VY :: Volume #8

#740: Destroys seal

When Palace Master Sheng Yuan that broken body appear(ance) in all expert field of vision, in everyone's eyes passed over gently and swiftly the thick scared look, naturally, they fear is not Palace Master Sheng Yuan that fierce body, but is his top of the head and on the shoulder appear(ance) two Golden Lotus Flower that is burning Saint Fire... 圣元宫主那残破的身躯出现在各方强者视野中时,所有人的眼中都是掠过了浓浓的惧色,当然,他们所惧的并非是圣元宫主那狰狞的身躯,而是他头顶与肩上所出现的两朵燃烧着圣火金莲花... That is Two Lotuses Realm! 那是双莲境 In the past when Old Ancestor Cang Xuan sidewise compression entire Blue Profound Heaven, is in this realm! 当年苍玄老祖横压整个苍玄天时,便是处于这个境界 No one has thought that Palace Master Sheng Yuan at this moment, can arrive in this realm, although this has many external factors, but no one has the means to deny this time Palace Master Sheng Yuan terrifying. 谁都没有想到,圣元宫主此时此刻,也是能够抵达这个境界,虽说这有着诸多的外因,但谁都没办法否认此时的圣元宫主的恐怖。 As Palace Master Sheng Yuan steps into Saint Two Lotuses Realm, that came from countless white thunder beside world's wall, in this time dissipation gradually, the golden great eye in that world's wall slit, similarly was becomes dim. 而随着圣元宫主踏入圣者双莲境,那来自于界壁之外的无数白雷,也是在此时渐渐的消散,那界壁缝隙中的金色巨目,同样是变得黯淡了许多。 Obviously, the Saint Race top expert transmission strength , also paid the enormous price, has been incapable of continue penetrate world's wall to launch the attack. 显然,圣族至强者传递力量而下,同样也是付出了极大的代价,已经无力继续穿透界壁发动攻击了。 Old Ancestor Cang Xuan can set aside the hand at this time finally, but his look is becomes extremely dignified, although Palace Master Sheng Yuan this Two Lotuses Realm empty, but even empty Two Lotuses Realm, that still after all is the double lotus... 苍玄老祖此时终于能够腾出手来,但他的眼神已是变得极其的凝重,虽然圣元宫主双莲境虚得很,但就算是再虚的双莲境,那也终归算是双莲... Hehe, is this Saint Two Lotuses Realm in legend?” “呵呵,这就是传说中的圣者双莲境吗?” On the Palace Master Sheng Yuan flesh and blood fuzzy face, has the color of being infatuated, he is feeling within the body that huge vast strength, both eyes shut. 圣元宫主血肉模糊的脸庞上,有着陶醉之色,他感受着体内那种庞大浩瀚的力量,双目微闭。 Regarding the strength of this level, he longs for even in dreams. 对于这个层次的力量,他可谓是梦寐以求。 Old Ancestor Cang Xuan sneers saying: You depend on the Saint Race's strength, the temporary promotion Two Lotuses Realm, you did not fear reluctantly not has the good fortune to enjoy something?” 苍玄老祖冷笑道:“你靠着圣族的力量,勉强暂时的提升到了双莲境,你就不怕无福消受吗?” Palace Master Sheng Yuan exposes to the sun however smiles, how he does not know, after withstanding this strength, will bring enormous repercussions, after this war, he by heavy injury, will also be wanted to restore the strength inevitably, must spend a big time energy. 圣元宫主晒然一笑,他如何不知,在承受了这种力量之后,将会带来极大的后遗症,此战之后,他必然也会被重创,想要恢复实力,得花费不小的时间精力。 But what's the big deal? 但那又如何? So long as can solve Old Ancestor Cang Xuan and Yao Yao, captures Blue Profound Saint Seal, he can become the lord of Heaven and Earth, at that time, not only can restore repercussions, but can also true stepping into Saint Realm. 只要能够解决掉苍玄老祖夭夭,夺得苍玄圣印,他就能够成为天地之主,那时候,不仅能够修复后遗症,还能够真正的踏入圣者境 Blue Profound (Cang Xuan), did you fear?” 苍玄,你怕了吗?” Above the Palace Master Sheng Yuan top of the head, has vast Origin Qi to shoot up to the sky, silver Origin Qi, cover the sky blocks out the sun, but in these Origin Qi, but also brings rich golden light, golden light braves gold/metal Yan. 圣元宫主头顶之上,有着浩瀚源气冲天而起,银色的源气,遮天蔽日,而那些源气之中,还带着浓郁的金光,金光冒着金焱。 That Origin Qi, to the person one type suffocates the pressure. 那种源气,给人一种窒息般的威压。 That is Saint Origin Qi. 那是圣源气 Law Domain expert, may melts Origin Qi and Strength of Law Domain, therefore evolved Law Domain Origin Qi. 法域强者,可将源气法域之力相融,于是衍变出了法域源气 But steps into Saint Realm, derives Saint Fire, Origin Qi and Saint Fire fuses, then changed into Saint Origin Qi. 而踏入圣者境,衍生圣火,源气圣火融合,则是化为了圣源气 That is one type is purer than and formidable strength Law Domain Origin Qi. 那是一种比法域源气更为精纯与强大的力量。 In the face of this strength, the person under any Saint, is a throw straw against the wind. 在这种力量面前,任何圣者之下的人,都是螳臂挡车。 The Palace Master Sheng Yuan long and loud cry makes noise, sees only that vast Saint Origin Qi to move rolling, in a flash, then changed into hundred huge light ball above that upper air. 圣元宫主长啸出声,只见得那浩瀚的圣源气滚滚而动,转瞬间,便是在那高空之上化为了百颗巨大的光球 Each, is condensing Destruction Power. 每一颗,都是凝聚着毁灭之力 This flickers, in the sky just like is simultaneously appear(ance) over a hundred hot suns. 这一瞬,天空上犹如是同时出现了上百颗的烈日。 Blue Profound (Cang Xuan), you pressed me by realm in the past, today, should change me?” 苍玄,当年你以境界压我,今日,也该换我了吧?” Palace Master Sheng Yuan is high-spirited, the sleeve robe wields, that over a hundred howl like hot sun light ball immediately, directly goes to Old Ancestor Cang Xuan and Yao Yao suppression. 圣元宫主意气风发,袖袍一挥,那上百颗如烈日般的光球顿时呼啸而下,直接对着苍玄老祖夭夭镇压而去。 Is looking at that Saint Origin Qi light ball, Headmaster Qing Yang their these Law Domain expert, are complexion is ugly, because they can feel, if these light ball are coming to them, perhaps their cannot meet. 望着那种圣源气光球,青阳掌教他们这些法域强者,都是面色难看,因为他们能够感觉得出来,如果这些光球对着他们而来的话,恐怕他们一颗都接不下来。 Thus it can be seen, at this time the Palace Master Sheng Yuan strength, was actually strong to what degree. 由此可见,此时圣元宫主的实力,究竟是强到了什么程度。 Old Ancestor Cang Xuan is looking at so the offensive, the brow is also wrinkles, if were he in the past, Two Lotuses Realm of Palace Master Sheng Yuan this discard head close to brain, he will not care, but unfortunately, present he, is only wisp of remnant soul... 苍玄老祖望着这般攻势,眉头也是皱起,如果是他当年,圣元宫主这种虚头巴脑的双莲境,他根本不会太在意,但可惜的是,现在的他,只是一缕残魂... Old Ancestor Cang Xuan sighed, both hands closes up, had law seal like lightning. 苍玄老祖叹息一声,双手合拢,闪电般的结出法印。 Big mountains and rivers!” “大山河阵!” Dark azure Saint Origin Qi surges dreadfully, directly in that void, formed ancient mountains rivers, that in, each mountain, each river, is by vast Saint Origin Qi, sufficiently suppression world many Law Domain. 青色圣源气滔天涌动,直接是在那虚空之间,形成了一座座古老的山川河流,那其中,每一座山,每一条河,都是由浩瀚的圣源气所化,足以镇压世间诸多法域 hōng hōng! 轰轰 In the vision of that countless vibration, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) hot sun drops from the clouds, bumps into with that continuous endless mountains and rivers, that flash, Heaven and Earth is as if silent, but follows closely to come, is that Origin Qi big storm beyond description... 在那无数道震动的目光中,万丈烈日从天而降,与那连绵无尽的山河相撞,那一瞬间,天地仿佛是寂静下来,但紧随而来的,便是那难以形容的源气大风暴... Black Abyss above space, avalanche all. 黑渊上空的空间,尽数的崩塌。 Some complementary waves affect in the ground, this stretch of land starts the unceasing collapse. 一些余波波及到地面上,这片大地则是开始不断的塌陷。 All expert all withdraws in abundance, does not dare to be affected by that complementary waves. 各方强者皆是纷纷退避,不敢被那余波波及。 But their vision, all stubbornly stares at both sides to encounter, they know, the aspect to this step, had almost been near the end, both sides all methods have used. 但他们的目光,皆是死死的盯着双方交锋,他们知晓,局面到这一步,几乎已是接近了尾声,双方所有手段都已倾尽。 Who can laugh last, that will become the winner. 谁能够笑到最后,那就将会成为赢家。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! both sides unceasing confrontation, but with the lapse of time, has sensation keen expert to start to detect, imposing manner that the Old Ancestor Cang Xuan whole body sends out, is starting weakening gradually. 双方不断的交锋,但随着时间的推移,有感知敏锐的强者开始察觉到,苍玄老祖周身散发出来的气势,在开始渐渐的减弱。 Master after all is only remnant soul, the strength impossible inexhaustible, perhaps this way, does not beat Sheng Yuan!” Hong Ya Old Ancestor sound is low and deep, but on the face is actually incapable completely, the battle of that level, they, so long as participates, shortly will vanish into thin air. “师父终归只是残魂,力量不可能无穷无尽,这样下去,恐怕不敌圣元!”洪崖老祖声音低沉,但面庞上却满是无力,那种层次的争斗,他们只要插足进去,顷刻间就会烟消云散。 Headmaster Qing Yang hearing this, is can only sigh one lightly, aspect to this step, even he also meddles again seriously. 青阳掌教闻言,也是只能轻叹一声,局面到了这一步,甚至连他都是再也插手不得了。 Palace Master Sheng Yuan unceasing launches the boundless offensive by Saint Origin Qi, he naturally is also detected that change of Old Ancestor Cang Xuan, immediately the corners of the mouth also exude the meaning of sneering. 圣元宫主不断的以圣源气发动磅礴攻势,他自然也是察觉到了苍玄老祖的变化,当即嘴角也是泛起冷笑之意。 Shuā! 唰! However, when he attempts fast Blue Profound (Cang Xuan) routs, its front void disrupts suddenly, the beautiful figure quick firing, the pen tip brandishes together, countless ancient Origin Pattern condenses, changes into a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) light claw, ruthlessly is patting to Sheng Yuan. 不过,在他试图快速将苍玄击溃时,其面前的虚空忽然碎裂,一道倩影急射而出,笔尖挥舞,无数道古老源纹凝聚,化为一只万丈光爪,狠狠的对着圣元拍下。 That is Yao Yao is acting. 那是夭夭在出手。 Snort!” “哼!” Sheng Yuan sees that is actually coldly snorted, sees only in his shatter body, the blood spurts thin gap/between, has Saint Origin Qi to sweep across unexpectedly, changes into bloodstained giant palm, with that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) light claw firmly resists. 圣元见状,却是一声冷哼,只见得他那破碎的身躯内,鲜血喷薄间,竟是有着圣源气席卷而出,化为一只染血巨掌,与那万丈光爪硬憾 Thump! 咚! Void shake. 虚空震荡。 The Sheng Yuan body draws back anxiously several steps, but the Yao Yao's tender body, shoots, the lip has a bloodstain to reappear. 圣元的身躯急退数步,而夭夭的娇躯,更是倒射而出,唇边有着一丝血迹浮现出来。 Present I, am Saint Two Lotuses Realm, do you also want to spell with me hardly?” Palace Master Sheng Yuan sneers to make noise, previous to bumping, he got the absolute winning side finally. “如今的我,已是圣者双莲境,你还想与我硬拼?”圣元宫主冷笑出声,先前的对碰中,他终于是占据了绝对的上风。 „, That Blue Profound (Cang Xuan) old ghost is in the wind the remaining years of life, was unable to defend oneself, that first catches you!” “也罢,那苍玄老鬼已是风中残烛,自身难保了,那就先将你擒住!” The Palace Master Sheng Yuan five fingers are grasping to the front void. 圣元宫主五指对着前方虚空一抓。 Vast Saint Origin Qi sweeps across, the ray of light bunch interwove together, formed an unescapable net, is covering to go to Yao Yao directly. 浩瀚的圣源气席卷而出,一道道光束交织,形成了一张天罗地网,直接对着夭夭笼罩而去。 That Saint Origin Qi sealed up the space, even to go air-splitting, is hard to achieve. 圣源气封闭了空间,即便是想要破空而去,都是难以做到。 The distant place, Old Ancestor Cang Xuan sees this, the look changes, wants to aid, but was actually suppressed by Sheng Yuan that vast boundless offensive is unable to act, moreover this time he, is felt that a weak strength starts appear(ance). 远处,苍玄老祖见到这一幕,眼神微变,想要援手,但却被圣元那浩瀚磅礴的攻势压制得无法出手,而且此时的他,也是感觉到一股虚弱之力开始出现 He sighed gently, was somewhat low-spirited, he now, after all no longer was in the past that sidewise compression Heaven and Earth Old Ancestor Cang Xuan. 他轻轻一叹,有些黯然,他如今,终归不再是当年那个横压天地苍玄老祖了。 Two Lotuses Realm that a dependence external force achieves temporarily, can so compel distressedly him. 一个依靠外力暂时达到的双莲境,就能够将他逼得如此的狼狈。 Old Ancestor?” 老祖?” The Zhou Yuan's sound resounds in the mind, he was also feels, the consciousness of Old Ancestor seemed like starts becomes pale. 周元的声音在脑海中响起,他也是感觉到了,老祖的意识似乎是开始变淡了。 Hears the Zhou Yuan's sound, Old Ancestor Cang Xuan smiles bitterly, said: Zhou Yuan, Old Ancestor I feared that can only help you come here...” 听到周元的声音,苍玄老祖苦笑一声,道:“周元,老祖我怕是只能帮你们到这里了...” Zhou Yuan is also silent, today's aspect, is really changing extremely, who didn't expect, Sheng Yuan can be in power finally repeatedly, as he said that his does Sheng Yuan have Destiny? 周元也是沉默下来,今日的局面,实在是太过的跌宕起伏,谁也没想到,圣元最终能够屡屡得势,难道真如他所说,他圣元拥有气运吗? Moreover, that side present Yao Yao is very dangerous, he is also burning with impatience. 而且,现在的夭夭那边很是危险,他也是心急如焚。 Zhou Yuan, my remnant soul will soon diverge, when your body you can control quickly again... my remnant soul diverges, will also remain some strengths, ought to you protection, you to seize the chance to look for the opportunity, bringing Yao Yao to escape.” 周元,我的残魂即将散去,你的身体你很快就能再度掌控...我残魂散去时,还会残留一些力量,应能给你一些保护,你趁机找寻机会,带夭夭逃吧。” The Old Ancestor Cang Xuan sound, is getting more and more pale in this time. 苍玄老祖的声音,在此时越来越淡。 Hehe, this time leaves, really parted forever, because of Old Ancestor my method, but was exhausted...” “呵呵,此次一别,就真是永别了,因为老祖我的手段,可算是用尽了...” Zhou Yuan hears in the heart uncomfortable, actually he knows, if this time does not have Yao Yao this accident, even if Palace Master Sheng Yuan ultimately obtained Blue Profound Saint Seal, that will still encounter the dark hand attack of Old Ancestor Cang Xuan. 周元听得心中难受,其实他知晓,如果此次没有夭夭这个变故的话,就算圣元宫主最终得到了苍玄圣印,那也会被遭到苍玄老祖的暗手袭击。 And yet, to protect Yao Yao, Old Ancestor Cang Xuan has to ahead of time the remnant soul exposition this hidden. 可眼下,为了保护夭夭,苍玄老祖不得不提前将这隐藏的残魂暴露。 Now, after fight with Saint Race top expert, Old Ancestor Cang Xuan remnant soul strength, was the consumption completely. 如今,经过与圣族至强者的战斗,苍玄老祖残魂力量,也是消耗殆尽了。 Zhou Yuan, the hope, you can be smooth...” 周元,希望,你们能顺利吧...” The Old Ancestor Cang Xuan sound, dissipated finally. 苍玄老祖的声音,最终消散了。 Zhou Yuan's body one stiff, that look change gradually, retreats with the vicissitudes ancient, what replaces it is that year light sharp qi. 周元的身躯一僵,那眼神渐渐的变化,古老与沧桑退去,取而代之的是那年轻的锐气。 Old Ancestor, thanked.” He muttered in a low voice. 老祖,谢谢了。”他低声喃喃道。 hahaha...” 哈哈哈哈...” That moment when Old Ancestor Cang Xuan remnant soul diverges, Palace Master Sheng Yuan has a good laugh, he was feels obviously. 苍玄老祖残魂散去的那一刻,圣元宫主仰天大笑起来,他显然是感觉到了。 Blue Profound (Cang Xuan) Blue Profound (Cang Xuan), you cannot fight after all my, this Blue Profound Saint Seal, will fall after all in my hands!” 苍玄苍玄,你终归是斗不过我的,这苍玄圣印,也终归会落在我的手中!” Palace Master Sheng Yuan this time, looked that has not looked again to Zhou Yuan, after losing Old Ancestor Cang Xuan remnant soul, Zhou Yuan, the ants were even inferior. 圣元宫主这一次,看都未曾再看向周元,在失去了苍玄老祖残魂后,一个周元,连蝼蚁都不如。 His all attention, shifts to Yao Yao, so long as seizes again her, then the matter of today, on perfection. 他的所有注意力,都是转向夭夭,只要再将她擒下,那么今日之事,就圆满了。 Today this sparring, this One is the final winner!” “今日这场斗法,本座才是最后的赢家!” Palace Master Sheng Yuan laughs, in that covers to the Yao Yao's unescapable net, has dreadful killing intent to surge again, once Yao Yao were surrounded, then Palace Master Sheng Yuan will expose the fang. 圣元宫主大笑中,在那笼罩向夭夭的天罗地网之外,再度有着滔天的杀机涌动,一旦夭夭被困住,那么圣元宫主就将会展露獠牙。 Void on Zhou Yuan, complexion gloomy is looking at this, his vision glittering, has the crazy color to emerge at once. 虚空上的周元,面色阴沉的望着这一幕,他目光闪烁,旋即有着疯狂之色涌现出来。 His palm grasps, the strength of revolving Old Ancestor Cang Xuan remaining, grasped that Blue Profound Saint Seal in the hand. 他手掌一抓,运转着苍玄老祖残余下来的力量,将那苍玄圣印抓在了手中。 The Palace Master Sheng Yuan look concentrates, the vision lifted finally, looks regarded as Zhou Yuan of ants to him, said indifferently: Boy, you, if hands over Saint Seal at this time on own initiative, this One may make you die happily.” 圣元宫主眼神一凝,目光终于是抬起,望向了他视为蝼蚁的周元,漠然道:“小子,你若是此时将圣印主动交出,本座可让你死得痛快一些。” „Are you want Saint Seal?” “你是想要圣印是吧?” Zhou Yuan eye pupil crimson, is actually dense smiles. 周元眼瞳赤红,却是森然一笑。 That gives you!” “那就给你吧!” He pats suddenly, strength that Old Ancestor Cang Xuan leaves behind, racket ruthlessly in Blue Profound Saint Seal. 他猛然拍下,将苍玄老祖留下的力量,狠狠的拍进苍玄圣印之内。 Buzz! 嗡! Next flickers, Blue Profound Saint Seal appears directly fissures in that countless panic-stricken desire vision certainly, finally, loudly blasting open. 下一瞬,苍玄圣印直接是在那无数道惊骇欲绝的目光中浮现出一道道裂痕,最终,轰然炸裂。 countless said the Saint Seal fragment, air-splitting however left. 无数圣印碎片,破空而出。 Zhou Yuan, unexpectedly Blue Profound Saint Seal destroying! 周元,竟是将苍玄圣印给毁了!
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