VY :: Volume #8

#739: Receiving and instructing

Bang! 轰! When Palace Master Sheng Yuan that palm is patting to Yao Yao, crashes void immediately, that palm, Heaven and Earth is dim. 圣元宫主那一掌对着夭夭拍去时,虚空顿时崩塌,那一掌,天地昏暗。 At that moment, just like holds up the day of giant mountain suppression , the Saint Fire flaming combustion of golden, all changes into the nihility that front all. 那一刻,宛如是擎天巨山镇压而下,金色圣火熊熊燃烧,将那前方一切皆是化为虚无。 The Palace Master Sheng Yuan accident comes extremely strangely, his making a move is also if quickly startling thunderclap, even if Old Ancestor Cang Xuan had responded, but, he still had come from Saint Race top expert outside world's wall to involve at this time without enough time after all by that. 圣元宫主的变故来得极为诡异,他的出手也是快若惊雷,即便苍玄老祖有所反应,但此时也已来不及了,毕竟他已经被那来自界壁之外的圣族至强者牵扯住。 Therefore, he can only helplessly is looking, that Sheng Yuan uses a palm of full power, is patting to Yao Yao. 因此,他只能眼睁睁的望着,那圣元倾尽全力的一掌,对着夭夭拍去。 Yao Yao stood high up in the sky, the golden long hair dances in the breeze gently, a Palace Master Sheng Yuan that boundless wild palm, rapid enlargement in her eye pupil, this command her willow eyebrows were also slightly pressed. 夭夭凌空而立,金色长发轻轻飘舞,圣元宫主那磅礴狂暴的一掌,在她的眼瞳中迅速的放大,这令得她柳眉也是微蹙了一下。 Palace Master Sheng Yuan this surprise attack, somewhat is also not as she expected. 圣元宫主这种突袭,同样也有些出乎她的意料。 This person, but also was really loathful to the extreme. 这个人,还真是让人讨厌到了极点。 The Yao Yao bright eyes deep place, has the extremely cold air/Qi to surge, she does not pay attention to Palace Master Sheng Yuan that palm unexpectedly, instead is slender jade finger grips tightly suddenly, the small fist is going to the Palace Master Sheng Yuan bang directly. 夭夭明眸深处,有着极寒之气涌动,她竟是不理会圣元宫主那一掌,反而是纤细玉指猛然紧握,小小拳头直接对着圣元宫主轰去。 Origin Returning!” 归源!” In her red lip, resembling has the ancient sound to spread. 她那红唇中,似是有着古老之声传出。 Bang! 轰! A Palace Master Sheng Yuan wild palm, fell on the Yao Yao shoulder directly, but jade fist that at the same time, Yao Yao that gripped tightly, rumbled above the Palace Master Sheng Yuan chest. 圣元宫主狂暴的一掌,直接是落在了夭夭肩上,而与此同时,夭夭那紧握的玉拳,也是轰在了圣元宫主胸膛之上。 The space of two people locale, directly is the avalanche. 两人所在处的空间,直接是崩塌。 Next flickers, two people are such as are all hit hard, the figure shoots to draw back. 下一瞬,两人皆是如遭重击,身形倒射而退。 The Yao Yao barefoot light point was void, stood firm the body, her fair like jade flesh on, has lightly is spreading like the fissure trace. 夭夭赤足轻点虚空,稳住了身躯,她那白皙如玉般的肌肤上,有着淡淡如裂痕般的纹路在蔓延。 The Palace Master Sheng Yuan figure is also violently shoots draws back, at once stands firm, his complexion somewhat is surprised uncertain, previously he used a palm of full power to fall on Yao Yao's, has a falling bottomless black hole feeling. 圣元宫主身形也是暴射而退,旋即稳住,他面色有些惊疑不定,先前他倾尽全力的一掌落在夭夭的身上,却是有着一种落入无底黑洞般的感觉。 Latter's body, obviously exceptionally emaciated, but her within the body, seems the hidden him is a little not unimaginable fearful strength. 后者的身躯,明明是异常的孱弱,但她的体内,仿佛是隐藏连他都是有点无法想象的可怕力量。 When Palace Master Sheng Yuan thoughts racing, his pupil suddenly shrinks, looks down to the chest place, sees only there, unexpectedly was appear(ance) a little fist seal, but between fist seal, has an extremely mysterious strength to invade his within the body. 圣元宫主心思急转时,他瞳孔忽的一缩,低头看向胸膛处,只见得那里,竟是出现了一个小小的拳印,而拳印间,有着一种极为神秘的力量侵入了他的体内。 That strength place visited, Palace Master Sheng Yuan discovered that flesh and blood of his within the body, is breaking up unexpectedly. 那种力量所过之处,圣元宫主发现他体内的血肉,竟然都是在崩解。 Short several breaths, his chest place on appear(ance) a blood hole. 短短数息,他胸膛处就出现了一个血洞。 Moreover, Palace Master Sheng Yuan is the discovery of vibration, even Origin Qi of his within the body, once met that strength, somewhat is separated from the control, seemed changed into that type not to have Heaven and Earth Origin Qi without the root... 而且,圣元宫主更是震动的发现,即便是他体内的源气,一旦遇见了那种力量,都是有些脱离掌控,仿佛是被化为了那种无根无本的天地源气... Whatever if that strength spreads corrosion to get down, Palace Master Sheng Yuan felt, perhaps his entire body, will even change into most common Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. 如果任由那种力量扩散侵蚀下去,圣元宫主觉得,恐怕连他整个身躯,都将会化为最为普通的天地源气 Palace Master Sheng Yuan complexion gloomy, his fingertip to chest one stroke, is hacking flesh and blood of chest place at once directly all, formed a blood hole, but can also see to exude the gloss internal organs. 圣元宫主面色阴沉,旋即他指尖对着胸膛一划,直接是将胸膛处的血肉尽数的剐了下来,形成了一个血窟窿,还能见到泛着光泽的内脏。 He ejects these flesh and blood, flesh and blood is the rapid change nihility, was decomposed as most common Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. 他将那些血肉抛出,血肉则是迅速的化为虚无,被分解为最普通的天地源气 Among Heaven and Earth, all expert looks at Palace Master Sheng Yuan to hack meat, is chest cavity is all dumbfounded. 天地间,各方强者望着圣元宫主剐肉这一幕,皆是膛目结舌。 Everyone didn't expect, Palace Master Sheng Yuan occupies the situation to sneak attack Yao Yao, instead will be compelled the autonomy body by the latter backhandedly... 谁都没想到,圣元宫主占据先机偷袭夭夭,反而会被后者反手逼得自残身躯... Headmaster Qing Yang they while shocking, is joyful. 青阳掌教他们在震惊的同时,也是为之欣喜。 However, unlike their joy, is paying attention to Yao Yao here Old Ancestor Cang Xuan, in the eye has to worry about the color, because he can see, on Yao Yao flesh these light fissures. 不过,与他们的欣喜不同,关注着夭夭这边的苍玄老祖,眼中却是有着担忧之色,因为他能够看见,夭夭肌肤上那些淡淡的裂痕。 That is because Yao Yao uses within the body that strength repeatedly, causing her present fleshly body some unable to withstand. 那是因为夭夭屡屡动用体内那种力量,导致她现在的肉身有些无法承受。 Yao Yao's situation extremely special, she can derive this body, is the countless chance causes, if this fleshly body destroyed, then to her, is the disastrous result. 夭夭的情况极为的特殊,她能够衍生出这具身躯,已是无数机缘所导致,如果这具肉身毁了,那么对于她而言,将会是灾难性的结果。 Therefore, the strength of Yao Yao use is stronger, the Old Ancestor Cang Xuan heart is more anxious. 所以,夭夭动用的力量越强,苍玄老祖心头就越不安。 Moreover, what is most troublesome, this time Yao Yao used the strength under that Saint Race top expert nose, perhaps latter true its determination... 而且,最麻烦的是,此时的夭夭在那圣族至强者眼皮底下动用了力量,恐怕后者就将会真正的将其确定... hōng hōng! 轰轰 Old Ancestor Cang Xuan raised the head, sees only huge golden beyond that world's wall fissure to set upright the eye, gets up in this time intense glittering, although is away from the remote distance, but he can actually feel that Saint Race top expert this time state of mind drastic fluctuation. 苍玄老祖抬起头,只见得那界壁裂痕之外的巨大金色竖目,也是在此时激烈的闪烁起来,虽然隔着遥远的距离,但他却是能够感觉到那圣族至强者此时的心绪剧烈波动。 Meets... directs...” “接...引...” Has the slurred sound, from that remote place. 有着模糊不清的声音,从那遥远处而来。 Palace Master Sheng Yuan heard this sound, eyes flash, at once in his eye also passed over gently and swiftly resolute extremely ruthless look, the matter of today, was deciding whether he can obtain Blue Profound Saint Seal, aspires to seize Blue Profound Heaven. 圣元宫主听见了这声音,目光一闪,旋即他的眼中也是掠过了果决狠辣之色,今日之事,决定着他能否得到苍玄圣印,问鼎苍玄天 Therefore, no matter the what kind method, he must remove Old Ancestor Cang Xuan and Yao Yao. 所以,不管何种手段,他都必须除掉苍玄老祖夭夭 But at present, that Saint Race top expert is hard to pass through world's wall, arrives at the true body, but Sheng Yuan actually knows, although their true body is unable to arrive, but if they give up some big prices, can actually own strength, arrive. 而眼下,那圣族至强者难以穿过界壁,将真身降临,但圣元却知晓,他们真身虽然无法降临,但若是他们舍得一些大代价的话,却是能够将自身的力量,降临下来。 This needs to receive and instruct the thing. 只是,这需要接引之物。 After all, was cheap I...” “终归到底,还是会便宜了我...” In the Palace Master Sheng Yuan eye passed over gently and swiftly smiling of gloomy, at once he looks at Yao Yao, single-handed knot seal, the next flash, his most body, in that countless panic-stricken vision, explodes unexpectedly directly. 圣元宫主眼中掠过阴沉的笑,旋即他看了一眼夭夭,单手结印,下一瞬间,他的大半幅身躯,竟直接是在那无数道惊骇的目光中,爆裂开来。 Bang! 轰! Dreadful blood and qi fills the air. 滔天般的血气弥漫。 Buzz! 嗡! In blood and qi, the ray of light magnificent shoots up to the sky suddenly, just like piercing endless void, arrived in the place of world's wall. 血气之中,忽有一道光华冲天而起,宛如洞穿了无尽虚空,抵达了界壁之处。 In the world's wall cracks, that huge golden set upright eye of glittering, finally resembled got down the decision, immediately has a golden luminous spot to fall, with that ray of light magnificent contact. 界壁裂缝间,那巨大的金色竖目闪烁了一下,最终似是下了决定,顿时有着一枚金色光点落下,与那一道光华接触。 If looks carefully will discover, in that golden luminous spot, unexpectedly is a dripping with blood vertical stroke eye of eyeball! 若是看得仔细就会发现,那金色光点内,竟是一颗鲜血淋漓的竖目眼球! That vertical stroke eye of eyeball and radiance touch, is integrates directly, radiance reclamation like lightning, falls among blood and qi that filled. 那竖目眼球与光华相触,直接是融入其中,光华闪电般的收回,落入了那弥漫的血气之间。 All these, happen in several breaths, only has Old Ancestor Cang Xuan and Yao Yao looks clearly, but is actually not able to stop. 这一切,都是发生在数息之间,唯有苍玄老祖夭夭看得真切,但却是无法阻拦。 Sheng Yuan, you also are really Saint Race train the good dog slave, unexpectedly from exploding half fleshly body, receives and instructs Strength of a Saint Race!” Old Ancestor Cang Xuan complexion is pale, coldly said. 圣元,你还真是圣族调教好的狗奴,竟然自爆半幅肉身,接引圣族之力!”苍玄老祖面色铁青,寒声道 Rich everywhere blood and qi surges slightly. 浓郁的漫天血气微微波荡。 Has form together, going out slowly in that countless vision. 有着一道身影,在那无数道目光中缓缓的走出。 Hiss! 嘶! When numerous expert see that form, is holds breath a cold air/Qi. 而当众多强者看见那道身影时,皆是倒吸一口冷气。 That form, the whole body blood, only has half fierce body, like that appearance, precisely Palace Master Sheng Yuan. 那道身影,浑身鲜血,唯有半幅狰狞身躯,那般模样,正是圣元宫主 However, although this time Sheng Yuan body was shattered, but his imposing manner, actually in this moment, becomes incomparable tyrannical, even, started to surpass Old Ancestor Cang Xuan. 不过,虽然此时的圣元身躯破碎,但他的气势,却是在这一刻,变得无比的强横,甚至,都是开始超过了苍玄老祖 Because, in his top of the head and above left shoulder, respective float Saint Fire Golden Lotus Flower. 因为,在他的头顶与左肩之上,各自悬浮着一朵圣火金莲花 Is looking at that two Saint Fire Golden Lotus Flower, Headmaster Qing Yang and other expert, the eye reveal startles the color. 望着那两朵圣火金莲花,青阳掌教等诸多强者,纷纷眼露骇色。 Because they know, Saint has three boundaries, a boundary lotus flower. 因为他们都知晓,圣者有三境,一境一莲花。 Three flowered forming, are the summits of Saint. 三花成形,为圣者之巅。 In the past Old Ancestor Cang Xuan heyday, is the Saint two lotus boundaries... 当年苍玄老祖全盛时期,也是圣者两莲境... But now, when Palace Master Sheng Yuan received and instructed the Saint Race top expert strength, he also achieved this unexpectedly... 而现在,当圣元宫主接引下了圣族至强者的力量时,他竟然也是达到了这一步...
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