WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#632: dark elf

Devil Hunter! 一个恶魔猎手 And is Devil Hunter in dark elf, this may be too unusual. 并且是黑暗精灵中的恶魔猎手,这可太稀奇了。 The bonus is Reislin that touch of mysteries changes to come, has an indifferent tranquil heart inborn, selected under the eyebrow, in the eye filled surprisedly. 饶是诡秘之触变化而来的雷斯林,天生有着一颗冷漠平静的心,也不禁挑了下眉毛,眼里充满了惊讶。 Devil Hunter is very ancient profession, is born more than 10,000 years ago. 恶魔猎手是非常古老的职业,诞生于一万多年前。 At that time end of Second Epoch, giant dragon and giant ruled the world, since had happened had history record second invasion of the abyss. According to textual criticism of the historians, time of second invasion of the abyss is about new era first in 8800 , to continue to new era first in 8300 about, a total of 500 years. 当时还是第二纪元末期,巨龙与巨人统治世界,发生了有史记载以来的第二次深渊入侵。按照历史学家们的考据,第二次深渊入侵发生的时间点大约是新纪历前8800年,持续到新纪历前8300年左右,总共五百年。 giant dragon and giant dragon two big races almost killed off, various clan slave army also casualties that they enslave completely. 巨龙巨龙两大种族几乎被杀光,它们奴役的各族奴隶军队也死伤殆尽。 At that time, Elven Race has founded the kingdom in Oroan, to them discovered that Yueliang Lake and settled down in the lakeside to have over ten thousand years. The wash that generations of receive pure magic energy, from the primitive ignorant Troll evolution for the intelligent lofty elf, and by the difference of tribe bloodlines, has many elf branches. 那时候,精灵族已经在奥罗安建立王国,离他们发现月亮湖并定居湖边已有上万年。一代代受到纯净魔法能量的洗涤,从原始愚昧的巨魔进化为聪明高雅的精灵,并由部族血脉的差异,产生多个精灵分支。 The elves transform ancient Druid magic spell, founded the world's earliest pure Spellcaster, is Mage. 精灵们改造古老的德鲁伊法术,创建了世界上最早的纯粹施法者,也就是法师 During second invasion of the abyss, Elven Race also received the devil attack. 第二次深渊入侵期间,精灵族也受到了恶魔袭击。 System insufficiently mature Mage was unable to resist devils army, various elf clan casualties is serious, the homeland was almost also destroyed. 体系还不够成熟的法师无法抵御恶魔大军,精灵各族伤亡惨重,家园也几乎被摧毁。 This vacillated many elven mage and Druid's faith, some elves proposed gradually, should cope with devil by devil strength. 这动摇了许多精灵法师和德鲁伊的信念,渐渐有精灵提出,应该以恶魔力量对付恶魔 Situation critical, quick has the elf to pay the practice. 形势危急之下,很快就有精灵付之实践。 They refine the devil flesh essence, accept enter own within the body, with its fusion, most elves by the evil energy's power pollution of Abyss, Fallen became devil. 他们将恶魔的血肉精华提炼出来,纳进自己的体内,与其融合,多数精灵被深渊邪能之力污染,堕落成为恶魔 Only then extremely few part of elves were successful. 只有极少一部分精灵成功了。 They grasped evil energy, can change the body to become devil, has powerful strength at the same time maintained own right mind, then hunts and kills devil using devil strength. 他们掌握了邪能,可以变身成为恶魔,拥有强大力量的同时保持了自己的心智正常,然后利用恶魔力量猎杀恶魔 This is the origin of Devil Hunter. 这就是恶魔猎手的起源。 However, Elven Race repels to Devil Hunter extremely, thinks that they betrayed various gods, even the right mind still tarnished the noble elf bloodlines, therefore expelled Oroan Devil Hunter. 然而,精灵族恶魔猎手极为排斥,认为他们背叛了诸神,即使心智正常也玷污了高贵的精灵血脉,于是将恶魔猎手逐出了奥罗安 10,000 for many years, Devil Hunter exiled. 一万多年来,恶魔猎手都流亡在外。 Allanus many areas can see Devil Hunter, only elven kingdom does not see their traces. 艾伦厄斯的很多地区都可以见到恶魔猎手,唯独精灵王国不见他们的踪影。 Even in the Elven Race most magnificent Third Epoch period, Devil Hunter has not been acknowledged. Although always has pursues strength or to take revenge the elf, chooses to become new Devil Hunter, however their quantities were not many. 即使在精灵族最辉煌的第三纪元时期,恶魔猎手也没有得到承认。尽管总是有追求力量或者为了复仇的精灵,选择成为新的恶魔猎手,但是他们的数量一直不多。 Until at the late stage of the Tertiary Period, Abyss invades Allanus for the third time, what these time facing the devils army main force is the elf and dwarf. 直到第三纪末期,深渊第三次入侵艾伦厄斯,这一次面对恶魔大军主力的是精灵与矮人。 Facing inexhaustible devil, two clans retreat in defeat again and again, quick lost New World. 面对无穷无尽的恶魔,两族节节败退,很快就丢失了新大陆 The elf was also threatened by abyssal devil in Old World homeland Oroan, when danger, a number of Devil Hunter bravely stepped forward, saved many clansmen and hometowns. 精灵在旧大陆的家园奥罗安也遭到深渊恶魔的威胁,危难之际,一批恶魔猎手挺身而出,拯救了许多族人和故乡。 Quiet 7000 Devil Hunter enlivened again, many elves joined their. 沉寂了七千年的恶魔猎手再度活跃起来,很多精灵加入了他们的行列。 But after repelling Abyss, Devil Hunter is rejected by elf society, they can only be far away from Oroan, returns to New World to hunt and kill countless devil. 但在击退深渊以后,恶魔猎手又遭到精灵社会的唾弃,他们只能远离奥罗安,重返新大陆猎杀数不尽的恶魔 After Third Epoch finished, there are one darkness millenniums. 第三纪元结束后,有一段黑暗千年。 In more than 1000 years, New World degenerates into monster and paradise of Abyss influence thoroughly, Devil Hunter is isolated and cuts off from help, the population sharply falls rapidly, nearly vanishes. 这一千多年内,新大陆彻底沦为魔物深渊势力的乐园,恶魔猎手们孤立无援,人数急速锐减,近乎绝迹。 Dark millenniums later is human foundation new era. 黑暗千年之后就是人类开创的新纪元 Human must arrive at the new era about 900 years, has transcendent to return to New World gradually, sweeps clean monster in west coast, builds the foothold. When human contacts Devil Hunter, they had barely managed to maintain a feeble existence about in 2000 in New World, the only rookie additional source is stays in „the Nova Fax island on blood elf. 人类要到新纪历九百年左右,才渐渐有超凡者返回新大陆,在西海岸扫清魔物,建立据点。当人类接触到恶魔猎手的时候,他们已经在新大陆苟延残喘了将近两千年,唯一的新人补充来源是留在“诺瓦法克斯岛”上的血精灵 blood elf is also hostile to Devil Hunter, is not willing to admit these whole bodies is the evil energy smell clansmen. 血精灵同样敌视恶魔猎手,不愿接纳这些全身都是邪能气味的族人。 Moreover, the blood elf population were not many, steps onto few of road of Devil Hunter. 而且,血精灵的人数本就不多,走上恶魔猎手之路的更少。 Therefore Devil Hunter wants to pin the inheritance on human, recruits the apprentice from human. At the beginning, some truly many human attempted to become Devil Hunter, was less than several years, human discovered oneself can go a step further, direct integration devil soul, and was safer. 于是恶魔猎手把传承希望寄托在人类身上,从人类中招收学徒。刚开始的时候,确实有很多人类尝试成为恶魔猎手,可是没过几年,人类发现自己可以更进一步,直接整合恶魔的灵魂,而且更加安全。 After fumble research, quick, a brand-new unusual profession birth. 经过摸索研究,很快,一个全新的超凡职业诞生了。 That is Demon Hunter! 那就是猎魔人 The Demon Hunter strength not necessarily is stronger than Devil Hunter, both are similar, but wins in safely, does not have the Fallen risk like Devil Hunter frequently. The promotion system mature and stable of Demon Hunter, to the request of talent and will is low, moreover more suitable human. 猎魔人的实力并不一定比恶魔猎手更强,两者差不多,但是胜在安全,不像恶魔猎手那样时刻有堕落的风险。猎魔人的晋升体系成熟稳定,对天赋和意志的要求较低,而且更适合人类。 So many merits, human abandoned Devil Hunter naturally. 这么多优点,人类自然而然抛弃了恶魔猎手 After more than 1000 years of growing strong, Demon Hunter also developed many schools of thought that in New World was one of the mainstream profession, large number. 经过一千多年的发展壮大,猎魔人也发展出了多个学派,在新大陆更是主流职业之一,人数众多。 Comparatively speaking, Devil Hunter is still dreary, hears its name does not only see that person. 相较之下,恶魔猎手依旧惨淡,只闻其名不见其人。 Even some people suspected that Devil Hunter has exterminated. 甚至有人怀疑恶魔猎手是不是已经灭绝了。 Now, at present not only sees Devil Hunter, stems from dark elf Devil Hunter, is on few adds simply few, possibly entire world such! 现在,眼前不但见到了一个恶魔猎手,还是出自黑暗精灵恶魔猎手,简直是少上加少,可能全世界就这么一个! Reislin is observing drow that walks from the room. 雷斯林观察着从屋中走出来的卓尔 With hearsay, he has the black silk skin, the figure is not tall, about one meter seven, the build is symmetrical, takes a walk brings breeze. Although the skin is very black, but his five senses are very handsome, has a long white hair, neat hanging loose in the shoulder, the eye is the light purple, reveals the light vicissitudes and implicit friendliness. 跟传闻中的一样,他有着黑色丝绸般的皮肤,身材不高,大约一米七,体形匀称轻盈,走动之间带着一股微风。尽管皮肤很黑,但他的五官却很英俊,有着一头长长的白发,整齐的披散在肩头,眼睛是淡紫色的,流露出淡淡的沧桑以及含蓄的友善。 dark elf puts on good-fitting skin armor, has not worn the weapon, on the neck has a magic necklace, the back is the pale-green cape of fur collar, covered the devil aura. 黑暗精灵穿着合身的皮甲,没有佩戴武器,脖子上有一条魔法项链,背后系着皮领的淡绿色斗篷,掩盖了恶魔的气息。 All Seeing Eye completely understands, on the black skin under skin A picture filled Abyss runes, proliferates the whole body, is flowing eerie-green evil energy, thorough within the body. 全视之眼看透进去,皮甲下的黑色皮肤上画满了深渊符文,遍布全身,流淌着幽绿色邪能,深入体内。 On his face also has evil energy runes, does not know that hidden enters under the skin with what method. 他的脸上也有邪能符文,不知道用什么方法隐入皮肤底下。 If not look at the contour, only judged from the evil energy aura, dark elf legend high rank big devil, evil energy erupts full power, is equivalent to 19th rank transcendent, only has half remote to saint level. 如果不看外形,只从邪能气息判断,黑暗精灵一个传奇高阶的大恶魔,邪能全力爆发出来,相当于十九级超凡者,离圣阶只有半步之遥。 legend peak Devil Hunter! 传奇巅峰的恶魔猎手 Marino and Gervase the second time were saw the opposite party, but was very anxious, felt the tremendous pressure inexplicably, making their heartbeat accelerate. 马里诺和杰韦斯克是第二次见到对方了,但还是很紧张,莫名感受到了巨大的压力,让他们心跳加速。 Athena keen detection to the dark elf evil aura, immediately the look becomes dignified, reaches the back round shield and single-handed sword the hand. 阿西娜敏锐的察觉到黑暗精灵的邪恶气息,顿时眼神变得凝重,把手伸向背后的圆盾和单手剑。 Reislin shakes the head toward her slightly, hints do not begin. 雷斯林朝她微微摇头,示意不要动手。 soul eyes sees very clearly. 灵魂之眼看得很清楚。 This drow is the different kind in dark elf, the mind is truly pure, will tenacious, not only by the sign of evil energy pollution, and the others had not been had no evil intention to oneself slightly. 这个卓尔确实是黑暗精灵中的异类,心灵纯正,意志坚韧,不但丝毫没有被邪能污染的迹象,对自己等人也没有任何恶意。 The most important thing is, he does not believe that evil Spider Queen Lolth, but is Darkmoon Goddess Eluna believer. 最重要的是,他不信仰那位邪恶的蛛后罗丝,而是暗月女神艾露娜信徒 Eluna is importantly also one of the most powerful two elf God. 艾露娜是最重要也最强大的两位精灵神祗之一。 It has moon and at night and dreamland and elf and other clergy, is representing in the elf civilization kindhearted and happy side. drow that rebels and flees from Dark World, the tendency is bright, usually will choose to believe Darkmoon Goddess. 祂拥有“月亮”、“黑夜”、“梦境”和“精灵”等神职,代表着精灵文明中善良与美好的一面。从幽暗世界叛逃出来的卓尔,心向光明,通常都会选择信仰暗月女神 The belief of this dark elf is reverent, close to fanatic, the fire of belief blazing degree surpassed most surface elves. 这个黑暗精灵的信仰非常虔诚,接近狂信徒,信仰之火的炽烈程度超过了大多数地表精灵 The belief is to differentiate in people's heart the good and evil most direct-viewing way. 信仰是区分一个人心中善恶最直观的方式。 Reislin judges immediately this dark elf can trust and become friends with, does not need to guard. 雷斯林立刻判断出这个黑暗精灵是可以信任与结交的,无需过于防备。 On him the first half step bows to return a courtesy slightly, has not shown very sincere attitude, said with the faint tone as always: Your excellency controls my two friends, inquires about my news, should give me an explanation.” 他上前半步微微躬身回礼,并没有表现出很热诚的态度,一如既往用淡漠的语气说道:“阁下控制我的两位朋友,打探关于我的消息,是不是该给我一个解释。” dark elf looks the ashamed look: Very sorry, this is my mistake, requesting earnestly two to forgive.” 黑暗精灵面露愧色:“很抱歉,这是我的过错,恳请两位原谅。” Marino and Gervase beckoned with the hand hastily, accepted his apology. 马里诺和杰韦斯克连忙摆手,接受了他的道歉。 Reislin your excellency.” 雷斯林阁下。” dark elf turns the head, a sincerity of face, I am harmless to you, but listened to two saying that you were inquiring illithid city, for a while was curious, they also not agrees disclosed the real reason, therefore could not bear with attracted the technique, has not caused the damage of essence, has not closely examined with the issue that this matter had nothing to do with.” 黑暗精灵转头回来,一脸的诚挚,“我对您并无恶意,只是听两位说您在打听灵吸怪的城市,一时好奇,他们又不肯透露真实原因,所以忍不住用了魅惑术,并没有造成实质的伤害,也没有追问与此事无关的问题。” The Marino two people are the nod confirmations. 马里诺二人都是点头确认。 Reislin had actually had long known, but makes the probe slightly, confirmed that this dark elf is not the friendliness that camouflages. 雷斯林其实早就知道了,只是稍做试探,确认这个黑暗精灵不是伪装出来的友善。 His complexion relaxes, introduced: You can call me Reislin, does not need to use the polite expression, she is friend of mine Athena.” 他的脸色缓和下来,介绍道:“你可以叫我雷斯林,不必用敬语,她是我的朋友阿西娜。” Has seen beautiful Athena madam.” “见过美丽的阿西娜女士。” dark elf eye slightly bright, but the appreciation to beautiful, he uses the graceful stance to introduce oneself purely: Several honored guests, I called Yizit, Mozoble city from Dark Region, but I have left the hometown many years, the present is surface elves.” 黑暗精灵眼睛微亮,但只是纯粹对美的欣赏,他用优雅的姿态自我介绍:“几位尊贵的客人,我叫伊兹特,来自幽暗地域魔索布莱城,但我已经离开故乡多年,如今是一个地表精灵。” Athena feels the Yizit good intentions, put down the alert, the response greeted one. 阿西娜感受到伊兹特的善意,放下了戒备,回应问候了一句。 After sees mutually, dark elf invited the people to enter the room. 互相见过后,黑暗精灵邀请众人进屋。 Marino and Gervase very tactful stays in the garden to wait, enters in the room, arranges the fresh refined room to make the person feeling very comfortable, the roof and window used the best clear glass, can make the ray shine, maintained indoor bright. 马里诺和杰韦斯克很识趣的留在庭院里等待,进入屋内,布置清新雅致的房间让人感觉很舒适,屋顶和窗户都用上了最好的透明玻璃,可以让光线照射进来,保持室内明亮。 A small teahouse, Yizit invited two people to take a seat, made tea for the guest. 还有一间小茶室,伊兹特邀请两人就座,为客人泡茶。 His every action and every movement are very lofty, absolutely does not have in the impression evil and viciousness of dark elf, is more like high elf of family background aristocrat, was only the skin is black, way one treats people made people feel to bathe in fresh air. 他的一举一动都十分高雅,完全没有印象中黑暗精灵的邪恶与狠毒,更像是一位出身贵族的高等精灵,只是皮肤黑了点,待人接物让人感到如沐春风。 If not soul eyes, Reislin does not believe that this is really Devil Hunter. 如果不是灵魂之眼,雷斯林都不相信这真的是一个恶魔猎手 Sitting down time, he released a sound-insulated force field conveniently. 坐下的时候,他顺手释放了一个隔音力场。 This is the black tea that I plant, two please taste.” Yizit was saying first took up one cup to drink. “这是我自己种的黑茶,两位请品尝。”伊兹特说着自己先拿起一杯喝了。 The Reislin slight suspicion, has not taken up front tea to drink, Athena hesitated, but has not rejected. 雷斯林没有丝毫的怀疑,拿起面前的茶水就喝,阿西娜迟疑了下,但也没有拒绝。 Drank my tea, is the friend of mine.” On the Yizit face shows the smile, seems very happy. “喝了我的茶,就是我的朋友。”伊兹特脸上露出笑容,显得很高兴。 Reislin puts down the teacup, slight nod. 雷斯林放下茶杯,微微点头。 He does not want to reroll the bend, asked directly: Yizit, have you gone to the illithid city?” 他不想再绕弯子了,直接问道:“伊兹特,你去过灵吸怪的城市?” Yes.” “是的。” In the Yizit eye recalled the past, that was more than 60 years ago things, at that time I just left shortly after the hometown, went into exile in Dark Region, struggles to seek livehood, gradually became powerful hunter.” 伊兹特眼里回忆过去,“那是六十多年前的事情了,当时我刚离开家乡不久,在幽暗地域里流亡,挣扎求生,逐渐成为强大的猎人。” These years I encountered many dangers, but most dangerous one time is to meet illithid.” “那些年我遭遇了很多危险,但最危险的一次是碰见一个灵吸怪。” I resist its magic spell difficultly, almost died, luckily I seize the opportunity instead to kill and leave behind the wound on it, actually ran away by it carelessly. Therefore I trace, more and more thorough underground, finally half a month later caught up quickly, discovered that it ran into a secret city.” “我艰难的抵抗它的法术,差点就死了,幸亏我抓住机会反杀并在它身上留下创伤,却不慎被它逃走了。于是我一路追踪,越来越深入地下,终于在半个月后快追上的时候,发现它逃进了一座隐秘的城市。” At this point, Yizit mind absent-minded several seconds. 说到这里,伊兹特的心神恍惚了几秒钟。 I lived for more than 100 years in Dark Region, had actually never heard has such city, the entire city was covered by mysterious strength, light/only close to makes me feel the fear, in the distant visible city has many illithid, lots of slaves.” “我在幽暗地域生活了一百多年,却从未听说过存在这样的城市,整个城市都被一股神秘的力量笼罩,光是靠近就让我感到恐惧,远远的看见城中有许多灵吸怪,还有大量的奴隶。” They discovered me, at least ten illithid come out to chase down.” “它们发现了我,至少有十个灵吸怪出来追杀。” I almost die in their hands several times,......” Yizit was still a face lingering fear, but did not have to say how oneself is escaped, that was I to a death recent adventure, so many years passed by, I will also see these disgusting octopus heads in the nightmare occasionally.” “好几次我都差点死在它们的手上,要不是……”伊兹特仍是一脸后怕,但也没说自己是怎么逃出来的,“那是我离死亡最近的一次冒险,这么多年过去,我偶尔还会在噩梦中看见那些恶心的章鱼脑袋。” dark elf takes up the tea to toss down, as if must help get over a shock to oneself. 黑暗精灵拿起茶水一饮而尽,仿佛要给自己压惊。 „Do you still remember the position of illithid city?” Reislin asked. “你还记得灵吸怪城市的位置吗?”雷斯林问道。 Naturally remembers.” Yizit selected, from channel: On that road that in I escape experiences a narrow escape, is covert, but crosses even again for 500 years, I still remember.” “当然记得。”伊兹特点了下头,自信道:“在我逃出来的那条路上经历九死一生,非常隐蔽,不过就算再过五百年,我也会记得。” Without Reislin asked again, he said curiously: „Do you want to go to the illithid city?” 没等雷斯林再问,他就好奇道:“你要去灵吸怪的城市?” Right.” The corners of the mouth of Reislin raise a pondering curve, I need to borrow a thing to them.” “没错。”雷斯林的嘴角扬起一丝玩味的弧度,“我需要向它们借用一件东西。” Yizit shakes the head, urges: „If unnecessary, best leave them to be farther, I suspected that in that city has the saint level lifeform.” 伊兹特摇了摇头,劝道:“如非必要,最好离它们远一些,我怀疑那座城市里有圣阶生物。” I have reason that must go.” Reislin said calmly. “我有非去不可的理由。”雷斯林平静说道。 Yizit looks to silent Athena, Athena can madam also go together?” 伊兹特看向默不作声的阿西娜,“阿西娜女士也要一起去吗?” Naturally.” Athena said firmly: I come New World for the adventure, where Reislin to go, where I arrive.” “当然。”阿西娜坚定道:“我来新大陆就是为了冒险,雷斯林去哪里,我就到哪里。” I understood.” “我明白了。” The Yizit vision takes a fast look around several in two people back and forth, the hesitation moment, obviously is pondering anything. 伊兹特的目光在两人身上来回扫视几眼,沉吟片刻,显然正在思考着什么事情。 Reislin knows that he must put forward the condition. 雷斯林知道他要提条件了。 10,000 golden Shield to others perhaps many, but does not have many values in the Devil Hunter eye of legend peak. Yizit is appraising itself and Athena strength, definitely has to ask, planned with grasping the information makes the transaction. 一万金盾对别人来说也许很多,但在传奇巅峰的恶魔猎手眼里却没多少价值。伊兹特在评估自己和阿西娜的实力,肯定另有所求,打算用掌握的信息做交易。 After several minutes, dark elf finally made the decision. 几分钟后,黑暗精灵终于做出了决定。 Two, where I can tell you illithid city, but Dark Region is very complex, like the labyrinth, is unable to be accurate the position description in a few words, the guide who best want the familiar environment guides.” Yizit said slowly: If you are willing to do a matter for me, then, I can lead you to enter Dark Region, goes to the illithid city.” “两位,我可以告诉你们灵吸怪的城市在哪里,但是幽暗地域很复杂,像迷宫一样,三言两语无法把位置描述准确,最好要有一个熟悉环境的向导带路。”伊兹特缓缓说道:“如果你们愿意为我做一件事,那么,我可以带你们进入幽暗地域,前往灵吸怪的城市。” You said that looked whether we can achieve.” Reislin is not accidental/surprised. “你说吧,看下我们是否能做到。”雷斯林一点也不意外。 I have a plan to lack the helper.” A Yizit words wind revolution, asked suddenly: „Can Reislin, take the liberty to ask your wizard rank? You attainments on teleportation magic spell how?” “我有一个计划缺少帮手。”伊兹特话风一转,忽然问道:“雷斯林,可以冒昧问一下你的巫师等级吗?你在传送法术上的造诣如何?” My 19th rank.” Reislin returns lightly said: Saint Soul below, not compared with I better teleportation master. Athena is also one of the world's most powerful defenders.” “我十九级。”雷斯林淡淡回道:“圣魂以下,没有比我更好的传送师。阿西娜也是世界上最强大的防御者之一。” Yizit is overjoyed immediately: Good!” 伊兹特顿时大喜过望:“太好了!” What do you have to plan?” Athena looks at his whole face pleasantly surprised appearance, curious asking. “你有什么计划?”阿西娜看他满脸惊喜的样子,不禁好奇的问。 dark elf deeply inspires, said in a low voice: I must hunt and kill Balor , to promote saint level with its flesh essence!” 黑暗精灵深吸一口气,低声道:“我要猎杀一头巴洛炎魔,用它的血肉精华晋升圣阶!”
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