WWOG :: Volume #14

#1358: Listening Desire near( third)

This melody comes is quite towering, but suddenly, in each resident mind reverberation of Eating Desire City, causes most cultivator, in the flash, is in trance. 旋律来的极为突兀,可瞬息间,就在食欲城的每一位居民脑海回荡,使得大部分修士,都在一刹那,神情恍惚。 But in the next quarter that this absent-minded meaning presents, shouts, spreads from that strongest Gluttony Lord whereabouts directly, the sound is dreadful, seems the startling thunderclap, the twinkling of blasting out, raises is not sound waves, but came from all cultivator within the body the strength of Eating Desire. 而就在这恍惚之意出现的下一刻,一声嘶吼,直接就从那位最强的暴食主所在之处传出,声音滔天,好似惊雷,炸开的瞬息,掀起的不是音浪,而是来自所有修士体内的食欲之力。 By Eating Desire, resists Listening Desire. 食欲,对抗听欲 Although the magical laws level is consistent, but the level of person of use is different, decided the strong and weak, cultivator that shortly, in entire Eating Desire City will be in trance, will revive mostly, but the part, in that melancholy melody, on the face will show the strange smile, chose lifted the hand, the bang in own forehead, crushed the head, broke the mind. 法则的层次虽一致,但使用之人的层次不同,也就决定了强弱,顷刻间,整个食欲城内神情恍惚的修士,大都苏醒过来,可还是有一部分,在那忧郁的旋律里,脸上露出诡异的笑容,选择了抬手,轰在自身的眉心,粉碎了头颅,震碎了心神。 At the same time, Wang Baole also in it place, sits cross-legged opened the eye, coldly looks to the jet black nighttime sky, Eating Desire City Outside World Heaven and Earth. 同一时间,王宝乐也于所在之地,盘膝中睁开了眼,冷冷的看向漆黑的夜空下,食欲城外界天地 In the sky, is floating several tens of thousands of cultivator that impressively wears the white robe, these cultivator, bodies among illusory, change to the note from time to time, from time to time changes to the person. 天空上,赫然漂浮着数万身穿白袍的修士,这些修士,一个个都身体处于虚幻之间,时而化作音符,时而化作人身。 On Earth, 12 big forms, are walking at this moment slowly, each a silhouette, was ordinary with the initial actor, filled strange at the same time, has oneself complete music, all around had massive cultivator to go auxiliary like the orchestra. 大地上,此刻有十二尊高大的身影,正缓缓走来,每一道身影,都与当初的戏子一般,充满了诡异的同时,也都具备自身完整的曲乐,四周更有大量的修士如乐团般去辅助。 But the distant place, among Heaven and Earth, is floating group of the huge distortion. 而更远处,天地之间,漂浮着一个巨大的扭曲之团。 The group of this distortion, Wang Baole looked at one, the mind appeared instantaneously the laughter, the weeping sound, all sounds of sad and shrill sound and many more from all living things, inside had the music, had rumbled, sound that as if in Listening Desire magical laws had, in the group of this distortion, had completely. 这扭曲之团,王宝乐只是看了一眼,脑海就瞬间浮现出了笑声,哭声,凄厉声等等来自众生的一切声音,里面有音乐,有轰鸣,似乎听欲法则内所具备的声响,在这扭曲之团里,全部都有。 They, are from...... Listening Desire City! 他们,正是来自……听欲城 But the group of that huge distortion, its status can also be imagined, is...... Listening Desire City Desire Lord! 而那巨大的扭曲之团,其身份也可想而知,就是……听欲城欲主 Meanwhile, Eating Desire City, responded rapidly, Gluttony Lord bodies inflate, change to flesh mountain, lift-off, although the hash disciple is scarce, but Eating Desire City cultivator on Earth, shouts in abundance, the eye was red, seems the hunger to pinnacle, sent out intense Eating Desire Aura. 与此同时,食欲城这边,也飞速反应,一位位暴食主身体膨胀,化作肉山,升空而起,虽肉糜徒稀少,但大地上的食欲城修士,纷纷嘶吼间,眼睛赤红,好似饥饿到了极致,散发出强烈的食欲气息 In the position of City Lord mansion, that giant bronze cauldron, transforms slowly, reveals sat cross-legged to sit in the great cauldron...... the Eating Desire City Desire Lord form. 更是在城主府的位置,那尊巨大的青铜鼎,慢慢幻化出来,露出了盘膝坐在巨鼎上的……食欲城欲主的身影。 Eating Desire, Outsider aura, your here, gives me, your I share!” When Wang Baole here eye narrows the eyes, seems all living things to gather in the together sound, from the group of that distortion disperses impressively, spreads over all directions. 食欲,外来者气息,就在你这里,交给我,你我分享!”在王宝乐这里眼睛眯起时,好似众生汇聚在一起的声响,赫然从那扭曲之团内散出,传遍八方 Share? You also match!” Responded to the group of that distortion, was Eating Desire City Desire Lord on great cauldron, contemptuous sound. “分享?你也配!”回应那扭曲之团的,是巨鼎上的食欲城欲主,轻蔑的声音。 This sound, resembled the stimulation the group of that distortion, among enabled to spread the sharp sound, the next quarter, the Listening Desire City cultivator army outside city, music erupted loudly, toward Eating Desire City, came. 这声音,似刺激到了那扭曲之团,使其内传出尖锐之音,下一刻,城池外的听欲城修士大军,一个个音乐轰然爆发,向着食欲城,呼啸而来。 Deals their, is in Eating Desire City shooting up to the sky cultivator, slaughters in this flickers, launches loudly, as for that more than ten big has the complete music form, stops their, is Gluttony Lord. 应对他们的,是食欲城内一道道冲天而起的修士,厮杀在这一瞬,轰然展开,至于那十多个高大的具备完整曲乐的身影,阻拦他们的,是暴食主 Zhou Huo is also good, Tuo Lingzi Also fine, shouts the clashes to leave at this moment, that strongest Gluttony Lord, to fight three directly, at once, outside city Pools inside, slaughters unceasingly. 周火也好,陀灵子也罢,此刻都嘶吼间冲出,其中那位最强的暴食主,更是直接以一战三,一时之间,城池内外,厮杀不断。 Wang Baole has not acted, he. 王宝乐没有出手,他在等。 Waits for Eating Desire City Desire Lord, gives the answer. 食欲城欲主,给出自己答案。 But his waiting, has not continued is too long, with opening of both sides war, the group of that distortion howls, breaks in Eating Desire City directly, directly soars the great cauldron to go. 而他的等待,也没有持续太久,随着双方战争的开启,那扭曲之团呼啸间,直接冲入食欲城内,直奔巨鼎而去。 Eating Desire City Desire Lord on great cauldron, the flesh lump body, jumps suddenly, next one flickers, with the group of that distortion, touched one, during the rumbled reverberations, the strength of two magical laws, on them, dreadful eruption. 巨鼎上的食欲城欲主,肉块般的身躯,骤然跃起,下一瞬,就与那扭曲之团,碰触到了一起,轰鸣回荡间,两种法则之力,在他们身上,滔天爆发。 Saw that this, a Wang Baole body fuzziness, vanished in same place, appeared impressively when city, a big form front, this form was cultivator of student appearance, all around fills accompanying of a lot of book child appearance, his music, nearly scripture, reverberation all directions, existed suppressed the strength of seal. 眼看这一幕,王宝乐身体一个模糊,消失在了原地,出现时赫然在了城外,一位高大的身影前方,这身影是个书生模样的修士,四周弥漫大量的书童样子的随从,他的曲乐,近乎经文,回荡八方时,存在了镇压封印之力。 After seeing Wang Baole, this student wave a hand, the sound of scripture is dreadful, but Wang Baole sneers, the body inflates suddenly, directly after more than 500 zhang (3.33 m), goes toward an opposite party fist bang! 在看到王宝乐后,这书生挥手间,经文之声滔天,但王宝乐冷笑一声,身体蓦然膨胀,直接到了五百多丈后,向着对方一拳轰去! This fights with the fists in the vacancy, explodes to all directions, causes accompanying of student all around, in complexion changed, the expression was suddenly fierce, seems hungry for a long time, the treachery swallows toward the tear and bite that student there went crazy unexpectedly. 这一拳打在空处,炸向八方,使得书生四周的随从,一个个忽然面色变化中,表情狰狞,好似饥饿了许久,竟倒戈向着书生那里发狂的撕咬吞噬。 At the same time, the Wang Baole body has not stopped, to/clashes fiercely, more than 500 zhang (3.33 m) bodies, change to huge vortex directly, seems swallows, to writing books to swallow aggressive. 同一时间,王宝乐身体没有丝毫停顿,猛地一冲,五百多丈的身体,直接化作巨大的漩涡,好似吞噬般,也向着书生猛地吞来。 This, causes the student complexion big change, he has with Gluttony Lord has battled, but at present this strange Gluttony Lord, resembling is not the same as other Gluttony Lord, as if savage, therefore he does not have to hesitate slightly, the body bang, the direct dissipation, changes to invisible music, resembles in being far away rapidly. 这一幕,使得书生面色大变,他不是没与暴食主交战过,可眼前这位陌生的暴食主,似与其他暴食主不大一样,似乎更为凶残,于是他没有丝毫迟疑,身体砰的一声,直接消散,化作无形的曲乐,似在急速的远离。 Next flickers, before the place that him is, vortex that Wang Baole changes to appears instantly, under swallows, calamity that all around void swallows. 下一瞬,在他之前所在的地方,王宝乐化作的漩涡刹那出现,一吞之下,将四周虚无都吞的天塌地陷。 „To walk?” In vortex, the Wang Baole's face appears, his in the eye reveals strange rays of light, licked the lip, although the opposite party escaped, but was swallowed some Listening Desire magical laws aura by him, he discovered pleasantly surprised, this aura in own within the body, enabled Eating Desire magical laws to obtain nourishing of very big degree unexpectedly. “想走?”漩涡内,王宝乐的面孔浮现,他目中露出奇异光芒,舔了舔嘴唇,虽对方逃了,但还是被他吞了一些听欲法则气息,他惊喜的发现,这气息在自己体内,竟使得食欲法则得到了很大程度的滋养。 Therefore in a flash, pursues again. 于是一晃之下,再次追去。 Similar, finds at everywhere in this battlefield, just some places, are Eating Desire magical laws get the winning side, but some places exactly opposite, but swallows, may nourish the matter of opposite party magical laws, is not Wang Baole is in sole possession. 类似的一幕,在这战场上随处可见,只不过有的地方,是食欲法则占据上风,而有的地方则恰好相反,但相互之间吞噬,可滋养对方法则之事,并非王宝乐独有。 This is the magical laws rule, a body of person, does not allow to have two Desire magical laws, in the event of second magical laws, must be swallowed by the strong that side. 这是法则的规律,一个人的身上,不允许具备两种**法则,一旦出现第二种法则,必会被强的那方吞噬。 Also therefore, battle of battlefield, from the beginning is intense, simultaneously on vault of heaven, battles between two Desire Lord, from acts, on rumbled entire Heaven and Earth. 也正是因此,战场的厮杀,从一开始就激烈起来,同时在苍穹上,两位欲主之间的争斗,也从一出手,就轰鸣整个天地 But obviously, Eating Desire City Desire Lord, because of it condition at this moment, according to him said to Wang Baole, is only Clone, therefore is quick, caught up with that student when Wang Baole here, swallows again, shouts from vault of heaven transmits, the body of Eating Desire City City Lord, in the sky, was covered by the group of that distortion, loudly collapse. 但显然,食欲城欲主,因其此刻的状态,按照他对王宝乐所说,只是分身,所以很快的,在王宝乐这里又追上了那个书生,再次吞噬时,一声嘶吼从苍穹传来,食欲城城主的身体,在天空上,被那扭曲之团笼罩,轰然崩溃。 This collapse, making the Eating Desire City people mind vibrate in abundance, Wang Baole is also the eye narrows the eyes, an intense sense of crisis, erupts in the heart loudly. 这崩溃,使得食欲城众人心神纷纷震动,王宝乐也是眼睛眯起,一股强烈的危机感,在心中轰然爆发。 Because...... he detected that that midair group of distortion, among appeared a beautiful female face, this female swept at this moment fiercely to the battlefield, the passing over gently and swiftly entire city, finally, set eyes in Wang Baole. 因为……他察觉到了那半空中的扭曲之团,其内浮现出一张绝美的女子面孔,这女子此刻猛地扫向战场,掠过全城,最终将目光,锁定在了王宝乐身上。 Found you!” “找到你了!”
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