VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#813: That wipes to vanish the smile( six strove for subscribing)

Five Spirits formation, this name also has coolness seemingly not to have Heavenly Astral 36 Swords Formation to come to be competitive, but must discuss the might actually above this Heavenly Astral 36 Swords Formation. Why Monster Prison Tower can suppress myriad evil spirit, several hundred years had not seen that do have the evil spirit to break the defense of Monster Prison Tower? Has suppression spell god article Monster Melting Water besides above, most essential then covers Five Spirits formation on Monster Prison Tower. 五灵阵法,这名字还有逼格看起来没有天罡三十六剑阵来得霸气十足,但是要论威力却在这天罡三十六剑阵之上。锁妖塔为何能够镇压万千妖魔,数百年未曾见到有妖魔打破锁妖塔的防御?除了上面有着镇压的符咒神文化妖水之外,最关键的便是笼罩在锁妖塔上的五灵法阵 Although in Monster Prison Tower will have the small monster to run away once for a while, but must pay attention to them to slip away the reason of tower. All when five Spiritual Power quantity fluctuating changes, presented a that accidental flaw in Five Spirits formation, the coincidence was held an opportunity by the small monster extremely. 虽然锁妖塔中时不时会有小妖逃窜而出,但是要注意他们之所以能够溜出塔的原因。全部都是在五灵力量起伏变化之时,才在五灵法阵中出现了那么偶然的一点破绽,极为巧合地被小妖抓住了一点机会。 But now Mount Shu Five Elders to the Five Spirits formation that Le Yuan is putting forth, really must not necessarily compare favorably with Monster Prison Tower formation by the intensity, but coordinates five people of that Refining Spirit into Void pinnacle cultivation base, the Five Spirits domain that this Five Spirits formation has surrounded Le Yuan actually. 而现在蜀山五老对着乐渊使出的这个五灵法阵,真要论强度不一定比得上锁妖塔阵法,但是配合五人那炼神反虚的极致修为,还有这五灵法阵产生的五灵领域硬是将乐渊困住了。 Five Spirits domain effect, does not have very strong aggressivity like the beforehand sword territory generally, has the Demon Lord Satan dark domain strange changeable, its ability relatively speaking on is excessively simple Five Spirit Cycle. 五灵领域的效果,既不像之前的剑域一般具有很强的攻击性,有没有魔王撒旦的黑暗领域那样的诡异多变,它的能力相对而言就简单得过分五灵轮转 In the Five Spirits domain, Five Spirits Power transforms momentarily, Le Yuan must always pay attention to the attack of this sudden Five Spirits Power. Water, Fire, Thunder, Wind, and Earth five attributes constantly changes, the attack that combines indeed makes one be hard to aim at the defense. 五灵领域内,五灵之力随时转换,乐渊要随时注意这突如其来的五灵之力的攻击。水火雷风土五种属性不断变化,组合起来的攻击的确令人难以针对防御。 Although these attacks hit not sorely, because the set up formation person was short, the weakness that can aim was short similarly, in these circumstances wants break the formation, but needs some time without doubt, but now Le Yuan most lacks is the time. 虽然这些攻击打得不疼,但是由于布阵的人少了,能够针对的弱点同样少了,在这样的情况下想要破阵而出无疑需要一段时间,而乐渊现在最缺的便是时间。 Beforehand Heavenly Astral 36 Swords Formation why so easy to be broken, was not because the set up formation Mount Shu disciple does not know the sword territory that they put forth brings domain Strength, although this domain exploded weakly, but was actually nemesis of all non- domain. Resisted Le Yuan to have the domain person like this, the effect is reduced the pinnacle, this gave Le Yuan to strike the break the formation opportunity. 之前的天罡三十六剑阵为什么那么容易被破了,还不是因为布阵蜀山弟子根本不知道他们使出的剑域带着领域力量,虽然这领域弱爆了,但却是所有非领域者的克星。偏偏对抗乐渊这样拥有自己领域的人,效果被降低到了极致,这才给了乐渊一击破阵的机会。 But nowadays the Five Spirits domain does not give the opportunity that Le Yuan meets the tough head-on with toughness, has been rubbing the time. The bedding bag enters Le Yuan in domain, wants break the formation, but can only wait for the opportunity. 而现如今五灵领域根本不给乐渊硬碰硬的机会,一直在磨时间。被罩进领域内的乐渊,想要破阵而出只能等机会。 Evil spirit, you could not prevent two people union, this was heavenly fate!” “妖魔,你是阻止不了两人的结合,这就是天数!” The flame magma from the under foot blowout of Le Yuan, Le Yuan under foot magic power emblem as the foothold, the body jumped in the midair together immediately continuously evaded the offensive of this bedrock thick liquid several times. 一道火焰岩浆从乐渊的脚下喷出,乐渊脚下一道魔力纹章作为落脚点,身子顿时在半空中连续跳跃数次避过了这地底岩浆的攻势。 go fuck it heavenly fate, how your day can be in control of my destiny, she also cannot manage as the Nüwa descendant day!” 去tm的天数,你的天怎能主宰我的命运,她作为女娲后裔天同样管不着!” Brings the Devil phantom right arm that magic power is condensing, place bedrock thick liquid entire crushing that a Le Yuan fist also wants to pursue, the magma of scattering in all directions to disperse unceasingly under swaying of gust, the volcanic ash changed to the smog to cover the line of sight of Le Yuan. 带着魔力凝聚的魔人虚影右臂,乐渊一拳将还想追击的地底岩浆整个击碎,四散的岩浆不断散开在一阵风的吹拂之下,火山灰化作烟雾遮挡住了乐渊的视线。 Just magma was the union of Fire and Earth two Elements, the present smog is the union of Wind and Earth two Elements. 刚刚的岩浆是火土两系的结合,现在的烟雾则是风土两系的结合。 The vision is blocked, the sensation was suppressed by the Five Spirits domain similarly in less than 20 meters distance, 20 meters in the fight of this rank can only be a psychology comforts. 视觉受阻,感知同样被五灵领域压制在20米不到的距离,在这种等级的战斗中20米只能是个心理安慰。 Water, Fire, Thunder, Wind, and Earth, Five Spirits, the evil spirit submits to punishment, gives me the town/subdues! Subdue! Subdue!” 水火雷风土,五灵阵起,妖魔伏法,给我镇!镇!镇!” From broadcast the Mount Shu Five Elders sound in all directions, in the domain Le Yuan is unable to detect that actually these five people were where. The next second of smog is blown off by the strong winds that Le Yuan calls, or the smog is being the opposite party diverges on own initiative. 从四面八方传来了蜀山五老的声音,领域之内乐渊根本无法察觉出这五个人究竟身在何处。下一秒烟雾被乐渊唤出的狂风吹散,或者说着烟雾是对方主动散去的。 Sees only Five Spirits Power in entire domain to compose a Five Spirits cover to suppress instantaneously toward Le Yuan, on the cover brings infinite domain Strength, was really blown by that thing do not want to overturn the heavens. 只见整个领域内的五灵之力瞬间组成一个五灵罩向着乐渊镇压过来,罩子上带着无穷的领域力量,被那玩意真的镇住就别想翻天了。 „...... This is you compels my, bastard!” “咳咳……这是你们逼我的,混蛋!” After Monster Purifying Sacred Fire on body was suppressed, Le Yuan has then avoided making the rebound the injury again, who once thinks that this Mount Shu Five Elders looked like recognized Le Yuan was ordinary, exerted pressure on try Le Yuan to constrain unceasingly, over time, Le Yuan already really could not treat. 身体上的净妖圣火被压制之后,乐渊便一直避免再度将伤势弄得反弹,谁曾想这蜀山五老就像是认定了乐渊一般,不断施压试图将乐渊拖住,随着时间的流逝,乐渊已经实在是待不下去了。 magic power of Le Yuan within the body entire releases, the blue magic power vortex flash blew to fly to repel the side five Spiritual Power quantities, formed a temporary Five Spirits no war zone. 乐渊体内的魔力整个释放出来,蓝色的魔力漩涡一刹那将身旁的五灵力量吹飞排斥,形成了一个暂时的五灵真空地带。 Huge Devil just like Shura Demon, both hands supported soon the cover in this moment to the Le Yuan Five Spirits cover. When Devil phantom contacts the instance of Five Spirits cover, both hands seemed like corroded immediately domain Strength are corroded by Five Spirits coated containing generally, magic power was decomposed little, Le Yuan Devil phantom must be disintegrated by the Five Spirits cover shortly. 巨大魔人犹如修罗恶魔,双手在这一刻撑住了即将罩向乐渊五灵罩。当魔人虚影接触五灵罩的瞬间,双手登时像是被腐蚀了一般被五灵罩上含有的领域力量侵蚀,魔力在一点点被分解,乐渊魔人虚影眼看就要被五灵罩瓦解了。 Instantaneously, Le Yuan opened the space channel of oneself within the body virtual black hole, does not ask for money to cover the strength of massive world on own Devil phantom, immediately disadvantaged Devil phantom reversed the disadvantage in the next second. 瞬间,乐渊打开了自己体内虚拟黑洞的空间通道,将大量世界之力不要钱地笼罩在自身的魔人虚影上,顿时原本处于劣势的魔人虚影在下一秒逆转了劣势。 This Five Spirits formation domain Strength itself/Ben is the fake goods, in Le Yuan this does not count the cost under the strength of washout world to be disintegrated quickly, entire Five Spirits formation presented the slight defect in domain Strength massive counter-balanced instantaneous revolutions. 五灵阵法的领域力量本就是冒牌货色,在乐渊这样不计成本的世界之力冲刷之下很快被瓦解,整个五灵阵法在领域力量被大量抵消的瞬间运转出现了瑕疵。 Cuts!” “斩!” Grasps this instantaneous opportunity, Le Yuan gathers space Strength in the blade , Shun huge Devil phantom stands together during was void. In the next second of Five Spirits domain presented the fissure of collapse, along with the appearance of black crack, entire Five Spirits formation collapses completely. 抓准这瞬间的机会,乐渊将空间力量聚于刀刃上,瞬间巨大的魔人虚影一道站在了虚空之中。下一秒五灵领域上出现了崩坏的裂痕,伴随着黑色裂缝的出现,整个五灵阵法完全崩溃。 Presents Le Yuan on isolated island looks the Mount Shu disciple who can also act surrounds, already cannot attend to paying attention to them. Le Yuan looked that soon falls into the sea level to already Sun, the understand time already not many is unable to continue to hit with the fly of this group of mortals. 出现在孤岛上的乐渊看着还能行动的蜀山弟子将自己重新围住,已经顾不得理会他们。乐渊看向已经快要落入海平面的太阳,明白自己时间已经无多根本无法和这群凡人的苍蝇继续打下去。 Goes away to me, bastard!” “给我滚开,混蛋!” Le Yuan controls Devil phantom blade air/Qi to divide immediately, will divide for focus own Mount Shu disciple total disperses, next second of huge Devil phantom vanishes does not see, the body of Le Yuan exudes a blue ray. 乐渊操控着魔人虚影当即一阵刀气劈过,将为主自己的蜀山弟子全数劈得散开,下一秒巨大的魔人虚影消失不见,乐渊的身上泛起一道蓝色的光芒。 Dusk Anxi Town, the lively stream of people already gathers on the street that the procurator mansion was at to greet that at this time by the bride who the bridal palanquin sends, blue a ray on the street in this deviation town surrounding illuminated half street, the Le Yuan form flashed from the blue light. 黄昏的安溪镇,热闹的人流此时已经汇聚到了太守府所在的街道上迎接那被喜轿送来的新娘子,在这偏向镇子外围的街道上一道蓝色的光芒照亮了半个街道,乐渊的身影从蓝光之中一闪而出。 „, Damn, Monster Purifying Sacred Fire became more active, cannot continue to tow again, must bring Zi Xuan she to leave here quickly!” “咳咳,该死,净妖圣火变得更加活跃了,不能再继续拖下去了,要赶快带着紫萱她离开这里!” A strength can end the oppressive Mount Shu people obviously, because from put forth two moves of unexpected domain formation with debuff and Mount Shu people, making Le Yuan nowadays seem somewhat distressed. 一身实力明明能够完虐蜀山众人,偏偏由于自身带着debuff和蜀山众人使出了两招出人意料的领域阵法,使得乐渊现如今显得有些狼狈。 In the procurator mansion, the bride was just welcomed into the mansion at this time, Lin Yeping is holding the hand of Zi Xuan to start most an important step of wedding. 太守府内,此时新娘刚刚被迎入府中,林业平正牵着紫萱的手开始婚礼的最重要一个步骤。 Happy pair takes place.” As announcer of wedding, is the Lin Yeping great uncle calls loudly, entire wedding becomes exceptionally grand. “新郎新娘就位。”作为婚礼的主持人,也是林业平的族叔高声喊道,整个婚礼现场变得异常隆重。 Happy pair goes on a pilgrimage.” “新郎新娘进香。” Then, the maidservant handed in the incenses and candles the hand of this pair of rookie, so long as later goes on a pilgrimage three to kotow then can complete this nuptial ceremony. 接着,侍女将香烛递到了这一对新人的手中,随后只要进香三叩首便能够完成这结婚仪式。 While Zi Xuan and Lin Yeping prepare to go forward, suddenly in entire procurator mansion strong winds writings, everyone closed the eye, but in the original crowd made way voluntarily a path. 正当紫萱林业平准备上前的时候,突然整个太守府内狂风大作,所有人的不由地闭上了眼睛,而原本的人群之中自觉让开了一条道路。 When does not know, original Zi Xuan and Lin Yeping behind had/left a form of person. 不知何时,原本的紫萱林业平的身后多出了一个人的身影。 Hid the Mount Shu disciple in crowd, saw that on the instantaneous face of Le Yuan presents the fierce color in an instant, next second of simultaneously draws a sword to stick out suddenly. 原本隐藏在人群中的蜀山弟子,见到乐渊的瞬间脸上刹那间出现凶恶之色,下一秒齐齐拔剑暴起。 Clang “锵 Four Mount Shu disciples drew a sword on the neck of Le Yuan, if as if Le Yuan had anything to change they then to meet the hand again to have the sword to fall. 四名蜀山弟子拔剑架在了乐渊的脖子上,似乎乐渊如果再有什么异动他们便会手起剑落。 But Le Yuan seems like has not actually seen these Mount Shu disciple, looks is wearing the red phoenix coronet cape or shawl worn by upper-class ladies in ancient times, at this moment is Le Yuan has really seen most beautiful Zi Xuan. 乐渊却像是没有看见这些蜀山弟子似的,望着身穿红色凤冠霞帔,这一刻真的是乐渊见过最美的紫萱 Xiao Xuan, I came as promised, you who really put on the phoenix coronet cape or shawl worn by upper-class ladies in ancient times are very beautiful, but I thought the purple is most suitable you......” 小萱,我如约前来了,果然穿着凤冠霞帔的你真的很美,不过我还是觉得紫色最适合你……” In the instance that Le Yuan presents, in the Zi Xuan look has some fluctuations, but quick was suppressed, the whole person returns tranquilly. 乐渊出现的瞬间,紫萱的眼神上带着些许的波动,但是很快还是被压制了下去,整个人重归平静。 Arrival thank you......” “谢谢你的到来……” „Are you Xuan'er family member? I also think that Xuan'er has not informed the family to attend the ceremony, was really good, but also welcome take a seat to the one side, please receive the hand, this was below wedding, this sword did not have to receive!” “你是萱儿的亲人吗?我还以为萱儿并没有通知家眷来观礼,真是太好了,还请到一旁就坐,诸位还请收手,这是在下的婚礼,这刀剑无眼还是收起来吧!” Lin Yeping looked the person preparation of Mount Shu Sect begins, goes forward to persuade hastily. What a pity the Mount Shu Sect four people will not listen his, they felt the bloody air/Qi and murderous aura from the body of Le Yuan, this is not ordinary person will have. 林业平一看蜀山派的人准备动手,连忙上前劝说。可惜蜀山派的四人可不会就此听他的,从乐渊的身上他们感受到了血腥气和杀气,这绝不是正常人会有的。 Go away!” “滚!” Has not waited for Mount Shu four people of understand to come, four people present together fist seal instantaneously, four people flew upside down in four directions, although did not have dead immediately, however the fist of Le Yuan made their bodies leave behind lifelong the unforgettable scar. 没等蜀山四人明白过来,四人身上瞬间出现一道拳印,四个人向着四个方向倒飞了出去,虽然没有立刻死去,但是乐渊的拳头还是令他们的身体留下了终身难忘的伤痕。 You......” Lin Yeping as a procurator side, saw that Le Yuan makes a move to offend somebody is not how could annoyed, just wants to start talking, actually saw Le Yuan to make the action of aggravating the situation. “你……”林业平作为一方太守,见到乐渊出手伤人岂能不恼火,正想开口说话,却见到乐渊做出了火上浇油之举。 Sees only Le Yuan one on right hand that entrained in Zi Xuan, later the arm made an effort to drag into his bosom the Zi Xuan whole person. 只见乐渊一把拽在了紫萱的右手上,随后手臂一用力将紫萱整个人拉入到了他的怀中。 Xiao Xuan was sorry, your wedding looked like me to destroy personally, you did not belong to here, he did not match to have you!” 小萱抱歉了,你的婚礼看来我要亲手破坏了,你不属于这里,他也根本不配拥有你!” Was saying Le Yuan then wants to bring Zi Xuan to leave here, however the surrounding Anxi People actually made in this moment. 说着乐渊便想带着紫萱离开这里,但是周围的安溪民众却在这一刻闹开了。 Marriage by capture, what custom is this?” “抢婚了,这是什么习俗吗?” You are silly, obviously wife who this people want to rob procurator Sir, this is the thief who where comes!” “你傻啊,这明明就是有人想要抢走太守大人的夫人啊,这是哪里来的贼人!” Go away! Do not want to rob procurator madame!” “滚!别想抢走太守夫人!” ...... …… One group of average people encircle Le Yuan, is ten sword light appear here in the top of the head of people, sees only the Mount Shu disciple who Qing Wei and the others flung can also act to arrive. 一群普通人将乐渊团团围住,就在这是十多道剑光出现在众人的头顶,只见清微等人甩着还能行动的蜀山弟子降临了。 Deity, is really the deity!” “神仙啊,真的是神仙!” Suddenly the Anxi common people all kneel down, crawls is looking like Mount Shu one group of people to worship on bended knees. 一时间安溪百姓全都跪倒在地,匍匐着像蜀山一群人跪拜。 Relax, Xiao Xuan, I soon lead you to leave......” “放心,小萱,我很快就带你离开……” Le Yuan smiles was saying, has turned the head to the Zi Xuan comfort saying that but the words have not said, a sharp incomparable dagger inserted the Le Yuan abdomen, simultaneously from compared with being injured Strength of release made Strength of Le Yuan within the body lose control in this moment. 乐渊微笑着说道,转过头就想对着紫萱安慰道,但是话还没有说完,一把锋利无比的匕首插入了乐渊的腹部,同时从比受伤释放的力量在这一刻令乐渊体内的力量失控了。 Monster Melting Water, on this dagger, not only has spell that kills the monster, but also has soaked with Monster Melting Water of high potency, although Le Yuan is not the pure monster, but this Monster Melting Water Strength to Strength of Le Yuan within the body had the function. 化妖水,这匕首上不但有着杀妖的符咒,还用高浓度的化妖水浸泡过,虽然乐渊并非是纯粹的妖,但是这化妖水力量还是对乐渊体内的力量产生了作用。 Immediately Le Yuan under Strength rampage, only thought the body had the unprecedented pain, but this pain is nothing radically, was inserted the pain on heart by a Zi Xuan blade compares this blade to be nothing radically. 顿时力量暴走下的乐渊,只觉得身体出现了前所未有的痛苦,但这痛苦根本算不了什么,被紫萱一刀插在心上的痛比起来这一刀根本算不了什么。 Drops Waterdrop and rainwater? It is not, what falls on the ground is the Zi Xuan tears. Le Yuan is looking at that face of Zi Xuan, sees only grasps on the Zi Xuan face of dagger vacant at the same time flows out tears that drop of her control continuously. 水滴、雨水?都不是,落在地上的是属于紫萱的泪水。乐渊望着紫萱的那一张脸,只见握着匕首的紫萱脸上茫然的同时流出了一滴她根本控制不住的泪水。 Zi Xuan cried, does she cry for whom? I? 紫萱哭了,她为谁而哭?我? In within the body Strength rampage, the Le Yuan right hand made contact with the cheeks of Zi Xuan, smiled is using own hand to clean the tears of corner of the eye to say for her: Do not cry, I like the appearance that looks at you to smile! That is the most suitable your expression!” 在体内力量暴走之际,乐渊右手搭上了紫萱的脸颊,微笑着用自己的手替她擦拭了眼角的泪水道:“别哭啊,我喜欢看你笑的样子!那才是最适合你的表情!” When the hand of Le Yuan falls, smile already on his face completely vanishes, looks in the sky Qing Wei and the others in the eyes ice-cold killing intent. 乐渊的手落下时,他脸上的笑容已经完全消失,看着天空中清微等人的眼中只有冰冷的杀意 ... ...
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