VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#814: Mount Shu disaster day

The Le Yuan held that dagger is not simple, the dagger murders the demon dagger, with the seabed profound iron is the principal material, coordinates the Kunlun Mountains purple crow and Tianqing stone iso- iron mix casting 7749 days, although is a dagger however dagger incomparably inscribes the incantation merely sharply, can penetrate Le Yuan that unexpectedly easily is as good the body of divine weapon treasure armor, so can know its fierce degree merely. 乐渊被捅的那一匕首可不简单,匕首乃是弑魔匕,用海底玄铁为主材料,配合昆仑紫乌鸦、天青石等异铁混合铸造七七四十九天,虽然仅仅是一柄匕首但是匕首锋利无比又刻有咒文,竟能够轻而易举穿透乐渊那不逊于神兵宝甲的身体,仅仅如此便可知其厉害程度。 But that Monster Melting Water is not simpler, Monster Melting Water is not the Mount Shu Sect refinement, but is the thing of God World granting, Monster Prison Tower can shock crowd of monster Monster Melting Water Strength to have lasting achievements. But Monster Melting Water that this fining becomes essence of the Strength, can have the so terrifying influence on Le Yuan this third-order body, perhaps the rank is not lower than A Level. 而那化妖水更不简单,化妖水并非蜀山派炼制而成,而是神界赐予之物,锁妖塔能够震慑群妖这化妖水力量功不可没。而这精炼而成的化妖水更是其中的力量之精,能够对乐渊这三阶的身体造成如此恐怖的影响,恐怕等级绝不低于a级 Mount Shu these did time overdone, Le Yuan after entering this world does not have now so to be likely angry one time. Before , was ambushed by Jiutian Xuannu, most is also complains is in the majority, really must say is also felt that bewilderedly occupies many. 蜀山这一次做得太过火了,乐渊从进入这个世界后没有一次像现在这么愤怒过。就连之前被九天玄女狙击,最多也就是抱怨居多,真要说的也是莫名其妙地感觉占据多数。 But now, Zi Xuan met a blade to hold his abdomen, the Le Yuan very obvious feeling a supernatural power fluctuation was affecting the consciousness of Zi Xuan, this to Zi Xuan casting impressively was of You Xuan Mount Shu Fifth Elder, this person of correct use Mount Shu banned of an demon soul incantation techniques imprisoned the consciousness of Zi Xuan main body, conducted the long-distance control. 而现在,紫萱之所以会一刀捅进他的腹部,乐渊很明显的感受到了一道法力波动影响着紫萱的意识,这对紫萱施法的赫然是蜀山五长老之一的幽玄,此人正用蜀山禁术之一的魔魂咒禁锢紫萱本体的意识,进行远程操控。 Le Yuan finger in the Zi Xuan forehead, in the hand flashed through a red and blue light to submerge her mind, Fire Immortal Technique Clothes Purifying Spell, can relieve prohibits surely ; Water Immortal Technique Nourishing Rain, can relieve the dormancy to be chaotic. 乐渊的手指点在了紫萱的眉心,手上闪过一丝红蓝光没入她的脑海,火系仙法净衣咒,能够解除定封禁;水系仙法雨润,能够解除眠乱狂。 Although does not know that actually this demon soul incantation is the magic arts of which system, but under the treatment of employing two methods to achieve one goal, Le Yuan believes that can always solve this problem. Nourishing Rain or the Clothes Purifying Spell rank is not high, but cannot support uses its person is Le Yuan, the demon soul incantation that therefore this ordinary person is unable to drive out was relieved under the function of Le Yuan unexpectedly in a flash. 虽然不知道这魔魂咒究竟属于哪一个体系的法术,但在双管齐下的治疗下,乐渊相信总能解决掉这个问题。无论是雨润还是净衣咒等级都不高,但是架不住使用它的人是乐渊,因此这常人根本无法驱除的魔魂咒在乐渊的作用下竟然在转瞬间被解除了。 „The good fierce evildoer/monstrous talent, my incantation technique is not even able to resist him, Senior Brother Qing Wei, we......” “呃好厉害的妖孽,连我的咒术都无法抵御他,清微师兄,我们……” You Xuan could not speak quickly, saw only on Le Yuan to have the enthusiasm that ordinary person is unable to resist immediately, Le Yuan recent several people of mortals only felt oneself placed oneself in the big stove instantaneously, the moisture content in body must be evaporated thoroughly. 幽玄很快就说不出话来了,只见乐渊身上顿时产生了常人无法抵御的火劲,乐渊身旁最近的几人凡人只觉得自己瞬间置身于大火炉内,身体里的水分就要被彻底蒸发了。 Enthusiasm overflow, in Le Yuan Strength by monster Mizukage made a sound when is unable automatic control, has been suppressed for the first time one time in Monster Purifying Sacred Fire in within the body is also only by him erupts thoroughly on his body. 火劲外溢,在乐渊力量被化妖水影响而无法自控之时,被他一直压制在体内的净妖圣火第一次也是唯一一次在他身体上彻底爆发开。 Sees only in Monster Purifying Sacred Fire rampage, Le Yuan is unable to maintain own condition again, on the face the technique law with the profile that covers up has revealed that simultaneously whole body was covered by the flame demon mark of wide scope, the aura of demon is unretentive was released. 只见在净妖圣火暴走之中,乐渊再也无法维持自己的状态,脸上一直用术法遮掩的半边脸露了出来,同时全身上下被大范围的火焰魔纹笼罩,身上的魔之气息更是毫无保留的被释放了出来。 Perhaps Zi Xuan at the same time is all right, the Anxi common people but who come to attend the wedding all are under covering of demon air/Qi in this moment, because in abundance is unable to withstand covering of demon air/Qi to fall to the ground to remain unconscious, if continues to wait dead under the demon air/Qi again surely. 一边的紫萱或许没事,但是前来参加婚礼的安溪百姓在这一刻全都处于魔气的笼罩下,纷纷由于无法承受魔气的笼罩而一个个倒地昏迷不醒,如果再继续待下去必定死于魔气之下。 „The air/Qi of good rich demon ghost! You unexpectedly, are the so big demon!” “好浓郁的魔煞之气!你竟然,是如此大魔!” Even when to with Le Yuan evil spirit status definite Qing Wei and the others, is still frightened at this time by Le Yuan this was huge the demon air/Qi. After this world since three clan wars, then has not presented the so terrifying demon again, the demon is incomparable on powerful, generally simply does not have the thoughts to enter Human World, their battlefields only have God Demon Well. 就算一直对与乐渊妖魔身份确定的清微等人,此时也被乐渊这庞大之际的魔气吓到了。这人间自从三族大战之后,便再也没有出现过如此恐怖的魔,魔本身就强大无比,一般也根本没有心思进入人界,他们的战场只有一个神魔之井 All these, are you compel my, Mount Shu Sect, I must kill it!” “这一切,都是你们逼我的,蜀山派,吾必杀之!” When Le Yuan murderous aura not conceals points to Qing Wei and the others, the Mount Shu Sect surplus people immediately form Sword Formation to be ready in full battle array. 乐渊杀气毫无掩饰地直指清微等人时,蜀山派剩余的人立马结成剑阵严阵以待。 Also does not know that was Monster Purifying Sacred Fire had the influence regarding the body of Le Yuan, or laughed at some Monster Purifying Sacred Fire Strength in such long time Strength Le Yuan already, erupted under this moment Sacred Fire produced the results. 也不知是不是净妖圣火对于乐渊的身体产生了影响,亦或者在这么长的时间力量乐渊已经笑话了部分净妖圣火力量,在这一刻圣火爆发下产生了效果。 Devil phantom that Le Yuan summoned at this moment although was not huge, only had 50 meters altitude merely, but from top to bottom emitted Monster Purifying Sacred Fire engraved the flame demon mark on the Devil armor, the aura of that Saint demon same body made Mount Shu one crowd look really dumbfoundedly. 乐渊这一刻重新召唤出的魔人虚影虽然并不庞大,仅仅只有50米的高度,但是浑身上下被是不是冒出的净妖圣火刻印火焰魔纹在魔人铠甲上,那圣魔同体的气息着实让蜀山的一群看得目瞪口呆。 Evildoer/Monstrous talent, do not do to offend somebody!” killing monsters and eliminating demons, is the responsibility of my Mount Shu!” This demon, expels Anxi!”...... “妖孽,休要伤人!”“斩妖除魔,乃我蜀山之责!”“将此魔头,赶出安溪!”…… When Mount Shu Sect sticks out suddenly the fight, innumerable sword move appeared in the Le Yuan front. controlling sword technique and Sword Qi cut, Myriad Swords Secret Art and Heavenly Master Talisman method, Heavenly Master Talisman and Demon Flame Spatial Flash Slash...... are used as for the unique skill that Sky Sword and sword god grade of Mount Shu Sect did not leak finally. 蜀山派暴起战斗之时,无数的剑招出现在了乐渊的面前。御剑术剑气斩、万剑诀天师符法、天师符魔炎闪空斩……最后乃至于天剑、剑神这等蜀山派不外传的绝技都使用了出来。 Sword Qi, talisman paper and air/Qi sword is unites the summon as for Essence, Qi, and Spirit, but Mount Shu Master Ancestor, the innumerable attacks fell on the body of Devil phantom, except for splashed on Devil phantom to splash once for a while the ripple fluctuation, cannot hit including a crack. 剑气符纸、气剑乃至于精气神合一召唤而出的蜀山师祖,无数的攻击落在了魔人虚影的身上,除了时不时溅起魔人虚影身上溅起水纹般的波动,连一条裂缝都没有能够打出来。 Under engraving of Monster Purifying Sacred Fire, Le Yuan Devil phantom had some transformation probably, the defensive power can actually return safe and sound to defend completely the continuous attack of Mount Shu Sect people. This all-out attack, actually even the opposite party defends the sense of desperation of not being able to break, immediately made Mount Shu Sect that side fight intent to lose. 净妖圣火的刻印之下,乐渊魔人虚影像是发生了某种蜕变,防御力竟然能够毫发无伤地将蜀山派众人的连续攻击完全防御下来。这种全力攻击,却连对方防御都打不破的绝望感,顿时令蜀山派那一方战意顿失。 How should this hit? Own attack seems like completely does not have the effect ordinary, this even opposite party defended unable to break, this/should killing monsters and eliminating demons? 这该怎么打?自己一方的攻击像是全然没有效果一般,这连对方防御都破不了,又该如何斩妖除魔 Qing Wei and the others the governing sword has launched an attack in Le Yuan Devil phantom each direction, but Le Yuan Devil phantom does not have the dead angle to be the same probably, defense capability regardless of position strong fearfulness. 清微等人御剑在乐渊魔人虚影各个方向都进行过一次攻击,可是乐渊魔人虚影像是全无死角一般,防御能力无论在哪一个方位都强的可怕。 Un murders the demon dagger also to insert in the Le Yuan abdomen nowadays, this dagger will draw out rashly will only make the Le Yuan injury aggravate, but does not draw out actually like takes to the Le Yuan unceasing injury to aggravate nowadays. “嗯”弑魔匕现如今还插在乐渊的腹部,这匕首贸然拔出只会令乐渊的伤势加重,而不拔出却像现如今这样带给乐渊不断的伤势加重。 After causing heavy losses, Le Yuan is unable such as common to divulge own Strength like that at will, even the energy in within the body is enough, but must consider that this made the consequence that Monster Purifying Sacred Fire divulged recklessly, he in whether to suppress after the war again is an issue. 在受到重创之后,乐渊根本无法如寻常那般随意宣泄自己的力量,就算体内的能量足够,但是也要考虑到这样肆意令净妖圣火宣泄的后果,他在战后能否再次压制又是个问题。 Strikes, strikes this crowd of Mount Shu Sect person routs, his body cannot tow. 一击,一击将这群蜀山派的人击溃,他的身体拖不下去。 In the eyes of Mount Shu Sect people, big demon Le Yuan that had not moved had the movement finally, sees only him to look up slightly to in the air, but Devil phantom is synchronizing his movement. 蜀山派众人的眼中,一直没有动弹的大魔头乐渊终于有了动作,只见他微微抬起头看向空中,而魔人虚影同步着他的动作。 Airborne, what thing does that have? 空中,那有什么东西 One group of perplexed Mount Shu Sect disciples also look up the day, is quick they then to know that actually Le Yuan is looking at anything, that is disaster 一群不明所以的蜀山派弟子同样抬头望天,很快他们便知道乐渊究竟在看些什么,那是灾难 Although Mount Shu Sect Myriad Swords Secret Art is known as ten thousand sword, air/Qi sword that but not obsolete several hundred are in fact condensed by True Yuan, might, although has no time to let compared with world of mortals divine weapon, but really must discuss might also such. 蜀山派万剑诀虽然号称万剑,但是实际上也不过时数百枚由真元凝聚的气剑而已,威力虽然比起凡间神兵不遑多让,但是真要论威力也就那样。 But nowadays one group of people see anything, ten thousand sword, this is the genuine ten thousand swords...... the vision institute and place, a more than three-ten feet great sword from void emerges out of thin air, perhaps this strikes off the surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) to spread the spreading qi sword sketchily, present the instance that from these air/Qi swords, one group of people actually felt that the space of Anxi this place seemed like must break unexpectedly generally. 而现如今一群人看见了什么,万剑,这才是真正的万剑……目光所及之处,从虚空之中一柄柄长达三丈多的巨剑凭空出现,这粗略砍去方圆百里恐怕遍布气剑,从这些气剑出现的瞬间,一群人竟然感觉到安溪这块地方的空间竟然像是要破碎了一般。 Thunder Flame Sword Prison 雷炎剑狱 Several tens of thousands of giant air/Qi swords drop from the clouds, each sword falls regarding the Mount Shu Sect disciple is a life and death tests, does not evade that dead. Several tens of thousands of air/Qi swords in ten seconds entire in raining land, lives in the curtain of rain of this sword, the disciples of Mount Shu Sect only five Great Elder and 10 most elites survive, other more than 20 disciples all died certainly. 数万柄巨大的气剑从天而降,每一柄剑落下对于蜀山派弟子而言都是一次生死考验,躲不过那就是死。数万柄气剑在十秒钟之内全出落雨大地上,在这场剑的雨幕中活下的,蜀山派唯有五大长老和十名最为精英的弟子存活下来,其他20多名弟子全都死绝了。 When Qing Wei and the others evade this round of attack distressedly, thinks this attacks already finished the time, the corners of the mouth of Le Yuan curled upwards. Expression that his attacks already is to oneself is unable control Strength, is so can it be that easy then to be hidden...... 清微等人狼狈至极地躲过这一轮攻击,都认为这攻击已经结束的时候,乐渊的嘴角翘了起来。他的这个攻击已经是对自己无法控制力量的宣泄,岂是这么容易便被躲过去的…… A blue lightning emerged out of thin air to fall in the ground great sword position, later entire Heaven and Earth seemed like the signal is been ordinary, the continuous giant thundering fell, is mixing with the attack of crying, the blazing flame ignited in the sword sea, being up and down both sides the people of attack to remaining Mount Shu Sect started fatally struck. 一道蓝色的闪电凭空出现落在了地上的巨剑位置上,随后整个天地像是得到了信号一般,接连不断的巨大轰雷落下,夹杂着落泪的攻击,炽热的火焰在剑海之中燃起,一上一下两面的攻击对剩下的蜀山派的人发动了致命的一击。 When one crowd of Mount Shu Sect person suffers a disaster, Le Yuan already brought stupor Zi Xuan to leave Anxi. Lays aside Zi Xuan on nearby lawn, Le Yuan looks own abdomen is also inserting a dagger brow wrinkle, the right hand built later on the dagger, scoffed at 在一群蜀山派的人遭劫的时候,乐渊已经带着昏迷的紫萱离开了安溪。将紫萱放置在一旁的草地上,乐渊看着自己腹部还插着的匕首眉头一皱,随后右手搭在了匕首上,嗤 The bright red gold/metal blood sprays, fell ignited the flame on the lawn unexpectedly. 鲜红略带金芒的血液喷洒而出,落在草地上竟然燃起了火焰。 my was also terminally ill, but could also be saved?” “啊我这也算是病入膏肓了,还有救吗?” As just Strength divulged, although rampage of Le Yuan within the body enthusiasm has alleviated, but Monster Purifying Sacred Fire broke through the blockade of Le Yuan Strength to spread the whole body, such situation and Le Yuan thought slowly refine is completely different. 随着刚刚的力量宣泄,乐渊体内火劲的暴走虽然有所缓解,但是净妖圣火突破了乐渊力量的封锁遍及全身,这样的情况和乐渊所想的慢慢炼化可是完全不同。 Vexed type that snort/hum so waits for death, you also dare to say Monster King!” “哼这般等死的窝囊样,你也敢自称妖王!” In Le Yuan lies down when the thick patch of grass the face upwarding full moon, near the ear hears together the reprimanding sound of men's suddenly. 就在乐渊躺在草丛中仰天望月之时,耳边突然传来一道男子的斥责声。 Is your red hair, how did you come?” after hearing this sound, Le Yuan understand this was Demon Venerable Chonglou came immediately, but he comes to here do not ask him to fight, begins to commit suicide by Le Yuan nowadays condition again. “是你红毛,你怎么来了?”一听这声音,乐渊立马明白这是魔尊重楼来了,不过他来这里不会还要找他打架吧,以乐渊现如今的状态再动手就是自杀。 Red hair?” Chonglou hears Le Yuan this name eyebrow to curl upwards, later probably endured patiently, one side looked is also in the stupor Zi Xuan, in the look flashes through the tender feelings unexpectedly, Le Yuan has not misread together, was the tender feelings, probably is visiting one's parents the person general look, this damn the look appeared on Demon Venerable, isn't he vertigo will be dying? “红毛?”重楼听到乐渊这个称呼眉毛一翘,随后像是忍耐住了,望了望一边还处于昏迷的紫萱,眼神中竟然闪过一道柔情,乐渊没看错,就是柔情,像是在看亲人一般的眼神,这见鬼的眼神出现在魔尊身上,他不会是眼花快死了吧? When rubs the eye looks again to Chonglou, discovered that his already restored that face very cool appearance, sees only him to look at the direction of Anxi saying: Good deed that you do, in the world use Strength, nearly the Human World collapse, was so good because of you erupted part of Strength merely, and time was not long, otherwise was not only Anxi, entire Human World will gradually collapse!” 揉搓眼睛再看向重楼时,发现他已经恢复了那一脸酷酷的样子,只见他望着安溪的方向道:“你做的好事,在人间使用如此力量,险些将人界崩坏,好在你仅仅爆发了一部分力量,且时间不长,不然不仅仅是安溪,整个人界都会逐渐崩坏!” Strength finger/refers that Chonglou said is A Level Strength, Le Yuan final that move of Thunder Flame Sword Prison already surpassed the limit of B level, achieved the A Level attack effect. Not only has the attack of Le Yuan Sword Qi, Monster Purifying Sacred Fire mix flame that but also the thunder attribute Heavenly Thunder bombardment of Devil main body in addition, erupted at that time, under the three added together make this strike to surpass the limit. 重楼所说的力量指的便是a级力量,乐渊最后的那一招雷炎剑狱已经超越了b级的极限,达到了a级的攻击效果。不但有着乐渊剑气的攻击,还加上的魔人本体的雷属性天雷轰击,还有当时爆发的净妖圣火的混合火焰,这三者相加之下使得这一击超越了极限。 You, if so has run amuck, will only injure someone to cause self infliction, making the person of side be injured, don't you know?” “你,若一直这般胡作非为,只会害人害己,令身边之人受伤,你难道一点也不自知吗?” „The person of side? What you want to say is Xiao Xuan ! The red hair, you will not have her idea, your is usually doing anything......” “身边之人?你想说的是小萱,靠!红毛,你不会也打她的主意吧,你丫的平时都在干些什么……” Le Yuan looks at Chonglou unable to believe, Demon Venerable Chonglou early was so careful to Zi Xuan, on this Sword and Fairy history is so early? Because of own relations, making the Chonglou sentiment appear ahead of time...... 乐渊望着重楼怎么也不敢相信,难道魔尊重楼这么早便对紫萱上心了,这仙剑历史上有这么早吗?还是因为自己的关系,令重楼的感情提前出现了…… Snort the main body demon service is encumbered, has no free time to chat with you, but also looks at you to put best into it!” “哼本尊魔务缠身,没空与你闲聊,还望你好自为之!” Also is whiz one, Demon Venerable Chonglou puts forth Spatial Displacement to vanish in Le Yuan at present. 又是嗖的一声,魔尊重楼使出空间移动消失在了乐渊眼前。 Also is really comes also to hurry away also in a hurry, busy person, oh Spatial Displacement of this going nonstop to source, really good......” “还真是来也匆匆去也匆匆,大忙人一个,唉这种直通本源的空间移动,真好啊……” While Le Yuan also when is thinking Chonglou matter, Zi Xuan of one side stupor gradually opened the eye. 正当乐渊还在想着重楼事情的时候,一旁昏迷的紫萱逐渐睁开了眼睛。 Elder Brother A'Le, I...... am I harm, if not I goes out to seek you arbitrarily, will not be seized by Mount Shu Sect, nearly will therefore not get married with that Lin Yeping, will not harm you injured, I......” 阿乐哥,我……都是我害的,如果不是我擅自外出寻你,也不会被蜀山派擒下,也不会因此和那林业平险些成亲,更加不会害你受伤,我……” Sees only Zi Xuan that sets out to look is being injured quite heavy Le Yuan, the tears that in the eyes flows out drops unceasingly on the leave of grass, the appearance that the tearful eyes are wounded in battle annoys the person to be in love. 只见一起身的紫萱望着受伤颇重的乐渊,双眼中流出的泪水不断滴落在草叶上,泪眼带花的样子惹人爱恋。 Caressed the head of Zi Xuan, Le Yuan was smiling, probably is comforting Zi Xuan, is convincing itself probably. 抚着紫萱的脑袋,乐渊笑了,像是在安慰紫萱,也像是在说服自己。 Relax, silly thing. This wound may be unable to want your elder brother's life, I am Undying Body, the trivial flame I can process......” “放心吧,傻丫头。这点伤可要不了你哥的命,我可是不死之身,区区小火我能处理好……” Le Yuan was saying the racket own chest, wants to express own health. What a pity the body under the influence of Monster Purifying Sacred Fire, could not bear cough, such live image contracted the pulmonary tuberculosis person. 乐渊说着拍拍自己的胸膛,想要表达自己的身体健康得很。可惜身体在净妖圣火的影响下,忍不住咳了起来,那样子活像是患了肺痨的人。 However Le Yuan has not a little spoken incorrectly, he indeed cannot die now. The powerful vitality of Fruit of Life breeding made him not have is so easy dead, without the A Level person sent out the fatal attack to him, cancelled his existence completely, light/only killed undying by Monster Purifying Sacred Fire Strength radically he. Moreover with the growth of survival of the fittest ability, the influence of this Monster Purifying Sacred Fire can become minimal, all are only the time issues. 不过有一点乐渊没有说错,他现在的确死不了。生命之果孕育的强大生命力令他没这么容易死去,没有a级的人对他发出致命的攻击,将他的存在完全抹去,光靠净妖圣火力量根本杀不死他。而且随着适者生存能力的成长,这净妖圣火的影响会变得微乎其微,一切都只是时间问题。 Relax, this enthusiasm I will process, you must continue to cultivate, only if achieves world strongest, otherwise you will also receive the attack of that Three Lives Red Thread and Mount Shu Sect...... I, should leave, will want to meet next time, your already will not need my protection, can take care of......” “放心,这火劲我会处理好的,你还要继续修炼,除非达到人间至强,否则你还会受到那三生红线蜀山派的袭击……我,又该离开了,希望下次见面,你已经不需要我的保护,能够照顾好自己……” The body of Le Yuan little is becoming pale, but Zi Xuan grasped the arm of Le Yuan at this time, does not seem to want Le Yuan to let loose. However Soul Returning Immortal Dream Strength Zi Xuan can defy can it be that even if thousand do not hope, Le Yuan changed to the white luminous spot to vanish in Zi Xuan finally at present. 乐渊的身体在一点点变淡,而紫萱此时却抱住了乐渊的手臂,似乎不想要将乐渊放开。但是回魂仙梦力量岂是紫萱能够违抗的,纵然千般不愿,乐渊最终还是化作白色光点消失在了紫萱的眼前。 ... ...
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