?” „Are you suspecting the Youkai prestige?” “你是在怀疑妖怪的信誉吗?” The Yakumo Mo brow twists slightly. 八云墨眉头微微拧起来。 „It is not, my only suspected that your moral integrity, should say, my fellow the moral integrity to your entire Gensoukyou life maintains the serious suspicion.” “不是,我只是怀疑你的节操而已,应该说,我对你们整个幻想乡生活的家伙的节操都保持严重的怀疑态度。” little doll lowers the head to drink the yogurt, no longer pays attention to Yakumo Mo. 小人偶低头喝着酸奶,不再理会八云墨 Your this crowd jeered to be big.” Yakumo Mo laughs in spite of trying not to immediately, raises while convenient, likes peeping the character that by my Onee-sama, your words likely already by her understood.” “你这群嘲开大了。”八云墨顿时失笑,“顺便一提,以我那个姐姐大人喜欢偷窥的性格来看,你这句话很可能已经被她知道了哦。” Peeps the life of Little Brother, that Yakumo Yukari really has no qualms these bored human to various specific name numbers that she installs.” “偷窥自己弟弟的生活,那个八云紫果然无愧那些无聊的人类给她安上的各种名号。” little doll taunt as always. 小人偶一如既往的嘲讽。 Then —— 然后—— Her top of the head suddenly opens together Gap, immediately fries in oil tofu to fall from inside, pounded directly in the head of little doll. 她的头顶突然打开一道隙间,随即一盘油炸豆腐从里面掉下来,直接砸在了小人偶的头上。 Gap that head, Yakumo Mo can also hear Ran that I fry in oil tofu the wail sound indistinctly. 隙间那一头,八云墨隐约还能够听到那“我的油炸豆腐啊”的哀鸣声。 bastard!!” 魂淡!!” The breathless little doll complexion looks bad has closed to result in Gap, later is staring at Yakumo Mo stubbornly. 气急败坏的小人偶脸色不善地看着已经关闭得隙间,随后死死盯着八云墨 shuā shuā shuā shuā shuā Shuā——!!” 唰唰唰唰唰唰——!!” Sends out from the little doll back wing like the throwing knife black feather innumerably. 无数如飞刀般的黑色羽毛从小人偶背后的羽翼中发出。 Yakumo Mo hidden enters in Gap with a smile, later opens Gap to find out the head from little doll side. 八云墨笑着隐入隙间中,随后从小人偶身旁打开隙间探出脑袋。 You, first reorganize.” “你啊,先去整理一下吧。” Hmph! 哼! little doll gouged Yakumo Mo one ruthlessly, this kicked the wing to fly the inside room in shop. 小人偶狠狠剜了八云墨一眼,这才扑腾着翅膀飞到了店铺的里间。 Waits for little doll to reorganize to be good, Yakumo Mo looks that outside hangs moon in nighttime sky said: I first walked.” 小人偶整理好出来的时候,八云墨看着外面挂在夜空中的月亮说道:“我先走了。” What happened?” “发生什么事了?” Suigintou detected that the Yakumo Mo vision is somewhat strange. 水银灯察觉到八云墨的目光有些奇怪。 Ma, some place has Magic to fluctuate.” ,某个地方有魔法波动。” Magic fluctuates!?” 魔法波动!?” Suigintou frowns. 水银灯皱起了眉头。 Here also lived not the short time, little doll is very of clear the repel this city to Magic. 在这里也生活了不短的时间,小人偶很清楚这个城市对魔法的排斥。 Even many ordinary students entirely do not believe existence of Magic. 甚至很多普通的学生完全不相信魔法的存在。 After all, here is the Magic Side hostile forces —— Science Side supreme headquarters. 毕竟,这里是魔法侧的敌对势力——科学侧的大本营。 Ma, complied with Aleister after all, here meets troublesome time make a move to help busily, therefore has a look is quite good, considered pay Fangzu to be good.” ,毕竟答应了亚雷斯塔,这里遇到麻烦的时候出手帮下忙,所以还是去看看的比较好,就当是付房租好了。” I also go.” “我也去。” Suigintou opens the mouth to speak. 水银灯开口说到。 Yakumo Mo looked down the eye to stand in front little doll funnily. 八云墨好笑地低头看了眼站在面前的小人偶 Also good, walks.” “也好,走吧。”
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