WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#972: Saturation bombing

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Chapter 972 saturation bombing 第972章饱和轰炸 This devilman tribe constructs in a forest edge, the area is not big, tribe that but Renn sees with one's own eyes time, in the eye filled dreaded. 这个魔人部落建在一片森林边缘,面积并不大,但是雷恩亲眼看到的部落的时候,眼里充满了忌惮。 Because they are the plague Lord believer. 因为他们是瘟疫之主的信徒 The lord of plague Moses Peleg the existence feeling in Four Gods of the Abyss is lowest, but regarding the overwhelming majority person, It most made existence that one dreaded. 瘟疫之主“摩西法勒”在深渊四神中的存在感最低,但对于绝大多数人来说,祂是最令人畏惧的存在。 It also has many names, for example „the sources of ten thousand poison and „all enemies of life and decayed and god of odor and world corrosion and „the lord of insect and „the father of epidemic disease wait/etc. 祂还有很多名字,比如“万毒之源”、“一切生命之敌”、“腐朽与恶臭之神”、“世界腐蚀者”、“虫之主”、“疫病之父”等等。 Can guess correctly Its fearful mighty force from these names. 从这些名字就能猜到祂的可怕伟力。 Moses Peleg cherishes the life, but in his eyes, plague germ that the baby who no matter cries wreaks havoc, is one form of life performance. The innumerable years, It mixes various plagues and virus in oneself spoiled territory garden carefully, grants own believer. 摩西法勒热爱生命,但在祂的眼中,不管是哭啼的婴儿还是肆虐的瘟疫病菌,都是生命表现的一种形式。无数年来,祂在自己的腐域花园中精心调配各种瘟疫和病毒,赐予自己的信徒 His believer is regarded as this Lord to the affection of all living things. 祂的信徒将这看作是主对生命万物的慈爱。 Regardless of age size and beautiful pretty clown and mind good and evil and race high, Moses Peleg accepts all believer, the tolerant package accepts the world, leads own beloved son to be the same like the gentle father. 无论年龄大小、美貌美丑、心灵善恶、种族高下,摩西法勒接受一切信徒,宽容包纳世人,如同慈祥的父亲引领自己的爱子一般。 But in the eyes of others, the plague Lord believer is quite terrifying, their bodies carry various viral bacterias, the appearance also therefore had the variation, the skin fester, the whole body was covered with the first company skewer pustule, the rotten odor, the side revolves the dark clouds that various fly winged insects composed year to year. 但在其他人的眼里,瘟疫之主的信徒都极为恐怖,他们的身上携带各种病毒细菌,外貌也因此发生变异,皮肤溃烂,浑身长满了一连串的脓包,腐烂恶臭,身边常年围绕着各种苍蝇飞虫组成的黑云。 They are the poisonous sources of movement, infertile. 他们是移动的毒源,所过之所寸草不生。 Even devil is unable to endure such plague, therefore, although the plague the Lord believer quantity are many, but most centralized in Abyss plane that in It grasps, a few in main material world or other plane, is the isolation lives, few is willing to come with them. 即使是恶魔也无法忍受这样的瘟疫,因此,尽管瘟疫之主的信徒数量非常多,但是大部分集中在祂所掌握的深渊位面中,少数在主物质界或其它位面,也是隔离聚居,几乎没有人愿意跟他们来住。 At present this devilman tribe is so. 眼前这个魔人部落就是如此。 Adjacent evil beastman and devil influence, separated the distance with this tribe, distinguishes right from wrong, some neighboring monster do not dare to approach. 毗邻的邪兽人恶魔势力,都跟这个部落隔开了距离,泾渭分明,邻近的一些魔物也不敢靠近。 Even, east Netif's devilman also draws a line with them, Lord of Darkness believer was also afraid is infected the plague. 甚至,更东边的涅提弗魔人也跟他们划清界限,黑暗之主信徒也害怕被感染了瘟疫。 This devilman tribe is completely isolated, population about 50,000. 这个魔人部落是完全孤立的,人口大约五万。 Is centered on the tribe, the surrounding area the plant within dozens li (0.5 km) is exceptionally luxuriant, on the big piece green and glossy lawn was covered with the bright flowers, just like a careful maintenance big garden, the peripheral trees are big, luxuriant growth of leaves and branches, including numerous wild animals and small creature survivals, the insect neighed, birds to leap, a full of vitality scene. 以部落为中心,方圆数十里内的植物异常茂盛,大片绿油油的草地上长满了鲜艳的花朵,犹如一座精心养护的大花园,周边树木高大,枝繁叶茂,其中有众多野兽和小动物生存,还有昆虫嘶鸣、鸟类跃动,一派生机勃勃的景象。 This with death energy heavy evil energy wasteland is completely two world. 这跟死气沉沉的邪能废土完全是两个世界。 However, is careful looked made one be afraid. 然而,再仔细一看却令人不寒而栗。 The lawn just like the living creature often to tumble, blows out the snowflake crowded maggot, in an instant sneaks in underground ; The smell attraction winged insect birds process of fresh flower, flower petal Zhang Kaicheng terrifying big mouth, swallows suddenly them, in an instant digested the juice ; 草地犹如活物不时翻滚,爆出雪花般密集的蛆虫,转眼又钻进地下;鲜花的气味吸引飞虫鸟兽经过,花瓣突然张开成恐怖大嘴,将它们吞噬进去,转眼消化成了汁水; The bodies of these wild animal animals had the variation, the swollen is rotten, the visceral organ falls from within the body, drags the line on the ground. 那些野兽动物的身躯都发生了变异,浮肿腐烂,内脏器官从体内掉落出来,在地上拖行。 They take a walk every time one step, insect cloud flies from the body, flew two circles to fall. 它们每走动一步,就有一片虫云从身上飞出来,飞了两圈又落回去。 The life in devilman is also so. 生活在其中的魔人也是如此。 Their tribe constructs in a colorful riverside, is quite scattered, several tens of thousands of devilman divisions of labor are clear, some planter crops and stock raising, some boil system food, some are responsible for going on patrol, at first sight probably an ordinary tribe. 他们的部落建在一条五彩斑斓的河边,较为分散,数万魔人分工明确,有的种植农作物、饲养家畜,有的熬制食物,有的负责巡逻,乍看之下像是一个普通的部落。 But what they plant is the food person is colored, what raised is the rotten variation wild animal, the feed is a maggot of basin basin, in the cauldron is also boiling green liquid food, does not know that contains many virus. 但他们种的是食人花,养的是腐烂变异的野兽,饲料也是一盆盆的蛆虫,大锅里熬着绿色的液体食物,不知蕴含多少病毒。 What is responsible for going on patrol is rotten knight. 负责巡逻的是“腐烂骑士”。 They looked like in the water soak several months of floating corpse, the whole body swollen sent the pus, pokes gently will blow out the starch, the falling big piece maggot ; The warhorses under their body also inflated several, the side surrounds the big piece black insect to say. 他们就像是在水里泡了几个月的浮尸,全身浮肿发脓,轻轻一戳就会爆出浆水,掉落大片蛆虫;他们身下的战马也膨胀了好几圈,身边环绕着大片黑色虫云。 Was too disgusting!” “太恶心了!” After Livlin sees clearly, covered the mouth, almost spits. 莉芙琳看清之后,不禁捂住了嘴巴,差点吐出来。 Qilué is a face is also panic-stricken. 葵露也是一脸惊恐。 Renn felt that in own stomach a surges, because of soul eyes and All Seeing Eye, was clear compared with others who he looks, scalp tingles. 雷恩感觉自己的胃里一阵翻腾,因为灵魂之眼全视之眼,他看的比别人都清楚,一阵头皮发麻。 Star Destroyer can isolate the air circulation, the interior has the independence circulatory system, the conceivable outside flavor has how sourly crisp. 歼星舰能够隔绝空气流通,内部有独立的循环系统,可以想象外面的味道有多么酸爽。 Otherwise is only the smell, can make half of unusual armies lose the battle efficiency. 否则光是气味,就能让一半的超凡军队失去战斗力。 Not to mention in the air is flooding the innumerable virus. 更不用说空气中充斥着无数病毒。 Renn has not let a Star Destroyer go it alone , because he does not want to make the army land with these rotten devilman fights, exposes in the toxic air, if the body caught the virus, brought to infect more people. 雷恩之所以没有让一艘歼星舰单独行动,是因为他没想让军队空降下去跟这些腐烂的魔人战斗,暴露在有毒的空气中,万一身上沾染了病毒,带回去又感染了更多的人。 He plans to wash with the Star Destroyer firepower directly! 他打算直接用歼星舰的火力洗地! Quick, Renn found that God's Chosen champion in the tribe, the look changes, is not astonished in the powerful strength of God's Chosen champion, but is the appearance of opposite party. 很快,雷恩在部落中找到了那个神选冠军,不禁眼神微变,不是惊异于神选冠军的强大实力,而是对方的外貌。 This devilman could not have seen the human form. 这个魔人已经看不出人形了。 His whole body seems like an abnormal meat mountain extremely fat, sits has 56 meters high there, the abdomen ballooning, the skin of fester assumes dark-green, rotten meat paste on the body, in the gullies of rotten meat emits skewers of pustule, the surroundings are surrounding the big partial clouds insect, dense and numerous, millions. 他浑身臃肿像是一座畸形的肉山,坐在那里就有五六米高,腹部鼓胀,溃烂的皮肤呈暗绿色,一块块烂肉贴在身上,烂肉的沟壑之间冒出一串串脓包,周围环绕着大片云虫,密密麻麻,数以百万计。 On the meat summit sees a shape of head reluctantly, a pair of size differs several times under the great corner/horn is a large-mouthed vessel big mouth, inside was covered with the fang, droops -and-a-half meter scarlet tongues, the tip of tongue furcation is coming, just like two snakes of distortions, the terminal is growing the advantage tooth. 肉山顶上勉强看出一个脑袋的形状,一对大小相差数倍的巨角底下是一张血盆大嘴,里面长满了獠牙,耷拉着一张半米长的猩红舌头,舌尖分叉开来,犹如两条扭曲的长虫,末端长着利齿。 His left hand arm compared with right hand arm big half, the variation became a tentacle, the elbow department head has an sharp spur. 他的左手臂比右手臂大一半,变异成了一条触手,手肘处长出一根尖锐的骨刺。 Compares the huge build, his eye is very small, probably two yellowing rays. 相比庞大的体型,他的眼睛很小,像是两点泛黄的光芒。 God's Chosen champion Dick Guelaud! 神选冠军提克格罗! It promotes the God's Chosen champion to be earlier than Ekang, until now already more than 600 years, but Ekang catches up to become Eternal God's Chosen, because of plague Lord believer particularity, therefore the prestige was pressed by Eternal God's Chosen, these years are not remarkable. 它晋升神选冠军比艾克昂更早,至今已有六百多年,但是艾克昂后来居上成为永世神选,又因为瘟疫之主的信徒特殊性,所以威名都被永世神选压下去了,这些年来并不显著。 But this does not affect the Dick Guelaud's powerful strength, its huge evil energy and vitality, can look even without soul eyes. 但这丝毫不影响提克格罗的强大实力,它庞大的邪能与生命力,即使不用灵魂之眼也能看出来。 Renn judged he is above 30th rank rotten feudal lord. 雷恩判断他是三十级以上的“腐烂领主”。 In plague in Lord believer, the high-rank rotten feudal lord is honoured as greatly not net, obviously, Dick Guelaud is greatly not net. 在瘟疫之主的信徒中,上位腐烂领主又被尊称为“大不净者”,显然,提克格罗就是一个大不净者。 Renn moved out of the way the vision, in the heart thought. 雷恩挪开了目光,心中思索。 Dick Guelaud by the lord of blessings plague, was obtained the huge vitality, has undying body inevitably, two rounds of Star Destroyer main artilleries may not kill by explosion it. 提克格罗被瘟疫之主赐福,得到庞大的生命力,必然也拥有“不死之身”,两发歼星舰的主炮也不一定能轰死它。 The best three rounds of salvos to be safer! 最好三发齐射更加保险! His intention moves, started Kharanos in Alberi clone Marvolo, toward Los Santos teleportation. 他心念一动,远在阿尔贝湾分身马沃罗启动了卡拉诺斯号,朝着洛圣都传送而来。 The waiting moment, Kharanos arrived near the devilman tribe, maintains the invisible force field hovering in the upper air, from the tribe about 20 li (0.5 km), forms the potential of triangle with another two Star Destroyer. 等待片刻,卡拉诺斯号抵达了魔人部落附近,保持隐形力场悬停在高空上,距离部落大约二十里,与另外两艘歼星舰形成三角之势。 Renn no longer hesitates. 雷恩不再犹豫。 Three Star Destroyer start the main artillery simultaneously, starts the sufficient energy! 三艘歼星舰同时启动主炮,开始充能! Is close quickly for 30 seconds, the sensation of rotten feudal lord is not keen, but it disseminates the virus that the innumerable naked eyes could not see in the air, the heat that the main artillery can have sufficiently killed the big piece virus, causes his detection, the swollen body stands, moved the room. 很快接近三十秒,腐烂领主的感知并不敏锐,但它在空气中散播了无数肉眼看不见的病毒,主炮充能产生的热量杀死了大片病毒,引起他的察觉,浮肿的身躯站起来,挪出了房间。 Dick Guelaud grasps a rusty giant sickle, the mouth is spurting the venom and maggot, a pair of pale yellow eye sweeps to the upper air. 提克格罗握着一把锈迹斑斑的巨大镰刀,嘴里喷着毒液和蛆虫,一对昏黄的眼睛扫向高空。 His look changes suddenly, but is late. 他的眼神骤然大变,但是已经迟了。 Bang! 轰隆! In Dick Guelaud's field of vision erupts the dazzling ray, making him short blinding, then heard an earth-shaking loud sound. 提克格罗的视野中爆发刺眼的光芒,令他短暂致盲,然后听到了一声惊天动地的巨响。 Three thick light beams hit a target the rotten feudal lord from the different angles, erupts the unlimited light and heat, embezzled him instantaneously. 三道粗大的光束从不同的角度射中了腐烂领主,爆发出无限的光与热,瞬间将他吞没了。 The terrifying energy burst, the shock-wave sweeps away the surrounding area kilometer. 恐怖的能量爆发出来,冲击波横扫方圆千米。 Mushroom cloud rushed to the sky. 一朵蘑菇云冲上了天空。 The devilman tribe was destroyed in half breath, several tens of thousands of devilman evaporate in the energy liberation, the peripheral plants, forests and all variation lifeform, vanished in a puff of smoke in the explosion. The high-temperature complementary waves outward diffusion, razes to the ground all hindrance, innumerable virus in air also cleanly. 魔人部落在半息之内就被摧毁,数万魔人在能量释放中蒸发,周边的植物、森林和一切变异生物,都在爆炸中灰飞烟灭。高温余波向外扩散,将所有的阻碍夷为平地,空气中的无数病毒也被得干干净净。 Continues to open fire!” Renn ordered. “继续开火!”雷恩下令。 Thunders to resound. 轰鸣响起。 Three Star Destroyer vice- artillery also opened fire, each has 32 twin lightning cannon, a total of 192 lightning cannon salvos, continue to open fire, the bunch of gigantic lightning cannon ejections to the ground, each round of shell are equivalent to ninth circle magic spell. 三艘歼星舰的副炮也开火了,每艘都有三十二门双联电光炮,总共192门电光炮齐射,持续开火,一团团硕大的电光炮弹射向地面,每一发炮弹都相当于九环法术 A round of lightning cannon salvo can cover in five squares, complete saturation attack. 一轮电光炮齐射就能覆盖五平方里,完全饱和攻击。 Meanwhile, the Star Destroyer side started rows of laps, reveals jet black cave entrance, projected over a hundred thunder lance missile. 同时,歼星舰的侧边开打了一排排盖板,露出漆黑的洞口,从中射出了上百枚“雷矛导弹”。 This was Renn successfully developed the modern weapon last year. 这是雷恩去年研制成功的新武器。 Imitation previous generation Tomahawk, the warhead loads 300 pounds blasting explosive, the five runic magic array of shell body portray including flight spell and mental link, at the titan furnace energy as the thrust power, through the separated brain chip precision guidance, the might situated in eighth circle to ninth circle magic spell, most long range is 150 li (0.5 km), is farther than the attack distance of Star Destroyer main artillery, moreover far many times. 模仿前世的“战斧巡航导弹”,弹头装载三百磅炸药,弹体刻画包括飞行术心灵链接在内的五个符文法阵,以泰坦熔炉的能量作为推进动力,通过分脑芯片精确制导,威力介于八环九环法术之间,最远射程达到一百五十里,比歼星舰主炮的打击距离还远,而且远很多倍。 The cost of thunder lance missile is not high, the mass production can press to 400 golden Shield about. 雷矛导弹的成本并不高,批量生产可以压到四百枚金盾左右。 Compared with lightning cannon, the thunder lance missile is definitely more expensive, the might is also not as good. 比起电光炮,雷矛导弹肯定更加昂贵,威力也稍逊一筹。 However the thunder lance missile wins in the firing distance is farther, moreover does not need to imitate the energy, can hit to form the fiercest firepower. 但是雷矛导弹胜在射程更远,而且不需要充能,可以一口气打出去形成最凶猛的火力。 Renn arranged 2000 thunder lance missiles on each Star Destroyer, in half plane warehouse, but also stored up tens of thousands. 雷恩在每艘歼星舰上都布置了两千枚雷矛导弹,半位面的仓库里,还囤积了几万枚。 The first wave of attack, three Star Destroyer fired 300 thunder lance missiles. 第一波攻击,三艘歼星舰发射了三百枚雷矛导弹。 Five meters cylindrical shell bodies, the end is dragging the lightning shape flame, has put the exquisite path in the sky, probably eye, to the position of devilman tribe, just like the crowded raindrop to drop from the clouds steadily, explodes in the complementary waves of main artillery. 一枚枚五米长的圆柱形弹体,尾部拖着闪电状的火焰,在天空中划过优美的轨迹,像是长了眼睛似的,一头扎向魔人部落的位置,犹如密集雨点从天而降,在主炮的余波中爆炸。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The lightning and flame sound together, the sky and land shiver. 闪电与火焰齐鸣,天空与大地颤动。 The main artillery still in the sufficient energy, must wait for three seconds ; lightning cannon is also cooling, takes 12 seconds ; Therefore the attack firepower is maintained by the thunder lance missile completely. 主炮还在充能,要等待三秒钟;电光炮也在冷却,需要十二秒;于是攻击火力完全由雷矛导弹维持。 The explosion of first wave of missile has not subsided, the second wave of missile arrived. 第一波导弹的爆炸还未平息,第二波导弹又到了。 Similarly is 300. 同样是三百枚。 Weak crazy angrily roars to pass on the explosion, immediately was submerged by the thunder lance missile, the consecutively after three waves of missiles bomb, the lightning cannon shell descends, is three waves of missiles bombs, took turn after two rounds, the Star Destroyer main artillery sends out to roar. 一声微弱的疯狂怒吼在爆炸中传出来,立即又被雷矛导弹淹没,连续三波导弹轰炸过后,电光炮的炮弹降落下来,接着又是三波导弹轰炸,交替了两轮过后,歼星舰的主炮发出咆哮。 Bang! 轰隆! Three giant light beams hit a target one group of fuzzy rotten meat, is reduced to ashes it thoroughly. 三道巨大的光束射中了一团模糊的烂肉,彻底将它化为灰烬。 Stops.” “停。” Renn lifted under the right hand. 雷恩举了下右手。 He has been opening cell phone interface, has not seen the growth of soul power pool to have different, obviously has not absorbed Dick Guelaud's soul, but All Seeing Eye penetration explosion smoke screen, has not seen not net to resurrect in inside greatly. 他一直开启着手机界面,并没有看见魂力池的增长有异,显然没有吸收到提克格罗的灵魂,但是全视之眼穿透爆炸烟幕,也没有看见“大不净者”在里面复活。 After Star Destroyer stops attacking, the complementary waves dissipated gradually, surfaced. 歼星舰停止攻击后,余波渐渐消散,露出了地面。 The devilman tribe could not find the trace completely, in the ground has a diameter several hundred meters giant pothole, the middle has hundred meters depth, the soil rock was melted glassy, several hundred slightly small pothole outward diffusions, the land had been devastated by the terrifying firepower every inchs, just like the Abyss purgatory. 魔人部落完全找不到痕迹,地面上有一个直径数百米的巨大坑洞,中间有百米深,泥土岩石都被融化成玻璃状,几百个稍小的坑洞向外扩散,每一寸土地都被恐怖的火力蹂躏过,犹如深渊炼狱。 Dick Guelaud disappeared! 提克格罗消失了! In this region could not find any living the bacterial virus that the life, the naked eye cannot even see was also fired the ashes. 这片区域里找不到任何活着的生命,连肉眼看不见的细菌病毒也被烧成了灰烬。 Livlin and Qilué are dumbfounded, they first saw that Star Destroyer opens fire full power, destroys day of bombing that extinguishes the place made them have several points of fear, is unable to imagine, what powerhouse can survive in such firepower. 莉芙琳葵露都是目瞪口呆,她们初次见到歼星舰全力开火,毁天灭地的轰炸让她们产生了几分恐惧,无法想象,什么样的强者才能在这样的火力中存活下来。 Perhaps only then God can resist! 也许只有神祗才能抵挡! Three!” “三艘!” Qilué said one in a low voice. 葵露低声说了一句。 Livlin responded at this time, sees in the front sky, one on the left and other on the right, two exactly the same Star Destroyer. 莉芙琳这时才反应过来,看见前方的天空中,一左一右,还有两艘一模一样的歼星舰 She very early knows that Glamorgan existence, mounts Star Destroyer to go to battle repeatedly, but has thought only then, when until today's set off knows that has second, finally to the devilman tribe, suddenly presented third! 她很早就知道“格拉摩根号”的存在,多次登上歼星舰出战,但是一直以为只有一艘,直到今天出发时才知道有第二艘,结果到了魔人部落,突然又出现了第三艘! Renn affirmed that constructed incessantly three Star Destroyer! 雷恩肯定建造了不止三艘歼星舰 Livlin deeply inspires, the vision searches for several in the ground, asked in a soft voice: Renn, did he die?” 莉芙琳深吸了一口气,目光在地面上搜寻几遍,轻声问道:“雷恩,他死了吗?” Is indefinite.” Renn shakes the head. “不确定。”雷恩摇了摇头。 Moses Peleg was called the kind father by believer, although It is Evil God, but is very generously generous to believer, particularly the powerful God's Chosen champion, will not easily give up greatly not net, should make Dick Guelaud's soul return to the Abyss spoiled territory, remoulded the body to him. 摩西法勒被信徒称为慈父,祂虽然是邪神,但对信徒十分宽厚慷慨,尤其是实力强大的神选冠军,更不会轻易放弃一个大不净者,应该让提克格罗的灵魂返回深渊腐域,给他重塑身躯了。 So long as does not reactivate in Los Santos well. 但只要不在洛圣都复活就好。 Dick Guelaud does not know from beginning to end what happened, even has not seen Star Destroyer, cannot tell lord of many information plague. 提克格罗从头到尾都不知道发生了什么事,甚至没有看见歼星舰,并不能告诉瘟疫之主多少信息。 Moreover, the lord of plague is like Lord of Darkness and Lord of the Dead, only will then raise some interests in the invasion of the abyss period to main material world, other times do not care about the main material world situation completely, even if know the influence is not big. 而且,瘟疫之主跟黑暗之主死灵之主一样,只有在深渊入侵的时期才会对主物质界提起一些兴趣,其它时候完全不关心主物质界的情况,即使知道了影响也不大。 Only if that love does the chaotic lord of matter...... 除非是那个爱搞事的混乱之主…… Renn waited for several minutes, has not seen Dick Guelaud's form to appear, definitely own guess. 雷恩等待了几分钟,都没有看见提克格罗的身影出现,肯定了自己的猜测。 Some devilman, because is far from the tribe, escapes, is escaping to the distant place in a panic. 还有一些魔人因为离部落较远,逃过了一劫,正在仓惶向远处逃跑。 Eliminates evil thoroughly.” “除恶务尽。” Renn will certainly not let off these odd/surplus evil, three Star Destroyer disperse, the lightning cannon opening fire bang kills devilman that escapes again. Thunder lance missile launching, cover every inchs the ground, prepares the variation plant, wild animal within and virus dozens li (0.5 km) one and eliminates the surrounding area. 雷恩当然不会放过这些余孽,三艘歼星舰分散开来,电光炮再度开火轰杀逃跑的魔人。一枚枚雷矛导弹发射出去,覆盖每一寸地面,准备将方圆数十里内的变异植物、野兽和病毒一并清除。 After magic torch light High Tower completes, but must send Holy Gunner Knight and Priest purifies the virus and plague in this piece of region, then can reclaim the development. 等到魔法炬光高塔建成以后,还要派圣枪骑士牧师来净化这片区域中的病毒和瘟疫,然后才能开垦发展。 As for devil and evil beastman, Renn planned that makes the subordinates regiment eliminate, collects their corpses to deliver to the black soul seed grain mushroom. 至于恶魔邪兽人,雷恩打算让麾下的军团去消灭,收集它们的尸体送到黑魂谷种蘑菇。 After quite a while . 半天后。 Three Star Destroyer almost hit to empty the thunder lance missile of carrying, devilman tribe surrounding area dozens li (0.5 km) internalized for the scorched earth, this ended the fight. 三艘歼星舰几乎把搭载的雷矛导弹打空了,魔人部落方圆数十里内化为焦土,这才结束了战斗。
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