VY :: Volume #15

#1483: Patient hunter

Zhou Yuan takes a step in space vortex, for a long time, his footsteps stopped, because in that front, profound to letting the person feels frightened dark(ness). 周元迈步于空间漩涡中,许久后,他的脚步停了下来,因为在那前方,是深邃到让人感到恐惧的黑暗 The dark(ness) deep place, is occupying one such as the deep pool like the prison will, that will is sending out even Saint for the pressure that it trembles, that is such as the 3rd God common invincible might. update quickest cell phone end:: 黑暗深处,盘踞着一道如渊如狱般的意志,那道意志散发着一种连圣者都为之颤栗的威压,那是如第三神一般的神威。更新最快手机端:: This precisely Saint God will. 正是圣神的一道意志。 This will is invading Blue Profound Heaven, is chief criminal who Blue Profound Heaven this number ten thousand years declines. 这道意志侵染着苍玄天,是苍玄天这数万载没落的罪魁祸首。 Before Zhou Yuan once arrived here, but faced the will that Saint God is twisting, he does not dare to visit, because he understands, even if were only a Saint God will, that was not what common Saint can contend, so long as he dares to enter, definitely by that will corrosion. 之前周元曾经来到此处,但面对着那圣神扭曲的意志,他根本不敢踏足,因为他明白,即便只是圣神的一道意志,那也并非是什么寻常圣者可以抗衡的,只要他敢进入,必然会被那道意志所侵蚀 This place, four Ancient Venerable, still not necessarily dare to penetrate even. 这种地方,就算是四位古尊,也未必敢深入其中。 However previously dreaded, that is the heart has to depend on, present Zhou Yuan, is fearless. 不过此前畏惧,那是心有所依,如今的周元,却是再无畏惧。 Saint God will 圣神意志么” Zhou Yuan muttered, he is staring at that profoundly distortion dark(ness), in that seemed like has is being full of the malicious fluctuation together in raising gradually. 周元喃喃自语,他盯着那深邃而扭曲的黑暗,在那其中,似乎是有着一道充满着恶意的波动在渐渐的升起。 This is that said that the Saint God will felt Zhou Yuan's games intent and determination. 这是那道圣神意志感觉到了周元的意与决心。 In the Zhou Yuan eye has the dense/woods cold meaning to condense, at once his palm lifts, contains Absolute Divine Curse Poison black light ball to raise from the palm. 周元眼中有森寒之意凝聚而起,旋即他手掌一抬,蕴含着绝神咒毒的黑色光球自掌心升起。 In that Ancient Era, Saint God wants to exterminate world life, finally causes the Ancestral Dragon residual will to regain consciousness him wounds falls into endless dark(ness) to sink subsequently the dormancy. 在那远古时期,圣神欲要灭绝世间生灵,最终引得祖龙残留意志苏醒将其击伤继而陷入无尽黑暗中沉眠。 In dark(ness) of that number ten thousand years years sinks in the dormancy, Saint God by devastation of strength of Ancestral Dragon's will, was suffered, was born the infinite pain. 在那数万载岁月的黑暗沉眠中,圣神饱受祖龙意志之力的摧残,折磨,其中诞生了无尽的痛苦。 Finally Saint God boiled, he strength of peeling Ancestral Dragon's will, again the distortion that his number ten thousand years withstands, the pain, the evil thought all melts with it, therefore, formed this together Absolute Divine Curse Poison. 最后圣神熬了下来,祂将祖龙意志之力剥离而出,再将祂这数万载所承受的扭曲,痛苦,恶念尽数的与之相融,于是,就形成了这一道绝神咒毒 Therefore in this Absolute Divine Curse Poison, not only contains the strength of Ancestral Dragon's will, but also has Saint God many evil thoughts, both fuse, it may be said that is this world unprecedented first poison. 所以这道绝神咒毒中,不仅蕴含着祖龙意志之力,还有着圣神的诸多恶念,两者融合,可谓是这世间亘古未有的第一毒。 This poison, but certainly god. 此毒,可绝神。 This is your main body fiddles with, makes your will taste the flavor together.” Zhou Yuan smiles one pale, at once the look becomes gets up decidedly. “这是你的本体捣鼓出来的,也让你这一道意志来尝尝味道吧。”周元淡笑一声,旋即眼神变得决然起来。 He counted on the fingers a ball, black light ball flew, fell directly to that distortion dark(ness). 他屈指一弹,黑色光球飞了出去,直接是落向了那扭曲的黑暗之中。 Meanwhile, he at the Heavenly Lord strength, here seal all, imitates, if the dark(ness) prison, cannot enter cannot leave. 与此同时,他以天主的力量,将此处尽数的封闭,仿若黑暗囚牢,不可进不可出。 Contains Absolute Divine Curse Poison black light ball to fall into that to twist in dark(ness), this space as if stagnated in this time suddenly. 蕴含着绝神咒毒的黑色光球落入那扭曲黑暗中,这片空间仿佛都是在此时陡然的凝滞了下来。 After several breaths, Zhou Yuan felt an indescribable distortion virulent strength like the volcano eruption, that strength, even if he has not stepped into, was still felt that as before own Divine Soul is trembling, that was one type stems from the instinct, fear that is unable to contain. 数息后,周元感觉到了一股无法形容的扭曲恶毒力量如火山般的喷发出来,那股力量,即便他未曾踏入其中,也依旧是感觉到自身的神魂在震颤,那是一种出自本能,无法遏制的恐惧。 But here because of the invasion of Saint God will, originally fell into extreme dark(ness), as the eruption of that Absolute Divine Curse Poison, here dark(ness) was stronger, just like black ink that cannot melt is ordinary. 而此处因为圣神意志的侵染,本就陷入了一种极度的黑暗中,可随着那绝神咒毒的爆发,这里的黑暗更为的浓烈了,宛如是化不开的墨一般。 Absolute Divine Curse Poison erupts, bearing the brunt then occupies in this's that together Saint God will. 绝神咒毒爆发,首当其冲的便是盘踞于此的那一道圣神意志。 Both contact, that profound erupted the enormous vibration like the deep pool Saint God will immediately, in dark(ness), the fluctuation that contains the violent anger sent out. 两者接触,那股深邃如渊般的圣神意志顿时爆发出了极大的震动,黑暗中,有一股蕴含着暴怒的波动散发开来。 Ants, you dare!” “蝼蚁,尔敢!” In dark(ness), resembled has is full of the vision of evil thought to go to together Zhou Yuan that was situated in dark(ness) edge. 黑暗中,似是有一道充满着恶念的目光投向了立于黑暗边缘处的周元 However, Zhou Yuan has not stepped into dark(ness), the Saint God will also received the shackles, is unable to act to it, what naturally is more important, at present Absolute Divine Curse Poison of that eruption, making this together Saint God will feel the extremely intense crisis. 不过,周元未曾踏入黑暗中,圣神意志也受到了桎梏,无法对其出手,当然更重要的是,眼前那爆发的绝神咒毒,让得这一道圣神意志感到了极为强烈的危机。 What is this? Why will have a familiar strength?” “这是何物?为何会有一股熟悉的力量?” In endless dark(ness), the huge appearance condense, but presently, It is gazing at that eruption Absolute Divine Curse Poison, exuded the surprised low sound of talking. 无尽黑暗中,有一张巨大的面目凝聚而现,祂注视着那爆发的绝神咒毒,发出了惊疑的低语声。 Under recommendation, Mew mew read app The sincerity is good, is worth installing, after all can the buffer read, the off-line read aloud! 推荐下,【咪咪阅读app】真心不错,值得装个,毕竟可以缓存看书,离线朗读! However this Saint God will was separated together long ago, but Saint God falls into sinks the dormancy, naturally does not have the information to transmit, therefore It is also hard to know, at present this Absolute Divine Curse Poison, stems from the hand of its main body unexpectedly. 不过这一道圣神意志早年就被分离,而圣神陷入沉眠,自然没有信息传来,所以祂也难以知晓,眼前这道绝神咒毒,竟是出自其本体之手。 But this did not hinder this Saint God will to feel the fatal crisis together, therefore It does not dare to have slight idleness, that huge appearance opened giant mouth, next one inscribed to fill viscous torrent of infinite evil thought to fall in torrents, bumped into with that Absolute Divine Curse Poison. 但这并不妨碍这一道圣神意志感觉到了致命的危机,于是祂不敢有丝毫的懈怠,那巨大面目张开了巨嘴,下一刻有充满着无穷恶念的粘稠洪流倾泻而出,与那绝神咒毒相撞。 chī chī! 嗤嗤 In dark(ness), the thing of two big terrifying to bumping in one, actually and had no heaven shaking great sound, only the mutual corrosion slight sound spread in dark(ness). 黑暗之中,两大恐怖之物对碰在了一起,却并没有任何惊天巨声,唯有一种互相侵蚀的细微声音在黑暗中传开。 But precisely this silent within corrosion, wears down, just now appears terrifying especially. 正是这种无声间的侵蚀,消磨,方才显得尤为的恐怖。 Zhou Yuan is feeling two strength mutually corrosion of dark(ness) deep place, but he has not been inserting fights between thing of these two big terrors anxiously, but sits cross-legged in the dark(ness) edge. 周元感受着黑暗深处的两股力量互相侵蚀,不过他并未急着插入这两大恐怖之物间的战斗,而是于黑暗边缘盘坐下来。 Now both strengths are in the heyday, rushed by his strength at this time, shortly will be melted, therefore, he must do now, is the patient waiting. 现在两股力量都处于全盛时期,以他这实力此时闯了进去,顷刻间就会被消融,所以,他现在要做的,就是耐心等待。 Waits for two strengths becomes in the mutual consumption weak, at that time, he might seek for that valuable a slim chance of survival 等待两股力量在互相的消耗中变得疲弱下来,那时候,他才有可能找寻到那可贵的一线生机 When Zhou Yuan sits cross-legged in dark(ness) edge like the hunter, patient when awaits calmly the time to arrive, all Heavens army who is led by 3rd God , after some time goes through void, arrived in beside Saint Race four big Heaven Territory world's wall. 而当周元如猎人般于黑暗边缘处盘坐,耐心的静待着时机来到时,那由第三神所率领的诸天大军,也是在经过一段时间的虚空穿行后,抵达到了圣族四大天域界壁之外。 However four sides as expected, four big Heaven Territory world's wall all close at this time, visibles faintly the giant black flag, flag cover the sky blocks out the sun, seems four sides the vast behind-the-scenes plotting, covers four big Heaven Territory world's wall. 不过不出所料,此时四大天域界壁皆是闭拢,隐约可见四面巨大的黑色旗帜,旗帜遮天蔽日,仿佛是四面浩瀚黑幕,将四大天域界壁所覆盖。 If carefully looks, then can see, above the flag around that seems like has cannot see clearly the appearance together, but actually gives people one feeling of infinite fear person's shadow. 而若是仔细看去的话,则是能够见到,在那四面旗帜之上,似乎是有着一道看不清模样,但却给人一种无限恐惧之感的人影。 That person's shadow sits well on the black gold color throne, the face is fuzzy, but that pair looks disdainfully the indifferent look, is coercing the torrential invincible might, wreak havoc Heaven and Earth. 那道人影端坐于黑金色的王座上,面庞模糊,可那一对睥睨漠然的眼神,裹挟着滔滔神威,肆虐天地 Ancient Venerable Jin Luo and other Saint are looking at around that the black flag, is in the eye has the alarmed and afraid color to surge, from that flag above invincible might, this stems from the hand of Saint God obviously. 金罗古尊等诸多圣者望着那四面黑色旗帜,皆是眼中有着惊惧之色涌动,从那旗帜上面的神威来看,这显然是出自圣神之手。 Obviously, that Saint God, although has not regained consciousness, but also kept some subsequent hands. 显然,那位圣神虽然未曾苏醒,但却同样是留了一些后手。 Ancient Venerable Jin Luo goes forward, looks at front that time to send out the vast invincible might beautiful figure, respectful sound said: Sir 3rd God, it seems like Saint Race is prepared early.” 金罗古尊上前,望着面前那道时刻都散发着浩瀚神威的倩影,恭声道:“第三神大人,看来圣族是早有准备啊。” 3rd God weakens like the starry sky eye pupil is staring at around that the ancient flag, said: Four sides contaminated the god flag of blood of Saint God, that Saint God gives up actually, this wants some protracted time as far as possible.” 第三神淡漠如星空般的眼瞳凝视着那四面古老旗帜,道:“四面沾染了圣神之血的神旗,那圣神倒是舍得,这是想要尽可能的拖延一些时间吧。” She shakes the head, has not said anything, but stretches out lush jade finger, the fingertip seems divine light to bloom, next one flickers, four flame fall from the fingertip. 她摇了摇头,也未曾多说什么,只是伸出芊芊玉指,指尖似有神光绽放,下一瞬,有四道火苗自指尖落下。 That four flame, the luster is different, presents scarlet, black, white/in vain, gold/metal four-colored, the flame rises suddenly against the wind, is changes into four fire dragons to drop from the clouds, fell directly to that the god flag was. 那四道火苗,色泽皆是不同,呈现赤,黑,白,金四色,火苗迎风暴涨,便是化为四条火龙从天而降,直接是落向了那四面神旗所在。 This is the four-colored god fire. 此为四色神火。 hū hū! 呼呼 The dragons of four god of journeys fires descend, all between Heaven and Earth were being burnt to extinguish, but around that the god flag is also vibrates, during the trundles emits billowing black light, cover the sky blocks out the sun, dragon entanglement with god fire. 四道神火之龙降落,天地间的一切都在被焚灭,而那四面神旗也是震动起来,滚动间喷吐出滚滚黑光,遮天蔽日,与神火之龙纠缠。 The Origin Qi shake that triggers, directly affects all Heavens. 那所引起的源气震荡,直接波及诸天 However no matter what who can look, the dragon of god fire has the 3rd God continuous vast supernatural power support, but the god flag does not have a source, therefore with the lapse of time, above the god flag that say/way is sending out the invincible might fuzzy god shadow, has the sign of desalination. 不过任谁都看得出来,那神火之龙有第三神源源不断的浩瀚神力支撑,而那神旗则是无本之源,所以随着时间的推移,神旗之上那道散发着神威的模糊神影,也是有着淡化的迹象。 Obviously, this was burnt to extinguish thoroughly, is only the time issue. 显然,这被彻底焚灭,只是时间问题而已。 When god flag of 3rd God when gradual destruction, in that Saint Ancestor Heaven, the summit of Saint Mountain. 而当第三神在逐步的破坏四面神旗时,在那圣祖天内,圣山之巅。 Four Ancient Saint that now Saint Race only saves, is complexion dignified raise one's head is all looking void outside, they can see that four sides the god flag is retreating in defeat again and again. 如今圣族仅存的四位古圣,皆是面色凝重的抬头望着虚空外,他们能够见到四面神旗在节节败退。 Perhaps god flag could not insist the too long time.” The Ancient Saint Tian Zhan sound is low and deep, just like thunderous. “神旗恐怕坚持不了太久的时间。”天斩古圣声音低沉,宛如雷鸣。 Ancient Saint Nan Ming, the Ancient Saint Heavenly Beast vision went to front Ancient Saint Tai Mi, said: Tai Mi, should get down the resolution.” 南冥古圣,天兽古圣的目光投向了前方的太弥古圣,道:“太弥,该下决断了。” Ancient Saint Tai Mi both eyes shut, silent ten counted breaths, then opens the eyes, said: Prepared?” 太弥古圣双目微闭,沉默了十数息,然后睁开双眼,道:“都准备好了吗?” Other three Ancient Saint all are nods. 其他三位古圣皆是点头 . 呼。 Ancient Saint Tai Mi long expiration, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly determined look, the dense/woods cold sound gets up, brings to arrive at nearly viscous Bloody Qi richly. 太弥古圣长长的吐了一口气,眼中掠过决然之色,森寒之声响起,带起了浓郁到近乎粘稠的血腥之气 That begins, offers sacrifices Saint Nether Heaven, all clansmen in Saint Spirit Heaven, making its blood and qi turn over to the ancestor, summoned my god, regained consciousness thoroughly!” “那就动手吧,献祭圣冥天,圣灵天内的所有族人,令其血气归祖,召唤吾神,彻底苏醒!” I believe that for the future of my clan, they decided however are willing to sacrifice!” “我相信为了吾族的未来,他们定然是愿意牺牲的!”
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