Popularrecommendation: In the He Yun Xiaoheartestimatesclearjadesecretly the words, beforehas thought the moon's orbitis long, althoughlooksyoung, the actualageshouldbe big. Butnow, seeminglyis notthat a matter......
热门推荐:何云霄心中暗自揣摩清玉子的话,之前一直以为白道长虽然看着年轻,实际年纪应该不小。但现在,貌似又不是那么一回事……But...... according to the general rule, 20manymastersis the having god-given wisdomrare talent, cultivates the biggrandmasteragain, perhapsat leasttenyears of scratch coat......
可是……按照一般规律,二十多的宗师已是天纵奇才,再修炼到大宗师,恐怕至少十年打底……He Yun Xiaorecalledhesees the clearjadechildappearancetime. Otherthingcouldcounterfeit, but the collogen of moon's orbitlongthatwhole face may be unable to cheat. When doublecultivates, her small handalsoyoung and fresh-lookingyoung and fresh-looking, completelynotlike„getting old of”.何云霄回想起他看见清玉子模样的时候。别的东西或许能够作假,但白道长那满脸的胶原蛋白可做不了假。双修时,她那小手也水嫩水嫩的,完全不像“上了年纪”。Sheis either young, withChu Xiaoxiaosameis„martial artsrare talent”, eitherhas„infacetechnique”, canmaintain the appearanceundefeated.
她要么年纪不大,和楚潇潇一样是“武道奇才”,要么是有“驻颜术”,能保持容颜不败。In the He Yun Xiaobrainindulges in flights of fancy, actuallyhears clearlyjadeto saysuddenly: „Drew near.”何云霄脑中胡思乱想,却听清玉子忽然道:“快到了。”He Yun Xiaorecovers, discovered that theyhave been closeto fallimmediately the moon/monthpass/test the city gate.何云霄回过神来,发现他们已然马上接近落月关的城门。At crucial moment, He Yun Xiaoalso can only take back the thoughts, wholly-absorbedbrokencity. Heis goingto face, is very likely came from the ambush of biggrandmaster, is negligent.
“来者何人!”Is closeto fall when quickly the moon/monthGuan Chengwall, He Yun Xiaohearsone in city wallto angrily roarsuddenly.
就快接近落月关城墙时,何云霄忽然听见城墙上的一声怒吼。Thissoundcoerces the inner strengthto be deafening, the enunciatorlittlesaid that is also cultivating of grandmasterrankis.
A personjumps downfrom the city wall, fallsbeforeHe Yun Xiaoandclearjadebody. „Twolate at nightcome visiting, didn't feelextremelycrudely?”
一人从城墙上跳下,落在何云霄和清玉子的身前。“二位深夜来访,不觉得太过鲁莽了吗?”He Yun Xiaolooked atmoon's orbitlongone, hintingher should not be wordy.何云霄看了白道长一眼,示意她别啰嗦。clearjadecomprehends the meaning of He Yun Xiao, therefore the floatingclothesbelt/bringwields, the broadinner strengthimpactbelt/bringformation, such as the ocean wavesimpactshorepatstogethersuddenlyon the body of thatgrandmastermilitary. Afterward, move of absent-minded an instanceinhim, clearjadeappearsinhisbeing sideways, lifts the sleevesagain, separatedto emptywith the inner strengthslapped a grandmastermilitarypalm.
清玉子领会何云霄的意思,于是飘飘的衣带一挥,一道宽广的内力冲击带骤然形成,如海浪冲击岸边般拍在那宗师武者的身上。随后,在他中招恍忽的瞬间,清玉子出现在他的侧身,再抬衣袖,隔空用内力抽了宗师武者一巴掌。Yangrandmaster who thatis in the wayateto settle the jadetwomoves, immediatelytwoshut, falls down.
那碍事的燕国宗师吃了清玉子两招,登时两眼一闭,倒在地上。Poureddid not die, butfainted.
倒并非是死了,而是昏过去了。clearjadecannotintervene the earthlinessrule, thereforeshould better notto kill people. Let alone, sheis not the character of bloodthirsty, butswallow that defends a city, sidewickedperson who alsonotmustdie. The stunis a knowing perfectly wellchoice.
When He Yun Xiaofell to the groundinYangrandmasterhas rushed toclearjadechildside, thennot to stop, saiddirectly: „Brokencity gate!”何云霄在燕国宗师倒地之时已经冲到清玉子身边,而后一刻不停,直接道:“破城门!”„Good.”clearjadecomplied withone, moves sidewaysto appearin the He Yun Xiaofront, moves sidewaysagain, comes toBeforeLuoyueto turn off the front door.
“好。”清玉子应了一声,闪身出现在何云霄前方,再一闪身,又现身于落月关大门之前。He Yun Xiaolooks at the moon's orbitlongspeed, shoutedsecretlygreat. Then, so long asdoes not violate„villain to have the ink marks that addsmouthartillery” the problem, directbanghis mother, thisbrokencitywas steady.何云霄看着白道长的速度,暗呼好样的。接下来,只要不犯“反派都会犯的墨迹加嘴炮”的毛病,直接轰他娘的,这破城就稳了。Saidislate, at that timewas quick.
说是迟,那时快。He Yun Xiaoandclearjadecharges intofallsmoon/monthto closesouth gate, thesedayagainstnightsguard, guards the YanGarrison troops that Qiattackedare not the fools. After seeing the military officerstopsis fruitless, theydecisivelyput the arrow.何云霄和清玉子一路冲向落月关南门,那些日防夜防,防齐国进攻的燕国守军也不是傻子。见自家将领阻拦无果后,他们果断放箭。Everywherearrowloses, the in additionlance, fireballthrew the thrower, toHe Yun Xiaogreetingin the past.
漫天的箭失,外加长矛、火球等投掷物,一齐向何云霄招呼过去。Fire that such arrowloses, ifmilitary of grandmasterboundary, frommayhaunch the inner strengthbarrierto resisthardly. ButHe Yun Xiao„, only thenninth-grade”, hecannot be assigned away from the capitalso manyinternal strength, only the expertmoves the defense, cutswith the weaponhardly, cuts an umbrellawith the bladelight, losesto cuteverywherearrow.
此等箭失的射击,若是宗师境的武者,自可撑起内力屏障硬抗。但何云霄“只有九品”,他外放不出那么多内力,只能手动防御,也就是拿武器硬砍,用刀光砍出一把雨伞,把漫天的箭失砍下来。He Yun Xiaohas not had the custom of weapon, butthis may be unable to bafflehim. Yangrandmaster who thatgets downbrought a long spear/gun, at this time he jadechildhammerwas been dizzybyclear, in less , the He Yun XiaothenzeroYuanbuys, picked up the weapon of Yangrandmasterto wield.何云霄没有带武器的习惯,不过这可难不倒他。那下来的燕国宗师带了一把长枪,此时他被清玉子锤晕,用不了,何云霄便零元购一把,捡起燕国宗师的武器挥了起来。clearjadedoes not cravein the warmheartedness, butherapprenticeHe Yun Xiaosuffers distressat this time, shelooks backdecisivelywields, the inner strengthbarrierthenappearssky overHe Yun Xiaotogetherforcefully. Losesto keep offallthesescattered aboutarrows.
清玉子并不是非常热衷于热心肠,但此时她的徒弟何云霄受难,她果断回首一挥,一道内力屏障便硬生生出现在何云霄上空。把那些七零八落的箭失尽数挡下。He Yun Xiaoseesclearjadeto divert attention, was immediately anxious.何云霄一见清玉子分心,顿时就急了。In the novel, the actions of many villains, go badonhesitation.
小说中,有多少反派的行动,都是坏在犹疑上面。„Sister Bai, do not visitme, youractuallybrokencity?”
清玉子一愣。He Yun Xiaolooked that the moon's orbitlongis shocked, immediatelyis more anxious, „stupidwoman, do not look, trembledon the differencefinally!”何云霄看白道长愣住,顿时更急,“蠢娘们,别看了,就差最后一哆嗦了!”Stupidwoman?
蠢娘们?clearjadechildwas scoldedbyHe Yun Xiaoawakes,
The silvertoothbites the redlip, howeverturns headcourageous, the pure whitepalmraisedslowly, thenhoweverpushedcourageousforward. The air wave of inner strengthappearsfromherwhite and tenderpalm, within the twinklingchanges to the billowingYangtze River, before rushingrushes, shakes out the moon/monthpass/test the city gate.
银牙咬住红唇,勐然回头,素白的手掌缓缓提起,而后勐然向前一推。内力的气浪从她白嫩的手心出现,瞬息之内化作滚滚长江,奔涌向前,直扑落月关的城门。WhileHe Yun Xiaorelaxes, the mutationgets upsuddenly.
The attack of clearjadewas interruptedlikelygeneral, haltsforcefullyinfallingundermoon/monthGuan Cheng.
清玉子的攻击像被截断一般,硬生生止步在落月关城下。He Yun Xiaoheartonestartled, the Yanbigmastersappeared!何云霄心头一惊,燕国大宗师出现了!Sure enough, a whiterobeold manappearssuddenlyfallsmoon/month of pass/testbefore, whiterobewhiteXu, windimmortalbone.
果不其然,一个白袍老者忽然出现在落月关前,白袍白须,风仙道骨。Whiterobeold mancoldsnort/hum, the palmseparatespushesvoid, thendisintegratesclearjademovecuns (2.5 cm).
The old mengathered togetherwhiteXu, said with a smile: „Profoundsecret artjadespiritpalm38 th, air/Qi the sea breezespin. The dolls, the old mansaidmaybe right.”
The arrowlosesstops, He Yun Xiaotwostepsstandclearjadechildbodyside.
箭失停止,何云霄两步站到清玉子身侧。„Right.”clearjadecoldlyas beforelike thatspeaks.
“对。”清玉子依旧是那般冷冷地说话。„Haha. Are youthen the universedisciple who seizes the old man? Studies underwhere?” The old mensaid with a smile.
“哈哈。你便是来捉老夫的太虚门人吧?师从何处?”老者笑道。„Family/HomemasterChunlihonorable person.”
“家师纯璃真人。”„Is the pureglassteacher's younger brother. The old menstudy under the purethin bamboohonorable person, according to the rankcalculates, the doll, youmustcall an old manSenior Brother.”
“哦原来是纯璃师叔。老夫师从纯箐真人,按辈分算,女娃,你得称老夫一声师兄。”„senior brother.”clearjadesaidwell-manneredsubmissively.
“师兄。”清玉子规规矩矩地拱手道。He Yun Xiao:???何云霄:???„Daoist priest, is heyourSenior Brother?”
“道长,他是你师兄?”„Heis the master of great moral integrity and learningancestor, thissay/way must catch the universegatehim.”
“他是本道师祖,本道也要把他抓回太虚门。”He Yun Xiao and whisper of clearjade, will not escape from the ear of whiterobeold man. However the old mandoes not care, said: „Old manclearemptychild, with the Junior Sisterwithwas the universegate‚clear’charactergeneration. The old menhear the voice of Junior Sister is quite immature, is it possible when Junior Sisterachievementbiggrandmaster, but alsoinsufficientknowledgedestiny?”何云霄和清玉子的耳语,自不会逃脱白袍老者的耳朵。不过老者也不在乎,自顾自说起来:“老夫清虚子,与师妹同为太虚门‘清’字辈。老夫听师妹的声音颇为稚嫩,莫非师妹成就大宗师时,还不足知天命?”Knowing the destiny is 50 years old.
知天命便是五十岁。Age! Speaking ofmoon's orbitlongage! He Yun Xiaoanticipated that looks atclearjade.
年龄!说到白道长的年龄了!何云霄期待地看着清玉子。clearjaderepliedhonestlyfellow apprentice'swords, „return to the Senior Brother, clearjadeeight -year-old are received the hanger-onto study the martial artsby the master, at age 19Master, when 29bigmasters, set upalreadyhalfnow.”
清玉子老老实实地回答师兄的话,“回师兄,清玉子八岁被师父收入门下学习武道,19岁时宗师,二十九时大宗师,如今而立已半。”He Yun Xiaoemphasisat allnot, inclearjademay be called„lead”intalent, but„sets upalreadyhalf”inherlast. 30more than half, is35 years old.何云霄的关注点根本不在清玉子堪称“主角”的天赋上,而在她最后一句“而立已半”。三十过半,也就是三十五岁。He Yun Xiaorelaxes, fortunatelyfortunately, mastercruelexcellentage.何云霄松了口气,还好还好,师父正是如狼似虎的大好年纪。„29 -year-old grandmaster......”clearemptychildmuttered. Suddenlylaughs, „ha. The Junior Sister is really a day of spoiled child. The old man15years old enter the martial arts, 40 years old ninth-grade, 55 -year-old grandmaster, 75 -year-old grandmaster, nowis the secondpleasing to the earyear. Thisalsocalculates that ‚having god-given wisdomrare talent’, maycomparewith the Junior Sister, feels inferior.”
“二十九岁大宗师……”清虚子喃喃自语。忽然大笑,“哈哈哈。师妹真是天之娇子啊。老夫十五岁才入武道,四十岁九品,五十五岁宗师,七十五岁大宗师,如今已是第二个耳顺之年。本也算‘天纵奇才’,可与师妹一比,自惭形秽。”Secondpleasing to the ear? Did thisalwayscompel120? The He Yun Xiaoinnermost feelingsvibrate.
Can 120advanced agesalsobeginwithclearjade? Thisis„biggrandmaster”, is this„immortal”?
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