WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#629: Pinches to explode legend

Great hall peaceful several seconds. 大堂安静了几秒钟。 The shooting the breeze men look that comes in Athena that from the entrance, in the eye reveals the shocking color. Such beautifully makings unique, and understood at a glance that has the female soldier of powerful strength, even cannot see several in transcendent innumerable New World. 正在高谈阔论的男人们看着从门口进来的阿西娜,眼里都露出惊艳之色。这么美丽又气质独特、并且一看就知道拥有强悍实力的女战士,即使在超凡者无数的新大陆也见不到几个。 A small number of women on the scene to Athena the appearance and smooth skin were full of the envy. 在场的少数女人们则对阿西娜的容貌和光滑的皮肤充满了嫉妒。 ! 咻! Some people have drunk much, on liquor vigor, usual after throwing into the brain discretely, being able not help blows the whistling, sizes up the Athena vision fully is the aggression, a face sexually harasses the stance. 一些人已经喝了不少,酒劲上头,把平时的谨慎抛到脑后,情不自禁的吹起口哨,打量阿西娜的目光满是侵略,一脸调戏姿态。 Good attractive woman!” “好漂亮的娘们!” Ha haha......” men roar with laughter. “哈哈哈……”男人们哄堂大笑。 Some people take the lead, everyone's courage big, whistling sound continuously, even some people said the vulgar language taking advantage of the tipsy feeling, a inside the main hall cheers piece. 有人带头,大家的胆子就大了起来,口哨声此起彼伏,甚至有人借着酒意口出污言秽语,大堂里欢声一片。 They do not dare really to begin to Athena, but the maidservant in inn met with a disaster. 他们不敢对阿西娜真的动手,但是旅店里的侍女就遭殃了。 „......” “啊……” In the squeal, a maidservant was hugged the bosom by man, the rough powerful palm grabs thoughtlessly on her, the vision actually stares at Athena, the mouth is sending out recklessly smiles obscenely. 尖叫声中,一个侍女被身边的男人一把搂进怀里,粗糙有力的手掌在她身上乱抓,目光却盯着阿西娜,嘴里发出肆意的淫笑。 Athena frowns. 阿西娜皱了下眉头。 Teasing of these men are the appreciation to oneself beautiful appearance, although there is people's heart to think dirty, without revealing, her will not mind. 这些男人们的打趣更多是对自己美貌的欣赏,尽管有人心思龌龊,只要没有表露出来,她都不会介意。 However, this obscene behavior went too far. 但是,这种淫亵的行为就太过分了。 Her footsteps stop, is hesitating whether must make a move, the side resounded one not to have the slight sentimental sound. 她的脚步停顿下来,犹豫着是否要出手,身边就响起了一声不带丝毫感情的声音。 Snort.” “哼。” Faint cold snort/hum makes inside the main hall everyone hear clearly, as if near ear. 淡漠的冷哼让大堂里每个人都听得清清楚楚,仿佛就在耳边。 Reislin successfully brings to the attention of people, subconscious casts the vision. 雷斯林成功引起人们的注意,下意识的投来目光。 Then, any looks to his person, instantaneous such as was struck by lightning. They saw in the world probably the most terrifying thing, the spirit is under the severe impact, the pupil enlarges several, in the eyeball the blood threads was densely covered, looks at dumbly same place actually the tremor of small scope to twitch, as if immediately must go crazy. 然后,凡是看向他的人,瞬间如遭雷击。他们像是看见了世上最恐怖的事物,精神受到强烈冲击,瞳孔放大了几圈,眼珠里血丝密布,呆立原地却又小幅度的颤动抽搐,似乎马上就要发疯了。 Some will weak people even were frightened at the scene urinate the pants, but the body does not run errands, cannot move. 一些意志较弱的人甚至被吓得当场尿了裤子,但是身体又不听使唤,动弹不得。 delirium spell! 谵妄术 This is the ability of touch of mysteries clone bringing. 这是诡秘之触分身自带的能力。 It has fear spell similarly the effect, can release through the vision, others and own eye contact will also trigger passively, virtually impossible to guard against, will not frighten like fear spell scurries about, has both decides the effect of body technique. 它拥有类似“恐惧术”的效果,可以通过目光释放,别人与自己的目光接触也会被动触发,防不胜防,而且不会像恐惧术那样把人吓得乱窜,兼具定身术的效果。 Naturally, not everyone was controlled by delirium spell. 当然,并非所有人都被谵妄术控制了。 inside the main hall has several will powerful transcendent , some people have mental protection class magic item, resisted passive triggering delirium spell, maintaining the mind was sober. 大堂里有好几位意志强悍的超凡者,也有一些人拥有心灵防护类的魔法物品,抵抗住了被动触发的谵妄术,维持住心神清醒。 transcendent that devastates the maidservant is one of them. 那个蹂躏侍女的超凡者就是其中之一。 He is a legend powerhouse, therefore dares to provoke Athena unscrupulously, immediately throws away the maidservant, fierce stands to pound on the table, angrily rebukes saying: New rookies, here is St. Fanjig, is not the place that you can act unruly, best roll returns to the empire.” 他是一个传奇强者,所以敢肆无忌惮的挑衅阿西娜,马上扔开侍女,猛的站起来一拍桌子,怒斥道:“新来的菜鸟,这里是圣方吉格,不是你能撒野的地方,最好滚回帝国。” The corners of the mouth of Reislin raised, actually somewhat is at heart surprised. 雷斯林的嘴角扬了下,心里其实有些惊讶。 Really, can not have the generation of being easy in transcendent of New World wanderer, the opposite party not only can see oneself first come Alberi, but can also guess correctly oneself from empire. 果然,能在新大陆闯荡的超凡者没有易于之辈,对方不但能一眼看出自己初次来阿尔贝湾,还能猜到自己从帝国来。 Perhaps others also looked, therefore was dissolute. 恐怕其他人也看出来了,所以才敢放肆。 New, is always quite easy to bully. 新来的,总是比较容易欺负。 The Reislin unemotional sizing up opposite party, the height is close to two meters, strong vigorous, puts on the dark red enchantment armor, the table depends on both hands big swords, the manner is overbearing, the whole face is aggressive, soul eyes demonstrates his 11th rank Great Sword Master. 雷斯林面无表情的打量对方,身高接近两米,强壮矫健,穿着暗红的附魔铠甲,桌边靠着一柄双手大剑,神态霸道,满脸凶悍,灵魂之眼显示他十一级大剑师 Great Sword Master is not a person, nearby 2-3 tables of transcendent should be his subordinate, a moment ago Great Sword Master provocation time, more than ten people follow to create a disturbance. 大剑师不是一个人,附近2-3桌超凡者应该都是他的手下,刚才大剑师挑衅的时候,十几个人都跟着起哄。 Seeming like, this is the commission army corps or hunts for the soul group. 看起来,这是个佣兵团或猎魂团。 In them has many high rank transcendent, middle rank above population more than half, the profession disposition is also very reasonable, in addition is legend Great Sword Master of head, upper level the average strength in Alberi belongs absolutely. 他们中有多个高阶超凡者,中阶以上人数过半,职业配置也很合理,加上为首的传奇大剑师,平均实力在阿尔贝湾绝对属于上层。 New World is a naked law of the jungle and strongest as honor world. 新大陆是一个赤裸裸的弱肉强食、强者为尊的世界。 Great Sword Master dares to sexually harass in the presence of everyone, the strength is he biggest energy. 大剑师敢当众调戏,实力就是他最大的底气。 Reislin swept his one eyes lightly, that despising attitude exposes without doubt, said with the tone that has not fluctuated: „A small lesson. Who dares to look again randomly, is careful own eye.” 雷斯林淡淡扫了他一眼,那种蔑视的态度展露无疑,用没有起伏的语气说道:“一个小小的教训。谁再敢乱看,小心自己的眼睛。” At this time, transcendent of inside the main hall gradually got rid of delirium spell. 这时,大堂里的超凡者逐渐摆脱了谵妄术 They hear the Reislin words, immediately in the eye filled alarmed and afraid, turns the head hastily fast. 他们听到雷斯林的话,顿时眼里充满了惊惧,连忙飞快转头。 Great Sword Master sneers, stares at Reislin to scold: Father is commander Wilson of blood blade commission army corps, I like looking that who looks at anyone, can you manage?” 大剑师冷笑一声,盯着雷斯林骂道:“老子是血刃佣兵团的团长威尔森,我爱看谁就看谁,你管得着吗?” During the speeches, his hand has grasped on the sword hilt. 说话间,他的手已经握到了剑柄上。 Some blood blade commission army corps also people restore soberly, sets out to extract the weapon in abundance, holds up magic staff and long bow, only and other commander ordered rushes to hack to death this not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth wizard. 血刃佣兵团也有人恢复清醒,纷纷起身抽出武器,举起法杖、长弓,只等团长一声令下就冲上去砍死这个不知天高地厚的巫师 This crowd gave Wilson hand/subordinate a bigger energy. 这群手下给了威尔森更大的底气。 His vision changes to Athena, the look not has scruples, the men of blood blade commission army corps also send out one intermittently to smile strangely, does not care the threat of Reislin completely. 他的目光转到阿西娜身上,眼神毫无顾忌,血刃佣兵团的男人也发出一阵阵怪笑,完全不把雷斯林的威胁放在心上。 transcendent looked this situation knows must hit. 超凡者们一看这情况就知道要打起来了。 The blood blade commission army corps are the tyrant in hunter corner/horn wharf, Golden Gate Inn are the place that they stop over, usually depends the strength to stir up trouble intrepidly a lot. From commander Wilson to the members is not the good person, rampant overbearing, seizes by force, many people suffer a loss in their hands, even loses the life. 血刃佣兵团是猎人角码头的一霸,金门旅店是他们落脚的地方,平时仗着实力强悍没少惹事。从团长威尔森到团员都不是什么好人,嚣张霸道,强取豪夺,很多人在他们手上吃了大亏,甚至丢掉性命。 These two transcendent looked just arrived at the New World empire person, the strength should very be who strong, the female soldier causes the conflict should be legend, young male wizard could not completely understand, most is also legend. 这两个超凡者一看就是刚到新大陆的帝国人,实力应该很强,引起冲突的女战士应该是传奇,年轻的男巫师则看不透,最多也是传奇 However general legend, how also possibly is having fought many battles the opponent of blood blade commission group? 但是一般的传奇,又怎么可能是身经百战的血刃佣团的对手? They feared that must suffer a loss. 他们怕是要吃亏了。 This thought has not fallen, people hear that wizard saying: Can manage.” Then lifts hand one finger/refers toward Wilson, obviously wants. 这个念头还没有落下,人们就听见那个巫师说道:“管得着。”然后朝威尔森抬手一指,显然要施法。 You court death!” “你找死!” Wilson's response is extremely quick, before wizard begins shouts: Brothers, give on me......” also to wield both hands big sword attack. 威尔森的反应极快,在巫师动手前就喊道:“兄弟们,给我上……”同时自己也挥起双手大剑进攻。 ! 啪! Silent whips to fall, brushes in the head of blood blade commission army corps members, making their whole bodies tremble, holds to sway back and forth on the ground, the mouth sends out the painful pitiful yell. 一记无声的鞭笞落下,抽打在血刃佣兵团全体成员的头上,使得他们全身一颤,在地上抱头打滚,嘴里发出痛苦惨叫。 sixth circle mental spells mental whipping. 六环心灵法术精神鞭笞 legend below, only if the body brings best quality goods mind amulet, or has similar steel will protection key element, otherwise almost irresistibly mental whipping of community range. 传奇以下,除非身上带着极品心灵护符,或者拥有类似钢铁意志的防护要素,否则几乎无法抵抗群体范围的精神鞭笞 Immediately, the entire blood blade commission army corps only remain Wilson in charge. 顿时,整个血刃佣兵团只剩威尔森在冲锋 But he only flushed 2-3 steps, even strength does not have a potential to display, a giant palm gives birth from void, the translucent giant palm has two tables to spell in the same place is so big, probably the hand of Titan Giant, is quick, one held the goal. 但他只冲了2-3步,连力量都没起势发挥出来,一只巨大的手掌从虚空中生出,半透明的巨掌有两张桌子拼在一起那么大,像是泰坦巨人的手,又快又准,一把就抓住了目标。 Wilson whole person was grasped firmly by the giant palm, lifts the midair him. 威尔森整个人被巨掌攥住,将他举上半空。 The giant palm five fingers contract inward, he goes all out to struggle actually does not help matters, the seemingly light transparent palm has terrifying strength, both hands sword is broken by pressing directly, his armor the chaotic sound, like pinching the flat iron pot gets down hollowly. 巨掌五指向内收缩,他拼命挣扎却无济于事,看似轻飘飘的透明手掌却有着恐怖的力量,双手剑直接被压断,他身上的铠甲一阵噼哩啪啦乱响,像捏扁的铁罐一样凹陷下去。 Wilson's internal organs were extruded to burst instantaneously, the mouth blood spurts crazily. 威尔森的内脏瞬间被挤压破裂,嘴里鲜血狂喷。 „!” “啊!” Wilson just called out, the column of thick flame falls together, precision rinsed his mouth to stop up the pitiful yell sound. 威尔森刚叫出声,一道粗大的火焰之柱落下,精准的灌进他的嘴里堵住了惨叫声。 Flame mighty current also goes from the nape of the neck place class/flow, scurries about in the armor, fires his skin every inchs. After several seconds, flame braves continuously from the slit of armor, by the giant palm, can see him to turn into the hot person, the whole body was burning. “火焰洪流”也从脖颈处流进去,在铠甲内部乱窜,灼烧他的每一寸皮肤。几秒钟后,一缕缕火焰从铠甲的缝隙里冒出来,透过巨掌,可以看到他变成了火人,全身都在燃烧。 The legendary transcendent vitality is tenacious, only has fourth circle flame mighty current for a while cannot burn him, but in this case, the powerful resiliency instead is suffering. 传奇超凡者的生命力非常顽强,仅有四环的“火焰洪流”一时烧不死他,但在这种情况下,强悍的恢复力反而是一种折磨。 Reislin Method had not finished. 雷斯林的施法没有结束。 Together fifth circle touching of severe pain falls instantaneous, in addition holds on Wilson's body, making his sensation of pain increase ten times. 一道五环的“剧痛之触”瞬发落下,加持在威尔森的身上,让他的痛觉增加十倍。 Finally is an invisible sound-insulated force field packages Wilson, making his pitiful yell sound unable to pass on. 最后是一个无形的隔音力场包裹住威尔森,使他的惨叫声传不出来。 All these happen in the wink of an eye. 这一切发生在瞬息之间。 Other transcendent of inside the main hall have not even responded, the fight ended. The people of blood blade commission army corps lay down place, Wilson are gripped by a giant palm in people top of the head, bore the inhuman pain to suffer, the body was treated as the fuel to burn, a sound has not actually sent. 大堂里的其他超凡者甚至没反应过来,战斗就结束了。血刃佣兵团的人躺了一地,威尔森被一只巨掌攥在人们头顶上,承受着非人般的痛苦折磨,身体被当作燃料在燃烧,却一点声音也没有发出来。 This peaceful appalling. 这安静的一幕令人毛骨悚然。 Some people had recognized the giant palm, seventh circle magic spell Bigby capturing palm! 已经有人认出了巨掌,七环法术毕格拜擒拿掌”! transcendent keep silent. 超凡者们噤若寒蝉。 Can instantaneous seventh circle magic spell wizard, at least be legend high rank, moreover one breath instantaneous five magic spell, each magic spell ring content is not low. 一个能够瞬发七环法术巫师,至少是传奇高阶,而且一口气瞬发了五个法术,每个法术的环数都不低。 Is he Saint Soul wizard? 难道他是圣魂巫师 inside the main hall is completely silent, transcendent of several blood blade commission army corps has shouldered the mental whipping effect, actually no dares to stand the counter-attack , to continue to lie down on the ground feigns death. 大堂里鸦雀无声,几个血刃佣兵团的超凡者已经扛过了精神鞭笞的效果,却没有一个敢站起来反击,继续躺在地上装死。 Wilson was still caught by the giant palm in the midair burns. 威尔森仍被巨掌抓在半空燃烧。 Reislin has not actually looked at his one eyes again, at a moderate pace across great hall before the counter of inn, said: Opens a best guest room.” 雷斯林却没有再看他一眼,不紧不慢的穿过大堂到旅店的柜台前,说道:“开一间最好的客房。” The great hall manager after counter had been scared. 柜台后的大堂经理早就被吓呆了。 Reislin waited for several seconds, he gets back one's composure, is reluctantly calm, respectful returning said: Please wait a bit, honored guest.” 雷斯林等了几秒钟,他才回神过来,勉强镇定下来,恭恭敬敬的回道:“请稍等,尊贵的客人。” The great hall manager by the quickest speed opens the room, both hands cautiously door key hands over, simply has not dared the abstract to collect how much money, has not requested to register the name. 大堂经理以平生最快的速度开好房间,双手小心翼翼的把门卡递过来,根本没敢提要收多少钱,也没要求登记姓名。 Reislin puts down several golden Shield on the counter, this took door key. 雷斯林在柜台上放下几枚金盾,这才拿了门卡。 Inquired a matter to you.” “向你打听一件事。” Guest please say.” The great hall manager hit to startle flustered actually not. “客人请说。”大堂经理打了个激灵却没有慌张。 Alberi each inn is the well-informed place, selling, entrusted and pass on to the news is the inn gathers the guest, to improve the income the necessary business. 阿尔贝湾的每家旅店都是消息灵通之地,出售、委托、转告消息是旅店招揽客人、提高收入的必备业务。 Together the sound-insulated force field covers Reislin, Athena and great hall manager, Reislin turns away from others, asked: You whether knows named Gervase Elemental Archer, he should hunts for soul, the side has a female teammate named Raman.” 一道隔音力场将雷斯林阿西娜和大堂经理笼罩在内,雷斯林背对别人,问道:“你是否认识一个叫‘杰韦斯克’的元素射手,他应该是猎魂者,身边有一个叫妮拉曼的女队友。” I know him, Sir.” The great hall manager nods hastily, they are ‚the diameter of wilderness the soul hunter squad team member, frequently comes to the inn, the team is our patron.” “我认识他,大人。”大堂经理连忙点头,“他们都是‘荒野之径’猎魂队的队员,经常到旅店来,全队是我们这里的常客。” He does not have to conceal slightly, has not protected the privacy for the guest the idea. 他没有丝毫隐瞒,更没有为客人保护隐私的想法。 Can contact with him?” Reislin also asked. “可以联系到他吗?”雷斯林又问。 Does not have the issue.” The great hall manager full mouth complies, said warm-heartedly: Mr. Gervase had not happen to gone out to hunt recently, the day before yesterday I had also just seen him. Sir, you looked that is I sends people to inform Mr. Gervase, inquired the address, looked for him by you?” “没有问题。”大堂经理满口答应,热心道:“杰韦斯克先生正好最近没有外出狩猎,前天我还刚见过他。大人,您看是我派人通知杰韦斯克先生,还是询问住址,由您自己去找他?” He cannot find out Reislin to look for Gervase is the good intentions or malicious, therefore does not dare to independently decide. 他摸不清雷斯林找杰韦斯克是善意还是恶意,所以不敢自做主张。 Asked him to come to the inn to look for me, said that therefore the person invited.” Reislin said. “请他来旅店找我,就说是故人邀请。”雷斯林说道。 Good, Sir.” “好的,大人。” Reislin remove the sound-insulated force field, turns around to go upstairs with Athena. 雷斯林撤掉隔音力场,和阿西娜一起转身上楼。 His form disappears in the building, but Wilson in great hall midair is still burning, transcendent of blood blade commission army corps tumbles runs, several loyal members then look at the giant palm that gripped tightly, hesitant one ran away. 他的身影消失在楼上,但是大堂半空中的威尔森还在燃烧,血刃佣兵团的超凡者连滚带爬的跑出去,有几个忠心的成员回头看了看紧握的巨掌,犹豫了一下还是逃走了。 These have not had the conflict transcendent to remain with Reislin, static looks that Wilson was burnt. 那些没有跟雷斯林起冲突的超凡者留了下来,静静的看着威尔森被烧死。 On some faces takes pleasure in others' misfortunes. 一些人脸上幸灾乐祸。 Wilson this time that usually abuses power not only kicked on the sheet iron, but also kicking to lose own life. 平时作威作福的威尔森这次不但踢到铁板上了,还把自己的命给踢丢了。 He struggles in the giant palm crazily, mouth silent pitiful yell. 他在巨掌中疯狂挣扎,嘴里无声惨叫。 Until after several minutes, Wilson was finally motionless, the blood evaporates, the muscle changes into the hard coke. The giant palm makes an effort to pinch, in the palm has burnt the red armor to be pinched one group of iron lumps, throws the window of great hall conveniently, falls into bay by far, sinks to the water. 直到几分钟后,威尔森终于不动了,血液蒸发,肌肉化为焦炭。巨掌用力一捏,掌心里已经烧得通红的铠甲被捏成一团铁疙瘩,随手扔出大堂的窗口,远远掉进海湾,沉入水里。 The transparent giant palm also dissipates. 透明的巨掌也随之消散。 transcendent simultaneously of inside the main hall relaxes, raised the head toward the building in looked at one, was full of the awe to that not well-known mysterious wizard at heart. 大堂里的超凡者齐齐松了一口气,不禁抬头朝楼上看了一眼,心里对那位不知名的神秘巫师充满了敬畏。 Is called blood blade Wilson does not have the strength to hit back from beginning to end, experienced legend Great Sword Master, an ant was run over and died probably with ease. 人称“血刃”的威尔森从头到尾都没有还手之力,一位身经百战的传奇大剑师,像是一只蚂蚁般被轻松碾死。 The so huge reverse, they will remember for a lifetime. 如此巨大的反转,他们会记住一辈子。 transcendent set out to leave in abundance, until is very far after Golden Gate Inn, dares to discuss in a low voice, guessed that wizard origin. Extremely powerful legendary wizard is admitted to Golden Gate Inn, and killed Wilson's news, quick spread in Alberi. 超凡者们纷纷起身离开,直到离金门旅店很远以后,才敢低声议论,猜测那个巫师的来历。一位极其强大的传奇巫师住进金门旅店,并杀死了威尔森的消息,很快就在阿尔贝湾里传开了。 In the building in inn, Athena sits in the balcony is appreciating the bay scenery. 旅店的楼上,阿西娜坐在阳台上欣赏着海湾的风光。 Even if separates, she still heard some rumors. 即使隔得很远,她也听见了一些流言。 Therefore then asked: Renn, did you start to be too heavy? That Great Sword Master looked at two, has not caused the essence damage, is insufficient to pay the life for this reason?” 于是回头问道:“雷恩,你下手会不会太重了?那个大剑师只是多看了两眼,没有造成实质伤害,不至于为此付出性命吧?” Sits meditation Reislin opens the eye on the bed, said earnestly: I never kill the innocent person, Wilson crime have because.” 坐在床上冥想雷斯林睁开眼睛,认真道:“我从来不杀无辜之人,威尔森罪有因得。” „?” Athena is not clear, what crime did he commit?” “啊?”阿西娜不明白,“他犯了什么罪?” He is believer of blood god.” Reislin returns said. “他是血神的信徒。”雷斯林回道。 Sees the Wilson's first eyes, soul eyes sees his belief to be, like the blood, disclosed scarlet bloody and callous meaning, this is Lord of Blood Khakas believer. Khakas is standard Evil God, has bloody and slaughtering and offering sacrifices three clergy, Its believer to slaughter the life to offer sacrifices to receive in exchange for strength to the blood god. 见到威尔森的第一眼,灵魂之眼看见他的信仰之为,赤红如血,透露出血腥与冷酷的意味,这是“血腥之主哈卡斯努的信徒哈卡斯努是标准的邪神,拥有“血腥”、“杀戮”和“献祭”三个神职,祂的信徒以屠戮生命向血神献祭换取力量 Also because of this bloody offering sacrifices ceremony, It is called blood god. 也因为这种血腥的献祭仪式,祂被称为“血神”。 Generally only has Troll, Ogre or wolf person these primitive ignorant races, believe the blood god. 一般只有巨魔食人魔或豺狼人这些原始愚昧的种族,才会信仰血神。 But also some minority human and elves cannot undergo the seduction of strength, becomes Its believer. Everything believes the person of blood god, is that worst homicidal maniac demon, the craziest executioner. 但也有少数人类和精灵经受不住力量的诱惑,成为祂的信徒。凡是信仰血神之人,都是那种最邪恶的杀人狂魔、最疯狂的刽子手。 Evil conduct that sometimes, blood god believer violates, even makes the blood boil than devil. 有时候,血神信徒犯下的恶行,甚至比恶魔还要令人发指。 Wilson thinks hidden well, actually does not hide the truth from soul eyes very much. If he does not provoke himself, since collects, that do not blame not being impolite, gets rid of soul absorption directly, gives itself to contribute dozens standard charge level. 威尔森自以为隐藏得很好,却瞒不过灵魂之眼。如果他不来招惹自己也就罢了,但是既然凑上来,那就别怪自己不客气,直接干掉吸收灵魂,给自己贡献几十格电量 Athena one hear is believer of blood god, immediately the complexion changes, the nod said: He truly damn.” 阿西娜一听是血神的信徒,顿时脸色微变,点头道:“那他确实该死。” Reislin closes the eye to continue meditation. 雷斯林闭上眼睛继续冥想 Shortly, guest room outside resounded the knock, the great hall manager reported: Honored guest, Mr. Gervase arrived.” 不久后,客房外面响起了敲门声,大堂经理报告道:“尊贵的客人,杰韦斯克先生到了。”
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