WDDE :: Volume #9

#866: Finally decisive battle! Naxue must perish!

War that these bleeds crazily, as if temporarily must come to the end. 这一场疯狂流血的大战,仿佛暂时要走到尽头了。 Similar to two crazy giant beasts, the whole body is scarred, exhausted, should need in the retracting den to lick the wound, recovers the energy. 就如同两只疯狂的巨兽,浑身伤痕累累,筋疲力尽,应该都需要缩回老巢中舔伤口,恢复体力。 All people think, under this hopeless war, Princess Naxue will not continue, casualties that will not continue this futile effort. 所有人都以为,在这种无望的战局下,娜血公主不会继续下去了,不会继续这种徒劳的伤亡了。 The trapped/sleepy beast that in float airborne palace, this time Princess Naxue is similar to injury is common, the double pupil is red, the whole person has been full of nearly crazy ray. 漂浮的空中宫殿内,此时的娜血公主如同一只受伤的困兽一般,双眸通红,整个人都充满了一种近乎疯狂的光芒。 This time she, nobody dares to annoy, nobody dares to urge, at this time who dares to urge her retreat to die without doubt. 此时的她,没有人敢惹,没有人敢劝,这个时候谁敢劝她退兵就必死无疑。 However everyone knows, this fought unable to hit again. Now the Vampire Demon Clan military force lost about half, sharpest Strength lost two-fifths, hit to lose again really completely. Moreover what is most essential is such fearful casualties did not have the significance, was doomed unable to win. 但是谁都知道,这一战不能再打下去了。如今吸血魔族的军力已经损失了近半,最精锐力量已经损失了2,再打下去真的要损失殆尽了。而且最关键的是这样可怕的伤亡已经没有意义,注定赢不了了。 Both sides both in putting together casualties, even if spells finally, Di Nie will win, because Strength in Di Nie hand, compared with Naxue must at this time over 30%. Let alone Tian Sha King has not begun, but also eyes covetously in behind, harboring evil intentions Lan Ling. 双方都在拼伤亡,就算拼到最后,还是帝涅会赢,因为此时帝涅手中的力量,比娜血要多出三成以上。更别说天刹王还没有动手,还在后面虎视眈眈,还有一个居心叵测的兰陵 retreat!” Di Ming says, said: Refining up to make the dead spirit is to require time, the retreat words, these Top Level Vampire Demon Clan in vain did not sacrifice.” 退兵吧!”还是帝瞑说出口,道:“炼造亡灵是需要时间的,再不退兵的话,那些顶级吸血魔族就白白牺牲了。” Soul Legion , is Princess Naxue is most formidable, most fearful Strength. 亡灵军团,是娜血公主最强大,最可怕的力量 Each Soul Warrior , was dead Vampire Demon Clan refining up to make. This is also Vampire Demon Clan ultimate Strength, once Soul Warrior died, that thoroughly vanishes in a puff of smoke, vanished thoroughly. 每一个亡灵武士,都是死去的吸血魔族炼造而出的。这也是吸血魔族的终极力量,一旦亡灵武士死了,那就是彻底灰飞烟灭,彻底消失了。 Vampire Demon Clan that this war, Naxue died in battle Ten Million, has retained the corpse , is less than 2 million, the remaining majority met a cruel death, cannot look the corpse. 这一场大战,娜血阵亡的吸血魔族千万,保留尸体的只有不到2000000具,剩下大多数都粉身碎骨了,连尸体都找不回来。 These 2 million corpses, need to refine the Soul Warrior regiment. This needs the astonishing energy, requires the relatively long time. 这2000000具尸体,需要炼成亡灵武士军团。这需要惊人的能量,需要相对长的时间。 Now these corpses seal up in special giant Energy Coffin, is swallowing battlefield Death Energy. 现在这些尸体都封闭在特殊的巨型能量棺材里面,吞噬着战场的死亡能量 Could not win, hit to have the total destruction again!” Di Ming said. “赢不了了,再打下去就有灭顶之灾了!”帝瞑道。 Princess Naxue sits there is motionless, as if ignores. 娜血公主坐在那里一动不动,仿佛置若罔闻。 Is keeping the mountain, did not fear that does not have the firewood fever!” Di Ming said. “留着青山在,不怕没柴烧!”帝瞑道。 Naxue raised the head, hoarse say/way: You may know, this fought me to lose to Di Nie. Represented I was losing in the situation, in me and in her struggle, perhaps can never turn over/stand up.” 娜血抬起头,沙哑道:“你可知道,这一战我输给了帝涅。就代表着在大势上我输了,在我和她的斗争中,或许就永远不能翻身了。” Di Ming said: You were too strong, could not lose. However in this world, most fears is person who cannot lose. Some people lose frequently, so long as wins one time to obtain all. But some people have won, so long as loses one time, thoroughly does not have a thing in the world. Your Ten Million do not become the person of not being able to lose, the failure is normal, acknowledged that the failure is one noble quality, after knowing the shame can, brave!” 帝瞑道:“你这个人就是太强势了,就是输不起。但是这个世界上,最怕的就是输不起的人。有些人经常输,但只要赢一次就能获得所有。而有些人一直赢,但只要输一次,就彻底一无所有。你千万不要成为输不起的人,失败是正常的,承认失败更是一种高贵的品质,知耻才能后勇!” Is short to me fills these useless chicken soup.” Naxue said: I am rather imposing to perish, is not willing vexed to withdraw the compromise.” “少给我灌这些没用的鸡汤。”娜血道:“我宁愿轰轰烈烈而亡,也不愿意窝囊地龟缩妥协。” The Di Ming facial color changes said: You...... Do you also want to make war?” 帝瞑面色一变道:“你……你还要开战?” Said to......” Naxue: Said that I was exhausted, as everyone knows Di Nie is also so. At this time, decided that who won is not the strength, but was the will. Who clenches teeth to fight finally, who can achieve the final success. Because no one knows who will drop down suddenly, but I am not the person of that suddenly dropping down absolutely.” “对……”娜血道:“都说我已经精疲力尽了,殊不知帝涅也是如此。这个时候,决定谁胜利已经不是实力,而是意志。谁咬牙战斗到最后,谁就能获得最后的胜利。因为谁也不知道谁会忽然倒下,但是我绝对不做那个忽然倒下之人。” Di Ming looks at Naxue, face is twitching. 帝瞑望着娜血,面孔一阵抽搐。 This he most loves, most loves, woman who most admires, is similar to a craziest gambler is ordinary, does not win, will not lose is will not leave to bet the table absolutely. 这个他最疼爱,最爱,最仰慕的女人,如同一个最疯狂的赌徒一般,不获胜,不输光是绝对不会离开赌桌的。 Right, she is the person of that not being able to lose. 没错,她就是那种输不起的人。 Di Ming has remembered a person, Lan Ling! 帝瞑又想起了一个人,兰陵 Lan Ling is also a person of not being able to lose, once lost has meant the destruction, means not to have a thing in the world. 兰陵也是一个输不起的人,一旦输了就意味着毁灭,意味着一无所有。 In Human State, he is Suo Lun time has won, marches to the victory from the victory. 人类国度,他还是索伦的时候就一直胜利,从胜利走向胜利。 But finally lost, Suo Lun has been with one's family broken up and decimated, all Lineage will cast to the winds. Not only encounter dead an untimely death, the family member met with a disaster completely, the Prince Regent position did not have, several hundred years of Tianshui City Lineage were destroyed cleanly. 但最后输了一场,索伦就家破人亡,所有的基业都会付之流水。不但自己遭遇横死,家人全部遭殃,摄政王位没有了,几百年的天水城基业被摧毁得干干净净。 Once Lan Ling started the decisive battle, never will stop, will never flinch, only will spell finally, abandons the last chip, bets own life. 兰陵一旦开启了决战,也就永远不会停止,永远不会退缩,就只会拼到最后,扔下最后一只筹码,赌上自己的生命。 Deeply takes a breath, Di Ming knelt down on both knees, has pasted the forehead in the ground. 深深吸一口气,帝瞑双膝跪了下来,将额头贴在地面上。 The Naxue facial color changes, said: „Do you do? Is quick! You are my family member, my family member, like this!” 娜血面色一变,道:“你干什么?快起来!你是我的家人,我的亲人,你不要这样!” Your highness, I almost not kneel down to you.” Di Ming said: But my this time asked you to give careful consideration, retreat preservation strength, so as to avoid our Vampire Demon Clan bitter experience total destruction.” “殿下,我几乎不怎么向你下跪。”帝瞑道:“但是我这次请您慎重考虑,退兵保存实力,免得我们的吸血魔族遭遇灭顶之灾。” The Naxue vision becomes gentle said: Elder Brother, you always let my retreat retreat retreat! You do not know I cannot draw back? Draws back one step to mean the destruction. Once retreat, I again could not run out of the Rakshasa Clan domain, how you do make me go facing Lan Ling that complacent sneering?” 娜血目光变得柔和起来道:“哥,你总让我退兵退兵退兵!你难道不知道我是不能退的吗?退一步就意味着毁灭。一旦退兵了,我就再也冲不出罗刹族领域了,你让我如何去面对兰陵那得意洋洋的冷笑?” Di Ming said: Your highness, you are much more intelligent than me. Therefore you know certainly, the war is only extension of politics. In thing that in the battlefield cannot obtain, politically not necessarily cannot obtain. After we return the Rakshasa Clan domain, the Southern Wild situation will certainly have the huge change. Moreover has not will return the Rakshasa Clan domain, retroceded a thousand li (500 km) to be OK.” 帝瞑道:“殿下,你比我聪明得多。所以你当然知道,战争只是政治的延续。在战场上得不到的东西,在政治上未必得不到。我们退回罗刹族领域之后,南部蛮荒的局势一定会有巨大之变化。而且未必要退回罗刹族领域,后退一千里就可以了。” Naxue said: Said?” 娜血道:“怎么说?” Di Ming said: Di Nie won this post-war, the tendency rose the peak, the scenery was infinite, the tendency was unmatched. At this time she and Tian Sha King relations will enter a complex and awkward condition, I thought that Tian Sha King will certainly compel the marriage while these days. After all, Princess Di Nie personally has visited Lan Ling. Once because Di Nie thoroughly eliminated us, no one could block her, could not block including Tian Sha King. But by the Princess Di Nie disposition, will certainly not unify to marry Crown Prince Tian Sha. At that time, Tian Sha King and Di Nie will tear, at that time our opportunities came.” 帝瞑道:“帝涅打赢了这一战后,势头就上升到了巅峰,风光无限,势头一时无两。这个时候她和天刹王的关系就会进入一种复杂而又尴尬的状态,我觉得天刹王一定会趁着这段时间去逼婚的。毕竟,帝涅公主可是亲自拜访过兰陵的。因为一旦帝涅彻底消灭了我们,那谁也挡不住她了,包括天刹王也挡不住。而以帝涅公主的性格,一定不会统一嫁给天刹太子。到那个时候,天刹王帝涅就会撕裂,到那个时候我们的机会就来了。” Naxue said: Said.” 娜血道:“说下去。” Di Ming said: „Before Lan Ling your excellency, hasn't proposed to you? After this time our retreat returns to the Rakshasa Clan domain, happen to can two marry. Entire Southern Wild influence pattern, will enter the brand-new assignment, our opportunities came!” 帝瞑道:“兰陵阁下之前不是向您求婚过吗?这次我们退兵罗刹族领域后,正好可以两家联姻。整个南部蛮荒的势力格局,又会进入全新的分配,我们的机会就来了!” Has a dream!” Naxue cold sound said: I will not marry Lan Ling absolutely, will not marry Lan Ling at this time.” “做梦!”娜血寒声道:“我绝对不会嫁给兰陵,更不会在这个时候嫁给兰陵。” Di Ming face twitches painfully. 帝瞑面孔痛苦地一阵抽搐。 He too understood Naxue, if she obtained win, sweeps away entire Southern Wild took victor scenery infinite time, instead will bend down and Lan Ling marriage. 他太了解娜血了,如果她获得了大胜,横扫整个南部蛮荒作为胜利者风光无限的时候,反而会俯下身子和兰陵结婚。 Now she has routed, absolutely absolutely impossible to marry with Lan Ling. This woman, powerful to the extreme, self-respect also high to the extreme. 现在她大败了,就绝对绝对不可能和兰陵联姻了。这个女人,强势到了极点,自尊心也高到了极点。 At this time, wish let Lan Ling and Di Nie marriage, only if made Lan Ling announce that Flame Demon Empire joined Vampire Demon Clan Alliance , and recognized the Naxue leading status. 这个时候,想要让兰陵帝涅结婚,除非让兰陵宣布炎魔帝国加入吸血魔族联盟,并且承认娜血的领袖地位。 Is this possible? 这怎么可能? The Lan Ling disposition and Naxue are exactly the same, does not want to fall behind. Where no matter, must be Boss, must keep promises. 兰陵的性格和娜血是一模一样的,都是不甘人后的。不管在哪里,都要做老大,都要说一不二的。 Di Ming, do not say.” Naxue said: These truth that you said I understand, but disposition decision destiny. I am absolutely not retreat, even if died the last person, I will also fight to the end. Between I and Di Nie, may have a person to flinch first, my person absolutely is not I!” 帝瞑,你不要说了。”娜血道:“你说的那些道理我都懂,但是性格决定命运。我是绝对不会退兵的,就算死掉最后一个人,我也会战斗到底。我和帝涅之间,或许会有一个人先退缩,我那个人绝对不是我!” A Di Ming item of dew despairs, deeply has attracted Qi path: compliance! Since you have decided that I also fight to the end with you. All Vampire Demon Clan have died on me, I died, on you!” 帝瞑目露绝望,深深吸了一口气道:“遵旨!既然您决定了,那我也跟着您战斗到底。所有吸血魔族死光了就我上,我死了,您自己上!” Naxue is looking at Di Ming, has revealed the tears, said: Elder Brother, sorry!” 娜血望着帝瞑,露出了泪光,道:“哥哥,对不起!” Di Ming has not spoken, he does not fear death actually, reason that kneels remonstrates, the biggest reason is to also want to protect Naxue, does not want to make her bet all crazily, including her life. Regarding own life, Di Ming has not cared actually. 帝瞑没有说话,他其实不怕死,之所以跪地劝谏,最大的原因也是想要保护娜血,不想让她疯狂地赌掉一切,包括她的性命。对于自己的性命,帝瞑其实没有那么在意。 Princess Naxue enlarges the sound, making all Vampire Demon Clan leaders hear completely clearly, every single word or phrase said: I order, Vampire Demon Clan and Di Nie will carry on fights a decisive battle finally. All of you died in battle, on Di Ming, Di Ming died, on me! Even if died in battle the last person, does not compromise, not retreat.” 娜血公主将声音放大,让所有的吸血魔族首领全部听得清楚,一字一句道:“我命令,吸血魔族将和帝涅进行最后决战。你们所有人战死了,帝瞑上,帝瞑死了,我上!哪怕战死最后一个人,也绝不妥协,绝不退兵。” From now on, who dares to raise the negotiations again, retreat, executes summarily completely!” “今后,谁再敢提谈判,退兵,全部格杀勿论!” In the battlefield, who dares to retrocede half, executes summarily!” “在战场上,谁敢后退半步,格杀勿论!” Puts in the deathtrap young man, Bloodsucker Demon Race Legion and Di Nie regiment carries on fights a decisive battle finally. Or the victory, either thoroughly dies certainly!” “置于死地后生,吸血魔族军团帝涅军团进行最后决战。要么胜利,要么彻底死绝!” ...... …… Yun E Imperial City! 云厄王城 Princess Di Nie said: „Before I and Naxue, can only the person win, can only the person stand. Even if defeats last person, my retreat, I will not fight to the end.” 帝涅公主道:“我和娜血之前,只能有一个人赢,只能有一个人站着。所以哪怕拼掉最后一个人,我也不会退兵,我也会战斗到底。” Demoness Queen said: Our Demoness Country, even if died in battle the last person, will fight to the end.” 魔女王道:“我们魔女国哪怕战死最后一个人,也会战斗到底。” Wing Clan King said: Our Wing Clan, even if dies cleanly, will fight to the end!” 翼族之王道:“我们翼族哪怕死得干干净净,也会战斗到底!” It seems like that crazy gambler incessantly Naxue. 看来,疯狂的赌徒不止娜血一个。 However, facing these four warhawk, De Sha King fell into silent! 不过,面对这四个战争狂人,地剎王陷入了沉默! In Demon Clan Alliance, De Sha King is only surrender Di Nie Demon King, this month of war, is really makes De Sha King fearful and apprehensive. 魔族联盟之中,地剎王是唯一投降帝涅魔王,这一个多月的大战,实在是让地剎王胆战心惊。 The entire battlefield is similar to the most fearful meat grinder is ordinary. 整个战场就如同最可怕的绞肉机一般。 Innumerable Demon Clan sharpest Strength deliver, completely became the cannon fodder. 无数魔族最精锐的力量送上去,全部成为了炮灰。 Before although also died many people, but majority were the ordinary soldiers, most preliminary warrior. 之前虽然也死很多很多人,但大多数都是普通的士兵,最低级的武士。 But this war, Demon Warrior absolutely is the cannon fodder, Great Demon Warrior, Demon Grandmaster, Demon Ancestor, Demon Venerable, even Demon Saint in groups died. 而这一场大战,魔武士绝对是炮灰,大魔武士,魔武宗师,魔宗,魔尊,甚至魔圣都成批成批地死去。 At this war, De Sha King discovered that was not quite valuable Demon Saint, can die in battle easily. 在这场大战,地剎王发现就连魔圣都不太值钱了,都可以轻而易举地战死了。 This war was too crazy, even if by De Sha King wild was also scared. 这一场大战太疯狂了,哪怕以地剎王的狂野也胆寒了。 He does not approve to continue to hit, he hopes that Princess Di Nie and Naxue negotiated, the both sides temporary truce, south of Yun E Imperial City turned over to Demon Empire United Battlefront, north Yun E Imperial City to turn over to Vampire Demon Clan Alliance . 他是不赞成继续打下去的,他希望帝涅公主娜血进行谈判,双方暂时停战,云厄王城以南归魔族帝国统一战线,云厄王城以北归吸血魔族联盟 But Yun E Imperial City, then turns over to Demon Empire United Battlefront, represented Di Nie to win this war. 云厄王城,则归魔族帝国统一战线,代表着帝涅赢得了这场战争。 This is the best aspect, however the three giants of Di Nie group, killed red the eye completely, did not count the casualties also to thoroughly eliminate Naxue completely, this was too crazy! 这才是最好的局面,然而帝涅集团的三个巨头,完全杀红了眼睛,完全不计伤亡也要彻底消灭娜血,这太疯狂了! However De Sha King cannot open mouth, in the Princess Di Nie camp, his superficial status very be freely high, is next to Demoness Queen, but in fact not many rights to speak. 不过地剎王不能开口,在帝涅公主的阵营中,他的表面地位尽管很高,仅次于魔女王,但实际上并没有多少发言权。 Slightly hesitant, De Sha King or open mouth said: Princess, otherwise sends for and Naxue negotiations? Let her admit defeat on own initiative, retrocedes a thousand li (500 km), as the matter stands we thoroughly have won the war of Yun Ee Clan!” 稍稍犹豫,地剎王还是开口道:“公主殿下,要不然派人去和娜血谈判?让她主动认输,后退一千里,这样一来我们就彻底赢了云厄族之战!” „It is not the war of Yun Ee Clan!” Di Nie said: Is decisive battle between I and Naxue, Naxue either dies, either kneels down, otherwise impossible truce!” “不是云厄族之战!”帝涅道:“是我和娜血之间的决战,娜血要么死,要么跪下,否则就不可能停战!” The De Sha King face trembles slightly, has not spoken. 地剎王面孔微微一颤,没有说话。 Then, Princess Di Nie said: I order, with the Naxue decisive battle. Or dies certainly, either the victory. Who dares to say draws back, who dares to raise again negotiates two characters, executes summarily!” 接下来,帝涅公主道:“我命令,和娜血决战到底。要么死绝,要么胜利。谁敢言退,谁敢再提谈判二字,格杀勿论!” compliance!” 遵旨!” All Demon Empire United Battlefront high levels shouted with one voice. 所有魔族帝国统一战线的高层齐声喝道。 De Sha King facial color twitches, bows saying: compliance!” 地剎王面色一阵抽搐,也躬身道:“遵旨!” This is the final decisive battle, Naxue must perish!” “这是最后的决战,娜血必亡!” ...... …… Decisive battle! 决战到底! The decision-making of both sides decided thoroughly, completely was the astonishing consistency. 双方的决策彻底定下来了,完全是惊人的一致。 Princess Di Nie at this time Strength in hand compared with Princess Naxue 30%, but forthcoming fights a decisive battle finally completely is the Strength showdown, completely is the thorough battle of attrition, already not many strategies and scheme. 帝涅公主此时手中的力量娜血公主强了三成,而即将到来的最后决战完全是力量的对决,完全是彻底的消耗战,已经没有多少策略和计谋了。 Therefore, basically Princess Di Nie was wins! 所以,基本上帝涅公主是赢定了! Late at night, the Princess Naxue first trusted friend, Vampire Demon Clan second leader Di Ming personally arrives at Yun E Imperial City, handed over approximately war declaration of final decisive battle! 后半夜,娜血公主的第一心腹,吸血魔族的第二领袖帝瞑亲自来到云厄王城,递上了最后决战的约战书! Di Ming said: I Lord Your Highness Princess Naxue to think, hauls with its every day slaughters. Was inferior that both sides exhibit completely all Strength, carries on a final decisive battle, to a side dies completely certainly, how?” 帝瞑道:“我主娜血公主殿下觉得,与其每天拖拖拉拉地厮杀。不如双方把所有力量全部陈列出来,进行一场最后的决战,一直到其中一方全部死绝为止,如何?” Princess Di Nie said: Builds up all Strength, accomplishes the whole task at one stroke, is very good, I complied!” 帝涅公主道:“集结所有力量,毕其功于一役,很好,我答应了!” Then, she received the Princess Naxue final decisive battle book! 然后,她接过了娜血公主最后的决战书! Final decisive battle! 最后的决战! Accomplish the whole task at one stroke! 毕其功于一役! Both sides fight at the last minute, dies until a side thoroughly certainly! 双方战斗到最后一刻,直到一方彻底死绝! This stretch of fearful battlefield, will soon welcome crazily, is bloodiest, most fearful final decisive battle! 这片可怕的战场,即将迎来最最疯狂,最最血腥,最最可怕的最后决战! ...... …… Note: First delivers, Bai request supports, does obeisance to ask the monthly ticket, thanks great family! 注:第一更送上,拜求支持,拜求月票,谢谢大家
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