WDIDWAMGABi :: Volume #7 Mission.5

#19: The strong men all extinguish

What situation?” Feels rocking of under foot, the team members who fall asleep shallowly stand immediately, they ran out of the room, sees only their teams leader to defend the window ugly/difficult to look at, the complexion extremely. “什么情况?”感受到脚下的晃动,浅睡着的队员们立刻站了起来,他们冲出了房间,只见他们的队长守着窗户,脸色极度的难看。 Do not look dry/does! This mixes the ball to hit the building! Opens fire toward it from the window!” Saw the team members to run, the team leader has turned head to say sternly: Female horse! Had no way and other support!” “别干看着了!这个混球在撞楼!从窗户朝它开火!”见队员们全都跑了出来,队长回过头厉声道:“女马的!没法等支援了!” Receives the order, the team members disperse rapidly, they turn on the windows of two buildings in abundance, sees only out of the window that monster to hit the outer walls of two residents just as the attacking a city hammer generally one after another, every time hits, this goes downstairs will follow fiercely shivers, as if will suffer collapse to be a again. 收到命令,队员们迅速散开,他们纷纷打开二楼的窗子,只见窗外那怪物正像个攻城锤一般一下接着一下的撞击着二层民宅的外壁,每撞一下,这栋下楼都会跟着剧烈的颤抖一下,仿佛再挨一次就会倒塌一般。 Built the spear/gun from the different windows, the team members inclined unceasingly the bullet toward that monster head, the top of the head is eating the pain, that monster stretched out flexure the hand of arm to block from the top of the head that did not have the hair, is then hitting continuously. 从不同的窗口架起了枪,队员们朝着那怪物的头部不断地倾斜着子弹,头顶吃痛,那怪物伸出一只挠着胳膊的手遮住了没有头发的头顶,然后继续不断地撞击着。 Throws the grenade! Female horse! Throws the grenade!” The team leader gets angry exclaims, he tears off a broken piece grenade from the waist, entrains the suspension link, then throws down directly, only listens to the sound of bang, the belly of that monster instantaneously by covered with blood that the broken piece explodes, it staggered is falling on the ground, then said breathless: Frank... you dares... you to dare...” “丢手雷!女马的!丢手雷!”队长怒吼道,他从腰间扯下一颗破片手雷,拽掉拉环,然后直接丢了下去,只听轰的一声响,那怪物的肚子瞬间被破片炸的血肉模糊,它踉跄着跌坐在了地上,然后气急败坏道:“弗兰克…你竟敢…你竟敢…” Has the effect!” Saw the grenade successfully to restrain the attack of monster, team members excited, they threw grenade to that monster while the anger exclaimed: Tastes this to you! bastard!” “有效果!”见手雷成功抑止了怪物的攻击,队员们兴奋了起来,他们一边将身上的手雷丢向那怪物一边怒吼道:“给你尝尝这个!杂种!” Broken piece anti-tank grenades were lost in turn from the window, falls on the side of that monster, then one after another crack, explodes that monster turns in the place, in the explosion, it drives the whole body fat to crawl toward the residents difficultly while the anger exclaimed: Frank! Frank!!!” 一颗颗破片手雷被轮流从窗户丢出去,落在那怪物的身旁,然后一声接着一声的炸响,将那怪物炸翻在地,爆炸中,它一边拖动着浑身的肥肉朝着民宅艰难的爬行一边怒吼道:“弗兰克!弗兰克!啊嗷嗷嗷!!” After several seconds, the god inferior (Asia) Squad lost completely grenade completely, but on the monster beside residents is covered with blood, it lies on the ground is motionless, but on mouth also keeping is mumbling in a low voice: Frank... Frank...” 几秒后,神亚小队将身上的手雷全部都丢光了,而民宅外的怪物身上已是血肉模糊,它趴在地上一动不动,只是嘴上还在不停的低声嘟囔着:“弗兰克…弗兰克…” It did not want good...” Sees that monster to lie on the ground, team member some exciting say/way, said, he carried the spear/gun to aim at the head of that monster directly, then polished in the ball x chest all bullets, along with stop of sound of gunfire, that monster did not have the sound finally. “它就要不行了…”见那怪物趴在地上,一个队员有些兴奋道,说罢,他直接端起枪对准了那怪物的脑袋,然后一口气打光了弹x匣中所有的子弹,伴随着枪声的停止,那怪物终于没了声音。 Really got rid of unexpectedly!” Another side team member is somewhat surprised, he has turned the head in the team leader to side room saying: „Do we want to leave? Other squad this estimates will have built up near the signal tower was similar.” “竟然真的干掉了!”另一边的队员有些惊讶,他转过头对旁边屋子里的队长道:“我们要离开吗?其他小队这会估计已经在信号塔附近集结的差不多了。” No, waits again...” Expression slight relaxation of team leader, he has not been frowning stubbornly is staring monster that lies on the ground, on mouth sinking sound said. “不,再等等…”队长的表情没有丝毫的放松,他皱着眉头死死的盯着趴在地上的怪物,嘴上沉声道。 Also in what? Team leader? When now doesn't walk walks?!” That team member some anxious say/way. “还在等什么?队长?现在不走什么时候走?!”那名队员有些焦急道。 The team leader can feel, because of the reason of this monster, the mentality of team members has problems, they started become were irritable, but as the team leader, he cannot lose calmly, compared with completing mission, he liked giving priority to the life and death of entire team. 队长能感觉得到,因为这头怪物的原因,队员们的心态出了问题,他们开始变得急躁了,但作为队长,他不能失去冷静,比起完成任务,他更喜欢优先考虑整支队伍的生死存亡。 Good, mission continues, we go to the signal tower...” Finally, the team leader chose the compromise, following the window looks that outside that lies motionless the monster on the street, the team leader thought that should be is only oversensitive. “好吧,任务继续,我们去信号塔…”最终,队长选择了妥协,顺着窗户看着外面那趴在街道上一动不动的怪物,队长觉得应该只是自己多心了。 How that thing saw that died probably thoroughly. 那东西怎么看都像是死透了。 You move things out of the way the entrance junks, the sound dot, do not alarm to the surrounding infected person...” The team leader said in a low voice: Reorganization equipment, meets us to withdraw fast.” “你们去搬开门口的杂物,动静小点,别惊扰到周围的感染者…”队长低声道:“整理装备,一会我们快速撤走。” Relax, Team leader, if around this also has the infected person, they have flushed...” A team member is saying with a smile: After all we just made that big sound, not?” “放心吧,队长,要是这周围还有感染者的话,它们早就冲过来了…”一名队员笑着道:“毕竟我们刚刚都打出那么大的动静了,不是吗?” Discrete points will not have the mistakes after all.” Team leader sinking sound said. “谨慎点终归是不会有错的。”队长沉声道。 Good, you are teams leader, you said calculates...” That person responded with a smile, then followed other team members to go downstairs to move the junks together. “好吧,你是队长,你说的算…”那人笑着回应道,然后跟着其他队员一起下楼搬杂物去了。 Settles down, the teams long breathe a sigh of relief, before he goes downstairs, wants to look at a that monster again the corpse, has turned head, looks following the windows, seeing only that monster is still motionless. 尘埃落定,队长长舒了一口气,他下楼前想要再看一眼那怪物的尸体,回过头,顺着窗户看下去,只见那怪物依旧一动不动。 How my was...” The team leader small sound said, he thought suddenly perhaps team members is right, he a little was too probably big to oneself pressure, started becomes nervous. “我这是怎么了…”队长小声道,他忽然觉得也许队员们是对的,他给自己的压力好像有点太大了,都开始变得神经质了。 The instance that prepares to turn the head in him, the corner of the eye split vision saw faintly that monster moves the finger probably. 就在他准备转过头的瞬间,眼角余光隐隐看到,那怪物好像动了动手指头。 The team leader will transfer instantaneously, he is staring stubbornly the monster that lies on the ground, because of the wet weather, in addition does not have the attractive reason, he looks is not clear, but then, that monster lifted the hand suddenly, flexure take that arm of power saw. 队长瞬间将头转了回来,他死死的盯着趴在地上的怪物,因为下雨天,再加上没有光鲜的缘故,他看得不是很真切,但是接下来,那怪物忽然抬起了手,挠了挠自己拿着电锯的那只胳膊。 Instantaneously, the team leader only feels cold air following the sole board straight fleeing top of the head, he is red the eye to turn head, turns toward downstairs to run while anxious loud exclaiming female horse! Do not move! Quick do not move!” 瞬间,队长只觉得一股凉气顺着脚底板直窜头顶,他红着眼睛回过头,一边向着楼下跑去一边焦急的大声吼道“女马的!别搬了!快别搬了!” Rushes to downstairs, saw only the residents entrance junks to be moved similarly, that monster also lay in the entrance, but the arm had moved, because his team members are all visiting him, therefore simply has not noticed behind change. 冲到楼下,只见民宅门口的杂物已经被搬得差不多了,那怪物还趴在门口,只是胳膊已经动了起来,他的队员们因为全都在看着他,所以根本没有注意到身后的异动。 Do not stand in the entrance! His female horse comes back quickly!” The team leader toward raised a hue and cried to the entrance recent that team member, that team member is crooked the head, although without clarifying condition, but he chose to believe team leader's order, however, lifted the instance that started in him, a powerful big hand of covered with blood held his ankle area, towed him to the room. “别站在门口!快他女马回来!”队长朝着离门口最近的那名队员大声疾呼道,那名队员歪着脑袋,虽然没搞清状况,但他还是选择相信队长的命令,然而,就在他抬起脚的瞬间,一只血肉模糊的有力大手一把抓住了他的脚踝,将他拖向了屋外。 „! Team leader! Saves me!” That team member lies on the ground is calling out pitifully, both hands stubbornly is scratching the floor, several other team members were quick of eye and hand, rush to first to grab his hand, wanted to tow him, outside residents, was stood by broken piece caps and dynamite the monster of covered with blood, it is tearing the corners of the mouth, the sent out sound the broken bellower is ordinary like being drawn, before the team leader rushed to the gate without hesitation, is being one opens fire to the head of that monster. “啊啊啊啊!队长!救我啊!”那名队员趴在地上惨叫着,双手死死的抓挠着地板,其他几个队员眼疾手快,冲上前一把抓住了他的手,想要将他拖回来,民宅外,那被破片手雷炸的血肉模糊的怪物重新站了起来,它撕裂着嘴角,发出的声音如同被拉动着的破风箱一般,队长毫不犹豫的冲到了门前,对着那怪物的脑袋就是一阵开火。 Bullet rounds of hit on the face, but that monster was actually similar to loses the sensation of pain to be common completely, even if bullet crazy is washing its face, on its face still has that disgusting smile, quick, the team leader then polished the happy ball x chest neutron bombs, he touched the hand to the waist, actually discovery rifle bullet antiquing! 子弹一发发打在脸上,但那怪物却如同彻底丧失了痛觉一般,即便子弹疯狂的洗着它的脸,它的脸上依然带着那副恶心的笑容,很快,队长便打光乐弹x匣中子弹,他将手摸向了腰间,却发现步枪子弹打光了! Under restrained by force the heart fear, look some teams leader of distortion drew out the pistol directly, continued to touch off the trigger to the head of that monster, but a team members hand gripped the arm of teammate, another hand drew out pistol to open fire to that monster head, that monster flung the head, on the mouth was mumbling already the words that is unable to distinguish, then, its another hand, raised the power saw. 强压下心头的恐惧,神色有些扭曲的队长直接拔出了手枪,继续对着那怪物的脑袋扣动着扳机,而身后的队员们则一只手握住队友的胳膊,另一只手拔出手枪对着那怪物的脑袋开火,那怪物甩了甩脑袋,嘴上嘟囔着已经无法分辨的话语,然后,它的另一只手,提起了电锯。 „! No ! Not!” Saw with own eyes that monster raised the power saw, the team leader only thought one type as if must suffocate the general pressure on raid his heart, even in the pistol did not have the bullet, he still mechanical touched off the trigger, on the mouth is keeping saying: Stops to me, stops to me...” “哦!不,!不不不!”眼见那怪物提起了电锯,队长只觉得一种仿佛要窒息一般的压力袭上了他的心头,即便手枪里没了子弹,他依然机械的扣动着扳机,嘴上不停道:“给我住手,给我住手…” Then, is in front of god inferior (Asia) Squad team members, that monster is grinning fiendishly, aimed at the power saw in hand by the waist of team member oneself hold, the volume inserted ruthlessly. 然后,当着神亚小队队员们的面,那怪物狞笑着,将手中的电锯对准了被自己抓住的队员的腰,狠狠额插了下去。 Instantaneously, the flesh torn sound is combining the skeleton ground sound, is mixing with the pitiful yell sound of that team member, is resounding through this street, the startled team members are pulling subconsciously, only listens to a dull thumping sound, the upper part of that team member was pulled the room, but the lower part was towed by that monster. 瞬间,血肉被撕裂的声音混杂着骨骼被磨碎的声音,夹杂着那名队员的惨叫声,响彻着这条街道,惊慌的队员们下意识的拉扯着,只听一声闷响,那名队员的上半身被扯进了屋子,而下半身则被那怪物拖了出去。 The internal organs bring the blood and hashed meat go out following the wound class/flow unceasingly, is only left over the team member of upper part to struggle is putting out a hand toward the team leader, then, that hand hung. 内脏带着血和碎肉顺着创口不断地流出去,只剩下上半身的队员挣扎着朝队长伸出了手,然后,那只手垂了下去。 Under against shield mask, team leader ya zi wants to crack. 防盾面具下,队长睚眦欲裂。 However, all these had not finished, see only that monster to stand the body, the lower part that it grabbed the dead team member delivered to the mouth, then gnawed to eat directly, the skin, the fat, the muscle and bone were mixed up to chew, then swallowed, merely several seconds, the lower part of that team member was given to eat bits and pieces by it. 然而,这一切还没有结束,只见那怪物站直了身子,它抓着死去队员的下半身送到嘴边,然后直接啃食了起来,皮肤,脂肪,肌肉和骨头被混在一起嚼碎,然后吞下,仅仅几秒钟,那名队员的下半身就被它给吃了个七七八八 Discards conveniently eat does not remain many wreckage, that monster stood the body, then emitted loud fart that fiercely is combining the flesh, its satisfied smiling, then lowers the head, looks to the room the will almost thoroughly demolished god inferior (Asia) Squad. 随手丢掉被吃的不剩多少的残骸,那怪物站直了身子,然后猛地放出了一个混杂着血肉的响屁,它满意的笑了笑,然后低下头,看向了房间中意志几乎被彻底摧垮的神亚小队。 After several seconds, in the god inferior (Asia) Squad panic-stricken yawp, it dashed again this two young residents. 几秒后,在神亚小队惊恐的叫喊声中,它再次冲撞起了这栋二层的小民宅。 Outside a street, similarly is on two little building, Lilian following the window, looks at present silently, she knows, kept that group of people in small house to be finished. 一条街外,同样是一栋二层的小楼上,缇莉莉安顺着窗户,默默地看完了眼前的这一幕,她知道,留在小房子里的那群人完蛋了。 Really senseless...” After long time, the young girl is gloomy the face to turn the head, she said in a soft voice: „ Looks for the anomaly... “真无趣…”半晌后,少女阴沉着脸转过头,她轻声道:“去找变态吧… ...... …… Two. 二更。 Un, all wrote, good, this had in Resident Evil the taste. 嗯,全写死了,挺好,这才有生化危机内味。
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