Popularrecommendation: The clearemptychildspokeonepile of mourningangry words, butclearjadehas not actually comfortedhismeaning. In fact, regardingthishas not seen„Senior Brother”, heranythingresponded that does not have.
热门推荐:清虚子说了一堆丧气话,但清玉子却没有安慰他的意思。事实上,对于这位从没见过的“师兄”,她什么反应都没有。He Yun Xiaostandsinclearjadechildsidedoes not dareto make noise. Did not fear, butcannotmake noise. No mattercompelslow voice, the inner strengthpasses message, cannot escape the ear of clearemptychild.何云霄站在清玉子旁边不敢出声。不是怕了,而是不能出声。不管是小声逼逼,还是内力传音,都逃不过清虚子的耳朵。Did not say,moon's orbitlongalsoa littleownjudgment, said that moon's orbitlongthoroughcool.
不说,白道长还有点自己的判断力,说了,白道长彻底凉凉。He Yun Xiaois calculatingsecretlyyear that clearjadechildandherSenior Brothercultivates. The clearemptychild75bigmasters, 120, staynow for 45yearsin the position of biggrandmaster! Butmoon's orbitlongthis yearis only35 -year-old, she29enter the biggrandmaster, the considering everythingonly hassixyears.何云霄暗自算着清玉子和她师兄修炼的年份。清虚子七十五大宗师,如今一百二,足足在大宗师之位待了四十五年!而白道长今年才三十五岁,她二十九入大宗师,满打满算只有六年而已。Sodisparatecultivationtime, no wonder the moon's orbitgrows into the time injured byherSenior Brother.
等等!He Yun Xiaorememberssuddenly, thisclearemptychildalsointroduced oneselfa moment ago, does not seem likelongto meetwith the moon's orbit for the second time, butprobablyinitiallysees. Before that iswhoinjures the moon's orbitto be long?何云霄忽然想起,这清虚子刚才还自我介绍来着,看起来不像是第二次和白道长见面,而像是初见。那之前是谁打伤白道长的?„senior brotheroffends the sect rule, invited the Senior Brotherandclearjadegoes back.”clearjadesaidsilently.
The clearemptychildcaressed to steadily, „Junior Sister, the old manhas withdrawn from the universegate, independencewhite jadeguan, was not the universedisciple.”
清虚子抚了抚长须,“师妹啊,老夫已退出太虚门,自立白玉观,再不是太虚门人喽。”„Biggrandmasternotcommon custom, thisprinciple, althoughis a sect rule, is the rivers and lakescustom, if the Senior Brotherin the rivers and lakes the person, the lunchdefendsthisprinciple.”clearjadechildsay/way.
“大宗师不涉世俗,此理虽是门规,亦是江湖规矩,师兄若还是江湖中人,便当守此理。”清玉子道。„Junior Sister, although you talentis outstanding, butis young, has little experience of the world, in the rivers and lakes the custommyriad, the biggestcustomactuallyforeveris the fist.”
“师妹,你虽天赋卓绝,但年龄尚小,涉世未深,江湖中规矩万千,最大的规矩却永远是拳头。”clearjadequitedefends the ritualto cup one hand in the other across the chestto the clearemptychild, „Senior Brother, pleasegrant instruction.”
清玉子颇为守礼地向清虚子拱手,“师兄,请赐教。”„Same side, the old manletsyourthreemoves.” The clearemptychildcrosses the hands behind the backsame place, mustbe blownsteadilyby the wind, rocksslowly.
“同门一场,老夫让你三招。”清虚子原地负手,长须被风吹起,徐徐晃动。clearjadepasses on the sound saidtoHe Yun Xiao: „Leaving depart fromthissay/wayis too far.”
清玉子对何云霄传音道:“别离本道太远。”InHe Yun Xiaoheartonecold, in a twinklingunderstandsmoon's orbitlongmeaning, hefishes out the fireworks that Zhengthundermakes, quietlypreparing, to lightmomentarily.何云霄心中一凛,霎时间明白了白道长的意思,他摸出郑雷做的烟花,悄悄预备着,随时可以点燃。Perhapsistodespising of ants, perhapsistoownself-confidence, the clearemptychildsimplyhas not caredHe Yun Xiao, heis only staring athimwithfor the Junior Sister of biggrandmaster. Looked how shehas the move.
The contest of biggrandmastercangive an exaggerated account of things, canaveragenotwonderful.
大宗师的较量可以天花乱坠,也可以平平无奇。Middleneatandfightsdeeply and clearly, the skillflingsblots out the sky, is give an exaggerated account of thingsone. Butnow, clearjadechild and contest of clearemptychild, is averagenotwonderfulthat.
当中楚楚和潇潇打架,技能甩得铺天盖地,便是属于天花乱坠的一种。而现在,清玉子和清虚子的较量,则属于平平无奇的那种。He Yun Xiaodid not haveclearwhat's the matter, thenlistens tothat sideclearemptychild saying: „«ComfortableTrue meaning»? Junior Sister, youalsoremaintwomoves.”何云霄还没明白怎么回事,便听那边的清虚子道:“《自在真意》?师妹,你还剩两招。”clearjadehas not spoken, betweentwobigmasters, falls intoagainsilent.
清玉子没有说话,两名大宗师之间,再次陷入沉默。He Yun Xiaolongworriesfor the moon's orbitat heart. The goodnewsis, thinks that ambushedtwobigmasters, actuallyonlyambushed. The bad newsis, althoughonlyambushed, butthisisclearjadeSenior Brother, clearjadeseeminglycannot be victorioushe.何云霄心里替白道长捏了把汗。好消息是,原以为埋伏了两名大宗师,其实只埋伏了一位。坏消息是,虽然只埋伏了一位,但这位是清玉子的师兄,清玉子貌似打不过他。Not can be victoriousis actually unimportant, so long as the moon's orbitcaninherSenior Brothersubordinate, insist that steadilydeep and clearthere, byactsdeeply and clearly, canturn danger into safety. As the matter stands, brokencityplanestimated that mustmalinger.
打不过其实并不要紧,只要白道长能在她师兄手下,坚持到潇潇那儿,由潇潇出手,便可化险为夷。只是这样一来,破城这计划估计得泡汤了。He Yun Xiaowas a pitysecretly,had the Yanbigmastersto defendinthis, fellmoon/month of pass/testNanpo. Reallymustuse the life of simultaneous/uniformarmyofficers, gives the pilethiscitybroken? It is not good, cannotuse the human life, musttry to findothersolution.何云霄暗暗可惜,有燕国大宗师在这守着,落月关难破。难道真要用齐军将士的性命,把这城给堆破吗?不行,不能用人命,还是得想别的办法。He Yun Xiaothinks it over, onlythinks ofLi Xiangjun. Li Xiangjunbeing forcedhigh-rank , the contradictionwar, looking forherhelpsbepossible. Hopes the sisters who dreamtreasurecancredible.何云霄想来想去,也只想到李湘君。李湘君被迫上位,又抵触战争,找她帮忙还是有戏的。希望梦宝的姐妹能靠谱点。„Junior Sister, alreadytwomoves.”
“师妹,已经两招了。”In the quietdim light of night, the clearemptychildsaidslowly.
Last move, clearjadedoes not planto make„silentmoon's orbitto be long”again, buttransferreally " ComfortableTrue meaning » meritlawcharacteristics, communicate the strength of the world, makes a moveto ask for the thiefwith the strength of the world.
The dark cloudgathersslowly, the air between worldmoves restlesslyanxiously, indistinct, seems thunderous.
The clearemptychildstillcrosses the hands behind the backto stand, the corners of the mouthbelt/bringsmileslooks atclearjade.
清虚子依然负手而立,嘴角带笑地看着清玉子。„Sixyears, the meritlawattainments of Junior Sisterare really considerable, if given time, surpassing the old man is completely possible.”
清玉子不善嘲讽,At this timestillsilent, buttransports/fortunes the meritsilently. He Yun Xiaolooked at the white of the eyeDaoist priest, thenlooksto the old manclearemptychild, opens the mouth saying: „This is nothing? Mymasterheydaycompared withpresentat leastfiercetwotimes. If not formymasteris injured, strengthinsufficienthalf, wheredo have a need forthreemoves? A movethensettledyou.”
The clearemptychildstill the corners of the mouthbelt/bringsmiles, obviouslydoes not believe the He Yun Xiaowords.
清虚子依然嘴角带笑,显然不相信何云霄的话。Attainments of He Yun Xiao on boasting, is not completely inferiorinhismaster'stalentonmartial arts.何云霄在吹牛皮上的造诣,完全不逊色于他师父在武道上的天赋。„old man, do not believe that youthinkto think, ifmymasterreallycan't be victoriousyou? Does the universeschoolshedo? Naturallyhas the assurance that mustwinsendsmymasterto seizeyour. Youthinkwellisthis.”
The happy expression of clearemptychildcorners of the mouthrestrainsslowly, helooksto the moon's orbitlongvision, has the unprecedentedearnestness.
After a breath, the clearemptychildsighed: „Meritlawattainmentsare very deep, the mightis insufficient, Junior Sister, were youreally injured?”
一息之后,清虚子叹息道:“功法造诣很深,威力却不够,师妹,你果然受伤了吗?”clearjadeopens the mouthslowly: „senior brother, the thundermustcome.”
The clearemptychildlooksdignifiedlyto the upper air, thatten thousandli (0.5 km)upper airthunderclaprings out, whitepractice the samelightningsuch asroamingdragon-likewalks randomlyin the dark clouds. Suddenlyhas an exceptionallybrightthingto fallfrom the sky, directly soarsfallsmoon/monthto closesouth gate, assumes an awe-inspiring poselike the deity.
清虚子凝重地看向高空,那万里高空雷声大作,白练一样的闪电如游龙般游走在黑云之间。忽然有个异常明亮的东西从天空中落下,直奔落月关南门,就像天神发威。He Yun Xiaolooks on the spatialbrightthingto enlargeon that dayslowly, suddenlycalls out in alarm: „Lyingtrough! Globe lightning ball lightning!”何云霄看着那天空上一点点的明亮之物缓缓放大,突然惊呼:“卧槽!球状闪电!”Somewell-knownscience fictionwritersaid the expert.
某知名科幻作家直呼内行。clearjadehearscalling out in alarm of He Yun Xiao, said: „Goodname.”
The thunder and lightning of spherefallsfrom the upper air, directly soars the clearemptychildto go. The clearemptychildabandonswith rapt attention, stareslooks atthisbrightsphericalthing.
球形的雷电从高空落下,直奔清虚子而去。清虚子摒弃凝神,直勾勾地看着这明亮的球状之物。Histwosleeveblasts, have preparedto act.
他两袖鼓风,已然准备出手。Buthehaswiththreemoves of agreements of clearjade, thismove, this/shouldhemakesclearjadechildright.
但他有和清玉子的三招约定,这招,该他让清玉子才对。He Yun Xiaoalsostareslooks atthisglobe lightning ball lightning, looks that itdirectly soars the clearemptychildto hit. Whenwill soon hit, evenHe Yun Xiaohas not thought,thissmall ball90degreesshift, in a flash the godarrivesfalls the moon/monthpass/test the city gatemouth.何云霄也直勾勾地看着这球状闪电,看着它直奔清虚子撞去。就在即将撞到之时,连何云霄都没想到,这小球九十度转向,一晃神来到落月关的城门口。Bang!
勐然爆炸!clearjadechildelementis drawing the arm of He Yun Xiaoinstantaneously, said: „Walks.”
清玉子素手瞬间拉着何云霄的胳膊,道:“走。”Twopeople of instantaneousqing gongdrawfully, the speed of lightopenscooks.
二人瞬间轻功拉满,光速开熘。He Yun Xiaorushedto prepare the goodfireworksignitionto lose, fellmoon/monthto closeis exploded the city gateto vanish, the city gatemouth of city wallto split open, lived it upimmediately.何云霄赶忙把早就准备好的烟花点火丢了出去,落月关被炸得城门消失,城墙开裂的城门口,顿时热闹了起来。He Yun Xiaorunswhilechildto praisetoclearjade: „Sister Baireallyhasyour! Ihave not thought that youwill also start the sneak attack!”何云霄一边跑一边对清玉子赞美道:“白姐姐真有你的!我都没想到你还会发动偷袭!”clearjadeill-humoredsaid/tunnel: „Who did stupidwomanissay?”
清玉子没好气地道:“蠢娘们是谁说的?”Now the important matterhas decided that He Yun Xiaoadmitted defeatto admit mistakeshastily, „mymy, Idid not realize somebody's highposition or merits, look down on the Daoist priest.”
如今大事已定,何云霄连忙服软认错,“我的我的,我有眼不识泰山,小瞧道长了。”Twopeople of flirtshave not saidtwo, the clearemptychild of samewhiterobeappearsabovetwopeoplesuddenly.
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