WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#804: The death of Archon

Ganeus died!” 格涅乌斯死了!” Renn from oneself in the news that the clone synchronization of Glamorgan obtains, immediately is surprised, a little cannot believe that is also somewhat caught off guard. 雷恩从自己在格拉摩根分身同步得到的消息,顿时惊愕不已,有点不敢相信,也有些措手不及。 A month ago, Archon is well. 一个月前,执政官还是好好的。 Ganeus is the saint level powerhouse, when the prime of life, is impossible dead a violent death with no reason at all. Moreover he is 23rd rank Sword Saint, oneself strength is quite powerful, the side time has the Rick Imperial Guards protection, assassination his difficulty is as good assassinates Saint Soul wizard. 格涅乌斯圣阶强者,正值盛年,不可能无缘无故暴毙。而且他是二十三级剑圣,自身实力极为强大,身边时刻有瑞克禁卫军保护,暗杀他的难度不亚于暗杀一位圣魂巫师 However the news is the teacher sends in magic message, is beyond control Renn not to believe. 然而消息是老师用魔法传讯发来的,由不得雷恩不信。 He comes out from mechanical alchemy room immediately, teleportation returns to Glamorgan, arrives in Wizland High Tower time discovered that the teacher has entered the projection chamber, with other Saint Soul wizard private talks. 他立即从机械炼金室出来,传送回到格拉摩根,抵达威泽兰高塔的时候发现老师已经进入投影室,与其他圣魂巫师密谈。 Why does not know, the teacher closed the gate of projection chamber, ceases others to spy on. 不知出于什么原因,老师关闭了投影室的门,杜绝别人窥探。 Renn waited for the moment. 雷恩等了片刻。 The Anse Vodas sound passes from the projection chamber: Renn, you walk to Northrill for me, looks at the scene personally, the Throp manor of spot in West Butte.” 安西沃道斯声音从投影室传出来:“雷恩,你替我到诺斯瑞尔走一趟,亲自看一看现场,事发地点在威斯特山的奥索普庄园。” Yes, Teacher.” “是,老师。” Renn leaves immediately, teleportation to Riel's Marlene Manor. 雷恩马上动身,传送到了诺瑞瑞尔的玛琳歌庄园 The present is in the afternoon, Viola brought to protect her one team of Ultramarine to go out, Marlene Manor was still a tranquility, the news that obviously Archon died a violent death has not travelled. 现在是下午,维欧拉带着保护她的一队极限战士出门了,玛琳歌庄园仍是一片平静,显然执政官暴毙的消息还没有传开。 He notifies the female steward, asks: Abigail madam, Throp manor where?” 他跟女管家打了个招呼,问道:“阿比盖尔女士,奥索普庄园在哪里?” Abigail gawked, saying address fast. 阿比盖尔愣了下,飞快的说出地址。 Many thanks.” Renn nods. “多谢。”雷恩点了点头。 Then in her surprised vision, Renn direct teleportation vanished. 然后在她惊疑的目光中,雷恩直接传送消失了。 Marlene Manor also in Wester at the foot of the mountain, this is the empire most famous rich neighbourhood, the western suburbs situated in Northrill, the high official aristocrats and big rich and powerful people built up manors and villas here, is refreshingly quiet and comfortable, the scenery is pleasant. 玛琳歌庄园也在威斯特山脚下,这是帝国最著名的富人区,位于诺斯瑞尔的西郊,达官贵族和大富豪们在这里建起了一座座庄园和别墅,环境清幽,风景宜人。 Throp manor is one of the West Butte highest level manors, but the reputation does not reveal, its master is also very mysterious, some extremely few people have seen. 奥索普庄园是威斯特山最顶级的庄园之一,但是名声不显,它的主人也十分神秘,极少有人见过。 Renn above the upper air, found Throp manor. 雷恩在高空之上,一眼找到了奥索普庄园。 It had surrounded in depth by Rick Imperial Guards, the manor interior has lots of people to take a walk. Besides Rick Imperial Guards, Holy Swordsman of wear silver armor, Northrill elimination demon team member, as well as many powerful wizard, including several old acquaintances. 它已经被瑞克禁卫军层层包围起来,庄园内部有大量的人在走动。除了瑞克禁卫军以外,还有穿着白银铠甲的圣剑士,诺斯瑞尔的除魔队员,以及多位强大的巫师,其中有几个老熟人。 teleportation, Renn appears in the garden in manor again. 再一次传送,雷恩出现在庄园的庭院中。 Who?” “谁?” The Renn form guards the imperial palace surrounding Rick has a scare, holds up the weapon and soul gun, just like the frightened person. 雷恩的身影把周围的瑞克禁卫吓了一跳,纷纷举起武器和魂枪,犹如惊弓之鸟。 After they see clearly the Renn appearance, relaxes. 他们看清雷恩的模样以后,都是松了一口气。 Speaker Renn!” 雷恩议长!” Empire high and low few does not know Renn, salutes hastily respectfully. 帝国上下几乎没有人不认识雷恩,连忙恭敬行礼。 Although Renn is also not Saint Soul wizard, but in people's mind, his position had been equivalent to Saint Soul wizard, the prestige even compares several low-key Saint Soul wizard to be higher. 虽然雷恩还不是圣魂巫师,但在人们的心目中,他的地位已经跟圣魂巫师相当了,威望甚至比几位低调的圣魂巫师更高一些。 Renn nods, oversteps the disorderly lawn to enter the hall. 雷恩点了点头,踏过凌乱的草坪走进大厅。 His brow wrinkled gently, enters this manor, elephant's trunk spell smelled the revolting smell of blood, found the origin of smell instantaneously, the All Seeing Eye penetration wall, immediately the vision stagnated, saw an extremely terrifying scene. 他的眉头轻轻皱了下,一进入这座庄园,“象鼻术”就闻到了令人作呕的血腥味,瞬间找到了气味的来源,全视之眼穿透墙壁,顿时目光一滞,看见了一副极为恐怖的场景。 Ganeus really died......” 格涅乌斯真的死了……” Renn has mixed feelings, this accidental/surprised accident disrupted own plan thoroughly. 雷恩心情复杂,这个意外变故彻底打乱了自己的计划。 He cannot think how for a while good should the deal with changes, enters the hall, inside has several people to arrive, they same are Saint Soul wizard send with themselves. 他一时没能想好该怎么应变,进入大厅,里面已经有几个人到了,他们跟自己一样是圣魂巫师们派来的。 Tim Kennan Grandmaster student Ottiluk Grandmaster, Silverstar Duke student Andlau, Storm Queen student and sweetheart Manser, vice-president Sidney of Blueworth school * Ryckman, student Kelland of Congerard Great Sage. 蒂姆*凯南大师的学生欧提路克大师,银星公爵的学生安德洛,风暴女王的学生兼情人阿拉曼瑟,布鲁沃茨学院的副院长西德尼*里克曼,康杰拉德大贤者的学生凯兰娜。 These are the members of Nesser supervision group. 这几位都是耐瑟监督组的成员。 Everyone will meet one time each quarter, is very mutually familiar, seeing Renn to come to nod, has not spoken. 大家每个季度都会见面一次,互相很熟悉,看见雷恩进来点头致意,都没有说话。 Renn.” 雷恩。” Rick Imperial Guards commands Hayes Cotteau to stand in the halls, this saint level powerhouse, powerful Hachez and Dragon Knight, this moment complexion is very thin and pale, two meters high strong body actually disclosed several points of anxiety. 瑞克禁卫军统领海斯克托站在大厅中间,这位圣阶强者,强大的黑骑士兼龙骑士,此刻脸色却很憔悴,两米多高的强壮身躯竟然透露出几分不安。 He greets, said: Waits a bit a while, after the person arrives in full, we examine the scene again.” 他打了个招呼,说道:“稍等一会儿,人到齐以后我们再查看现场。” Quick, two people arrive in the manor. 很快,又有两个人抵达庄园。 Renn is very strange to these two, but can guess correctly their status. 雷恩对这两人都很陌生,不过能猜到他们的身份。 One is legend peak 19th rank Psionicist, the stature middle-grade, the appearance is young, he is Kelston most outstanding student Mentallin, is next to Duke Redstone in the Pallas Floating City prestige oneself, frequently replaces the teacher to manage Floating City. 一个是传奇巅峰十九级灵能者,身材中等,外貌年轻,他是凯尔斯通最杰出的学生蒙塔林,在帕拉斯浮空城的名望仅次于红石公爵本人,经常代替老师管理浮空城 Mentallin enters the hall from very far place mental jump, first looks to Renn, the look is indifferent, the hostility in not mincing matter eye. 蒙塔林从很远的地方心灵跳跃进入大厅,第一眼就看向雷恩,神色冷漠,毫不掩饰眼中的敌意。 On the Renn face does not have a fluctuation. 雷恩脸上没有一丝波动。 What he is interested is behind comes in Witch that she has a symbolic silver long hair, the stature selects high, the appearance is beautiful, the upper part puts on the mithril casting enchantment light armor, under is silk magic robe, the waist is actually hanging a magic wand, although this moment manner is quiet, can actually see her usually is a sunlight lively female. 他更感兴趣的是后面进来的女巫,她有着一头标志性的银色长发,身材高挑,容貌美丽,上半身穿着秘银铸造的附魔轻甲,底下却是一袭丝质魔法长袍,腰间挂着一根魔杖,尽管此刻神态沉静,却能看出她平时是一位阳光活泼的女性。 This appearance and makings, do not need to guess that also knows she is one of the seven sisters. 这外貌与气质,不用猜也知道她是七姐妹之一。 However, those present mostly did not know. 不过,在场的人大多不认识。 I called the multi- lotuses *, if, was that bad old man asks me to come.” After silver-haired Witch comes, simple self introduction. “我叫多芙*瑞丝若,是那个糟老头子叫我来的。”银发女巫进来后简单的自我介绍。 The people understood immediately. 众人立即明白了。 In Saint Soul wizard conforms to bad old man image, only has Vantusri * Huohai Grandmaster. This Witch did not have to say oneself were the Huohai Grandmaster anyone, but, the relations should be very intimate, will otherwise not send her. 圣魂巫师里最符合“糟老头子”形象的,只有万图斯瑞*霍怀大师。这个女巫没有说自己是霍怀大师的什么人,不过,关系应该很亲近,否则也不会派她来。 Renn observed with soul eyes. 雷恩灵魂之眼观察了一下。 The multi- lotuses are also Thousand Magics Wizard, the 19th rank legend peak. She simultaneously concurrent job Elemental Archer, as expected is also Goddess of Magic emissary, has silver fire, the strength is extremely powerful. 多芙也是千法巫师,十九级传奇巅峰。她同时兼职元素射手,不出所料也是魔法女神选民,拥有银火,实力相当强悍。 Her sensation is keen, looks to Renn, sizes up Renn with a carefully examining vision, in the eye is difficult to cover the curious color. 她的感知非常敏锐,向雷恩回望过来,用一种审视的目光打量雷恩,眼中难掩好奇之色。 Obviously, the multi- lotuses from have listened to the Renn name from her sisters mouth a lot. 显然,多芙从没少从她的姐妹们口中听过雷恩的名字。 „.” “诸位。” The Hayes Cotteau sinking sound said: You had known, Archon your excellency died in Throp manor last night......” 海斯克托沉声说道:“你们都已经知道了,执政官阁下昨夜死在奥索普庄园……” „Did Archon die?” The multi- lotuses opened the eye, the expression is very shocking. 执政官死了?”多芙睁大了眼睛,表情十分震惊。 Multi- lotus hasn't madam known?” Hayes Cotteau is stunned. “多芙女士还不知道?”海斯克托愕然。 I just in Northrill, the bad old man gave me recently suddenly magic message, making me come here, with not saying what happened.” The multi- lotuses were still during the extreme shock, she detected a moment ago the atmosphere in manor and hall is not right, guessed has the important matter to happen, has not thought that is actually such big matter. “我刚好最近在诺斯瑞尔,糟老头子突然给我魔法传讯,让我到这里,没跟说发生了什么事。”多芙仍处于极度的震惊之中,她刚才就发觉庄园和大厅里的气氛不对,猜测有大事发生,没想到却是这么大的事。 Bad old man Zikeng I!” “糟老头子坑我!” If we had known I do not come.” The multi- lotuses get back one's composure, the whisper of clenching jaws, obviously she does not think this turbid water. “早知道我就不来了。”多芙回神过来,咬牙切齿的嘀咕,明显她不想趟这个浑水。 Hayes Cotteau pretends not to hear, everyone please come with me.” 海斯克托装作没听见,“大家请跟我来。” He leads the people to go to the following garden across the hall, the garden area that handles carefully is very big, even is still in full bloom in some early winter season massive fresh flowers, too beautiful to behold, but had been stepped on scattered about by Rick Imperial Guards, everywhere in confusion. 他带着众人穿过大厅来到后面的花园,精心打理的花园面积很大,即使在初冬季节也有大量鲜花盛开,美不胜收,不过已经被瑞克禁卫军踩得七零八落,满地狼藉。 In the big gardens constructs three garrets, should specifically be used to view the flowers. 大花园中间建有一座三层阁楼,应该是专门用于赏花的。 Outside the garret, teams of Rick guard the imperial palace the composition human wall warning line, Church of Justice Holy Swordsman, is opening the rug search in the palace, does not let off any traces. 阁楼外面,一队队瑞克禁卫组成人墙警戒线,还有正义教会圣剑士,正在殿开地毯式搜索,不放过任何蛛丝马迹。 Close to the garret, the smell of blood that the people smell is heavier. 越是靠近阁楼,众人闻到的血腥味就越重。 Everyone's expression is also dignified. 大家的表情也凝重起来。 Opens the door.” “把门打开。” Hayes Cotteau ordered in the past, two legend Iron Guard shoved open a garret hall, reveals inside scene. 海斯克托过去一声令下,两个传奇铁卫推开了阁楼一层的大厅,露出里面的景象。 Immediately, putrefactive odor and bloody air/Qi mixed in the same place, heads on after the gate. 顿时,一股腐烂臭味与血腥之气混杂在一起,从门后扑面而来。 The wizard complexion crazily changes. 巫师们脸色狂变。 A garret area has several hundred squares, decorated very refinedly luxurious, but has a rhombus altar in the midpoint of room, half meter high altar obviously takes to bring from outside, builds with a black stone, is carving rows of strange runes. 阁楼一层面积有数百平方,原本装饰得十分雅致奢华,但在房间的正中央有一座菱形祭坛,半米多高的祭坛明显是从外面带进来的,用一种黑色的石头垒成,刻着一排排诡异的符文 In the altar, is lying down a corpse. 祭坛上,躺着一具尸体。 The internal organs of corpse pulled out, puts the edge in altar, the four limbs also by the dismemberment, piles up to suspend the strange shape together. Head also, but the scalp was removed, the meat on face also picks out cleanly, reveals the dense white bones, only leaves behind the skull and body is connected. 尸体的内脏都被掏出来,摆在祭坛的边缘,四肢也被支解,堆放在一起摆成诡异的形态。头部还在,但是头皮被剥掉了,脸上的肉也剔得干干净净,露出森森白骨,只留下头骨与躯体相连。 The innumerable blood come out from the corpse class/flow, spread to the entire altar, will carve to fill the blood-color above runes. 无数鲜血从尸体流出来,蔓延到整个祭坛,将刻在上面的符文都填充成血色。 The corpse chest place, there is an ancient book of opening. 尸体的胸口处,有一本翻开的典籍。 In the room, dozens by the same technique processed corpse, the fragment, internal organs and the white bones human body suspend terrifying the modeling. 房间里,还有数十具被同样的手法处理过的尸体,人类躯体的碎块、内脏和白骨摆成一个个恐怖的造型。 The ground was watered one by the blood, the blood coagulation the thick black cake. 地面被鲜血浇灌了一层,血液凝结成厚厚的黑色块状物。 On the wall, ceiling, is dense and numerous blood runes, the distortion is everywhere strange, makes threatening gestures, when just like the dementia to manifest suddenly the doodle, can distinguish few words reluctantly, seems like some Evil God doctrine. 墙壁上、天花板上,到处都是密密麻麻的鲜血符文,扭曲诡异,张牙舞爪,犹如精神错乱发作时的涂鸦,勉强可以识别出只言片语,似乎是某个邪神教义 The evil aura rich to nearly concentrates the essence. 邪恶气息浓郁到近乎凝成实质。 This room is more terrifying than the Abyss hell, scared. 这个房间比深渊地狱更加恐怖,令人胆寒。 If the average person sees this, so long as, instantaneously were possibly insane. Stands in legendary wizard, felt the soul trembles. 如果是普通人看见这一幕,只要一眼,可能瞬间就疯了。站在门外的传奇巫师们,也是感到灵魂颤栗。 Offering sacrifices ceremony!” “献祭仪式!” Storm Queen student Manser loses one's voice to call out in alarm. 风暴女王的学生阿拉曼瑟失声惊叫。 The complexions of others are also ugly, the multi- lotuses cannot bear cover oneself nose, has almost not spat. 其他人的脸色也非常难看,多芙忍不住捂住自己的鼻子,差点没吐出来。 Ottiluk recognized one, the sinking sound said: This is the Roche offering sacrifices ceremony, what the altar and on the wall write is doctrine of this lunatic, that is the book of Roche.” 欧提路克辨识了一眼,沉声道:“这是洛希的献祭仪式,祭坛和墙上写的是这个疯子的教义,那本是洛希之书。” wizard nod. 巫师们都是点头。 Renn when entered the manor to identify. 雷恩在进入庄园的时候就辨认出来了。 This are very familiar, seven years ago just passed through to Allanus time, in the manor basement outside Longshande city, came across a Roche offering sacrifices ceremony, because also kills Allsburg who holds to offer sacrifices, in oneself dispute mark. 这一幕自己很熟悉,七年前刚穿越到艾伦厄斯的时候,在隆杉德城外的庄园地下室,也遇到了一次洛希的献祭仪式,还因为杀死举行献祭的艾斯伯格,自己中了纷争印记。 But this time, was higher than compared with the scale and specification of past offering sacrifices too! 但这一次,比当年的献祭的规模与规格都高出太多了! Sacrificial offering is completely transcendent. 祭品的全部是超凡者 In altar that corpse Ganeus! 祭坛上那具尸体正是格涅乌斯 Even if the corpse were cut to pieces, cuts almost unable to see the human form, All Seeing Eye can from the certain position features and residual thunder and lightning aura of corpse, judged that he is Ganeus, is not others camouflages or pretends to be, will not have the mistake. 即使尸体被千刀万剐,切割到几乎看不出人形,全视之眼还是能从尸体的某些部位特征以及残留的雷电气息,判断出他是格涅乌斯,不是别人伪装或冒充,绝不会有错。 In Renn heart silent. 雷恩心中默然。 Ganeus is good with own relations, person who he is one has the aspiration, the solemn saint level powerhouses and empire three Archon, end up the so pitiful fate finally, really does not have the heart. 格涅乌斯跟自己的关系不错,他是一个有抱负的人,堂堂圣阶强者、帝国三届执政官,最终落得如此凄惨下场,实在于心不忍。 The most important thing is, the Ganeus soul offered sacrifices to give Roche. 最重要的是,格涅乌斯的灵魂被献祭给了洛希 After he dies , is not only unable to rise into Goddess of Magic God's kingdom, but must receive suffering of Roche forever, dying was more pitiful. 他死后不但无法升入魔法女神神国,而且要永远受到洛希的折磨,比死了还要悲惨。 Can preside over such large-scale offering sacrifices ceremony, is not general Roche believer. 能够主持这么大型献祭仪式的,绝不是一般的洛希信徒 At least is also the saint level powerhouse . Moreover the very big probability is many saint level powerhouses leaves acts together, and is long-premeditated. 至少也是圣阶强者,而且很大概率是多位圣阶强者出一起出手,并且蓄谋已久。 legendary wizard stand in out of the door, one step does not dare to tread. 传奇巫师们站在门外,一步也不敢踏进去。 This retains the scene. 这是保留现场。 Renn broke silent, asked: When discovers?” 雷恩打破了沉默,问道:“什么时候发现的?” Day quick bright time.” “天快亮的时候。” Hayes Cotteau returns said, I obtained the news to notify to give Supreme Council immediately, in the morning several Saint Soul wizard have come to see. Lucepell Your Highness and three arbitration officers, have gone to inspect several, confirmed that the murderer is Roche believer, does not frame by planting stolen goods on to shift blame.” 海斯克托回道,“我得到消息立即通报给了至高议会,早上有几位圣魂巫师来看过了。卢斯佩尔冕下和三位仲裁官,已经进去检查了几遍,确认凶手就是洛希信徒,不是栽赃嫁祸。” The Renn slight nod, Church of Justice was roots out the evil expert, Pope had confirmed the murderer, basically did not make a mistake. 雷恩微微点头,正义教会是斩除邪恶的行家,教宗都已确认了凶手,基本上错不了。 Is Roche believer!” Multi- lotus saying bitterly. “又是洛希信徒!”多芙恨恨的说道。 legendary wizard are also extremely angry. 传奇巫师们也是极为愤怒。 Regardless of taking what faction standpoint, everyone is the empire person and goddess believer. 不论出于什么派系立场,大家都是帝国人和女神的信徒 Trickster Roche, this Evil God is goddess number one foe, is Evil God that all empire people most hate. His believer running dog, Dark Sun and Shadow Blade two big evil organizations, violates the innumerable dreadful sins in the empire, the intense and deep-seated hatred is unable to wash clean. 欺诈者洛希,这个邪神是女神的头号仇敌,也是所有帝国人最痛恨的邪神。祂的信徒走狗,“暗日”和“影刃”两大邪恶组织,在帝国犯下无数滔天罪孽,血海深仇无法洗清。 Now is assassinated empire Archon, offers sacrifices to give Roche. 现在连帝国执政官都被刺杀,献祭给了洛希 Conceivable, once the news spreads to create the big vibration to the empire, one time is to the sever attack of empire popular sentiment. 可以想象,一旦消息扩散出去会给帝国造成多大的震动,也是一次对帝国民心的沉痛打击。 This time, cannot endure!” “这一次,绝不能忍!” We must retaliate!” “我们必须报复回来!” legendary wizard constrain the anger, Andlau is asking: Hayes Cotteau commands, the imperial guard, eliminated the demon team and Church of Justice investigated for quite a while, hasn't discovered the clue of murderer?” 传奇巫师们压抑着怒火,安德洛问道:“海斯克托统领,禁卫军、除魔队和正义教会侦查了半天,还没有发现凶手的线索吗?” No.” Hayes Cotteau shakes the head slowly. “没有。”海斯克托缓缓摇头。 Immediately, legendary wizard somewhat are discontented, wants to interrogate, actually concerned about Hayes Cotteau is the saint level powerhouse, powerful, for a while somewhat hesitates. 顿时,传奇巫师们都有些不满,想要质问,却碍于海斯克托圣阶强者,位高权重,一时有些犹豫。 No matter Renn actually these, closely examine directly: Hayes Cotteau commands, you last night where? Why doesn't have to follow in the Archon side?” 雷恩却不管这些,直接追问:“海斯克托统领,你昨晚在哪里?为什么没有跟在执政官的身边?” The Rick Imperial Guards responsibility is to protect Archon. 瑞克禁卫军的职责就是保护执政官 Hayes Cotteau commands as the imperial guard, is the Ganeus trusted aide, unexpectedly to the dawn discovered that the Archon body dies, this is the serious dereliction of duty! 海斯克托作为禁卫军统领,又是格涅乌斯的心腹,竟然到天亮才发现执政官身死,这是严重的失职! Strength of the boundless shadow in the Hayes Cotteau within the body surges, the double pupil also becomes jet black. 一股磅礴的暗影之力在海斯克托体内翻腾,双眸也变得漆黑。 The aura of saint level powerhouse makes wizard retrocede. 圣阶强者的气息让巫师们不禁后退。 Renn stands in same place motionless, the body inflates to three meters high, on the skin has the electric light twinkle, occupies a commanding position to stare at Hayes Cotteau, more terrifying strength aura easily suppressed the opposite party. 雷恩站在原地一动不动,身躯膨胀到三米高,皮肤上有电光闪烁,居高临下盯着海斯克托,更为恐怖的力量气息轻易压制住了对方。 Rick Imperial Guards and legendary wizard are the complexion big changes, draws back hastily is farther. 瑞克禁卫军传奇巫师们都是脸色大变,连忙退得更远一些。 What are you concealing?” “你在隐瞒什么?” The Renn sound just like thunderous, shakes people eardrum stabbing pain. 雷恩的声音犹如雷鸣,震得人们耳膜刺痛。 Hayes Cotteau as if by a basin cold water overhead pouring , the agitated anxious mood was subsided instantaneously, hesitant several seconds, this returns said: Throp manor is the Archon secret dwelling, every week, he will live in an evening with Eleanor madam here, requesting me not to need to follow.” 海斯克托仿佛被一盆冷水当头浇下,烦躁不安的情绪瞬间平息,犹豫了几秒钟,这才回道:“奥索普庄园是执政官的秘密住处,每个星期,他都会跟埃莉诺女士在这里住一个晚上,要求我不必跟随。” These I had reported that gave Lucepell Your Highness, the meaning without concealed.” “这些我已经报告给了卢斯佩尔冕下,并没有隐瞒的意思。” He looks up giant Renn, the look is very astonished, but the complexion is confident, sighed: I am very guilty cannot protect good Archon your excellency, Speaker Renn please do not misunderstand.” 他抬头望着巨人般的雷恩,眼神十分惊异,但是脸色坦然,叹息道:“我只是很愧疚没能保护好执政官阁下,雷恩议长请不要误会。”
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