VY :: Volume #7

#603: 30% strength

In square of countless vision gaze, when Zhou Yuan that sharp pen tip uphold slowly, aims at Huo Tian and Zhao Jing distantly time, the atmosphere in field, becomes ice cold to get up instantaneously. 无数道目光注视的广场上,当周元那锋利的笔尖缓缓的抬起,遥遥指向霍天赵鲸的时候,场中的气氛,瞬间变得凌冽起来。 That Huo Tian both eyes empty narrow the eyes is staring at Zhou Yuan, at once he smiles, is only in that smile, having one type fills you cold and gloomy is that in the dirty trick, is perfidious, does the sneak attack kill Fan Yao Zhou Yuan?” 霍天双目虚眯的盯着周元,旋即他笑了笑,只是那笑容中,有着一种森冷弥漫“你就是那个以卑劣手段,背信弃义,偷袭杀害范妖周元?” However faces Huo Tian so vicious slandering, the thought that the Zhou Yuan even half a point explained does not have, because of this kind of time, he needs to do, was not the explanation . Moreover the in front of countless people surface, his Saint Palace's chief, routing ruthlessly, at that time, Huo Tian the slandered again viciously, naturally can become a joke, then fell on his face. 不过面对着霍天这般狠毒的污蔑,周元却是连半分解释的念头都没有,因为这种时候,他需要做的,不是解释,而且当着无数人的面,将他圣宫的首席,再度狠狠的击溃,那个时候,霍天的这种狠毒污蔑,自然会成为一场笑话,然后摔在他的脸上。 Therefore, he is only the look calm is staring at two people, slowly said which wants to grant instruction again? Or two can come together?” 于是,他只是神色波澜不惊的盯着两人,再度缓缓的道“哪一位想要赐教?或者说,两位要一起来?” Whish. 哗。 His these words spread, causes a big sound in an uproar, many vision are surprised, although has not known the Zhou Yuan's skill, but this wild and crazy attitude, but also really does not lose young frivolous. 他这番话传开,也是引起不小的哗然声,诸多目光惊奇,虽然还不知道周元的本事,但这股狂气,还真是不负年少轻狂。 Huo Tian smiles one pale, has not spoken again, but that is staring at the Zhou Yuan's look, even more cold and gloomy, at once he to Zhao Jing nods, carelessly said young people are not knowing gently profoundly, should be remember to the lesson his chin crumb, the hands and feet, broke.” 霍天淡笑一声,没有再说话,只是那盯着周元的眼神,愈发的森冷,旋即他对着赵鲸轻轻点头,漫不经心的道“年轻人不知道天高地厚,给点教训也是应该的记得把他的下巴捏碎,手脚,也断了吧。” Since damaged my Saint Palace's reputation, naturally should also pay the price.” “既然损了我圣宫的名声,自然也该付出代价。” Zhao Jing grinning hideously, goes out gradually, every step treads, the ground of under foot is cracking comes, his skin surface, has gloss flow, obviously is also finishes fleshly body. 赵鲸狞笑一声,缓步走出,每一步踏出,脚下的地面都是龟裂开来,他的皮肤表面,有着光泽流动,显然也是精修肉身者。 His sloppy standing in the Zhou Yuan's front, eye of band of light cruel looks at Zhou Yuan, five fingers grasping slowly is gathering together boy, if you with mouse same obediently hides, today can also leave behind the dog's life, but you do not have the opportunity of regret pitifully.” 他散漫的站在周元的前方,目光带着暴戾的瞧着周元,五指缓缓的握拢“小子,如果你跟老鼠一样乖乖的躲起来,今日还能留下狗命,但可惜你已经没有后悔的机会了。” Buzz! 嗡! When its sound falls, his body inflation gradually, above the skin, light black light passes, during the muscle vibrations, an astonishing strength feeling bursts out, making the air exude the sound of sonic boom. 当其声落时,他的身躯渐渐的膨胀,皮肤之上,淡淡的黑光流转开来,肌肉震动间,一股惊人的力量感迸发出来,令得空气都是发出了音爆之声。 A constriction release slowly, around the square, many vision are to become dignified. 一股压迫感缓缓的释放出来,广场四周,不少目光都是变得凝重起来。 This Zhao Jing stems from Saint Palace's Earth Saint Hall, but Earth Saint Hall and Blue Profound Sect Great Cliff Peak is ordinary, is primarily fleshly body cultivation, fleshly body is extreme, moves mountain Cuicheng sufficiently. 赵鲸出自圣宫的地圣殿,而地圣殿苍玄宗洪崖峰一般,皆是以肉身修炼为主,肉身极端强横,足以搬山催城。 This time Zhao Jing, just like an ominous ape. 此时的赵鲸,宛如一头凶猿。 But is situated in its front Zhou Yuan, then an average not wonderful feeling, as if Zhao Jing, so long as a fist gets down, the Zhou Yuan whole person, will be destroyed shortly. 而立于其前方的周元,则是给人一种平平无奇的感觉,仿佛赵鲸只要一拳下来,周元整个人,都将会在顷刻间被摧毁。 A countless vision, gathers in this, solidifies above that two confronting form. 无数道目光,汇聚于此,凝固在那两道对峙的身影之上。 Even the wind sound/rumor, as if stagnates in this time stops. 连风声,似乎都是在此时滞停。 Bang! 轰! Stagnated continued several breaths merely, the next quarter, wild imposing manner erupted from Zhao Jing within the body suddenly, his appearance was cruel, the sole trod, the ground cracked. 凝滞仅仅持续了数息,下一刻,狂暴的气势猛然自赵鲸体内爆发而出,他面目暴戾,脚掌一踏,地面崩裂。 But his form, is ordinary just like the shell, fierce violently shoots, its fast rapidness, brought the sound of sonic boom. 而他的身影,则是宛如炮弹一般,猛的暴射而出,其速之快,带起了音爆之声。 His five fingers grip tightly, a fist rumbles, the fist vigor roared, the space shook in this time slightly. 他五指紧握,一拳轰出,拳劲咆哮,空间都是在此时微微震荡。 Zhou Yuan looks at the form that violently shoots is coming, body void transformation, is then floating to draw back, at the same time, the sleeve robe flings, is has golden Origin Qi torrent together to roar. 周元望着那暴射而来的身影,身体虚化,然后飘然而退,与此同时,袖袍一甩,便是有着一道金色源气洪流咆哮而出。 Bang! 砰! A Zhao Jing fist falls, directly that Origin Qi torrent burst. 赵鲸一拳落下,直接是将那源气洪流生生的震爆。 He looks at Zhou Yuan that the choice is fending, corners of the mouth grinning hideously , the sole stamps, the speed rises suddenly instantaneously, leaves behind say/way afterimage, directly in that countless screams, appear(ance) behind Zhou Yuan's. 他望着选择闪避的周元,嘴角狞笑更甚,脚掌一跺,速度瞬间暴涨,留下道道残影,直接是在那无数道惊呼声中,出现在了周元的后方。 Dies to me!” “给我死!” His grinning hideously a fist is rumbling, the direct bang to the Zhou Yuan's head, getting down the stingy is spicy. 狞笑着一拳轰出,直接轰向周元的脑袋,下手狠辣。 The Zhou Yuan vision passed over gently and swiftly behind, is the five fingers grips tightly the fist, backhands a fist to rumble, when this fist rumbles, his skin starts glittering jade light, in the skeleton , has silver light to bloom. 周元眼光掠过身后,也是五指紧握成拳,反手一拳轰出,这一拳轰出时,他的皮肤开始闪烁玉光,骨骼中,也是有着银光绽放。 Bang! 轰! Two people fist straight firmly resists together, wild strength shock wave erupts immediately, flagstone ground unceasing splitting open of under foot, destructive power extremely astonishing. 两人的拳头笔直的硬憾在一起,狂暴的力量冲击波顿时爆发开来,脚下的石板地面不断的迸裂,破坏力极其的惊人。 All vision are looking in the field, at once is slightly one startled, because they see, that two forms, are all entirely still! 所有的目光望着场中,旋即皆是微微一惊,因为他们见到,那两道身影,皆是纹丝不动! Regarding Zhao Jing, they are actually not accidental/surprised, after all its strength is really tyrannical, that fleshly body, tempers the extremely aggressive situation, what surprised them was, Zhou Yuan can also catch Zhao Jing unexpectedly hardly struck not to drop the wind. 对于赵鲸,他们倒是并不意外,毕竟其实力实在是强横,那具肉身,也是锤炼到了极为凶悍的地步,但让得他们意外的是,周元竟然也能硬接住赵鲸的一击而不落下风。 Interesting, originally your also cultivation fleshly body.” “有意思,原来你也修炼肉身。” Zhao Jing looks at jade light that in the Zhou Yuan body is blooming, was astonished slightly, at once in eye cruel, grinning hideously say/way also good, your Great Cliff Peak that chief, was ripped an arm by me, I must have a look actually, how long can you insist in my hands?!” 赵鲸望着周元身躯上绽放的玉光,微微讶异了一下,旋即眼中的暴戾更甚,狞笑道“也好,你们洪崖峰那位首席,被我撕断一条手臂,我倒是要看看,你又能在我手中坚持多久?!” Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! The instance when its sound falls, sees only above its body, flow black light even more rich, the next quarter, his double fist like the rainstorm bombardment, changes into the countless fist shadow, each fist shadow, contains the extremely fearful strength. 当其声落的瞬间,只见得其身躯之上,流动黑光愈发的浓郁,下一刻,他双拳如暴雨般的轰击而出,化为无数道拳影,每一道拳影,都是蕴含着极为可怕的力量。 wū wū! 呜呜 The fist sound howls, the fresh breeze of divulging, stays behind deep traces in that ground. 拳音嘶啸,泄露的劲风,在那地面上留下一道道深深的痕迹。 So the offensive, all looks at all expert is some scalp tingles. 如此攻势,看得各方强者皆是有些头皮发麻。 Enlargement of the rapidly countless fist shadow in the Zhou Yuan's eye pupil, Zhou Yuan complexion is tranquil, jade light in body even more rich, silver light sends out from the skeleton, interweaves with jade light. 无数拳影在周元的眼瞳中急速的放大,周元面色平静,身躯上的玉光愈发的浓郁,银光从骨骼中散发出来,与玉光交织。 His double palm lays out, similarly changed into the palm shadow, holds the wind, although is inferior to the Zhao Jing like that wild ominous offense, but has a superficial calm stance. 他双掌拍出,同样是化为了道道掌影,掌风虽不如赵鲸那般狂暴凶戾,但却自有一番轻描淡写般的从容姿态。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! In that close , the fist palm collides, the fearful strength shock wave unceasing eruption, causes the space to shake. 在那咫尺之间,拳掌碰撞,可怕的力量冲击波不断的爆发,引得空间震荡。 countless line of sight stubbornly is staring at two people confrontation, from the momentum, is Zhao Jing gets the absolute winning side without doubt, his offensive such as 无数道视线死死的盯着两人的交锋,从声势而言,无疑是赵鲸占据着绝对的上风,他的攻势如 Rainstorm, such as torrent. 暴雨,如洪流 But Zhou Yuan, is that places a small boat between storm torrent, as has the danger of tilting, what surprises the person is, often the thrilling time, Zhou Yuan can reduce and solve it finally. 周元,则是那身处暴风洪流间的一叶扁舟,随着有着倾覆之危,但让得人意外的是,每每惊险时刻,周元终于是能够将其化解。 However, sees here time, those present, have been able to feel that has Zhou Yuan's has some strengths, after all can support in the hand of Zhao Jing such for a long time, if he can cut to kill Fan Yao, perhaps pours is not the impossible matter. 不过,看到这里的时候,在场的人,已是能够感觉出周元的确是有着一些实力,毕竟能够在赵鲸的手中撑这么久,如果说他能够斩杀范妖,或许倒也不是不可能的事情。 Bang! 轰! In field, is aggressive hard bumps. 场中,又是一次凶悍的硬碰。 Zhou Yuan and Zhao Jing all are the form shoot to draw back. 周元赵鲸皆是身影倒射而退。 Huo Tian is looking in the field, complexion actually sinks, say/way Zhao Jing, do not play again!” 霍天望着场中,面色却是微沉,道“赵鲸,不要再玩了!” He needs, is Zhao Jing easily accomplished routing Zhou Yuan, actually rather than wants the weighing to have Zhou Yuan to have several water diversion. 他需要的,是赵鲸摧枯拉朽般的击溃周元,而不是要称量出周元究竟有几分水准。 Zhao Jing turned the neck, grins to say with a smile fleshly body of this boy to be good, meets to be able rarely with person who I bump hardly 赵鲸扭了扭脖子,咧嘴笑道“这小子的肉身还不错,难得遇见能跟我硬碰的人” However now he also knows is not addicted to the war, therefore he to Zhou Yuan is casting the fierce vision, say/way boy, my 60% strength had not used a moment ago continually.” 不过他也知晓现在不是嗜战的时候,于是他对着周元投去狰狞的目光,道“小子,刚才我可是连60%力都未曾用到。” Zhou Yuan smiled one pale, say/way I said how soft was like the woman fist.” 周元淡笑一声,道“我就说怎么软绵绵的跟女人拳头一样。” In the Zhao Jing eye flashes through the cruel color, he stares at Zhou Yuan, both hands is closing up suddenly, the next quarter, black qi stream wriggles among its flesh and blood, sees only his skin, starts to change into the black iron color in this time, the palm becomes gigantic, the black nail is also becomes sharp. 赵鲸眼中闪过暴戾之色,他盯着周元,双手猛然合拢,下一刻,黑色的气流自其血肉间蠕动起来,只见他的皮肤,开始在此时化为黑铁般的色彩,手掌变得硕大,黑色的指甲也是变得锋利起来。 His originally tall robust body, inflates again, just like one roughly about several feet giant. 本就高壮的身躯,再度膨胀起来,宛如一头约莫数丈左右的巨人。 Roar!” “吼!” He face upwards to roar, the double fist bang pounds the chest, sent out just like the gold and iron sound. 他仰天咆哮,双拳轰砸胸膛,发出了犹如金铁般的声音。 The fearful ominous baleful aura potential, fills the air from its within the body. 可怕的凶煞气势,自其体内弥漫而出。 Behind that Tang Muxin and the others were looking at this time Zhao Jing, complexion also changes, that broke Great Cliff Peak chief Chen Ze of arm, is complexion is more dignified, say/way this is the Saint Palace Earth Saint Hall Ape Demon technique! Extremely fierce! This Zhao Jing, must use full power.” 在那后方,唐沐心等人望着此时的赵鲸,面色也是微变,那断了一臂的洪崖峰首席陈泽,更是面色凝重,道“这是圣宫地圣殿猿魔术!极其厉害!这赵鲸,要倾尽全力了。” Tang Muxin and the others hearing this, is in the eye delimits has worried about the color. 唐沐心等人闻言,也是眼中划过担忧之色。 Zhou Yuan is looking at that such as demon ape Zhao Jing, in his eye, does not have appear(ance) any nervous look, this Zhao Jing strength is very indeed strong, if he has not broken through Golden Blood Realm at present, wants to defeat it, perhaps must be a time-comsuming. 周元望着那如魔猿般的赵鲸,不过他的眼中,并没有出现任何的紧张之色,这赵鲸实力的确很强,如果眼下他未曾突破到金血境的话,想要将其击败,或许还要费一番功夫。 But pitifully does not have, if. 但可惜没有如果。 Zhou Yuan deep inspiration, both eyes shut, mutter „, but 30% strength that you may know previously me to use.” 周元深深的吸了一口气,双目微闭,喃喃道“那你可知先前我所用的,不过30%之力。” At this moment, in Zhou Yuan hearts, blood of that drop of golden, vibration gently. 这一刻,周元心脏之间,那一滴金色的血液,轻轻的震动。 The blood threads of countless golden spreads, is connected with flesh and blood. 无数金色的血丝蔓延开来,与血肉相连。 When the Zhou Yuan eye pupil opens that flickers, in his pupil, has the golden light sparkle. 周元眼瞳睁开的那一瞬,他的瞳孔中,有着金光闪耀。 Then, lets your true experience, strength from Blue Profound Sect's fleshly body “接下来,就让你真正的见识一下,来自苍玄宗的肉身之力吧” ( Today two.). (今日两更。)。 ( https:) (https:)
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