WDDE :: Volume #12

#1135: God's father, Milky Way Ruler

This can the character, making Lan Ling stunned. 这一个能字,让兰陵大为错愕。 According to his understanding, according to the tone of ancient times Divine Dragon speech, obviously only had an answer, cannot! 按照他自己的理解,按照远古神龙说话的口气,都明显只有一个答案,不能! Void Ruler completely is the non-solution, why can eliminate? 虚空主宰完全是无解的,为何又能消灭了呢? Naturally, can eliminate only has Dragon Demon Galaxy Void Ruler merely.” Your ancient times Divine Dragon said: Dragon Demon Galaxy, merely is only in a that big galaxy galaxy, is equal to Milky Way inside Solar System. The other regions of that galaxy, there are other Void Ruler, more formidable Void Ruler.” “当然,能够消灭的仅仅只有龙魔星系虚空主宰。”你远古神龙道:“龙魔星系,也仅仅只是那一个大星系里面的一个恒星系而已,相当于银河系里面的太阳系。那个星系的其他区域,也有其他的虚空主宰,更为强大的虚空主宰。” Lan Ling said: I understand, your majesty you should the big galaxy that does an inspection your Dragon Demon Galaxy to be, how many were inside seeped by Void Ruler?” 兰陵道:“我懂,陛下您应该巡查过你龙魔星系所在的大星系,里面被虚空主宰已经渗透了多少?” Ancient times Divine Dragon said: 19%, Dragon Demon Galaxy that region, has 23 light years by the range that Void Ruler covers. Void Ruler within these 23 light year scopes, in the Dragon Demon Galaxy Sun. Naturally I must tell you, once eliminated Void Ruler in Dragon Demon Galaxy Sun, entire Dragon Demon Galaxy will fall into the huge danger, subverts, once because the Void Creature dissipation of that region, Dragon Demon Galaxy, Dragon Demon Planet will enter in a completely strange, special attraction environment. Because entire Dragon Demon Galaxy all planets, had been swallowed to destroy. Dragon Demon Planet since new balance, but this new balance process without doubt is a disaster, you as god, so long as pays huge Strength, maintains this balanced, will protect Dragon Demon Planet not to move toward the destruction.” 远古神龙道:“19,龙魔星系那片区域,被虚空主宰笼罩的范围有23光年。这23光年范围内的虚空主宰,就在龙魔星系的太阳之内。当然我还必须告诉你,一旦消灭了龙魔星系太阳之内的虚空主宰,整个龙魔星系会陷入巨大的危险,颠覆,因为一旦那片区域的虚空生物消散,龙魔星系,龙魔星球都将进入一个完全陌生,特殊的引力环境之内。因为整个龙魔星系所有的行星,都已经被吞噬摧毁了。龙魔星球将会进入新的平衡,而这个新的平衡过程无疑是一场劫难,你作为神祇要付出巨大的力量,重新维持这种平衡,保护龙魔星球不会走向毁灭。” Yes, my your majesty.” Lan Ling said. “是,我的陛下。”兰陵道。 Ancient times Divine Dragon said: „, Even if eliminated Dragon Demon Galaxy Sun inside Void Ruler, that also merely is only a start. Because of that plane, that big galaxy also has other more formidable Void Ruler, that will become your fight.” 远古神龙道:“还有,就算消灭了龙魔星系太阳里面的虚空主宰,那也仅仅只是一个开始。因为那个位面,那个大星系还有其他更强大的虚空主宰,那都会成为你的战斗。” Yes, my your majesty.” Lan Ling said. “是,我的陛下。”兰陵道。 Then, how ancient times Divine Dragon no longer mentioned eliminates the Void Ruler incident. 接下来,远古神龙不再谈起如何消灭虚空主宰一事。 Walks, leading you to go to Milky Way Temple, sees in the gods of home, goes to gradually our fathers.” Ancient times Divine Dragon said. “走,带你去银河神殿,去见见在家的众神,去渐渐我们的父亲。”远古神龙道。 Ancient times Divine Dragon father, the fathers of god? 远古神龙的父亲,众神的父亲? Who is that? In the Greek mythology, the fathers of god are Zeus. 那又是谁?希腊神话中,众神的父亲是宙斯。 Our fathers are the control of entire Milky Way, entire Milky Way birth, control.” Ancient times Divine Dragon said. “我们的父亲是整个银河系的主宰,整个银河系的诞生者,掌控者。”远古神龙道。 Lan Ling said: What do we see Milky Way Ruler to make?” 兰陵道:“我们去见银河主宰做什么?” Ancient times Divine Dragon said: Naturally is takes to eliminate the Void Ruler weapon.” 远古神龙道:“当然是去拿消灭虚空主宰的武器。” Then, ancient times Divine Dragon held the hand of Lan Ling to leave this diamond planet, went to Milky Way Temple. 然后,远古神龙牵着兰陵的手离开了这个钻石行星,前往银河神殿 ...... …… Ancient times Divine Dragon was bringing Lan Ling continuously toward the forward flight, toward the forward flight, flew toward the Milky Way center. 远古神龙带着兰陵一直往前飞,往前飞,朝着银河系的中心飞去。 Here star is getting more and more dense, is getting more and more dense. 这里的恒星越来越密,越来越密。 Finally, the entire sky dense and numerous hemp are all kinds of Sun, already more than tens of thousands, even is several hundred thousand, several million greatness. 最后,整个天空密密麻麻麻都是各式各样的太阳,已经不止几万了,甚至是几十万,几百万之巨。 Here temperature has been the astonishing several thousand degrees, each outer space is several thousand degrees high temperature, moreover each region shines to letting the person eyes burns blindly, several hundred thousand Sun also shines, naturally will be blind, here already not any planet. 这里的温度已经达到了惊人的几千度,每一处太空都是几千度高温,而且每一处区域都是亮到让人眼睛灼瞎,几十万个太阳同时照耀,当然会瞎,这里已经没有任何行星了。 However this fearful journey starts merely. 然而这种可怕的旅程仅仅只是开始。 Then, the temperature lowered gradually, but Lan Ling actually felt that incomparably fearful Strength, must destroy all, swallows all Strength. 接下来,温度是渐渐低了,但是兰陵却感觉到了一股无比可怕的力量,要毁灭一切,吞噬一切的力量 Even if Lan Ling this god , the completely complete place does not live in this Strength, seems ant on a big vortex, is completely involuntary. 哪怕兰陵这个神祇,也完全完全地方不住这个力量,就仿佛是一个大漩涡上的蚂蚁,完全身不由己。 Do not resist, allow nature to take its course.” Ancient times Divine Dragon said. “不要抗拒,顺其自然。”远古神龙道。 Lan Ling deeply takes a breath, relaxes. 兰陵深深吸一口气,放松下来。 Then, the whole person flutters unceasingly toward front, flutters...... 然后,整个人朝着前面不断飘去,飘去…… Suddenly, the innumerable stars vanished, the sky did not have Sun, only then inexhaustible darkness. 忽然之间,无数的恒星消失了,天空没有了太阳,只有无穷无尽的黑暗。 , That Strength is gradually getting more and more formidable. 渐渐地,那股力量越来越强大。 The body of Lan Ling vanishes in a puff of smoke, then ancient times the body of Divine Dragon also unravelled. 兰陵的身体灰飞烟灭,而后远古神龙的身体也灰飞烟灭。 Finally, Lan Ling soul, bloodlines, even the stars arrangement in brain territory, all dissipates. 最后,兰陵的灵魂,血脉,甚至脑域内的星辰排列组合,都全部消散。 Because, they entered the Milky Way center, black hole! 因为,他们进入了银河系的中心,黑洞! About 0.3 light years black hole, inside mass is not several million Sun, but is several Ten Million Sun condenses in this black hole. 大约0.3光年的黑洞,里面的质量不是几百万颗太阳,而是几千万颗太阳凝聚在这一个黑洞之内。 He can swallow all energies, the light is inescapable, so long as approaches in his energy range. 他可以吞噬所有的能量,就连光都无法逃脱,只要靠近他能量范围之内。 But this black hole, is the control of Milky Way, is the Milky Way God's father. 而这个黑洞,就是银河系的主宰,就是银河系众神之父。 The black hole is not only the Milky Way core, all stars revolve this black hole to revolve. 黑洞不但是银河系的核心,所有的恒星都围绕着这个黑洞旋转。 This black hole , the devourer formidable star, however its Strength also erupts formidable Strength unceasingly, creates the supernova, but the explosion of supernova makes the new star. 这个黑洞,也不断地吞噬者强大的恒星,但是它的力量也爆发出强大的力量,创造出超新星,而超新星的爆炸制造出新的恒星。 This Black Hole Ruler, is God's father. 这个黑洞主宰,就是众神之父。 ...... …… Has not known how long, Lan Ling had revived. 不知道过了多久,兰陵苏醒了过来。 Appears in Milky Way Temple! 出现在银河神殿之内! This Milky Way Temple is completely is completely different from the imagination. 这个银河神殿和想象中是完全完全不一样的。 Not glittering, not resplendent in gold and jade green. 没有金光闪闪,没有金碧辉煌。 World that Lan Ling is unable to describe, because this is in the black hole. 只是一个兰陵都无法形容出来的世界,因为这是在黑洞之内。 Here all crush, distortion, dark! 这里的一切都是粉碎的,扭曲的,黑暗的! Cannot see anything, can actually be able to feel. 看不见任何东西,却能够感觉得到。 He saw the Milky Way God's father, Milky Way Ruler. 他见到了银河众神之父,银河主宰 Milky Way Ruler does not have the face, even does not have shape, actually obviously can feel its existence, incomparably incomparably incomparable hugeness. 银河主宰没有面孔,甚至没有形态,却又明显感觉得到它的存在,无比无比无比的巨大。 It is not tens of thousands kilometers, is not hundreds of millions kilometers. 不是几万公里,也不是几亿公里。 But is hundreds of billions kilometers hugeness, even is bigger, his shape has exceeded the sum totals of innumerable star. 而是几千亿千米的巨大,甚至更大,他的形态超过了无数恒星的总和。 My father, this child called Lan Ling, he was my successor, simultaneously he was also some Fairy Maiden constellation god only successor , was also the Dragon Demon Galaxy god only successor.” Ancient times Divine Dragon said. “我的父亲,这个孩子叫兰陵,他就是我的继承者,同时他也是仙女星座某位神祇的继承者,也是龙魔星系神祇继承者。”远古神龙道。 Milky Way Ruler fell into silent. 银河主宰陷入了沉默。 A moment later, Milky Way Ruler said: „Have you decided? My child?” 片刻之后,银河主宰道:“你已经决定了吗?我的孩子?” Ancient times Divine Dragon said: Yes, my father, I have no alternative.” 远古神龙道:“是的,我的父亲,我别无选择。” The Milky Way control looks toward Lan Ling, although it does not have the eye, but Lan Ling can feel, it looks toward Lan Ling. 银河系主宰朝着兰陵望来,尽管它没有眼睛,但兰陵还是能够感受得到,它朝着兰陵望过来。 Child, hopes that you are another turning point, is not only the Milky Way turning point, is the turning point of Fairy Maiden constellation, or hopes, 3 billion years later hopes.” The Milky Way control said. “孩子,希望你是另外一个契机,不但是银河系的契机,也是仙女星座的契机,或者说是希望,3000000000年后的希望。”银河系主宰道。 This God's father, should be Lan Ling has seen most formidable god, is governing entire Milky Way. 这位众神之父,应该是兰陵见过最最最最强大的神祇,掌管着整个银河系 However he sees is not an awe-inspiring god, but is one almost appears the weary god. 然而他见到的不是一个威风八面的神,而是一个几乎显得疲倦的神。 The god is weary? 神是疲倦的吗? Perhaps, they, although does not have joy, anger, sorrow and happiness, but there is an infinite responsibility, will therefore be also weary. 或许吧,他们虽然没有喜怒哀乐,但是有无限的责任,所以也会疲倦。 Lan Ling, I confer you for one of the Milky Way gods, has Sun, Earth, sparks/Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, Mercury and so on control of power entire Solar System domain. Has Milky Way to colonize Dragon Demon Galaxy all stars, the planet, the satellite, the comet, small star, dust, control of power nebula.” The Milky Way control said. 兰陵,我册封你为银河系众神之一,拥有太阳,地球,火星,金星,木星,土星,海王星,天王星,冥王星,水星等等整个太阳系领域之主宰权。拥有银河系殖民龙魔星系所有恒星,行星,卫星,彗星,小星星,尘埃,星云之主宰权。”银河系主宰道。 ...... …… Note: First delivers, Bai request supports, does obeisance to ask the monthly ticket, thanks great family. 注:第一更送上,拜求支持,拜求月票,谢谢大家
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