WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#634: Violent Priest

Two days later. 两天后。 East of Alberi has one Gray Valley, clamps between the west coast mountain ridge and Nie Wada mountain ranges, valley land is thousand miles, widest place actually less than hundred li (0.5 km), long and narrow and smooth valley land and coastline parallel, is fertile, is rain-rich, in the Third Epoch period is the dwarf biggest grain habitat. 阿尔贝湾以东有一座“格雷谷地”,夹在西海岸山岭与聂瓦达山脉中间,谷地长达千里,最宽处却不足百里,狭长而又平坦的谷地与海岸线平行,土地肥沃,雨水充足,在第三纪元时期是矮人最大的粮食产地。 Gray Valley like enlarging hundred times of Alberi, all around was surrounded by the mountain range, only exit|to speak good Alberi. 格雷谷地就像放大了百倍的阿尔贝湾,四周被山脉环绕,唯一的出口正是好阿尔贝湾 The valley land of productivity, is once occupied by monster. 曾经丰饶的谷地,早已被魔物占据了。 More than 50 years ago, Alberi three city lord reach the agreement, the next strategic target is to eliminate demons nest in Gray Valley, constructs the granary it again, making Alberi self-sufficient, thus gets rid to the Old World grain relies on. 五十多年前,阿尔贝湾的三位城主达成共识,下一步战略目标就是清除格雷谷地中的魔巢,重新将它建设成粮仓,让阿尔贝湾自给自足,从而摆脱对旧大陆的粮食依赖。 However Gray Valley was too big, not possible to build the city wall like Alberi on all around mountain, can only build up the fort in the important mountain range pass, blocks the key communication line, prevents the monster large-scale invasion. 然而格雷谷地太大了,不可能像阿尔贝湾那样在四周的山上建立城墙,只能在重要的山脉隘口建起要塞,堵住交通要道,阻止魔物大规模入侵。 Several forts are far from enough, still had the monster continuous crossing mountain range, entered the valley land to destroy wantonly, builds up demons nest to guide evil energy, the land transformation was Abyss wasteland. 十几座要塞远远不够,依然有魔物源源不断的翻过山脉,进入谷地大肆破坏,建起魔巢引导邪能,将大地转化为深渊废土 Alberi transcendent legion sweeps clear monster and demons nest regularly, purifies by the land of evil energy discoloration. 阿尔贝湾超凡军团定期清扫魔物魔巢,净化被邪能染污的土地。 But monster kills like the weeds not, will stage a comeback not long. 可是魔物像野草一样杀之不尽,不用多久又会卷土重来。 Three city lord subordinates transcendent legion is tired out from the press, therefore in the Alberi issue duty, lets soul hunter squad and commission army corps and transcendent participates to exterminate monster, is well-paid . Moreover the monster spoils of war that hunts and kills turn over to themselves. 三位城主麾下超凡军团疲于奔命,于是在阿尔贝湾发布任务,让猎魂队、佣兵团和超凡者们参与清剿魔物,报酬丰厚,而且猎杀的魔物战利品归自己所有。 This risk not high , and harvest not poor extermination duty is very popular. 这种危险性不高且收获不菲的清剿任务很受欢迎。 Dozens years of relentlessness, exterminates completion of duty innumerable, the Gray Valley most region has regained, general monster does not dare to rush in the valley land to court death. 数十年的坚持不懈,无数次清剿任务的完成,格雷谷地大半区域已经收复,一般的魔物也不敢闯进谷地找死。 Valley land southern part, on a low hill exudes the ripples void, after several seconds, appears three person's shadows. 谷地南部,一座低矮的山丘上虚空泛起涟漪,几秒钟后显出三个人影。 What is the head is young wizard that grasps silver magic staff, puts on black magic robe, the facial features are faint, is Reislin. 为首的是一个手持银色法杖的年轻巫师,穿着黑色魔法长袍,面容淡漠,正是雷斯林 His left and right are Athena and Yizit. 他的左右两边是阿西娜伊兹特 Should be nearby this.” Yizit looks to all around. “应该就是这附近了。”伊兹特看向四周。 In the air has the sulfur taste of irritating the nose, in the sky the overcast sky, cannot see Sun. 空气里有刺鼻的硫磺味,天空上阴云密布,看不见太阳。 The hill surrounding land seems like by the bloody water has poured into generally, becomes pitch-black deep, in the creek of not far away the river water is muddy, sends out the odor ill-smelling smell, like sewer. 山丘周围的大地像是被血水灌注过一般,变得乌黑深沉,不远处的小河中河水混浊,散发出恶臭难闻的气味,如同臭水沟。 The full of vitality vegetation also had the variations in varying degrees, becomes quiet green, bright red or jet black, the color is very exaggerating, understood at a glance that is the abnormal product. The wild animal, insect and fish as if vanished, in fact, after they were infected, becomes more fearful, hides in the hidden place. 原本生机勃勃的植被也发生了不同程度的变异,变得幽绿、鲜红或漆黑,颜色十分夸张,一看就知道是畸形的产物。野兽、昆虫和鱼类似乎都消失了,实际上,它们被感染后变得更加可怕,潜藏在暗处。 One does not know the black wind that continuously where blows brings inexplicable talking during sleep, the drill hears, listens attentively not to catch carefully, making people's heart live constrains agitated. 一缕缕不知从哪里吹来的黑风带来莫名的呓语,不停的钻入耳中,仔细倾听又捕捉不到,让人心生烦躁压抑。 If there is a feeble-minded person here, three days will be made insanely by everywhere talking during sleep, then by the negative energy intrusive mass that in the naked eye cannot see, Fallen becomes monster that is insane. 如果有意志薄弱的人在这里,不出三天就会被无处不在的呓语弄疯,然后被肉眼看不见的负面能量侵入体内,堕落成失心的魔物 This just like the world in nightmare, after by evil energy pollutes Abyss wasteland. 这犹如噩梦中的世界,就是被邪能污染后的深渊废土 The three people on hill have been used. 山丘上的三人都已经习惯了。 Over the past two days, they sought for that legend Priest in Gray Valley, Yizit inquire the news, the opposite party meet exterminated the duty, the place in valley land southern part. 过去两天,他们在格雷谷地里寻找那个传奇牧师,伊兹特打探到消息,对方接了清剿任务,地点就在谷地的南部 Even if there is a duty direction, finds the person is not easy in the huge valley land. 即使有任务指引,在庞大的谷地里找人也不容易。 The fellow is a person acts alone, simultaneously met 56 to exterminate the duty, actually did not press the direction of duty place to walk, the whereabouts drifted from place to place. Reislin teleportation dozens times, along had just had the trace of fight, looked for two days, finally locked the Priest approximate position. 那家伙是一个人独自行动,同时接了五六个清剿任务,却不按任务地点的方向走,行踪飘忽不定。雷斯林传送了数十次,沿着刚发生过战斗的痕迹,找了两天,终于锁定了牧师的大致位置。 Reislin takes a fast look around on the hill, vision, said lightly: Found him.” 雷斯林在山丘上扫视一圈,目光一顿,淡淡说道:“找到他了。” Where?” “在哪里?” Athena and Yizit had not actually discovered. 阿西娜伊兹特却没有发现。 Looks at that side.” Reislin referred to a direction under. “看那边。”雷斯林朝一个方向指了下。 To a hill about half li (0.5 km) place, fluctuates in the uneven ground to distribute some heaps, with weeds mixed in the same place, and common. 离山丘脚下大约半里的地方,起伏不平的地面上分布着一些土堆,跟野草混杂在一起,并不起眼。 Yizit light purple pupil micro. 伊兹特淡紫色的瞳孔微缩。 Demon bear goblin lair!” He takes risk for many years in New World, sees under these heaps is the cavern that bear goblin digs, but leaves far, no earliest possible time discovered a moment ago. “魔化熊地精的巢穴!”他在新大陆冒险多年,一眼看出那些土堆底下是熊地精挖出来的洞穴,只是离得较远,刚才没有第一时间发现。 He judged with oneself experience, said in a low voice: Should be the medium bear goblin tribe, at least 500 bear goblin, it is estimated that just completed shortly after demons nest, not over three months, therefore the evil energy pollution is not very serious.” 他用自己的经验判断了一下,低声道:“应该是中型的熊地精部落,至少有五百头熊地精,估计刚建成魔巢不久,不会超过三个月,所以邪能污染还不是很严重。” Reislin selected, soul eyes can see the energy directly. 雷斯林点了下头,灵魂之眼可以直接看见能量。 demons nest is very in his eyes obvious, evil energy like the eerie-green beacon, the direct impact horizon, spreads to 48 sides, is covering the surrounding area about 30 li (0.5 km) sky and land. 魔巢在他眼里很明显,一股邪能如同幽绿色的烽烟,直冲天际,向四八面方扩散,笼罩着方圆三十里左右的天空与大地。 The position of evil energy spout is demons nest, a thorough underground cavern. 邪能喷涌的位置就是魔巢,一个深入地下的洞窟。 To cavern entrance not far away, All Seeing Eye saw through person's shadow invisibility spell, Reislin observed, confirmed that this person was Priest that must look. 离洞窟入口不远处,全视之眼识破了一道人影的隐身术,雷斯林观察了下,确认这个人就是自己要找的牧师 Where without he pointed out Priest, the fight erupted suddenly. 没等他指出牧师在哪里,战斗突然爆发了。 Ray sparkle. 光芒闪耀。 Handle heavy morgenstern emerges out of thin air, the square hammer head except for with handle connected that side, other five has a giant nail thorn, fierce fearsome. 一柄沉重的钉头锤凭空出现,正方形的锤头除了与握柄相连的那一面,其余五面都有一根巨大的钉刺,狰狞可怖。 Putting in order is long hammer one -and-a-half meters, grasps in a big strong male person hand, he puts on heavy/thick lock armor, outside the mask a white battle dress, is living with the spacious metal waistband bunch, the waist hangs a plain fly-whisk scripture with the iron lock, behind the battle dress chest front is embroidering the Mother Goddess of Earth Saint emblem, the tree of life grows from the land. 整把锤子一米半长,握在一个高大强壮的男人手中,他穿着厚重的锁甲,外面罩着一件白色战袍,用宽大的金属腰带束住,腰间用铁锁挂着一部古朴的棕皮圣典,战袍胸前背后绣有大地母神的圣徽,一颗从大地上长出的生命之树。 At this moment, on about two meters high Priest erupts layer upon layer god holy light glow, his bare big head becomes brighter, imitates such as a high power light bulb. 此刻,将近两米高的牧师身上爆发出一层层神圣光芒,他光秃秃的大脑袋变得更亮,仿如一枚高功率灯泡。 During breath, Priest added to oneself held more than ten divine spell. 一个呼吸之间,牧师给自己加持了十几层神术 He lifts up high morgenstern to exhaust pounds full power to the ground. 他高举钉头锤用尽全力砸向地面。 Bang! 轰! The ground gets down hollowly, immediately chainreact. 地面凹陷下去,随即发生连锁反应。 In front of the Priest big piece fall of ground, the fissure takes his under foot to spread as the boundary forward, several seconds expand to over a hundred squares, the innumerable soil rock whereabouts, expose under cavern, inside spreads the startled sound to call out pitifully, does not know that many bear goblin ran over directly. 牧师面前的大片地面塌陷,裂痕以他的脚下为分界线向前蔓延,几秒钟就扩大到上百平方,无数泥土岩石下落,暴露出底下的洞窟,里面传出惊声惨叫,不知道有多少熊地精被直接压死。 Reislin that on the hill watches grabbed a wave of bargain, charge level in soul power pool was rising. 山丘上观看的雷斯林捡了一波便宜,魂力池里的电量在上涨。 soul eyes saw that the evil energy beacon sways erratically, Priest this hammer destroyed underground demons nest directly most probably. 灵魂之眼看到邪能烽烟摇晃不定,牧师这一锤直接把地下魔巢摧毁了大半。 Roar......” “吼……” Angry roaring resound in underground, in all around heap runs out of large quantities of bear goblin. 一声声愤怒的咆哮在地底响起,四周的土堆里冲出大批熊地精 Their names have goblin, truly with that spiritless diminutive green skin goblin is the blood relationship close relative, but besides also has the strong reproduction ability and low wisdom, both almost do not have other similarity. 它们的名字带有“地精”,确实跟那种懦弱矮小的绿皮地精是血缘近亲,但是除了同样拥有强大的繁殖能力和低下的智慧以外,两者几乎没有别的相似之处。 Bear goblin seems like the erectness, but black bear, minimum height also over one meter eight, the face has the goblin outline, the body is quite strong, the whole body covers the brown hair. Their four limbs like human flexible, puts on crude skin armor, grasps the wolf fang wooden stick and javelin, angrily roars is firing into Priest. 地精像是直立而起的狗熊,最低身高也超过一米八,脸部有地精的轮廓,身躯极为强壮,全身覆盖棕色毛发。它们的四肢像人类一样灵活,穿着简陋的皮甲,手持狼牙木棒和标枪,怒吼着冲向牧师 These are demon bear goblin, the hair are jet black, the pair of eyes hyperemia, the face of distortion seems like the malicious ghost who crawls from the hell. 这些是魔化的熊地精,毛发漆黑,双眼充血,扭曲的面孔像是从地狱里爬出来的恶鬼。 The lifeform of any by evil energy demon, mental reduces, but the strength will rise suddenly. 凡是被邪能魔化的生物,心智降低,但实力都会暴涨。 Demon bear goblin is also so. 魔化熊地精也是如此。 First rushes to a number of bear goblin before Priest body, two meters high body is strong seems like a wall, enters the rage condition in abundance, is brandishing the spiked club and stone hammer, from surrounded Priest in all directions, since wielded the weapon to pound. 最先冲到牧师身前的一批熊地精,两米多高的身躯强壮得像是一堵墙,纷纷进入狂暴状态,挥舞着狼牙棒、石锤,从四面八方包围住了牧师,挥起武器就砸。 Bang! 砰! The Priest left hand toward on, the palm releases a pure ray, just like the fireball to explode, the huge sacred energy blasts out, attacks bear goblin the body of evil energy violently. 牧师左手朝上,掌心释放出一股纯净的光芒,犹如火球爆炸,庞大的神圣能量炸开,猛烈冲击熊地精邪能之躯。 Immediately, on bear goblin ignites the golden flame. 顿时,熊地精身上燃起金色火焰。 This type of sacred fire not only burns down the fur/superficial knowledge flesh, but also the thorough soul, they fall into the wok with cooking oil the same as send out the painful pitiful yell probably. 这种神圣之火不但焚烧皮毛血肉,而且深入灵魂,它们像是落入油锅一样发出痛苦惨叫。 Part of bear goblin suppression pain, continue charge forcefully. 一部分熊地精压制痛苦,强行继续冲锋 However greets their is huge morgenstern, the Priest hammer pounds in the head, the ray erupts, the ugly head explodes like the watermelon, the brain fluid scatters, the body is also split up. 然而迎接它们的是巨大的钉头锤,牧师的锤子砸在头上,光芒爆发,丑陋的脑袋像西瓜一样爆开,脑浆四溅,连带身体也四分五裂。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… Priest brandishes morgenstern, a hammer is battered to death demon bear goblin. 牧师挥舞钉头锤,一锤砸死一个魔化熊地精 His strength is much stronger, morgenstern also several thousand pounds heaviness in hand, these most, only then high rank demon bear goblin cannot block a hammer. 他的力量强得吓人,手里的钉头锤也有数千磅之重,这些最多只有高阶的魔化熊地精根本挡不住一锤。 For several seconds, the Priest under foot lay down a bear goblin corpse. 短短几秒钟,牧师脚下就躺了一圈熊地精的尸体。 Bear goblin after by demon fierce was not feared, immediately has many bear goblin to step on the body of clansman to rush, encircles watertight Priest, various at sixes and sevens weapon pound randomly. Bear goblin shoots the javelin in the distant place, injures accidentally the clansman whether or not. 被魔化后的熊地精悍不畏死,马上有更多的熊地精踩着族人的尸体冲上去,把牧师围得水泄不通,各种乱七八糟的武器一通乱砸。还有熊地精在远处掷出标枪,也不管是否误伤族人。 In an instant, Priest was submerged by bear goblin. 转眼间,牧师就被熊地精淹没了。 Bang. 砰的一声。 Also is together sacred nova eruption, shoved open bear goblin, middle Priest returns safe and sound. He while bear goblin by the opportunity that the sacred fire burning down pain called, unhurriedly holding up morgenstern, like the roll-call, a hammer met a hammer is battered to death they. 又是一道“神圣新星”爆发,推开了熊地精,中间的牧师毫发无伤。他趁着熊地精被神圣之火焚烧痛叫的机会,不慌不忙的举起钉头锤,像点名一样,一锤接一锤的砸死它们。 His speed is not slow, but double fist difficult enemy four, let alone is several hundred demon bear goblin. 他的速度不慢,但是双拳难敌四手,何况是数百头魔化熊地精 Quick, Priest was submerged by bear goblin. 很快,牧师又被熊地精淹没了。 Sacred nova! 神圣新星! This time after divine spell blasts out the enemy, on the Priest nape of the neck and face had the slight injury, the healing technique falls together, wound instantaneous healing such as beginning. 这次用神术炸开敌人后,牧师的脖颈和脸上出现了轻微伤势,一道治疗术落下,伤口瞬间愈合如初。 Then continues to wield the hammer to kill the enemy. 然后继续挥锤杀敌。 Three people of expressions that on the hill observes vary , is a little surprised. 山丘上观战的三人表情各异,同时也都有点惊讶。 The Priest forms of combat were too simple, did not speak any tactic, added to oneself holds more than ten divine spell, strength, defended and restores rise suddenly completely, depends upon the powerful incomparable physical quality, did not dodge does not evade, being battered to death enemy one after another, just like a native of Taiwan meat grinder. 牧师的战斗方式太朴素了,不讲任何战术,就是给自己加持了十几层神术,力量、防御和恢复全部暴涨,依靠强悍无比的身体素质,不闪不避,一锤一锤的砸死敌人,犹如一台人型绞肉机。 If not he will display divine spell, who can believe that this is Priest, rather than Berserker? 如果不是他会施展神术,谁敢相信这是一个牧师,而不是狂战士 Priest that the divine spell in addition holds, strength achieves legend. 神术加持下的牧师,力量达到传奇 The lethality of his each hammer is much higher, when morgenstern also held divine spell, the attack supplements the sacred attack, near battle skill skillfully extremely wise, but, he as if lacks striking of the wide scope and highly efficiency to kill the way, can only hit. 他每一锤的杀伤力都高得可怕,钉头锤也加持了神术,攻击时附带神圣打击,近战技巧极其高明,但是,他似乎缺乏大范围、高效率的击杀方式,只能这么打。 For all this, these demon bear goblin are unable to pose many threats to Priest. 尽管如此,这些魔化熊地精也无法对牧师造成多少威胁。 The attack of bear goblin hits he, overwhelming majority with the flexure itchy same no effect, leaves behind the wound occasionally several times, in an instant was cured. 地精的攻击打中他,绝大多数跟挠痒一样没什么效果,偶尔有几次留下伤口,转眼就被治愈了。 After several rounds of fights, bear goblin had died 1/4. 几轮战斗过后,熊地精已经死了四分之一。 legend bear goblin from the cavern of collapsing to/clashes, it is this tribe chief, two -and-a-half meters are high, are waving the tree trunk that thick spiked club, dashes to is besieged Priest. 一头传奇地精从坍塌的洞窟冲出来,它是这个部族的酋长,两米半高,挥舞着树干那么粗的狼牙棒,直扑被围攻中的牧师 Roar!” “吼!” After three seconds, bear chief goblin was exploded the head by the Priest hammer. 三秒钟后,熊地精酋长被牧师锤爆了脑袋。 It is like ordinary bear goblin, in front of powerful Priest does not have many differences, Priest even not to look at its one. 它跟普通的熊地精一样,在强悍的牧师面前没有多少区别,牧师甚至没有多看它一眼。 If the normal bear goblin tribe, the chief was killed, they will scatter in all directions to run away immediately. 如果是正常的熊地精部落,酋长被杀,它们马上就会四散逃走。 However demon bear goblin cannot. 但是魔化熊地精不会。 Concept that they have not been afraid completely, to Priest besieged crazily was instead more intense, encircled him, in the brain only then a thought that that kills this human. 它们完全没有害怕的概念,对牧师的疯狂围攻反而更激烈了,把他团团围住,脑中只有一个念头,那就是杀死这个人类。 The fight is still continuing, for a short time will not finish. 战斗还在继续,一时半会儿不会结束。 Athena on hill shook the head the head, sighed: Originally he copes with the bear goblin tribe with this method intentionally.” 山丘上的阿西娜摇头了头,叹道:“原来他是故意用这种方法对付熊地精部落。” Right.” “没错。” Yizit is also the complexion suddenly, this should also be he most commonly used forms of combat.” 伊兹特也是脸色恍然,“不过这应该也是他最常用的战斗方式。” Trades to be other legend powerhouses, facing besieging of several hundred demon bear goblin, even if can kill part still to consume massive physical strengths, finally may be very rubbed by the huge quantity of enemies. 换作其他传奇强者,面对数百头魔化熊地精的围攻,即使可以杀死一部分也要消耗掉大量的体力,最后很可能被数量庞大的敌人磨死。 Being battered to death bear goblin one after another, can save many physical strengths. 一锤一锤的砸死熊地精,可以节省很多体力。 Moreover Priest has the divine spell in addition to hold, the physical strength is too deep to see the bottom, did not fear that wearing down of enemy, this instead is his advantage. 而且牧师神术加持,体力深不见底,根本不怕敌人的消磨,这反而是他的优势。 The bear goblin quantity reduces slowly, the encirclement ring is also reducing. 地精的数量慢慢减少,包围圈也在缩小。 On Priest already incarnadine, but is the blood of enemy, he himself is still complete such as beginning, the eyes are bright, strength and physical strength do not have many to slide. 牧师身上已经被染红,但都是敌人的血,他自己依然完好如初,双眼明亮坚定,力量和体力都没有多少下滑。 Brandished the morgenstern speed is still quick. 挥舞钉头锤的速度仍然又快又准。 Yizit looks praises to the heavens. 伊兹特看得叹为观止。 He is Devil Hunter, supplements with magic spell to kill the enemy at the speed flexibly, defends quite mediocrely, rarely fights hand-to-hand with the enemy directly, happen to with the Priest forms of combat is the reverse model, has never experienced this full fight, unavoidably a little envies. 他是恶魔猎手,以速度灵活辅以法术杀敌,防御较为平庸,很少与敌人正面肉搏,正好与牧师的战斗方式是反面的典型,从未体验过这种酣畅淋漓的战斗,不免有点羡慕。 These years observe the Alberi legend powerhouse in secret, look to hunt and kill the Balor teammate, selected this Priest, heard to his fight storm. 这些年暗中观察阿尔贝湾传奇强者,物色猎杀巴洛炎魔的队友,选中了这个牧师,对他的战斗风暴有所耳闻。 But after sees with own eyes, was startled. 但在亲眼见到后,还是被惊到了。 His body in addition held many divine spell!” Yizit is flabbergasted. “他身上加持了多少个神术啊!”伊兹特咋舌不已。 dark elf exclaims in surprise one, is not really wants to know the answer, then accidental/surprised hears Reislin to return said: A total of 12.” 黑暗精灵只是惊叹一声,并不是真想知道答案,然后意外的听见雷斯林回道:“总共十二个。” So many!” In Yizit eye unbelievable. “这么多!”伊兹特眼中难以置信。 Only can distinguish 45 divine spell at his eyesight, Reislin can see 12 unexpectedly, how does this is achieve? 以他的眼力只能辨别出四五个神术,雷斯林竟然能看出十二个,这是怎么做到的? Reislin smiles, has not explained. 雷斯林笑了笑,没有多做解释。 soul eyes had seen clearly, the profession rank of this Berserker same violence Priest is 17th rank, legend high rank, grasped many to assist divine spell, the strength was extremely strong. 灵魂之眼早就看清楚了,这个狂战士一样的暴力牧师职业等级是十七级,传奇高阶,掌握了诸多辅助神术,实力极强。 divine spell that since he grasps can speculate the fight style. 从他掌握的神术就能推测战斗风格。 The close combat is the lord, divine spell is auxiliary. 近战为主,神术为辅。 Priest own physical quality is quite outstanding, 10th rank strength and 10th rank tenacious and 4th rank swift and surpassing key element Earth Pulse, as well as many close combat key element for morgenstern, heavy strike, strength erupts, the fight is frantic, the angry control, earth slam, the armor piercing strikes wait/etc obtusely. 牧师自身的身体素质就极为出众,十级力量十级坚韧四级迅捷超绝要素大地脉动,以及多个适用于钉头锤的近战要素,重击,力量爆发,战斗狂热,愤怒掌控,大地震击,破甲钝击等等。 Entered a moment ago pre-battle, he added to himself holds the strength blessing, tenacious blessed, the land blessed, concentrated on the blessing, the life blesses, extremely effect mental protection, sacred infusion , sacred armor, heavenly god's force, divine grace spell, paradise feathers, freedom spell! 刚才进战斗前,他给自己加持了力量祝福,坚韧祝福,大地祝福,专注祝福,生命祝福,极效心灵防护,神圣灌注,神圣护甲,天神之力,神恩术,天堂之羽,自由术 Entire 12 divine spell, even if remains the one breath delicately and only sick person, can crawl to kill the four directions greatly. 整整十二个神术,哪怕是个弱不禁风、只剩一口气的的病号,也能爬起来大杀四方。 Priest under most flourishing condition, Athena fights with him directly, not necessarily wins steadily. 全盛状态下的牧师,阿西娜跟他正面交手,都不一定稳赢。 Slaughtering a bear goblin tribe is easy. 屠杀一个熊地精部落更是轻而易举。 After the moment, the hill following rivers of blood, the dark red blood soaked the big piece ground. 500 bear goblin have not run away, the corpse piles up. 片刻后,山丘下面血流成河,暗红的鲜血浸湿了大片地面。五百多头熊地精没有一头逃出去,尸体堆积如山。 Strong Priest stands in the corpses, the whole body blood stain hashed meat, just came out from blood pond Lipa probably. 强壮的牧师站在尸体中间,满身血污碎肉,像是刚从血池里爬出来。 His is gasping for breath gently, lifts the hand to give itself to release a clean technique. 他的轻轻喘着气,抬手给自己释放了一道清洁术。 The whole body of divine spell ray water current washout Priest, cleans the dirty thing likely rapidly, reveals the white battle dress, changed beyond recognition. He turns the head to look to the hill, the vision has swept the Reislin three people, finally stays on the body of Yizit, brow slightly wrinkle. 神术光芒像水流般冲刷牧师的全身,迅速清洗掉脏东西,露出洁白的战袍,焕然一新。他转头看向山丘上,目光扫过雷斯林三人,最后在伊兹特的身上停留,眉头微皱。 Yizit sighed one lightly, we should pass.” 伊兹特轻叹一声,“我们该过去了。” Reislin wielded under magic staff, opens dimension door to take the lead together. 雷斯林挥了下法杖,打开一道任意门带头走进去。 The front that three people present in Priest, Yizit graceful saluting said: Dwaynos your excellency, we looked for your two days.” 三人出现在牧师的面前,伊兹特优雅的行礼道:“道恩索斯阁下,我们找你两天了。”
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