VY :: Volume #2

#127: Minute treasure

Far away from a Ancient City remote mountain, two Origin Beast drop from the clouds. 远离古城的一座深山,两头源兽从天而降。 Tun Tun changes into the small beast physique, jumps in the Yao Yao bosom, that ice bird also changes into the bird, jumps on the Lu Luo shoulder. 吞吞化为小兽形体,跳进夭夭怀中,那冰鸟也是化为小鸟,在绿萝肩膀上蹦蹦跳跳。 Quickly, takes to take a look that treasure that you obtain quickly.” The Lu Luo big eye full is surprised looks at Zhou Yuan, on the small face full is the curious hope, this time makes a big row Gu Family, advantage obtained, but only had in the Zhou Yuan hand that thing. “快,快把你得到的那个宝贝拿出来瞧瞧。”绿萝大眼睛满是惊奇的看着周元,小脸上满是好奇期盼,此番大闹古家,所得到的好处,可就只有周元手中那东西了。 Zhou Yuan hearing this, is smiling nodded, the palm claps universe bag, that black crystal ball was appear(ance) in the hand. 周元闻言,也是笑着点点头,手掌一拍乾坤囊,那黑色水晶球便是出现在了手中。 What is this?” Lu Luo sized up, some doubfully said, although she can also feel in crystal ball to contain extremely pure Divine Soul source, but is actually not able to distinguish it. “这是什么?”绿萝打量了一下,有些疑惑的道,虽然她也是能够感觉到水晶球中蕴含着极为精纯的神魂本源,但却无法将其分辩出来。 Yao Yao walks up, looked at the moment with rapt attention, in the sound were many surprisedly some: „Is this... Saint Soul Crystal?” 夭夭走上前来,凝神看了片刻,声音中多了一些惊疑:“这是...圣魂晶?” Saint Soul Crystal?” Zhou Yuan and Lu Luo all are the doubts make noise, obviously has not heard. 圣魂晶?”周元绿萝皆是疑惑出声,显然并没有听说过。 On the Yao Yao beautiful cheeks appears to wipe the sigh, said: This is the true treasure, might be considered as the treasure of Divine Soul, didn't expect, this small Gu Family will really have.” 夭夭绝美的脸颊上浮现出一抹感叹,道:“这可是真正的宝贝,堪称是神魂之宝,没想到,这个小小的古家竟然会有。” „Is this useful?” Zhou Yuan curious asking. “这有什么用?”周元好奇的问道。 Had it, even does not have cultivation Forging Soul Technique, own Divine Soul, can unceasing has been quenchinged.” Yao Yao looked at Zhou Yuan, said: Naturally, if cultivation Forging Soul Technique, that is even more powerful.” “拥有了它,就算没有修炼锻魂术,自身的神魂,都是能够不断的得到淬炼。”夭夭看了周元,道:“当然,若是修炼锻魂术,那更是如虎添翼。” Moreover, what is fiercest, Saint Soul Crystal can absorb Divine Soul, changes into the Divine Soul source it, expands itself, if can its refine, so long as the disparity is not too big, anybody dares to attack by Divine Soul, perhaps can only become its food, therefore might be considered as defends the Divine Soul attack supreme treasure.” “而且,最厉害的是,圣魂晶能够吸收神魂,将其化为神魂本源,壮大自身,若是能够将其炼化,只要差距不是太大,任何人敢以神魂来攻,恐怕都只能成为它的食物,所以堪称是防御神魂攻击的至宝。” Zhou Yuan and Lu Luo hearing this, is all flabbergasted, they in some sense, are Divine Soul cultivator, therefore very clear this Saint Soul Crystal value. 周元绿萝闻言,皆是咂舌,他们两人从某种意义上而言,都算是神魂修炼者,故而很明白这圣魂晶的价值。 Only is that can improve the Divine Soul cultivation speed, can make it priceless. 光是那能够提高神魂修炼速度,就能够让它价值连城。 Because of the temperance of their very clear Divine Soul, how difficult, Zhou Yuan cultivation Chaos Spirit Sharpening Visualization Art about a year, was unable to achieve Void Realm late stage by the present. 因为他们都很清楚神魂的锤炼,是多么的艰难,周元修炼了“混沌神磨观想法”将近一年的时间,到现在都还没能达到虚境后期 However, this thing as if only has one. 不过,这东西似乎只有一个。 Zhou Yuan a little helpless flexure scratched the head, this time can obtain this smoothly Saint Soul Crystal, Lu Luo also has very big merit obviously, if were not her only ice bird blocked a Absolute Beginning Realm elder, Yao Yao will also bear very tremendous pressure. 周元有点无奈的挠了挠头,这一次能够顺利的得到这“圣魂晶”,绿萝显然也是有着很大的功劳,如果不是她那只冰鸟拦住了一位太初境长老,想必夭夭也会承受很大的压力。 How therefore this assigns, but also is really a little troublesome. 所以这如何分配,还真是有点麻烦。 Does not need to consider me, if this time is not you, perhaps I am also even meeting the Gu Family say/way.” However Lu Luo actually natural say/way, because she is clearer, this main strength is to depend upon Yao Yao and Zhou Yuan's adventure. “就不用考虑我啦,这次如果不是你们,说不定连我也会着了古家的道呢。”不过绿萝倒是大大方方的道,因为她更明白,此次主要的力量是依靠夭夭以及周元的冒险。 But her original originally must enter Soul Refining Pagoda, if not for Yao Yao saw through this is the Soul Swallowing Pagoda secret, perhaps this time she, with these unlucky fellow general fates, even Divine Soul suction. 而她原本就要进入炼魂塔,若不是夭夭识破了这是吞魂塔的秘密,说不定此时的她,也和那些倒霉家伙一般下场,连神魂都被吸走了。 Yao Yao hearing this, looked at Lu Luo one, at once smiles, said: Relax, advantage everyone has.” 夭夭闻言,多看了绿萝一眼,旋即一笑,道:“放心,好处人人有。” Hears this words, Lu Luo also somewhat cannot help but feeling pleased, if the advantage enough divides, no one will shut out the advantage to be few. 听到此话,绿萝不由得又有些喜滋滋,如果好处够分的话,谁也不会嫌弃好处少。 Yao Yao jade finger is pointing at that black crystal, said: In recent years, Gu Family absorbed many Divine Soul sources with this Saint Soul Crystal, but their method is shallow, simply does not have the means thoroughly its takes.” 夭夭玉指指着那黑色水晶,道:“这些年来,古家用这圣魂晶吸收了不少神魂本源,不过他们手段粗浅,根本没办法将其彻底的拿出来。” Now, actually cheap we.” “现在么,倒是便宜了我们。” The sound falls, Yao Yao takes out Origin Pattern Brush, the pen tip falls, inscribe on that black crystal had/left extremely complex Origin Pattern unexpectedly, these Origin Pattern each other are intertwined, is sending out the fluctuation of difference. 声音落下,夭夭取出源纹笔,笔尖落下,竟是在那黑色水晶刻画出了一道道极为复杂的源纹,那些源纹彼此交缠,散发着异样的波动。 Lu Luo looked in side, is to praise that cannot bear sighed: Elder Sister Yao Yao your Origin Pattern attainments are really fierce!” 绿萝在旁一看,便是忍不住的赞叹道:“夭夭姐姐你的源纹造诣真厉害!” Her Divine Soul is also not weak, when looks at these Origin Pattern, felt as before head dizziness, obviously, Yao Yao inscribe Origin Pattern, is not inevitably ordinary. 她的神魂也是不弱,但瞧得那些源纹时,依旧感觉到脑袋眩晕,显然,夭夭刻画源纹,必然不普通。 But Yao Yao concentrates on, is unable to speak, having a liking for her is also on a little strenuous, bright and clean forehead time, has the close fragrant perspiration to reappear. 夭夭全神贯注,无法说话,看上起这一次她也是有点吃力,光洁的额头上,有着细密的香汗浮现出来。 Zhou Yuan holds on curious Lu Luo, making her do not disturb. 周元拉住好奇不已的绿萝,让她不要打扰。 So, continued about enough half the time of double-hour, Yao Yao finally is expiration of feeling relieved. 如此,持续了将近足足半个时辰的时间,夭夭终于是如释重负的吐了一口气。 But in her front, that black crystal ball surface, had been filled dense and numerous Origin Pattern by inscribe. 而在她的面前,那颗黑色水晶球表面,已经被刻画满了密密麻麻的源纹 In Yao Yao hand a Origin Pattern Brush gently point. 夭夭手中源纹笔轻轻一点。 Sees only these Origin Pattern immediately to bloom radiance, radiance is radiant, just like the Saint Fire flaming combustion, covered crystal ball all. 只见得那些源纹顿时绽放出光芒,光芒璀璨神圣,宛如圣火熊熊燃烧,将水晶球尽数的笼罩了进去。 cī cī! 呲呲 In holy light, seems has the oil dripping sound to resound. 圣光中,仿佛是有着油滴般的声音响起。 Again then, Zhou Yuan and Lu Luo are surprised sights, that crystal ball starts the rapid reduction, at the same time, seems like has a little bit mysterious liquid, slowly falls. 再然后,周元绿萝便是惊奇的见到,那颗水晶球开始迅速的缩小,与此同时,似乎是有着一滴滴的神秘液体,缓缓的滑落下来。 Yao Yao quick of eye and hand extraction jade bottle, met that mysterious liquid. 夭夭眼疾手快的取出玉瓶,将那神秘液体接了进去。 Short several minutes, crystal ball of head/number of people size, is becomes, only then the baby fist is common, but that color actually no longer dark(ness), but presents the creamy white color, above visibles faintly the mysterious trace. 短短数分钟的时间,原本人头大小的水晶球,便是变得只有婴儿拳头一般,只不过那颜色却不再黑暗,而是呈现乳白的色彩,上面隐约可见神秘的纹路。 Yao Yao takes out jade bottle, shook shaking gently, sees only, a little bit liquid flow slowly, as if there is intelligence general, appears extremely mysterious. 夭夭取出玉瓶,轻轻晃了晃,只见得其中,一滴滴液体缓缓的流动,仿佛是具备着灵性一般,显得极为的神秘。 What is this?” Zhou Yuan curious say/way, when sees these liquid, Divine Soul of his forehead as if sent out the fluctuation of hunger and thirst, that feeling, just like for a long time person hungrily, suddenly saw front one table of good food. “这是什么?”周元好奇的道,在看见这些液体的时候,他眉心的神魂仿佛是发出了饥渴的波动,那种感觉,就犹如饿了许久的人,突然见到面前一桌美食。 This is the purest Divine Soul source, regarding Divine Soul, this is thing of the biggest making up.” Yao Yao smiles. “这就是最为精纯的神魂本源,对于神魂而言,这就是最大补之物。”夭夭一笑。 Here altogether refined 12 drops.” Yao Yao gives Lu Luo jade bottle, said: These four drops give you.” “这里一共提炼出了十二滴。”夭夭将一个玉瓶递给绿萝,道:“这四滴给你。” Thanks the little elder sister!” “谢谢小姐姐!” Receiving that the Lu Luo big eye shines, these four drops of Divine Soul sources, are lower than she a half year of self-torture sufficiently, but is a big harvest. 绿萝大眼睛放光的接了过来,这四滴神魂本源,足以低过她半年的苦修,可算是一个大收获。 Yao Yao takes out jade bottle, shook shaking in front of eager Zhou Yuan, said: Your words... give you two drops.” 夭夭又是取出一个玉瓶,在眼巴巴的周元面前晃了晃,道:“你的话...给你两滴吧。” Zhou Yuan the face, was saying painstakingly: Why I two drops.” 周元苦着脸,道:“为啥我才两滴。” Another two drops, considering your beforehand behavior, were deducted by me.” Yao Yao calmly said. “另外两滴,鉴于你之前的行为,被我扣下了。”夭夭平静的道 She said obviously was Zhou Yuan held in the arms the matter of her waist a moment ago. 她说的显然就是周元刚才搂住她腰肢的事情。 The Zhou Yuan face was green, called to shout: You use one's office to redress personal grievances!” 周元脸都绿了,叫嚷道:“你这是公报私仇!” Yao Yao swept his one eyes, say/way calmly: Originally plans Saint Soul Crystal to give you this „, since you think that I am not so just, that even.” 夭夭扫了他一眼,若无其事的道:“本来是打算将这“圣魂晶”给你的,既然你认为我这么不公道,那就算了吧。” The Zhou Yuan complexion instantaneously changes, say/way without hesitation: I was wrong.” 周元脸色瞬间一变,毫不犹豫的道:“我错了。” Nearby Lu Luo tch tch makes noise, grinning say/way: little elder brother, your facial skin, is enough can.” 一旁的绿萝啧啧出声,笑嘻嘻的道:“小哥哥,你这个脸皮,也是够可以的啊。” Yao Yao is also ill-humored white his eyes, counts on the fingers a ball, then approached Zhou Yuan that Saint Soul Crystal ball. 夭夭也是没好气的白了他一眼,屈指一弹,便是将那一颗圣魂晶弹向了周元 Zhou Yuan delicious met, this action, really does not owe! 周元美滋滋的接了下来,这次行动,真的不亏! Had this thing, should he quick be able to step into Void Realm late stage? 有了此物,他应该很快就能够踏入虚境后期了吧? Only then steps into Void Realm late stage, he can have with these chosen child in the qualifications in that Saint Vestige Land fighting. 而只有踏入虚境后期,他才能够拥有着与那些骄子在那圣迹之地中争锋的资格。
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