VY :: Volume #5

#424: Zhou Yuan reveals the prestige

hōng hōng! 轰轰 But chill/yin cold wild grayish white Origin Qi, is centered on Yang Xuan wreak havoc to come, the Origin Qi light beam like the rocket ascension, in that just like can hear to fill death aura the sound of howling. 一波波阴寒而狂暴的灰白源气,以杨玄为中心肆虐开来,源气光柱如狼烟般升腾而起,在那其中,犹如是能够听见充满着死亡气息的呜啸之声。 Is feeling that abundant incomparable Origin Qi, various people on the scene are complexion change, looked that fills to the Yang Xuan vision is dreading with the scared look. 感受着那种雄厚无匹的源气,在场的诸人都是面色微变,看向杨玄的目光中充满着忌惮与惧色。 Zhou Yuan, be careful!” Bai Li in the rear area cannot bear sound said. 周元,小心!”白璃在后方忍不住的出声道。 Obviously, this time Yang Xuan, has been at the condition that the violent walks. 显然,此时的杨玄,已经处于暴走的状态。 After previous fight, Bai Li still has to acknowledge even, this Yang Xuan indeed thorny extremely, even before she and Qin Hai during the match with him, perhaps latter not completely earnest. 经过先前的交手,就算是白璃也不得不承认,这个杨玄的确极其的棘手,甚至于之前她与秦海在与其交锋时,恐怕后者都并没有完全的认真过。 But at present, he lets slip by Zhou Yuan is injured, this is also thorough enraged Yang Xuan. 但眼下,他无意间失手被周元所伤,这也是彻底的激怒了杨玄 wū wū! 呜呜 Yang Xuan look gloomy and cold locking Zhou Yuan, both hands are closing up, formed a hand imprint, grayish white Origin Qi torrent that the time shoots up to the sky dives, enormous and powerful, even the land is shivering, vibration. 杨玄眼神阴冷的锁定着周元,双手合拢,形成了一道手印,顿时间冲天而起的灰白源气洪流俯冲而下,浩浩荡荡之下,连大地都是在颤抖,震动。 Moreover, in that Origin Qi torrent, is indistinct, seems like has the countless shadow to flee, these shadows, have the beast, has the person, seems like extremely strange. 而且,在那源气洪流内,隐约间,似乎是有着无数的影子在窜动,那些影子,有兽,有人,看上去极为的诡异。 This is Yang Xuan cultivates Origin Qi, named Myriad Bone Origin Qi, is must in Death Qi by many skeleton melt with, Origin Qi that so forms, contains Death Qi, once by corrosion, fleshly body then rapid corruption, extremely overbearing. 这是杨玄所修源气,名为“万骨源气”,乃是要以诸多骨骸中的死气与自身相融,如此形成的源气,蕴含着死气,一旦被侵蚀,肉身便会迅速的腐烂,极为的霸道。 Whoosh! 咻! Grayish white Origin Qi torrent howls, Zhou Yuan is also raise one's head, he looks at that and other vigorous Origin Qi, in the eye is also congealing, next one flickers, his sole stamps, does not dodge unexpectedly does not evade, instead is directly on. 灰白源气洪流呼啸而下,周元也是抬头,他望着那等雄浑源气,眼中也是微凝,下一瞬,他脚掌一跺,竟是不闪不避,反而是迎头而上。 Heaven Primal Brush vibration slightly, Origin Qi between Heaven and Earth also comes in this time in his hands, floods into Heaven Primal Brush. 天元笔在其手中微微的震动,天地间的源气也是在此时呼啸而来,涌入天元笔内。 Therefore the Origin Qi fluctuation of Zhou Yuan whole body, is increasing successively. 于是周元周身的源气波动,也是在节节攀升。 Generally according to the normalcy, Zhou Yuan after all is only Absolute Beginning Realm 4-layer Heaven, even if his background can compare favorably with general Absolute Beginning Realm 7-layer Heaven, but must with being in 7-layer Heaven perfection Yang Xuan compares, obviously has a disparity. 一般按照正常来说,周元毕竟只是太初境四重天,即便他底蕴能够媲美一般的太初境七重天,但要跟处于七重天圆满杨玄相比,显然还是有所差距。 But at present has Heaven Primal Brush this new promote the increase of Heaven Origin Weapon, in this Origin Qi disparity, from some perspective, Zhou Yuan is not weak in Yang Xuan. 但眼下有了天元笔这新晋的天源兵的增幅,在这源气差距上,从某种角度而言,周元已是不弱于杨玄 Chī! 嗤! Under thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge Origin Qi torrent, Zhou Yuan's form just like ants, however he is actually fearless, Heaven Primal Brush shakes, snow white pen tip again gradually becomes must be jet black, obscure profound radiance condenses, obviously stimulated to movement the Origin Break strength again. 千丈庞大的源气洪流之下,周元的身影宛如蝼蚁,然而他却是毫无畏惧,天元笔一震,雪白的笔尖再度渐渐的变得漆黑,晦涩深邃的光芒凝聚,显然是再度催动了破源的力量。 Gives me to break!” “给我破!” The jet black pen tip and Origin Qi torrent collision together, Heaven and Earth seemed silent flickered, again then, a countless line of sight was sight of vibration, huge Origin Qi torrent started to collapse from the beginning. 漆黑的笔尖与源气洪流碰撞在一起,天地仿佛都是寂静了一瞬,再然后,无数道视线便是震动的见到,巨大的源气洪流开始从头崩溃。 But Zhou Yuan's form, is the direct impact on, the place visited, grayish white Origin Qi cracks all. 周元的身影,则是直冲而上,所过之处,灰白源气尽数崩裂。 In Origin Break under increase, so long as the Origin Qi offensive of opposite party has not had the absolute advantage, that under Origin Break, weak several points. 在“破源”的增幅下,只要对方的源气攻势并没有占据绝对的优势,那都将会在破源之下,弱势数分。 Snort!” “哼!” Yang Xuan sees that look hidden in the shade, the seal law changes, the time is several Origin Qi torrent howls, passes through void, continuous is going to the Zhou Yuan bang. 杨玄见状,眼神更为的阴翳,印法一变,顿时间又是数道源气洪流呼啸而出,贯穿虚空,接连不断的对着周元轰去。 Obviously, he is some does not believe in evil doctrines. 显然,他还是有些不信邪。 The Zhou Yuan's form flashes when the sky plunders, Heaven Primal Brush vibrates, brush shadow air-splitting, whenever brush shadow passed over gently and swiftly, Origin Qi torrent that comes, then by it penetration tearing. 周元的身影在天空上闪掠而过,天元笔震动,笔影破空,而每当笔影掠过时,那呼啸而来的一道道源气洪流,便是被其生生的贯穿撕裂。 Is looking in the sky that say/way flashing before form, in a countless line of sight was appear(ance) some colors of exclamation, who didn't expect, Zhou Yuan is relying on the Absolute Beginning Realm 4-layer Heaven strength unexpectedly, will come from Origin Qi offensive routing of all Yang Xuan. 望着天空上那道闪现的身影,无数道视线中都是出现了一些惊叹之色,谁都没想到,周元竟然凭借着太初境四重天的实力,生生的将来自杨玄源气攻势尽数的击溃。 In the midair in that distant place, in the Li Qingchan beautiful pupil radiance surges, received in this eye, immediately on her beautiful cheeks also appeared wiped amazed look. 在那远处的半空中,李卿婵美眸中光芒涌动,也是将这一幕收入了眼中,当即她绝美的脸颊上也是浮现了一抹惊异之色 How did the Zhou Yuan's strength... promote so many suddenly?” 周元的实力...怎么突然提升了这么多?” She thought aloud, present Zhou Yuan, obviously compared with leaving Blue Profound Sect time-variable stronger , by level of Zhou Yuan when Blue Profound Sect, is very at least difficult to receive the Origin Qi offensive of Yang Xuan this level directly. 她自言自语,现在的周元,明显比离开苍玄宗时变得更强了,至少,以周元苍玄宗时的层次,恐怕很难正面接下杨玄这种层次的源气攻势。 Nearby that Zhao Zhu complexion is also surprised uncertain, in his opinion, Zhou Yuan, although is the eminent in their Blue Profound Sect this generation of rookie disciple, but also is only restricted in the common disciple, but Zhou Yuan wants to rush out the position in the purple belt disciple, at least is also the year polish. 在那一旁,赵烛面色也是惊疑不定,在他看来,周元虽然算是他们苍玄宗这一辈新人弟子中的翘楚,但也仅限于寻常弟子中,而周元想要在紫带弟子中闯出地位来,起码还要数年的时间打磨。 But at present, who can know, Zhou Yuan can actually not know one's place with the 7-layer Heaven perfection Yang Xuan fight, this makes him feel extremely inconceivable. 但眼下,谁能知晓,周元竟然能够跟七重天圆满杨玄斗得不分上下,这让得他感到极为的不可思议。 black brush in Zhou Yuan hand has the issue...” Li Qingchan watched a meeting, finally was looks to understand, said in a soft voice. 周元手中的黑笔有问题...”李卿婵看了一会,终于是看明白了过来,轻声说道。 If I have not guessed that wrong, perhaps his black brush, was the Heaven Origin Weapon level.” “如果我没猜错的话,他这支黑笔,恐怕达到了天源兵的层次。” Zhou Yuan own Origin Qi indeed is less than Yang Xuan, but black brush in his hand actually extremely strange, seems like has some special strength, why this is also Zhou Yuan can repeatedly with a handling big issue with smart power stance, routs the Origin Qi offensive of opposite party. 周元自身的源气的确不及杨玄,但他手中的黑笔却是极为的怪异,似乎是具备着某种特殊的力量,这也是为何周元能够屡屡以一种四两拨千斤的姿态,将对方的源气攻势击溃。 Heaven Origin Weapon?” 天源兵?” Zhao Zhu is startled, Heaven Origin Weapon is not the common thing, even in Blue Profound Sect, still only has their these Saint Child to obtain granting of sect. 赵烛一怔,天源兵可不是什么寻常之物,即便是在苍玄宗内,也唯有他们这些圣子才能够获得宗门的赏赐。 The common disciple, some backgrounds, may not have this thing even. 寻常弟子,就算是有些背景,也不一定能够拥有此物。 So that's how it is...” “原来如此...” ... ... Outside that crater. 在那火山口外。 Many influences look at the scene that in the Origin Qi light screen is producing an inverted image, is exuding some screams, obviously the development the present is somewhat not as they expected. 诸多势力望着源气光幕中倒映出来的景象,也是在发出一些惊呼声,显然局势发展到现在有些出乎他们的意料。 Elder Wu similarly is somewhat dumbfounded is looking at the Origin Qi light microscope. 乌长老同样是有些目瞪口呆的望着源气光镜。 This boy...” “这个小子...” He is staring at that unceasingly Zhou Yuan that vigorous Origin Qi light beams crush, on the old face also full is amazed look, his how didn't expect, when Blue Profound Sect's situation bad to this situation. 他盯着那不断将一道道雄浑的源气光柱击碎的周元,苍老的面庞上也满是惊异之色,他怎么都没想到,当苍玄宗的局势恶劣到这种地步的时候。 The station retrieval, can be unexpectedly this is sent to frontier service from the beginning Zhou Yuan beyond central area by him... 站出来挽救局面的,竟然会是这个被他一开始就发配到核心圈之外的周元... „Is this boy, so how fierce?” Say/Way that Elder Wu cannot bear, obviously is only the 4-layer Heaven strength, but can with the Yang Xuan fight this. “这小子,怎么这么猛?”乌长老忍不住的道,明明只是四重天的实力,但偏偏能够与杨玄斗成这样。 He looked at the long time, finally the vision also stayed in the Zhou Yuan hand on that black brush. 他瞧了半晌,最终目光也是停留在了周元手中那黑笔上面。 No wonder...” “怪不得...” Obviously, he also saw the clue. 显然,他也是看出了端倪。 Why however no matter the reason is, Elder Wu does not care, because he only cares about the result, therefore his vision, starts to have an anticipation is staring at the Zhou Yuan's form. 不过不管原因是为何,乌长老都不在乎,因为他只在乎结果,于是他的目光,开始带着一丝期待的盯着周元的身影。 At present , can only hope, Zhou Yuan can stop that Yang Xuan. 眼下,也只能期盼着,周元能够将那杨玄阻拦下来。 Elder Wu did not count on that Zhou Yuan can defeat Yang Xuan, so long as can pester the opposite party, them, can be many many room to maneuver, being insufficient to be compelled not to have the escape route to be distressed like that. 乌长老不指望周元能够打败杨玄,但只要能够将对方纠缠住,那他们这边,就能够多许多转圜的余地,不至于被逼得毫无退路那般狼狈。 Boy... you must to me keep it up, if you can constrain Yang Xuan, this mission ended, the old man gives you in one on to appraise directly!” “小子...你可得给我加油,若是你能拖住杨玄,此次任务完了,老夫直接给你一个上上评价!” ... ... Bang! Bang! 砰!砰! Above the sky, grayish white Origin Qi torrent unceasing howling, imposing manner is aggressive, that Origin Qi torrent, razes to the ground a mountain together sufficiently. 天空之上,一道道灰白的源气洪流不断的呼啸而下,气势凶悍,那一道源气洪流,都足以将一座山岳夷为平地。 However, Zhou Yuan's form glittering is one of them, in the hand black brush the place of referring, Origin Qi torrent collapses all, like that the stance, is really somewhat easily accomplished. 然而,周元的身影闪烁在其中,手中黑笔所指之处,一道道源气洪流尽数的崩溃,那般姿态,实在是有些摧枯拉朽。 Yang Xuan complexion, then in this time more and more gloomy. 杨玄面色,则是在此时越来越阴沉 His so Origin Qi offensive, even if previous Bai Li and Qin Hai cannot block, however at present, is actually not able to pose the slight threat to Zhou Yuan. 他这般源气攻势,就算是先前的白璃秦海都挡不住,然而眼下,却是无法对周元造成丝毫的威胁。 Is that black brush...” His vision hidden in the shade is staring in the Zhou Yuan hand motley mysterious black brush. “是那支黑笔么...”他目光阴翳的盯着周元手中斑驳神秘的黑笔 Bang! 砰! Also is Origin Qi torrent is passed through together, in the Zhou Yuan eye the cold light flashes, his form instantaneous void transformation, just like is teleport is ordinary, directly like demon appear(ance) in Yang Xuan behind. 又是一道源气洪流被贯穿,周元眼中寒光一闪,他的身影瞬间虚化,犹如是瞬移一般,直接是如鬼魅般的出现在了杨玄身后 Origin Break!” 破源!” The pen tip has the obscure profound light to reappear, jet black like black ink, the place of passing over gently and swiftly space in turbulent, sharp pen tip, extremely cunning points to the Yang Xuan vest strategic point. 笔尖有着晦涩深邃之光浮现,漆黑如墨,掠过之处连空间都是在动荡,锋锐的笔尖,极为刁钻的直指杨玄背心要害。 Pā! 啪! A Yang Xuan double palm racket, grayish white Origin Qi is billowing, directly formed the countless heavy Origin Qi defense in its whole body. 杨玄双掌一拍,灰白源气滚滚,直接是在其周身形成了无数源气防御。 Scoffs! 嗤啦! However faced that heavily defense of Yang Xuan, the pen tip is rippling black light to pass over gently and swiftly, that heavily Origin Qi defense was such as the flimsy is torn directly generally. 然而面对着杨玄的那重重防御,笔尖荡漾着黑光掠过,那一重重源气防御直接是如薄纸一般被撕裂开来。 Is now!” “就是现在!” In the Zhou Yuan eye is condensing sharply, the wrist/skill shakes, the pen tip changes into together black light, points to the Yang Xuan strategic point. 周元眼中凝聚着锐利,手腕一抖,笔尖化为一道黑光,直指杨玄要害。 Among Heaven and Earth, resounds calling out in alarm sounds in this time, Zhou Yuan waited for a long time, finally found the opportunity, obviously was plan thorough heavy injury Yang Xuan. 天地间,也是在此时响起一道道惊呼之声,周元等待了许久,终于是找到了机会,显然是打算彻底重创杨玄 Bai Li, Qin Hai and other Blue Profound Sect's disciples, is the eye stares to be big. 白璃,秦海苍玄宗的弟子,也是眼睛瞪大起来。 ! 呼! The pen tip passed over gently and swiftly. 笔尖掠过。 However, when the pen tip is going to pierce the Yang Xuan body that flickers, has the grayish white shadow to plunder suddenly together, finally heavily and pen tip hit in one. 然而,就当笔尖将要洞穿杨玄身体的那一瞬,忽有一道灰白影子掠来,最后重重的与笔尖撞击在了一起。 Clang! 铛! Sparks flying in all directions. 火花四溅。 Wild Origin Qi shock wave erupts, even the cloud layer was shaken to disperse. 狂暴的源气冲击波爆发开来,连云层都是被震散开来。 The Zhou Yuan's pupil, shrinks in this time slightly. 周元的瞳孔,在此时微微一缩。 Shake that the pen tip transmits, was makes his palm transmit the severe pain feeling unexpectedly, that easily accomplished stance, was stopped finally... 笔尖传来的震荡,竟是令得他的手掌都是传来了剧痛感,那种摧枯拉朽般的姿态,终于是被阻拦了下来... His eyes lifts, sees only the end place of that pen tip, a section of bone whip, blocks it. 眼眸一抬,只见得那笔尖的尽头处,一截骨鞭,将其挡住。 The bone whip presents the pale color, above inscribes strange traces, the bone whip is swaying from side to side slightly, seems like releasing the grating wailing sound. 骨鞭呈现惨白色彩,其上铭刻着一道道诡异的纹路,骨鞭微微扭动间,似乎是释放着刺耳的尖啸声。 Origin Qi between Heaven and Earth, in continuous is welling up to the bone whip. 天地间的源气,也是在源源不断的对着骨鞭内涌来。 But grasps Yang Xuan of bone whip, whole body imposing manner also in the astonishing promotion. 而手持骨鞭的杨玄,周身气势也是在惊人的提升。 He is also raised the head comes at this time, stubbornly looks at close Zhou Yuan, the corners of the mouth has the dense/woods cold fierce smile to reappear. 他此时也是抬起头来,死死的望着近在咫尺的周元,嘴角有着森寒狰狞的笑容浮现出来。 Heaven Origin Weapon... you, when I don't have?!” 天源兵...你当我就没有吗?!”
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