WSSH :: Volume #41

#4058: Moqi Hong...... defeat

Yang Qianye enters the stadium, challenges No. 4 Yuan Moyu, after ten moves, is defeated. 杨千夜入场,挑战四号元墨玉,十招之后落败。 But regarding his being defeated, no one thought that surprised anything, because of the present, Yang Qianye is as we all know same as Puppet Mountain Village that Ximen, is existences that first in ten sets the base. 而对于他的落败,没人觉得惊讶什么的,因为现在所有人都知道,杨千夜傀儡山庄的那个西门一样,都是前十中垫底的存在。 Now, Yang Qianye in ninth, Ximen in tenth, in people opinion, two people most also struggles ninth ranking, wants first eight, almost not possibly. 现在,杨千夜在第九,西门在第十,在众人看来,两人最多也就争一争第九的排名,想要进去前八,几乎没有可能。 Was one's turn Wang Xiong.” “轮到王雄了。” But in fact, before the Yang Qianye being defeated fate, more people are anticipating the person of next admission, is present 8 th, Prestigious Mansion Cold Mountain Lodging Heaven's Chosen, Wang Xiong. 而事实上,在杨千夜落败下场之前,更多人都在期待着下一个入场之人,也就是现在的八号,大名府寒山邸天骄,王雄 Enters the stadium on the 8 th.” “八号入场。” With the Lin Donglai clear and resonant voice opens the mouth, Wang Xiong also under glare of the public eye, entered sloppily free and easy., and vision after is also living in the figure, at the right moment has swept temporarily Lin Yuan ranked the fifth, as well as Tuoba Xiu ranked the sixth, falls on Moqi Hong ranked the seventh finally 随着林东来朗声开口,王雄也在众目睽睽之下,一身邋遢洒脱的走进了场中,并且目光也在顿住身形之后,适时的扫过暂时排名第五的林远,以及排名第六的拓跋秀,最后落在排名第七的万俟弘身上。 But the Moqi Hong complexion, in this moment, became gloomy many. 万俟弘的脸色,也在这一刻,变得阴沉了不少。 Because, he has heard the gossip that periphery has transmitted. 因为,他已经听到了周围传来的闲言闲语。 Previously Moqi Hong because of person's of Moqi Aristocratic Family warning, without challenging Wang Xiong...... has not actually thought that such quickly, he with Wang Xiong to.” “先前万俟弘因为万俟世家之人的告诫,没有挑战王雄……却没想到,这么快,他就和王雄对上了。” Wang Xiong, should challenge him.” 王雄,应该会挑战他。” „Very obvious.” “很明显了。” ...... …… Under people visual suddenly, the Wang Xiong clear and resonant voice opens the mouth, I challenge, 7 th, Moqi Aristocratic Family Heaven's Chosen, Moqi Hong.” 在众人恍然的目视之下,王雄朗声开口,“我挑战,七号,万俟世家天骄,万俟弘。” But regarding this, the people are not accidental/surprised. 而对此,众人也不意外。 However, one group of people look again to the Moqi Hong vision, has several points to ridicule. 不过,一群人再次看向万俟弘的目光,却又是带着几分揶揄。 Moqi Hong , the complexion not too walked attractively. 万俟弘,也脸色不太好看的走了出去。 Now, he even somewhat regretted, previously obeyed their Moqi Aristocratic Family Old Ancestor Moqi Yuning words...... he, should not the temporary change idea, then challenge Ximen. 现在,他甚至有些后悔,先前听从他们万俟世家老祖万俟宇宁的话……他,就不该临时改变主意,转而挑战西门 Should challenge Wang Xiong. 就该挑战王雄 Otherwise, is insufficient so disgraced. 要不然,也不至于这般丢人。 At this moment , Moqi Hong had not actually realized completely, if previously he changed the mind time, cannot look at Moqi Yuning, some people do not think that he obeys person's of Moqi Aristocratic Family advice, has not challenged Wang Xiong again. 此时此刻,,万俟弘却又是完全没有意识到,如果先前他改变主意的时候,没有可以去看万俟宇宁,也不会有人认为他是听从万俟世家之人的建议,才没再挑战王雄 Temporarily the change challenge object, very normal matter, no one will think he has anything. 临时改变挑战对象,很正常的事情,没人会觉得他有什么。 But, he looks in Moqi Aristocratic Family direction, that is telling others without doubt, person who he is one does not have the opinion! 但,他往万俟世家方向一看,那一眼,却无疑是在告诉别人,他是一个没有主见的人! Sometimes, looks at one, little looks at one, sufficiently change a lot. 有时候,多看一眼,少看一眼,足以改变很多事情。 Wang Xiong.” 王雄。” A Moqi Hong admission, the sound such as then leads several points of cold intent, when your strength, you previously fought with Yang Qianye shows general...... you, is not my opponent!” 万俟弘一入场,声如便带着几分冷意,“如若你的实力,就你先前和杨千夜交手时展现出来的一般……你,不是我的对手!” Present Moqi Hong, an intense show-off desire. 现在的万俟弘,有一种强烈的表现欲。 So long as he defeated Wang Xiong, then no one dares to despise him again! 只要他击败了王雄,便没人再敢小看他! But Wang Xiong, facing the provocation of Moqi Hong, is light smiles, without responding to him. 王雄,面对万俟弘的挑衅,却也只是淡淡一笑,没有回应他。 Sees this, Moqi Hong naturally becomes angry out of shame. 见此,万俟弘自然更加恼羞成怒。 In fact, previously challenged Ximen, although won afterward, but starts Ximen to press him to hit, and even he knows that Ximen has war intent of powerful that to him, treats as to go to be on par him, and even after exceeding the Duan Lingtian's stepping-stone, he actually suppressed a lot of fires. 事实上,先前挑战西门,虽然后来胜了,但开始西门压着他打,乃至他知道西门之所以对他有那么强力的战意,是将他当作前往比肩,乃至超越段凌天的踏脚石后,他却是憋了一肚子的火。 Now, was disregarded by Wang Xiong, immediately was previously constraining the anger, cannot suppress again, erupted thoroughly! 现在,被王雄无视,顿时先前压抑着的怒火,再也压不住,彻底爆发了出来! Therefore, announces in Lin Donglai the instance that he and Wang Xiong can make a move, Moqi Hong then acted like lightning, the thunder wreaks havoc from top to bottom. 所以,在林东来开口宣布他和王雄可以出手的瞬间,万俟弘便闪电般出手了,浑身上下雷霆肆虐。 He excels, just like Celestial Star Province Autumn Leaves Gate Heaven's Chosen Luo Yuan, is Thunder Rule! 他所擅长的,和天辰府秋叶门天骄罗源一样,都是雷系法则 Temperament is actually big.” “脾气倒是不小。” Facing the eruption of Moqi Hong, the Wang Xiong brow selects, clouds after poor business conditions light putting out these words, the body same golden light rises suddenly, then has not given way to traffic preemptive Moqi Hong, moves forward to meet somebody unexpectedly directly. 面对万俟弘的爆发,王雄眉头一挑,云淡风轻的吐出这句话后,身上同样金光暴涨,然后也没有避让先发制人的万俟弘,竟是直接迎了上去。 Whiz!! 嗖!! Whiz!! 嗖!! Together purple gorgeous thunder, together radiant dazzling golden light, under surrounding visual of people, connected from the two sides in one. 一道紫色绚丽的雷霆,一道璀璨耀眼的金光,于围观众人的目视之下,从两边交汇在了一起。 When the two connect after together, intermittent deafening loud sound, at the right moment resounding through horizon. 而当二者交汇在一起之后,阵阵震耳欲聋的巨响,也适时的响彻天际。 Bang!! 轰!! Rumble!! 轰隆隆!! ...... …… The collision of golden strength and thunder and lightning strength, blooms the brilliant fireworks, shock on vision, is similar to is enjoying visual Grand Feast. 金色力量和雷电力量的碰撞,绽放出绚烂的焰火,给人一种视觉上的震撼,就如同在享受一场视觉盛宴 Some cultivation base weak people, cannot see clearly two gangs of strength the movements of two people. 一些修为较弱之人,看不清两股力量中的两人的动作。 But the strength strong person, is actually looks clear. 可实力较强之人,却是看得一清二楚。 While two strengths clash, Moqi Hong and Wang Xiong fierce combat in one, two people fought does not know one's place...... when this moment, Wang Xiong , the strength that showed to win previously and Yang Qianye fought shows! 在两股力量对撞的同时,万俟弘王雄激战在了一起,两人战得不分上下……在这一刻,王雄,也展现出了更胜先前和杨千夜交手时展现的实力! This Wang Xiong, really hid the strength.” “这王雄,果然隐藏了实力。” Duan Lingtian looks color suddenly, this also with general that he previously guessed, „the strength that at present, he shows, evenly matched...... does not know with Moqi Hong, this is his true strength.” 段凌天面露恍然之色,这也跟他先前猜测的一般,“目前,他展现出来的实力,和万俟弘势均力敌……就是不知道,这是不是他真正的实力。” But after Duan Lingtian thought one revolution, Moqi Hong in field, had fought more than ten moves with Wang Xiong. 而在段凌天念头一转之后,场中的万俟弘,已经和王雄交手了十几招。 Moqi Hong that blushed, had not retained at this time again, the courage vigor rises suddenly from top to bottom, used Bloodline Strength directly, the strength erupted, suppressed Wang Xiong at one fell swoop. 本就红了脸的万俟弘,这时也没再保留,浑身上下血气暴涨,直接动用了血脉之力,实力爆发,一举压制了王雄 Moqi Hong took the lead to erupt Bloodline Strength, Wang Xiong, this/should eruption.” 万俟弘率先爆发了血脉之力,王雄这边,也该爆发了。” Then, will be more splendid!” “接下来,将更加精彩!” ...... …… But when the people think Wang Xiong will also use Bloodline Strength, actually sees the golden ray that the Wang Xiong supernatural power blooms, further rises suddenly to wreak havoc. 而就在众人以为王雄也会动用血脉之力的时候,却见王雄神力绽放的金色光芒,进一步暴涨肆虐。 Then, originally disadvantaged he, unexpectedly after Metal Rule further erupts, changes the course of events at one fell swoop, suppresses Moqi Hong! 然后,原本处于劣势的他,竟是在金系法则进一步爆发后,一举扭转乾坤,压制万俟弘 Bang!! 砰!! The people have not responded, is only three moves, the Moqi Hong offensive, by Wang Xiong upfront smashing, and strength remaining prestige also whipped on his body, struck to fly him directly. 众人还没反应过来,只是三招,万俟弘的攻势,被王雄正面粉碎,并且力量余威也拍打在了他的身上,直接将他击飞了出去。 „-” “哇-” In the Moqi Hong mouth spurts the blood, looks pale like the paper, body flying upside down, is staring at the Wang Xiong vision from afar, shocks with completely inconceivable. 万俟弘口中喷血,面色苍白如纸,身体倒飞而出,远远盯着王雄的目光,满是震撼和不可思议。 This Wang Xiong, so will be how strong! 这个王雄,怎么会这么强! Thinks before oneself these comes time, to Seven Mansions Grand Feast first three,...... his heart that and even first goes, suddenly extremely ashamed feelings. 想到自己这一次来之前,是冲着七府盛宴前三,乃至第一去的……他的内心深处,突然有一种极度羞愧的感觉。 He, but also first three? 就他,还前三? First? 第一? Why......” “为什么……” Moqi Hong cannot think through, this thinks oneself become in present age young one generation goes against heaven's will even, past was Eastern Ridge Mansion young one generation of first person, but why presents several now compared with he stronger young people? 万俟弘想不通,本以为自己在当代年轻一辈中成就算逆天,昔日更是东岭府年轻一辈第一人,可为什么现在却出现了好几个比他更强的年轻人? Duan Lingtian also even. 段凌天也就算了。 Yuan Moyu and Tuoba Xiu that but this behind presents, and even Luo Yuan and Han Di, what's the matter? 可这后面出现的元墨玉拓跋秀,乃至罗源韩迪,又是怎么回事? Moreover, before this Seven Mansions Grand Feast, he still with the help of Moqi Aristocratic Family, consolidated High-Rank God Sovereign cultivation base, the strength a level higher. 而且,这一次七府盛宴前,他还在万俟世家的帮助下,巩固了一身上位神皇修为,实力更上一层楼。 At this moment, Moqi Hong has a desperate feeling. 这一刻,万俟弘有一种绝望的感觉。 My really such waste? 我真的就这么废物? Admits defeat.” “认输。” When saw that Wang Xiong pursues to come, looked vacant color Moqi Hong, after the ear transmits Moqi Aristocratic Family Old Ancestor Moqi Yuning startled to drink the sound, recovers thoroughly. 当看到王雄追击而来,原本面露茫然之色的万俟弘,在耳边传来万俟世家老祖万俟宇宁的惊喝声后,也彻底回过神来。 Admits defeat.” “认输。” After coming soberly, is the earliest possible time opens the mouth to admit defeat. 清醒过来后,也是第一时间开口认输。 But Wang Xiong, will receive the hand from now on. 王雄,自此收手。 No. 8 Wang Xiong, challenges No. 7 Moqi Hong, the victory! 八号王雄,挑战七号万俟弘,胜! Two people exchange the serial number token. 两人互换序号令牌。 Moqi Hong, from being listed as Seven Mansions Grand Feast first in ten seventh, reduced eighth. 万俟弘,也从暂列七府盛宴前十中的第七,沦落到了第八。 At the same time, in the person of two people being out, has not been full of the inconceivable vision to fall on the body of Wang Xiong, obviously has not thought, Wang Xiong will have such strength! 同一时间,在两人还没下场之人,一道道充满不可思议的目光落在王雄的身上,显然都没想到,王雄会有如此实力! Strength that Wang Xiong showed a moment ago, feared that was is not weaker than Tuoba Xiu and Yuan Moyu!” 王雄刚才展现的实力,怕是都不比拓跋秀元墨玉弱了!” Yes...... he has not used Bloodline Strength now, if using, is not weak in Tuoba Xiu and Yuan Moyu.” “是啊……他现在可是还没动用血脉之力,若动用,不弱于拓跋秀元墨玉。” Hasn't looked at Yuan Moyu and Tuoba Xiu two people complexion dignified? Previously, they looked at Wang Xiong time, did not have so.” “没看元墨玉拓跋秀两人的脸色都凝重了起来吗?先前,他们看王雄的时候,也没这般。” Clearly, they felt the threat from Wang Xiong.” “很明显,他们感受到来自王雄的威胁了。” ...... …… When the people shock the exclamation, in the Duan Lingtian eye also flashed through several extraordinary splendor. 在众人震撼惊叹之余,段凌天眼中也闪过了几道异彩。 Wang Xiong, is not really simple. 王雄,果然不简单。 After Wang Xiong and Moqi Hong one after another fate, most people's vision, still on the body of Wang Xiong, but Prestigious Mansion Cold Mountain Lodging person, then had been frightened ignorant. 王雄万俟弘相继下场之后,大多数人的目光,仍然在王雄的身上,而大名府寒山邸的人,则早就被吓懵了。 Has not thought, Wang Xiong has this grade of strength! 都没想到,王雄有这等实力! Until the Lin Donglai sound resounds, the people recover one after another, enters the stadium on the 6 th.” 直到林东来声音响起,众人才相继回过神来,“六号入场。” 6 th. 六号。 Suddenly, the attention of people, just now leaves from the body of Wang Xiong, shifts to the direction that the person of that Hellish Earth Province Yuwen Aristocratic Family is, falls, in that treads together gradually spatially, but above beautiful figure. 一时间,众人的注意力,方才从王雄的身上离开,转移到那地冥府宇文世家之人所在的方向,落在那一道缓步踏空而出的倩影之上。 Seven Mansions Grand Feast first ten only females. 七府盛宴前十唯一的女性。 Hellish Earth Province uses strength of cultivation mansion Heaven's Chosen Monstrous Talent. 地冥府倾尽一府之力栽培的天骄妖孽 Previous and a Yuan Moyu war, showed the impressive strength. 上次和元墨玉一战,展现出了令人惊叹的实力。 Just, because of the error in thought that defeated in the strength and her suitable Yuan Moyu, making many people think to be a pity. 只不过,因为一念之差,败在了实力和她相当的元墨玉手里,让不少人都觉得可惜。 In front of Tuoba Xiu is Lin Yuan and Yuan Moyu...... normally, she also can only challenge these two. But Yuan Moyu, previously then once beat her. Therefore, this time, she has no choice, can only challenge Lin Yuan.” 拓跋秀前面是林远元墨玉……正常情况下,她也只能挑战这两人。而元墨玉,先前便曾经击败她。所以,这一次,她没有任何选择,只能挑战林远。” Many people said that Lin Yuan is not simple, but so far, he has not actually shown the true strength...... Bloodline Strength, has not used. This time, Tuoba Xiu challenges him, should be able to compel his strength.” “很多人都说林远不简单,但到目前为止,他却还没展现出真正的实力……血脉之力,更不曾动用过。这一次,拓跋秀挑战他,应该能逼出他的实力了。” If Tuoba Xiu cannot compel his complete strength, this Seven Mansions Grand Feast, he ready proper first three, even first!” “若是拓跋秀都逼不出他的全部实力,这一次七府盛宴,他妥妥的前三,甚至第一了!” ...... …… In sound of talking of secretly one group of people, Tuoba Xiu opens the mouth, challenge 5 th, Lin Yuan. 在一群人的窃语声中,拓跋秀开口,挑战五号,林远 Lin Yuan......” 林远……” When Lin Yuan goes on stage, Duan Lingtian's vision, shone. 而在林远上场的时候,段凌天的目光,也亮了起来。 This Seven Mansions Grand Feast, was regarded as the biggest opponent by him time, is not Tuoba Xiu and Yuan Moyu, is not Han Di and Luo Yuan, but is this Lin Yuan, that Wang Xiong. 这一次的七府盛宴,被他视为最大的对手的,不是拓跋秀元墨玉,也不是韩迪罗源,而是这林远,还有那王雄 Two people, are obviously not the person of going all-out. 两人,都是明显未尽全力之人。 But others, have actually basically used the full power. 而其他人,却基本上已经动用了全力。 Steals the language with others general, he also felt, Tuoba Xiu these challenges Lin Yuan time, can definitely compel the Lin Yuan strength......, even if cannot compel the complete strength, still compels most strengths sufficiently! 和其他人所窃语的一般,他也觉得,拓跋秀这一次挑战林远,肯定能逼出林远的实力……就算逼不出全部实力,也足以逼出大部分实力! Thinks of here, appeared somewhat sluggish Duan Lingtian, the complexion also became earnest. 想到这里,原本显得有些懒散的段凌天,面色也变得认真了起来。 Knows oneself and other side, is undefeated in many battles! 知己知彼,百战不殆! This Seven Mansions Grand Feast, he wants to capture first time, must to the present also hidden Heaven's Chosen of strength to have the adequate understanding of Lin Yuan and Wang Xiong this type. 这一次的七府盛宴,他想要夺取第一,必须对林远王雄这种到现在还隐藏了实力的天骄有足够的认识。
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