VY :: Volume #12

#1121: The war of Grand Canyon

Bang! 轰! This is a Grand Canyon that cannot see the end, the canyon is vast, Mt. Wanren wall steep like blade edge, attacks Yunxiao (cloud firmament). 这是一座看不见尽头的大峡谷,峡谷辽阔,万仞山壁陡峭如刀锋,直插云霄 In the canyon, there is dreadful rivers to roll down, just like white dragon. 峡谷内,有滔天河流滚滚而下,宛如白龙 The rivers hit on the mountain wall, there is a deafening great sound to reverberate in the canyon, resembles dragon roar. 河流撞击于山壁上,有震耳欲聋般的巨声在峡谷内回荡,似龙吟 But at this time, in this midair in Grand Canyon, is having countless Origin Qi to collide, the wild fluctuation causes the canyon to shiver. 而此时,这大峡谷的半空中,正有着无数源气在碰撞,狂暴的波动引得峡谷都是在颤抖。 That is two waves of huge quantity of forces slaughters together. 那是两波数量庞大的人马厮杀在一起 both sides are under the stingy are all spicy, among Origin Qi wreak havoc, once for a while has the severely wounded forms to crash from the day, finally was submerged by that below rivers 双方皆是下手狠辣,源气肆虐间,时不时的有着一道道重伤的身影从天坠落,最后被那下方的河流所淹没 The battlefield is as frigid as pinnacle. 战场可谓是惨烈到极致 But these two side large units, precisely Blue Profound Heaven and Saint Palace. 而这两方大部队,正是苍玄天圣宫 both sides slaughter, is all relentless, massive casualties in appear(ance), the blood are sprinkling, is causes nearby mountain wall gradually becomes must directly the ape 0.】 Red. 双方厮杀,皆是毫不留情,大量的伤亡在出现着,鲜血洒落,直接是引得附近的山壁都是渐渐的变得猩【零零.】红。 In one of the that battlefield, three forms gather together. 在那战场的一处,有三道身影聚在一起 One of them body tall and strong, grasps giant stick, the whole person is sending out aggressive aura, although he is only the Heavenly Sun Realm initial stage strength, but in this in a minute, actually already by that giant stick pounds the enemies of several same ranks spits blood to draw back. 其中一人身躯魁梧,手持巨棍,整个人散发着凶悍的气息,他虽然只是天阳境初期的实力,但在这片刻间,却已是以那巨棍生生的将好几位同等级的敌人砸得吐血而退。 Chī! 嗤! Suddenly fluctuates void, has gray light together to coerce swift and fierce Origin Qi violently shoots, but, points to the back strategic point of that tall and strong man. 突然虚空波动,有着一道灰光裹挟着凌厉源气暴射而至,直指那魁梧男子的后背要害。 Clang! 铛! However will soon be stabbing that flickers, black light Origin Qi sweeps across to come together, just resists that say/way mean Origin Qi. 不过就在即将刺中的那一瞬,一道黑光源气席卷而来,刚好是将那道阴狠源气抵挡下来。 The tall and strong man turns the head to look, grins to say with a smile: Zhen Xu, thanked.” 魁梧男子转头一看,咧嘴笑道:“甄虚,谢了。” Behind the tall and strong man, the youth of facial features hidden in the shade flashes before, his whole body is filling the air/Qi of Yin ghost, causes nearby air is becomes gloomy and cold. 在魁梧男子后方,有一名面容阴翳的青年闪现而出,他浑身弥漫着阴煞之气,引得附近的空气都是变得阴冷起来。 He looked at a tall and strong man, indifferently said: Ning Zhan, militant must maintain a reason, if were not I helps you keep off so many stabs in the back, you have died here.” 他看了一眼魁梧男子,淡淡的道:“宁战,好战也得保持点理智,如果不是我帮你挡了那么多的暗箭,你早就死在这里了。” That tall and strong man and hidden in the shade youth, impressively are the Zhou Yuan's acquaintances, in the past together Ning Zhan and Zhen Xu that from Boundless Continent went out. 那魁梧男子与阴翳青年,赫然都是周元的熟人,当年一同从苍茫大陆走出的宁战甄虚 Moreover, remembers our mission, protects the blind person.” “而且,记住我们的任务,是护住瞎子。” Ning Zhan then looks to a following point position, sees only there, has body frail youth static standing, his pair of eyes place has the black cloth winding, in the bosom is holding a rusty stain stained iron sword. 宁战这才看向后面的一点的位置,只见得那里,有着一名身躯单薄的青年静静的站立,他的双眼处有黑布缠绕,怀中抱着一柄锈迹斑斑的铁剑。 His flexure the back of the head, said with a smile dry/does: I remember certainly!” 他挠了挠后脑勺,干笑道:“我当然记得!” Was saying time, his giant stick coerces wild Origin Qi to sweep off, during the void shakes, draws back enemy shaking of two clash again. 说着的时候,他那巨棍裹挟着狂暴源气扫去,虚空震荡间,再度将两名冲来的敌人生生的震退。 The Zhen Xu vision looks to the war circle of not far away, there has Saint Palace's Heavenly Sun Realm late stage in 甄虚的目光看向不远处的战圈,那里有着一名圣宫的天阳境后期 In the crowd wreak havoc, the time of short moment, has ten several people to injure in his hand. 人群中肆虐,短短片刻的时间,已是有着十数人伤在了他的手中。 But at this time their here Heavenly Sun Realm late stage, was unable to support temporarily, after all the battlefield was extremely huge 而此时他们这边的天阳境后期,暂时还无法支援过来,毕竟战场太过的庞大了 „Can blind person, make a move?” Asking that Zhen Xu gloomy sinks. “瞎子,能不能出手了?”甄虚阴沉沉的问道。 By them person who was called the blind person, naturally is Li Chunjun, he stretches out the palm to grip in the bosom the sword hilt of iron sword, sword edge uphold slowly, some sound hoarsely said: Was similar.” 那被他们称为瞎子的人,自然便是李纯钧,他伸出手掌握住怀中铁剑的剑柄,剑锋缓缓的抬起,声音有些嘶哑的道:“差不多了。” Later could ask you.” “不过之后可能就要拜托你们了。” His palm lifts, the fingertip has the blood to flow, rapid dyeing completely the iron sword in hand. 他手掌一抬,指尖有着鲜血流淌下来,迅速的染满了手中的铁剑。 But under the invasion of blood, the rusty stain above that iron sword is little disappearance goes unexpectedly, the last is sending out the long sword float of endless point in the front, that Sword Qi turnover, directly void is tearing gradually. 而在鲜血的侵染下,那铁剑之上的锈斑竟然是一点点的消失而去,最后一柄散发着无尽锋芒的长剑漂浮于面前,那剑气吞吐,直接是将虚空都是渐渐的撕裂。 Goes.” “去。” Li Chunjun has sword seal, counts on the fingers a ball, next one flickers, wipes sword light is pillages directly, like that the rapidness of speed, even Zhen Xu they are unable to see afterimage. 李纯均结出剑印,屈指一弹,下一瞬,一抹剑光直接是暴掠而出,那般速度之快,甚至连甄虚他们都无法看见残影 However distant place Saint Palace that Heavenly Sun Realm late stage expert actually changes suddenly in this time complexion, at once his form violent like lightning draws back. 不过远处圣宫那名天阳境后期强者却是在此时面色骤变,旋即他的身影闪电般的暴退。 Buzz! 嗡! However he draws back quickly, but that sword light is actually comes quickly, sees only its front void surging, sword light plunders together, enlarges in his eye pupil rapidly. 不过他退得快,但那剑光却是来得更快,只见其面前的虚空波荡,一道剑光掠出,在其眼瞳中急速放大。 That Heavenly Sun Realm late stage knows not to evade, immediately angrily roars, within the body the eruption of Origin Qi to hold nothing back, a palm lays out, seeing only Origin Qi is billowing, just like torrent racing wells up. 天阳境后期知晓躲不过,当即一声怒吼,体内的源气毫无保留的爆发而出,一掌拍出,只见得源气滚滚,宛如洪流奔涌。 Chī! 嗤! However a both contact, that Heavenly Sun Realm late stage expert is actually a pitiful yell, the entire arm was twisted to break to pieces by Sword Qi, but its form distressed ejection, does not dare to stay finally, crazy running away goes, obviously by heavy injury. 然而两者一接触,那天阳境后期强者却是一声惨叫,整条手臂都是被剑气绞碎开来,而其身影狼狈的射出,最后再不敢停留,疯狂的逃窜而去,显然是被重创 Nearby Blue Profound Heaven allied armies see that immediately exudes the cheers. 附近的苍玄天联军见状,顿时发出欢呼声。 Pitifully “可惜” Ning Zhan shakes the head, somewhat regretted that Heavenly Sun Realm late stage is really sly, finally the time from breaking an arm, otherwise, Li Chunjun this sword should be able to cut to kill it. 宁战则是摇了摇头,有些惋惜,那名天阳境后期着实狡猾,最后时刻自断一臂,不然的话,李纯均这一剑应该是能够将其斩杀的。 However even so, by Heavenly Sun Realm initial stage strength heavy injury Heavenly Sun Realm late stage, this is a miracle. 不过即便如此,以天阳境初期的实力重创天阳境后期,这已经算是一个奇迹了。 But in rear area, after sending out that sword, body of Li Chunjun also in fierce shivers, under the clothing has the bloodstain to well up, on palm even appear(ance) fissures. 而在后方,在发出了那一剑后,李纯均的身体也是在剧烈的颤抖起来,衣衫下有血迹涌出来,手掌上甚至出现了一道道的裂痕。 That is Sword Qi extremely verve, is to make fleshly body unable to withstand directly. 那是剑气太过的刚猛,直接是令得肉身无法承受。 Li Chunjun shivered the palm to take back the iron sword, Origin Qi of this time his whole body became especially emaciated, that sword, not only will have the enormous load to his body, but also this day, also only then this sword 李纯均颤抖着手掌收回了铁剑,此时的他浑身的源气变得格外的孱弱,那一剑,不仅对他的身躯会有极大的负荷,而且这一日,也就只有这一剑了 Sword Qi of that sword as sharp as pinnacle, but Li Chunjun also pays for this reason 那一剑的剑气锋锐到极致,但李纯均也是为此付出 Big price. 了不小的代价。 Ning Zhan and Zhen Xu are also know this time Li Chunjun is the weakest time, immediately is returns its both sides, protects it. 宁战甄虚也是知晓此时的李纯均是最虚弱的时候,当即皆是退回其两侧,将其护住。 Ning Zhan tiger four sweep at this time, he is looking at this Grand Canyon battlefield, the sound is to become low and deep: Aspect is at a stalemate very much, but that Saint Race's team has not even entered the war 宁战此时虎目四扫,他望着这大峡谷战场,声音都是变得低沉下来:“局面很僵持啊,但是那圣族的队伍甚至还没参战” Speaking of Saint Race, Zhen Xu and Li Chunjun were also silent, strength that previously that Saint Race team showed that really astonishing, merely was the moment, allied armies somewhat was then hard to resist. 提起圣族,甄虚李纯均也是沉默了一下,此前那圣族队伍展现出来的实力,实在是过于的惊人,仅仅是片刻,联军方面便是有些难以抵御。 I felt that this time, the opposite party will perhaps not make us easily retreat again.” Li Chunjun said suddenly. “我感觉这一次,对方恐怕不会再让我们轻易的撤退了。”李纯均突然说道。 Zhen Xu and Ning Zhan eye narrows the eyes, the look becomes especially dignified, if is really so, perhaps today's war especially frigid. 甄虚宁战眼睛都是一眯,神色变得格外的凝重,若真是如此的话,恐怕今日的大战将会格外的惨烈。 Qingyu and Lu Luo had not come back, how also didn't know their side?” Zhen Xu slowly said. 青鱼绿萝一直都未曾回来,也不知道她们那边如何了?”甄虚缓缓的道 Li Chunjun shakes the head, said: I heard the people who other these go out to request reinforcements do not have the belt/bring to come back any good news, perhaps this disaster, can only depend upon our Blue Profound Heaven.” 李纯均摇摇头,道:“我听说其他那些外出求援的人都没有带回来什么好消息,这场劫难,或许只能依靠我们苍玄天自身。” We should also think the escape route.” Zhen Xu indifferently said. “我们也应该想好退路。”甄虚淡淡的道 Ning Zhan is actually cold snort/hum one, in the hand the iron rod heavily touching place, pounds to split directly the ground: My Ning Zhan can die in the battlefield, actually does not want to be the military deserter.” 宁战却是冷哼一声,手中铁棍重重的触地,直接是将地面砸裂开来:“我宁战可以死在战场上,却不想做逃兵。” A Zhen Xu brow wrinkle, said: Your this was only the senseless sacrifice, why cannot retreat temporarily, when strength formidable did revenge again?” 甄虚眉头一皱,道:“你这只是无谓的牺牲而已,为何不能暂时撤退,等到实力强大再来报仇?” Ning Zhan has not spoken again, but firmness in that revealed his idea, he does not want to escape, only wants the dying war. 宁战却是没有再说话,但那眼中的坚定表露了他的想法,他并不想逃,只想死战。 Zhen Xu sees that feels very agitated, the muscle of this bastard brain, root originally does not know circuitously, only knows that bumps directly hardly, is not you dies is I lives. 甄虚见状,感到很烦躁,这混蛋满脑子的肌肉,根本就不知道迂回,只知道与人正面硬碰,不是你死就是我活。 But at present this situation, even if they put together the life, what can also change? However is only many ice-cold corpses. 可眼下这种情况,就算他们拼上了性命,又能改变什么?不过只是多一具冰冷的尸体罢了。 Li Chunjun has not joined their disputes, he is only raised the head comes, in the war circle of that Grand Canyon high place, there fight intense, because can join that war circle, basically is the both sides topest strength. 李纯均没有加入他们的争执,他只是抬起头来,在那大峡谷更高处的战圈,那里的战斗更为的激烈,因为能够加入那个战圈的,基本都是双方最顶尖的战力。 But he also saw situated in frontline Chu Qing. 而他也看见了处于最前方的楚青 The latter whole body has the light shuttle to shuttle back and forth back and forth, each ray of light shuttle howls, then has a expert also body of Heavenly Sun Realm to fall. 后者周身有光梭来回穿梭,每一道光梭呼啸而出时,便是会有着一位天阳境强者随之身陨。 He becomes a Blue Profound Heaven flag, so long as he still there, then can maintain the Blue Profound Heaven's morale. 他已经算是成为了苍玄天这边的一面旗帜,只要他还在那里,便是能够维持着苍玄天的士气。 What a pity, Li Chunjun knows, even Chu Qing, does not have the means really to strive to turn the tide by one's effort. 可惜,李纯均知晓,就算是楚青,也没办法真的以一己之力来力挽狂澜。 Their can Blue Profound Heaven at this Ancient Origin Heaven's journey, is it possible that today, this/should in a solemn and stirring desperate way, end? 他们苍玄天在这古源天的征程,莫非今日,就该要以一种悲壮绝望的方式,到此结束了吗? Getting hold of sword hilt that Li Chunjun shivers slightly. 李纯均微微颤抖的握紧剑柄。 Really, is unwilling. 真是,不甘心啊。
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