WDDG :: Volume #4

#367: Being faced with imminent disaster

After breaking up, everyone departs in a hurry, because the time is very tight, although these people have some are the elders, but must be responsible for managing Martial Courtyard various things. 散会之后,所有人都匆匆离去,因为时间很紧迫,这些人虽然有一些是长老,但还是要负责管理武院的各种事物。 Only then Shen Xiang also stays here. 只有沈翔还留在这里。 After waiting for these people to walk away, Gu Dongchen hastily asked: Young Martial Uncle, did you see Junior Sister? I have said with her, this period of time cannot close up, but does not see her trace now!” 等那些人走远之后,古东辰急忙问道:“小师叔,你看见师妹了吗?我早就和她说过,这段时间不能闭关的,但现在一直都不见她的踪影!” Shen Xiang shakes the head saying: I have also looked for her, but she probably not in Extreme Dan King Courtyard!” 沈翔摇摇头说道:“我也一直找她,但她好像不在太丹王院!” Even Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming found Elder Dan, Shen Xiang could not find, she is fierce Alchemist, the strength is also very strong, was Extreme Martial Sect's big Big Shot, the heroic congress was short of her, will definitely make the Extreme Martial Sect's strength seemingly weak much. 古东辰武开明都找到丹长老,沈翔更加找不到了,她可是一个厉害的炼丹师,实力又很强,是太武门的一大巨头,英雄大会少了她,肯定会让太武门的实力看起来弱不少。 Shen Xiang when the Danxiang Taoyuan grand meeting has seen Elder Dan, at that time Elder Dan sent Five Elements True Elemental Dan herbs to him, later he had not seen again. 沈翔丹香桃源盛会的时候见过一次丹长老,那时候丹长老给他送来五行真元丹药材,之后他就再没有见过了。 Although said that Elder Dan mysteriously appears and disappears frequently, but in this crucial point has not appeared now, makes Gu Dongchen they worry. 虽然说丹长老经常神出鬼没,但现在这种节骨眼上还没有出现,就让古东辰他们非常着急。 Tomorrow exactly what happened? Very danger(ous)? Do I also want to go?” Shen Xiang asked that if danger(ous) also made him bring death, he will definitely not go. “明天到底会发生什么事情?很危险吗?我也要去吗?”沈翔问道,如果危险还让他去送死,他肯定不会去的。 Gu Dongchen hesitated, said: This was difficult saying that cannot go to yourself to decide, had you not to have your one type in any case when the time comes! However the words that you go, can see very rare scene actually,...... I am also hard to figure out as for danger(ous)!” 古东辰沉吟了一下,说道:“这个难说,去不去你自己决定,反正到时候有你没你都一个样!不过你去的话,倒是能看见非常少有场面,至于危险嘛……我也难以确定呀!” Shen Xiang shrugs, said: I look for Old Lunatic to ask, you look for that woman!” 沈翔耸了耸肩,道:“我去找老疯子问问,你们自己去找那个女人吧!” Gu Dongchen hastily is drawing Shen Xiang, said with a smile: Young Martial Uncle, you also really have to plant! unexpectedly such frequent sees him, originally I must go, that present Young Martial Uncle you help me ask while convenient, having a look at his senior to have what view to this matter!” 古东辰急忙拉着沈翔,笑道:“小师叔,你还真有种呀!竟然这么频繁的去见他,本来我也要去的,那现在小师叔你就顺便帮我问问,看看他老人家对这件事有什么看法!” Shen Xiang scolded one lowly, then departs in a hurry, he has not thought that Gu Dongchen unexpectedly will fear Huang Jintian, now he felt now and after Master was familiar, little received suffered. 沈翔低骂了一声,便匆匆离去,他没想到古东辰竟然会这么惧怕黄锦天,现在他觉得现在和师傅熟悉了之后,少受了许多折磨。 In that deep hole, Huang Jintian is testing a very big cow, does not know where he makes . Moreover the meat that his also one very unique seasonings, roast is fragrant, is delicious, this is also Shen Xiang feels the quite good matter in Hell, because can eat delicious. 那个深坑之中,黄锦天正在考一头很大的牛,也不知道他是从哪里弄来的,而且他还有一种非常独特调料,烤出来的肉都非常香,非常美味,这也是沈翔在“地狱”中觉得比较好的事情,因为能吃到许多好吃的。 Let alone the words, waited to finish eating said again!” Huang Jintian is gazing at that cow, directs Shen Xiang to control Heavenly Sun Fire to roast that cow with the hand signal. “别说话,等吃完再说!”黄锦天注视着那头牛,用手势指挥着沈翔控制天阳之火来烤着那头牛。 If under Netherworld Abyss fire beast knows that Shen Xiang comes the barbecue to eat with this Heavenly Sun Fire, can definitely be mad spits blood, moreover frequently, naturally, this is Huang Jintian this Old Lunatic makes Shen Xiang do, he said the meat that Heavenly Sun Fire roasts is quite delicious. 如果是幽冥深渊底下的火兽知道沈翔用这天阳之火来烤肉吃,肯定会气得吐血,而且还是经常,当然,这都是黄锦天老疯子沈翔做的,他说天阳之火烤出来的肉比较好吃。 Quick, that monster cow roasted ripe, Shen Xiang and Huang Jintian launched a competition, whom looked at to eat quickly, ate a lot...... 很快,那头妖牛就烤熟了,沈翔黄锦天展开了一场大赛,看谁吃得快,吃得多…… After eats, Shen Xiang lazy by rock wall, looks under deep hole that warm warm yellow ray, side that deep pool clear water wave light is clear, his suddenly feels under this deep hole to be good, unexpectedly is very beautiful. 饱餐过后,沈翔慵懒的靠在石壁上面,看着深坑底下那种温馨暖黄色的光芒,旁边那一潭清水波光粼粼,他突然觉得这深坑底下还算不错,竟然还挺美的。 Master, Little Featherhead said that tomorrow must hold the heroic congress, looks at his appearance, probably Extreme Martial Sect must be finished such.” Shen Xiang said, he wants to go to him to get down now here is must do. 师傅,小毛头说明天就要召开英雄大会了,看他那模样,好像太武门要完蛋了那样。”沈翔说道,他现在才想去他下来这里是要干什么的。 Huang Jintian said with a smile: little rascal, you will also go to Hero Mountain to open mind tomorrow! Also, no matter what happened, do not blame Little Featherhead they!” 黄锦天笑道:“小鬼,明天你也去英雄山开开眼界吧!还有,不管发生什么事情,你都不要怪小毛头他们!” Why said? Will they process not well?” Shen Xiang frowned, his suddenly has not a good premonition. “为什么这么说?他们难道会处理得不好?”沈翔眉头一皱,他突然有一种不好的预感。 Hehe, I saw that you will be faced with imminent disaster, when the time comes you must be more careful!” Huang Jintian said with a smile. 嘿嘿,我看出你将会大难临头,到时候你还得小心一些!”黄锦天笑道。 The Shen Xiang corner of the eye is beating, Huang Jintian can forecast the future matter, therefore he highly believes Huang Jintian. 沈翔眼角跳动着,黄锦天能预测未来的事情,所以他非常相信黄锦天 Master, do not crack a joke!” The Shen Xiang forced smile said. 师傅,你别开玩笑了!”沈翔苦笑道。 I have not cracked a joke, you must be faced with imminent disaster, haha...... little rascal, do not die when the time comes!” Huang Jintian acts like a madman to smile, Shen Xiang wishes one could ruthlessly the fan his two palms of the hand, oneself disciple was faced with imminent disaster, he also smiles unexpectedly that happily. “我没开玩笑,你就要大难临头了,哈哈……小鬼,到时候你可别死啰!”黄锦天疯疯癫癫笑着,沈翔恨不得狠狠扇他两巴掌,自己徒弟大难临头了,他居然还笑得那么开心。 „Can Master...... what happened? Is entire Extreme Martial Sect is faced with imminent disaster, am I faced with imminent disaster?” The Shen Xiang whole face asked bitterly and astringently. 师傅……到底要发生什么事情?是整个太武门大难临头,还是我大难临头?”沈翔满脸苦涩地问道。 Is you! If you want to know exactly, may want tomorrow the heroic congress time can know! Regarding this matter, I, although did not approve, but did not oppose! Moreover this to you is also a very big test!” Huang Jintian said with a smile. “是你!如果你想知道确切的,可能要明天英雄大会的时候才能知晓!对于这件事,我虽然不赞成,但也不反对!而且这对你来说也是一个很大的考验!”黄锦天笑道。 The Shen Xiang bare derelict land sits there, vigorous pounds a stone in the water, he knows Huang Jintian said is not definitely false. 沈翔秃废地坐在那里,大力的把一块石头砸在水中,他知道黄锦天说的肯定不假。 Relax little rascal, you are my disciple, although you have the disaster, but I promise you, I guarantee your undying! You from now on are one also want the crazy fellow compared with my old man, on the day of I anticipate.” Huang Jintian haha said while loudly laughing. “放心吧小鬼,你是我的徒弟,虽然你有大难,但我答应你,我保你不死!你今后可是一个要比我老头儿还要疯狂的家伙,我可是非常期待那天的。”黄锦天哈哈大笑道 Shen Xiang also wants to ask something, was actually trampled by Huang Jintian, he feels that to be kicked painful buttocks very much, after deep hole cursed several, then hurries back Extreme Dan King Courtyard. 沈翔还想问一些事情,却被黄锦天一脚踹了上去,他摸着那被踢得很痛的屁股,对着深坑大骂了几声之后,便匆匆返回太丹王院 Gu Dongchen unexpectedly in the entrance he, he sees Shen Xiang to arrive, then smiles to ask: Young Martial Uncle, did you ask?” 古东辰竟然在门口等他,他看见沈翔来到,便笑问道:“小师叔,你问了没有?” Asked, Old Lunatic said that my anything is faced with imminent disaster, in brief tomorrow I may have bad luck.” Shen Xiang raised this matter, in the heart was uncomfortable, there is a lump at heart such. “问了,老疯子说我什么大难临头的,总之明天我可能会倒霉。”沈翔提起这件事,心中就非常不爽,有一个疙瘩在心里头那样。 He added that regardless of what happened, makes me not blame you! Exactly what happened?” Shen Xiang is watching intently Gu Dongchen. “他还说,无论发生了什么事情,都让我别怪罪你!到底会发生什么事情?”沈翔逼视着古东辰 Entire...... you will know tomorrow!” Gu Dongchen is rubbing hands to say. “整个……明天你就会知道了!”古东辰搓着手说道。 Shen Xiang low coldly snorted: Tomorrow I will not attend the heroic congress, I thought the matter that anything is faced with imminent disaster can also happen.” 沈翔哼了一声:“明天我不去参加英雄大会了,我看那什么大难临头的事情还会不会发生。” Same meeting, but you best or go! Some of my a lot are busy, I first walked!” The Gu Dongchen look was somewhat afraid, said that walked in a hurry. “一样会的,不过你最好还是去一趟!我还有很多事情要忙,我先走了!”古东辰的眼神有些心虚,说完就匆匆的走了。 Shen Xiang scolded several lowly, he always thought that Gu Dongchen must sell him probably was the same. 沈翔低骂了几句,他总觉得古东辰好像要把他卖了一样。 He must tell others, I and Elder Sister Meng'er relationship? Also or is Hua Xiangyue has relationship? But doesn't this have the advantage to him?” Shen Xiang has mind filled with the doubts, he arrived at that small medicine garden. “难道他要告诉其他人,我和梦儿姐关系?又或者是和花香月关系?但这对他没有好处呀?”沈翔满腹疑惑,他来到了那个小药园 Master, my parents nearby this, you best not to let out me, I do not want to go back with their together!” Profound Beast Bag inside Small White Tiger said timidly. “主人,我爹娘就在这附近,你最好别把我放出去,我不想回去和他们在一起!”玄兽袋里面的小白虎怯怯地说道。 Zhenzhen, you felt relieved!” Shen Xiang laughs, he does not leave himself like this Small White Tiger, after all this is an own trump card. 珍珍,你就放心好了!”沈翔嘻嘻一笑,他也不像这小白虎离开自己,毕竟这可是自己的一张王牌。 Su Meiyao said: little rascal, you pack the thing at the same night, tomorrow will likely happen to your disadvantageous matter!” 苏媚瑶说道:“小坏蛋,你连夜收拾好东西,明天可能会发生对你不利的事情!” What do I have to be good to tidy up?” Shen Xiang knows certainly that tomorrow are hapless, he is very also calm. “我有什么好收拾的?”沈翔当然知道明天自己要倒霉,他现在也十分淡定了。 All transfers to your small medicine garden our, best make trim spirit farm.” The Su Meiyao's sound is somewhat anxious. “把你的小药园全部移到我们这里面来,最好把一整片灵田都弄进来。”苏媚瑶的声音有些焦急。 This?” Shen Xiang asked that went in Lane medicine garden to two females handles, moreover can bring medicine garden along, like this he will not lack herbs. “这可以吗?”沈翔问道,把药园进去给两女打理,而且还能随身带着一个药园,这样他就不会缺少药材了。
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