VY :: Volume #5

#425: thorny Yang Xuan

In the sky, black Heaven Primal Brush with section of pale bone whip collision together, the Origin Qi fluctuation that the dissipation comes out, is causes the space to shiver directly slightly. 天空上,黑色的天元笔与一截惨白的骨鞭碰撞在一起,那所散逸出来的源气波动,直接是引得空间都是在微微颤抖。 Clang!” “铛!” Bone whip fierce shakes, Origin Qi erupts, shakes Heaven Primal Brush directly, but Zhou Yuan's figure, shot to draw back at this time illness/quick. 骨鞭猛的一震,源气爆发,直接是震开了天元笔,而周元的身形,也是在此时疾射而退。 Yang Xuan has not pursued, he is situated in void, look hidden in the shade is staring at Zhou Yuan, above the bone whip in hand, grayish white Origin Qi lingers, is sending out the grating wailing sound. 杨玄没有追击,他立于虚空,眼神阴翳的盯着周元,手中的骨鞭之上,灰白源气萦绕,散发着刺耳的尖啸声。 imposing manner of his whole body, in unceasing promotion. 他周身的气势,在不断的提升。 Among Heaven and Earth a countless line of sight is also the gathering on this time Yang Xuan, finally on stay that miserable white bone whip, is the look concentrates in his hands. 天地无数道视线也是汇聚于此时的杨玄身上,最后停留在其手中那惨白骨鞭上,皆是眼神一凝。 Unexpectedly is also Heaven Origin Weapon?!” “竟然也是天源兵?!” My goodness, this Yang Xuan was compelled this unexpectedly... previously Bai Li and Qin Hai collaborates, has not achieved!” “好家伙,这杨玄竟然被逼到这一步了…先前白璃秦海联手,都没做到呢!” Really pitifully, previously Zhou Yuan can flaunt the prestige, the primary cause is because Heaven Origin Weapon in his hand, Yang Xuan also has Heaven Origin Weapon now, perhaps the aspect has changed.” “真是可惜,先前周元能够逞威,主要原因便是因为他手中的天源兵,如今杨玄也是有了天源兵,恐怕局面又得有所变化了。” „......” “……” In that many talking in whispers sounds, Zhou Yuan is also the look presently dignified is staring at this time Yang Xuan, after previously short to bumping, the bone whip in opposite party hand, should indeed exceed the Profound Origin Weapon level. 在那诸多窃窃私语声中,周元也是眼神微现凝重的盯着此时的杨玄,经过先前短暂的对碰,对方手中的骨鞭,应该的确是超越了玄源兵的层次。 But is actually not considered as that true Heaven Origin Weapon. 但却并不算是真正的天源兵 Accurate, could calculate that makes Quasi-Heaven Origin Weapon. 准确来说,或许能够算做一柄准天源兵 Even so, after Yang Xuan is also offers a sacrifice to Heaven Origin Weapon, his advantage will start to weaken, after all Heaven Primal Brush's Origin Break, most in view of the pure Origin Qi offensive. 但即便如此,当杨玄也是祭出天源兵后,他的优势就会开始衰减,毕竟天元笔的破源,最为的针对纯粹的源气攻势。 But when facing Heaven Origin Weapon of opposite party, on Origin Break might weak some. 但在面对着对方的天源兵时,破源的威力就会弱上一些。 The Zhou Yuan's palm, gripping tightly Heaven Primal Brush slowly, like the black ink pen tip on, has the profound light stream revolutions jet black. 周元的手掌,缓缓的紧握天元笔,漆黑如墨般的笔尖上,有着深邃之光流转。 Shuā! 唰! Next flickers, his look suddenly concentrates, because that Yang Xuan form instantaneous appear(ance) in his front, then, that pale bone whip then changes into coming of countless bone shadow hiding the sky and covering the earth again. 下一瞬,他眼神忽的一凝,因为那杨玄的身影瞬间出现在了他的前方,再然后,那惨白的骨鞭便是化为无数道骨影铺天盖地的呼啸而来。 Each bone shadow, brings the wailing, the biography to hear 每一道骨影,都是带着尖啸,传入耳中 Even Origin Qi in joined bodies came under the influence, has a disorder. 甚至连体内的源气都是受到了影响,有所紊乱。 Zhou Yuan hurried revolution Origin Qi, resists the disturbance of that type of wailing, Heaven Primal Brush is shaking, Origin Qi surges, welcomed immediately. 周元急忙运转源气,抵御着那种尖啸的干扰,天元笔一震,源气涌动间,也是立即迎上。 Clang! Clang! 铛!铛! Sees only in the sky, two person's shadows interlock like lightning, countless said that the brush shadow whip shadow bumps aggressively hardly, each collision, has thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge Origin Qi Lianyi (ripple) to erupt, the shake is void. 只见得天空上,两道人影闪电般的交错,无数笔影鞭影凶悍硬碰,每一次的碰撞,都有着千丈巨大的源气涟漪爆发开来,震荡虚空。 Like that the confrontation, it may be said that was vicious to pinnacle. 那般交锋,可谓是凶狠到了极致 However this time, no matter what who is looks, is facing Yang Xuan that grasps Quasi-Heaven Origin Weapon, Zhou Yuan that easily accomplished stance had previously lost. 不过这一次,任谁都是看得出来,面对着手持一柄准天源兵杨玄,周元先前那种摧枯拉朽般的姿态已经失去。 Although from the grade, the bone whip in Yang Xuan hand cannot compare Heaven Primal Brush, but latter after all own Origin Qi background by far Zhou Yuan, therefore after relying on the strength of bone whip, is gradually pulls the aspect again reaches behind the back. 虽说从品级上而言,杨玄手中的骨鞭比不上天元笔,但后者毕竟自身的源气底蕴远胜周元,所以在借助了骨鞭的力量后,也是渐渐的再度将局面扳回手中。 In that Heaven and Earth, lines of sight, are intense incomparable looks in the sky to battle two person's shadows that. 在那天地间,一道道视线,都是紧张无比的望着天空上交战的两道人影。 The short several minutes, are fight over a hundred rounds. 短短数分钟,已是交手上百回合。 Clang! 铛! Also is a violent collision, the Zhou Yuan figure was shaken draws back, his complexion even more dignified, Heaven Origin Weapon regarding the increase indeed no small matter of strength, this Yang Xuan and compared with, thorny were too previously many. 又是一次猛烈的碰撞,周元身形被震退,他面色愈发的凝重,天源兵对于战力的增幅的确非同小可,这杨玄与先前相比,棘手了太多。 At this time his palm, is the faint transmitting pricking. 此时他的手掌,都是隐隐的传来刺痛感。 „Weren't you previously very rampant?!” That Yang Xuan vision looks like, the corners of the mouth have the satire to reappear. “你先前不是很嚣张吗?!”那杨玄目光看来,嘴角有着讽刺浮现。 Fires off again proud.” Zhou Yuan returns to sneer. “打完再得意吧。”周元回以冷笑。 That looked when you can also reluctant to admit a mistake arrive!” Yang Xuan look gloomy and cold, in the hand the bone whip shakes suddenly, shoots up to the sky unexpectedly, time everywhere is the sound of gloomy and cold wailing. “那就看你还能嘴硬到何时!”杨玄眼神阴冷,手中骨鞭猛然一震,竟是冲天而起,顿时间漫天都是阴冷的尖啸之声。 Origin Qi between Heaven and Earth comes in waves, wells up bone to inter the body in the whip, a pressure also releases. 天地间的源气滚滚而来,涌入骨鞭之内,一股威压也是随之释放出来。 Day bone whip, day bone shadow!” “天骨鞭,天骨影!” Yang Xuan both hands tie seal, calls out makes noise. 杨玄双手结印,暴喝出声。 Sees only in the sky, in the bone whip has pale Origin Qi to erupt, finally beside that bone whip, formed huge white bone phantom unexpectedly faintly. 只见得天空上,骨鞭中有着惨白的源气爆发出来,最后竟是在那骨鞭之外,隐隐的形成了一道巨大的白骨虚影 That said that the phantom person is inhuman, resembles the beast non- beast, just like a countless set, looks quite strange. 那道虚影似人非人,似兽非兽,宛如是无数种的集合,看上去相当诡异。 hū hū! 呼呼 That say/way giant white bone phantom whole body is gathering astonishing Origin Qi, next one flickers, howls suddenly, dives at an astonishing speed to Zhou Yuan. 那道巨大的白骨虚影周身汇聚着惊人的源气,下一瞬,猛然呼啸而下,以一种惊人的速度俯冲向周元 Looks at that to say white bone phantom, the Zhou Yuan's pupil also shrinks slightly, obviously detects swift and fierce of Yang Xuan this offensive. 望着那道白骨虚影,周元的瞳孔也是微微一缩,显然是察觉到杨玄这道攻势之凌厉。 He is also took a deep breath, a palm loosen, Heaven Primal Brush shoots up to the sky, is absorbing Origin Qi between Heaven and Earth, immediately has radiant golden light to erupt. 他也是深吸一口气,手掌一松,天元笔冲天而起,吸取着天地间的源气,顿时有着璀璨金光爆发开来。 Heaven Primal Brush, Myriad Whale Pattern!” 天元笔,万鲸纹!” When the Zhou Yuan seal law fluctuates, in Heaven Primal Brush as if exuded the sound of melodious and ancient whale recitation, rushing Origin Qi howls to surge just like the storm. 周元印法变幻时,天元笔内仿佛是发出了悠扬而古老的鲸吟之声,澎湃的源气宛如风暴般的呼啸涌动。 Meanwhile, a huge whale shadow appears, circles in the Heaven Primal Brush whole body. 与此同时,一道巨大的鲸影浮现,盘旋在天元笔周身。 Also is together... 紧接着,又是一道… Whale shadow unceasing appear(ance), eventually achieved five unexpectedly! 一道道鲸影不断的出现,最终竟是达到了五道! Evolved Heaven Origin Weapon along with Heaven Primal Brush, Myriad Whale Pattern mighty energy clearly also had the huge promotion, in the past when Zhou Yuan displayed, at most appear(ance) together whale shadow, however now, actually turns five times! 伴随着天元笔进化到天源兵,万鲸纹威能显然也是有了巨大的提升,以往周元施展时,顶多出现一道鲸影,然而现在,却是翻了五倍! Each whale shadow, has the extremely powerful strength, now five gatherings, are sufficiently overwhelming. 每一道鲸影,都拥有极为强悍的力量,如今五道汇聚,足以翻江倒海。 Obviously, is facing the Yang Xuan more and more astonishing offensive, Zhou Yuan is also starts to use full power. 显然,面对着杨玄越来越惊人的攻势,周元也是开始倾尽全力 Goes!” “去!” Zhou Yuan calls out, Heaven Primal Brush vibrates, exudes buzz the sound of cry, then is air-splitting, five whale shades circle in its surroundings, the sound of whale recitation, resounds through Heaven and Earth. 周元一声暴喝,天元笔震动,发出嗡鸣之声,然后便是破空而出,五道鲸影在其周围盘旋,鲸吟之声,响彻天地 countless line of sight, stubbornly is looking at this. 无数道视线,都是死死的望着这一幕。 In the sky, huge white bone phantom howls, Heaven Primal Brush carries five whale shades to shoot up to the sky, finally, under that tense incomparable line of sight, both aggressive incomparable collision in one. 天空上,巨大的白骨虚影呼啸而下,天元笔携带着五道鲸影冲天而起,最终,在那一道道紧张无比的视线下,两者凶悍无匹的碰撞在了一起。 hōng hōng! 轰轰 Several thousand zhang (3.33 m) Origin Qi impact, blasts out loudly, even if has a distance from the ground, shakes many hill avalanches as before, the land cracks... 数千丈的源气冲击,轰然炸开,即便是距离地面有着一段距离,依旧是震得诸多山丘崩塌,大地崩裂… In the sky, the whale shadow was torn, but that white bone phantom, is cuns (2.5 cm) cracking. 天空上,鲸影被撕裂,而那白骨虚影,也是寸寸的崩裂。 Zhou Yuan and Yang Xuan form bears the brunt, was affected by that fearful shock wave, immediately two people bodies shake, slightly distressed but actually shoots, 周元杨玄的身影首当其冲,被那可怕的冲击波所波及,当即两人的身躯都是一震,略显狼狈的倒射而出, Finally two people are respective was hit in a crimson mountain peak. 最后两人都是各自的被撞进一座赤红山峰中。 Bang! 轰! The mountain peak avalanche, the quarry stone tumbles, buried two people. 山峰崩塌,乱石滚落,将两人都是埋了进去。 However next flickers, the quarry stone was then raised flies, two forms also shot up to the sky, fall on two mountain tops of confrontation. 不过下一瞬,乱石便是被掀飞,两道身影同时冲天而起,落在了对峙的两座山头上。 A countless line of sight projects to go. 无数道视线投射而去。 Sees only this time two people, the clothing is somewhat shatter, corners of the mouth appear(ance) a bloodstain, obviously in previously that type to bumping, was appear(ance) an injury. 只见得此时的两人,衣衫都是有些破碎,嘴角出现了一丝血迹,显然在先前那种对碰中,都是出现了一点伤势。 Does not know one's place unexpectedly. 竟是不分上下。 Among Heaven and Earth resounded a sound in an uproar, eye of bands of light amazed is staring at the Zhou Yuan's form... 天地间响起了一连片的哗然声,一道道目光带着惊异的盯着周元的身影… They think after Yang Xuan is also offers a sacrifice to Heaven Origin Weapon, the aspect should be reversed, but didn't expect Zhou Yuan also so tenacious, blocked the Yang Xuan so astonishing offensive unexpectedly. 他们原本以为当杨玄也是祭出天源兵后,局面应该被逆转,但没想到周元也是如此的顽强,竟是生生的挡住了杨玄如此惊人的攻势。 In the sky of that distant place, Li Qingchan is looking at so the result, on beautiful charming face has also delimited the joyful color, the cold frost on cheeks had also melted. 在那远处的天空上,李卿婵望着这般结果,绝美的俏脸上也是划过欣喜之色,原本脸颊上的寒霜也是有所融化。 This fellow... also is really repeatedly accidental/surprised.” She said in a soft voice, during spoken languages, many some meanings of appreciation. “这个家伙…还真是屡屡让人意外。”她轻声道,言语间,不乏一些赞赏之意。 Nearby Zhao Zhu curls the lip, said: Feared that he is the spent force.” 一旁的赵烛撇了撇嘴,道:“就怕他已是强弩之末。” Li Qingchan willow eyebrows slightly pressed, said: Junior Brother Zhao Zhu, although Zhou Yuan with some of your Sword Peak gratitude and grudges, but now is actually showing no external differences time, does not do to rise others power and prestige, if Zhou Yuan lost, your my time punishes unavoidably.” 李卿婵柳眉微蹙,道:“赵烛师弟,虽然周元与你们剑来峰有些恩怨,但如今却是一致对外的时候,休要涨他人威风,若是周元输了,你我此次都免不了责罚。” Was scolded by Li Qingchan, Zhao Zhu also can only receive the sound resentfully. 李卿婵呵斥一顿,赵烛也就只能悻悻的收了声。 In Li Qingchan, opposite of Zhao Zhu, that Saint Palace's Wang Li, Cao Jinzhu is also paying attention to that side battlefield, but their complexion, relaxedness from the beginning, similarly gradually becomes must some be not quite attractive. 李卿婵,赵烛对面,那圣宫的王离,曹金柱也是在关注着那边的战场,而他们的面色,从一开始的轻松,同样是渐渐的变得有些不太好看起来。 Their also didn't expect, Yang Xuan unexpectedly by a trivial Absolute Beginning Realm 4-layer Heaven disciple stopping... 他们也没想到,杨玄竟然会被一个区区太初境四重天的弟子给阻拦下来… Actually is Yang Xuan doing what?” Cao Jinzhu knits the brows to say. 杨玄究竟在搞什么?”曹金柱皱眉道。 That named Zhou Yuan's Blue Profound Sect disciple, somewhat is actually strange.” Wang Li slowly said: Origin Qi background of this person, abundance of supreme imagination.” “那个叫做周元的苍玄宗弟子,倒是有些古怪。”王离缓缓的道:“此人的源气底蕴,超人想象的雄厚。” They also looked, even without that strange black brush, Zhou Yuan's Origin Qi background is not weak in common 7-layer Heaven, this explained his Origin Qi foundation solidly extremely. 他们也是看了出来,即便没有那古怪黑笔,周元的源气底蕴都不弱于寻常的七重天,这说明他的源气根基极为的扎实。 Yang Xuan wants to win him, cannot hide again.” 杨玄想要赢他,也就不能再有所隐藏了。” Wang Li coldly looked at one Li Qingchan two people, then his sound under coercing of Origin Qi, such as startled thunder-like has then rolled the horizon, the biography to the distant place. 王离冷冷的看了一眼李卿婵二人,然后他的声音便是在源气的裹挟下,如惊雷般滚过天际,传向了远处。 Yang Xuan, do not keep the hand again!” 杨玄,不要再留手了!” His sound, has rolled the horizon, finally also resounded through in Zhou Yuan and place of Yang Xuan confrontation. 他的声音,滚过天际,最终也是响彻在了周元杨玄对峙之地。 Face of Yang Xuan, hidden in the shade is staring at Zhou Yuan, when he hears the Wang Li sound, the brow wrinkled the wrinkle, in the eye was passed over gently and swiftly wipes the hesitant color. 杨玄的面庞,正阴翳的盯着周元,当他听到王离的声音时,眉头皱了皱,眼中似是掠过一抹犹豫之色。 But finally, changed into hesitant decidedly. 但最终,犹豫化为了决然。 In Saint Palace, the palace gauge is severe, if this time he lets slip here, after going back, definitely will be punished, cultivation resources will also be eliminated, serious influence future cultivation. 圣宫之内,宫规严厉,若是此次他在这里失手,回去后必然会受到惩处,修炼资源也会被剥夺,严重影响日后的修炼 Therefore, he cannot lose today absolutely. 所以,他今日绝对不能输。 Wipes the ominous offense, welled up the Yang Xuan face. 一抹凶戾,涌上了杨玄的脸庞。 His gloomy looked at Zhou Yuan one, ripped open the clothing directly, revealed the chest, sees only in his heart position, has together the ring-like blood mark, the blood mark just like wriggles in flesh and blood, above has the ancient trace faintly. 他阴森森的看了周元一眼,直接撕开了衣衫,露出了胸膛,只见在其心脏的位置处,有着一道环形的血纹,血纹犹如是在血肉中蠕动,上面隐隐有着古老的纹路。 As if together a seal. 仿佛是一道封印。 This seal, is I to compete for the Saint Palace 12 palace chief preparations, didn't expect today, will use on your body unexpectedly...” “原本这道封印,是我为了争夺圣宫十二殿首席准备的,没想到今日,竟会用在你的身上…” You went bad my good deed.” “你坏了我的好事。” Therefore you could rest assured that when I beat you, I the bone of your whole body, sections of crumbs, will release hate of my heart by this!” “所以你放心,待我将你击败时,我会将你全身的骨头,一截截的捏碎,以此来泄我心头之恨!” When the Yang Xuan dense sound, brings the strong vicious tendencies, resounds through. 杨玄森然的声音,带着浓烈的戾气,响彻起来。 ! 噗! Yang Xuan bites the tip of tongue, blood essence spouts, blood essence was grasped by him in the hand, then wiped on the blood-red seal of heart place, immediately the seal chī chī emitting mist, the seal started to be dissolved. 杨玄一咬舌尖,一口精血喷出,精血被他握在手中,然后抹在了心脏处的血红封印上,顿时封印嗤嗤的冒出雾气,封印开始被溶解。 Bang! 轰! When seal radical dissolved that flash, everyone can feel, a fearful Origin Qi fluctuation, just like suppressed for a long time volcano to be common, erupts in this time loudly! 当封印被彻底溶解的那一瞬间,所有人都是能够感觉到,一股可怕的源气波动,宛如被压制许久的火山一般,在此时轰然爆发! His mountain peak is shivering, cracks. 他脚下的山峰都是在颤抖,崩裂。 countless eye of band of light with amazement is looking at that form. 无数道目光带着骇然的望着那道身影。 Because along with increasing of successively that Origin Qi, this time Yang Xuan, broke the 7-layer Heaven boundary impressively, faint increasing to 8-layer Heaven realm! 因为伴随着那源气的节节攀升,此时的杨玄,赫然是突破了七重天的界限,隐隐的攀升到了八重天境界 Is facing this, Bai Li, Qin Hai and the others in abundance the look changes. 面对着这一幕,白璃,秦海等人纷纷色变。 Even Zhou Yuan, the pupil reduces, complexion becomes extreme is dignified. 甚至于连周元,瞳孔都是紧缩,面色变得极端的凝重起来。 This Yang Xuan... really also has so shocking trump card! 这个杨玄…竟然还有这般让人震惊的底牌 ( Today restores update.) (今天恢复更新。)
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