WSSH :: Volume #41

#4059: Blood Phoenix Bloodline

Lin Yuan, not only Duan Lingtian feels him to be mystical, even if others , equally thought that he is mystical. 林远,不只是段凌天觉得他神秘,哪怕是其他人,也同样觉得他神秘。 Even, is Profound Jade mansion Howling Flame Sect here person, at this time stares at Lin Yuan to tread spatially, but the back, in the eye also has the color of thick anticipation. 甚至于,便是玄玉炎啸宗这边的人,此时盯着林远踏空而出的背影,眼中也带着浓浓的期待之色。 Regarding Lin Yuan, they are actually not familiar, because Lin Yuan appeared in Seven Mansions Grand Feast in their Howling Flame Sect a short time ago. 对于林远,他们其实也不熟悉,因为林远是在七府盛宴前不久出现在他们炎啸宗的。 Moreover, Lin Yuan appears in their Howling Flame Sect, then in the situation that the small number of people knows, struck their Howling Flame Sect young one generation of first person defeats. 而且,林远一出现在他们炎啸宗,便在少数人知道的情况下,一击将他们炎啸宗年轻一辈第一人击败了。 Although few people know at that time, but the news travels, still raised the great unrest in Howling Flame Sect. 虽然当时很少人知道,但消息传开,仍然是在炎啸宗内掀起了轩然大波。 However, at that time witnessed the person who that fights, after all in a few. 不过,当时亲眼目睹那一战的人,毕竟是在少数。 Therefore, many people, although knows Lin Yuan to be strong, compared with their Howling Flame Sect past young generation of first person, but many, no one was actually clear specifically. 所以,很多人虽然知道林远强,远比他们炎啸宗昔日的年轻一辈第一人强,但具体强多少,却没人清楚。 „The Tuoba Xiu strength, powerful...... does not know like that whether Lin Yuan can deal with.” 拓跋秀的实力,那般强大……也不知道,林远是否能应付。” Lin Yuan, if can defeat Tuoba Xiu, not only first three hopeful, even hopeful first!” 林远若能击败拓跋秀,不只前三有望,甚至有望第一!” ...... …… Howling Flame Sect, not only one crowd of Heaven's Chosen disciple reveal none, look the anticipation, is the Howling Flame Sect high level on the scene, is also flooding the color of thick burning hot. 炎啸宗这边,不只是一群天骄弟子目露精光,面露期待,便是在场的炎啸宗高层,一个个眼中也充斥着浓浓的炙热之色。 In one crowd of high levels that Howling Flame Sect, the trip comes, understood truly perhaps the Lin Yuan strength, only has Lin Donglai one person. 炎啸宗这边,此行来的一群高层中,真正了解林远实力的,恐怕也就只有林东来一人。 Because, Lin Yuan is Lin Donglai looks. 因为,林远林东来找来的。 Moreover, after Lin Donglai looks for Lin Yuan, it is said said directly, if Lin Yuan enters first three, attained quota, he takes two quotas the right to control. 而且,林东来找来林远后,据说更直接放话,林远若入前三,拿到的名额,他要两个名额的支配权。 But it is said that Howling Flame Sect high level, adopts unanimously, accepted the request of Lin Donglai. 而据说,炎啸宗高层,也都一致通过,答应了林东来的要求。 After Tuoba Xiu opens the mouth to challenge Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan enters the stadium. 拓跋秀开口挑战林远后,林远入场。 Two people each other confront, no one has said anything. 两人彼此对峙,谁都没多说什么。 Until the Lin Donglai opens the mouth, two people just now had the movement. 直到林东来开口,两人方才有了动作。 Said accurately, was Tuoba Xiu had the movement. 准确的说,是拓跋秀有了动作。 Whish!! 哗!! Crash-bang!! 哗啦啦!! ...... …… Perhaps had the previous lesson, Tuoba Xiu acted, was a violent storm attack, the place of figure rocking, the ice cold biting cold, frozen void, making the air solidify. 或许是有了上一次的教训,拓跋秀一出手,便是一阵狂风暴雨般的进攻,身形晃动之处,冰寒彻骨,冰封虚空,令得空气都为之凝固。 But facing threatening of Tuoba Xiu, Lin Yuan, although behind acts, but actually also attacks the problem one manifestation at a time, among the figure turbulence, Tuoba Xiu could not limit his form. 而面对拓跋秀的来势汹汹,林远虽然后面才出手,但却也是见招拆招,身形动荡之间,拓跋秀根本限制不了他的身影。 Tuoba Xiu wants to be the Rule characteristics by the ice, limits Lin Yuan......, but, Lin Yuan was actually not swindled. Moreover, Destruction Rule that he excels, has the powerful Destruction characteristics, even if Tuoba Xiu will congeal and seal up void, so long as is not too strong, he also sufficiently Destruction destruction!” 拓跋秀想要以冰系法则的特性,限制林远……不过,林远却也不上当。而且,他擅长的毁灭法则,本就带着强大的毁灭特性,哪怕拓跋秀将虚空凝结、封住,只要不是太强,他也足以将之毁灭破坏!” Duan Lingtian sees very clearly. 段凌天看得很清楚。 A moment later, two people have crossed more than ten moves. 片刻之后,两人已经过了十几招。 This Lin Yuan, without is so simple.” “这林远,果然没那么简单。” Duan Lingtian's complexion, suddenly dignified. 段凌天的脸色,突然凝重了起来。 Because, careful under he, is not difficult to see the Tuoba Xiu forehead, had overflowed faint trace sweat, even if the sweat will be evaporated by the supernatural power shortly, paid attention by him. 因为,细心之下的他,不难看到拓跋秀的额头,已经溢出了一丝丝汗水,哪怕汗水顷刻间被神力蒸发,还是被他注意到了。 Reviews that side Lin Yuan, although looks that somewhat is also strenuous, but if carefully looked, can actually see his calm. 反观林远那边,虽然看着也有些吃力,但如果仔细看,却又是可以看出他的从容。 Tuoba Xiu, must erupt!” 拓跋秀,要爆发了!” Suddenly, detects eruption aura that on Tuoba Xiu lends, the Duan Lingtian double pupil concentrates. 突然,察觉到拓跋秀身上散发出来的一股爆发气息,段凌天双眸一凝。 But major influence high levels, at this time also subconscious looks to Tuoba Xiu. 而各大势力高层,此时也都下意识的看向拓跋秀 Next flickers. 下一瞬。 Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰!砰!砰!砰!砰! ...... …… During along with the intermittent demolition sound loud sound, is actually the ice that is void congeals, was crushed by Tuoba Xiu all, then changes to everywhere the ice dregs, changes to the ice blades and ice sword, changes to the sword long class/flow, kills to Lin Yuan. 伴随着阵阵爆破声般的巨响,却是那虚空之中凝结的冰,尽数被拓跋秀自己击碎,然后化作漫天的冰渣,化作冰刀、冰剑,化作刀剑长流,杀向林远 At the same time, Tuoba Xiu leaves, an under foot glacier congeals, one type lives the feeling of ice step by step. 同一时间,拓跋秀动身而出,脚下一片冰川凝结,给人一种步步生冰的感觉。 In her hands, Divine Tool is glittering the dazzling brilliance, moreover on her body, intermittent boundless courage vigor, starts to shoot up to the sky, looks from afar, changed to an appearance of birds unexpectedly. 在她的手中,神器闪烁着耀眼的光辉,另外在她的身上,阵阵磅礴的血气,也开始冲天而起,远远看去,竟是化作了一只飞禽的模样。 Is working as the blood-color birds congealing shape, many people on the scene make noise in an uproar, Blood Phoenix Bloodline!” 当着血色飞禽凝形,在场不少人都哗然出声,“血凤血脉!” Even if Pure Yang Sect, a Pure Yang Sect numerous high level, the pupil is also simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform shrinks at this time. 哪怕是纯阳宗这边,纯阳宗的一众高层,此时瞳孔也是齐齐一缩。 Blood Phoenix Bloodline, hyphenated name Tuoba...... has not thought that Toba Aristocratic Family, but also some people live.” 血凤血脉,复姓拓跋……没想到,拓跋世家,还有人活下来。” Zhen Pingfan sobbed the sigh. 甄平凡唏嘘感叹。 Toba Aristocratic Family? Blood Phoenix Bloodline?” 拓跋世家血凤血脉?” With the Zhen Pingfan opens the mouth, not only Duan Lingtian, is others on the scene, looks the vacant color. 随着甄平凡开口,不只是段凌天,便是在场的其他人,一个个也都是面露茫然之色。 At this time, another Pure Yang Sect Elder opened the mouth, Toba Aristocratic Family, past once was a God Emperor level family in Prestigious Mansion , afterward actually destruction.” 这时,另一个纯阳宗长老开口了,“拓跋世家,昔日曾经是大名府内的一个神帝级家族,后来却覆灭了。” It is said was extinguished by Prestigious Mansion Sect.” “据说是被大名府的一个宗门所灭。” At this point, this Pure Yang Sect Elder vision, subconscious looks to Prestigious Mansion the person of Sect in it place. 说到这里,这纯阳宗长老的目光,下意识的看向大名府的其中一个宗门之人所在之地。 But that Sect high level, is simultaneous/uniform Qili sets out at this time, an eye of reveal kills intent is staring at that together beautiful figure in field. 而那个宗门的高层,此时也是齐齐立起身来,目露杀意的盯着场中的那一道倩影。 Unexpectedly is Toba Aristocratic Family odd/surplus evil!” “竟然是拓跋世家的余孽!” In the past, didn't stamp out the source of trouble? How to have evils outside!” “当年,不是都斩草除根了吗?怎么会还有余孽在外!” Which direct descendant juniors illegitimate daughter of outside was the past Toba Aristocratic Family?” “是当年拓跋世家哪个嫡系子弟在外的私生女?” ...... …… At this moment, a Prestigious Mansion Origin Li Sect numerous high level, the complexion is very ugly, in the eye jumps killing intent that shoots, as if wishes one could to be out Tuoba Xiu to kill now immediately! 此时此刻,大名府原离宗的一众高层,脸色都是非常难看,眼中迸射出来的杀意,更是仿佛恨不得现在立马下场将拓跋秀杀死! Toba Aristocratic Family, in the past by their Origin Li Sect destruction. 拓跋世家,当年就是被他们原离宗覆灭的。 That of entire family high and low, thorough extermination, the old and young have not even let off sick and disabled. 全家上下,彻底灭门的那种,连老幼病残都没有放过。 This thinks that stamped out the source of trouble thoroughly, has not actually thought, now emits a Toba Aristocratic Family later generation...... 本以为彻底斩草除根了,却没想到,现在又冒出了一个拓跋世家的后人…… This to their Origin Li Sect, is not the good deed! 这对他们原离宗来说,可不是什么好事! What situation?” “什么情况?” What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” ...... …… Shows Blood Phoenix Bloodline in Tuoba Xiu, shows a stronger strength time, one crowd of Heaven's Chosen on the scene discovered Prestigious Mansion Origin Li Sect that side change. 拓跋秀展现血凤血脉,展现出更强实力的时候,在场的一群天骄都发现了大名府原离宗那边的异动。 But the high levels of various mansion major influences, after an exclamation, the vision also fall on the direction that Prestigious Mansion Origin Li Sect was. 而各府各大势力的高层,在一阵惊叹后,目光也落在了大名府原离宗所在的方向。 Serves right.” “一报还一报。” Many people were sighing in a soft voice, really has not thought that Toba Aristocratic Family, but also some people fortunately survive in the world......, although has not grown completely, but there is Hellish Earth Province to be her backing, Prestigious Mansion Origin Li Sect, cannot move her!” 不少人都在轻声感叹,“真是没想到,拓跋世家,还有人幸存于世……虽然还没完全成长起来,但有地冥府作为她的后盾,大名府原离宗,动不了她!” She grew to this grade of situation......, even if Prestigious Mansion Origin Li Sect is willing to pay some prices, making that side Hellish Earth Province hand over her, that side Hellish Earth Province will not perhaps want.” “她都成长到这等地步了……哪怕大名府原离宗愿意付出一些代价,让地冥府那边交出她,地冥府那边恐怕也不会愿意。” I have never thought that past Blood Phoenix Bloodline of that Toba Aristocratic Family, appeared...... must know, even the Toba Aristocratic Family direct descendant juniors, were not the bloodlines that each can awaken!” “真没想到,昔日的那个拓跋世家血凤血脉,又重现于世了……要知道,就算拓跋世家嫡系子弟,也不是每一个都能觉醒的血脉!” Previously, is it possible that also without seeing this Tuoba Xiu shows Blood Phoenix Bloodline...... is the temporary transformation?” “先前,也没见这拓跋秀展现血凤血脉……莫非是临时蜕变的?” Right......, if previously he and Yuan Moyu fought, then showed Blood Phoenix Bloodline, finally was not necessarily able to lose!” “对啊……要是先前他和元墨玉一战,便展现出血凤血脉,最后未必会输!” ...... …… At this moment, audience focus, not only mysterious Lin Yuan. 此时此刻,全场瞩目的焦点,不只是神秘的林远 But is Tuoba Xiu. 而是拓跋秀 Bloodline Strength that this young female, shows, attracted the attention of people. 这个年轻的女子,展现出来的血脉之力,吸引了众人的注意力。 But one crowd of young Heaven's Chosen on the scene, do not know anything is Blood Phoenix Bloodline, does not know that Prestigious Mansion had Toba Aristocratic Family in the past...... 而在场的一群年轻天骄,原来不知道什么是血凤血脉,也不知道大名府过去有一个拓跋世家…… However, with the opens the mouth of respective influence elder, they actually knew the long and short of the story finally. 不过,随着各自势力长辈的开口,他们却又是终于得知了事情的来龙去脉。 Prestigious Mansion Toba Aristocratic Family, once the person did obeisance into the Origin Li Sect hanger-on past. 大名府拓跋世家,昔日曾经有一人拜入了原离宗门下。 That person, on Seven Mansions Grand Feast, captured first! 那人,更在一届七府盛宴上,夺取了第一! He, then awakened Blood Phoenix Bloodline the person of Toba Aristocratic Family. 他,便是觉醒了血凤血脉拓跋世家之人。 Afterward, he for the family, left Origin Li Sect, wanted to lead Toba Aristocratic Family to step onto the Prestigious Mansion peak, and other big influences was on par that type with Origin Li Sect...... 后来,他为了家族,离开原离宗,想要带领拓跋世家走上大名府的巅峰,和原离宗等四大势力比肩那种…… But at this time, Origin Li Sect, actually does not want. 而这个时候,原离宗这边,却不愿意了。 Person who I cultivate, now can train other influences on contend with? 我栽培出来的人,现在要培养其它势力与自己抗衡? From the beginning, is only the small conflict. 一开始,只是小冲突。 But afterward, actually discovered that the big conflict, and even Origin Li Sect spent certain price finally, the Toba Aristocratic Family extermination, stamps out the source of trouble thoroughly! 可后来,却发现成了大冲突,乃至最后原离宗花费了一定的代价,才将拓跋世家灭门,彻底斩草除根! Bloodline Strength that should just awaken......” “应该是刚觉醒的血脉之力……” Duan Lingtian looks at Bloodline Strength that Tuoba Xiu shows, he of careful feeling, can detect instability of that Bloodline Strength, although is powerful, but is actually not impregnable. 段凌天看着拓跋秀展现的血脉之力,仔细感受的他,可以察觉到那血脉之力的不稳定,虽然强大,但却也不是无懈可击。 But on the instance that his thought just fell, Lin Yuan acts. 而就在他念头刚落的瞬间,林远出手了。 And, the flaw that also feels from Duan Lingtian starts, routed Tuoba Xiu blood phoenix Bloodline Strength directly, then distant separation emptied to strike to fly Tuoba Xiu! 并且,也是从段凌天感受到的破绽下手,直接击溃了拓跋秀的血凤血脉之力,然后遥遥的隔空将拓跋秀击飞了出去! -” “噗-” Sheds the blood the expansive sky, the beautiful figure lives in the figure reluctantly, appears me to see still pities. 血洒长空,倩影勉强顿住身形,显得我见犹怜。 Admits defeat.” “认输吧。” Lin Yuan treads to empty to come, to cross the hands behind the back to stand, distant looks at Tuoba Xiu, on his body, just ascended, but Bloodline Strength, was also restraining a moment later. 林远踏空而来,负手而立,遥遥的看着拓跋秀,在他的身上,刚升腾而起的血脉之力,也在片刻之后收敛了起来。 Tuoba Xiu, not only compelled him to use the full power, even compelled his Bloodline Strength! 拓跋秀,不只是迫得他动用了全力,甚至逼出了他的血脉之力 Although appears briefly, but used after all. 虽只是昙花一现,但毕竟是用了。 I admit defeat.” “我认输。” In a minute, complexion ruddy Tuoba Xiu, although looks that a Lin Yuan eye of band of light several points is unwilling, finally actually opened the mouth slowly. 片刻,面色一阵红润的拓跋秀,虽然看着林远的目光带着几分不甘,最后却还是缓缓开口了。 She is injured heavily. 她受伤不轻。 But Lin Yuan actually returns safe and sound. 林远却毫发无伤。 Continues, is not meaningful. 继续下去,也没任何意义。 Originally, the people present emphasis, should be right on Lin Yuan...... 原本,众人现在的关注点,应该是在林远身上才对…… But now, their emphases, actually in defeating Tuoba Xiu body in Lin Yuan, as well as body of that Prestigious Mansion Origin Li Sect. 可现在,他们的关注点,却在败在林远手里的拓跋秀的身上,以及那大名府原离宗的身上。 Now, the people more or less knew the Tuoba Xiu older generation, among dispute with Prestigious Mansion Origin Li Sect. 现在,众人或多或少知道了拓跋秀的先辈,和大名府原离宗之间的纠葛。 But at this moment. 而就在这时。 Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! 嗖!嗖!嗖!嗖!嗖! ...... …… The Prestigious Mansion Origin Li Sect high level, almost turns out in full strength, but the goal was to also lock Tuoba Xiu. 大名府原离宗的高层,几乎倾巢而出,而目标也是锁定了拓跋秀 However, just left the instance that in them departs, in their ways, presented three is not is big, was ordinary like three palatial great mountains, gives them the great pressure the form. 不过,在他们刚动身飞出的瞬间,在他们的去路上,却是出现了三道算不上多么高大,却如同三尊巍峨巨山一般,给予他们强大压力的身影。 Three big Mid-rank God Emperor powerhouses! 三大中位神帝强者! Respectively three big top influences from Hellish Earth Province! 分别来自地冥府的三大顶尖势力! Three.” “三位。” What Prestigious Mansion Origin Li Sect is the person of head, similarly is the Mid-rank God Emperor powerhouse, the complexion gloomy looks at the present three people, our Origin Li Sect and Toba Aristocratic Family gratitude and grudges, you must be clear.” 大名府原离宗这边的为首之人,同样是中位神帝的强者,面色阴沉的看着眼前的三人,“我们原离宗拓跋世家的恩怨,想必你们也是不可能不清楚。” You did not know the circumstances of the matter in the past, cultivate this bad child to mature, we can not investigate.” “你们过去不知情,栽培这孽种成才,我们可以不追究。” But,...... this bad child, must die today!” “不过,今日……这孽种,必须死!” Facing three big Mid-rank God Emperor, his here person, although are many, but actually also decisively is not an opponent, because him on his Mid-rank God Emperor! 面对三大中位神帝,他这边的人虽然多,但却也断然不是对手,因为他这边就他一个中位神帝
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