VY :: Volume #14

#1320: Shame

Chi Liu, they stopped!” 赤鎏,他们停下来了!” The divided forces Saint Race team, is headed by Chi Liu, the two Law Domain second boundary assistance, so lineup, although wanted inferior compared with before many, team that but ran away compared to the front, could be called as before sufficiently is luxurious. 已经分兵的圣族队伍,以赤鎏为首,两名法域第二境协助,如此阵容虽然比起之前要逊色不少,但相对于前方逃窜的队伍来说,依旧足以称得上是豪华。 But also in this time, they discovered the team that the front has run away crazily had the change. 而也就是在此时,他们发现了前方一直疯狂逃窜的队伍有了异动。 The speed of running away starts becomes slow, finally even dropped from the clouds, falls was flowing the lava to distant place one, is emitting high-temperature black fog the top of volcano. 逃窜的速度开始变缓,最后甚至是从天而降,落向了远处一座流淌着熔岩,喷吐着高温黑雾的火山之顶。 Finally was too tired to move any further?” The Chi Liu corners of the mouth have the fierce color to reappear, said. “终于是跑不动了吗?”赤鎏嘴角有着狰狞之色浮现出来,道。 Can cheat?” Another two Law Domain second boundary discrete asking. “会不会有诈?”另外两名法域第二境谨慎的问道。 Chi Liu is somewhat helpless, said: They nothing but are saw that the Captain Yuan Quan belt/bring person departs, our here strengths reduced, therefore planned that fights tooth and nail tries, if we startled were drawn back by it, instead such as their hoping, if when the time comes the person ran, how we do go back to confess?” 赤鎏有些无奈,道:“他们无非是见到渊泉队长带人离去,我们这边力量削减了许多,所以才打算搏命一试,如果我们被其惊退,反而如了他们的愿,到时候若是人跑了,我们怎么回去交代?” That two Law Domain second boundary hearing this, is embarrasedly smiles, then nodded. 那两名法域第二境闻言,也是讪讪的一笑,然后点点头 Chi Liu sees that the palm lifts, the speed of entire team is to also start to slow down, finally when the distance opposite party also thousand zhang (3.33 m) distances, fell slowly. 赤鎏见状,手掌一抬,整个队伍的速度也是开始减缓,最后在距离对方还有千丈距离时,缓缓的落了下来。 „The words that one flock of mice, kneel down at this time perhaps, can keep an entire corpse.” The Chi Liu both arms hold the chest, the eye are gazing at Zhou Yuan and the others indifferently, in light sound, cold and gloomy baleful aura circulation. “一群老鼠,此时跪下的话,或许还能留个全尸。”赤鎏双臂抱胸,眼目漠然的注视着周元等人,淡淡的声音中,有一股森冷煞气流转。 However regarding his trash words, Zhou Yuan has not paid attention actually, but the vision stayed on that three Law Domain second boundaries flickers, said in a soft voice: „The fellow of that speech, gives me to cope.” 不过对于他这种垃圾话,周元倒是未曾理会,只是目光在那三位法域第二境身上停留了的一瞬,轻声道:“那说话的家伙,交给我来对付。” „Can your too crazy a point?” Ai Tuanzi said slow. “你这会不会太狂了一点?”艾团子呐呐道。 Present Zhou Yuan, Origin Qi cultivation base is only Nascent Origin Realm, although his Divine Soul stepped into Roaming Spirit Realm, but power of Divine Soul, does not calculate special is good at the upfront bumping hardly, the special opposite party is expert of Law Domain second boundary, the disparity between this, quite huge. 现在的周元,源气修为不过只是源婴境,虽说他的神魂踏入了游神境,但神魂之力,并不算特别的擅长正面硬碰,特别对方还是一位法域第二境的强者,这之间的差距,相当的庞大。 Therefore faced Zhou Yuan to lock opposite party most thorny the action of powerful enemy directly, not only Ai Tuanzi a little suspected, in team other these people, was looks surprisedly, disturbed. 所以面对着周元直接锁定了对方最为棘手的强敌的举动,不仅艾团子有点怀疑,就连队伍中其他的那些人,也是面露惊疑,忐忑。 Do not have groundless fears, our person died, perhaps he can also jump for joy.” Suddenly makes noise, unexpectedly is Zhao Mushen, he looks to sneer, obviously feels about surprised of people somewhat laughably. “不要杞人忧天了,我们这里的人死光了,恐怕他都还能活蹦乱跳。”突然出声的,竟然是赵牧神,他面露冷笑,显然对于众人的惊疑感到有些可笑。 After all was Zhou Yuan once powerful enemy, actually trump card of his clearest this fellow was what kind of emerging one after another incessantly. 毕竟身为周元曾经的强敌,他最明白这家伙的底牌究竟是何等的层出不穷。 Although this fellow seems like only Nascent Origin Realm, but the Zhao Mushen faint feeling, Zhou Yuan is actually hiding one's incompetence by remaining silent inevitably, moreover that Origin Qi fluctuation that previously occasionally sent out from Zhou Yuan, is not ordinary Nascent Origin expert may compare absolutely. 虽说这家伙看上去只是源婴境,但赵牧神却隐隐的感觉,周元必然是在藏拙,而且此前偶尔间从周元身上散发出来的那种源气波动来看,也绝对不是普通的源婴强者可比。 This lets his deep suspicion, Zhou Yuan's Nascent Origin, perhaps was an extremely astonishing size inevitably. 这让得他深深的怀疑,周元的源婴,恐怕必然是达到了一个极为惊人的尺寸。 Tun Tun on Zhou Yuan top of the head stretches out the claw to aim at the Law Domain second boundary , indicating that opponent can give it. 周元头顶上的吞吞伸出爪子指向一位法域第二境,表明那个对手可以交给它。 „The Law Domain second boundary...” Zhou Yuan looks to Ai Tuanzi and the others, their here Law Domain expert merely were more than two opposite, but the two Law Domain first boundaries, perhaps at all will not be opponent of second boundary. “还有一位法域第二境...”周元看向艾团子等人,他们这边的法域强者比对面仅仅多了两位,但两位法域第一境,恐怕根本不会是一位第二境的对手 I and Su Youwei, the Zhao Mushen three people, can cope with the Law Domain first boundary jointly.” At this time Wu Yao said suddenly. “我和苏幼微,赵牧神三人,可以联手对付一位法域第一境。”此时武瑶突然说道。 Such remarks, makes Ai Tuanzi these Law Domain expert somewhat look askance actually, after all the Wu Yao three people are only Nascent Origin Realm, perhaps they have to cut to kill Pseudo Law Domain accomplishments, but Pseudo Law Domain with really Law Domain is actually two different concepts, therefore three people, if can cope with Law Domain expert jointly, that is really some are not simple. 此话一出,倒是让得艾团子这些法域强者都是有些侧目,毕竟武瑶三人只是源婴境,他们或许有着斩杀伪法域战绩,可伪法域跟真法域却是两个不同的概念,所以三人如果联手能够对付一位法域强者的话,那还真是有些不简单。 Zhou Yuan did not suspect their strengths, smile immediately, said: That was similar.” 周元则是并不怀疑他们的实力,当即一笑,道:“那就差不多了。” He looks to Ai Tuanzi as well as another two Law Domain expert, said: „Can you tie down the last Law Domain second boundary jointly? We require some time, this is very important.” 他又看向艾团子以及另外两位法域强者,道:“你们可以联手缠住最后一位法域第二境吗?我们需要一些时间,这很重要。” He is Tun Tun, perhaps temporarily dealt with the Law Domain second boundary is the limits, if the second boundary joined the battlefield at this time, then during they will instead fall into are troublesome. 不论是他还是吞吞,恐怕暂时应对一位法域第二境都是极限了,如果此时又有一位第二境加入战场,那么他们反而会陷入麻烦之中。 Zhou Yuan that serious look of three Law Domain expert including Ai Tuanzi when seeing, understands that this act the importance, they look at each other one, finally nods with deep veneration. 包括艾团子在内的三位法域强者在见到周元那郑重的神色时,也明白此举的重要,他们对视一眼,最终肃然的点头 By three people of strength, must cope with the second boundary, in this risk is big, but even Zhou Yuan dares single to fight, where do they have the reason of flinching? 以三人之力,要去对付一位第二境,这之中危险性不小,但连周元都敢独身而战,他们又哪里有退缩的理由? Relax, only if three of us died in battle all, will otherwise not make him disturb you.” A Law Domain expert sound is low and deep, facial features saying decidedly. “放心吧,除非我们三人尽数战死,不然不会让他去干扰你们。”一名法域强者声音低沉,面容决然的说道。 The Zhou Yuan lip moves, but has not said anything finally, can enter the person to this Stone Dragon mystical place, should complete the worst plan, after all this is a war, here, die is the most common matter. 周元嘴唇动了动,但最终没有多说什么,能够进入到这石龙秘境的人,应该都已做好了最坏的打算,毕竟这是一场战争,在这里,陨落是最常见的事情。 Completed the assignment? How wants to play? We pursued for quite a while, can make us enjoy oneself to the full?” “做好分配了吗?想要怎么玩?我们追了大半天,总得让我们尽尽兴吧?” When them completes the assignment, in that distant place, Chi Liu brings sound light transmitting of teasing. 而当他们这边做好分配的时候,在那远处,赤鎏带着戏谑的声音淡淡的传来。 His both arms hold the chest, having a relish looks at Zhou Yuan and the others, he also seems very curious, the opposite party is facing their intimidation, actually to act out of desperation to which step? 他双臂抱胸,饶有兴致的看着周元等人,他似乎也是很好奇,对方面对着他们的威逼,究竟会狗急跳墙到哪一步? Tun Tun jumps onto void, the body inflates suddenly, short several breaths, then changes into a power, wears golden scales mysterious giant beast, sharp tooth such as sword blade, glittering cold glow, turnover black light. 吞吞跃上虚空,身躯猛然间膨胀起来,短短数息,便是化为一头威风凛凛,身披金鳞的神秘巨兽,锋利的牙齿如剑刃般,闪烁着寒芒,吞吐着黑光 But Tun Tun locked the opposite party Law Domain second boundary directly. 吞吞直接是锁定了对方一位法域第二境。 Really is Saint Beast, but as if promote entered shortly after the 8th Rank time.” Then was smiled by Law Domain second boundary expert of Tun Tun locking lightly, at once some of his look saliva is staring at the Tun Tun's body, said: This Saint Beast, but is rarely seen, if can capture, this flesh and blood makes up greatly!” “果然是一头圣兽,不过似乎晋入八品时间不久。”那被吞吞锁定的法域第二境强者淡淡一笑,旋即他眼神有些垂涎的盯着吞吞的身躯,道:“这种圣兽可是不多见,若是能够擒获,这身血肉可是大补!” „, Then teaches you today this domestic animal, anything is called the Saint Beast thick soup.” He smiled one, one step treads, is appear(ance) on void, separates the spatial opposition with Tun Tun. “也罢,今日便教教你这畜生,什么叫做圣兽羹。”他笑了一声,一步踏出,已是出现于虚空上,与吞吞隔空对立。 Ai Tuanzi three Law Domain expert also in this time, locked another Law Domain second boundary air-splitting. 艾团子三位法域强者也是在此时破空而出,锁定了另外一位法域第二境。 Does "Oh? want to depend on the population to fight with me? ” expert chuckle of that Law Domain second boundary, the corners of the mouth have the cruel curve to raise slowly. “哦?想要靠人数跟我斗?”那名法域第二境的强者轻笑一声,嘴角有着残忍的弧度缓缓掀起。 all Heavens' person, already naively to this?” 诸天的人,已经天真到这一步了吗?” Meanwhile, both sides all forces, erupts Origin Qi, starts to lock opponent. 与此同时,双方所有人马,都已是爆发源气,开始锁定对手 But that Chi Liu is discovered seems like no one to come to him, immediately cannot bear smiles, it seems like these fellow visions are not bad, look at this appearance, is knows that his here doesn't feel better? However they think that what good matter blows off his here is? 而那赤鎏则是发现似乎没人冲着他而来,当即忍不住的一笑,看来这些家伙眼光也不差,看这模样,是知道他这里不好过吗?不过难道他们以为放空他这里就是什么好事情吗? Do not laugh foolishly, your opponent is I.” “别傻笑了,你的对手是我。” However his smile just launched, resembles together is the somewhat helpless sound transmits. 不过他的笑容刚刚展开,一道似是有些无奈的声音传来。 Chi Liu is startled, the vision projects to go following the sound, then saw that the young form is built in the crater together, positive/direct belt/bring helpless is looking at him. 赤鎏一怔,目光顺着声音投射而去,然后就见到一道年轻的身影立于火山口上,正面带无奈的望着他。 Is this... Nascent Origin Realm? Divine Soul is Roaming Spirit Realm... 这是...一名源婴境?哦,神魂游神境... Chi Liu silent several breaths, at once the face becomes gloomily is suddenly cruel, he is staring at Zhou Yuan, has to be full of the sound of vicious tendencies to resound densely. 赤鎏沉默了数息,旋即面庞陡然变得阴森残忍起来,他盯着周元,有充满着戾气的声音森然响起。 „Is son of a bitch, you shaming me?!” “狗东西,你是在羞辱我吗?!”
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