WORIOA :: Volume #7

#12: After the Polish tribulation, the brothers may in( asked monthly ticket)

The train of thought just had the rotation, Meng Qi feels the whole body to be serious, probably weight in addition of the world held in the body surface, making Supreme Limitless Primordial Beginning Cloud swing the intermittent ripples. 思绪刚有转动,孟奇就感觉浑身沉重,像是天地的重量加持在了体表,让太上无极元始庆云荡起了阵阵涟漪。 The induction went, sees only the upper air to drop a side ancient imperial seal, it was against the wind long, rapid stuffed the heaven, above the pattern was plain, without colluding ten thousand potentials, is unable to borrow layer on layer/heavily Force of Universe, but actually pressed Bao Ping(treasure vase) Apostle rapidly to cave in the aid of a side world that Lifeless Heaven and True Emptiness Hometown projection isolated. 感应而去,只见高空落下了一方古老印玺,它迎风便长,迅速就充塞了苍天,其上花纹古朴,没有勾连万界之势,无法借来重重宇宙之力,但却压得宝瓶神使借助“无生天”和“真空家乡”投影隔绝出来的一方世界急速塌陷。 Facing ancient seal of this side luster greenish gray, Meng Qi like witnessing less than half Reality World fell from the day racket, exceeded the weight of common sense, exceeded the oppression of illusory and real concept, true earth-shaking, turns All Heavens sufficiently, duplicate Nine Serenities! 面对这方色泽青灰的古印,孟奇就像目睹了小半个真实界从天拍落,超越了常理的重量,超越了虚幻与真实概念的压迫,足以真正的翻天覆地,翻诸天,覆九幽 Heaven Turning Seal! 番天印 In the Meng Qi mind appears spontaneously these three characters, Heavenly Lord of the Wide Accomplishment Heaven Turning Seal! 孟奇脑海内油然浮现出这三个字,广成天尊番天印 When War of Gods, by Heaven Turning Seal that non- Peerless Dharma Treasure product Jie is remarkable! 封神之战时,以非绝世法宝品阶大显神威的番天印 ! 啪! Heaven Turning Seal knocks down, bringing the boundless shatter world to hit, in that was passing above the dark vortex of clear light. 番天印打落,带着苍莽破碎的世界打在了那透着清光的幽暗漩涡之上。 Bang! 砰! The Heaven Turning Seal plain pattern shows, is surrounding the main body, but the main body has on the era vicissitudes aura, presents translucent status, inside seems like the Corporeal and Incorporeal number fragment to dance in the air, if each fragment shape the Reality World land, only cannot leave the hand to strike back the dust that making the vortex be split up, the clear light disintegrates, not great aura can show again! 番天印古朴花纹透出,环绕着本体,而本体带着上个纪元般的沧桑气息,呈现半透明状态,内里像是有无数碎片飞舞,每一块碎片都状若真实界大地,将那只将出未出之手生生打回了尘埃,让漩涡四分五裂,清光分崩离析,再无博大气息可以透出! „The Heaven Turning Seal material quality is the Reality World many fragments of antique last era, when contained some Heaven Supporting Divine Mountain, the era is shattered, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning specially collects, granted Heavenly Lord of the Wide Accomplishment, because is too difficult to refine, therefore is unable to become true magical treasure, can only by own weight and special wound enemy, but the light is this point, endured compared with most peerless thing.” In the Meng Qi ear resounded the explanation of Gu Xiaosang, she is relaxed, the happy expression, did not have the least bit to be startled, seems familiar with the Luoism arrangement, is confident about Meng Qi, to changing has the guess. 番天印材质乃太古最后一个纪元的真实界诸多碎片,包含了部分撑天神山,纪元破灭时,元始天尊特意收集,赐予了广成天尊,因为太难炼制,所以无法成为真正的法宝,只能靠自身重量和特异伤敌,但光是这一点,也堪比大部分绝世之物了。”孟奇耳中响起了顾小桑的解释,她语气轻松,略带笑意,一直都没有半点惊慌,似乎对罗教布置了如指掌,对孟奇充满信心,对变化多有猜测。 Originally Heaven Turning Seal non- Peerless Dharma Treasure is because the material quality is extremely tyrannical, Heavenly Lord of the Wide Accomplishment is unable to refine thoroughly. 原来番天印绝世法宝是因为材质太过强横,以至于广成天尊迟迟无法彻底炼制。 Previous era Reality World many fragments...... 上个纪元真实界的诸多碎片啊…… Meng Qi suddenly realize, put down not urged the preparation of round of Extreme Nihility Seal reserved, put down recalled Sea Calming Bead to block the idea that Luoism Creator (good fortune) Apostle struck. 孟奇恍然大悟,放下了毫无保留催发无极印的准备,放下了召回定海珠挡住罗教造化神使一击的想法。 Did Heavenly Lord of the Wide Accomplishment regain consciousness? 广成天尊苏醒了? Xiaosang chooses me to prove legend node to resurrect, it seems like some quite ways...... 小桑选择我证传说这个节点复活,看来颇有些门道…… After destroying the vortex scatters the clear light, Heaven Turning Seal upward flies, at once wants cover drop, hits to Feng Dian, Zhang Deng, Bao Ping(treasure vase) and Juan Lian four big Apostle, does not have the least bit to be wordy unexpectedly, is relentless! 打碎漩涡打散清光之后,番天印往上飞起,旋即又要盖落,打向奉典掌灯宝瓶卷帘四大神使,竟无半点啰嗦,毫不留情! Sees Heaven Turning Seal to come firmly, murderous aura is steaming, must and other Apostle make into the muddy flesh oneself, Feng Dian blurted out: 番天印来得坚决,杀气腾腾,要将自己等神使打成肉泥,奉典脱口而出: „Under Guang Chengzi, you dare the extreme methods!” 广成子,你竟敢下死手!” You bully the weak!” “你以大欺小!” Own Creator (good fortune) Apostle also wants to hold Su Meng, not strikes the meaning of killing, has the discretion, this Guang Chengzi not preach the Dao principle, is not so battered to death unexpectedly four vowing not to rest stances! 自家造化神使也只是想抓住苏孟,毫无击杀之意,颇有分寸,这广成子竟如此不讲道理,一副不砸死自己四位誓不罢休的姿态! Heaven Turning Seal slightly has the stop, spreads teases high vast sound that together, but renounces: 番天印略有停顿,传出一道戏谑但又决绝的高渺声音: Titled/sealed God one post-war, All Heavens Myriad Realms who does not know that my Jade Void Palace most likes hiding shortcomings, most seeks revenge for the slightest grievance, most excels at bullying the weak!” 封神一战后,诸天万界谁不知我玉虚宫最爱护短,最是睚眦必报,最擅以大欺小!” This...... Meng Qi for a while Corporeal and Incorporeal word by to feeling. 这……孟奇一时都有无言以对的感觉。 In the speaking voice, Heaven Turning Seal falls loudly, killing intent is really firm! 说话声中,番天印轰然下坠,杀意甚坚! Wandering Lamp is bright, Bao Ping(treasure vase) falls in torrents, the valuable stick dances in the air, white lotus to become boundary/world, Feng Dian and other big Apostle uses/gives Jin the method, actually fallen Heaven Turning Seal easily accomplished broke entirely, the potential was irreversible! 游子灯再亮,宝瓶倾泻,宝杖飞舞,白莲成界,奉典等四大神使施尽了手段,却被落下的番天印摧枯拉朽般通通砸碎,势无可挡! The prestige of Heavenly Lord, indicates a spot! 天尊之威,足见一斑! While Sha Wujing was pressed is hard to move, only when can look helplessly Heaven Turning Seal pounds, at present suddenly Golden Cudgel from void drills, hits in the Heaven Turning Seal flank, hits it stagnates. 正当沙悟净被压得难以动弹,只能眼睁睁看着番天印砸来时,眼前忽有一根金箍棒从虚空钻出,打在番天印侧方,将它打得一滞。 Is this breath, a golden hair great hand finds out, holds Sha Wujing, pulled off the Heaven Turning Seal coverage scope it. 就是这一息,一只金毛巨手探出,抓住沙悟净,将它拖出了番天印覆盖范围。 First Senior Brother!” The sound of Sha Wujing pleasant surprise curls the reverberation, figure vanishes without the trace. 大师兄!”沙悟净惊喜之声袅袅回荡,身影消失无踪。 But seizes this opportunity, Zhang Deng and other big Apostle escapes the isolation, makes a getaway. 而抓住这个机会,掌灯等三大神使遁出隔离之界,逃之夭夭。 Meng Qi was shocked by the Heavenly Lord of the Wide Accomplishment words, in addition at present does not want to enrage Neverborn Matriarch, without the take action stop. 孟奇则被广成天尊的话语惊呆,加上目前也不想太激怒无生老母,没有出手阻拦。 ............ ………… Exquisite Embroidered Mountains and Rivers Chart falls, Gao Lan and Heaven Sealing Platform do not have the least bit loophole again, to win or ruin this altar, must break the picture roll. 锦绣山河图落下,高览封天台再无半点漏洞,要想夺走或毁掉这座祭坛,必须打破图卷。 But breaks the picture roll to be equal to resisting the place of Reality World core directly, resists 27 state areas, does not raise the legend and Creator (good fortune) whether can achieve breaks thoroughly the foundation of this region, is only fearful backlash lets Supreme and Great Divine Expert does not dare to act rashly. 而打破图卷等于直接对抗真实界核心之地,对抗二十七州疆域,不提传说与造化是否能做到彻底破碎这片区域的基础,光是可怕的反噬就让大能大神通者们不敢妄动。 What is more important, if therefore brings collapsing of place of Reality World core, likely creates the chain-reaction, era end that” when lets Heavenly Court crashes has not arrived appearance, no one will have the opportunity again. 更为重要的是,若因此带来真实界核心之地的坍塌,很可能造成连锁反应,让天庭坠落时未曾到来的“纪元终结”出现,谁都不会再有机会了。 All sort of thoughts flash through, Peng Demon King coldly looks sets up Heaven Sealing Platform arrogantly, wears the Great Zhou mountains and rivers geography Gao Lan, cold snort/hum a sound said: 诸般念头闪过,鹏魔王冷冷看着傲立封天台,身披大周山河地理的高览,冷哼一声道: „Was this takes advantage finally?” “这是最后的依仗了吧?” Exquisite Embroidered Mountains and Rivers Chart is unable to decode, so long as occupies a state, will scatter the rule, the mountains and rivers geography of correspondence will then vanish, waits to project on Changle, you will have nothing to base on again!” 锦绣山河图又不是无法破解,只要占据一州,驱散统治,对应的山河地理便会消失,等打到长乐,你再无任何凭依!” His wing opens, turns the head to look to hiding in several Monster Clan Great Saint of hidden place, the sinking sound said: Returns to various clans respectively, convenes the skilled person, holds the flag to attack the counter week, establishes Monster Clan Heavenly Court!” 他翅膀张开,转头看向躲在暗处的几位妖族大圣,沉声道:“各回各族,招集强手,举旗攻伐逆周,建立妖族天庭!” Heaven Sealing Platform Exquisite Embroidered Mountains and Rivers Chart relies on the Human Sovereign authority, corresponds various area states, once governs non- is Great Zhou, immediately is unable the resonance, to complete the penetration, if only remains Changle place finally, then Exquisite Embroidered Mountains and Rivers Chart snaps fingers to break! 封天台锦绣山河图依赖于人皇权柄,对应疆域各州,一旦所辖不属大周,立刻就无法共鸣,完成贯通,若最后只剩长乐一地,则锦绣山河图弹指可破! Maitreya took back the palm and Human Seed Bag, is radiant with smiles saying: Benefactor Gao, Buddha Country also presently in the ground.” 弥勒收回了手掌与人种袋,笑容可掬道:“高施主,佛国亦将现于地上。” Finishes speaking, It and Fa Hualin, Da Miao Xiang two Great Bodhisattva will all vanish does not see, will prepare for many years white * lotus Buddha Country will soon stage a rebellion! 话音刚落,祂与法华林大妙相两位大菩萨皆消失不见,准备多年的白*莲佛国即将举事! This instance, Shao Xuan and Xi'e as if can see the Great Zhou beacon-fire everywhere, rocket everywhere. 这个瞬间,少玄羲娥似乎能看到大周烽火遍地,狼烟处处。 Own two people leave the Heaven Sealing Platform range, can block 2-3 Monster Clan Great Saint, or Fa Hualin and did Da Miao Xiang, how prevent Maitreya and powerful enemy of Monster Clan Peng Demon King this progression? 自己两人离开封天台范围,也就挡得住2-3名妖族大圣,或者法华林大妙相,如何阻止得了弥勒妖族鹏魔王这个级数的强敌? ............ ………… And True Emptiness Hometown from Lifeless Heaven the strength vanishes, Kunlun Mountain restored to be lonely and tranquil, trembling big green root looked at upper air ancient seal, the tears tears is happening simultaneously saying: 来自“无生天”与“真空家乡”的力量消失,昆仑山恢复了冷清与宁静,战战兢兢的大青根望着高空古印,涕泪交加道: Master Guang Cheng, small waited till you finally!” 广成老爷,小的总算等到您了!” Sentiment true intent cuts, resembles unexpectedly has not counterfeited. 真意切,竟似没有作假。 Meng Qi looks up the infinite high place, escapes the body, before then arrives instantaneously is standing erect the true Jade Void Palace gates of wells . 孟奇抬头望了望无穷高处,将身一遁,瞬间便来到屹立着一口口古井的真正玉虚宫门前。 Across the dark and numerous palace pavilion, he arrived in Jade Purity Palace, has not stepped into, then sees the yellow and black front door to open, Heaven Turning Seal flew. 穿过幽暗和重重殿阁,他抵达了玉清宫,还未踏入,便见玄黄大门打开,番天印飞了进去。 Put in order the clothing, Meng Qi entered the main hall, saw only the ground to place each and every one praying mat, the left front is sitting well a complexion pale gold/metal, five wound must steadily Daoist, his beard and hair was complete, taking the form of middle age, quite somewhat the meaning of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, hand Litaud Heaven Turning Seal. 整了整衣衫,孟奇走进大殿,只见地上摆放着一个个蒲团,左前方端坐着一位面色淡金,五络长须的道人,他须发全黑,形似中年,颇有几分仙风道骨之意,手里托着番天印 Meng Qi good a ritual said: 孟奇行了一礼道: Has seen Heavenly Lord.” “见过天尊。” When reorganized the clothes a moment ago, he has thought issue how to call, actually did oneself calculate Jade Void how many for the disciple? 刚才整理衣服时,他就想过如何称呼的问题,自己究竟算玉虚第几代弟子? If by Cause of All Fruits, oneself is direct legacy in Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning direct legacy, when is the second-generation disciple, but oneself also called Jiang Ziya later generation Xiaobai is junior uncle, but True Monarch of Purity and Decency Yang Jian must call a Senior Brother, was really hard to judge the position, does not know how should call Guang Chengzi. 若论诸果之因,自己是元始天尊嫡传中的嫡传,当为第二代弟子,但自己又称呼姜子牙的后人小白师叔,而清源妙道真君杨戬还得叫自己一声师兄,委实难以判断位置,不知该怎么称呼广成子 But at this time, Gu Xiaosang seemingly ambushed, has not given the suggestion. 而这个时候,顾小桑貌似潜伏,未给建议。 After consideration over and over, Meng Qi decides not to call Heavenly Lord of rank. 考虑再三后,孟奇决定称呼不涉辈分的天尊 But Guang Chengzi real Dao Sect Heavenly Lord, has this title not many! 广成子可是货真价实的道门天尊,有这个称谓的没多少! Even enters Creator (good fortune), then has the qualifications to be called Heavenly Lord, but Primordial Beginning, Daode(way of virtue) and do Lingbao on, how ordinary Creator (good fortune) dare so to say? 即使进入造化,便有资格称为天尊,但元始道德灵宝在上,普通造化如何敢这般自称? Only then in those Creator (good fortune) outstanding or the potential is enormous, has certainly hopes Pāramitā is true Dao Sect Heavenly Lord. 只有那些造化之中出类拔萃或潜力极大,有一定希望彼岸的才算真正道门天尊 But Guang Chengzi is one of them! 广成子便是其中之一! For a while how Guang Chengzi as if not know should the localization Meng Qi's rank, therefore has not talked too much, is pointing at praying mat, said with a smile slightly: Sits.” 广成子似乎一时也不知该怎么定位孟奇的辈分,故而没有多言,指着其中一个蒲团,微微笑道:“坐。” Meng Qi walked, sits cross-legged to sit down, including saying with a smile: Cannot think that Heavenly Lord regains consciousness unexpectedly such rapidness.” 孟奇走了过去,盘腿坐下,含笑道:“想不到天尊苏醒得竟如此之快。” „Before the deep sleep, has prepared, moreover branches out a strength, arrives with the aid of Heaven Turning Seal, now can also be regarded main body.” The Guang Chengzi attitude genial say/way, then raised selected one, Neverborn Matriarch with my Jade Void Lineage quite a little origin, was the Pāramitā great person, did not arrive at compelled by circumstances, should better not to tear to pieces the facial skin thoroughly.” “沉睡前就有所准备,而且只是分出一丝力量,借助番天印降临,如今还算不得本体。”广成子态度和煦道,然后提点了一句,“无生老母与我玉虚一脉颇有点渊源,也是彼岸大人物,不到迫不得已,最好不要彻底撕破脸皮。” Meng Qi hears dumbfounded, under suppressed the extreme methods a moment ago, those who kill intent to be steaming is who? 孟奇听得一愣一愣,刚才狠下死手,杀意腾腾的是谁? Sees him to be shocked, Guang Chengzi hey: 见他愣住,广成子嘿了一声: Great Sage Equal of Heaven returns, hits Juan Lian Apostle also to fear that no one does rescue?” 齐天大圣归来,打卷帘神使还怕没人救?” Then, showed hiding shortcomings of my Jade Void Lineage and is not concerned about face, other commonplace does not dare to cope again, has not had no consideration for face with Neverborn Matriarch truly, is satisfactory to both sides.” “如此一来,既彰显了我玉虚一脉的护短和‘不要脸’,别家等闲不敢再对付,也未曾真正与无生老母撕破脸,算是两全。” Grass, Guang Chengzi is so deceitful......, moreover said that was not concerned about face says unexpectedly so righteously, I was less! Meng Qi slightly has the dumbfoundedness. 艹,广成子这般奸诈……而且说“不要脸”竟说得这般理直气壮,我不及也!孟奇略有目瞪口呆。 He has not spoken with enough time, sees Guang Chengzi to look to the palace, the look moves slightly, sighs: 他还未来得及说话,就见广成子望向殿外,神色微动,叹了口气: Returns after the Polish tribulation, does not know that the same side fellow apprentices are remaining several......” “历经波劫归来,不知同门师兄弟还残余几位……” Meng Qi follows to look to out of the door, for a while thought racing wells up: 孟奇跟着看向门外,一时念头奔涌: Hears and has how many that bell sound convenes to catch up? 听见钟声召集赶来的又有几位?
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