WDDE :: Volume #11

#1033: The death of Fu Lingxi! Lan Ling repertoire

Merely after half double-hour! 仅仅半个时辰后! Entire Floating Heaven Palace was surrounded watertight by several hundred thousand armies. 整个浮天宫被几十万大军包围得水泄不通。 Sub-Emperor( the Dragon Emperor puppet) is similar to the golden war-god is common, stands erect above the Floating Heaven Palace square, stood almost to exceed the Transcend Heaven Divine Dragon Tower altitude. 亚帝龙帝傀儡)如同黄金战神一般,矗立在浮天宫的广场之上,站起来几乎超过了通天神龙塔的高度。 Really is powerful, unbeatable. 真的是威风凛凛,无以匹敌。 Several hundred thousand temple armies, surround entire Floating Heaven Palace. Although the population are not many, but there are 900 Heavenly Grave Priest, three Sky Priest, four Sky Chief Judge, three Sky Temple giants. 几十万圣殿大军,包围整个浮天宫。尽管人数不算很多,但是有900名天墓祭师,三名天空祭师,四名天空裁判长,三个天空圣殿巨头。 Therefore, purely from Strength, is really similar to the vast ocean, is waving Sub-Emperor this flag, awe-inspiring. 所以,单纯从力量来说,真的如同汪洋大海,挥舞着亚帝这支旗帜,威风八面。 Was surrounded 800 surrender Heavenly Grave Priest in Floating Heaven Palace, two fight the war, thought that the end arrives. Inside some people even regretted, oneself by the lard ignorant/veiled heart, unexpectedly such have flickered by Fu Lingxi and Fu Zilin, such surrendered unexpectedly? 被包围在浮天宫里面的800投降天墓祭师,真的有些两股战战,觉得末日降临。里面有些人甚至非常后悔,自己是不是被猪油蒙心了,竟然就这么被伏灵兮伏子临忽悠了,竟然就这么投降了? Sub-Emperor your majesty naturally will not speak. 亚帝陛下自然是不会说话的。 Three Sky Priest also disdain with Fu Lingxi, Fu Zilin to negotiate, therefore has Huai Bingyi. 三位天空祭师也不屑与伏灵兮,伏子临谈判,所以还是有怀病已来。 Huai Bingyi leaves ranks, cold sound said: Dragon Emperor your majesty rebirth, you hasn't knelt to see?” 怀病已出列,寒声道:“龙帝陛下重生,尔等还不跪见?” In Floating Heaven Palace, the surrounded 800 Heavenly Grave Priest surface appearances peep, the knees somewhat become tender, but has not knelt eventually. 浮天宫内,被包围的800名天墓祭师面面相窥,双膝有些发软,但终究没有跪下去。 Huai Bingyi said: Now, Dragon Emperor your majesty repositioned. Resembles Lan Ling this and other clumsy mischief-doers, perishes to be just round the corner. Heavenly Grave is Priest besotted? Now kneels, a slim chance of survival. Once we began, that vanishes in a puff of smoke.” 怀病已道:“如今,龙帝陛下已经复位。似兰陵这等跳梁小丑,灭亡指日可待。诸位天墓祭师难道还要执迷不悟吗?现在跪下去,还有一线生机。一旦等我们动手,那就是灰飞烟灭。” In Floating Heaven Palace Heavenly Grave Priest of 800 surrenders are more gingerly, is almost unable to breathe. 浮天宫内800名投降的天墓祭师更加战战兢兢,几乎无法呼吸。 Fu Lingxi speculates to be very fierce, stops at nothing, but also the whole body shivers now, could not speak, does not dare to stand. 伏灵兮投机起来很厉害,无所不用其极,但是现在也浑身颤抖,说不出话来,也不敢站出去。 Ji Xiuning( the Hell Knight fourth child) already expected this point, already knows that these surrenders Heavenly Grave Priest are not reasonable, Fu Lingxi is also not reasonable, therefore by any means possible will make them transform the Floating Heaven Palace energy great tower, rebuilds into Transcend Heaven Divine Dragon Great Tower. 姬秀宁地狱骑士老四)早就预料到这一点,早就知道这些投降的天墓祭师是不靠谱的,伏灵兮也是不靠谱的,所以才会千方百计让他们改造浮天宫的能量巨塔,改建成为通天神龙巨塔 Immediately, Ji Xiuning cold say/way: „, You have surrendered your majesty, opportunity that at this time the official performance gives loyalty. Has not made you clash the fight, but stands the courage that and Huai Bingyi is in sharp opposition not to have?” 顿时,姬秀宁冷道:“诸位,你们已经投降了陛下,此时正式表现效忠的机会。没有让你们冲出去战斗,但是站出去和怀病已针锋相对的勇气都没有吗?” This saying, several Heavenly Grave Priest went out half step, but has drawn back. 这话一出,有几名天墓祭师走出了半步,但是又都退了回来。 Huai Bingyi shouts outside: Among you, so long as has any person to hand over the Fu Lingxi rebel, hands over Demon Emperor bad child Fu Zilin. Then is not only innocent, instead is active. Do not forget, because Sky Temple surrenders, because of war, but vacancy many people. But so long as other people do not prevent, does not revolt, is entirely innocent. So long as kneels in the Dragon Emperor front, can remit entirely.” 怀病已在外面喊道:“你们当中只要有任何一个人交出伏灵兮叛逆,交出魔帝孽种伏子临。那么非但无罪,反而有功。不要忘记了,天空圣殿因为投降,因为大战,可空缺了很多人。而其他人只要不阻止,不反抗,也统统无罪。只要跪在龙帝的面前,统统可以赦免。” This saying, Heavenly Grave Priest of 800 surrenders are ready to make trouble, cannot help but beyond Sky Temple toward third looks. 这话一出,800名投降的天墓祭师蠢蠢欲动,不由得朝着第三层之外的天空圣殿望去。 If Demon Emperor Lan Ling has any Divine Ability, now hurrying causes. If not cause, represents you not to have what ability. 如果魔帝兰陵有什么神通,现在赶紧使出来吧。如果再不使出来,就代表你没有什么能力啊。 Saw own this side morale is so low, but the Fu Lingxi whole body shivers, several cannot say. 见到自己这方士气如此低落,而伏灵兮浑身颤抖,几不能言。 Fu Zilin leaves ranks, points at Sub-Emperor saying: I, although is only ten years old, but I also know that this person is not Dragon Emperor, he is only the Dragon Emperor puppet, gave up any idea of that deceives the person.” 伏子临出列,指着亚帝道:“我虽然才十岁,但我也知道这个人不是龙帝,他只是龙帝傀儡而已,休想骗到人。” Sees this disciple, Huai Bingyi thinks immediately by the shame of fan slap and slap in the face, coldly was said: „The Demon Emperor disobedient son, everybody must execute it. Whose beginning makes him shut up, captures to offer him, Sky Temple perhaps on whose position.” 见到这个弟子,怀病已顿时想到被扇耳光的耻辱,冷冷道:“魔帝逆子,人人得而诛之。谁动手让他闭嘴,将他擒获献上,天空圣殿或许就有谁的位置。” This saying, a Gu Ban brow wrinkle. 这话一出,古斑眉头一皱。 What authority did Huai Bingyi have to say? Now reason that does not attack Floating Heaven Palace, reason that does not slaughter to these Heavenly Grave Priest , because these 800 Heavenly Grave Priest are Sub-King Level, even the King Level powerhouse, the Dragon Emperor puppet can absorb Strength of all people. 怀病已有什么权力这么说?现在之所以不攻打浮天宫,之所以不对这些天墓祭师大开杀戒,是因为这800名天墓祭师都是亚王级,甚至王级强者,龙帝傀儡可以吸取所有人的力量 Strength of these people are precious, can use with the peak decisive battle of Demon Emperor Lan Ling. 这些人的力量非常珍贵,和魔帝兰陵的巅峰决战能够用上。 Therefore, the Sky Temple interior can civil war, as far as possible not want the civil war. 所以,天空圣殿内部能够不内战,就尽量不要内战。 Although then, Huai Bingyi pledges this condition to exceed authority, but acts according to the special circumstances, temporarily did not apply makeup. 那么,尽管怀病已开出这个条件非常越权,但事急从权,也就暂时不去打脸了。 Huai Bingyi sneers saying: So long as holds Demon Emperor disobedient son Fu Zilin, holds rebel Fu Lingxi to offer, Sky Temple has a position, doesn't have the will of the people to move?” 怀病已冷笑道:“只要抓住魔帝逆子伏子临,抓住叛逆伏灵兮献上,天空圣殿就有一个位置,难道没有人心动吗?” 800 Heavenly Grave Priest in Floating Heaven Palace are ready to make trouble. 浮天宫内的800名天墓祭师更加蠢蠢欲动。 Suddenly...... 忽然…… Sub-King Level surrender Heavenly Grave Priest flashes before runs out, under the waist is clamping Fu Lingxi, arrives at Fu Zilin, picks him, to/clashes toward Huai Bingyi. 一个亚王级投降天墓祭师闪现冲出,腰下夹着伏灵兮,来到伏子临的身后,将他夹起,朝着怀病已这边冲过来。 Ji Xiuning in energy prison( the Hell Knight fourth child) sneers saying: Imperial prince your highness is captured, haven't you rescued? Also stands not to have here?” 能量囚牢内的姬秀宁地狱骑士老四)冷笑道:“皇子殿下被擒,你们还不救驾?还站在这里毫无所动?” In Heavenly Grave Priest hearts of 800 surrenders shouted abuse. 800名投降的天墓祭师心中破口大骂。 Paternal grandmother, you act so are unexpectedly quick, has robbed Fu Lingxi and Fu Zilin all of a sudden gives to Sky Temple, gives to the Dragon Emperor puppet? Too greedy, did not know that keeps one to us? 奶奶的,你动作竟然那么快,一下子抢走了伏灵兮伏子临献给天空圣殿,献给龙帝傀儡?太贪心了吧,也不晓得给我们留一个? Naturally, a moment ago during enough several minutes, they had not begun to hold Fu Zilin and Fu Lingxi give to Sky Temple. Because they do not dare, now others began, their having a mind fresh envy, hated itself to start late. 当然,刚才足足几分钟之间,他们也没有动手抓住伏子临伏灵兮献给天空圣殿。因为他们不敢,现在别人动手了,他们有心生妒忌,痛恨自己下手得太晚了。 Sees nobody to begin, Ji Xiuning( the Hell Knight fourth child) said: Really is one group of shameless ones, do not forget that you have set up the god Dragon Blood oath, has signed the energy contract.” 见到没有人动手,姬秀宁地狱骑士老四)道:“真是一群无耻之徒,别忘记了,你们是立过神龙血誓的,是签过能量契约的。” This saying, 800 Heavenly Grave Priest neutralities inscribe the person to get angry: We are only the pretended surrenders, is to have a look at you to have any mean method. Now Dragon Emperor your majesty rebirth, you ended.” 这话一出,800名天墓祭师中立刻有人怒道:“我们只是诈降而已,就是想要看看你们有什么卑鄙的手段。现在龙帝陛下重生,你们完了。” Right, right, right, we are only pretended surrender Demon Emperor, we are loyal to Sky Temple, to surrender how possibly?” The Heavenly Grave Priest neutrality of surrender inscribes person to respond. “对,对,没错,我们只是诈降魔帝而已,我们对天空圣殿忠贞不二,怎么可能会投降?”投降的天墓祭师中立刻有人响应。 Ji Xiuning cold say/way: You have surrendered with great difficulty, now also double dealings, doesn't fear Demon Emperor your majesty the penalty?” 姬秀宁冷道:“你们好不容易投降了,如今又两面三刀,不怕魔帝陛下之惩罚吗?” A Heavenly Grave Priest cold sound said of surrender: Demon Emperor Lan Ling? Now his son were grasped, has not seen him to have any action, he radically is helpless, exhausted the bag of clumsy tricks. He cannot break through energy shield, previous time he performs Demon Emperor Doppelganger using the body of Kui Shuangshuang (Twin Viper), do not think that we do not know. But now you were imprisoned in the energy prison, even if he got up your body to perform Demon Emperor Doppelganger to be also useless, came out.” 一名投降的天墓祭师寒声道:“魔帝兰陵?现在他儿子都被抓了,也没有见他有任何举动,他根本就是无能为力,黔驴技穷了。他根本突破不了能量罩,上一次他只是利用蝰双双的身体上演魔帝分身而已,别以为我们不知道。而现在你被囚禁在能量囚牢里面,就算他上了你的身体上演魔帝分身也没有用,也出来。” Hahaha......” Huai Bingyi laughs saying: Said well, moreover Demon Emperor Lan Ling does not dare to perform Demon Emperor Doppelganger. Because of Dragon Emperor your majesty here , he if dares to perform Demon Emperor Doppelganger, Dragon Emperor your majesty dares to give to rip him, making him sweep the floor dignifiedly, cannot bluster.” 哈哈哈……”怀病已大笑道:“说得好,而且魔帝兰陵也不敢上演魔帝分身了。因为龙帝陛下就在这里,他要是敢上演魔帝分身的话,龙帝陛下就敢把他给撕了,让他威严扫地,再也不能虚张声势。” Then, Huai Bingyi laughs saying: Demon Emperor Lan Ling only after arriving at Sky Temple, has been causing to cheat, is blustering, is using the Sky Temple civil strife. Can he have itself to fight a war truly? Fights a war frankly and uprightly? Absolutely does not have! Why? Because he is incompetent, he only will cause to cheat, he from beginning to end is one incompetent and person who is good at acting in a play. This time shameless person, second to none!” 接着,怀病已大笑道:“魔帝兰陵只从来到天空圣殿之后,一直都是在使诈,都是在虚张声势,都是在利用天空圣殿的内乱。他可有自己真正打一仗吗?光明正大地打一仗吗?完全没有!为什么?因为他无能,他就只会使诈,他从头到尾都是一个无能而又擅长演戏的人。这时间无耻之人,无出其右啊!” At this time, Heavenly Grave Priest that relapse makes a political recantation is clamping Fu Zilin and Fu Lingxi rushes to Huai Bingyi and the others the front, toward Dragon Emperor puppet kneeling evil ways: Crime feudal official knew that Fu Lingxi and Fu Zilin are stirring up Heavenly Grave Priest to make a political recantation, therefore the camouflage surrender, seeks for the opportunity to start, invited your majesty intelligent apprehension.” 此时,那个反复变节的天墓祭师夹着伏子临伏灵兮冲到怀病已等人的面前,朝着龙帝傀儡跪下道:“罪臣得知伏灵兮伏子临正在煽动天墓祭师变节,所以伪装投降,寻找时机下手,请陛下明察。” Huai Bingyi looks at one toward the Sky Temple three big giants, then said with a smile: This Heavenly Grave Priest senior statesman, you make well, Sky Temple will have your chair very much in the future.” 怀病已朝着天空圣殿三大巨头望去一眼,然后笑道:“这位天墓祭师元老,你做得很好,未来天空圣殿有你的一张椅子。” At this time, Fu Zilin obloquies saying: Huai Bingyi, I will certainly kill you, has killed you......” 此时,伏子临大骂道:“怀病已,我一定会杀了你,杀了你……” Huai Bingyi went forward, aims at a Fu Zilin fiercely slap and slap in the face fan in the past. 怀病已上前,对准伏子临猛地一阵耳光扇过去。 Immediately, flies several meters ten -year-old Fu Zilin fans, then walks to step his chest, laughs saying: Demon Emperor Lan Ling, your biological son was stepped on by me in the under foot, so long as I made an effort to make his heart slightly split open died thoroughly. Your son must be stamped by me immediately, you where?” 顿时,将十岁的伏子临扇飞出去十几米,然后走过去踩住他的胸口,大笑道:“魔帝兰陵,你的亲生儿子被我踩在脚下,只要我稍稍一用力就可以让他心脏迸裂彻底死去。你的儿子马上就要被我踩死了,你在哪里啊?” Without any response! 没有任何回应! Hahahaha......” Huai Bingyi laughs to say insolent: „Did great family see? Saw? His son must be stamped by me immediately, Demon Emperor Lan Ling has not appeared, what has this proven? Showed that he is helpless, he could not save oneself child. Such incompetent, shameless Demon Emperor, is only a clown, acting in a play that can only bluster, do you also want to give loyalty to him? Haven't you realized your mistake?” 哈哈哈哈……”怀病已张狂大笑道:“大家看到了没有?看到了没有?他的儿子马上要被我踩死了,魔帝兰陵都没有出现,这证明了什么?证明他根本无能为力,他根本救不了自己的孩子。这样无能,无耻的魔帝,只是一个小丑而已,就只会虚张声势的演戏,你们难道还要效忠他吗?你们难道还没有认识到自己的错误吗?” At this time, 800 Heavenly Grave Priest whole bodies that in Floating Heaven Palace surrenders tremble. 此时,浮天宫内投降的800名天墓祭师全身瑟瑟发抖。 Kneels down!” Huai Bingyi drinks greatly. “跪下!”怀病已一身大喝。 In Floating Heaven Palace, 800 have surrendered Demon Emperor Lan Ling Heavenly Grave Priest, kneels down completely neatly, kotows said: Pays a visit Dragon Emperor your majesty.” 浮天宫内,800名已经投降了魔帝兰陵天墓祭师,全部整齐跪下,叩首道:“拜见龙帝陛下。” Huai Bingyi said: Said, you and Demon Emperor Lan Ling is unable to co-exist.” 怀病已道:“说,你们和魔帝兰陵势不两立。” In Floating Heaven Palace 800 Heavenly Grave Priest of these surrenders hurry saying: We and Demon Emperor Lan Ling is unable to co-exist.” 浮天宫内那些投降的800名天墓祭师赶紧跟着道:“我们和魔帝兰陵势不两立。” Huai Bingyi said: A while kills Demon Emperor evil child Fu Zilin, great family begins together, is Sky Temple accept cast describes, draws a sword!” 怀病已道:“一会儿杀魔帝孽子伏子临,大家一起动手,为天空圣殿纳投名状,拔剑!” Immediately, surrender Lan Ling 800 Heavenly Grave Priest draw out the sword, must kill child of Fu Zilin Demon Emperor, is Sky Priest accept cast describes, expressed that does not have the escape route again. 顿时,投降兰陵的800名天墓祭师拔出剑,要杀魔帝之子伏子临,为天空祭师纳投名状,表示再无退路。 Huai Bingyi laughed heartily, then looks to Fu Lingxi, said: Fu Lingxi, we give you again an opportunity. You begin to kill the Fu Zilin first blade, we forgive your Undying, was this final opportunity?” 怀病已哈哈大笑,然后望向伏灵兮,道:“伏灵兮,我们再给你一次机会。你来动手杀伏子临第一刀,我们就饶你不死,这是最后的机会了哦?” That Heavenly Grave Priest has put Fu Lingxi, then hands in a sword her hand. 那名天墓祭师伏灵兮放了,然后将一支剑递到她的手里。 Fu Lingxi arrives at the Fu Zilin front slowly. 伏灵兮缓缓走到伏子临的面前。 The smiling face on Huai Bingyi face becomes gloomy and cold, every single word or phrase said: Begins Fu Lingxi, so long as you puncture the Fu Zilin first sword, we forgive your life, you can not use.” 怀病已脸上的笑容变得阴冷,一字一句道:“动手吧伏灵兮,只要你刺伏子临第一剑,我们就饶你一命,你就可以不用死了。” Fu Lingxi looked at ground Fu Zilin, on the face has been filling stubbornly, but also was really fearless. 伏灵兮望着地上的伏子临,脸上充满了倔强,还真是毫无畏惧。 She closes the eye long time. 她闭上眼睛良久。 Huai Bingyi cold sound said: You also in what? If you do not begin, must put to death by dismemberment the execution livingly!” 怀病已寒声道:“你还在等什么?你若不动手,就要被活生生凌迟处死!” Fu Lingxi opens the beautiful pupil, said: This whole life, I have been speculating, is revolting. Shameless, does not have the bottom line. I have revolted Ashi Luo, but Suo Lun potential big time, I flatter Suo Lun. However after discovering the Suo Lun Lord of Demon Star status, betrays him immediately. After arriving at Sky Temple, I betrayed Evil Faction, has hired oneself Ning Wuya. After the Ning Wuya potential is weak, I betrayed him to hire oneself Tian Daoqi. Demon Emperor Lan Ling attacks Sky Temple to be irresistible, I again revolted, have hired oneself Demon Emperor Lan Ling. Now the aspect probably changed, Sky Temple becomes fierce, Demon Emperor Lan Ling as if had the potential to be weak, I should again revolt, again surrender Sky Temple was right?” 伏灵兮睁开美眸,道:“这辈子,我一直都在投机,都在叛变。无耻之极,毫无底线可言。我叛变了阿史罗,而索伦势大的时候,我去巴结索伦。但是发现索伦妖星之主身份后,又立刻将他出卖。来到天空圣殿之后,我又背叛了邪统派,投靠了宁无涯宁无涯势弱之后,我又背叛他投靠了天道奇魔帝兰陵攻打天空圣殿势不可挡,我又再一次叛变,投靠了魔帝兰陵。现在局面好像又变了,天空圣殿又变得厉害起来,魔帝兰陵仿佛有势弱了,我应该再一次叛变,再一次投降天空圣殿对吗?” Yes, therefore begins.” Huai Bingyi said: Your trimming one's sails great family knows, has no need embarrassed.” “是,所以动手吧。”怀病已道:“你的见风使舵大家都知道,用不着不好意思。” Fu Lingxi said: My this whole life is speculating, I again make the last time congenial. I also bet Demon Emperor Lan Ling to win, you will be finished. Therefore I do not surrender, I do not begin to kill Fu Zilin.” 伏灵兮道:“我这辈子都在投机,那我就再做最后一次投机吧。我还赌魔帝兰陵会赢,你们会完蛋。所以我不投降,我不动手杀伏子临。” Huai Bingyi cold sound said: „Were you insane?” 怀病已寒声道:“你疯了?” Fu Lingxi said: No, I not insane, I instead compared at any time calm. This is my last congeniality, is last gambling, I will bet Lan Ling to win.” 伏灵兮道:“不,我没有疯,我反而比任何时候都冷静。这是我最后一次投机,也是最后一次赌博,我赌兰陵会赢。” Huai Bingyi sneers saying: Right? Such being the case, you do not need to live, knows?” 怀病已冷笑道:“是吗?既然如此,那你也就没有必要活了,知道吗?” Fu Lingxi said: This is my final speculation.” 伏灵兮道:“这是我最后的投机。” Huai Bingyi draws out to execute Demon Sword , aims at the heart of Fu Lingxi, pricks fiercely! 怀病已拔出诛魔剑,对准伏灵兮的心脏,猛地刺入! punctures......” “噗刺……” Instantaneous, the chest of Fu Lingxi was pierced, in the mouth the blood overflows. 瞬间,伏灵兮的胸膛被刺穿,口中鲜血溢出。 Huai Bingyi sneers saying: „To bet, must have the life.” 怀病已冷笑道:“就算想要赌,也要有性命。” Then, he aims at the head of Fu Lingxi to pat fiercely. 然后,他对准伏灵兮的脑袋猛地拍下。 Immediately, the Fu Lingxi seven orifices hemorrhage, the fragrant disappearing jade damages, died thoroughly. 顿时,伏灵兮七窍出血,香消玉损,彻底死去。 Then, Huai Bingyi takes the sword to aim at the Fu Zilin hip by-path: Makes me come this first sword, you hit the teacher, the natural justice is intolerable, I castrate you castrate.” 然后,怀病已拿着剑对准伏子临的胯间道:“就让我来动这第一剑吧,你打老师,天理难容,我就将你阉割去势吧。” Then, Huai Bingyi is bellowing to say to the heaven: Demon Emperor Lan Ling, your son must be castrated by me, you where? Your incompetent person of this blustering!” 而后,怀病已对着苍天大吼道:“魔帝兰陵,你的儿子要被我阉割了,你在哪里啊?你这个虚张声势的无能之辈!” Oh......” suddenly, in air transmits a sigh. “唉……”忽然,空气中传来一阵叹息。 Then, the innumerable Heavenly Grave Priest energy, from the sky condenses together the form elegantly. 然后,无数天墓祭师的能量飘逸而出,在空中凝聚成一道身影。 Demon Emperor Lan Ling! 魔帝兰陵 His body is getting bigger and bigger, is getting higher and higher. 他身体越来越大,越来越高。 I saw a play to look well, you must compel me to appear actually, is insincere.” Demon Emperor Lan Ling sighed: Today this play, splendid! World best actor, in your Sky Temple.” “我本来看戏看得好好啊,你硬是要逼着我出现,不厚道啊。”魔帝兰陵叹息道:“今天这出戏,精彩啊!天下最好的演员,都在你们天空圣殿啊。” What is the best actor? That thoroughly abandons the person of face, can become a good actor.” Demon Emperor Lan Ling sets out, arrives at the son Fu Zilin front, touches his cheek saying: Clever son, does very well. However the understanding is quite shallow, therefore father immediately has not appeared, to let you sees clearly this, knows?” “什么是最好的演员呢?那就是彻底抛弃脸面之人,才能成为一个好的演员。”魔帝兰陵起身,来到儿子伏子临的面前,摸了摸他的脸蛋道:“乖儿子,做得很好。但是认识比较浅,所以爸爸就没有立刻出现,就是为了让你看清楚这一幕,知道吗?” The Fu Zilin tears gush out unceasingly, want to shout that a father, actually completely cannot make the sound. 伏子临泪水不断涌出,想要喊一声爸爸,却完全发不出声音来。 Demon Emperor Lan Ling looks at Heavenly Grave Priest that 800 surrenders are betraying saying: Heavenly Grave Priest, my son and Fu Lingxi to win over you, has dismissed the rich condition to you, lengthens life hundred years old , is young 50 -year-old, your sons must become the Human State rulers. I can certainly achieve, achieves easily. However does not want to give you these trash. After you stand the god Dragon Blood oath has signed to sell into servitude the contract, helps me construct Transcend Heaven Divine Dragon Great Tower, your use values did not have. Then, the appearance of Dragon Emperor puppet makes you be scared, you again betrayed. Then, my son accepts your conditions, does not need to cash. Many thanks helping of trash, thanked. Less advanced movie king Lan Ling, thanks politely senior!” 魔帝兰陵望着800名投降又背叛的天墓祭师道:“诸位天墓祭师,我儿子和伏灵兮为了拉拢你们,给你们开除了丰厚的条件,又是延长性命百岁,又是年轻50岁,你们的儿子还要成为人类国度的统治者。我当然能做到,轻而易举地做到。但是又不想给你们这些垃圾。所以等到你们立了神龙血誓签下卖身契约之后,又帮助我修建了通天神龙巨塔,你们的利用价值就没有了。然后,龙帝傀儡的出现让你们又吓破了胆子,你们又再一次背叛了。如此一来,我儿子答应你们的条件,就都不需要兑现了。多谢诸位垃圾的成全,谢谢了。后进影帝兰陵,拜谢诸位前辈!” The Heavenly Grave Priest thunder great change that this saying, 800 surrenders again betray, is dumb as a wooden chicken. 这话一出,800名投降又再一次背叛的天墓祭师雷霆巨变,呆若木鸡。 It seems like, no matter city or rural area, or is Sky Temple. No matter your faces are thick-skinned, plans depth, deeply my Demon Emperor Lan Ling repertoire.” Demon Emperor Lan Ling laughed heartily. “看来,不管是城市还是农村,又或者是天空圣殿。不管是你们的脸皮厚,心机深,也深不过我魔帝兰陵的套路啊。”魔帝兰陵哈哈大笑 Then, his vision looks to Fu Lingxi, sighed the sound said: Reason that but, I endure to appear now, to wait for your Fu Lingxi is betraying again, like this I can kill you justifiablily. But has not thought that your time actually does not betray, it seems like I could not kill you,...... From now on, your my gratitude and grudges write off, well dull at home, do not exit to damage!” 接着,他目光望向伏灵兮,叹声道:“不过,我之所以忍到现在才出现,就是为了等着你伏灵兮再一次背叛,这样我就能名正言顺杀了你。但没有想到你这一次竟然不背叛了,看来我是真的杀不了你啊,罢罢罢……今后,你我恩怨一笔勾销吧,你就好好呆在家里,不要出去就祸害了!” Then, Demon Emperor Lan Ling resurrected easily Fu Lingxi! 说罢,魔帝兰陵轻而易举地复活了伏灵兮 ...... …… Note: The first more than 4000 characters deliver, Bai request supports, thanks great family. 注:第一更4000多字送上,拜求支持,谢谢大家 Number of words are many, therefore renewal bowl. 字数多,所以更新碗了。
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