VY :: Volume #5

#418: Saint Palace begins

So-called Origin Break, then can eradicate world Origin Qi, when facing any Origin Qi offensive, this Origin Breaking Pattern, reveals a special restraint and destructive power the convention. 所谓破源,便是能够破除天下源气,在面对着任何的源气攻势时,这道破源纹,都将会展露出一种专门的克制与破坏力。 Simply speaking, any Origin Qi is facing Origin Break, perhaps its might will be weakened. 简单来说,任何的源气面对着破源,或许其威力都将会被削弱。 This is also the attack why Su Duan that full power to go, so frail primary cause in front of Zhou Yuan's. 这也是为什么苏锻全力以赴的攻击,在周元的面前如此脆弱的主要原因。 Under allocation of Origin Breaking Pattern, his all Origin Qi offensive and defenses, do not have the major role. 破源纹的赋予下,他的所有源气攻势以及防御,都是没有多大的作用。 This is Heaven Primal Brush 5th pattern, Origin Break. 这就是天元笔第五纹,破源 Naturally, this did not say that any Origin Qi offensive and defense did not have the effect on Zhou Yuan, because Origin Break also has the limit, but that limit, then depends on Zhou Yuan own strength. 当然,这并非是说任何的源气攻势与防御都对周元没了效果,因为破源也有着极限,而那种极限,便是取决于周元自身的实力。 He is stronger, Origin Breaking Pattern is also naturally stronger. 他越强,破源纹自然也就越强。 What if he faces is the strength far exceeds in his enemy, perhaps Origin Breaking Pattern , can only be achieves to weaken the function of opposite party Origin Qi, although this point from some perspective, is very uncommon, but after all, impossible such as the present is so easily accomplished. 如果他面对的是实力远超于他的敌人,恐怕破源纹,也只能是做到削弱对方源气的作用,虽然这一点从某种角度来说,已经很不凡了,但毕竟,不可能如眼下这般摧枯拉朽。 With the assistance of Origin Breaking Pattern, this from Su Duan and the others the provocation, quick finished, but that final result, then only had Su Duan to lead his several reckless friend distressed the region that escapes from Zhou Yuan to be. 破源纹的协助下,这场来自苏锻等人的挑衅,很快就结束,而那最终的结果,便是只剩下苏锻带起他那几个不知死活的朋友狼狈的逃出了周元所在的这片区域。 Left behind beast corpse everywhere as well as in confusion. 留下了满地的兽尸以及狼藉。 Zhou Yuan not to Su Duan how, although the latter wants to come to be disgusting repeatedly he in the small method, but truly speaking, the person of this level, could not have entered his eye now. 周元也没对苏锻怎样,虽说后者屡屡想要以小手段来恶心他,但说实在的,这种层次的人,现在已是入不了他的眼。 Without the Heaven Primal Brush's evolution, he must tidy up Su Duan, could not spend many hands and feet. 即便没有天元笔的进化,他要收拾苏锻,也花费不了多少的手脚。 Regarding not having thing of threat, he obviously is quite tolerant. 对于没有威胁的事物,他显然还是比较宽容的。 Expelled Su Duan, Heaven Primal Brush in Zhou Yuan hand is changes into stream of light to worm one's way into from his palm, finally static float in Qi Palace, swallows to accept Origin Qi. 赶走了苏锻,周元手中的天元笔便是化为一道流光自其掌心中钻了进去,最后静静的悬浮于气府中,吞纳着源气 This time rear area, Zuoqiu Qingyu stepped jade foot to walk lightly, the beautiful eye that the water recited brings surprisedly is staring at Zhou Yuan, said: It seems like I was worried in vain one, this Su Duan, root originally was not your opponent.” 此时的后方,左丘青鱼轻迈着玉足走了上来,水吟吟的美目带着惊奇的盯着周元,道:“看来我是白担心一场了,这苏锻,根本就不是你的对手啊。” Her innermost feelings, obviously are also a little shocking, although that Su Duan just stepped into 7-layer Heaven, but Zhou Yuan also Absolute Beginning Realm 4-layer Heaven, but, Su Duan in the Zhou Yuan's hand, does not have least bit the strength of contending even unexpectedly. 她的内心,显然也是有点震惊的,那苏锻虽然只是刚刚踏入七重天,但周元不过也才太初境四重天而已,可即便如此,苏锻周元的手中,竟是没有半点的抗衡之力。 That Zhou Yuan's battle efficiency intrepidly? 周元的战斗力得多强悍? She also worried that before Zhou Yuan after entering Blue Profound Sect vanishes however in the people, after all genius in this type of giant sect was really many, Zhou Yuan can emerge in their Boundless Continent, but there accomplishments, placing Blue Profound Sect perhaps can only say that was ordinary. 她之前还担心周元在进入苍玄宗后泯然于众人,毕竟这种巨头宗派内的天才实在是太多了,周元能够在他们苍茫大陆脱颖而出,但那里的战绩,放在苍玄宗恐怕只能说是普通。 However the present, her worry was obviously unnecessary. 不过如今来看,她的担心显然是多余了。 At present this fellow, no matter to where, seems seems unusual. 眼前这个家伙,不管是到了哪里,似乎都是显得与众不同。 Zhou Yuan hearing this, smiles. 周元闻言,也是笑了笑。 Ok, since you troubles to relieve, I am also defending my little plot of land.” The Zuoqiu Qingyu small hand patted the racket, smiling say/way. “好了,既然你这边麻烦解除,那我也得去守着我那一亩三分地了。”左丘青鱼小手轻拍了拍,笑盈盈的道。 Many thanks, your side you , if there is issue, looks for me.” Zhou Yuan said with a smile, relations of both sides were also knew well, therefore he also overflowed many politeness. “多谢了,你那边你如果有问题,就来找我。”周元笑道,双方的关系也算是熟识了,所以他也没过多的客气。 „, Only with fighting to solve the problem Manzi... I is so attractive, by having might, may be stronger than your Heaven Origin Weapon.” The Zuoqiu Qingyu red lip casts aside, the small hand holds like the jade fine cheek, proudly said. “嘁,只会用打架解决问题的蛮子…我这般漂亮,论起威力,可比你那天源兵还要强。”左丘青鱼红唇微撇,小手捧着如玉般的精致脸蛋,骄傲的道 Zhou Yuan becomes silent, has no way to dispute actually, regarding many men, the charm that the Zuoqiu Qingyu appearance really was unable to resist, therefore prostrates oneself under its pomegranate skirt, confused the Divine Soul inversion is very normal matter. 周元哑然,倒是没法辩驳,对于很多男人而言,左丘青鱼的容颜还真是无法抵御的魅力,所以拜倒在其石榴裙下,被迷得神魂颠倒也是很正常的事。 From some perspective, this also is really not weapon that” general Heaven Origin Weapon can compare. 从某种角度而言,这还真不是一般的天源兵能够相比的“武器”。 Walks.” “走啦。” A Zuoqiu Qingyu white hands swayed, the tender body is the illness/quick plunders, such as the hundred flowers flutter in the light breeze, the form is graceful, but also made one not have to ponder over, short one meeting, then vanished in the Zhou Yuan field of vision. 左丘青鱼玉手一摆,娇躯便是疾掠而出,如百花在轻风中飘扬,身影优雅动人,但又令人无可琢磨,短短一会,便是消失在了周元视野中。 Looks at Zuoqiu Qingyu to depart, Zhou Yuan just now sits cross-legged under the giant flag, now Heaven Origin Weapon also successfully evolves, he poured does not need to hunt and kill Heavenly Flame Lizard again everywhere. 望着左丘青鱼离去,周元方才在巨大的旗帜下方盘坐下来,如今天源兵也成功进化,他倒也不用再四处去猎杀天炎蜥了。 But after previously Su Duan their suffering defeat, wants to come other influences, should not dare to have his here idea. 而经过先前苏锻他们的败北,想来其他的势力,应该也不太敢来打他这里的主意。 Therefore the following some time, his here should become extremely quiet. 所以接下来的一段时间中,他这里应该会变得极为的清静。 That then continues cultivationHeavenly Sun Divine Record... ” “那便继续修炼天阳神录”吧…” Zhou Yuan talked to oneself, then sits cross-legged, the sleeve robe wields, sees only crimson to raise in the front like the blood magma, was the past few days is betting Flame Marrow that the quarry won impressively. 周元自语,然后盘坐下来,袖袍一挥,只见得一道道赤红如血般的岩浆在面前升起,赫然是前些天在赌石场赢来的炎髓 These Flame Marrow can promote Fire attribute cultivation art or Origin Technique mighty energy, but Heavenly Sun Divine Record, in this. 这些炎髓能够提升火属性功法或者源术威能,而天阳神录,也正在此中。 That that Heavenly Sun Divine Record cultivation has Heavenly Sun Fire, present Zhou Yuan is only small accomplishment, but great accomplishment Heavenly Sun Fire, will be changed into the deep azure color by the white. 天阳神录修炼出的那一口“天阳火”,如今的周元只是小成而已,而大成的“天阳火”,将会由白色化为深青色彩。 If can cultivate/repair to perfection, Heavenly Sun Fire from deep will change into dark golden azure, at that time, Heavenly Sun Fire spouted, really had is burning the strength of mountain. 若是能够修至圆满,“天阳火”则是会从深青化为暗金色,那时候,一口天阳火喷出,真的是拥有着焚山之力。 After Zhou Yuan obtains Flame Marrow, is starting cultivation Heavenly Sun Divine Record, now that white Heavenly Sun Fire, has become compared with before overbearing tyrannical, but wants to step into great accomplishment, obviously must have to try hard. 周元得到炎髓后,便是在开始修炼天阳神录”,如今那口白色的天阳火,已经比之前变得更为的霸道强横,只是想要踏入大成,显然还得有所努力。 The Zhou Yuan's vision, stares at Flame Marrow that is flowing at present slowly, then attracts slightly, sees only a continuously blood-red firing line to raise, finally following the Zhou Yuan's breath, flooded into his within the body directly. 周元的目光,盯着眼前缓缓流淌的炎髓,然后微微一吸,只见得一缕缕血红般的火线升起,最后直接是顺着周元的鼻息,涌入了他的体内。 The time, blazing aura sends out in within the body, making the Zhou Yuan's body become extremely boiling hot. 顿时间,炽热的气息在体内散发,令得周元的身躯变得极为的滚烫。 However the Zhou Yuan look is actually motionless, is enduring patiently that burningly painful feeling, revolves Heavenly Sun Divine Record, the white flame raises in within the body, finally that blood-red firing line, the unceasing absorption refining up continuously... 不过周元神色却是不动,忍耐着那种灼痛感,运转“天阳神录”,白色的火苗在体内升起,最后将那一缕缕血红的火线,不断的吸收炼化… As so refining up, in white flame, is starts to have point azure light to reappear. 而随着这般炼化,白色的火苗中,也是开始有着点点青光浮现。 In the crimson land, Zhou Yuan's form static sitting cross-legged, front Flame Marrow is flowing, is releasing the high temperature. 赤红大地上,周元的身影静静的盘坐,面前的炎髓流淌着,释放着高温。 The time passes, quick is near half day passes by. 时间流逝,很快便是将近半日过去。 In front of Zhou Yuan that together Flame Marrow, is gradual is dim, obviously was absorbed completely, changes into the flame to dissipate finally. 周元面前的那一道炎髓,也是逐渐的黯淡下来,显然被吸收殆尽,最终化为火苗消散开来。 Both eyes that Zhou Yuan shuts tightly in this time are also opening slowly, in his inductor, above that white flame, azure even more rich... 周元紧闭的双目在此时也是缓缓的睁开,他感应体内,那一道白色的火苗之上,青色愈发的浓郁… Also almost.” “还差一点。” Zhou Yuan deep expiration, after consuming Flame Marrow of several hundred years, his Heavenly Sun Fire, starts to be close to great accomplishment realm obviously. 周元深深的吐了一口气,在消耗了数道百年份的炎髓后,他的这口天阳火,显然开始接近大成境界 This time comes out, was harvests big.” “此番出来,也算是收获不小了。” Zhou Yuan talked to oneself, kept within sect, he apparently did not have the means to obtain these Flame Marrow, he cultivation Heavenly Sun Fire , can only pause obviously in small accomplishment realm. 周元自语道,留在宗内,他显然是没办法得到这些炎髓的,那他所修炼的“天阳火”,显然也就只能停步在小成境界 squeak squeak! 吱吱! But in Zhou Yuan sighed, suddenly in the ear has slightly made a sound to spread. 而就在周元感叹间,忽然耳中有着细微的吱吱声传出。 Hears this sound, he was startled being startled, at once remembers in own ear to have one „the sound transmission stone, the sound that but before the sound transmission endolithic and had no conveyed, causing Zhou Yuan to almost forget this. 听到这声音,他怔了怔,旋即才想起自己的耳中有一颗“传音石”,只不过之前传音石内并没有任何的声音传来,导致周元都快忘了这一茬。 Senior Sister Li Qingchan, Senior Brother Zhao Zhu... my some people intrude, is the Saint Palace's person!” In the sound transmission stone, has the rapid sound to resound together, hearing the sound should regarding a Sword Peak's disciple. 李卿婵师姐,赵烛师兄…我这里有人闯入,是圣宫的人!”传音石中,有着一道急促的声音响起,听声音应该是对于中一位剑来峰的弟子。 In sound transmission stone silent a meeting, then has the Li Qingchan sound to resound: Xu Bin, where do you have several Saint Palace disciples to intrude?” 传音石中沉默了一会,然后有着李卿婵的声音响起:“许斌,你哪里有几位圣宫弟子闯入?” „A person.” That named slow Bin disciple returns rapidly said. “一人。”那名为徐斌的弟子迅速的回道。 You only need defend stubbornly then.” Hearing is one person, Li Qingchan relaxes obviously slightly, in Saint Palace's that team, besides Wang Li, the Cao Jinzhu two people, the strengths of others differs not many with them, if only one person, not necessarily can cope with slow Bin. “你只需固守即可。”听到是一人,李卿婵显然是微微松了一口气,圣宫的那支队伍中,除了王离,曹金柱二人外,其他人的实力与他们这边相差不多,如果只是一人的话,不见得就能够对付徐斌。 Then the sound transmission endolithic falls into again silent. 接下来传音石内再度陷入寂静。 However this silence only continued less than ten minutes, was broken again, somewhat was together shocking and weak sound resounds: Senior Sister Li, here fell into enemy hands, the opposite party is very strong, compared with me!” 不过这种寂静只持续了不到十分钟,再度被打破,一道有些震惊与虚弱的声音响起:“李师姐,我这里失守了,对方很强,远比我强!” I am removing to the region that Senior Brother Lu guards, but the opposite party is pursuing me tightly...” “我在撤向吕师兄镇守的区域,但对方紧追着我…” The sound transmission endolithic, other person hearing this, making noise of bang, somewhat is immediately chaotic. 传音石内,其他的人闻言,顿时轰的出声,有些混乱。 How possibly? In the Saint Palace's person, the strength differs not much with us, how did you possibly defeat quickly?” That is the Qin Hai sound. “怎么可能?圣宫的人中,实力都与我们相差不多,你怎么可能这么快就败了?”那是秦海的声音。 Was Wang Li and Cao Jinzhu acts?” Bai Li also asked immediately. “难道是王离曹金柱出手了?”白璃也是立即问道。 Zhao Zhu that low and deep sound also resounds: slow is Bin, who is acting?” 赵烛那低沉的声音也是响起:“徐斌,是谁在出手?” „It is not Wang Li and Cao Jinzhu...” slow Bin voice is quite weak, obviously by heavy injury: He is Yang Xuan!” “不是王离曹金柱…”那徐斌的声音相当虚弱,显然是被重创了:“他是杨玄!” Yang Xuan?” Li Qingchan and Zhao Zhu sound has doubts obviously, generally they pay attention is Saint Palace's Saint Child, obviously Yang Xuan not in this level. 杨玄?”李卿婵赵烛的声音都是微显疑惑,他们一般所关注的都是圣宫的圣子,显然杨玄并不在这个层次。 slow Bin, you retreat to Lu Liang there, defends jointly.” The Li Qingchan rapid order said. “徐斌,你退守至吕梁那里,联手守住。”李卿婵迅速的命令道。 Yes.” slow Binying said. “是。”徐斌应道。 Later the sound transmission endolithic continues to be peaceful. 之后传音石内继续安静下来。 The Zhou Yuan brow is wrinkling, this Yang Xuan, is not really simple, does not know that slow Bin and Lu Liang words jointly, can defend... 周元眉头微皱着,这个杨玄,果然不简单,不知道那徐斌和吕梁联手的话,能否守住… He calmly waited for the long time, then the sound transmission stone in ear has the sound to resound again finally. 他静等了半晌,再然后耳中的传音石终于有着声音响起。 Senior Sister Li, Senior Brother Zhao, I and slow Bin collaborate, similarly defeated in that Yang Xuan hand.” That say/way difficult sound, should be Lu Liang, words that but he said that lets a sound transmission endolithic silence, right now, everyone knows that is not right. 李师姐,赵师兄,我与徐斌联手,同样是败在了那个杨玄手中。”那道艰难的声音,应该就是吕梁,只不过他说出来的话,却是让得传音石内一片寂静,这下子,所有人都知道不对劲了。 Li Qingchan sound, was becomes dignified, said: Everyone, retreats immediately, gathers in the Bai Li place, this Yang Xuan, should be the method of Saint Palace this hidden.” 李卿婵的声音,也是变得凝重了起来,道:“所有人,立即撤退,在白璃处汇聚,这杨玄,应该就是圣宫此次隐藏的手段。” You advance the gathering, seeks for the opportunity of counter-attack again, I and Zhao Zhu will wait for an opportunity to act.” “你们先行汇聚,再寻找反击之机,我和赵烛会伺机出手。” At this time, the light defended the domain to be useless, must first and Saint Palace has made one directly. 这个时候,光守着地盘已经没用,必须先和圣宫正面做过一场了。 Yes!” “是!” The sound transmission endolithic, broadcasts many sounds, then belongs to again silent. 传音石内,传来诸多声音,然后再度归于寂静。 Zhou Yuan vision slightly glittering, complexion seems somewhat dignified, looks at like this, the Saint Palace's method, finally started to expose... 周元目光微微闪烁,面色显得有些凝重,看这样子,圣宫的手段,终于开始展露了… ( https:) (https:)
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