VY :: Volume #12

#1124: Blue Profound Sect Saint Child

Primordial Heaven, Heaven Abyss Territory honored elder 混元天,天渊域元老 Blue Profound Sect Saint Child, Zhou Yuan in this!” 苍玄宗圣子,周元在此!” When this sound resounds through in Grand Canyon, that countless Blue Profound Heaven's forces, mouth is the little opening, especially these Blue Profound Sect's disciples, are shock and unbelievable of face. 当这道声音响彻于大峡谷中时,那无数苍玄天的人马,嘴巴皆是一点点的张大起来,特别是那些苍玄宗的弟子,更是一脸的震撼与难以置信。 Blue Profound Sect Saint Child, Zhou Yuan?!” 苍玄宗圣子,周元?!” Before Zhou Yuan that a few words, they said that too did not understand, but behind that status, was actually reveals very clearly. 对于周元那前一句话,他们表示不太了解,可后面那个身份,却是表露得很清楚了。 Comes the person unexpectedly is their Blue Profound Sect's person? 来人竟然是他们苍玄宗的人? Can stand the Blue Profound Sect disciple here, if must discuss the rank, almost be higher than a generation Zhou Yuan, initially Zhou Yuan just when Blue Profound Sect showed talent for the first time, their almost majority becomes within sect Deacon, when they regarded Zhou Yuan at that time, brought to look at the Little Junior Brother appreciation. 能够站在这里的苍玄宗弟子,如果要论辈分的话,几乎都要比周元高一辈,当初周元刚在苍玄宗崭露头角的时候,他们这些人几乎大部分都是成为了宗内执事,所以他们那时候看待周元时,都是带着一些看小师弟般的欣赏。 Afterward Zhou Yuan left Blue Profound Heaven, in recent years, his name in Blue Profound Sect is also desalination gradually, except for some good friends, rarely has the person to raise this name. 后来周元离开了苍玄天,这些年来,他的名字在苍玄宗内也是渐渐的淡化,除了一些好友,已经鲜有人提起这个名字。 Now, when this name appear(ance) again in the front, in their mind is appear(ance) that person cannot help but in Blue Profound Sect, once has brought magnificent accomplishments, that is a legend. 只是如今,当这个名字再度的出现在面前的时候,他们的脑海中便是会不由自主的出现那个人在苍玄宗时,曾经的所带来过的辉煌战绩,那是一个传奇。 Unexpectedly is really he!” “竟然真的是他!” Zhen Xu, Ning Zhan look at each other in dismay, the Zhen Xu so gloomy temper, in the eye has a slight excitement to emerge at once even. 甄虚,宁战面面相觑,旋即就算是甄虚这般阴沉的性子,眼中都是有着一丝细微的激动涌现出来。 Li Chunjun is also raise one's head, hoodwinks the eye of black cloth to look at that direction, but he cared that is actually other thing: This Origin Qi fluctuates, indeed is Zhou Yuan . Moreover, he now, becomes very powerful, I even felt that Sword Qi in within the body was trembling, that was the sensation to indescribable dangerous aura.” 李纯钧也是抬头,蒙着黑布的眼睛望着那个方向,不过他关心的,却是另外的东西:“这个源气波动,的确是周元而且,他现在,变得好强,我甚至感觉到了体内的剑气在震颤,那是感知到了无法形容的危险气息。” Zhen Xu, the Ning Zhan heart all shakes, although Li Chunjun is ordinary with them, is only Heavenly Sun Realm initial stage, but they understand, the Li Chunjun this Heavenly Sun Realm initial stage battle efficiency, was far in excess of them. 甄虚,宁战心头皆是一震,虽说李纯钧与他们一般,只是天阳境初期,但他们明白,李纯钧这个天阳境初期的战斗力,远远的超越了他们。 After all is not all Heavenly Sun Realm initial stage has the ability to cut to kill Heavenly Sun Realm late stage, even this Heavenly Sun Realm late stage, but is that type is quite ordinary. 毕竟不是所有天阳境初期都有着能力斩杀天阳境后期的,即便这个天阳境后期,只是属于那种比较一般的。 But until now, they have not listened to a Li Chunjun such appraisal person. 但至今为止,他们还未曾听李纯钧如此的评价一个人。 Even Chu Qing, is also insufficient. 即便是楚青,都是还不够。 But at present, Li Chunjun is actually such appraisal Zhou Yuan. 而眼下,李纯钧却是如此的评价周元 That in other words, present Zhou Yuan, seemed like achieves some type to be far in excess of their levels. 那也就是说,现在的周元,似乎是达到了某种远远超越他们的层次。 This fellow Ning Zhan is gripping tightly the iron rod, slowly said: It seems like these years, he mixes very well.” “这家伙”宁战紧握着铁棍,缓缓的道:“看来这些年,他混得很好啊。” When they are Zhou Yuan's appear(ance) shocks, Li Qingchan similarly is shocking, her how didn't expect, in this hopeless situation time, comes out to save their, can be this once old friend unexpectedly. 当他们在为周元的出现而震惊时,李卿婵同样是在震撼着,她怎么都没想到,在这个绝境般的时刻,出来拯救他们的,竟然会是这个曾经的故人。 Moreover, others have not understood the Zhou Yuan first few words, she actually understood. 而且,别人没听懂周元第一句话,她却是听懂了。 Primordial Heaven, Heaven Abyss Territory honored elder?” 混元天,天渊域元老?” Originally these years did he go to Primordial Heaven? Heaven Abyss Territory Li Qingchan has listened, it is said that is one of the Primordial Heaven most formidable influences, has Saint to assume personal command, but in which honored elder, is Law Domain expert, is in exist(ence) of Headmaster Qing Yang same rank! 原来这些年他是去往了混元天吗?天渊域李卿婵听过,据说那是混元天最为强大的势力之一,拥有着圣者坐镇,而其中的元老,皆是法域强者,乃是于青阳掌教相同等级的存在 Because knows these, Li Qingchan will just now shock rude. 正因为知道这些,李卿婵方才会失态的震惊。 Does Zhou Yuan, actually become Heaven Abyss Territory's honored elder?! 周元,竟然成为了天渊域的元老?! Is facing this shocking fact, the Li Qingchan temper, is not a little able to say a word, did Zhou Yuan this fellow, actually these years make what?! 面对着这种震撼的事实,就连李卿婵的性子,都是有点无法言语,周元这家伙,究竟这些年做了什么?! However, when shock, in the Li Qingchan chilly appearance is also has a feeling relieved smile to reappear. 不过,在震撼之余,李卿婵清冷的容颜上又是有着一丝如释重负的笑容浮现出来。 She looks at the disciples to other side Blue Profound Sect these frightened, earnest say/way: We could be saved!” 她看向身旁苍玄宗其他的那些惶然中的弟子,认真的道:“我们有救了!” This Senior Brother Zhou Yuan, really?” Also there are disciple to be frightened anxious asking. “这位周元师兄,真的可以吗?”也有弟子惊惶不安的问道。 After all that Saint Race's team was really formidable extremely, made them feel sufficiently desperately. 毕竟那圣族的队伍实在是太过的强大了,足以让得他们感觉到绝望。 Under point that the Li Qingchan snow white chin makes an effort, she is looking in the distant place sky that say/way vaguely also somewhat familiar slender form: „If others, perhaps I cannot affirm, but since were he came, I believe absolutely he can achieve!” 李卿婵雪白的下巴用力的点下,她望着远处天空上那道依稀还有些熟悉的修长身影:“如果是别人,或许我不敢肯定,但既然是他来了,那我绝对相信他能够做到!” Because on his body, Li Qingchan witnessed too many miracles. 因为在他的身上,李卿婵见证了太多的奇迹。 Blue Profound Heaven other people of influence also whisper in this time, some Heavenly Sun Realm expert are also faint recalled this once to resound through in the Blue Profound Heaven's name, their some marvelling is looking, this stemmed from Blue Profound Sect's Saint Child, as if being missing for many years later, mixed very well? 苍玄天其他势力的人也是在此时交头接耳,一些天阳境强者也是隐隐的记起了这个曾经响彻于苍玄天的名字,他们有些惊羡的望着,这个出自苍玄宗的圣子,似乎在失踪多年后,混得很好了啊? „Haven't I misunderstood? Is that Junior Brother Zhou Yuan?” “我没听错吧?那是周元师弟?” This time Chu Qing somewhat gets muddled similarly. 此时的楚青同样是有些发蒙。 „Did he go to Primordial Heaven? How also that Heaven Abyss Territory's honored elder?” “他去混元天了吗?怎么还成了那天渊域的元老?” Nearby Mu Wuji is also dumbfounded, Heaven Abyss Territory honored elder? That is what kind of influential figure, he was some are not really able introduced entrance youngster to put together this position and that by him in the past. 一旁的穆无极也是目瞪口呆,天渊域元老?那是何等的大人物,他实在是有些无法将这种位置和那个当年由他引进山门的少年在一起 „Didn't this boy, short see for several years, mixes strongly?” “这小子,短短数年不见,混得这么强了吗?” Mu Wuji muttered one, at once his eye fierce one bright, if Zhou Yuan came to rescue alone, perhaps to aspect not too big change, but now he is Heaven Abyss Territory honored elder, at present that imposing manner aggressive large unit, is the Heaven Abyss Territory's team. 穆无极喃喃一声,旋即他眼睛猛的一亮,周元如果只是单独前来营救,或许对局面没有太大的改变,可如今他可是天渊域元老,眼前那支气势凶悍的大部队,想必就是天渊域的队伍。 It seems like didn't we seem to use to go to?” Mu Wuji grins to say with a smile to Chu Qing. “看来我们好像不用赴死了?”穆无极冲着楚青咧嘴笑道。 Chu Qing is somewhat helpless, said: This fellow really comes is not the time, my mood has fermented, was broken by him suddenly.” 楚青有些无奈,道:“这家伙来得真不是时候,我情绪都已经酝酿好了,被他突然打断。” However although is so saying, but his slightly relax relaxed corner of the eye, revealed his joy of this time innermost feelings. 不过虽然这般说着,但他微微松缓的眼角,还是表露了他此时内心的欣喜。 He cares about his safety actually not, but there is Zhou Yuan to lead Heaven Abyss Territory to insert such a, Blue Profound Heaven's forces can also preserve many. 他倒不是在乎自身的安危,只是有了周元率领着天渊域插这么一手,想必苍玄天的人马也是能够保全得更多。 Blue Profound Sect Saint Child, Zhou Yuan?” 苍玄宗圣子,周元?” But in the opposite, that Saint Palace's Li Xuan is also frowning tightly, this name his indistinct some impressions, accomplishments in Blue Profound Heaven were actually good in the past, including Saint Palace younger generation Jiang Taishen, Wu Huang is the defeat in his hands, but Li Xuan to its had not had anything to care at that time, after all that accomplishments in his eyes, is similar to creating a disturbance ranking between young children, is really not worth paying attention. 而在对面,那圣宫的李轩也是紧皱着眉头,这个名字他隐约的有些印象,当年在苍玄天内倒是战绩不错,连圣宫年轻一辈姜太神,武煌皆是败在他的手中,但李轩那个时候并没有对其有什么在意的,毕竟那种战绩在他的眼中,就如同小儿间的打闹排名,实在不值得关注。 But his how didn't expect, this is missing many years of person, unexpectedly in this time appear(ance). 可他怎么都没想到,这个失踪多年的人,竟然会在此时出现 Moreover, Zhou Yuan behind that came from the Primordial Heaven's team, makes him feel extreme dreading. 而且,周元身后那来自混元天的队伍,也让得他感到极为的忌惮。 Who is this person?” Ji Mo light asking. “这人是谁?”吉摩淡淡的问道。 Li Xuan said hastily: This person in the past was in Blue Profound Heaven Blue Profound Sect's Saint Child, afterward was expelled Blue Profound Heaven by my Saint Palace, it seems like and escaped Primordial Heaven to go.” 李轩连忙道:“此人以往是苍玄天苍玄宗的圣子,后来被我圣宫赶出了苍玄天,看来又逃到了混元天去。” That why he said that is Heaven Abyss Territory's honored elder?” Ji Mo knits the brows, as far as he knows, that Heaven Abyss Territory's honored elder, may be Law Domain Realm expert, but present Zhou Yuan, obviously by far enough that level. “那为何他说是天渊域的元老?”吉摩皱眉,据他所知,那天渊域的元老,可都是法域境强者,但眼前的周元,显然远远够不到那个层次。 Li Xuan is hesitating shaking the head, said: Perhaps is only the wild talk.” 李轩迟疑着摇摇头,道:“恐怕只是妄言吧。” Ji Mo unemotionally said: Whether or not the wild talk did not matter, the Heaven Abyss Territory's team has arrived, this will bring a big trouble to my plan.” 吉摩面无表情的道:“不管是不是妄言都无所谓了,天渊域的队伍已经来到,这会给我的计划带来不小的麻烦。” Their Saint Spirit Heaven, in Saint Race Four Heavens, ranks third. 他们圣灵天,在圣族四天之中,排名第三。 But Primordial Heaven is under the head of Five Heavens, therefore regarding its strength, even Ji Mo is arrogant, that cannot treat lightly. 混元天则是下五天之首,所以对于其实力,即便是吉摩再傲慢,那也不能等闲视之。 However what is good because of being only Primordial Heaven's Heaven Abyss Territory, but is not other eight territories. 不过好在来的只是混元天的天渊域,而并非是其他八域。 Obviously declines regarding these year of Heaven Abyss Territory's, even Ji Mo, still knows. 显然对于这些年天渊域的式微,即便是吉摩,也是知晓。 His raised the head, the faint vision projects on Zhou Yuan's, said: Primordial Heaven's, your my well water not interfering with river water, if you can turn around to go, my Ji Mo is glad to become friends actually very much.” 抬起头,淡漠的目光投射在周元的身上,道:“混元天的诸位,你我井水不犯河水,若是你们能够转身而去,我吉摩倒是很乐意交个朋友。” The Ji Mo's voice, continued the pale sound said: With my Saint Race for the enemy is what consequence, hopes that you can ponder calmly.” 吉摩的话音顿了顿,继续淡声道:“与我圣族为敌是什么后果,希望你们能够冷静的思考一下。” The battlefield is somewhat silent, many Blue Profound Heaven's people are complexion fluctuate erratically, they understand that Ji Mo this is threatening, fear that but the Saint Race two characters bring, indeed is clear, perhaps in this world, does not have any influence can easily neglect that fear. 战场有些寂静,诸多苍玄天的人都是面色变幻不定,他们明白吉摩这是在威胁,可圣族两个字所带来的恐惧,的确是真真切切,在这世界上,恐怕没有任何势力能够轻易的忽视那种恐惧。 Their vision go to that to be built on the young man in Heaven Abyss Territory team front. 他们的目光投向那立于天渊域队伍前方的年轻男子。 This Blue Profound Sect once can Saint Child, really withstand the pressure? 这位苍玄宗曾经的圣子,真的能够顶住压力吗? But under the gaze of that numerous vision, the Zhou Yuan facial features is tranquil, then his uphold finger slowly. 而在那众多目光的注视下,周元面容平静,然后他缓缓的抬起手指。 Buzz! 嗡! The fingertip place, the Origin Qi gathering of platinum comes, finally changes into a ray of light bunch to pierce. 指尖处,白金色源气汇聚而来,最后化为一道光束洞穿而出。 Bang! 轰! The Origin Qi light beam is applying that Ji Mo shoulder above two cuns (2.5 cm) place violently shoots directly, then falls on the rear mountain wall, breaks to pieces that mountain wall bang. 源气光束直接是搽着那吉摩肩膀上方两寸处暴射而过,然后落在后方的山壁上,将那山壁轰碎开来。 A Ji Mo's round of silk flutters slightly, but a face, is actually calm. 吉摩的发丝微微飘动,但一张面庞,却是波澜不惊。 He knows, Zhou Yuan this is takes action to indicate his answer. 他知道,周元这是以行动表明他的答案。 Therefore, he cracks to open the mouth to smile, in that smile, is passing the incomparable density. 于是,他裂开嘴笑了笑,那笑容中,透着无比的森然。 Since you want dead that I to help you.” “既然你想死的话那我就成全你吧。” Lowly swine!” “卑贱的猪猡!”
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