WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#907: Azure lake Count

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Chapter 907 azure lake Count 第907章青湖伯爵 Renn did you agree?” Kstaakin somewhat is instead unbelievable. 雷恩你同意了?”克斯塔金反而有些难以置信。 He had suspected before Renn will get angry to reject, or put forward the harsh condition, but has not thought Renn will comply refreshedly. 他之前猜想过雷恩会怒而拒绝,或者提出许多苛刻的条件,但就是没想过雷恩会这么爽快的答应了。 Naturally.” “当然。” Renn very earnest returning said: Dwarf King have the heart of keeping forging ahead, how I will oppose. Glamorgan and dwarf conclude the treaty of alliance, borrows teleportation array, I am glad.” 雷恩很认真的回道:“矮人国王们有进取之心,我怎么会反对。格拉摩根和矮人缔结盟约,借用一下传送阵而已,我非常乐意。” Kstaakin is delighted, praises: You are I have seen the most generous person!” 克斯塔金喜出望外,赞美道:“你是我见过最慷慨的人!” Hehe......” “呵呵……” Renn smiles, actually oneself had guessed correctly that will have such a day. 雷恩笑了笑,其实自己早就猜到会有这么一天。 The dwarf clan only has five underground fortress in World Mountain Range, is facing the issue of population explosion, for these years migrated several tens of thousands of to Kharanos, the Gotham City also 50,000 quotas, in addition was close to 100,000, but also eased the population problem slightly, can only take stopgap measures, cannot effect a permanent cure. 矮人族在世界山脉只剩下五座地下要塞,面临着人口爆炸的问题,这几年迁移了数万到卡拉诺斯,哥谭城也有五万个名额,加起来接近十万,但也只是稍微缓解了人口问题,只能治标,不能治本。 Now entire Sayen Plateau is conquered by oneself, on Old World does not have dwarf the foothold, their only destinations are New World... 如今整个塞恩高原都被自己征服,旧大陆上没有矮人的立足之地,他们唯一的去处就是新大陆。。。 In the last era, the dwarf is the masters in New World half of territory, developing New World revives the highest dream of ancestor honor regarding the dwarf entire clan. 在上一个纪元,矮人是新大陆一半领土的主人,开拓新大陆对于矮人全族都是重振祖先荣光的最高梦想。 However, the idea is wonderful, the reality is very brutal. 不过,想法是美好的,现实却很残酷。 The time changed! 时代变了! Renn quite some asking of pondering: Which place three did Dwarf King have a liking for?” 雷恩颇有些玩味的问道:“三位矮人国王看上了哪个地方?” Deleville peninsula.” Kstaakin replied truthfully, „is actually five Dwarf King, developing New World is the decision that the dwarf entire clan jointly makes.” “德莱威尔半岛。”克斯塔金如实回答,“其实是五位矮人国王,开拓新大陆是矮人全族共同做出的决定。” Good place.” “好地方。” Renn appraises with a smile, „the vision of kings is good.” 雷恩笑着评价,“国王们的眼光不错。” The Deleville peninsula that the dwarves select is located in eastern coast, about 500 li (0.5 km) south of Gotham City. The entire peninsula assumes the north south, the east side seaside, the west is more than 300 li (0.5 km) long long and narrow bay, separates the water to face one another with New World, only then northern part and New World connect, the geographical environment looks like with Shield Island very much, but the area wants four to five times compared with Shield Island in a big way. 矮人选中的德莱威尔半岛位于东海岸,在哥谭城以南大约五百里。整座半岛呈南北走向,东面临海,西面是一条三百多里长的狭长海湾,与新大陆隔水相望,只有北部新大陆连接,地理环境跟盾岛很像,但是面积比盾岛要大四到五倍。 Obviously, the dwarf profited from himself to develop the Shield Island strategy. 很显然,矮人借鉴了自己开拓盾岛的策略。 So long as builds up a defense line in Deleville peninsula northern part, prevents the enemy under the city wall, can take the peninsula as the base development. 只要在德莱威尔半岛北部建起一道防线,把敌人阻挡在城墙之下,就能以半岛为基地发展起来。 northern part of Deleville peninsula is the vast fertile plain, in the previous era, this stretch of area constructs four lively elven city. 德莱威尔半岛的北部是一望无际的肥沃平原,在上个纪元,这片地区建有四座繁华的精灵城市 These cities construct along the coast, with Gotham City as well as a northern big city in a straight line, was at that time most core of Elven Empire on New World, bountifully also the most developed urban cluster. And west of hundred li (0.5 km) situated in the Deleville peninsula Tissi Biya is the Elven Empire New World capital! 这些城市沿着海岸而建,与哥谭城以及更北的一座大城市在一条直线上,是当时精灵帝国新大陆上最核心、最富饶也最发达的城市群。其中位于德莱威尔半岛以西百里的“蒂西比亚”更是精灵帝国新大陆首都! Occupied the Deleville peninsula, was equal to grasping Elven Empire half essence areas. 占据了德莱威尔半岛,等于掌握了精灵帝国半数的精华地区。 However, can the dwarf achieve? 但是,矮人能做到吗? Renn sneers at heart, the Deleville peninsula is not the place of without owner, the present is the Netif's devilman domain, even if the devilman elimination and pursuit on island, then, the dwarf will face is inexhaustible devilman army. 雷恩心里冷笑一声,德莱威尔半岛可不是无主之地,现在是涅提弗魔人的地盘,就算把岛上的魔人消灭并驱逐出去,接下来,矮人将面对是的无穷无尽的魔人军队。 The peninsula peripheral devilman tribe has dozens, they belong to a God's Chosen champion completely. 半岛周边的魔人部落有数十个,他们全部归属于一位神选冠军。 This God's Chosen champion maintains independence and keeps initiative, is a powerful warlord in Netif's devilman, although was inferior that Eternal God's Chosen Ekang is so fearful, but in 30th rank about, the subordinates also three 20th rank above God's Chosen champions, is also controlling the huge devilman army. 这个神选冠军独立自主,是涅提弗魔人中的一个强大军阀,尽管不如永世神选艾克昂那么可怕,但也在三十级左右,麾下还有三个二十级以上的神选冠军,掌握着庞大的魔人军队。 Otherwise, he had been beaten by Eternal God's Chosen. 否则的话,他早就被永世神选击败了。 The dwarves expedite ten thousand li (0.5 km) away, wants to eliminate the God's Chosen champions and his hundreds of thousands of devilman armies, is extremely difficult, even if won is still the hard victory. 矮人远征万里之遥,想要消灭神选冠军和他手下的数十万魔人大军,难度极大,就算赢了也是惨胜。 If neighboring Netif's devilman counter-attacks, the dwarf is almost impossible to resist. 如果邻近的涅提弗魔人反扑,矮人几乎不可能抵抗。 Not to mention that Eternal God's Chosen is also eying covetously, likely, the dwarf gave Eternal God's Chosen to be the foot soldier attendant finally, profited from another's strife by the opposite party. 更不用说那位永世神选也在虎视眈眈,很可能,矮人最后给永世神选做了马前卒,被对方坐收渔利。 Kstaakin as if detected that Renn thoughts, hesitant, asked: Renn, you thought that the dwarf will succeed?” 克斯塔金似乎察觉到了雷恩的心思,犹豫了一下,问道:“雷恩,你觉得矮人会成功吗?” „Very difficult.” “很难。” Renn shakes the head, has not covered up own view, for a while seizes Deleville is very perhaps easy, but thinks that coming to a stop foot root, is difficult.” 雷恩摇了摇头,没有遮掩自己的看法,“一时占领德莱维尔也许很容易,但是想站稳脚根,非常难。” I also think.” Kstaakin sighed. “我也是这么想的。”克斯塔金叹息一声。 He had investigated in Gotham City the neighboring region, does not favor this development to plan, hopes that can the slow several years of even dozens years, wait for more dwarves to move again Gotham City, prepares sufficient, but cannot calm down going all out of Dwarf King. 他在哥谭城早就对周边地区做了调查,并不看好这个开拓计划,希望能再缓几年甚至数十年,等更多的矮人迁徙到哥谭城,做好充足的准备,可是劝不住矮人国王们的锐意进取。 Actually the motive of Kstaakin very clear kings. 其实克斯塔金很清楚国王们的动机。 First, underground fortress really could not support so many clansmen, more solved early is better, really could not wait ; 一是地下要塞真的支撑不住这么多族人了,越早解决越好,实在等不起了; The second reason is more important, does not develop New World to fall behind Renn, dwarf anything cannot fish, must seize this chance of a lifetime. 第二个原因更重要,再不开拓新大陆就落在雷恩后面,矮人什么也捞不着,必须抓住这个千载难逢的机会。 In fact, Dwarf King had decided that if Renn refuses to borrow teleportation array also to develop New World, they have planned another expedition route: Maritime countries in Congatro and cold coast between Barshch, chooses unmanned place to arrange teleportation array, delivers the dwarf, makes use of local materials, makes a fleet delivers to New World dwarfs legion and commodity. 实际上,矮人国王早已决定,如果雷恩拒绝借用传送阵也要开拓新大陆,他们已经规划好了另一条远征路线:在康迦特罗与巴尔希海国之间的寒冷海岸上,选择一个无人之地布置传送阵,把矮人送过去,就地取材,建造一支船队把矮人军团和物资送到新大陆 Several thousand years ago, the dwarf develops New World. 数千年前,矮人就是这么开拓新大陆的。 Although this expedition route lasts to expend effort to consume money, is beset with difficulties, and has very big risk in the ocean navigation, has not likely arrived at the Deleville peninsula to land must lose the commodities of half of regiment, but cannot prevent the Dwarf King great ambition. 虽然这条远征路线耗时耗力耗钱,困难重重,而且在海上航行有很大的风险,很可能没到德莱维尔半岛登陆就要失去一半的军团的物资,但丝毫不能阻止矮人国王们的雄心。 Kstaakin sees the kings is so firm, this agreed that asks for it to Renn. 克斯塔金正是见国王们如此坚决,这才同意向雷恩开口请求。 Renn can comply to borrow teleportation array is the best result. 雷恩能答应借用传送阵已经是最好的结果了。 But after he struggles, cannot bear say: Renn, can you give many support? Does not use Star Destroyer, does not use Ultramarine, so long as I Holy Gunners Knights Regiment enough......” 但他心里挣扎过后,还是忍不住说道:“雷恩,你能给予更多的支持吗?不用歼星舰,也不用极限战士,我只要圣枪骑士团就够了……” Is impossible.” “不可能。” Renn categorically rejects. 雷恩断然拒绝。 He coldly looks at Mountain King, Kstaakin, you should know that I in the New World next step development goal am Tissi Biya. Dwarf King snatch in front, I have not prevented to look in the relations of ally, wants to make me dispatch troops again, you thought that I will agree?” 他冷冷的看着山丘之王,“克斯塔金,你应该知道的,我在新大陆下一步的开拓目标就是‘蒂西比亚’。矮人国王们抢在前面,我没有阻止已经是看在盟友的关系上了,再想让我出兵,你觉得我会同意?” The Kstaakin complexion is red, actually before the opens the mouth he understands that oneself request went too far, said ashamed: Very sorry, Renn, was I makes an indiscreet remark.” 克斯塔金不禁面色通红,其实在开口前他就明白自己的要求太过分了,惭愧道:“很抱歉,雷恩,是我失言了。” All right, you also think of the clansman.” The Renn complexion relaxes, said: You inform Dwarf King, we do not need to discuss face to face, teleportation array can open. But I must explain beforehand, I will not provide any help besides teleportation, the teleportation expense also want the dwarf to come.” “没事,你也是为族人着想。”雷恩的脸色缓和下来,又说道:“你通知矮人国王们,我们不必当面商议了,传送阵可以开放。但我要事先说明,我不会提供除了传送以外的任何帮助,传送费用也要矮人来出。” Kstaakin nods hastily, this should be.” 克斯塔金连忙点头,“这是应该的。” Renn looked at him, considers to say from now on: You must participate in the development plan of dwarf, constructs military compound matter to give wheat Gauna to do, you called him.” 雷恩看了看他,考虑过后说道:“你要参与矮人的开拓计划,建造军营这个事就交给麦高纳去做,你把他叫来。” wheat Gaona is Kstaakin manages Kharanos assistant, legend high rank barbarian, loyally also is very very able. 麦高纳是克斯塔金管理卡拉诺斯的的副手,一个传奇高阶野蛮人,很忠诚也很有能力。 Kstaakin hears word gawked immediately. 克斯塔金闻言顿时愣了一下。 The construction military compound is important in the Renn eye, will otherwise not arrive at Kharanos to order personally, now actually must give wheat Gauna, obviously is striking itself, weakens itself in the Kharanos power. 建造军营在雷恩眼里非常重要,否则也不会亲自到卡拉诺斯来下令,现在却要交给麦高纳,显然是在敲打自己,削弱自己在卡拉诺斯的权力。 The lip of Mountain King moves, eventually the nod, is, I inform wheat Gauna to come.” 山丘之王的嘴唇动了动,终究还是点头,“是,我去通知麦高纳过来。” After the moment, big barbarian enters the study room. 片刻后,高大的野蛮人进入书房。 Pays a visit duke Sir!” “拜见公爵大人!” Wheat Gauna comes in partly to kneel to salute to Renn, on face respectful at the same time reveals extremely pleasantly surprised. 麦高纳进来就半跪下来向雷恩行礼,脸上恭恭敬敬的同时又露出万分惊喜。 Gets up.” “起来吧。” Then, Renn worked as the Kstaakin surface to give wheat Gauna the construction military compound duty, and requested Kstaakin to coordinate him to do. 接下来,雷恩当着克斯塔金的面把建造军营的任务交给了麦高纳,并要求克斯塔金配合他去做。 This brain flexible barbarian realizes anything immediately, on the face maintains composure, but his thoughts actually cannot hide the truth from soul eyes. 这个脑子灵活的野蛮人立刻意识到了什么,脸上不动声色,但他的心思却瞒不过灵魂之眼 Renn regarding this is not intent, explained the matter to leave. 雷恩对此并不为意,交待完事情就离开了。 The quick two months later, empire Archon returned to Northrill, but discovered that own substitute person and chief of staff Frank processes very well all, cabinet and Imperial Parliament under oneself control, Department of Industry and Ministry of Education two big reforms proceed in an orderly way, development also ten thousand li in a day of subcontinent trading company, plundered countless wealth for the empire and shareholder. 在久违快两个月以后,帝国执政官回到了诺斯瑞尔,但是发现自己的替身和幕僚长弗兰克把一切都处理得很好,内阁、帝国议会都在自己掌控之下,工业部和教育部两大改革循序渐进,次大陆贸易公司的发展也一日千里,为帝国和公司股东搜刮了无数财富。 No one detected that lives in Lotus Palace Archon is only a substitute person, personal Rick Imperial Guards also knows nothing. 没有人察觉到住在荷宫执政官只是一个替身,贴身的瑞克禁卫军也一无所知。 Renn is glad so. 雷恩乐得如此。 Was gentle for several days with Viola in Marlene Manor, he left the imperial capital again. 玛琳歌庄园维欧拉温存了几天,他再度离开了帝都。 Renn starts to inspect in the all over the world, the whereabouts is uncertain. 雷恩开始在世界各地巡视,行踪不定。 Gotham City and west of southern suburbs of the Augustus dukedom dragon ridge/spine fort and Kharanos, three large-scale military compounds have constructed initially, constructs according to own conception completely. 哥谭城奥古斯都公国的龙脊堡以西和卡拉诺斯南郊,三座规模庞大的军营已经初步建好了,全部是按照自己的构想所建。 source crystal ore of sigh wilderness also digs was deeper, every day can refine over a thousand pounds high-purity source crystal. 叹息荒野的源晶矿也挖的更深了,每天都能提炼出上千磅高纯度源晶 mechanical alchemy room of Diamond Fort base, Black Luminous Tower middle and lower level, half plane of Goddess of Magic likely underground deep place, these three most important production bases, by hundreds of even over a thousand Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers in day and night work. 金刚堡基地的机械炼金室,黑曜塔中下层,魔法女神像地下深处的半位面,这三个最重要的生产基地,都以数以百计甚至上千个雷铸天兵在夜以继日的工作。 Every day has one set of power armor manufacture to complete, equips to Ultramarine. 每天都有一套动力装甲制造完成,给极限战士列装。 explosive gun and thunder roar explosive gun, avenger 47, submachine gun, Rambo's Gun, bazooka, grenade, the enchantment armor wait/etc a series of weapons, finish from the production line, deliver to the weapon cache to seal, that day of waiting use. 爆弹枪、雷吼爆弹枪复仇者47冲锋枪兰博之枪火箭筒、手雷、附魔铠甲等等一系列武器,从生产线上完工,送到武器库封存起来,等待使用的那一天。 Barrazza elder brother's dragon nest treasure house, was transformed brand-new mechanical alchemy room, alchemical materials in use treasure house, more than ten Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers begin to make Eola's nucleus. 巴拉扎昆的龙巢宝库,也被改造成了一座全新的机械炼金室,利用宝库中的炼金材料,十几个雷铸天兵着手制造伊奥拉之核 It is not one, but is two Eola's nucleus also makes. 不是一个,而是两个伊奥拉之核同时制造。 Meanwhile, north Kharanos, in Gera Jebel Ghurr a common mountain range abdomen pulled out spatially, completed a giant workshop after more than two years, arranged huge antigravity runic magic array, in the midair in factory, second Star Destroyer also built the armored outline. 与此同时,卡拉诺斯以北,格拉古尔山中一座不起眼的山脉腹部被掏空,历经两年多建成了一座巨大的车间,布置了庞大的反重力符文法阵,工厂的半空中,第二艘歼星舰也搭好了装甲轮廓。 Workshop outside not far away is on Sayen Plateau the biggest iron ore field, and completed the refinery, various rare alloy that in the Kharanos city produce, delivered to this workshop completely. 车间外面不远处就是塞恩高原上最大的铁矿场,并建成了冶炼厂,卡拉诺斯城内生产的各种稀有合金,也全部送到了这个车间。 More than 2000 Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers cooperate the heart to construct Star Destroyer of one mind. 两千多雷铸天兵齐心协心建造歼星舰 In the workshop also has many laboratories, each laboratory has one comprised of the development team Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers, the population is more or less, jointly studies a project. 车间里还有多个研究室,每个研究室都有一支由雷铸天兵组成研发小组,人数或多或少,共同研究一个项目。 The project is quite simple, the R & D personnel only then 34, for example explode can the spear/gun. 项目较为简单的,研发人员就只有三四个,比如爆能枪。 The project is quite difficult, the R & D personnel reach dozens, for example floats the spatial ship. 项目极为困难的,研发人员就多达数十个,比如浮空艇。 The rotorcycle and armored fighting vehicle and new armor, explode can the machine gun, fighter aircraft, the revelation tank, the entire terrain fearless machine first-class, more than ten projects also research and develop. 还有飞行摩托、装甲战车、新盔甲、爆能机枪、战机、天启坦克、全地形无畏机甲等等,十几个项目同时研发。 Renn does not know whether to succeed, tries as far as possible. 雷恩也不知道能否成功,尽量一试。 He now what is in any case many are the money. 反正他现在多的是钱。 Only Renn must do was creates many Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers, Eludecia has conformed with the territory, prepared to attack north bank of gal Malling plain another two Devil Lord, almost will have the friction fight every day, soul absorption transforms charge level. 雷恩自己唯一要做的就是创造更多雷铸天兵,爱洛提西娅已经整合好了领地,筹划进攻伽玛兰平原北岸的另外两个恶魔领主,几乎每天都会发生摩擦战斗,吸收灵魂转化成电量 Day-by-day in the past, Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers were getting more and more. 一天天过去,雷铸天兵越来越多。 A month later. 一个月后。 new era in 2538 arrives, new year first day, Renn as chief, attended Augustus truth school the first opening ceremony. 新纪历2538年到来,新年的第一天,雷恩以院长的身份,出席了“奥古斯都真理学院”的首届开学典礼。 The accumulations of more than 1000 school new student/life entire simultaneously in the square before intelligent temple, look are standing Renn and his back Goddess of Magic resembles on stair, listened respectfully to a spirited and sincere full beginning school speech, was choked up with emotions, filled to admiration and worship of Renn. 一千多个学院新生整整齐齐的聚集在智慧神殿前的广场上,望着站在台阶上的雷恩和他背后的魔法女神像,聆听了一场激昂又真诚十足的开学演讲,一个个心潮澎湃,充满了对雷恩的仰慕与崇拜。 These new students only have 70% are human. 这些新生只有70%是人类。 Other are the alien race, the elf, dwarf, beastman, half beastman, half-elf, Troll, dwarf and drow, even several barbarian, goblin and sea clans. 其余都是异族,精灵、矮人、兽人、半兽人半精灵巨魔、侏儒、卓尔,甚至还有几个野蛮人地精和海族。 They passed the strict entering school to inspect, have high talent. 他们都通过了严格的入校考核,拥有很高的施法天赋。 The truth school achieved teaching all comers without discrimination truly. 真理学院真正做到了有教无类。 The Renn speech ended left, the current management of truth school gave named Xavier chief vice-president. 雷恩演讲结束就离开了,把真理学院的日常管理交给了一个名为“泽维尔”的首席副院长。 Xavier is actually one of the own Mage clone, achieves legend peak 19th rank, is skilled in arcane spell and mental spells. Besides Xavier, in the truth school also more than 20 teachers are clone, some instruction arcane spell, some are Magic Seal School, there is Mage, and grasped in school each department the most important post. 泽维尔其实是自己的法师分身之一,达到传奇巅峰十九级,精通奥术心灵法术。除了泽维尔以外,真理学院中还有二十多个老师都是分身,有的传授奥术,有的是法印学派,也有法师,并掌握了学院各个部门中最重要的岗位。 After the truth school begins school, quick straightens out. 真理学院开学之后,很快就步入正轨。 Renn no longer worries, in the middle ten days of new year's first month, in Ou Sian the Dukedom Qingtan city, was Francesca holds conferred the ceremony. 雷恩不再操心,在新年第一个月的中旬,在欧司安公爵领的青潭城,为法兰嘉丝卡举行了册封仪式。 This ceremony is very grand. 这次仪式很隆重。 However besides the Dukedom upper-level character, the external guest are not many. 但是除了公爵领的上层人物以外,外来的宾客却不多。 What the status is highest is dean Maag of Matta Eratus school, as well as many live in top female warlock in the empire. 身份最高的是艾拉图萨学院的玛格玛塔院长,以及多位在帝国身居高位的女术士 Confers at the ceremony, female warlock that these Yingying Yanyan, are beautifully attired made Renn look at two. Has saying that female warlock is attractive, including several beauties, although cannot compare Francesca, but also is the rare beautiful woman, and each has his good points. 册封仪式上,这些莺莺燕燕、花枝招展的女术士不禁让雷恩多看了两眼。不得不说,女术士就是漂亮,其中有几位姿色虽然比不上法兰嘉丝卡,但也是罕见的美人,并且各有千秋。 Their stature aggravates either tenderly and beautifully, enchanting, either elegant, graceful. 她们要么身材惹火、娇艳妖娆,要么气质优雅、婀娜多姿。 In brief no difficult to look at. 总之没一个难看的。 What most awfully is, Renn detected that most female warlock are using the different methods to send the signal to oneself, some massive demonstration charm, some lavish praise in secret, even female warlock is bold, the mind passed on a message to oneself in the presence of everyone, so long as cancelled a colluding finger, they were extremely easy to obtain. 最要命的是,雷恩察觉到大多数女术士都在用不同的方法给自己发信号,有的大量展示魅力,有的暗中抛来媚眼,甚至还有女术士胆大包天,当众给自己心灵传讯,只要自己勾一勾手指头,她们唾手可得。 Obviously, the Francesca success high-rank, making these female warlock crazy. 显然,法兰嘉丝卡的成功上位,让这些女术士都疯狂了。 Must say that is not excited deceives people. 要说不心动是骗人的。 Although has several women, but the family/home flower is inferior to the wild flower fragrance, been able to obtain, has not played, is most appealing. 虽然已经有了好几个女人,但是家花不如野花香,得不到的、没玩过的,才最吸引人。 Until the ceremony starts, Francesca makes an appearance, these female warlock petty actions stop, Renn also subsided the thoughts of being ready to make trouble, according to the ceremony flow, conferring Francesca is azure lake Count, and bestows to be surnamed Augustus. 直到仪式开始,法兰嘉丝卡露面,这些女术士的小动作才停止下来,雷恩也平息了蠢蠢欲动的心思,按照仪式流程,册封法兰嘉丝卡为“青湖伯爵”,并赐姓奥古斯都 Azure lake Count this title from Tianchi Lake, because its lake water clear only, casts light upon the blue sky, probably a azure lake. 青湖伯爵这个头衔来自“天池湖”,因为它的湖水澄净,照映青空,像是一座青色的湖泊。 Renn assigned azure lake Countdom Tianchi Lake and peripheral land, total area over ten thousand squares, the territory people was close to 100,000, half were barbarian. 雷恩把天池湖以及周边土地都划进了青湖伯爵领,总面积上万平方,领地子民接近十万,其中一半是野蛮人 Although azure lake Countdom is situated remote, the value in territory is not high, but this is the reality seals! 尽管青湖伯爵领地处偏远,领地内的价值也不高,但这是实封! Moreover can also capture a seat of empire congressman inevitably. 而且必然还能获得一个帝国议员的席位。 The most important thing is, Francesca was bestowed to be surnamed Augustus, this means that she becomes Renn family's one! 最重要的是,法兰嘉丝卡被赐姓奥古斯都了,这意味着她成为雷恩家族的一员! In numerous female warlock and envying vision of Dukedom upper layer character, beautiful peerless Francesca accepted conferring rank and title, takes an oath to stand loudly from now on to Renn, turns around facing the people, accepts cheering and congratulation of guests. 在众多女术士公爵领上层人物的羡慕眼光中,美丽绝伦的法兰嘉丝卡接受了册封,高声向雷恩宣誓过后站起来,转身过来面对众人,接受宾客们的欢呼与祝贺。 I am hitting my face...... really not to have the condition in the native place crazily, today returned to the city. 我在疯狂打自己的脸……在老家实在没状态,今天回城了。
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