VY :: Volume #15

#1486: That bit of dawn

dark(ness). 黑暗 dark(ness) without limits. 无止境的黑暗 The Zhou Yuan's form was buried layer upon layer dark(ness) most deep place, the strength and evil thought of distortion wells up like surging tides, invades his intelligence gradually. 周元的身影被掩埋在层层黑暗的最深处,扭曲的力量与恶念如潮水般的涌来,渐渐将他的神智所侵染。 The boundless evil thought that raises among the hearts cruelly, as if must pollute in world worst thing it. 无边的恶念,暴戾自心间升起,仿佛是要将其污染成世间最邪恶之物。 Ancestral Dragon Scripture that within the body revolves, ancient Dragon's roar that spreads, under coverage of layer upon layer dark(ness), gradually becomes must be weak. 体内运转的祖龙经,那所传出的古老龙吟声,也是在一层层黑暗的覆盖下,渐渐的变得微弱起来。 The Zhou Yuan's strength compared to that Saint God will as well as Absolute Divine Curse Poison, is really extremely was small and weak, wears down the dissipation to even the thing of that two terrifying small and weakly mutually, but the complementary waves somewhat cannot resist. 周元的实力相对于那圣神意志以及绝神咒毒来说,实在是太过于的弱小了,弱小到连那两道恐怖之物互相消磨间所散逸而出的余波都是有些抵抗不住。 But Zhou Yuan also understands that own dangerous situation, his original tentative plan is to bring in the Saint God will strength and Absolute Divine Curse Poison, then controls them by Ancestral Dragon Scripture, ultimately forms the fusion, strength that fusion becomes, might make him achieve unprecedented realm very much. 周元也明白自身的险境,他原本的设想是引来圣神意志的力量与绝神咒毒,然后以祖龙经将它们驾驭,最终形成融合,那种融合而成的力量,很有可能会让得他达到前所未有的境界 May along with these days attempt, he discover the tentative plan, although is very wonderful, but the reality is very brutal, because he is too weak, to is unable to skid the Saint God will and Absolute Divine Curse Poison weakly, then, all plans died on initial directly. 可伴随着这段时间的尝试,他发现设想虽然很美妙,但现实很残酷,因为他自身太弱,弱到根本无法撬动圣神意志与绝神咒毒,如此一来,所有的计划在最初的这一步上面就直接夭折了。 Now his strength when unceasing was melted, when once its strength melts is actually not able to be supplemented completely, then his radical perishing in this. 现在他自身的力量在不断的被消融,一旦当其力量消融殆尽却又无法被补充时,那么其自身就将会彻底的殒命于此。 But Zhou Yuan also understands, he had used full power, but so, he feels the intelligence and pure brightness going far away gradually even as before. 周元也明白,他已是倾尽了全力,可即便如此,他依旧感觉到神智与清明渐渐的远去。 His time the danger of braving, extremely shocking, even he thought no wonder is ten dies not fresh. 他此次所冒之险,太过的耸人听闻,也难怪连他自身都觉得算是十死无生。 However regarding so the result, Zhou Yuan had also expected early, he matter of line, nothing but is one by the small great adventure, but if he does not choose does that then between he and Yao Yao, will not meet again, if this result, what that also did fear dead? 不过对于这般结果,周元也是早有所预料,他所行之事,无非就是一场以小博大的冒险,而他若不选择这么做,那么他与夭夭之间,将再无相见,而如果是这种结果,那还惧怕什么死亡? I, will not give up.” “我,不会放弃的。” In dark(ness), Zhou Yuan muttered low sound of talking unceasing resounding, was only gradually, that muttered the sound is also becomes off and on, even started somewhat chaotic. 黑暗中,周元喃喃低语声不断的响起,只是渐渐的,那喃喃声也是变得断断续续,甚至开始有些混乱。 Gets red package The cash or coin red package has provided your account! WeChat pays attention Duke. Numerous. Number Book friend supreme headquarters Receive! 【领红包】现金or点币红包已经发放到你的账户!微信关注公.众.号【书友大本营】领取! If can penetrate dark(ness) most deep place, will then discover Zhou Yuan's fleshly body, now has only been left over a head ups and downs in dark(ness), but on that face, the expression extremely exaggerating distortion, seemingly is much stranger. 若是能够透过黑暗最深处,则是会发现周元的肉身,如今已是仅剩下一颗脑袋于黑暗中沉浮,而那面孔上,表情极为夸张的扭曲起来,看上去诡异得令人毛骨悚然。 On his face, there is a countless black trace to climb up, such as the black earthworm sways under the skin, the head that at this moment, even this only remains, is starting ablation gradually. 他的面庞上,有无数黑色的纹路攀爬出来,如黑色的蚯蚓般在皮肤下攒动,此时此刻,连这仅剩的头颅,都是在开始渐渐的消融。 I... was this is dying?” “我...这是要死了吗?” Yao Yao...” 夭夭...” Sorry.” “对不起。” Low twittering the sound gets up, the Zhou Yuan's mind is going radical perishing. 低低的呢喃声响起,周元的心神将要彻底的沉沦。 However, is flickering, suddenly has to wipe the light of mysterious purple gold to flash in its mind deep place, that wipes the light of purple gold, seems one mysterious material, probability empty, flows in the mind. 不过,也就是在一瞬,突然有着一抹神秘的紫金之光于其脑海深处闪现而出,那一抹紫金之光,仿佛是一种神秘的物质,似实似虚,流淌于脑海中。 The Zhou Yuan's mind also attracts, on that mysterious material, he detected familiar aura. 周元的心神也为之所吸引,在那一道神秘物质上面,他察觉到了一种熟悉的气息 That aura... is Yao Yao! 那股气息...是夭夭 Before that is... Yao Yao is very long, once kept Spiritual God material of his within the body! 那是...夭夭很久以前曾经留在他体内的一道神灵物质! The sudden change, making Zhou Yuan have instant absent-minded, but, he is the discovery, as appear(ance) of this together Spiritual God material, that all around Saint God will and Absolute Divine Curse Poison strength as if also received some inspiring, they revealed the saliva, greedy, then swamped into the Zhou Yuan head directly, tried to swallow this Spiritual God material together. 突然的变化,让得周元有霎那间的失神,不过紧接着,他便是发现随着这一道神灵物质的出现,那四周的圣神意志与绝神咒毒的力量仿佛也是受到了某种引动,它们流露出了垂涎,贪婪,然后直接是涌入了周元脑袋内,试图将这一道神灵物质所吞噬。 Therefore, the Saint God will, Absolute Divine Curse Poison, the Spiritual God material pesters one group in the Zhou Yuan mind, unceasing mutual wearing down. 于是,圣神意志,绝神咒毒,神灵物质于周元脑海中纠缠成一团,不断的互相消磨。 The battle in head, making the Zhou Yuan headache want to crack, several want to blast open. 头颅中的争斗,让得周元头痛欲裂,几欲炸裂。 However he has not prevented this battle, instead in this flickers, suddenly had a being enlightened feeling. 不过他并未阻止这种争斗,反而在这一瞬,突然有了一种醍醐灌顶之感。 Previously Saint God will, Absolute Divine Curse Poison extremely overbearing, he is unable to fuse the control by Ancestral Dragon Scripture them, but now, beyond the strength of these two terrors, appear(ance) a freshman/newborn strength. 此前圣神意志,绝神咒毒太过的霸道,他根本无法以祖龙经将它们融合驾驭,可现在,这两股恐怖之力外,又出现了一道新生的力量。 That Spiritual God material extremely intense aggressivity, its exist(ence), definitely cannot be the Saint God will and Absolute Divine Curse Poison thing between of balance. 那道神灵物质并没有太过强烈的攻击性,它的存在,完全可以作为圣神意志与绝神咒毒之间的平衡之物。 The Zhou Yuan's strength level is too low, cannot achieve balance, but this Spiritual God material, is obviously enough! 周元的力量层次太低,做不到平衡之用,可这神灵物质,显然是足够的! The train of thought in heart, in that what goes around comes around, Zhou Yuan seized this last chance in a minute finally without hesitation, its intention moves, in the mind has ancient Dragon's roar to resound through, sees only together ancient dragon shadow faintly discernible, dragon shadow occupies, imitates, if dragon Cauldron, but in dragon cauldron, is the strengths of thing of three terrifying is pestering. 心中的思绪,在那片刻间百转千回,最后周元毫不犹豫的抓住了这最后的一丝机会,其心念一动,脑海中有古老龙吟声响彻而起,只见得一道古老的龙影若隐若现,龙影盘踞,仿若一座龙鼎,而在龙鼎之中,则是三道恐怖之物的力量在纠缠。 Ancestral Dragon Scripture revolves, dragon Dingsi is flaming burns, roasts is roasting strength of the three terrifying. 祖龙经运转,龙鼎似是熊熊燃烧起来,炙烤着其中的三道恐怖之力。 The Ancestral Dragon Scripture hearsay from Ancestral Dragon, its mysterious is not no need saying that is not previously able to refine the fusion Saint God will and Absolute Divine Curse Poison strength, that is because of the reason of Zhou Yuan level, now had Spiritual God material to take the cushion, eased the pressure, now revolves again, finally appears the function. 祖龙经传闻源自祖龙,其玄妙自是不必说,此前无法炼化融合圣神意志与绝神咒毒的力量,那是因为周元自身层次的缘故,如今有了一道神灵物质作为缓冲,缓解了压力,如今再度运转,终于是显现出了作用。 Because of the combustion of dragon cauldron, gradually has wisp of wonderful air/Qi from raising slowly, that wisp of aura extremely meager, its appear(ance), integrated in the Zhou Yuan head. 因为随着龙鼎的燃烧,渐渐的有着一缕神妙之气自其中缓缓的升起,那一缕气息极为的微薄,其一出现,就融入到了周元头颅中。 Therefore in that flash, the feeling that Zhou Yuan is wild with joy, the strength of soon drying up is recovering at an astonishing speed in this time unexpectedly. 于是在那一瞬间,周元欣喜若狂的感觉到,原本即将枯竭的力量竟然是在此时以一种惊人的速度在恢复。 Moreover, his clear feeling, the strength level of that wonderful air/Qi, resembles compared with his beforehand Saint mighty force, but must come vastly mystically. 而且,他清晰的感觉得出来,那一丝神妙之气的力量层次,似是比他之前的圣者伟力,还要来得浩瀚神秘。 At this moment he understands, his bold tentative plan, it seems like really has the successful possibility! 这一刻他明白,他那胆大包天的设想,看来真是有着成功的可能性! He does not dare to neglect, defends strictly the mind, revolution Ancestral Dragon Scripture, is maintaining dragon Cauldron the calcine. 他不敢怠慢,紧守心神,运转祖龙经,维持着龙鼎的煅烧。 Then, the Saint God will and Absolute Divine Curse Poison that strength that swamps into unceasingly, adds on dragon Cauldron the calcine in the neutralization cushion of that Spiritual God material together again, wonderful air/Qi unceasing ascension, was then absorbed by Zhou Yuan a continuously. 接下来,那不断涌入的圣神意志与绝神咒毒的力量,在那一道神灵物质的中和缓冲再加上龙鼎的煅烧,一缕缕神妙之气不断的升腾而起,进而被周元所吸收。 Therefore, in the time of that short moment, Zhou Yuan that was broken to is only left over fleshly body of head, starts to restore unexpectedly at the visible speed. 于是,在那短短片刻的时间中,周元那原本残破到仅剩下头颅的肉身,竟然开始以肉眼可见的速度修复起来。 freshman/newborn fleshly body, casts general just like the colored glaze, is sending out wonderful light halos, above fleshly body, when has the ancient trace to reappear faintly, resembles from Beginning of the Universe was born generally. 新生肉身,宛如琉璃所铸一般,散发着一道道神妙光圈,肉身之上,隐隐有着古老至极的纹路浮现,似是自天地初开时就诞生了一般。 Zhou Yuan at this moment felt, as if is only this freshman/newborn fleshly body strength, before sufficiently, most flourishing he hits to explode. 此时此刻的周元感觉,似乎光是这具新生肉身力量,就足以将之前全盛的他生生打爆。 Moreover, this is also only a start. 而且,这还只是一个开始。 With the restore of fleshly body, more and more wonderful air/Qi swamp into the body, therefore, in this dark(ness), Zhou Yuan's aura starts at the unthinkable speed, starts to increase successively. 随着肉身的修复,越来越多的神妙之气涌入身躯,于是,在这黑暗间,周元的气息开始以匪夷所思的速度,开始节节攀升。 In endless dark(ness), the thing of two big terrifying wear down mutually, but they have not noticed, in somewhere, has one that both clash should by the small insect that the strength of their dissipation writes off, is swallowing their strength gradually, the little start expands oneself... 无尽黑暗中,两大恐怖之物互相消磨,而它们都未曾注意到,在那两者对撞的某处,有着一个本该被它们散逸的力量抹杀的小虫子,正在渐渐的吞食着它们的力量,一点点的开始将自身所壮大...
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