VY :: Volume #15

#1480: Chapter 1475? Strangers

The beautiful white skirt beautiful figure is situated in the colored glaze summit, skirt sleeve is floating, there is one type floating, if the feeling of immortal. 绝美的白裙倩影立于琉璃山顶,裙袂飘飘,有一种飘然若仙之感。 When this beautiful figure comes, this side Heaven and Earth time becomes somewhat is serious, as if there is pressure that one type is unable to say a word, floods in Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. 而当这道倩影现身时,这方天地顿时间变得有些沉重起来,仿佛是有着一种无法言语的威压,充斥于天地源气间。 At this moment, presents everyone, Saint or Law Domain, all are felt the pressure that lets the person palpitation covers the body, making Divine Soul somewhat shiver slightly. 这一刻,在场所有人,不论是圣者还是法域,皆是感觉到一股让人心悸的威压覆盖身躯,让得神魂都是微微有些颤抖。 Many contain the alarmed and afraid vision, goes to that beautiful figure. 诸多蕴含着惊惧的目光,投向那道倩影。 That is...” “那是...” Su Youwei, Wu Yao, Zhao Mushen and the others saw that in that say/way makes one unable to bear have the awe, the frightened beautiful figure, slightly with rapt attention, at once complexion changed. 苏幼微,武瑶,赵牧神等人见到那道让人忍不住内心生出敬畏,恐惧的倩影,微微凝神,旋即面色都是变了变。 Is Yao Yao?” The Su Youwei simple and beautiful cheeks are somewhat dignified. “是夭夭?”苏幼微清丽脸颊有些凝重。 Wu Yao is actually jogging small head, slowly said: Perhaps is not that Yao Yao that you know.” 武瑶却是轻摇螓首,缓缓的道:“恐怕不是你认识的那个夭夭。” Tun Tun has evolved to become Ancestral Gluttonous now completely...” The Zhao Mushen vision is staring at distant place that purple gold giant beast, the look is also somewhat complex: I felt it with before, became strange.” 吞吞如今已是完全进化成为了祖饕...”赵牧神的目光盯着远处那紫金巨兽,神色也是有些复杂:“不过我感觉它跟以前,也变得陌生了许多。” He and between Tun Tun has a special relation, however now see again/goodbye to this purple gold giant beast, although the latter became formidable, but also was strange. 他与吞吞间有着一种特殊的联系,然而如今再见到这紫金巨兽,虽说后者变得更为强大了,可却也陌生了。 Su Youwei said in a soft voice: Hearing Ancestral Gluttonous is 3rd God protection Saint Beast, now it awakens thoroughly, then in other words... that indeed is not Yao Yao, but is... 3rd God.” 苏幼微轻声道:“听闻祖饕乃是第三神的守护圣兽,如今其彻底觉醒,那么也就是说...那一位,的确不是夭夭,而是...第三神。” She is excessive, looks to the direction that distant place Zhou Yuan was, this time latter is silent, just like a bedstone, this looks at Su Youwei to have an anxious feeling likely. 她偏过头,望向了远处周元所在的方向,此时的后者沉默不语,宛如一座石像般,这看得苏幼微有种揪心之感。 She understands certainly, present Zhou Yuan is what kind of mood. 她当然明白,如今的周元是何等的心情。 Also only then 3rd God regains consciousness, can so easily Three Lotus Saint suppress and kill.” Wu Yao also sighed one lightly, said. “也只有第三神苏醒,才能够如此轻易的将一位三莲圣者镇杀。”武瑶也是轻叹了一声,道。 This perhaps is one that in all Heavens countless people hopes, is only... to that fellow, perhaps is not considered as that anything the matter that wants to see.” “不过这恐怕是诸天无数人所期盼的一幕,只是...对那家伙而言,或许不算是什么想要看见的事情。” Zhao Mushen is slightly silent, said: Individual emotion and all Heavens are willing to oppose, this matter, he actually painstakingly.” 赵牧神微微沉默,道:“个人情感与诸天之愿对立,这件事,他倒是苦了。” Su Youwei white teeth bites the red lip tightly, the white hands grips tightly, nearby Wu Yao is also silent. 苏幼微贝齿紧咬红唇,玉手紧握,一旁的武瑶也是默然不语。 But in other direction, Chu Qing, Li Chunjun, Zuoqiu Qingyu, Lu Luo and the others similarly is the look complex is looking at this. 而在另外的方向,楚青,李纯钧,左丘青鱼,绿萝等人同样是神色复杂的望着这一幕。 They can imagine, at this time the Zhou Yuan innermost feelings are what kind of suffering. 他们能够想象到,此时周元内心是何等的煎熬。 Two people who once remembered with eternal gratitude, now actually just like a stranger, this simply is the society most brutal matter. 曾经最刻骨铭心的两人,如今却宛如是陌路,这简直就是人世间最残酷的事情。 In upper air, Cang Yuan vision in that shape, if the gods beautiful figure place stopped the moment, finally treads to empty, outside being away from the latter hundred zhang (333 m) stopped, submissively respectful sound said: Previously many thanks 3rd God lent a hand to assist, suppress and kill Ancient Saint Zhang Lei.” 高空上,苍渊的目光在那道状若神明般的倩影处停了片刻,最后踏空而出,在距离后者百丈之外停了下来,拱手恭声道:“先前多谢第三神出手相助,镇杀掌雷古圣。” At once his vision glance four directions, the sinking sound gets up: „, This is 3rd God, is my all Heavens resists Saint Race's in a big way to be, also not greetings?!” 旋即他目光扫视四方,沉声响起:“诸位,此为第三神,乃是我诸天对抗圣族的最大希望所在,还不拜见?!” Many Saint, Law Domain expert looking at each other, at once is wear a look of respectful, stoops to do obeisance: Pays respect to 3rd God!” 诸多圣者,法域强者对视,旋即皆是面带恭敬,弯身而拜:“参拜第三神!” Many of them, the look somewhat like and hope actually, after all they know, when 3rd God appear(ance), then the all Heavens' disadvantage will be reversed. Under that countless people pays respect, in that spoken parts skirt beautiful figure beautiful appearance actually does not see the slight fluctuation, a pair is profound like the starry sky, the indifferent eye pupil, is gazing at myriad lives lightly. 其中不少人,倒是神色有些欢喜与期盼,毕竟他们都知晓,当第三神出现时,那么诸天的劣势就将会得到扭转。在那无数人参拜下,那道白裙倩影绝美的容颜上却不见丝毫的波动,一对如星空般深邃,漠然的眼瞳,淡淡的注视着万千生灵。 But in her and other under the vision, Cang Yuan, feels a constriction of feel alienated. 而在她那等目光下,就连苍渊,都是感觉到了一股疏离的压迫感。 That is the pressure of true god, before this sequence strength, even Saint mighty force, by comprehensive suppression. 那是真正的神之威压,在这种序列力量之前,即便是圣者伟力,都被全面的压制。 The vision of 3rd God faint feel alienated stays on the body of Cang Yuan, has the elusive dignified voice to resound: Can the Steward people call this all Heavens.” 第三神淡漠疏离的目光停留在苍渊的身上,有空灵威严的嗓音响起:“将这诸天管事的人都召来吧。” Her sound as before is like that clear delightful, but did not have any surging up, a fear feeling of difficult word. 她的声音依旧是那般的清脆悦耳,但其中却没有了任何的波澜起伏,给人一种难言的畏惧感。 Cang Yuan hearing this, nods should, he understand, when 3rd God regains consciousness promptly, that Saint Race's attack plan has ended in failure, present Saint Race after receiving message, definitely will choose to draw back troops, then defends stubbornly Saint Race four big Heaven Territory, awaits calmly awakens of Saint God. 苍渊闻言,点头应下,他明白,当第三神及时苏醒时,那圣族的进攻计划就已经宣告失败,现在的圣族在收到消息后,必然会选择退兵,然后固守圣族四大天域,静待圣神的苏醒。 Because also only then Saint God regains consciousness, can contend with 3rd God. 因为也只有圣神苏醒,才能够抗衡第三神 Also asked 3rd God to await calmly some date and time, after three Ancient Venerable received the message, met first to catch up.” Cang Yuan said. “还请第三神静待一些时日,三位古尊收到消息后,会第一时间赶来。”苍渊说道。 3rd God small head nodded, the white hands lose to behind, the slender eyelash dangles slowly, closes the view. 第三神螓首微点,玉手负于身后,修长的睫毛缓缓垂下,闭上眼帘。 Cang Yuan does obeisance again submissively, then turns around to look to these people of many being wounded, said: This Blue Profound Heaven can insist now, was lucky payout and struggle, the war rests now slightly, but also invited to hurry to restore the injury.” 苍渊再度拱手一拜,然后转身看向那些诸多负伤之人,道:“此次苍玄天能够坚持到现在,多亏了诸位的付出与苦战,如今战局稍歇,还请诸位赶紧修复自身伤势。” Among Heaven and Earth, many forces also return a courtesy, at once does not attend to collapsing to the ground of image, at this moment, many Saint, cannot bear relaxing of feels relieved even, sits down slowly, is alleviating fleshly body as well as spiritual exhausted. 天地间,诸多人马也是回礼,旋即不顾形象的瘫坐在地,这一刻,就算是诸多的圣者,都忍不住如释重负的松了一口气,缓缓坐下,缓解着肉身以及精神上的疲惫。 This war, boiled finally. 这场大战,总算是熬了下来。 Perhaps if that 3rd God late appear(ance), they really must be repulsed again on the 1st Blue Profound Heaven. 如果那位第三神再晚出现一日,恐怕他们就真的得败退进苍玄天了。 Is built on a broken summit Zhou Yuan, is not in no mood to rest the alleviation to be exhausted and injury, his vision stays, in that is familiar to imprint together enters on the beautiful figure of Divine Soul deep place. 立于一座残破山巅的周元,却并没有心情去歇息缓解疲惫以及伤势,他的目光只是停留在那一道熟悉到烙印神魂深处的倩影身上。 Latter women's clothing, from style, actually initially the new skirt of wedding, but... its color from the hunting pink, turned pure white. 后者身上的衣裙,从样式来看,倒是当初大婚的新裙,只不过...其颜色从鲜艳红色,变成了纯白。 In her side, Tun Tun, no, should be is called purple gold giant beast lying of slowly Ancestral Gluttonous to bend down, the huge body is sending out the astonishing pressure. 在她的身旁,吞吞,不,应该是叫做祖饕紫金巨兽缓缓的趴伏着,庞大的身躯散发着惊人的威压。 His silent is looking at that a man and a beast, once they were intimate like that they passed through how much repeated difficulties and dangers and difficulties together, from that small Great Zhou Dynasty, the reputation resounded through all Heavens finally. 他沉默的望着那一人一兽,曾经他们是那般的亲密,他们一起走过了多少风风雨雨与艰难险阻,一路从那小小大周王朝中,最终声名响彻诸天 However now... just like stranger. 然而现在...宛如陌路。 Zhou Yuan somewhat pulled the corners of the mouth difficultly, is actually hard to pull a smile throughout. 周元有些艰难的扯了扯嘴角,却始终难以扯出一个笑容来。 Finally, he deeply inspires, resembles made some decision. 最终,他深吸了一口气,似是做出了某种决定。 He trod to empty to go, moved toward 3rd God as well as Ancestral Gluttonous is. 他踏空而去,走向了第三神以及祖饕所在。 He is to confirm something after all personally. 他终归是想要亲自来确认一些事情。 But his moves, immediately caused in this stretch of battlefield the attention of many observant and conscientious person, including Su Youwei, Wu Yao, Zuoqiu Qingyu they... 而他这一动,顿时就引起了这片战场中许多有心人的注意,包括苏幼微,武瑶,左丘青鱼她们... Complex vision, go to Zhou Yuan. 一道道复杂的目光,投向周元 In the sky, Cang Yuan is also detected that Zhou Yuan's action, he wants to stop, but in hesitant, after all is smiling bitterly sighing. 天空上,苍渊也是察觉到了周元的举动,他想要阻拦,但在犹豫了一下,终归还是苦笑着叹了一口气。 Under the gazes of many vision in that Heaven and Earth, Zhou Yuan treading step by step approached that suppress and kill spatially the Ancient Saint Zhang Lei colored glaze mountain. 在那天地间诸多目光的注视下,周元一步步的踏空走近了那座镇杀掌雷古圣的琉璃山。 Lay to bend down in 3rd God purple gold giant beast that is lingering the Fiendish Qi beast pupil fierce to throw, locked on Zhou Yuan. 原本趴伏在第三神身旁的紫金巨兽那萦绕着凶煞之气的兽瞳猛的投来,锁定在了周元身上。 Looks the man who that is close to more and more, in the Ancestral Gluttonous beast pupil passed over gently and swiftly some vacant meanings, it on the body of that man, faint feeling some intimate as well as familiarities. 望着那个越来越接近的男人,祖饕的兽瞳中掠过一些茫然之意,它在那个男人的身上,隐隐的感受到了一些亲近以及熟悉感。 precisely this feeling, making it suddenly not issue the warning the roar, stops the man step that approaches. 正是这种感觉,让得它一时间没有发出警告的吼声,将那靠近的男人步伐制止下来。 The Zhou Yuan's step, being close step by step, entered into the hundred zhang (333 m) range finally. 周元的步伐,一步步的接近,最后迈入了百丈范围。 But also in this moment, that white hands loses to behind, has been hanging 3rd God of view, lifted that beautiful jade face slowly, the eye pupil also opened the eyes in this time. 而也就是在这一刻,那玉手负于身后,一直垂着眼帘的第三神,缓缓的抬起了那绝美的玉颜,眼瞳也是在此时睁了开来。 A pair of indifferent vision, stopped on Zhou Yuan's, made latter's footsteps stiff. 一对冷漠至极的目光,停在了周元的身上,也让得后者的脚步僵硬了下来。 Zhou Yuan clenches teeth, the line of sight with its vision to bumping, that flickers, he felt that a piercing chill in the air, that and other chill in the air, must freeze simply its within the body flow Saint mighty force. 周元咬了咬牙,视线与其目光对碰,那一瞬,他感觉到了一股刺骨寒意,那等寒意,简直是要将其体内流动圣者伟力都冻结起来。 From that extremely familiar view, Zhou Yuan had not felt, even if tiny bit familiarity, obviously that cheeks are remembering with eternal gratitude like that may give Zhou Yuan's to be strange as well as alienation, is thick such as black ink to be the same. 从那原本极为熟悉的眼帘中,周元没有感觉到哪怕一丝一毫的熟悉感,明明那张脸颊是那般的刻骨铭心,可给周元的陌生以及疏离感,却是浓得如墨一般。 In that vision, brings indifferent bird's eye view, such as the Spiritual God is overlooking the common people. 那目光中,带着漠然的俯瞰,如神灵在俯视苍生。 Even, from that vision deep place, Zhou Yuan also detected wisp of slight killing intent. 甚至,从那目光深处,周元还察觉到了一缕细微的杀机 That flash, made one understand her status. 那一霎那,就让得人明白了她的身份。 In the Zhou Yuan mouth that Yao Yao has not blurted, was frozen in the tip of tongue, he is looking at that once the familiar jade face, the emotion of innermost feelings like the torrent impact the heart, the tip of the nose has the grieved meaning to emerge, the eye socket was becomes slightly astringent. 周元嘴中那一句夭夭未曾脱口,便是被冻结在舌尖,他只是望着那曾熟悉的玉颜,内心的情感如洪流般的冲击着心脏,鼻尖有酸楚之意涌现,眼眶都是变得微涩了起来。 He somewhat scared is built on same place, does not enter does not draw back. 他有些失魂落魄的立于原地,不进也不退。 In that distant place, Zuoqiu Qingyu, lowering the head of Li Qingchan and the others all do not endure. 在那远处,左丘青鱼,李卿婵等人皆是不忍的低下头。 The Su Youwei white hands grasp closely, on the fair back of the hand, there is a careful blue vein to reappear, she is at once excessive, the back of the hand applied the moist corner of the eye. 苏幼微玉手握得紧紧的,白皙的手背上,有细细的青筋在浮现,旋即她偏过头去,手背搽了搽湿润的眼角。 Because sees Zhou Yuan that scared appearance, she feels a tear pain, since the acquaintance, she has never seen Zhou Yuan to reveal so the appearance. 因为见到周元那失魂落魄的模样,她就感觉到一种撕裂般的痛,自从相识以来,她从未见过周元露出这般模样。 Wu Yao clapped on her shoulder gently, in the heart sighed lightly, initially saw Zhou Yuan and Yao Yao two people happy, understands now this outcome ruthlessly. 武瑶轻轻的拍了拍她的肩,心中轻叹,当初见到周元夭夭两人有多甜蜜,就明白现在这一幕究竟有多狠。 This stretch of battlefield, as if many people knew anything faintly, suddenly also became peaceful. 这片战场,似乎很多人都隐隐知晓了什么,一时间也变得安静了下来。 Noise wind, static. 喧嚣的风儿,都静了下去。 Finally, Cang Yuan is holding the fist in the other hand to 3rd God, walked, is drawing scared Zhou Yuan, fell back on the distant place step by step. 最终,还是苍渊对着第三神抱拳,走了上去,然后拉着失魂落魄的周元,一步步的退到了远处。 Ancestral Gluttonous is swaying the gigantic head, it looks at that to be towed the man of going far away, why does not know, in the heart also had a sad mood, then it roars lowly, looked to 3rd God. 祖饕摇晃着硕大的脑袋,它望着那被拖着远去的男子,不知道为何,心中也是生出了一股难过的情绪,然后它低吼一声,看向了身旁的第三神 However 3rd God does not have the mighty waves, instead a pair flooded the indifferent eye pupil to look at its one, that made Ancestral Gluttonous hit one to tremble immediately, then honest lying bent down. 然而第三神却是毫无波澜,反而一对充斥着漠然的眼瞳看了它一眼,那一眼顿时让得祖饕打了一个寒颤,然后老老实实的趴伏了下去。
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