VY :: Volume #12

#1123: Swimming against the stream

Bang! 轰! That flickers, has the countless powerful Origin Qi light beam to shoot up to the sky, sees only Ji Mo behind, the forms lift off, that Saint Race team that precisely they lead. 那一瞬,有无数道强悍的源气光柱冲天而起,只见得吉摩身后,有一道道身影升空而起,正是他们所率领的那支圣族队伍。 These swine, killed directly completely.” Wei Tuo indifferently said. “将这些猪猡,直接全部杀了吧。”韦陀淡淡的道 Kills!” “杀!” That several thousand Saint Race expert, immediately eye scarlet went to the battlefield, in that full is brutal with killing intent, in their eyes, these other Heaven Territory race, indeed are only domestic animal that whatever they slaughter. 那数千名圣族强者,顿时眼睛猩红的投向了战场,那眼中满是残酷与杀意,在他们的眼中,这些其他天域种族,的确只是任由他们宰杀的牲畜而已。 Their Saint Race, is this Heavenly Origin World's control! 他们圣族,才是这天源界的主宰者! Bang! 轰! Saint Race team enormous and powerful howling, crashed in the battlefield with an extremely arbitrary stance directly. 圣族队伍浩浩荡荡的呼啸而出,直接是以一种极为蛮横的姿态冲进了战场中。 But with the admission of Saint Race team, the battlefield aspect was almost shortly appear(ance) the great change. 而随着圣族队伍的入场,战场的局面几乎是顷刻间的出现了巨变。 Blue Profound Heaven allied armies instantaneous routed, forms unceasing falls from the day, that appears especially pitiful. 苍玄天联军瞬间溃败,一道道身影不断的从天而坠,那一幕显得格外的凄惨。 In Grand Canyon racing wells up the river, becomes in this time dark red. 大峡谷之内奔涌的大河,都是在此时变得暗红。 Blue Profound Heaven allied armies, faces revealed that in this time the desperate meaning, some people lost the courage, charged into the Saint Race's team that the mood collapsed, is shouting the surrender loudly. 苍玄天联军方面,一张张面孔在此时显露出绝望之意,一些人更是失去了勇气,情绪崩溃的冲向圣族的队伍,大声喊着投降。 But greets their, is Origin Qi torrent that Saint Race that is relentless to sweep across to come. 但迎接他们的,是圣族那毫不留情席卷而来的源气洪流 Forms were twisted broken to become Xuemo directly. 一道道身影直接被绞碎成血沫。 Chu Qing is looking at this, ten fingers tight grasps, he looks down to battlefield one, there is the Blue Profound Sect disciple who Li Qingchan leads, his vision and Li Qingchan they to bumping, his took a deep breath, are then welcoming the allied armies of retreating, is going against the stream of people on. 楚青望着这一幕,十指紧紧的握起来,他低头看向战场的一处,那里是李卿婵所率领的苍玄宗弟子,他目光与李卿婵他们对碰一下,然后他深吸一口气,迎着溃逃的联军,逆着人流而上。 He knows, at this time, if no one stands to bring up the rear, then the Blue Profound Heaven allied armies will welcome the result of being annihilated. 他知道,这个时候,若是没有人站出来断后,那么苍玄天联军将会迎来全军覆没的结局。 The stream of people flees in a panic backward, but Chu Qing is actually one person on. 人流仓惶向后奔逃,而楚青却是一人而上。 That seems especially solemn and stirring. 那一幕显得尤为悲壮。 Li Qingchan as well as other these Blue Profound Sect disciples, is red the eye socket in this time, some girl students are the mewl make noise. 李卿婵以及其他的那些苍玄宗弟子,也是在此时红着眼眶,一些女弟子更是低泣出声。 Qingyan (azure smoke) congeals in Chu Qing behind together, Mu Wuji reveals the figure. 一道青烟楚青身后凝结,穆无极显露出身形来。 Cannot make your one person bring death.” He sighed, said. “总不能让你一个人去送死吧。”他叹息一声,道。 Senior Brother Chu Qing, we!” 楚青师兄,还有我们!” Some Blue Profound Sect's Heavenly Sun Realm late stage, is catches up, fell on Chu Qing behind, their looks decidedly, have to go to the heart. 一些苍玄宗的天阳境后期,也是赶来,落在了楚青身后,他们的神色决然,有着赴死之心。 Chu Qing gently nods, without speech, but forwards. 楚青轻轻点头,没有说话,只是向前。 But top expert in other Blue Profound Sect five Great Saint Sect, understood the intention of Chu Qing in this time finally, therefore they are slightly silent, in slightly is making the confession after other disciples, forms start appear(ance) one after another in Chu Qing behind. 苍玄宗其他五大圣宗内的顶尖强者,也终于是在此时明白了楚青的用意,于是他们微微沉默,在对着身旁的其他弟子略作交代后,一道道身影开始陆陆续续的出现楚青身后 They understand, at this time, always needs some people to stand. 他们明白,此时,总是需要有人站出来。 But Blue Profound Sect's Chu Qing dares to stand, their five Great Saint Sect, no one? 苍玄宗的楚青敢站出来,他们五大圣宗,难道就没人了吗? Then, Chu Qing is leading the Blue Profound Heaven these sharpest disciple, welcomed to Saint Palace and Saint Race's that team that welled up like surging tides. 就这样,楚青率领着苍玄天这些最为精锐的弟子,迎向了那如潮水般涌来的圣宫圣族的队伍。 Li Xuan is looking at this, say/way that somewhat mocked: Really is quite warm-blooded one, Chu Qing, you thought that what your bringing up the rear really can affect?” 李轩望着这一幕,有些讥诮的道:“真是好让人热血的一幕啊,楚青,你觉得你们这种断后真的能有什么作用吗?” Chu Qing has not replied, on his smooth head, there is light Origin Qi radiance to surge, the next quarter, the hair starts to grow, just like the black cloak to let fall, as if myriad black thorns, flutter with the wind. 楚青未曾答话,他那光溜溜的脑袋上,有淡淡的源气光芒涌动,下一刻,头发开始生长,犹如黑色披风般垂落下来,仿佛万千黑刺,随风轻扬。 Li Xuan, is not everyone such as your Saint Palace is ordinary, likes going to work as the dog.” Chu Qing indifferently said. 李轩,不是所有人都如你圣宫一般,喜欢去给人当狗的。”楚青淡淡的道 Knelt carefully for a long time, could not stand.” “小心跪久了,就站不起来了。” Li Xuan complexion gloomy, but does not need he to speak, a palm extends from behind, patted his shoulder. 李轩面色阴沉,不过不待他说话,一只手掌从后面伸出来,拍了拍他的肩膀。 Sees only Ji Mo to cross Li Xuan, he is looking at Chu Qing, wear a look of teasing color smiling of: Really is good to have the matter that courageous spirit... I most like, your swine backbone that has courageous spirit breaks.” 只见得吉摩越过李轩,他望着楚青,面带戏谑之色的笑了笑:“真是好有骨气...不过我最喜欢的事,就是将你们这种有骨气的猪猡脊梁骨打断。” Since you do not like kneeling, that forever like reptile same crawls on the ground.” “既然你们不喜欢跪着,那就永远如爬虫一样的在地上爬吧。” His eye of band of light happy expression has swept Chu Qing, and elite disciples in rear these Blue Profound Heaven, said: I can other person of opportunities , if catches him, I can guarantee its life.” 他的目光带着笑意的扫过楚青,以及后方那些苍玄天中的精锐弟子,道:“我可以给其他人一个机会,谁若是将他抓起来的话,我可以保其性命。” His finger, aims at Chu Qing. 他的手指,指向楚青 However no one said that their vision, all were ice-cold and firm is staring at Ji Mo. 然而没有人接话,他们的目光,皆是冰冷而坚定的盯着吉摩 Can be determined to follow at this time side Chu Qing, has naturally also hugged to ask the heart, they only want to stop the opposite party moment now, quite makes the rear disciple have more time to escape. 能够下定决心此时跟在楚青身边的,自然也已是抱着求死之心,他们现在只想多阻拦对方片刻,好让得后方的弟子有更多的时间逃命。 Ji Mo sees unmanned action, the smile of corners of the mouth cannot help but brightly, at once he shakes the head. 吉摩见到无人行动,嘴角的笑容不由得更为的灿烂,旋即他摇摇头。 Really is one flock of ignorant swine, such being the case...” “果然是一群愚昧的猪猡,既然如此...” Kills off.” “杀光吧。” He waves gently. 他轻轻挥手。 Bang! 轰! The rear Saint Palace and Saint Race's team erupts heaven shaking killing intent immediately, next quarter, gushing out like surging tides. 其后方圣宫圣族的队伍顿时爆发出惊天杀意,下一刻,如潮水般的涌出。 The momentum is boundless, such as the dark cloud coping, brought death aura. 声势磅礴,如乌云盖顶,带来了死亡气息 Chu Qing looks at vast forces that is welling up, deep inspiration, said sternly: For Blue Profound Heaven, goes to!” 楚青望着那涌来的浩瀚人马,深深的吸了一口气,厉声道:“为了苍玄天,赴死!” For Blue Profound Heaven, goes to!” “为了苍玄天,赴死!” Goes to!” “赴死!” „...” “...” Severe roars continuously resounds through. 一道道厉吼声此起彼伏的响彻起来。 Next flickers, Chu Qing pushes to the front, form violently shoots, the face decidedly, did not have the past weary again. 下一瞬,楚青一马当先,身影暴射而出,面庞决然,再无往日的惫懒。 Behind that Li Qingchan and other Blue Profound Sect's disciple facial features are sad, at once is plans to turn around to flee, they cannot waste Chu Qing they to take the life as the time that they win to come. 在那后方,李卿婵等诸多苍玄宗的弟子面容悲伤,旋即便是打算转身逃离,他们不能浪费楚青他们以生命为他们争取而来的时间。 Bang! 轰! However, in this moment, the horizon of distant place, has the grating sound air-splitting to get up suddenly. 不过,就在这一刻,远处的天边,忽有刺耳的破空声响起。 That sound is getting more and more resounding, finally such as billowing startled thunder-like, sweeps across from the distant place. 那声音越来越响亮,最后如滚滚惊雷般,自远处席卷而来。 Entire Grand Canyon as if in trembling slightly. 整个大峡谷仿佛都是在微微的震颤。 The sudden accident, making battlefield both sides be startled, then that all vision then bring bewildered look is looking at the direction of horizon. 突如其来的变故,让得战场的双方都是惊了一下,然后那所有的目光便是带着惊疑之色的望着天边的方向。 Next flickers again, the eye pupil of countless people shrinks suddenly suddenly. 再下一瞬,无数人的眼瞳猛然骤缩。 Because they see, side that day, the ray of light shadow flashed before together, these light shadow camouflage horizons, plundered to empty, the enormous and powerful potential, does not lose in the present Saint Race team like that. 因为他们见到,在那天边,一道道光影闪现而出,那些光影遮蔽天际,掠空而过,那般浩荡之势,丝毫不输于眼前的圣族队伍。 „Is this?” “这是?” Li Qingchan and other many Blue Profound Heaven's disciples are looking at that suddenly appear(ance) strange large unit dull, the scalp in this time faint trembling somewhat. 李卿婵等众多苍玄天的弟子呆呆的望着那突然间出现的陌生大部队,头皮在此时隐隐的有些战栗。 The form that Chu Qing runs out of is also stop forcefully, his complexion fluctuates is looking at distant place that rapidly to the large unit that the direction comes, Origin Qi pressure that boundless imposing manner as well as sends out, will inevitably not be the common influence. 楚青冲出的身影也是强行的停顿下来,他面色变幻的望着远处那支迅速冲着方向而来的大部队,那种磅礴气势以及散发出来的源气威压,必然不会是寻常势力。 Does not know, is actually the enemy is a friend? 只是不知,究竟是敌是友? Ji Mo looked at light shadow that the distant place that is coming enormously and powerful, the brow also wrinkled the wrinkle, the face became some cold and solemn to get up, the momentum of opposite party, was not weaker than them. 吉摩望着远处那浩荡而来的光影,眉头也是皱了皱,面庞变得有些冷肃起来,对方的声势,丝毫不比他们弱。 He goes forward one step, light sound such as thunderous reverberation: „Am I Saint Spirit Heaven Subduing Sea Palace Ji Mo, who the future?!” 他上前一步,淡淡的声音如雷鸣回荡:“吾乃圣灵天伏海殿吉摩,来者何人?!” His sound, spreads in void just like essence sound wave, causes void is shaking. 他的声音,宛如实质音波在虚空中扩散,引得虚空都是在震荡。 But in that countless surprised line of sight gaze, large unit that then came from the horizon, forms the formation, disperses from void. 而在那无数道惊疑的视线注视中,那自天边而来的大部队,也是结成阵型,自虚空中分散开来。 There large unit separated a path, then has the slender young form to walk together. 那里的大部队分开了一条道路,然后有着一道修长的年轻身影走了出来。 When that form goes out, the long sword in Li Qingchan hand is, when lets go to drop, the chilly beautiful appearance becomes in this time full is shocking. 当那道身影走出的时候,李卿婵手中的长剑都是哐当一声脱手跌落,清冷绝美的容颜在此时变得满是震惊。 Li Chunjun, Zhen Xu, the Ning Zhan three people are also somewhat absent-minded is looking there, latter two people even also rub the eyes. 李纯钧,甄虚,宁战三人也是有些失神的望着那里,后者两人甚至还揉了揉眼睛。 „Wasn't our the vertigo?” Ning Zhan muttered. “我们这不会是眼花了吧?”宁战喃喃道。 That person, probably a little seems like...” “那个人,好像有点像是...” However besides them, more people somewhat is vacant, after all Zhou Yuan leaves the Blue Profound Heaven many years, besides to his familiar, who can also remember his appearance. 不过除了他们外,更多的人还是有些茫然,毕竟周元离开苍玄天多年,除了一些对其熟悉者,谁还能够记得他的模样。 Therefore they regarding Li Qingchan, the shock that Li Chunjun and the others displayed what are more is confused. 所以他们对于李卿婵,李纯钧等人表现出来的震惊更多的还是一头雾水。 But how long their doubts have not continued , when in the distant place sky that say/way young form walks, his light contains a sound of constriction, had reverberated. 但他们的疑惑并没有持续多久,因为当远处天空上那道年轻身影走出来时,他那平淡却蕴含着一股压迫感的声音,已是回荡了起来。 Primordial Heaven, Heaven Abyss Territory honored elder...” 混元天,天渊域元老...” Blue Profound Sect Saint Child, Zhou Yuan in this!” 苍玄宗圣子,周元在此!” The «Venerable Yuan» correct chapter will continue to hit update in the hand, in station no advertisement, but also asked everyone to collect and recommends hits! 元尊》无错章节将持续在手打吧更新,站内无任何广告,还请大家收藏和推荐手打吧! 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