VY :: Volume #15

#1479: suppress and kill Zhang Lei

The sudden admission of purple gold giant beast, swallows Saint Race many expert this, directly was causes the killing intent strong battlefield to stagnate instantaneously, countless line of sight shocking is looking at this, obviously was somewhat hard to get back one's composure for a while. 紫金巨兽的突然入场,一口吞下圣族诸多强者这一幕,直接是导致原本杀意浓烈的战场瞬间凝滞了下来,无数道视线震惊的望着这一幕,显然是一时有些难以回神。 The vast mighty force and pressure that in that purple gold giant beast huge body surges, clearly were the Three Lotus Realm level, but so Saint Beast of rank, all Heavens or Saint Race have not had. 紫金巨兽庞大身躯内涌动的浩瀚伟力以及威压,分明是达到了三莲境的层次,而如此等级的圣兽,不论是诸天还是圣族都根本未曾拥有。 Actually is that this where sacred?! 那这究竟是何方神圣?! At this moment, is not only the Saint Race's army is panic, the Blue Profound Heaven's protection army is also somewhat vacant, they for fear that this extremely mysterious formidable Saint Beast also make a move to them at present suddenly, then regarding originally situation not wonderful them, will have one misfortune after another without doubt... 这一刻,不仅是圣族的大军惊慌失措,就连苍玄天的守护部队也是有些茫然,他们生怕眼前这极为神秘强大圣兽突然也对他们出手,那对于本就情况不妙的他们,无疑将会是雪上加霜... Three lotus Saint Beast?!” “三莲圣兽?!” Black falcon Saint that then confronts with Zhou Yuan, similarly is the complexion drastic change, the look is surprised, because in information that in they know, all Heavens absolutely not exist(ence) so-called three lotus Saint Beast! 而那与周元对阵的黑隼圣者,同样是面色剧变,眼神惊疑不定,因为在他们所得知的情报中,诸天绝对不存在所谓的三莲圣兽 Three lotus Saint Beast, compares favorably with Ancient Saint Ancient Venerable exist(ence), once enters the war, will have the drastic effect on the entire war, therefore suddenly, this black falcon Saint does not dare to have anything to move again. 一尊三莲圣兽,乃是媲美古圣古尊般的存在,一旦参战,将会对整个战局都造成巨大的影响,所以一时间,就连这黑隼圣者都不敢再有什么动弹。 However, when the battlefield stagnates, that three lotus Saint Beast have not actually stopped, sees only it to step the step of everything may become vulnerable, the deafening roaring sound resounds through, then like black hole giant mouth, unceasing emits black light, black light has been curling to the Saint Race army, in the countless pitiful yell sound, many Saint Race expert were swallowed into the huge mouth by it. 不过,在战场凝滞时,那三莲圣兽却并没有停下来,只见得它迈动着地动山摇的步伐,震耳欲聋般的咆哮声响彻,那如黑洞般的巨嘴中,不断的喷吐出黑光,黑光对着圣族大军卷过,无数惨叫声中,诸多圣族强者被其吞入巨口。 At this moment, the Blue Profound Heaven protection army the morale inspires immediately greatly, because the situation understands finally, this mysterious three lotus Saint Beast, are their reinforcements. 这一刻,苍玄天守护部队顿时士气大振,因为局势总算是明白,这神秘的三莲圣兽,算是他们的援军。 Therefore, has the cheers to resound through. 于是,有欢呼声响彻而起。 Compared to here cheers, that Saint Race army is panic-stricken incomparable, at once have several stream of light to shoot up to the sky, this is that side Saint Race some Two Lotuses Realm Saint, although they understand at present three lotus Saint Beast terrors, but at this time they , if not stand, that will only cause bigger casualties to Saint Race. 相对于这边的欢呼声,那圣族大军则是惊恐无比,旋即有数道流光冲天而起,这是圣族那边的一些双莲境圣者,虽然他们都明白眼前三莲圣兽的恐怖,可此时他们若是不站出来,那只会给圣族造成更大的伤亡。 Several double lotus Saint welcomed three lotus Saint Beast, immediately erupted the war of heaven shaking. 数名双莲圣者迎上三莲圣兽,顿时爆发出了惊天之战。 But who can look, these pair of lotus Saint fall into the disadvantage from the beginning, can only delay time reluctantly. 但谁都看得出来,这些双莲圣者从一开始就陷入劣势,只能勉强拖一点时间。 Kills!” “杀!” So the good opportunity, the Blue Profound Heaven protection army naturally cannot let off, during roaring sounds, army like torrent running out, again with Saint Race army collision together. 如此良机,苍玄天守护部队自然不会放过,咆哮声间,大军如洪流般的冲出,再度与圣族大军碰撞在一起 Saint Race army who this time, the morale vacillates, finally was appear(ance) the sign of retreating, no matter what after all no one can neglect that to roar in the sky, will soon defeat several double lotus Saint blockades three lotus Saint Beast. 这一次,士气动摇的圣族大军,终于是出现了溃退的迹象,毕竟任谁都不能忽视那在上空咆哮着,即将击败数位双莲圣者阻击的三莲圣兽 deserves death!” 该死!” That black falcon Saint is complexion is also pale, curses angrily makes noise, his how didn't expect, this aspect well, how turned into this suddenly. 那黑隼圣者也是面色铁青,怒骂出声,他怎么都没想到,这好好的局面,怎么突然间就变成了这样。 He looked at a sky that to try to intercept three lotus Saint Beast, but actually in retreating in defeat again and again several double lotus Saint, clenched teeth, the form moved, must go to support. 他看了一眼上空那试图拦截三莲圣兽,但却在节节败退的数位双莲圣者,一咬牙,身影一动,就要前去支援。 Bang! 轰! However his form just moved, is has white torrent to grind void like white dragon vast mighty force that but, above coerces, void is shakes to break the four directions. 不过他身影刚动,便是有着一道白色洪流白龙般碾碎虚空而至,其上裹挟的浩瀚伟力,将四方虚空都是震得破碎开来。 Black falcon complexion gloomy, does not dare to neglect, immediately stops the body to welcome, reduces and solves that mighty force offensive, at once look mean is staring at present Zhou Yuan: Zhou Yuan, do not court death!” 黑隼面色阴沉,不敢怠慢,立即停身迎上,将那伟力攻势所化解,旋即眼神阴狠的盯着眼前的周元:“周元,不要找死!” Zhou Yuan complexion indifferently, starts ruthlessly actually even more spicy, mighty force like tide racing wells up, falling in torrents of hiding the sky and covering the earth under. 周元面色漠然,下手却是愈发的狠辣,伟力如潮汐般奔涌,铺天盖地的倾泻而下。 But that black falcon is angry, has no alternative, can only tie down by Zhou Yuan cannot move. 而那黑隼则是愤怒不已,却又无可奈何,只能被周元缠住动弹不得。 Finally, he can only cry loud and long to make noise: Sir Zhang Lei!” 最后,他只能长啸出声:“掌雷大人!” This was the plan gives Ancient Saint Zhang Lei the accident notification of here. 这是打算将此处的变故通报给掌雷古圣了。 But shortly after the howl of this black falcon spreads, beyond that space has the terrifying mighty force to collide suddenly, the eruption , everyone of this battlefield heard Ancient Saint Zhang Lei that belt/bring the panic-stricken sound to resound in beyond the Heavens: You, are you?!” 而就在这黑隼的啸声传出后不久,那空间之外突然是有着恐怖的伟力在碰撞,爆发,紧接着,这座战场的所有人都是听见了掌雷古圣那带着惊恐的声音于天外响起:“你,你是?!” Panic-stricken and frightened in that sound containing, making black the falcon and other Saint Race Saint hearts all sink, fight outside that space, actually what happened? 那声音之中所蕴含的惊恐与恐惧,让得黑隼等圣族圣者心头皆是一沉,那空间之外的战斗,究竟发生了什么事? „The Saint Race army, draws back, draws back quickly!” 圣族大军,退,快退!” „!” “啊!” But in they are surprised, that Ancient Saint Zhang Lei sound suddenly becomes sharp, next quarter, even has the pitiful yell sound penetrating to get up. 而就在他们惊疑间,那掌雷古圣的声音陡然间变得尖利起来,下一刻,甚至是有着惨叫声响彻起来。 Whish! 哗! Saint Race army immediately thorough was chaotic, at this moment, everyone in crazy retreating. 圣族大军顿时彻底的乱了,这一刻,所有人都是在疯狂的撤退。 Many Saint are hard to stabilize the aspect, finally the choice retreats. 就连诸多圣者都是难以稳住局面,最后选择溃退。 Bang! 轰! But also in Saint Race army routed, beyond that space, has meteor together to drop from the clouds suddenly, finally fell to the ground loudly, pounds in piece of number hundred thousand the huge basin gulf. 而也就是在圣族大军溃败间,那空间之外,突然有着一道流星从天而降,最后轰然落地,砸出了一片数十万里庞大的盆地深坑。 A countless line of sight projects to go, then that look then suddenly becomes panic-stricken. 无数道视线投射而去,然后那眼神便是陡然变得惊骇起来。 Because they see, transparent like colored glaze giant mountain appear(ance) in basin center, but in that giant mountain deep place, is suppressing together the person's shadow obviously, looks at its appearance, impressively is Saint Race that Ancient Saint Zhang Lei! 因为他们见到,一座透明如琉璃般的巨山出现于盆地中央,而在那巨山深处,可见镇压着一道人影,看其面目,赫然便是圣族那位掌雷古圣 But at this time, that three lotus Ancient Venerable appearance twist, in the eye full is the meaning of fear, his body was solidified in colored glaze giant mountain, just like is stranded the mosquito in amber is ordinary. 而此时,那位三莲古尊面目扭曲,眼中满是恐惧之意,他的身躯被凝固在琉璃巨山之中,犹如是被困在琥珀中的蚊虫一般。 Above giant mountain, has the mysterious trace faintly in flow, strength that these traces send out, let all Saint on the scene is feels a palpitation and fear. 巨山之上,隐隐有着神秘的纹路在流动,那些纹路所散发的力量,让得在场的所有圣者都是感觉到了一种心悸与恐惧。 As if that strength, exceeded the Saint mighty force. 似乎那种力量,超越了圣者伟力。 „Is that... Ancient Saint Zhang Lei? He by suppress and kill?!” “那是...掌雷古圣?他被镇杀了?!” More people are looking at that solidified form panic-strickenly, at this moment, Saint of both sides all feels a trembling feeling. 更多的人惊骇的望着那被凝固的身影,这一刻,双方的圣者皆是感觉到了一种战栗之感。 In the time of this short moment, Three Lotus Saint, by suppress and kill?! 在这短短片刻的时间,一名三莲圣者,就被镇杀了?! This book is manufactured by the public number reorganization. Pays attention to VX Book friend supreme headquarters, Reads to get the cash red package! 本书由公众号整理制作。关注VX【书友大本营】,看书领现金红包! They can feel, the Ancient Saint Zhang Lei vitality by cut-off all, this is not the normal suppression, but is true die! 他们能够感觉得出来,掌雷古圣的生机已经被尽数的切断,这不是正常的镇压,而是真正的陨落 At this moment, everyone feels feeling of the fantasy story. 这一刻,所有人都是感觉到一种天方夜谭之感。 In that in the past, in all Heavens or Saint Race, Three Lotus Saint is among this Heaven and Earth peak expert. 在那以往,不论是在诸天还是圣族,三莲圣者可谓是这个天地间最顶尖的强者 But now, Three Lotus Saint, under their noses, the moment time has not even insisted, suddenly by suppress and kill... 可现在,一位三莲圣者,就在他们的眼皮底下,连片刻时间都未曾坚持到,就突然间被镇杀... When, even did Three Lotus Saint become such as the chicken dog recklessly to be slaughtered? 什么时候,连三莲圣者都变得如鸡狗般被肆意屠戮了? Faces is so subverting one, the Saint Race's army collapsed thoroughly, then crazy retreating. 面对着如此颠覆般的一幕,圣族的大军彻底崩溃了,然后疯狂的撤退。 But Blue Profound Heaven's protection army, has not chased down ; first, oneself condition does not permit ; second, because of the present aspect, making them also somewhat surprised and disturbed. 苍玄天的守护部队,也没有一直追杀,一是自身状态不允许,二是因为眼前的局面,让得他们也有些惊疑与忐忑。 They do not know, beyond that space, actually what happened? 他们不知道,在那空间之外,究竟是发生了什么事情? Was Jin Luo, Dragon Emperor, Chi Ji three Ancient Venerable gives support? But even so, was still so easily unlikely on suppress and kill Three Lotus Saint? 难道是金罗,帝龙,赤姬三位古尊前来支援了?可即便如此,也不太可能如此轻易的就镇杀了一位三莲圣者吧? In the Blue Profound Heaven's protection army does not know what to do, beyond the space, stream of light falls, presently comes, precisely Cang Yuan. 就在苍玄天的守护部队不知如何是好时,空间外,有一道流光落下,现出身来,正是苍渊 But this time Cang Yuan is also the vision somewhat absent-minded is looking at that colored glaze giant mountain as well as by suppress and kill that person's shadow, finally look complex looked that to direction that Zhou Yuan was. 而此时的苍渊也是目光有些失神的望着那座琉璃般的巨山以及其中被镇杀的那道人影,最后神色复杂的看向了周元所在的方向。 Receives Cang Yuan that complex vision Zhou Yuan, the palm cannot bear trembles slightly. 接收到苍渊那复杂目光的周元,手掌也是忍不住的微微一颤。 Perhaps others have not understood that suddenly what happened, he can actually so easily guess... to be able suppress and kill Three Lotus Saint, exist(ence) that this world can achieve, only has two... 别人或许一时间还不明白发生了什么事,他却是能够猜测得出来...能够如此轻易镇杀一位三莲圣者,这个世间能够做到的存在,只有两位... Saint God as well as 3rd God. 圣神以及第三神 But what at present by suppress and kill is Saint Race's Ancient Saint Zhang Lei, in addition Tun Tun's appear(ance), then the answer was very clear. 而眼下被镇杀的是圣族的掌雷古圣,再加上吞吞的出现,那么答案就很明确了。 Zhou Yuan stretched out the friction that the palm made an effort a face, then the heart had a feeling looked at that like the top of colored glaze giant mountain, there, when did not know, the spoken parts skirt floating beautiful figure was red jade foot to stand. 周元伸出手掌用力的摩擦了一下脸庞,然后心有所感的将目光投向了那座如琉璃般的巨山之顶,在那里,不知何时,有一道白裙飘飘的倩影赤着玉足而立。 That beautiful figure, as before is peerless grace and talent like that. 那道倩影,依旧是那般的风华绝代。 Familiar like that remembering with eternal gratitude like that. 那般的熟悉,那般的刻骨铭心。 Also is like that... 也是那般的... Strange. 陌生。
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