WORIOA :: Volume #7

#11: Exquisite Embroidered Mountains and Rivers Chart

nā mó Amitābha.” 南无阿弥陀佛。” Maitreya that has been radiant with smiles reveals the meaning of several points of mercy, as if I was inferior that the hell who enters the hell, facing temporary Star Lord Ziwei Shao Xuan, Heavenly Lord of Thunder Unit Xi'e, the left hand proceeds to throw, Human Seed Bag then flew, the change, drags to open against the wind, in a white lotus for the thing of receiving and instructing, three includes ten sides all, every life, enters Buddha Country. 一直笑容可掬的弥勒露出几分慈悲之意,似乎我不如地狱谁入地狱,面对临时的“紫薇星主少玄,“雷部天尊羲娥,左手往前一抛,人种袋便飞了出去,迎风变化,摇曳张开,内中朵朵白莲为接引之物,将十方三界尽数囊括,凡是生灵,都入佛国 This thing Houtian(acquired), crosses completely world to be predestined friends. 此物后天而成,渡尽世间有缘。 Saw under this antiquity legendary Buddhist Treasure cover, the Shao Xuan body the radiant stars departed on Monday, 365, formed circulatory cycle formation fully, surrounded him, must resist to absorb. 看到这件上古赫赫有名佛宝罩下,少玄身周一枚枚璀璨星辰飞出,足有三百六十五颗,结成了周天大阵,将他本身环绕,要抵住吸纳。 This each stars are exuding ancient meaning, is linking up ten thousand boundary/world, has the galaxy projections of different universe, is follows Immortal Realm fresh ancient star, is a limited number, all are boundless tyrannical. 这每一颗星辰都泛着古老意味,贯通着万界,自有不同宇宙的星河投影,乃伴随仙界而生的“古星”,数量有限,颗颗皆是磅礴强横。 The star light like the water, formation is stern, trend immediately under Human Seed Bag cover is slow. 星光如水,大阵森严,人种袋罩下的趋势顿时迟缓。 Compared with just now, the Shao Xuan strength has dominated above Fa Hualin and Fa Hualin liangs position Bodhisattva, even if facing Human Seed Bag, facing Future Buddha ancestor Maitreya, slightly does not seem inferior. 比起方才,少玄的实力已然凌驾于法华林菩萨之上,哪怕面对人种袋,面对未来佛弥勒,也似乎丝毫也不逊色。 At this moment, a Maitreya right hand finger/refers, sound like thunder clap, great dignified: 就在这时,弥勒右手一指,声如雷震,宏大庄严: About!” “合!” This sound, Shao Xuan and Xi'e top of the head and under foot seem like the Corporeal and Incorporeal shape gold/metal cymbals to close up, from infinite high place infinite distant place. 此音一出,少玄羲娥头顶、脚下似乎有无形金钹合拢,来自无穷高处无穷远处。 Bang! 砰! The Shao Xuan body week ancient stars project are pressed are defeated and dispersed, oneself were occupied by the Human Seed Bag cover, supports in the bag mouth by strenuous efforts, by slow is going to inside to the firm situation. 少玄身周古老星辰投影被压得溃散,自身被人种袋罩住,于袋口苦苦支撑,以缓慢到坚决的态势投向着里面。 Even if close to Creator (good fortune) realm, Maitreya also showed once the Great Divine Expert prestige energy, with the easily accomplished stance, nearly overpowered Shao Xuan! 哪怕同是接近造化境界,弥勒亦展现出了曾经大神通者的威能,以摧枯拉朽的姿态,近乎制服了少玄 Naturally, is Heaven Sealing Platform is incomplete, being hard makes Shao Xuan obtain the Star Lord Ziwei complete authority. 当然,也是封天台并不完整,难以让少玄获得紫薇星主的完整权柄。 Another side, Xi'e both hands, the Doomsday Boat reverberation, twines the electric light, protects her, resisted absorbing of Human Seed Bag, but Fa Hualin and Da Miao Xiang Bodhisattva executes divine ability respectively, hits buddhist light, falls in torrents Eternal River, making her be unable to make ends meet, is particularly difficult. 另外一边,羲娥双手一拉,末日之舟回荡,缠绕电光,将她护住,生生抵住了人种袋的吸纳,但法华林大妙相菩萨各施神通,打来佛光,倾泻恒河,让她左支右绌,分外艰难。 Even if everywhere, may be unable to get out of such situation! 纵然无处不在,可也摆脱不了这样的处境! Maitreya has not cared about Shao Xuan and Xi'e, the smile does not reduce, the left hand pats the thigh, the white lotus throne also flies to the front, in golden ten thousand Zifu, the lotus flower petal and Buddha sound Zen sang under the encirclement, the right hand searched, changed to the giant palm, grasped to Heaven Sealing Platform, must eradicate it, absorbs Buddha Country. 弥勒没有在意少玄羲娥,笑容不减,左手一拍大腿,白色莲台随之飞向前方,在金色万字符、朵朵莲花瓣和佛音禅唱环绕下,右手探下,化作巨掌,抓向封天台,要将它连根拔起,摄回佛国 This palm includes ten thousand sides, the pure land overlay, innumerable Gautama Buddha Bodhisattva in the row, simultaneously read aloud layer upon layer reads the Maitreya given name, making one have no place to go, is unable to escape. 此掌囊括万方,层层净土叠加,无数佛陀菩萨在列,齐齐诵念弥勒名号,让人无处可逃,无法可逃。 On the stage the Gao Lan phantom facial expression condensation, the vision is not startled, the Human Sovereign Sword aura erupts suddenly, the pale gold/metal soars to the heavens, changes to three ten Six Paths yellow and black water glares, cloud Qiban arranges to swing the expansive sky, cuts to Maitreya Pure Land In The Palm. 台上高览虚影神情冷凝,目光毫无惊慌,人皇剑气息陡然爆发,淡金冲霄,化作三十六道玄黄水光,云气般排荡长空,斩向弥勒掌中净土 The induction end changes ahead of time, Human Sovereign Sword regains consciousness quietly arrived Legendary Level. 感应末日提前变化,人皇剑悄然苏醒到了传说层次 This is Gao Lan, Shao Xuan and Xi'e dares vertical Heaven Sealing Platform other energy. 这是高览少玄羲娥敢于立封天台的另外底气。 nā mó Amitābha.” Maitreya proclaimed buddhist name again, the meat palm pressed down, pure land buddhist light bloomed, is unexpectedly loose the yellow and black water light pressure that three ten Six Paths Merit Virtue Saint Virtue all prepared. 南无阿弥陀佛。”弥勒再宣佛号,肉掌按下,净土佛光绽放,竟将那三十六道功德圣德皆备的玄黄水光压散。 When but, Its meat palm continues downward, collapse leisurely/scatter the yellow and black water glare again condenses, changed to Exquisite Embroidered Mountains and Rivers Chart, is Great Zhou now 27 state areas micro. 可是,当祂肉掌继续往下时,崩散的玄黄水光再次凝聚,化作了一副锦绣山河图,正是大周如今二十七州疆域的微缩。 They have the color respectively, mutually staggered, links up the land indistinctly, connected itself to correspond the state. 它们各有颜色,互相交错,隐隐约约贯通大地,连接了自身对应之州。 Bang! 轰隆! The Great Zhou area is, all has the slight shake, this Exquisite Embroidered Mountains and Rivers Chart and Reality World this place presented the resonance. 大周疆域所在,皆有轻微震荡,这幅锦绣山河图真实界这片地方出现了共鸣。 The meat palm that Maitreya presses down stopped, has not touched has then stopped. 弥勒按下的肉掌停顿了,未曾触及便已停顿。 If because attacks this Exquisite Embroidered Mountains and Rivers Chart, is equal to attacking the Great Zhou area, is equal to attacking the Reality World core region, certainly brings serious backlash. 因为若是攻击这幅锦绣山河图,便等于攻击大周疆域,等于攻击真实界核心地带,必然带来严重反噬 Here is Reality World, is All Heavens Myriad Realms is next to Immortal Realm Nine Serenities the place of core, Creator (good fortune) and legend prestige can be suppressed, if destroys greatly, backlash can threaten their existence similarly. 这里是真实界,是诸天万界仅次于仙界九幽的核心之地,造化、传说威能会被压制,若破坏大甚,反噬同样能威胁到祂们本身的存在。 This is the true meaning of strength of protection all living things, is one of the Gao Lan energy! 这便是众生之力守护的真正含义,是高览的底气之一! If Maitreya is Nine Serenities Evil Demon, can put together actually, looked Nine Serenities is joyful whether hard anti- Great Zhou area backlash, what a pity It is the Future Buddha ancestor, must construct Above Earth Buddha Country, Sambhogakāya practice has come up again, so long as makes such triggers the action that the disaster destroys, Sambhogakāya drops immediately, Buddha Country perishes instantaneously, even if main body Dharma Body, was unable to retain the legend peak strength at present. 如果弥勒九幽邪魔,倒是可以拼一拼,看九幽的喜悦能否硬抗大周疆域的反噬,可惜祂是未来佛祖,要建地上佛国,报身已重新修炼上来,只要做出此等引发天灾毁灭的举动,报身当即跌落,佛国瞬间沉沦,纵然还有本体法身,目前也无法保持传说顶峰的实力。 Therefore, It hesitated. 于是,祂迟疑了。 Never expected that Heaven Sealing Platform has not constructed thoroughly successfully, then can condense this Exquisite Embroidered Mountains and Rivers Chart! 没想到封天台还未彻底修建成功,便能凝聚出这幅锦绣山河图 Looked at callous indifferent Gao Lan, right is holding as if that Maitreya pressed down to solidify in the midair, the smile of whole face were many for several points to sigh. 望着冷酷漠然的高览,弥勒按下的右掌仿佛凝固在了半空,满脸的笑容多了几分叹息。 Suddenly, all around isolates two void splits suddenly, gold/metal showed together, cuts to Gao Lan, resisted Maitreya when Exquisite Embroidered Mountains and Rivers Chart, has not fallen, covers entire Heaven Sealing Platform! 突然,四周隔离两界的虚空忽然裂开,一道金芒透出,斩向了高览背后,在锦绣山河图抵住弥勒,还未下落,笼罩住整个封天台之时! This is one just like the golden wing of sword, is exuding the cold light, has the eternal beforehand aura, seized the best time. 这是一根宛若刀剑的金色羽翼,泛着冷光,带着万古之前的气息,抓住了最好的时机。 Split void place, pair of golden eye pupil coldly gaze. 裂开的虚空处,有一双金色眼眸冷冷注视。 Péng Benefactor......” Maitreya whispered. “鹏施主……”弥勒低语了一句。 Has not restored to Monster Clan Great Saint Peng Demon King take action of Creator (good fortune) level! 还未恢复到造化水准的妖族大圣鹏魔王出手了! Regardless of Buddhism, is Monster Clan, does not look at Heaven Sealing Platform to stand! 无论佛门,还是妖族,都不会看着封天台立起! Stamps out the source of trouble, extinguishes kills Human Sovereign! 斩草除根,灭杀人皇 At this moment, shocked Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu golden light flashes at present suddenly, sees only the gold/metal book that Headmaster Immortal Venerated bestows to change fast, bursts out the immeasurable rays of light, fills the strength and illusory money shadow all living things, congealed to seem like the Meng Qi's Heavenly Lord idol. 就在这时,惊呆了的于半山齐锦绣眼前忽然金光一闪,只见那本掌教仙尊所赐的金册飞快翻动,迸发出无量毫光,弥漫众生之力与虚幻钱影,凝成了一尊貌似孟奇的天尊神像。 The Meng Qi's Heavenly Lord idol is unemotional, the cross previous step, right hand to become fist, pounds suddenly, money shadow and all living things interlock, are away from void, penetrates the barrier, hit directly above that golden wing, snatched before it cut Gao Lan. 孟奇的天尊神像面无表情,跨前一步,右手成拳,猛然捣出,钱影与众生交错,隔着虚空,穿透屏障,直接打在了那根金色羽翼之上,抢在它斩中高览之前。 Bang! 砰! The golden wing falls gently slowly, the strength and the illusory money shadow all living things are defeated and dispersed, but integrated Exquisite Embroidered Mountains and Rivers Chart, lives in the Gao Lan cover, lives in the Heaven Sealing Platform cover. 金色羽翼缓缓飘落,众生之力与虚幻钱影溃散,但又融入了锦绣山河图,将高览罩住,将封天台罩住。 Su Meng!” Peng Demon King slightly roared stunned. 苏孟!”鹏魔王略显错愕地吼了一声。 Luoism Apostle does not isolate Reality World him, was stranded in the projection of True Emptiness Hometown? 罗教神使不是将他隔离出真实界,困在真空家乡的投影里了吗? He told honorary disciple out traveling, to wait for this struck? 他吩咐记名弟子游历,就是为了等待这一击? Cause of All Fruits can practice trickery seriously! 诸果之因当真能瞒天过海! ............ ………… This time enough beat you!” “这点时间足够击败你了!” With this sound, Feng Dian Apostle sees only Meng Qi both hands to tie seal, pressing down does not know that is the piece is point Chaos Limitless. 伴随着这道声音,奉典神使只见孟奇双手结印,按下了不知是片是点的混沌无极 The heart has a feeling, scalp tingles, he hurries to display divine ability, is changing in the hand the birth scrip­tures. 心有所感,头皮发麻,他慌忙施展着神通,翻动着手中降世经文。 A white lotus departs, was swallowed by the chaos. 朵朵白莲飞出,被混沌吞噬。 The clear light that True Emptiness Hometown lowers winds around, was swallowed by the chaos. 真空家乡降下的清光缭绕,被混沌吞噬。 The sleeve robe raises, the universe reconstructs, sets up the world also to be swallowed by the chaos again! 袖袍扬起,乾坤再造,再立之天地亦被混沌吞噬! Short instantaneous, Feng Dian Apostle displayed all sort of divine ability, Extreme Nihility Seal that but presses down unexpectedly not slightly slow, moreover twisted itself to the direction void sense, to the judgment of time speed, as if can only look at Extreme Nihility Seal to knock down helplessly, does not have the means. 短短瞬间,奉典神使施展了诸般神通,但按下的无极印竟没有丝毫迟缓,而且还扭曲了自身对方向虚空的感官,对时光快慢的判断,似乎只能眼睁睁看着无极印打落,毫无办法。 Silent within, the guard who he constructed before ties is also returned by Extreme Nihility Seal this turns over to beginning, spells to try also only to do to resist slightly. 无声无息间,他之前构建的护身结界亦被无极印返本归初了,拼尽了全力亦只能稍作抵挡。 As soon as my he does strike cannot block? 我连他一击都挡不住吗? Feng Dian Apostle arises spontaneously the depressed desperate sentiment. 奉典神使油然而生沮丧绝望之情。 No wonder he said that this time was enough! 难怪他说这点时间足够了! Extreme Nihility Seal that Primordial Beginning True Body displays seriously not compared with the Divine Palm inferior slightest that complete Tathagata Golden Body makes! 元始真身施展的无极印当真不比完整如来金身打出的神掌逊色分毫! He sighed, no longer did to struggle, but was both hands shakes, holds the scrip­tures were thoroughly stave, changed to the dark vortex. 他叹了口气,不再做挣扎,而是双手一抖,将捧着的经文彻底破碎,化作了幽幽暗暗的漩涡。 In the middle of the vortex shows the clear light, as if together with the True Emptiness Hometown deep place, a palm of as if jade carving found out slowly, boundless aura directly slow falling Extreme Nihility Seal! 漩涡当中透出清光,似乎连同了真空家乡深处,一只仿佛玉雕的手掌缓缓探出,磅礴的气息直接迟缓了落下的无极印 This is Apostle that has not regained consciousness with enough time, this is Creator (good fortune) Great Divine Expert, through the channel of Feng Dian construction, is away from the deep sleep, is away from two, showed a strength. 这是一位还未来得及苏醒的神使,这是一位造化大神通者,通过奉典构建的通道,隔着沉睡,隔着两界,透出了一丝力量。 This is Luoism besieges the Jade Void Palace pressure bottom method! 这才是罗教围攻玉虚宫的压箱底手段! Neverborn Matriarch expensive/noble is the Pāramitā great person, how to have judged to the Meng Qi's strength? 无生老母贵为彼岸大人物,岂会对孟奇的实力没有判断? The palm finds out, True Spirit as if that Meng Qi overlooks solidifies, realizes the arrived Creator (good fortune) Great Divine Expert terrifying. 手掌探出,孟奇俯视的真灵仿佛凝固,体会到了造化大神通者的恐怖。 While he must burn thoroughly oneself, when revolves is limitless, the ear bank suddenly resounded melodious: 正当他要彻底燃烧自身,运转无极时,耳畔忽然响起了一声悠扬: When! 当! bell sound resounds, reverberates three, making that palm present the stop. 钟声响起,回荡三界,让那只手掌出现了停顿。 Meng Qi stunned looks to the infinite high place, the innermost feelings thought fluctuates: 孟奇愕然望向无穷高处,内心念头起伏: This is bell sound so familiar?” “这钟声如此熟悉?” Is Jade Void bell sound!” “是玉虚钟响!” Who sounded Kunlun Mountains ancient bell in true Jade Void Palace?” “谁敲响了真正玉虚宫内的昆仑古钟?”
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