WDDG :: Volume #4

#366: Yin clear uncertain

Relax! We will not submit, Chenwu Mainland good and bad is also Eastern Sea famous continent, moreover here Martial Dao is time-honored, I believe that Gu Dongchen will have the means to deal with, I do not know as for other sect.” Liu Meng'er strokes Xue Xianxian's beautiful hair, the smile was saying. “放心吧!我们不会屈服的,辰武大陆好歹也是东海有名的大陆,而且这里武道历史悠久,我相信古东辰会有办法应付的,至于其他门派我就不知道了。”柳梦儿抚摸着薛仙仙的秀发,微笑道。 Leng Youlan takes that the big sword, said valiantly: Older Brother, you are insincere, teaches Holy Light Church that group of fellows time, why did not call me!” 冷幽兰拿着那把大剑,彪悍地说道:“老哥,你太不厚道了,教训圣光教那群家伙的时候,为什么不叫上我呀!” The Shen Xiang forced smile said: Youlan, where do I want to result in so many at that time? Later also some are the opportunity makes you hit.” 沈翔苦笑道:“幽兰,那时候我哪想得了这么多?以后还有的是机会让你打。” This white hair beautiful woman is a violent female, if not this time period she challenges too many people, satisfies a craving, otherwise she will also be entangling Shen Xiang, lets Shen Xiang and she contends in martial arts. 这白发美人就是一个暴力女,如果不是这阵子她挑战太多人,过足了瘾,否则她还会缠着沈翔,让沈翔和她比武的。 Now she once for a while makes Shen Xiang call to contest with her Xiao Chou, Shen Xiang does not dare, Xiao Chou is also one very combative, moreover Herculean Clan, a fellow of muscle, does not understand to show tender affection, he worried that Leng Youlan will be injured. 现在她就时不时的让沈翔萧仇叫来和她过招,沈翔可不敢,萧仇也是一个很好斗的,而且还是大力族,一根筋的家伙,根本不懂得怜香惜玉,他担心冷幽兰会被打伤。 Leng Youlan said with a snort: If my Icewind Valley's Valley Master pledges allegiance to that Holy Light Church, I am separated from Icewind Valley immediately, did not have the strength of spirit!” 冷幽兰哼道:“如果我冰风谷的谷主归顺那圣光教的话,我立马脱离冰风谷,太没有骨气了!” Shen Xiang secretly titter, because Icewind Valley's Valley Master is Liu Meng'er, but Leng Youlan has not known now. 沈翔暗暗偷笑着,因为冰风谷的谷主就是柳梦儿,只是冷幽兰现在还不知道。 Leng Youlan was saying to be saying, Xue Xianxian is going to the backyard martial arts contest on drawing, in the Leng Youlan bone is flowing the blood of fight, making Shen Xiang feel what unreadable is, Xue Xianxian does not feel unexpectedly bothersome, but also hits delighted with Leng Youlan. 冷幽兰说着说着,就拉着薛仙仙去后院比武,冷幽兰骨子里面都流淌着战斗的血液,让沈翔感到难以理解的是,薛仙仙居然也不觉得烦,还和冷幽兰打得不亦乐乎。 Elder Sister Meng'er, how Hua Xiangyue this hasn't Demon Spirit come?” Shen Xiang lies on the window, looks in the following courtyard to compete with the palm technique two females, is inquiring Liu Meng'er with Divine Sense. 梦儿姐,花香月妖精怎么没来呀?”沈翔趴在窗子上面,看着下面院子里正在比试掌法的两女,用神识询问着柳梦儿 I have given her these herbs, she said that will help me refine! Where went to as for her, I was not clear.” The Liu Meng'er response said, for serveral days Shen Xiang always wants to be intimate with her, but she actually does not dare, after all Xue Xianxian and Leng Youlan, if were discovered, that issue was big. “我已经把那些药材交给她了,她说会帮我炼制出来的!至于她去哪里了,我也不清楚。”柳梦儿回应道,这些天来沈翔总是想和她亲热,但她却不敢,毕竟薛仙仙冷幽兰都在,如果被发现了,那问题就大了。 She knows that these herbs are my?” Shen Xiang asked. “她知道那些药材是我的吗?”沈翔问道。 Knows, she also was very at that time surprised, moreover...... is a little also jealous.” Liu Meng'er haughty smiles, because Shen Xiang has not given Hua Xiangyue, only gave to her. “知道,她当时也很吃惊,而且……还有点吃醋。”柳梦儿得意一笑,因为沈翔没有送给花香月,只送给了她。 Hua Xiangyue is fierce Alchemist, he listened to Gu Dongchen saying that Alchemist of this rank, Eastern Sea also only had several, moreover was some is old, therefore the Hua Xiangyue's fame in Eastern Sea, and even on entire Mortal World was very big. Liu Meng'er at most also in the Eastern Sea a little fame , high level Alchemist be better than Refining Master, for example Liu Meng'er must ask Hua Xiangyue to help her alchemy. 花香月是个厉害的炼丹师,他听古东辰说过,这种级别的炼丹师,东海也只有几个,而且都是一些很年老的,所以花香月的名气在东海,乃至整个凡界上面都很大。柳梦儿顶多也只是在东海有点名气,,高阶炼丹师要比炼器师好,比如柳梦儿就得请花香月帮她炼丹 Elder Sister Meng'er, Hua Xiangyue this Demon Spirit must be my maidservant, I do not want, she is not happy! What reason is this?” Shen Xiang asked that regarding this he has had doubts. 梦儿姐,花香月妖精可是要做我的丫鬟,我不愿意,她还不高兴了!这到底是什么原因?”沈翔问道,对此他一直疑惑。 Who knows! I also know that recently she is Danxiang Taoyuan's Sect Master, perhaps was she mysterious, she really has a liking for you?” Liu Meng'er the jealousy was saying. “谁知道呢!我也是最近才知道她就是丹香桃源的掌教,她神秘得很,或许她真的看上你了呢?”柳梦儿略带着醋意说道。 Sees the beautiful woman to be somewhat jealous, in Shen Xiang heart secret haughty, his said with an evil smile: Elder Sister Meng'er, I first went back.” Saying, then put out a hand to rub rapidly on beautiful woman that abundant buttocks, then flushed like the wind goes downstairs, this made Liu Meng'er shame anxiously stamps the feet. 看见美人儿有些吃醋,沈翔心中暗暗得意,他坏笑道:“梦儿姐,我先回去了。”说着,便迅速伸手在美人那丰臀上面揉了一把,然后像风一样冲下楼,这让柳梦儿羞得急跺脚。 This little rascal was getting more and more bad.” Liu Meng'er spat one lightly, then continued to look at Xue Xianxian and Leng Youlan martial arts contest. “这小坏蛋越来越坏了。”柳梦儿轻啐一口,然后继续看着薛仙仙冷幽兰比武。 Shen Xiang returns to Extreme Martial Sect, was called Extreme Martial Mysterious Realm inside elder, each inside person in he, although he is not an elder, is not extremely strong, but he actually saves many faces for Extreme Martial Sect repeatedly, now he is also the important personage in Extreme Martial Sect, his natural talent, will definitely be treated as the Sect Master candidate to train let alone equally. 沈翔一回到太武门,就被召集到了太武玄境里面的长老,每一次里面的人都是在等他,虽然他不是长老,也不是实力很强的,但他却多次替太武门挽回许多面子,现在他也算是太武门中的重要人物,更何况他这种天资,肯定是会被当作掌教候选人一样来培养。 Person were similar, now everyone here is the True Martial Realm 9th Stage above strength, in some Extreme Martial Sect also many years!” Gu Dongchen said. “人都差不多了,现在各位在这里的都是真武境九段以上的实力,在太武门也有许多年头了!”古东辰说道。 In this Elder Courtyard only then more than 40 individuals, are the True Martial Realm 9th Stage above strength, said that is the person here is weakest is also Peak Realm martial artist, besides Shen Xiang. 长老院里面只有四十多个人,都是真武境九段以上的实力,就说是在这里的人最弱也都是极致境界武者,除了沈翔之外。 Heroic congress starts tomorrow! Tomorrow will likely have many matter, most if serious, can cause the entire Extreme Martial Sect turmoil, waits for you to go back, gives each Martial Courtyard disciple to prepare for at heart!” The Gu Dongchen complexion sinks to congeal, the people can also guess correctly anything. “英雄大会就在明天开始举行!明天可能会发生许多事情,最严重的话,能引起整个太武门动乱,等一下你们回去,就给各个武院的弟子做好心里准备!”古东辰脸色沉凝,众人也都能猜到一些什么。 You must pay attention to three points, first, if there are disciple to be separated from Extreme Martial Sect tomorrow, you cannot stop, does not allow saying that makes them go directly!” “你们要注意三点,第一,如果有弟子在明天要脱离太武门,你们不能阻拦,也不允许多说,直接让他们去!” Second, if the tomorrow's situation is very disadvantageous to Extreme Martial Sect, but also asks everyone to keep calm, cannot be chaotic!” “第二,如果明天的情况对太武门很不利,还请大家保持冷静,就不能乱!” Third......” Gu Dongchen said here, the eye that a pair such as the eagle helped is taking a fast look around the people: „If there is tangled warfare, everyone has not been under my order, cannot make a move, moreover must lead the disciple to ask for Extreme Martial Mysterious Realm, other do not manage.” “第三……”古东辰说道这里,顿了顿,一双如鹰帮的眼睛扫视着众人:“如果发生混战,大家没有得到我的命令,绝不能出手,而且要带着弟子讨回太武玄境,其他都就不要管了。” Shen Xiang one startled, from the Gu Dongchen words, the tomorrow's heroic congress will obviously have Holy Light Church very much wrecks the event, must know that Holy Light Church united Eastern Sea all continent, means that Holy Light Church can summon massive Nirvana Realm to come, this is disadvantageous to Extreme Martial Sect, after all Extreme Martial Sect is also only sect, is so again powerful, is hard to contend with entire Eastern Sea. 沈翔一惊,从古东辰的话来看,明天的英雄大会很明显会有圣光教的来砸场子,要知道圣光教可是联合了东海所有大陆,就意味着圣光教能召大量的涅槃境过来,这对太武门来说非常不利,毕竟太武门也只是一个门派,再这么强大,都难以抗衡整个东海 I add a point again, after each Martial Courtyard Dean goes back, worries immediately the Extreme Martial Sect's disciple, martial artist under Mortal Martial Realm 10-layer, all transfers Extreme Martial Sect, by having a vacation to go home visiting relatives and other reasons to be good, Mortal Martial Realm 10-layer martial artist arranges each division, keeps the Extreme Martial Mysterious Realm entrance waiting, below Peak Realm, is responsible for managing these Mortal Martial Realm 10-layer disciples, similarly keeps the Extreme Martial Mysterious Realm entrance waiting.” Wu Kaiming said. “我再补充一点,各个武院院长回去之后,立马着急太武门的弟子,凡武境十重之下的武者,全部调离太武门,以放假回家探亲等各种理由都行,凡武境十重武者安排好各个分队,留在太武玄境门口等待,极致境界以下的,负责管理那些凡武境十重的弟子,同样留在太武玄境入口等待。”武开明说道。 At this time old man asked: Participates in heroic congress our these people?” 这时候一个老者问道:“去参加英雄大会就我们这些人吗?” Now the group of people in Elder Courtyard may be in Extreme Martial Sect strongest power! 现在在长老院里面的这批人可算是太武门中最强的力量 Right, the location of heroic congress is limited, words that our Extreme Martial Sect's person all goes, if behind has many friend arrivals, they will not have the position.” Gu Dongchen smiles. “没错,英雄大会的场地有限,我们太武门的人全部去的话,如果后面有更多的朋友到来,他们会没有位置的。”古东辰笑了笑。 Some behind also people? Shen Xiang secret one startled, he knows in Eastern Sea martial artist on powerful continent has not come, when the time comes the words of complete arrival, that is a Eastern Sea grand meeting, is gathering Eastern Sea numerous! 后面还会有人来?沈翔暗暗一惊,他可是知道东海中许多强盛的大陆上的武者还没有来,到时候全部到来的话,那可是东海的一次盛会,聚集着东海众强! But makes Shen Xiang feel what worries, because the Eastern Sea major influences and Holy Light Church was in cahoots, if joined up to lash out at Extreme Martial Sect, how Extreme Martial Sect will deal? 只不过让沈翔感到担忧的是,因为东海的各大势力都和圣光教串通好了,如果联合起来对太武门发难的话,太武门会怎么应对? After Shen Xiang cannot find out Gu Dongchen will have anything the move, after all when the time comes must face a group of fierce Nirvana Realm, if acts, Chenwu Mainland will be finished. 沈翔想不出古东辰会有什么后招,毕竟到时候可是要面对一大群厉害的涅槃境,如果一齐出手的话,辰武大陆都会完蛋的。 No one has thought how the time will be tight, openly expresses opens, but this is arranged by Gu Dongchen, naturally has his intention. 谁都没有想到时间会怎么仓促,说开就开,不过这都是由古东辰安排的,自然有他用意。 Shen Xiang has not known where the heroic congress must conduct, obviously not in Extreme Martial Sect, or Gu Dongchen will not say that the position is insufficient. 沈翔还不知道英雄大会要在什么地方举办,显然不是在太武门,要不古东辰也不会说位置不够。
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