VY :: Volume #15

#1482: Counter-attacks Saint Race

The news that 3rd God awakens, quick has blown all Heavens each corner like the gale, this brought in the countless cheers immediately, the alarmed and afraid disturbed all Heavens life burst out the enormous hope in this time. 第三神觉醒的消息,很快就如大风般的刮过了诸天每一个角落,这顿时引来了无数的欢呼声,原本惊惧忐忑的诸天生灵在此时迸发出了极大的希望。 They perhaps regarding the 3rd God not extremely concrete understanding, but under Return to Ruin Divine Hall's publicizes, they know 3rd God are the all Heavens final hopes, moreover this time after 3rd God awakens, that offensive crazy fierce Saint Race army chose unexpectedly without hesitation retreated greatly, will not attend to will soon kick the all Heavens' victory. 他们或许对于第三神没有太过具体的了解,但在归墟神殿的宣扬下,他们知晓第三神诸天最后的希望,而且这一次当第三神觉醒后,那原本攻势狂猛的圣族大军竟然是毫不犹豫的选择了大撤退,丝毫不顾即将攻进诸天的战果。 This has enormous dreading and fear to 3rd God obviously. 这显然是对第三神有着极大的忌惮以及恐惧。 The all Heavens life morale boosts. 诸天生灵士气大为振奋。 But after especially 3rd God will lead the all Heavens army to counter-attack the Saint Race Heaven Territory news spreads, the all Heavens life weeps, to that 3rd God the meaning of veneration, it may be said that achieved the apex. 而特别是当第三神将会率领诸天大军反攻圣族天域的消息传出后,诸天生灵更是喜极而泣,对那第三神的尊崇之意,可谓是达到了顶点。 After all as these year of Saint Race mount a large-scale attack to all Heavens', the countless life is in constant anxiety, frequently is worried to fear Saint Race to break through the defense line, intrudes all Heavens, changes into corpse mountain Blood Sea this land. 毕竟随着这些年圣族诸天的大举进攻,无数生灵都是惶惶不可终日,时刻担心惧怕着圣族攻破防线,闯入诸天,将这大地化为尸山血海 However at present 3rd God appear(ance), not only startled drew back the Saint Race army, even can also lead usually disadvantaged all Heavens army jet braking Saint Race Heaven Territory, thus it can be seen this 3rd God invincible might is what kind of prominent. 然而眼下第三神出现,不仅惊退了圣族大军,甚至还能够率领素来劣势的诸天大军反推圣族天域,由此可见这位第三神的神威是何等的显赫。 At this moment, covered has in all Heavens life top of the head several years shadow finally drew back the loose sign, the all Heavens Daqing. 这一刻,笼罩于诸天生灵头顶数年的阴影终于是有了退散的迹象,诸天大庆。 ... ... Speed that the all Heavens army assembles, imagination must be quicker. 诸天大军集结的速度,比想象的还要更快。 Ten days time, an army who gathered the all Heavens peak strength is then ready and waiting, the army is headed by 3rd God, four big Ancient Venerable follow, later is all Heavens' Saint, elite Law Domain. 十日时间,一支汇聚了诸天最顶尖力量的大军便是整装待发,大军以第三神为首,四大古尊相随,之后便是诸天的圣者,精英法域 This was all Heavens accumulated all top strengths of ten thousand thousand years. 这是诸天积累了万千载的所有顶尖力量。 On this day, that covered Primordial Punishing Saint Great Formation beside all Heavens opens on own initiative. 这一日,那笼罩在诸天之外的混元诛圣大阵主动的开启了。 The all Heavens countless life looks at light shadow that the army is soaring, is worships on bended knees the pray, they hope that this war can completely solve Saint Race this heart big trouble, making all Heavens forever enjoy peacefully. 诸天无数生灵望着大军腾空的光影,皆是跪拜祈祷,他们希望这一战能够彻底解决圣族这个心头大患,让得诸天永享安宁。 Great Zhou City, Royal Palace high platform. 大周城,王宫的一座高台 Zhou Yuan raises head to look void, he can see that going far away flowing light, all Heavens' counter-attacks, launched under leadership of that 3rd God. 周元仰头望着虚空,他能够见到那一道道远去的流光,诸天的反攻,在那位第三神的率领下就此展开了。 3rd God... 第三神... Zhou Yuan's pupil light somewhat is slightly dim, that 3rd God has and Yao Yao completely same appearance, however on her body, he actually cannot detect the tiny bit familiarity. 周元的眸光微微有些黯淡,那位第三神有着与夭夭完全一样的容颜,然而在她的身上,他却察觉不到一丝一毫的熟悉感。 Zhou Yuan is unable to know, actually that side of Yao Yao human nature, was suppressed thorough obliteration by that divine nature? 周元无法知道,夭夭人性的那一面究竟如何了,是被那神性压制住还是彻底的磨灭了? „Is this Innate Spiritual God strength?” “这就是先天神灵的力量吗?” Zhou Yuan double palm gripping tightly slowly, in the eye is unwilling completely, is facing that 3rd God, even is only that fine single Spiritual God pressure, makes their these so-called Saint feel vast gap between both sufficiently. 周元双掌缓缓的紧握,眼中满是不甘,面对着那第三神,即便只是那一丝一缕的神灵威压,都足以让得他们这些所谓的圣者感受到两者间的巨大差距。 His behind, has the sound of footsteps to transmit suddenly, brought air/Qi of refreshing delicate fragrance. 他的身后,忽然有着脚步声传来,带来了一道沁人心脾的幽香之气。 Your Highness.” 殿下。” Heard that gentle voice, Zhou Yuan restrained the mood, turned the head to look at that simple and beautiful peerless girl, said: Youwei, here nothing, you do not need to remain.” 听到那轻柔的嗓音,周元收敛了情绪,转头望着那清丽绝伦的女孩,道:“幼微,我这里也没什么事情,你没必要留下来。” Su Youwei raises charming face, looks Origin Qi shake trace that void deep place that many light shadow are delimiting has caused, reveals to smile faintly: Has 3rd God to lead the all Heavens army, are many my is not many, is short of my many, I went even, still in side called mostly cheers.” 苏幼微扬起俏脸,望着虚空深处那诸多光影划过所引起的源气震荡痕迹,露出浅笑道:“有第三神率领诸天大军,多我一个不多,少我一个不少,我即便去了,多半也只是在旁吆喝助威罢了。” This saying to be actually straightforward, actually everyone is well aware, this army attack, everyone includes four Ancient Venerable, is just helps cheer, begins truly, only needs 3rd God one person. 这话倒是直白,其实所有人都心知肚明,此次的大军进攻,所有人包括四位古尊,都只不过是去帮忙助威而已,真正动手的,只需要第三神一人。 Your Highness thought that this attack, can extinguish Saint Race?” Su Youwei asked. 殿下觉得此次进攻,能灭得了圣族吗?”苏幼微问道。 Zhou Yuan silent, said: Although at present is 3rd God takes the lead to regain consciousness, but that Saint God has not necessarily prepared, in my opinion, wants to extinguish Saint Race, only has first extinguishes Saint God.” 周元沉默了一下,道:“眼下虽然是第三神率先苏醒,但那位圣神未必就没有一些准备,在我看来,想要灭圣族,唯有先灭圣神。” However these two Innate Spiritual God actually who who are weak, at this time no one knows.” “而这两位先天神灵究竟孰强孰弱,此时谁也不知晓。” Su Youwei said in a soft voice: Why can Your Highness receive Absolute Divine Curse Poison this terrible business? I felt that Your Highness this was in... is deliberately bad?” 苏幼微轻声道:“殿下为何要接下绝神咒毒这个麻烦事?我感觉殿下这是在...自暴自弃了吗?” That Absolute Divine Curse Poison can create some troublesome terrifying thing to 3rd God, the incantation is so poisonous, even if four big Ancient Venerable do not dare to take over, but Zhou Yuan actually receives, many people of such act including Su Youwei looks like, is a heart, if being deliberately bad under dying embers. 绝神咒毒是能够对第三神都造成一些麻烦的恐怖之物,这般咒毒,就算是四大古尊都不敢接手,而周元却接了过来,此等行径在包括苏幼微在内的很多人看来,都是一种心若死灰下的自暴自弃。 The Zhou Yuan look is profound, his palm clapped front stone column gently, calmly said: Absolute Divine Curse Poison is among this Heaven and Earth can create the strength of threat to Innate Spiritual God only, it is very indeed dangerous, but if can use well, not necessarily is not an unprecedented chance.” 周元眼神幽深,他手掌轻轻拍了拍面前的石柱,平静的道:“绝神咒毒是这天地间唯一能够对先天神灵造成威胁的力量,它的确很危险,但如果能利用得好,未必也不是一场前所未有的机缘。” Su Youwei look one cold, some beautiful eye opening is staring at Zhou Yuan: Your Highness is thinks...” 苏幼微神色一凛,美目有些睁大的盯着周元:“殿下是想...” I want to borrow this, tries whether to touch that so-called... the domain of god.” Zhou Yuan say/way one word at a time. “我想借此,试试能否触及一下那所谓的...神的领域。”周元一字一顿的道。 At this moment, the bonus was Su Youwei is shocked, she has never thought that under action that Zhou Yuan this seemingly was deliberately bad, actually to contain this and other ambition. 这一刻,饶是苏幼微都被震撼了,她从未想过,周元这看似自暴自弃的举动下,究竟蕴含着这等的野心。 The domain of god... 神的领域... Through the ages, does not know many peerless supreme talent uses all tries to touch, but never some people can be successful, even Jin Luo, Dragon Emperor, Chi Ji these Ancient Venerable, and other under realm can not hold a candle in that. 古往今来,不知道多少绝世天骄倾尽所有的试图去触及,但从未有人能够成功,即便是金罗,帝龙,赤姬这些古尊,都是在那等境界下望尘莫及。 Yet now, Zhou Yuan was said that he wanted to try. 可如今,周元却是说他想要去试一试。 If not has too many blind trusts to Zhou Yuan, perhaps at this moment will link Su Youwei to think that Zhou Yuan this was the insanity. 如果不是对周元有太多的盲目信任,恐怕这一刻连苏幼微都会觉得周元这是疯魔了。 Shocked continued for a long time, Su Youwei is just now nipping the silver tooth, some with difficulty said: Your Highness... this is a narrow escape.” 震撼持续了许久,苏幼微方才咬着银牙,有些艰难的道:“殿下...这是九死一生。” Present Zhou Yuan, is only One Lotus Realm peak realm, Three Lotus Realm has not achieved, but he said wants to reach the sky in a single bound, this will trade to be anybody not to think that will have, even if tiny bit possibility. 眼下的周元,只是一莲境顶峰的境界而已,就连三莲境都尚未达到,而他却说想要一步登天,这换作任何人都不会觉得有哪怕一丝一毫的可能性。 You said was too conservative, this is not a narrow escape, I felt, perhaps is ten dies not fresh.” Zhou Yuan smiled, honest say/way. “你说的太保守了,这不是九死一生,我感觉,恐怕是十死无生。”周元笑了起来,坦诚的道。 You also go!” Su Youwei was somewhat anxious. “那你还去!”苏幼微有些急了。 Now has 3rd God to awaken, the danger of all Heavens has solved, why do you make this again and other matters of suiciding?!” “如今有第三神觉醒,诸天之危已解,你何必再去做这等寻死之事?!” Zhou Yuan looks at the world's wall place, Primordial Punishing Saint Great Formation is opening slowly, the army is going far away, he resembled is sees that say/way to lead the white skirt beautiful figure of head indistinctly. 周元望着界壁处,混元诛圣大阵在缓缓开启,大军在远去,他似是隐约看见了那道领首的白裙倩影。 That strong invincible might, lets all lives has the feeling of fear. 那股浓烈的神威,让得所有生灵都是生出恐惧之感。 I will not give up.” He said in a soft voice, the eye pupil deep place is burning the exuberant flame. “我不会放弃的。”他轻声说道,眼瞳深处燃烧着旺盛的火焰。 Zhou Yuan has turned the head, he is looking at Su Youwei, shows the smile: I have complied with Yao Yao, if she is unable to cope with the divine nature, I want the help of completely all means she.” 周元转过头,他望着苏幼微,露出笑容:“我答应过夭夭,如果她自身无法对付神性,那我就会想尽一切办法的帮助她。” Therefore a narrow escape is ten dies not fresh, I will not give up.” “所以不论是九死一生还是十死无生,我都不会放弃的。” Su Youwei is looking at the smile on his face, in that smile is filling unshakable decidedly, therefore, her eye socket is also gradually is moist. 苏幼微望着他脸庞上的笑容,那笑容中充满着不容动摇的决然,于是,她的眼眶也是渐渐的湿润起来。 However finally she does not have the words that said again advises against come, but was the back of the hand applied the water splash of corner of the eye, revealed a simple and beautiful beautiful smile: That Youwei waits for Your Highness successfully to return in this.” 不过最终她没有再说出劝阻的话来,而是手背搽了搽眼角的水花,露出一个清丽绝美的笑颜:“那幼微就在此等待殿下成功归来。” Moreover Your Highness..., regardless of you must make anything, I will support you, even if you must face directly that 3rd God, I, I will still stand in your behind.” “另外殿下...不论你要做什么,我都会支持你,就算你要去直面那第三神,我,我也会站在你的身后。” She is staring at the Zhou Yuan's double pupil, beautiful moving, just like stars intensely bright. 她盯着周元的双瞳,明媚动人,宛如星辰般的耀眼夺目。 Zhou Yuan is looking at that pair of beautiful beautiful eye, silent moment, he wanted to say anything, but cannot say the words to come finally, but beckons with the hand gently, turned around resolutely, one step trod. 周元望着那一对明媚的美目,沉默了片刻,他想要说些什么,但最终还是没能说出话来,只是轻轻摆了摆手,毅然转身,一步踏出。 Front Space Distortion, formed vortex, a vortex deep place nether black piece, making one send out the feeling of palpitation fear. 前方空间扭曲,形成了漩涡,漩涡深处幽黑一片,让人散发着心悸恐惧之感。 Zhou Yuan not slightly hesitant, whatever that vortex embezzles his form gradually. 周元则是没有丝毫犹豫,任由那漩涡将他的身影渐渐吞没。 Su Youwei is looking at his form of that dissipation, has resounds in a soft voice. 苏幼微望着他那消散的身影,有轻声响起。 Your Highness, Youwei he read no other, only wish you to return smoothly.” 殿下,幼微别无他念,只愿你顺利归来。”
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