WWOG :: Volume #14

#1359: Commitment( fourth)

original body that fellow timid as a rabbit, how this woman found me!” By that female vision locking, an intense sense of crisis, was erupted in the Wang Baole mind loudly. “要不是本体那个家伙胆小如鼠,这娘们儿找到我又如何!”被那女子目光锁定,一股强烈的危机感,轰然间在王宝乐心神内爆发。 Makes the flesh of his whole body in trembling, the body back up rapidly, meaning of the anger, appears in the Wang Baole heart, he thought that original body was too spiritless. 使得他全身的血肉都在颤粟,身体急速倒退间,一股愤怒之意,也在王宝乐心头浮现,他觉得本体太懦弱了。 At this moment backs up, the female face in group of that distortion, reveals the morbid state the smile, in a flash, must clash toward Wang Baole, but on this time...... 此刻倒退中,那扭曲之团内的女子面孔,露出病态的笑容,一晃之下,就要向着王宝乐冲来,可就这时…… That float when the bronze great cauldron of Eating Desire City center midair, spreads the sound of hit suddenly, the next quarter, this great cauldron transfers, vanishes suddenly, appears, impressively in the front of group of distortion, blocked among the vision of face. 那漂浮在食欲城中心半空的青铜巨鼎,忽然传出撞击之声,下一刻,这巨鼎自行挪移,骤然消失,出现时,赫然在了扭曲之团的前方,阻断了其内面孔的目光。 In the rich meat spreads over the four directions fragrant, resembled is boiled the innumerable year pale hand, from that great cauldron, slowly stretched out...... 更是在浓郁的肉香传遍四方时,一只似被煮了无数年的苍白之手,从那巨鼎内,慢慢的伸出…… Hu Er Li, you were cursed by Divine Spirit, change to the food that its most likes, forever and ever be at will be boiled boils the condition, at this moment for Outsider, tries to revolt against the curse unexpectedly!!” 忽尔立,你被神灵诅咒,化作其最喜欢的食材,永生永世处于被沸煮状态,此刻为了一个外来者,竟试图反抗诅咒!!” You do not know, this will enable you to lose more human natures, you...... you insane inadequate!!” In seeing that great cauldron, after stretched out pale arm, the female in group of distortion, the complexion big change, makes the sad and shrill sound. “你难道不知道,这将使你丧失更多人性,你……你疯了不成!!”在看到那巨鼎内,伸出的苍白手臂后,扭曲之团内的女子,面色大变,发出凄厉之音。 Resembles dreaded to this pale hand extremely, the group of distortion this female is, rapid retreat, is looser the fluctuation, resembling to summon Emperor Spirit and protector. 似对这苍白之手极为忌惮,这女子所在的扭曲之团,飞速后退,更是散出波动,似要去召唤帝灵与守护者。 Instance that but disperses in its fluctuation, the pale hand that then extends from the great cauldron, toward the sky, presses fiercely. 可就在其波动散出的瞬间,那从巨鼎内伸出的苍白之手,向着天空,猛地一按。 This according to, vault of heaven rumbled giant cracks like the spider web, the twinkling appeared in all directions, covered inside and outside Eating Desire City, caused here, such as was isolated. 这一按之下,苍穹轰鸣一道道巨大的裂缝如蜘蛛网般,瞬息浮现在了八方,笼罩了食欲城内外,使得这里,如被隔绝。 Your smelly woman, the father had looked that you are not pleasing to the eyes!” Hoarse sound, while this all around region isolated, spreads from the great cauldron, that only pale hand, grasps fiercely, is away from the midair, the group of distortion will cover directly, making the group of that distortion struggle, is unable to be separated, toward great cauldron, by little hauling. “你个臭娘们儿,老子早就看你不顺眼了!”沙哑的声音,在这四周区域被隔绝的同时,从巨鼎内传出,那只苍白之手,也猛地一抓,隔着半空,直接将扭曲之团笼罩,使那扭曲之团挣扎中,无法脱离,向着巨鼎,被一点点的牵引过来。 Hu Er Li, you were really insane!” Twists the female in face, in the eye reveals the meaning of hatred, Listening Desire magical laws erupts loudly, the sound of all living things, the tune of Heavenly Sound, the sound of myriad things, spreads over all around simultaneously, causes this isolated region, appears indication that must collapse. 忽尔立,你果然疯了!”扭曲面孔内的女子,眼睛里露出怨毒之意,听欲法则轰然爆发间,众生之音,天籁之曲,万物之声,同时传遍四周,使得这片被隔绝的区域,出现了要崩溃的征兆。 Saw that the isolation must dissipate, but at this moment, in the great cauldron spreads the laughter suddenly. 眼看隔绝就要消散,可就在这时,巨鼎内忽然传出笑声。 This, is my answer.” “这,就是我的答案。” These words are very towering, but Wang Baole hears to be very clear, his eye reveals bright glow fiercely, saw extends that only pale hand that from the great cauldron, at this moment the line breaks always doing nothing but, departed range of great cauldron fiercely, burns, in the group of that distortion the female in vision that is unable to believe that seems a bone spear/gun, pricked in the forehead of this female directly. 这句话很突兀,但王宝乐听得很明白,他的眼睛猛地露出精芒,看到了从巨鼎内伸出的那只苍白之手,此刻竟自行断裂,猛地飞出了巨鼎的范围,一路燃烧,在那扭曲之团内女子无法置信的目光中,好似一根骨枪,直接就刺入到了这女子的眉心内。 Suddenly, sad and shrill to the pitiful yell of pinnacle, spreads over all directions, Heavenly Sound, is the sound of myriad things, is the sound of all living things, changes at this moment, but the group of that distortion, is unable to withstand, collapses loudly, is split up, thorough exploding opens. 瞬息间,一声凄厉到了极致的惨叫,传遍八方,无论是天籁,还是万物之声,还是众生之音,都这一刻改变,而那扭曲之团,也无法承受,轰然间崩溃,四分五裂,彻底的爆开。 In the battlefield, all Listening Desire City cultivator, are seeing this secretly, the look big change, fighting intent vanishes in abundance instantaneously, at this moment backs up rapidly. 战场上,所有的听欲城修士,在看到这一幕后,纷纷神色大变,战意瞬间消失,此刻急速倒退。 Woman three big main body, this is its one, destroys to affect other two, making him have to the deep sleep training......” Wang Baole here, in this flickers, will be pursued for a long time that student by him directly, crushed the body, absorbed magical laws aura of its within the body, the ear broadcast this sound. “那娘们儿有三大主身,这是其一,毁去可影响其他两身,使其不得不沉睡修养……”王宝乐这里,也在这一瞬,直接将被他追击了许久的那书生,粉碎了身躯,吸收了其体内的法则气息,耳边传来这个声音。 Master Ice Spirit, I take an arm as the price, to your help, will change you in the future to me a hope, this business, you will not owe!” 冰灵子,我以一只手臂为代价,对你的帮助,换你未来给我一个希望,这买卖,你不亏!” This place isolation also has the time it takes half an incense stick to burn, Emperor Spirit and protector will soon arrive, you do not walk at this moment, a while may be unable to get away!” “此地隔绝还有半柱香,帝灵与守护者即将到来,你此刻不走,一会儿可就走不了了!” Is listening from the great cauldron, hoarse spreads to the mind the sound, Wang Baole took a deep breath, deeply looked at one, when turns around, its form twinkling vanishes. 听着来自巨鼎内,沙哑的传入自己心神的声音,王宝乐深吸口气,深深看了一眼,转身时,其身影瞬息消失。 After he disappears, a slaughter launches, although some Listening Desire City cultivator run away, but has half eventually, fell from the sky here. 在他消失后,一场屠杀就此展开,虽还是有一些听欲城修士逃走,可终究还是有一半,殒落在了这里。 But time it takes to burn stick of incense time, quick in the past, with collapse of this place isolation, vault of heaven in this flash, loudly tumbling, form that brings the white mask, the twinkling arrived in Heaven and Earth. 而一炷香的时间,也很快过去,随着此地隔绝的崩溃,苍穹在这一刹那,轰然翻滚,一道道带着白色面具的身影,瞬息降临在了天地之间。 pressure that on them disperses, covers the entire city, causes all cultivator, Gluttony Lord, the heart trembles in abundance, dreaded raising the head looks. 他们身上散出的威压,笼罩全城,使得所有修士,还有暴食主,都纷纷心头震颤,忌惮的抬头看去。 In their in the eye, they see after these belts the form of white mask, on vault of heaven, appeared greatly did not have the expression face. 在他们的目中,他们看到在这些带着白色面具的身影之后,苍穹上,浮现出了一张巨大的没有表情的面孔。 The vision of this face, has swept Earth, finally fell in the great cauldron. 这面孔的目光,扫过大地,最终落在了巨鼎上。 The great cauldron has not moved, among spreads the laughter. 巨鼎没动,其内传出笑声。 For a long time does not see.” “好久不见。” Incantation!” Responded his, was that giant face, a character of opening the mouth. “咒!”回应他的,是那巨大面孔,开口的一个字。 This character in spreading flickers, the great cauldron sound of boiling boiling, instantaneous is intense, seems the heat degree with suffering the degree, enhanced hundred times directly, making the entire great cauldron scarlet, among boiling boils, as if can melt all, in inside that Eating Desire City Desire Lord, withstood suffering beyond description conceivably surely. 这个字在传出的一瞬,巨鼎内的沸煮之声,瞬间强烈起来,就好像热度与折磨的程度,直接提高了百倍,使得整个巨鼎都赤红起来,其内的沸煮,仿佛可以融化一切,可以想象在里面的那位食欲城欲主,必定承受了难以形容的折磨。 May in this suffers, in the great cauldron spreads the laughter as before, but this laughter, is obviously bearing the pain, but as if the strength of faith, making him not be willing to exude slightly the painful sound. 可在这折磨中,巨鼎内依旧传出笑声,只不过这笑声,明显在承受痛苦,但似乎信念之力,使其不愿发出丝毫痛声。 Not only has such strength of spirit, in the past why and to submit......” “既有如此骨气,当年又何必屈服……” These words, resembled the serious stimulation Eating Desire City Desire Lord in great cauldron, making his laughter stop, spreads the sad and shrill sound. 这句话,似严重的刺激到了巨鼎内的食欲城欲主,使得他笑声停下,传出凄厉之音。 Black Earth!! You......” 玄尘!!你……” As if to him, the beforehand all pain, are well below these words, but its words, have not waited to say completely, face coldly snorted on vault of heaven, strength of the shakes the heavens arrived suddenly, suppresses in the great cauldron, its with a bang sound, according to Earth, without stop, again according, after thoroughly bottom, stopped. 仿佛对他来说,之前的一切痛苦,都远远不如这句话,可其话语,还没等全部说完,苍穹上的面孔冷哼一声,一股惊天之力蓦然降临,镇压在了巨鼎上,将其轰的一声,生生的按在了大地,没有停顿,再次按去,直至深入地底后,才停顿下来。 „The dawn in darkness, most makes one treasure, you want to hope, then treats in dark Medium Grade.” The face light opens the mouth, the words only have Desire Lord in great cauldron, may hear, later disregards all living things, dissipated on vault of heaven. “黑暗中的曙光,最让人珍惜,你既想要希望,那么就在黑暗中等待吧。”面孔淡淡开口,话语唯有巨鼎内的欲主,才可听闻,随后无视众生,消散在了苍穹上。 With the dissipation, these Emperor Spirit that all around arrives, also changes to long rainbow, to vault of heaven. 随着消散,四周降临的那些帝灵,也都化作长虹,冲回苍穹 A Earth silence, Eating Desire City cultivator, is in abundance surprised, only has that several Gluttony Lord, the look is complex, at this moment looked mutually, has not spoken, but on Earth, Cheng Lingzi there, is actually the whole face loses at this moment, looks out the distant place, resembles is seeking for some form. 大地一片寂静,食欲城修士,纷纷惊疑,唯有那几位暴食主,神色复杂,此刻相互看了看,都没说话,但在大地上,成灵子那里,此刻却是满脸失落,遥望远处,似在寻找某个身影。 Meanwhile, on being away from some Eating Desire City range Earth, changing external appearances only Wang Baole, is leading the way at this moment rapidly, the goal direction, is...... the place of its original body deep sleep! 与此同时,在距离食欲城有些范围大地上,改头换面的王宝乐,此刻正急速前行,目的方向,正是……其本体沉睡之地! Eating Desire Lord, I to your commitment, complete surely!!” 食欲主,我对你的承诺,必定完成!!”
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