WT :: Volume #8

#728: Execution

However, the threat has not relieved, today, we discovered and eliminated the Skaven of ambush under the surface world, but, tomorrow? In the future, so long as these evil dark lifeform without were eliminated, the world would have no day of peaceful life.” “然而,威胁并未就此解除,今天,我们发现并消灭了潜伏在地表世界之下鼠人,但是,明天呢?在未来的日子里,只要这些邪恶的黑暗生物没有被消灭,人类世界便没有一天安稳日子。” Rod clears throat, loudly speaking. 罗德清了清嗓音,高声说到。 In the square heard the noisy discussion again. 广场上再次传来了嘈杂的议论声。 Kills off them!” “杀光他们!” In the crowd heard the spirited resounding punitive expedition sound. This is not the undercover who Rod arranges ahead of time, but is the people after the instigation spontaneous condemnation and anger. This makes Rod very satisfied on the contrary. It seems like the effect better than expected. The Rod originally thought civilians only cared that the current matter, does not care to the later matter, to is not directly related with the oneself matter not caring. However now looks like, actually not necessarily. People are profound regarding this disaster impression, perhaps was just crawled from the devil's lair of hell, urgently needed vented the angry opening. Thereupon, was advanced people field of vision central Skaven, turns, for this best sending drain port. 人群中传来了激昂高亢的讨伐声。这并不是罗德提前安排的卧底,而是群众面对煽动后自发的谴责和愤怒。这反倒让罗德十分满意。看起来效果比预想的要好得多。罗德原本以为平民只关心当下的事,对以后的事并不在乎,对不直接关系到自己的事也不在乎。但是现在看来,却未必。人们对于这场灾难印象深刻,或许是刚刚从地狱的魔窟中爬起来,急需一个发泄愤怒的口子。于是乎,被推到众人视野中央的鼠人,变成为了这个最好的发泄口。 Right! Kills off these monsters! Kills off all mice!” “对!杀光这些怪物!杀光所有的老鼠!” In the crowd resounded more and more echoing sounds. 人群中响起了越来越多的附和声。 Although already beginning of winter, but a babel of voices in square, makes Rod feel that unexpectedly the temperature cannot help but rose several degrees. 尽管已经入冬,但是广场上的人声鼎沸,竟然让罗德感到温度都不由得上升了几度。 The nature, the present aspect is also Rod most wants to see. 自然,眼前的局面也是罗德最想看到。 Facing the even more frantic people, Rod waves toward the crowd again, hinting everyone is peaceful. 面对愈发狂热的民众,罗德再次朝人群挥了挥手,示意大家再次安静。 This is one of reasons my time calls everyone to come. Over the past ten years, was this Kingdom most unstable ten years. The Greenskin invasion, the north-south civil war, making Kislev war-torn. The innumerable common people are therefore destitute and homeless. These, I watch. And feels very distressed. The brothers and sisters, all Kislev people, ten years, the entire ten years, we endured the alien race invasion, compatriot remnant, but this time, I must to the world announce that Kislev is not the lamb of allowing to be oppressed! Kislev is not the toys in Evil God palm! We must take revenge! Let these intruder pay the price of blood!” “这正是我这次召集大家来的原因之一。过去十年,是这个王国最动荡不安的十年。绿皮入侵,南北内战,让基斯里夫饱受战乱之苦。无数百姓因此流离失所。这些,我都看在眼里。并且感到十分痛心。兄弟姐妹们,所有基斯里夫的子民们,十年了,整整十年了,我们忍受了异族入侵,同胞相残,但是这次,我要向世界宣布基斯里夫不是任人宰割的羔羊!基斯里夫不是邪神掌中的玩物!我们必须复仇!让那些入侵者付出血的代价!” The Rod sound resounding got up gradually 罗德的声音渐渐高亢了起来 In the square the emotions of people also even more ran high, revenge, yes! Everyone wants to take revenge. These lose the close person in the plague, these looks at oneself family member degenerates helplessly the person of monster, these almost burnt person in fire. All people, are being oneself lose is angry. But the speech of Rod looks like a fire, lights this pile of dry firewood thoroughly. 广场上民众的情绪也愈发高涨了起来,复仇,是的!所有人都想复仇。那些在瘟疫中失去至亲的人,那些眼睁睁看着自己家人堕落成怪物的人,那些在大火中差点被烧死的人。所有的人,都在为自己失去的一切而愤怒。而罗德的演讲则像一把火,将这堆干柴彻底点燃。 We must unite again! In order to survive the power fights! We must let these intruder, knows that invades the Kislev price! We must kill with one's own hand these plague disseminators, revenged for the family member of dying!” “我们必须再次团结起来!为了生存的权力而战!我们必须让那些入侵者,知道入侵基斯里夫的代价!我们必须手刃这些瘟疫传播者,为死去的亲人报仇!” Rod continues to speak loudly, is loud-voiced, is roaring just like Huge Bear, even the person of square back row still heard the White Bear Lord spirited summons sound. 罗德继续高声演讲着,声音洪亮,宛如一头巨熊在咆哮,即便广场后排的人也听到了白熊领主激昂的号召声。 Kislev, is invincible!” 基斯里夫,是不可战胜的!” Kislev, is not the lamb of allowing to be oppressed!” 基斯里夫,不是任人宰割的羔羊!” Rod shouted loudly. 罗德高声喊到。 In the square, the crowd again cannot help but stimulated. Revenge! Revenge!” The voice wave after wave, as if everyone has put behind the grief that the plague and fire bring shortly, at this moment, weaponless farmer, becomes prepares the soldier excited. 广场上,人群不由得再次亢奋起来。“复仇!复仇!”声浪一浪接着一浪,仿佛所有人已经将瘟疫和大火带来的伤痛短暂忘却,此刻,再手无寸铁的农夫,也成为了情绪激昂的预备战士。 Saw that the conditions are ripe, Rod hinted the guard to begin. 看到时机已经成熟,罗德示意守卫可以动手了。 Sees only, in front of the crowd of call, Great Lord guarded to tow to execute the stage several thin and small Skaven captives, crude pressed them on the guilotine. 只见,呐喊的人群面前,大领主守卫将几个瘦小的鼠人俘虏拖到了行刑台,粗暴的将它们摁在断头台上。 Killed them! Revenge!” “杀了它们!复仇!” Killed these monsters!” “杀了这些怪物!” The slogan of crowd, the clamoring sound wave after wave, seems the next second to tear into shreds general these monsters on the strategic place. 人群的呐喊声,叫嚣声一波接着一波,好似下一秒就要冲上来将这几个怪物撕碎一般。 As then, Rod orders, the White Bear guard holds up a person of high both hands big sword, from top to bottom, a sword divided the neck of Skaven. 而后,随着罗德一声令下,白熊守卫举起一人高的双手大剑,自上而下,一剑劈断了鼠人的脖子。 The head of that coherence mud and dirty fur/superficial knowledge tumbles from the guilotine like the rubber ball, the scarlet blood sprinkled place, in the fracture place of nape of the neck and head, the blood is still emitting unceasingly, some women are covering child's eyes hastily, does not make them see so bloody scene. However already without enough time. The hand has the blade to fall, the Skaven captive head that cannot withstand emaciated falls to the ground. The blood just like the rich wine juice, sprinkling place, by nearby snowy area greedy absorption, was turned into the dark-red instantaneously. 那颗粘着烂泥和肮脏皮毛的脑袋像皮球一样从断头台上滚落,猩红的鲜血洒了一地,在脖颈与头颅的断口处,鲜血还在不断冒出,一些妇女连忙捂着孩子的眼睛,不让他们看到如此血腥的一幕。但是已经来不及了。手起刀落,一个个瘦弱不堪的鼠人俘虏脑袋落地。鲜血犹如浓郁的葡萄酒汁,溅洒了一地,又被一旁的雪地贪婪的吸收,瞬间变成了暗红色。 With Skaven by executions, in square the mood of crowd to highest tide. They as if found the mood falling in torrents mouth, recklessly when bellowing, compared with the regiment goes to battle was shouting that the slogan also the person who wants...... not to know the circumstances of the matter resoundingly also thinks this city has the collective plague that some mental illness infected. 随着鼠人被一个个处死,广场上人群的情绪到了最高潮。他们仿佛找到了情绪的倾泻口,肆意大吼着,比军团出征时喊口号还要响亮……不知情的人还以为这座城市又出现了某种精神疾病感染的集体瘟疫。 Rod naturally drew back while this resounding mood, other matters must prepare. Moreover, in the square these mood prosperous crowds will not diverge evidently for a short time. 罗德则趁着这种高亢情绪自然退了下来,还有其他事要去准备。而且,看样子广场上这些情绪正旺的人群一时半会儿也不会散去。 Stamps into the city hall front door time, badly a Alvis face smiles welcomed, flattered 跺入市政厅大门的时候,阿尔维斯一脸坏笑的迎了上来,奉承到 Splendid speech.” “精彩的演讲。” Shaking the head that Rod thinks otherwise speaking of also good, but the effect has not achieved well.” 罗德不以为然的摇了摇头说到“还行,不过效果还没达到最好。” You are I have seen the most outstanding orator.” “你已经是我见过的最优秀的演讲者了。” Alvis continues to flatter. 阿尔维斯继续奉承着。 When you also start to be the same with them, will only say these before me?” “你什么时候也开始和他们一样,只会在我面前说这些吗?” Rod discontented stared Alvis one. 罗德不满的瞪了阿尔维斯一眼。 Alvis thinks otherwise regardless vision that Rod looking straight ahead comes. 阿尔维斯则不以为然的撇开罗德直视而来的目光。 Truly is the splendid speech. Just, did you really plan to attack the Skaven underground city?” “确实是精彩的演讲。只不过,你真的打算进攻鼠人的地下城了吗?” He narrowed the eye to ask Rod. 他眯着眼睛问起了罗德 Rod silent moment, sits, sips clear water that the servant handed over, returns to in a low voice 罗德沉默了片刻,坐下来,抿了抿仆人递来的清水,低声回到 Really. But is not now. The winter of Troll wilderness is very cold, we impossible to dispatch troops in the winter. Moreover, Erengrad just experienced the disaster of plague, restores to produce the order urgently needed. At this time dispatched troops, obviously was impossible.” “真的。只不过不是现在。巨魔荒原的冬季十分寒冷,我们不可能在冬季出兵。而且,厄仑格拉德刚刚经历瘟疫之灾,急需恢复生产秩序。这时候出兵,显然是不可能的。” Agitation people that you so agitate?” “那你如此煽风点火的鼓动民众?” Alvis asked. 阿尔维斯问到。 To let the public support Northern Expedition Skaven war. Meanwhile, arouses their enthusiasm. The training recruit just also takes several months, when spring approaches, just can start from here with the Erengrad New Army of full revenge mood, goes north to attack the Skaven underground city.” “为了让民众支持北伐鼠人的战争。同时,调动他们的积极性。训练新兵刚好也需要几个月的时间,等到春季来临,怀着满满复仇情绪的厄仑格拉德新军刚好可以从这里出发,北上进攻鼠人地下城。” Rod is replying calmly. 罗德平静回答着。 Does not need to suspect, the matter on military I rarely discuss with you, but this does not represent me not to pass through thinks. The Hell Pit coordinates position had been investigated to be clear, the Lonedragon Dwarf knight-errants found. And, according to the reliable information, this Skaven underground city is in the extremely feeble at this moment, in the city massive Skaven were slaughtered, the quantity many are unable to imagine...... remaining Skaven are also possibly less than original 1/10 to you. It can be said that Hell Pit underwent the invasion and slaughter of unclear race, the strength of its destruction is better than the Erengrad bubonic plague and big fire. This to us, is the chance of a lifetime.” “不用怀疑,军事上的事我很少与你探讨,但是这不代表我没有经过深思熟虑。地狱深坑的坐标位置已经被探查清楚了,独龙城矮人游侠们找到的。并且,根据可靠情报,这座鼠人地下城此刻正处于极度虚弱中,城中大量的鼠人被屠杀,数量多到你无法想象……剩下的鼠人可能还不及原先的十分之一。可以说,地狱深坑经过了不明种族的入侵和屠杀,其毁灭之力远胜过厄仑格拉德鼠疫和大火灾。这对于我们来说,是千载难逢的机会。” looks at puzzled Alvis, Rod explained lightly, as if all are prepared the plan. 看着一脸疑惑的阿尔维斯,罗德淡淡解释到,似乎一切都早已有了计划和准备。 Naturally, Alvis will not feel strange, oneself Lord always so, the matter on economical and management can with the oneself discussion, in the military, with his treasure daughter, the wife, imperial guard Captain Virgil, Bear Knight Captain Shibeis, the Kislev Archduke Valdimir discussion. 当然,阿尔维斯也不会感到奇怪,自己领主一向如此,经济和管理上的事会和自己探讨,军事上,则和他那宝贝女儿,妻子,还有禁卫军队长维吉尔,熊骑士队长西贝斯,基斯里夫大公弗拉基米尔探讨。 The looks at Alvis somewhat anxious facial expression, Rod then explained as before 看着阿尔维斯依旧有些不安的神情,罗德接着解释到 Also, this encircling, solely is not the unilateral action of Kislev. Lonedragon Leader Sogaard has prepared one 2000 people elite attacks the army corps, only when treats the solid ice ablation, then by us about soldier one, attacks Skaven lair Hell Pit together.” “还有,这次围剿,不单单是基斯里夫的单方面行动。独龙城首领索加德已经准备好一支两千人的精锐突击兵团,只待坚冰消融时,便以我们合兵一处,一起进攻鼠人巢穴地狱深坑。” Rod raises corners of the mouth 罗德扬起嘴角 „, Dwarf hates Skaven compared with us. They do not need to speak, will have many people to participate to crusade against the fight of Skaven.” “要知道,矮人可是比我们更加痛恨鼠人的。他们不需要演讲,也会有许多人参加讨伐鼠人的战斗。”
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