VY :: Volume #7

#604: diamond Asura

Roar! 吼! Above square in confusion, Zhao Jing face upwards to roar, black light fills the body, making his fleshly body look just like the black iron casting, indestructible. 狼藉的广场之上,赵鲸仰天咆哮,黑光弥漫身躯,令得他的肉身看上去宛如黑铁铸造,坚不可摧。 This time Zhao Jing, living is Ape Demon. 此时的赵鲸,活生生的就是一头猿魔 That evil spirit and cruel, frightening. 那股凶煞与暴戾,让人心惊肉跳。 At this moment, tall building Zuoqiu Qingyu and the others above, were in the eye reveals nervous look, after all this time Zhao Jing, really extremely fearful. 这一刻,就连高楼之上的左丘青鱼等人,都是眼中流露出了一丝紧张之色,毕竟此时的赵鲸,委实太过的可怕。 That Heavenly Ghost Palace Liu Fu chief is looking at this, at once shoots a look at Zuoqiu Qingyu, sneers saying: Can compel the Zhao Jing Ape Demon technique, this Zhou Yuan indeed has several points of skill, perhaps but that price, is the poor life does not guarantee pitifully.” 天鬼府刘符首席望着这一幕,旋即瞥了一眼左丘青鱼,冷笑道:“能够将赵鲸猿魔术逼出来,这周元倒的确是有着几分本事,不过可惜那种代价,恐怕是小命不保。” Other chief on the scene, are complexion is all dignified, they know, if trades to be them to be built on front of this time Zhao Jing, is somewhat hard to resist inevitably. 在场的其他首席,皆是面色凝重,他们知道,如果换做他们立于此时的赵鲸面前的话,必然是有些难以抵挡。 This Saint Palace chief ranked the second, indeed lives up to reputation. 圣宫排名第二的首席,的确是名不虚传。 Bang! 轰! In that countless say/way has in the dignified vision, the Zhao Jing cruel eye pupil locked Zhou Yuan directly, this time, he does not have half a word idle talk again, is only the curve of corners of the mouth, even more fierce. 在那无数道带着凝重的目光中,赵鲸暴戾的眼瞳直接锁定了周元,这一次,他再没有半句废话,只是嘴角的弧度,愈发的狰狞。 Thump!” “咚!” The Zhao Jing body squats down slightly, the next quarter, the both feet stamps suddenly. 赵鲸的身躯微微蹲下,下一刻,双脚猛然一跺。 The huge fissure spreads from his under foot, but his form, threw just like that eats giant dragon ancient times Ape Demon, brings shadow, covered Zhou Yuan. 巨大的裂痕自其脚下蔓延而出,而他的身影,宛如那扑食巨龙的远古猿魔,带着阴影,笼罩周元 Ape Demon arm!” 猿魔臂!” Howls resounds through, sees only above that Zhao Jing right arm, black light spreads, even has the black hair to grow, his arm, shortly, changed into arm of the sturdy Ape Demon. 嘶啸响彻,只见得那赵鲸右臂之上,黑光蔓延,甚至有着黑色的毛发生长出来,他这手臂,顷刻之间,化为了一只粗壮的猿魔之臂。 Bang! 轰! A fist rumbles, the huge gap, in this square has torn, but presently. 一拳轰出,巨大的鸿沟,已是在这广场上撕裂而现。 shadow of that fist, covers Zhou Yuan directly. 那一拳的阴影,直接将周元所覆盖。 Maneatingly to situation in the extreme. 凶悍到了无以复加的地步。 Is facing a Zhao Jing so fearful fist, rear Tang Muxin and the others all change color, whole body Origin Qi surges, is the preparation starts to lend a hand to rescue. 面对着赵鲸如此可怕的一拳,后方的唐沐心等人皆是变色,周身源气涌动起来,已是准备开始出手救援。 However, in that countless vision because of a Zhao Jing this destruction fist when is panic-stricken, that is in shadow to cover Zhou Yuan, is the look is tranquil. 不过,在那无数道目光都是因为赵鲸这毁灭般的一拳而惊骇时,那正处于阴影笼罩间的周元,却是神色平静。 golden light in eyes, faintly discernible. 眼眸中的金光,若隐若现 On his skin of this time , has the light golden ray to spread, just like in his body surface, formed ancient golden traces. 此时的他的皮肤上,也是有着淡淡的金色光线蔓延开来,犹如是在他的身躯表面,形成了一道道古老的金色纹路。 That between hearts drops golden blood, fierce vibration. 心脏间的那滴金血,剧烈的震动起来。 Boy, kneels down to me!” “小子,给我跪下!” Zhao Jing severe howl makes noise, destroys a fist, is carrying the storm finally, falls in torrents, but. 赵鲸厉啸出声,毁灭一拳,终是携带着风暴,倾泻而至。 Zhou Yuan is unemotional, five fingers gripping tightly slowly, golden light pattern from arm 周元面无表情,五指缓缓的紧握,金色光纹自手臂 On spreads to come, gradually covers the fist surface, an indescribable strength, such as gets angry dragon -like roaring to turn in his within the body wells up, that strength, he had never felt in the past. 上蔓延而来,渐渐的将拳头表面覆盖,一股无法形容的力量,在他的体内如怒龙般的咆哮翻涌,那种力量之强,他以往从未感受过。 Strength that the boundary of golden blood brings, exceeded the Zhou Yuan's imagination. 金血之境所带来的力量,也是超出了周元的想象。 Bang! 轰! Under the vision gaze of that countless vibration, a Zhou Yuan fist rumbles, with the most positive stance, with a fist of that Zhao Jing destruction, the heavily bang hit directly in one. 在那无数道震动的目光注视下,周元一拳轰出,直接是以最为正面的姿态,与那赵鲸毁灭的一拳,重重的轰撞在了一起。 Is courting death simply!” Looks at this, countless people is shaking the head. “简直在找死!”望着这一幕,无数人都是摇了摇头。 This time Zhou Yuan's fist, in that Zhao Jing like a Ape Demon fist, appears not eye-catching quite, therefore they are not clear, Zhou Yuan actually why so stupid, choice most positive hard bumps. 此时的周元的拳头,在那赵鲸猿魔般的一拳下,显得颇为的不起眼,所以他们不明白,周元究竟为何会如此的愚蠢,选择最为正面的硬碰。 However at this time, said anything late. 不过这个时候,说什么都晚了。 Perhaps next quarter, that Zhou Yuan, by hammer muddy flesh? 恐怕下一刻,那周元,就会被生生的锤成肉泥吧? Bang! 砰! Both bang hits that flickers, the huge shock wave crazy eruption, the entire square, all flagstones fly in this time raising, a ground layer upon layer, unceasing was truncated. 两者轰撞的那一瞬,巨大的冲击波疯狂的爆发开来,整个广场,所有的石板都是在此时生生的掀飞,一层层的地面,不断的被削起。 Blue Profound Sect and disciples of Saint Palace two sides, all withdraw again and again. 苍玄宗圣宫两方的弟子,皆是连连退后。 If not all chief also acts, perhaps that and other complementary waves proliferated, even/including Zhengzuo Manor, will be destroyed in this time. 如果不是各方首席同时出手,恐怕那等余波扩散,连整座庄园,都将会在此时被摧毁。 Complementary waves retrogression gradually, but that all vision, stubbornly is staring at the square central place. 余波渐渐的消退,但那所有的目光,都是死死的盯着广场中央的地方。 There mist and dust divergence gradually. 那里的烟尘渐渐的散去。 Two forms, appear(ance) in everyone's eyes. 两道身影,出现在了所有人的眼中。 There two people, are maintaining the stance of fist to bang, two people bodies, have not as if moved. 那里的两人,保持着拳头对轰的姿态,两人的身躯,似乎都是未曾动过。 Who won?” A countless vision stares at two people form, in the eye has surprised raising, because of this, does not seem able to distinguish the victory and defeat at present. “谁赢了?”无数道目光都是盯着两人的身影,眼中有着惊疑升起,因为眼前这一幕,似乎根本无法分辨出胜负。 Huo Tian is also staring in the field, brow slightly wrinkle, similarly minute/share of not clear condition. 霍天也是盯着场中,眉头微皱,同样分不清楚状况。 Situation how?” The side has other chief to ask. “情况如何?”其身旁有着其他首席问道。 Huo Tian indifferently said: Should be the Zhao Jing win, his fist, even I must spend completely many methods, can resist, this Zhou Yuan, dares to bump with him hardly, without doubt courts death.” 霍天淡淡的道:“应该是赵鲸取胜,他那一拳,连我都得费尽诸多手段,才能抵御,这个周元,竟敢与他硬碰,无疑是找死。” Other Saint Palace chief are also nodded, how they regarding the Zhao Jing strength, are also well aware. 圣宫其他的首席也是点点头,他们对于赵鲸的实力如何,同样是心知肚明。 That fist, trades to be their anybody irresistibly, that Zhou Yuan so resists hardly, must die without doubt. 那一拳,换作他们任何人都无法抵抗,那周元如此硬抗,必死无疑。 Tang Muxin and the others, is anxious incomparable is looking at this. 唐沐心等人,也是紧张无比的望着这一幕。 This idiot, is all right with Zhao Jing bumps anything hardly!” Clenching teeth that Baili Che cannot bear scolded, if Zhou Yuan died by the hammer, what lost face was their Blue Profound Sect. “这个蠢货,没事和赵鲸硬碰什么!”百里澈忍不住的咬牙骂道,周元若是被生生锤死,丢人的可是他们苍玄宗 Other chief have not spoken, but in the eye also has the anxiety. 其他首席没说话,但眼中也是有着忧虑。 Above the tall building, everyone is calm, the Zuoqiu Qingyu white hands are gripping tightly that cannot bear, beautiful pupil tight is staring under, does not dare to move. 高楼之上,所有人都是屏息静气,就连左丘青鱼玉手都是忍不住的紧握,美眸紧紧的盯着下方,不敢移动。 The atmosphere in entire manor, as if in that two stagnating form with the square is to also become to solidify. 整个庄园内的气氛,仿佛都是随着广场上那两道凝滞的身影也是变得凝固起来。 That type stagnated, continued the time of dozens breaths. 那种凝滞,持续了数十息的时间。 Square center's, the Zhou Yuan's eyelid moves slightly, he is looking at present that tall Zhuangru demon ape form, long air/Qi, emitting slowly during breaths. 广场中央,周元的眼皮微微动了动,他望着眼前那高壮如魔猿般的身影,一口长气,自鼻息间缓缓的喷吐而出。 His body takes the lead to have an action to perform, fist little reclamation, then he does not have to look again to that Zhao Jing, but applies the body with Zhao Jing, they are walking to Tang Muxin directly. 他的身体率先有所动作,拳头一点点的收回,然后他没有再看向那赵鲸,而是与赵鲸搽身而过,径直对着唐沐心他们走去。 But Zhao Jing is motionless. 赵鲸一动不动。 A countless astonished line of sight is the solidification on Zhou Yuan's. 无数道惊愕的视线都是凝固在周元的身上。 Zhao Jing, what are you making?!” The Huo Tian sound low and deep violent shouted. 赵鲸,你在做什么?!”霍天声音低沉的暴喝道。 Everyone not too clear this time situation. 所有人都不太清楚此时的情况。 „Did boy, what you make to him?!” The Huo Tian gloomy vision, looks to Zhou Yuan. “小子,你对他做了什么?!”霍天阴森的目光,看向周元 The Zhou Yuan footsteps stopped, sound gentle say/way: It seems like Saint Palace Earth Saint Hall the technique of fleshly body, I have not thought is so strong, therefore you do hold true by ridiculing my Blue Profound Sect?” 周元脚步停了下来,声音平缓的道:“看来圣宫地圣殿肉身之术,也并没有我想的那么强,所以你们有什么理由嘲笑我苍玄宗?” As for him?” “至于他?” The Zhou Yuan leaning head, the look is slightly indifferent, he stretches out double refers, refers to has a clear sound to refer, resounds through in this square. 周元微微偏头,眼神冷漠,他伸出双指,指间有着一个清脆的响指,在这广场上响彻而起。 Bang! 砰! But refers to the instance that resounds in that sound, everyone is panic-stricken desire sight certainly, that Zhao Jing like the Ape Demon sturdy right arm, explodes unexpectedly loudly broken in this time! 而就在那响指响起的瞬间,所有人都是惊骇欲绝的见到,那赵鲸猿魔般的粗壮右臂,竟是在此时轰然爆碎! Everywhere blood froth splutters! 漫天血沫溅射出来! His entire arm, unexpectedly in this time disruption! 他的整条手臂,竟是在此时生生的碎裂开来! But Zhao Jing body, is face upwarding slowly collapses under. 赵鲸的身躯,也是缓缓的仰天倒塌而下。 Whish! 哗! The entire manor, gets up in this time boiling, the countless say/way looks here vision, is all flooding the thick unbelievable and panic-stricken meaning. 整个庄园,都是在此时沸腾起来,无数道看在此处的目光中,皆是充斥着浓浓的难以置信与惊骇之意。 The next quarter, all vision were to gather that say/way were turning away from above the Zhao Jing young form. 下一刻,所有的目光都是汇聚到了那道背对着赵鲸的年轻身影之上。 In these vision, full shocks. 那些目光之中,满满都是震撼。 Who can think, previously during that heavenly thunder hot terrifying hit, seemingly fell into absolutely leeward Zhou Yuan, unexpectedly actually so fearful, the counter-attack of that fist, Zhao Jing like a Ape Demon arm, the bang is broken! 谁能想到,先前那种天雷地火般的恐怖撞击之中,看似落入绝对下风的周元,竟然却是如此的可怕,那一拳的反击,将赵鲸猿魔般的一臂,生生的轰碎! That and other are the strengths, actually what kind of fearsomeness? 那等力量,究竟是何等的可怖? In manor, vision of these gatherings above Zhou Yuan body, in this time gradually has one to emerge alarmed and afraid. 庄园之内,那些汇聚于周元身体之上的一道道目光,在此时渐渐的有着一丝惊惧涌现起来。 Their didn't expect, unknown new Saint Origin Peak chief of this in Blue Profound Sect seven chief 他们谁都没想到,这位在苍玄宗首席中名不见经传的新任圣源峰首席 Hides deepest diamond Asura! 才是隐藏得最深的金刚修罗! https:/book_139/l https:/book_139/l . Pen interest pavilion 。笔趣阁
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