WDDE :: Volume #9

#868: Heaven and hell! Conquers Naxue?

Princess Di Nie opens the eye, looks at the Tian Sha King fathers and sons saying: My choice is...... Go away!” 帝涅公主睁开眼睛,望着天刹王父子道:“我的选择就是……滚!” This saying, in Tian Sha King gushes out the infinite murderous intention immediately! 这话一出,天刹王目中顿时涌出无限杀机! The surrounding air also instantaneously becomes the danger and withers! 周围的空气也瞬间变得危险而又肃杀起来! In this time, below resounded the voice of Queen Demoness Country saying: Di Nie, how?” 就在此时,下面响起了魔女国女王的声音道:“帝涅,怎么了?” This saying, the Tian Sha King murderous intention vanishes immediately cleanly, because is impossible to have the opportunity. 这话一出,天刹王的杀机顿时消失得干干净净,因为不可能有机会的。 Long exhales the one breath, the Tian Sha King vision incomparably is looking at Di Nie complex, he had the countless words to say. 长长地呼出一口气,天刹王目光无比复杂地望着帝涅,他真的有千言万语要说。 For Di Nie, how many have he paid? 为了帝涅,他付出了多少? Merely to make her Nirvana Ancient Demoness, Tian Sha King does not know that has paid many lives, many valuable resources, that may be the Tian Sha Clan top powerhouse, that may be the priceless resources. 仅仅为了让她涅槃成为远古魔女,天刹王就不知道付出了多少条性命,多少宝贵的资源,那可都是天剎族的顶尖强者,那可都是价值连城的资源。 After Di Nie successful Nirvana, does Tian Sha King so trust her? Has given her the command jurisdiction of battlefield and army completely. 帝涅成功涅槃之后,天刹王对她又是何等之信任?将战场和军队的指挥权完全交给了她。 Let Di Nie marry Crown Prince Tian Sha, this is the matter of pushing the boat along, why actually became the bubble? 帝涅嫁给天刹太子,这本是顺水推舟的事情,为何却成为了泡影? Di Nie, what can I know me to think at this time? Has thought a Human State story, or is the fable, the farmer and snake.” Tian Sha King said: Farmer meets a frozen stiff snake, warmed this snake with own body, has revived him, finally the snake has nipped immediately instead his one.” 帝涅,我可知我此时想到了什么吗?想到了人类国度的一个故事,或者说是寓言,农夫与蛇。”天刹王道:“农夫遇到一条冻僵的蛇,用自己的身体温暖了这条蛇,救活了他,结果蛇立刻反咬了他一口。” Di Nie said: Previous generation Dragon Emperor had added a fable, that pretends to like what one really fears. You kept on proclaiming must promote the Demon Clan civilization, sought for Demon Emperor your majesty, followed to give loyalty to Demon Emperor your majesty, revolted against Divine Dragon Temple. But in fact Demon Emperor appears you are actually frightened out of one's wits, lest he seizes your supreme authority. You for a oneself selfish desire, you must set at Demon Emperor by any means possible in the deathtrap. Does not hesitate to betray the Demon Clan interests, curries favor in Divine Dragon Temple, even does not hesitate in becoming the Divine Dragon Temple puppet emperor. If not out of the anticipation, when I eliminated Naxue, after unification entire Southern Wild, when is you colludes with Divine Dragon Temple to start to me. In your heart I best role is a beautiful puppet, for your Tian Sha family multiplication descendant. Therefore, Ten Million do not discuss any farmer and snake.” 帝涅道:“上一代龙帝还说过一个寓言,那就是叶公好龙。您口口声声要振兴魔族文明,寻找魔帝陛下,追随效忠魔帝陛下,反抗神龙圣殿。但实际上当魔帝出现的时候你却魂飞魄散,唯恐他夺走你至高无上的权力。你为了一己私欲,你千方百计要置魔帝于死地。不惜出卖魔族的利益,献媚于神龙圣殿,甚至不惜于成为神龙圣殿的儿皇帝。如果不出意料的话,等我消灭了娜血,统一整个南部蛮荒之后,就是你勾结神龙圣殿对我下手之时。在你心中我最好的角色就是一个绝美的傀儡,为你天刹家族繁衍后代。所以,千万别谈什么农夫与蛇。” The Tian Sha King facial color drastic change, said: Do not talk irresponsibly? Do I curry favor in Divine Dragon Temple? Do I betray the Demon Clan interests? What evidence do you have?” 天刹王面色剧变,道:“你不要信口雌黄?我献媚于神龙圣殿?我出卖魔族利益?你有什么证据?” Princess Di Nie said: „The entrance of Demon Prison mystical place had been controlled by Divine Dragon Temple, if you do not sell into servitude in Divine Dragon Temple, how the crown prince can enter the Demon Prison mystical place to cultivate, how can also break through Sub-King in a short time?” 帝涅公主道:“魔狱秘境的入口已经被神龙圣殿所控制,你们若不卖身于神龙圣殿,太子如何能够进入魔狱秘境修炼,又如何能够在短时间内突破亚王?” This saying, said directly Tian Sha King deepest secret, enabling him to surge once more murderous intention, but fast suppressed. 这话,直接说中了天刹王最深的秘密,使得他再次涌起了杀机,但是又飞快压制下去。 By him and Crown Prince Tian Sha, wants to kill Di Nie and Demoness Queen, is completely impossible. 凭借他和天刹太子二人,想要杀死帝涅魔女王,是完全不可能的。 Hahahaha haha......” Tian Sha King said with a smile crazily: Real with a wish to incriminate, has no lack of a pretext!” 哈哈哈哈哈哈……”天刹王狂笑道:“真实欲加之罪,何患无辞啊!” Then, Tian Sha King also said: Di Nie, you iron core want to sell into servitude in Lan Ling?” 接着,天刹王又道:“帝涅,你是铁了心想要卖身于兰陵了?” Di Nie said: in Gong, once he obtains the Demon Emperor inheritance, I will certainly return in his subordinates, gives loyalty to him, this is perfectly justified. in private, he is my only heart movement man, I want certainly to marry him, two sentiments like each other not to have what incorrect!” 帝涅道:“于公,一旦他得到魔帝传承,我当然就会重归于他的麾下,效忠于他,这本是天经地义的。于私,他是我唯一心动的男人,我当然想要嫁给他,两情相悦没有什么不对的!” This younger sister, was too straightforward. 这个妹子,实在太耿直了。 She spoke a few words every time, the Tian Sha King murderous intention are many, the heart of Crown Prince Tian Sha unceasingly was dropping the blood. 她每说一句话,天刹王的杀机就多了一份,天刹太子的心就在不断地滴血。 Di Nie, you also really bring about own destruction......” Tian Sha King every single word or phrase saying: If I withdraw the Tian Sha Clan military force, your hand 70% in Strength only remaining Naxue, basically must lose without doubt. But you such being the case do, I might as well increase weights on this balance, I and Princess Naxue form an alliance, participate in your final decisive battles, how?” 帝涅,你还真是自寻死路……”天刹王一字一句道:“如果我撤走天剎族武力,那你手中的力量只剩下娜血的七成,基本上必输无疑。而你既然如此作死,那我不妨在这个天平上增加一枚砝码,我和娜血公主结盟,参加你们的最终决战,如何?” The Di Nie beautiful face trembles slightly, has not spoken. 帝涅绝美的面孔微微一颤,并没有说话。 Tian Sha King said: You said, what consequence that can be?” 天刹王道:“你说,那会是什么后果?” Di Nie said: I die without burial ground, Demoness Country, Wing Clan vanishes in a puff of smoke.” 帝涅道:“我死无葬身之地,魔女国,翼族都灰飞烟灭。” Tian Sha King sneers saying: You also know that you do want to see the occurrence of this result?” 天刹王冷笑道:“你还知道啊,那你想要见到这个结局的发生吗?” Di Nie said: Naturally does not think!” 帝涅道:“当然不想!” Tian Sha King said: You thought that had such matter, Lan Ling can save you?” 天刹王道:“你觉得发生了这样的事情,兰陵能够来救你吗?” Cannot.” Di Nie said. “不能。”帝涅道。 Tian Sha King said: That might as well compromise, you marry my crown prince, tonight on nuptial chamber how?” 天刹王道:“那不如妥协一下,你嫁给我的太子,今天晚上就洞房如何?” „It is not good!” Di Nie said. “不行!”帝涅道。 Tian Sha King exclaimed: Why isn't good? Do you want to look on Demoness Country to perish, look on Wing Clan to perish? Moreover knew perfectly well that must die the bureau, you thought that Demoness Country and Wing Clan have also fought to the end with you?” 天刹王吼道:“为何不行?难道你要坐视魔女国灭亡,坐视翼族灭亡吗?而且明知必死之局,你觉得魔女国翼族还会一直跟着你战斗到底吗?” Meeting, can certainly!” Demoness Queen said. “会,当然会!”魔女王道。 Tian Sha King cold sound said: Good, even if Demoness Country and Wing Clan are fools, is willing dead with you together. However Di Nie, are you willing to let ten thousand years of inheritance because of your one's own selfish interests Demoness Country, the Wing Clan thorough destruction?” 天刹王寒声道:“好,就算魔女国翼族都是傻子,都愿意跟着你一起死。但是帝涅,你愿意因为你的一己之私而让万年传承的魔女国,翼族彻底毁灭吗?” „It is not the one's own selfish interests, but for the Demon Clan civilization.” Di Nie said lightly: Death, died, there is what to fear?” “不是一己之私,而是为了魔族文明。”帝涅淡淡道:“死,就死了,又有何惧?” Hahaha......” Tian Sha King said: Died, what Demon Clan future but also discusses? After having clearly recognized the reality, temporary dormancy, compromises for the general interest, the development, crooked line of national salvation, eventually brings about the revival of Demon Clan civilization secretly, this is the correct principle. Disregards all consequences like you, does not know the compromise, the sacrifice, Demon Clan must destroy recklessly.” 哈哈哈……”天刹王道:“死了,还谈什么魔族的未来?认清了现实之后,就暂时蛰伏,委曲求全,暗自发展,曲线救国,最终实现魔族文明的复兴,这才是正理。都像你这样不计后果,不知妥协,肆意牺牲,魔族就要毁灭了。” Did not have including the courage of fight and sacrifice, that Demon Clan really perished.” Di Nie said. “连战斗和牺牲的勇气都没有,那魔族就真的灭亡了。”帝涅道。 Tian Sha King stopped talking does not say, stopped the exchange. Because he and Princess Di Nie difference is more serious than Land of Falling, the opposition of both sides ideal is completely unredeemable. 天刹王住口不言,停止了交流。因为他和帝涅公主的分歧比陨落之地还要严重,双方理想之对立是完全不可弥合的。 Suddenly, Di Nie said: Adoptive father, I do not ask you to take a stand now. After waiting for Lan Ling to obtain the Demon Emperor inheritance, you announced again give loyalty to him, returned to the subordinates of Demon Emperor. For your dignity, or other things, I can not marry Lan Ling, officially becomes your daughter, is representing the interests of Tian Sha family, devotes life to the Demon Emperor subordinates, how?” 忽然,帝涅道:“义父,我不求你现在表态。等兰陵得到魔帝传承之后,你再宣布效忠他,重归到魔帝之麾下。为了您的尊严,又或者其他东西,我可以不嫁给兰陵,正式成为您的女儿,代表着天刹家族的利益,在魔帝麾下效命,如何?” Tian Sha King cold sound said: Bone is too hard, cannot kneel, could not be the Demon Emperor lackey.” 天刹王寒声道:“骨头太硬,跪不下去,做不了魔帝的奴才了。” Di Nie said: Cannot be the Demon Emperor lackey, is the Divine Dragon Temple lackey?” 帝涅道:“做不得魔帝的奴才,就做得神龙圣殿的奴才吗?” Tian Sha King sneers saying: Divine Dragon Temple sees not to see tail, is its lackey not to have anything.” 天刹王冷笑道:“神龙圣殿见首不见尾,做它的奴才也没有什么。” He said the biggest truth , said that has most executed the language of heart. 他说出了最大的实话,也说出了最诛心之语。 Can see from these words, the belief of Demon Clan perished thoroughly. 从这一句话就可以看出,魔族的信仰已经彻底沦丧。 Naturally in Human State, the belief of Divine Dragon also thoroughly perished. 当然在人类国度,神龙的信仰也彻底沦丧了。 Di Nie said: I understood, the will said differently does not gather, failing to agree half a word are many, please!” 帝涅道:“我懂了,志不同则道不合,话不投机半句多,请吧!” Tian Sha King said: Di Nie, you, since could not become the woman of my Tian Sha family, that was my enemy. Since is the enemy, should destroy to the body from Spirit thoroughly. You must draw Demoness Country and Wing Clan are buried along with the dead that also by you, I will not show mercy, meet again/ goodbye!” 天刹王道:“帝涅,你既然成为不了我天刹家族的女人,那就是我的敌人。既然是敌人,就应该从精神到身体彻底毁灭。你要拉着魔女国翼族陪葬那也由得你,我不会手下留情的,再见!” Then, Tian Sha King and Crown Prince Tian Sha depart. 然后,天刹王天刹太子离去。 But Princess Di Nie stands in the Yun E Imperial City roof, is looking up to the space bright moonlight, calmly is in a daze, is similar to does not have the sculpture of beautiful. 帝涅公主站在云厄王城的最高处,仰望着天上明月,静静发呆,如同一个绝美无伦之雕塑。 ...... …… Naxue Vampire Demon Clan big camp! 娜血吸血魔族的大营! The innumerable coffins, were buried in earth, above is covering the innumerable disruption skeletons. 无数的棺材,被埋在土里,上面覆盖着无数的碎裂尸骸。 This is building up the corpse! 这是在炼尸! Refining up the corpse is refining up to make dead spirit the necessary step, but Soul Legion is the Vampire Demon Clan ultimate weapon. 炼尸是炼造亡灵的必要步骤,而亡灵军团则是吸血魔族的终极武器。 Reason that Naxue supports to the present undefeated , because has several hundred thousand formidable Soul Legion . 娜血之所以支撑到现在都不败,就是因为拥有几十万强大的亡灵军团 This war, she, although lost temporarily, the casualties are bigger than the Di Nie regiment. 这场大战,她虽然暂时是输了,伤亡比帝涅军团要大。 In Vampire Demon Clan that however died, the sharpest that part will be built up to create is Soul Warrior . On but skeleton of Ten Million disruption, becomes these Soul Warrior energy nutrient. 但是死去的吸血魔族中,最精锐的那一部分都会被炼造成为亡灵武士。而上千万碎裂的尸骸,也将成为这些亡灵武士的能量养分。 Di Motuo why such does, sweep away north side five big Barbarian? Soul Legion , is his trump card! 帝魔陀为何如此之强,横扫北边五大蛮族亡灵军团,就是他的杀手锏 Naturally, Soul Legion must distinguish completely with Skeleton Legion. 当然,亡灵军团要和骷髅军团完全区别开来。 Although the two have certain similarity, Soul Legion was more terrifying, has filled Death Aura and Death Energy. 尽管二者有一定的相似度,亡灵军团更加恐怖,充满了死亡气息死亡能量 Why Di Ming advised politely Princess Naxue retreat repeatedly, even has fallen back on the Rakshasa Clan domain supreme headquarters. Because refining up to make Soul Legion really to require time, energy wait/etc.. 帝瞑为何一再奉劝娜血公主退兵,甚至一直退到罗刹族领域的大本营去。因为炼造亡灵军团实在需要时间,能量等等。 If at this time retreat, although lost the reputation and situation, actually kept the strength. 如果此时退兵,虽然输了名声和大势,却保留了实力。 But the choice fights to the end, that really does not have a thing in the world, will make including building up of these Soul Warrior is interrupted, these sharpest Vampire Demon Clan sacrificed in vain, loses was too big, these Soul Warrior will be the absolute qualifications that Naxue will stage a comeback. 而选择战斗到底,那就真的一无所有,连这些亡灵武士的炼造都会被中断,这些最精锐的吸血魔族白白牺牲,损失实在太大了,这些亡灵武士娜血东山再起的绝对本钱。 However, this proposed that had been stopped by Naxue, she chooses to fight to the end, even if dies completely certainly. 然而,这个提议被娜血制止了,她选择战斗到底,哪怕全部死绝。 The Tian Sha King secret appears in Naxue big camp unusual sudden, makes Naxue and Di Ming appear very stunned! 天刹王秘密出现在娜血大营非常的突然,以至于让娜血帝瞑都显得很错愕! I heard that Your Highness Princess Naxue enters Southern Wild, is looks for the husband, has such a matter?” Tian Sha King said. “我听说娜血公主殿下进入南部蛮荒,是找丈夫来的,有这么回事吗?”天刹王道。 Princess Naxue said: Has such a matter, is it possible that Tian Sha King your majesty wife died, wants to get married me to get married?” 娜血公主道:“有这么回事,莫非天刹王陛下的妻子死了,想要迎娶我过门吗?” Naxue and Di Nie disposition, is really a match strength, a match intensity. 娜血帝涅的性格,真是一个赛一个强硬,一个赛一个的激烈。 Tian Sha King said: Princess Naxue chatted, my wife and I matrimonial harmony, the love is unusual, where has another ritual of marrying. But my Crown Prince Tian Sha has not married exactly, how does Princess Naxue think this marriage affinity?” 天刹王道:“娜血公主说笑了,我和妻子琴瑟和鸣,恩爱非常,哪有另娶之礼。只不过恰好我的天刹太子尚未婚配,娜血公主觉得这段姻缘如何?” Naxue sat the tender body to say straight: Then said.” 娜血坐直了娇躯道:“接着说。” Tian Sha King said: You marry my Crown Prince Tian Sha Xiao Dao, that pulls out from Di Nie there the Tian Sha Clan military force leaves, and forms an alliance with you, destroys completely Di Nie, destroys completely Demoness Country, destroys completely Wing Clan!” 天刹王道:“你嫁给我的天刹太子小刀,那就将天剎族的武力从帝涅那里抽离,并且与你结盟,灭掉帝涅,灭掉魔女国,灭掉翼族!” The time, the Naxue breath stagnates. 顿时间,娜血呼吸一滞。 Tian Sha King continues saying: „After destroying completely Di Nie, destroys completely Lan Ling again, series entire Southern Wild, establishes Demon Empire. In the future my son ascends the throne for the sovereign, but you are the queen regent, how?” 天刹王继续道:“灭掉帝涅之后,再灭掉兰陵,一统整个南部蛮荒,建立魔族帝国。未来我的儿子登基为皇,而你则为摄政皇后,如何?” Naxue turned very quiet including the breath. 娜血连呼吸都屏住了。 Tian Sha King continues to mislead saying: Naxue, I know that you insisted carries on the final decisive battle with Di Nie is crazy will insisted. But in your heart actually knows, this fights you to lose without doubt. Once lost, must die by your disposition without doubt. At that time, all grand plan determinations will unravel. Your all efforts and misery, cast to the winds. However, so long as I stand you, you eliminate Di Nie to be easy, moreover is away from your lofty aspirations and high ideals also to have half remote, you from the hell, rose the heaven directly!” 天刹王继续蛊惑道:“娜血,我知道你坚持和帝涅进行最后的决战是意志上的疯狂坚持。但你心中却知道,此战你必输无疑。一旦输了,以你的性格也必死无疑。到那个时候,一切宏图壮志都将灰飞烟灭。你所有的努力和苦难,都付之流水。然而,只要我站在你这边,你消灭帝涅就轻而易举,而且距离你的雄心壮志也只有半步之遥,你直接从地狱,上升到了天堂!” Tian Sha King could not conquer Di Nie, therefore started to conquer Naxue! 天刹王征服不了帝涅,所以开始征服娜血了! ...... …… Note: First delivers, thanks great family. 注:第一更送上,谢谢大家
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