WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#806: The blood debt blood recompenses

Renn has not thought that the camera that oneself invent one day will be used to disseminate the fear by Evil God believer, the threat empire people. 雷恩怎么也没有想到,自己发明的照相机有一天会被邪神信徒用来散播恐惧,恐吓帝国人民。 The impulse of bloody picture to the people, compared with the pure rumor must greatly innumerable times! 血淋淋的照片对民众的冲击力,比单纯的传言要大无数倍! This is also Roche believer to the empire ** bare provocation. 这也是洛希信徒对帝国**裸的挑衅。 Unforgivable!” Hisel angrily rebukes low and deep. “不可饶恕!”西塞尔低沉怒斥。 Church of Justice most hates the destruction to the order, can death of the desalinization treatment Archon, when Supreme Council makes the decision to announce this matter to the people again, reduces the effect of offering sacrifices ceremony as far as possible on the empire situation, in order to avoid there are will not firm people misled by Evil God. 正义教会最痛恨对秩序的破坏,原本可以淡化处理执政官之死,等到至高议会做出决定再向民众宣布此事,尽量降低献祭仪式对帝国局势的影响,以免有意志不坚的民众受到邪神蛊惑。 Now is impossible to conceal. 现在不可能隐瞒了。 Only has the blood debt blood to recompense, can counter-balance the negative effect of offering sacrifices ceremony. 唯有血债血偿,才能抵消掉献祭仪式的负面后果。 legendary wizard are also furious. 传奇巫师们也是怒不可遏。 Hisel orders immediately: Sends the members of sword of order, immediately informs Department of Public Security, making the Northrill all public security officer coordinate us, the capturing picture house by house, does not allow them to disseminate. If some people disseminate the picture or the resistance, cuts to kill!” 西塞尔立刻下令:“把秩序之剑的成员都派出去,马上通知治安部,让诺斯瑞尔的全体治安官配合我们,一家一户的收缴照片,绝不允许它们传播。如果有人散播照片或抵抗,就地斩杀!” Yes, arbitrates the officer Sir.” “是,仲裁官大人。” legend Holy Swordsman receives an order loudly, turns the head to run. 传奇圣剑士大声领命,转头就奔跑出去。 Hayes Cotteau also gives Rick Imperial Guards to order, sends people to take to the streets to capture the picture. 海斯克托也给瑞克禁卫军下令,派人上街收缴照片。 Renn shakes the head secretly. 雷恩暗自摇头。 The picture dissemination cannot control, more forbids, people more cannot bear peep curiously. Roche believer has the negative in the hand, can print the innumerable pictures, now captured, later also had many picture proliferation anytime. 照片传播是控制不住的,越是禁止,人们就越好奇忍不住偷看。洛希信徒有底片在手上,可以冲洗出无数张照片,现在收缴完了,以后随时还有更多的照片扩散。 Northrill, empire each city will present the picture incessantly. 不止诺斯瑞尔,帝国每个城市都会出现照片。 Only then takes revenge to eliminate the panic that the picture creates. 只有复仇才能消除照片造成的恐慌。 „, I must notify this matter to Your Highness.” Hisel said that enters room sending a message of manor. “诸位,我必须向冕下通报此事。”西塞尔说了一声,进入庄园的一个房间发送消息。 Supreme Council is also under discussion, besides Saint Soul wizard, Church of Justice and Church of the Earth two Pope also participated. 至高议会还在讨论中,除了圣魂巫师们以外,正义教会大地教会的两位教宗也参与了。 legendary wizard return to the manor hall, together silently waiting. 传奇巫师们回到庄园大厅,一起默默等待。 Everyone has not spoken. 大家都没有说话。 Renn soul eyes has swept the people, the expression of everyone is very serious, at least in the surface is so, but the innermost feelings mood has the difference respectively. 雷恩灵魂之眼扫过众人,每个人的表情都很沉重,至少表面上是如此,但是内心情绪却各有不同。 Young Manser and Andlau purely angry ; 年轻的阿拉曼瑟和安德洛单纯只是愤怒; Kelland is very steady ; 凯兰娜十分稳重; In Sidney heart a tranquility, almost does not have the mood to fluctuate ; 西德尼心中一片平静,几乎没有情绪波动; The multi- lotuses first are angry, later finds it silly, thinks that this matter relates not in a big way with oneself, is not willing to participate excessively deeply ; 多芙先是愤怒,随后觉得无聊,认为这件事跟自己关系不大,不愿意参与过深; The Ottiluk thoughts are most active, as if at consideration a lot. 欧提路克的心思最为活跃,似乎在考虑很多事情。 This legendary wizard craves the politics, several years ago starts to prepare for campaign next Archon, he is like himself, has not replaced the Ganeus intention immediately. Ganeus is Tim Kennan Grandmaster recommended candidate, with him is a person on one's own side. 这位传奇巫师热衷政治,从几年前就开始为竞选下一任执政官做准备,他跟自己一样,并没有马上取代格涅乌斯的意图。况且,格涅乌斯本来就是蒂姆*凯南大师推举出来的人选,跟他是自己人。 However, Ottiluk to drum up support to oneself, registered this campaign. 不过,欧提路克为了给自己造势,也报名了这一届的竞选。 Previously he simply has not thought can win, but wants to mix a face to be ripe in front of the empire congressmen, ahead of time contacted the upper-level influence of imperial capital, was ten years later campaigns paves the way. 此前他根本没想过能赢,只是想在帝国议员们面前混个脸熟,提前接触帝都的上层势力,为十年后的竞选铺路。 Ganeus died suddenly, situation sudden change. 格涅乌斯突然身亡,形势骤变。 Ran together, now is probably possible, and hope is enormous! 原本只是陪跑,现在好像有戏,而且希望极大! Also two candidates besides Ganeus, Ottiluk is one, another candidate who is Nesser Faction pushes, is heavy in participating. 除了格涅乌斯以外还有两位参选者,欧提路克是其中一位,另一个是耐瑟派推出来的人选,也是重在参与。 That candidate came from Congerard Great Sage Iron Floating City, is legendary wizard, the strength is not outstanding, is quite well known in the alchemy association, many years ago obtained „the alchemy sage title, running also to mix qualifications. 那个人选来自康杰拉德大贤者的艾恩浮空城,也是一位传奇巫师,实力并不突出,在炼金协会中颇有名望,很多年前就得到了“炼金贤者”的头衔,参选也是为了混资历。 Campaigns for the Archon registration deadline date is at the end of June, already over the past four months. 竞选执政官的报名截止日是六月底,已经过去四个月了。 In other words, if Supreme Council does not revise the rule, next, no matter what Archon will be born between Ottiluk and that alchemy sages. 也就是说,如果至高议会不修改规则的话,下任执政官会在欧提路克和那位炼金贤者之间诞生。 Ottiluk felt oneself were steady! 欧提路克觉得自己稳了! That alchemy sage is not big to his threat, has the full power support of teacher again, the Archon position belongs to oneself. 那位炼金贤者对他的威胁不大,再有老师的全力支持,执政官的位置非自己莫属。 Ten years ahead of schedule becomes Archon, moreover is almost white Jianlai, making in his heart rouse. 提前十年当上执政官,而且几乎是白捡来的,让他心中振奋不已。 In the hall others also thought of this point, casts the vision to Ottiluk repeatedly. 大厅中其他人也想到了这一点,频频向欧提路克投去目光。 He vigorously stays quiet, knows cannot shortly after Ganeus just died, but also without revenging, lets success go to the head. 他极力保持平静,知道不能在格涅乌斯刚死不久,还没报仇的时候,就得意忘形。 The thoughts of Renn to Ottiluk looks clear. 雷恩欧提路克的心思看得一清二楚。 Oneself also exert its utmost to the Archon throne. 自己对执政官宝座也势在必得。 The Ganeus death disrupted own plan, all ten years ahead of schedule, the lots has not prepared, unusual hasty, but does not have the assurance. If operates appropriately, could turn misfortune into a blessing by oneself, saves ten years. 格涅乌斯的死打乱了自己的计划,把一切都提前十年,很多东西都没有准备好,非常匆促,但也不是全无把握。如果操作得当,也许能让自己因祸得福,节省十年时间。 Is imperative to the Roche believer revenge for Archon. 执政官洛希信徒复仇势在必行。 Who can result in the deep hatred for the Ganeus report, who can grasp the huge political capital, won the public support, paves the way for campaign new Archon. 谁能为格涅乌斯报得血仇,谁就能掌握巨大的政治资本,赢得民心,为竞选新任执政官铺平道路。 However, Renn always thought that behind Ganeus cause of death, is hiding conspiracy! 然而,雷恩总觉得格涅乌斯的死因背后,隐藏着阴谋 A month ago, he detected the traces. 一个多月前,他就察觉到了蛛丝马迹。 Ganeus hesitates erratically to own invitation, although attended the Goddess of Magic alike opening celebration finally, but at the celebration, he is somewhat absent-minded, until mounted the stage to speak finally returned to normal, after finishing, hastily left. 格涅乌斯对自己的邀请犹疑不定,虽然最后还是出席了魔法女神像的揭幕庆典,但在庆典上,他有些心不在焉,直到最后上台演讲才恢复了正常,结束后又匆匆离开。 If is really only the assassination of Roche believer, Ganeus is impossible to have a vigilance. 如果真的只是洛希信徒的刺杀,格涅乌斯不可能有所警觉。 Certainly also has other factors! 一定还有其它因素! Renn thought of a person immediately, Duke Redstone Kelston. 雷恩立即想到了一个人,红石公爵凯尔斯通 In the past in Longshande, oneself discovered that Kelston colluded with Roche believer, two years ago when traded Floating City was sneak attacked by the king of shadow, Kelston was very likely is also the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator. 当年在隆杉德,自己就发现凯尔斯通洛希信徒有勾结,两年前交易浮空城时被阴影之王偷袭,凯尔斯通极有可能也是幕后黑手。 The king of that shadow is crafty technique Grandmaster clone, can therefore not hesitate the life to launch the suicide attack. 那个阴影之王是诡术大师分身,所以才能不惜性命发起自杀式袭击。 All these proved Kelston can incite Roche believer, at least, he can let a crafty technique Grandmaster concerted action. 这一切都证明了凯尔斯通可以指使得动洛希信徒,至少,他能让一个诡术大师配合行动。 Over the past two years, the Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers ambush in the Urouge city, did a lot. 过去两年,雷铸天兵潜伏在乌尔格城,搞了很多事情。 Assassinates Kelston important official, disseminates the black material rumor, destroys the northern prairie the tax system, infiltrates the Pallas Floating City interior, often does some calamities, delays the Pallas Floating City restore progress with various methods, making Floating City be high and low, everybody feels insecure. 刺杀凯尔斯通手下的重要官员,散播黑料流言,破坏北方大草原的税收体系,打入帕拉斯浮空城的内部,不时搞出一些乱子,用各种手段拖延帕拉斯浮空城的修复进度,让浮空城上下焦头烂额,人人自危。 However, Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers does not dare to expose in the Kelston front, the dependence back practices dirty tricks, can only bring troublesome some. 不过,雷铸天兵不敢暴露在凯尔斯通的面前,依靠背后搞小动作,只能带来一些麻烦。 Kelston always defends in the Floating City control room, does not leave, does not give the opportunity. 凯尔斯通始终守在浮空城的控制室,一步不离,根本不给机会。 Three months ago, Floating City completes the restore finally, takes off. 三个月前,浮空城终于完成修复,重新起飞。 Now Kelston set aside the hand to come. 现在凯尔斯通腾出手来了。 If were Kelston colludes with Roche believer to kill Ganeus, then, what his motive was? 如果是凯尔斯通勾结洛希信徒杀了格涅乌斯,那么,他的动机是什么呢? Changes a person, when Archon, which faction regardless of this person is, will not change Modo faction to control the Supreme Council half tickets present situations. 换一个人当执政官,无论这个人是哪个派系的,都不会改变摩都派控制至高议会半数票的现状。 Ganeus is the Balance Faction person. 格涅乌斯平衡派的人。 Now Balance Faction and Nesser Faction resist Modo faction jointly, Kelston do that Tim Kennan Grandmaster definitely does not permit. If were known by Tim Kennan is the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator under Kelston, does with the hand of Roche believer, with his staunch temperament, will not endure this tone. 如今平衡派耐瑟派联手对抗摩都派,凯尔斯通这么做,蒂姆*凯南大师肯定不允许。如果被蒂姆*凯南得知是凯尔斯通下的黑手,还是借洛希信徒的手干的,以他的刚烈脾气,绝不会忍下这口气。 Gets angry at the scene has the possibility. 当场翻脸都有可能。 Two schools of frail alliances disintegrate inevitably, was more impossible to resist Modo faction. 两派脆弱的联盟必然瓦解,更不可能对抗摩都派了。 Only if, Kelston had confidence that will not be detected by Tim Kennan he is the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, or he does not know, his relations with the Roche believer has exposed. 除非,凯尔斯通有把握不会被蒂姆*凯南察觉到他是幕后黑手,或者说,他并不知道,他跟洛希信徒的关系已经暴露了。 Therefore he dares unscrupulously colludes with Roche believer in secret, repeatedly murders with a borrowed knife. 所以他才敢肆无忌惮的跟洛希信徒暗中勾结,屡次借刀杀人。 Renn more wants more to feel the possibility. 雷恩越想就越觉得可能。 Kelston does not know, oneself recognized him in the Longshande silver star school, does not know, oneself has soul eyes to see the king of shadow is crafty technique Grandmaster clone. 凯尔斯通至今仍不知道,自己在隆杉德的银星学院就认出了他,也不知道,自己有灵魂之眼可以看出阴影之王是诡术大师分身 This is one can well the difference of information of use! 这是一个可以好好利用的信息差! The Renn corner of the eye split vision has swept Mentallin. 雷恩的眼角余光扫过蒙塔林 This Kelston most outstanding student, the Pallas Floating City No. 2 character, the innermost feelings do not look that tranquil like the surface. 这个凯尔斯通最杰出的学生,帕拉斯浮空城的二号人物,内心不像表面上看起来那么平静。 However, the Mentallin mood is also primarily is surprised, does not know the circumstances of the matter to the death of Ganeus obviously. 但是,蒙塔林的情绪也是以惊讶为主,显然对格涅乌斯之死并不知情。 Does he know nothing about the Kelston actions? 他对凯尔斯通的所做所为一无所知? Said, Ganeus death with Kelston irrelevant? 还是说,格涅乌斯的死跟凯尔斯通无关? Roche believer colludes with Kelston, not necessarily obeys certainly his order completely. Kills empire Archon, the soul offers sacrifices to give Roche, this believer to the empire and attack of Goddess of Magic was too big, Roche believer will not let up such opportunity, even Kelston cannot prevent. 洛希信徒凯尔斯通有勾结,也不见得一定完全听从他的命令。杀死帝国执政官,灵魂献祭给洛希,这对帝国与魔法女神信徒的打击太大了,洛希信徒绝不会放过这样的机会,就算凯尔斯通也不能阻止。 Renn considered for a long time, not to find out the conclusion. 雷恩考虑了许久,都没有想出定论。 Until evening. 直到傍晚。 A low and deep sound resounds in the manor hall people ear: I am Tim Kennan, all in the Northrill empire congressman, in quarter of an hour to empire meeting hall.” 一个低沉的声音在庄园大厅众人耳边响起:“我是蒂姆*凯南,所有在诺斯瑞尔的帝国议员,一刻钟内到帝国议事厅。” Supreme Council discussed the result. 至高议会谈出结果了。 legendary wizard looked at one mutually, opened portal, Hayes Cotteau and Cicero also walked. 传奇巫师们互相看了一眼,打开传送门,海斯克托和西塞罗也走了进去。 Empire meeting hall in Truth Temple, but Truth Temple situated in Fobaden Castle, its position with Lotus Palace relative, is situated before Rick Palace respectively the both sides of square. 帝国议事厅在真理神殿之中,而真理神殿位于浮贝登城堡之中,它的位置跟荷宫相对,分别坐落在瑞克宫前广场的两侧。 The entire Fobaden Castle space was blocked. 整个浮贝登城堡的空间都被封锁了。 The portal point of descent before the imperial palace city gate, Renn just arrived, has portal to open on seeing, goes out of empire congressmen. The complexion of everyone is very serious, is very serious, saw that other congressmen nod mutually, no one spoke. 传送门的落点在皇宫城门前,雷恩刚到达,就看见附近有一个个传送门打开,从中走出一位位帝国议员。每个人的脸色都很沉重,也很严肃,见到其他议员互相点头致意,没有人说话。 Obviously, the news that the Archon body dies has travelled in Northrill. 显然,执政官身死的消息已经在诺斯瑞尔传开了。 Renn guards the imperial palace the city gate that guards across Rick, steps the square before imperial palace, on the middle broad aisle a section of road, then turned right. 雷恩穿过瑞克禁卫守卫的城门,踏上皇宫前的广场,在中间的宽阔走道上走了一段路,然后右转。 A hundred meters high grand Goddess of Magic resembles stands erect in the front. 一座百米高的宏伟魔法女神像屹立在面前。 Over the past 1000 years, it was the world's highest female god statue, one month ago in the magic female resembles gods by truth island was replaced. 过去1000年,它都是世界上最高的女神像,直到一个多月前被真理岛上的魔法女像神所取代。 The god statue under foot is Truth Temple. 神像脚下就是“真理神殿”。 When Imperial Parliament process god statue prayed silently, then climbs up the stair to march into Truth Temple, enters in the temple the broadest hall, is Imperial Parliament in the meeting hall. 帝国议会员经过神像时默默祈祷,然后爬上台阶步入真理神殿,走进神殿中最宽阔的大厅,正是帝国议会所在议事厅。 In empire meeting hall solemn silence. 帝国议事厅里庄严肃穆。 More than 300 seats show the fan-shaped distribution, the dead ahead is chairman's podium, under the stage the front position is lowest, then rows of rises, the hillside, can make all congressmen of taking a seat see the scene on stage from low to high probably. 三百多个席位呈扇形分布,正前方是主席台,台下前排的位置最低,然后一排排的升高,从低到高像是山坡,可以让就座的全体议员看见台上的情景。 Empire congressman not fixed position, as the position improvement will change. 帝国议员没有固定的位置,不过随着地位提升会有所变化。 Renn attended several times of conferences for these years, the position is also getting more and more near the top, he arrives at first row of sitting down, looks at Saint Soul wizard on stage. 雷恩这几年出席了数次会议,位置也越来越靠前,他走到第一排坐下,看着台上的诸位圣魂巫师 12 Saint Soul wizard arrived. 十二位圣魂巫师都到了。 However, only then Duke Greyhawk Tim Kennan is the true body arrives, other Saint Soul wizard are the magic spell projections. 不过,只有灰鹰公爵蒂姆*凯南是真身到场,其他圣魂巫师都是法术投影。 The Tim Kennan attire is always invariable, puts on black heavy/thick magic robe, the big strong body supports fully the long gown, is shaving baldly, the chin remains must short, the look is tranquil, on the valiant face cannot see an expression fluctuation. 蒂姆*凯南的装束从来不变,穿着黑色厚重的魔法长袍,高大强壮的身躯把长袍撑得满满的,剃着光头,下巴留着短须,眼神平静,彪悍的脸庞上看不出一丝的表情波动。 He stands on the stage seems like the sculpture, looks that the empire congressmen come. 他站在台上像是雕塑,看着帝国议员们进来。 Invisible storm presses in the heart of empire congressmen, just like the tranquility before storm, making people feel that suffocates. 一股无形风暴压在帝国议员们的心头,犹如暴风雨前的宁静,让人们感觉到窒息。 Quick, quarter of an hour time. 很快,一刻钟时间到了。 The position of meeting hall was filled with near half, this empire congressman has 323 people, mostly disperses across the empire, usually only then dozens based in Northrill. 议事厅的位置坐满了将近一半,这一届帝国议员有323人,大多分散在帝国各地,平时只有数十位常驻诺斯瑞尔 Now actually nearly half of congressmen attend, many people obtain the news, in the afternoon rushed. 现在却有近一半议员出席,很多人得到消息,下午就赶到了。 Bang! 砰! Duke Greyhawk raises hand, the front door of meeting hall is closed loudly, Rick Imperial Guards defends in out of the door, preventing the late empire congressmen to enter the arena. 灰鹰公爵扬了扬手,议事厅的大门轰然关闭,瑞克禁卫军守在门外,阻止迟到的帝国议员进场。 Congressman.” “诸位议员。” Tim Kennan has no idle talk, saying of coming straight to the point: Yesterday evening, Archon Ganeus by the Evil God believer assassination, offered sacrifices to give Trickster Roche.” 蒂姆*凯南没有任何废话,开门见山的说道:“昨天晚上,执政官格涅乌斯邪神信徒刺杀,献祭给了欺诈者洛希。” His sound fluctuating, has not been stating an insignificant matter probably. 他的声音没有一点起伏,像是在陈述一件微不足道的事情。 However this news just like a heavy case bomb, Imperial Parliament receives the message, most people are holding the suspicion, now hears Duke Greyhawk to confirm personally, the congressmen almost blasted out, immediately burns with rage, some people are shocked speechless, some people angrily rebuke loudly. 然而这个消息犹如一枚重磅炸弹,帝国议会员收到消息,多数人还是抱着怀疑,现在听到灰鹰公爵亲口确认,议员们几乎炸开了,顿时群情激愤,有人震惊无语,有人高声怒斥。 Peaceful!” “安静!” A Tim Kennan sound pressure trigged all noisily , to continue saying: Archon is the face of empire, Supreme Council awards to govern the power of empire, Roche believer assassinates Archon, is in the so cruel method, this is to the empire, to Supreme Council and to Goddess of Magic blatant declaring war of!” 蒂姆*凯南一声压制住了所有吵闹,继续说道:“执政官是帝国的脸面,至高议会授予治理帝国之权,洛希信徒刺杀执政官,还是以如此残忍的手段,这是对帝国、对至高议会、对魔法女神的公然宣战!” We will not tolerate Evil God believer to trample the prestige of empire in the under foot, to them, threatens our people.” “我们绝不会容忍邪神信徒将帝国的威名践踏在脚下,任由他们,恐吓我们的人民。” We only accept a challenge.” “我们唯有应战。” Blood debt must the blood recompense, only then the blood of enemy can wash off the shame, is the Archon revenge, subsides the anger of empire people!” “血债必须血偿,只有敌人的鲜血才能洗刷耻辱,为执政官复仇,平息帝国人民的怒火!” The empire congressmen are listening to the words of Duke Greyhawk earnestly. 帝国议员们认真听着灰鹰公爵的话。 Here, I represent Supreme Council to announce three matters.” Tim Kennan is serious, said loudly: First, the empire administration cannot paralyze, before new Archon takes office, temporarily by the power of my acting Archon.” “在此,我代表至高议会宣布三件事。”蒂姆*凯南一脸严肃,大声说道:“第一,帝国行政不能瘫痪,在新任执政官就职之前,暂时由我代行执政官之权。” Second, Supreme Council decides to reopen the Archon campaign registration, all empire congressmen are entitled, the closing date is this month last day.” “第二,至高议会决定重新开放执政官竞选报名,所有帝国议员都有资格,截止日期是本月最后一天。” Renn hears these words, turned the head to look at Ottiluk of not far away slightly. 雷恩听到这句话,微微转头看了一眼不远处的欧提路克 Really, on his face reveals stunned with losing. 果然,他的脸上露出错愕与失落。 Third, the empire will launch a Operation Vengeance to Roche believer, returns the blood by the blood, a tooth for a tooth. This action by me will personally be led, to set out Floating City and Empire Regiment, does not limit the empire congressmen to participate, you can take your army together set off.” “第三,帝国将对洛希信徒展开一次复仇行动,以血还血,以牙还牙。这次行动将由我亲自率领,出动浮空城与帝国军团,也不限制帝国议员参与,你们可以带上自己的军队一起出发。” The Tim Kennan voice falls. 蒂姆*凯南话音落下。 Empire congressmen in an uproar, everyone is looking pensive. 帝国议员们一阵哗然,每个人都是若有所思。 The first matter is not accidental/surprised, without Archon, the empire must revolve as usual, is been expected by the Saint Soul wizard substitute management. 第一件事并不意外,没有执政官,帝国也要照常运转,由圣魂巫师代管在意料之中。 The following two matters must relate the explanation. 后面两件事要联系起来解读。 The meaning of Supreme Council is clear, who can perform the merit in Operation Vengeance, who has the qualifications to hold the post of next Archon. 至高议会的意思非常清楚,谁能在复仇行动中立下功劳,谁就有资格担任下一届执政官 Immediately, many ambitious congressmen were excited. 顿时,许多有野心的议员们都心动了。 Duke Sir.” “公爵大人。” After an empire congressman raises hand to agree, sets out to ask: Excuse me, we let us should take revenge to whom? Our enemies where?” 一个帝国议员举手得到同意后,起身问道:“请问,我们该向谁复仇?我们的敌人在哪里?” Tim Kennan returns indifferently said: Assassinates the Archon main murderer is Locker Lyon, at this moment, he hides in class Bex of Gupta kingdom.” 蒂姆*凯南淡然回道:“刺杀执政官的主要凶手是洛克里昂,此刻,他潜藏在古普塔王国的班贝城。” Look tranquil Renn hears class Bex, in the heart is startled suddenly. 神色平静的雷恩听到“班贝城”,心中霍然一惊。 He looks to Silverstar Duke on stage. 他不禁看向台上的银星公爵
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