VY :: Volume #11

#1074: Phoenix Roost Building

Subduing Dragon City is situated in Heaven Abyss Territory, is in Heaven Abyss Territory one of the few main cities, liveliness of the city, can go against places of some remote states sufficiently. 伏龙城坐落于天渊域中部,乃是天渊域中屈指可数的主城之一,一城之繁华,就足以顶得上一些偏远的一州之地。 But here, is Heaven Abyss Territory gathers the place of top Heavenly Sun Realm loose cultivator. 而这里,也是天渊域招揽顶尖的天阳境散修之地。 In the past four months, does not know that many Primordial Heaven's Heavenly Sun Realm loose cultivator from come, to converge in this city in all directions, brings in many noises. 最近四个月来,不知有多少混元天的天阳境散修自四面八方而来,云集于此城之内,引来诸多喧嚣。 In Subduing Dragon City, the west city region, the giant manors, this manor is in the present city the liveliest place, because almost all arrives at Heaven Abyss Territory's Heavenly Sun Realm loose cultivator, is the accumulation here. 伏龙城内,西城区域,有一片巨大庄园,这座庄园是如今城内最为热闹的场所,因为几乎所有来到天渊域的天阳境散修,都是聚集在这里。 The manor central location, has the 1st floor pavilion to stand erect, named Phoenix Roost Building. 庄园中央位置,有一楼阁矗立,名为“凤栖楼”。 In Phoenix Roost Building has the heavily checkpoint that Heaven Abyss Territory expert guards, has only rushed, just now can ascend the building, but wanted the building, even adopted the Heaven Abyss Territory's approval. 凤栖楼内有天渊域强者所镇守的重重关卡,唯有闯过者,方才能够登楼,而只要进了楼,就算是通过了天渊域的认可。 Therefore outside this building, the time was to encircle completely all loose cultivator. 所以这座楼外,时刻都是围满了各方散修 Their vision look at some people 's shadows in building, in the eye have to admire the color, as loose cultivator, they naturally hug to the Heaven Abyss Territory's status were yearning, moreover it is said that Ancient Origin Heaven embodiment holds the big chance, if they can follow to rush, could not say that can reach the sky in a single bound. 他们的目光望着楼上的一些人影,眼中有着艳羡之色,身为散修,他们自然对天渊域的身份抱着一些向往,而且据说那古源天内蕴含着大机缘,他们若是能够跟着去闯一闯,说不得就能够一步登天。 The checkpoint that but pitifully, Heaven Abyss Territory sets up is not weak, only has the Heavenly Sun Realm late stage strength to pass, their these person who waits and sees outside, mostly does not have the big assurance. 但可惜,天渊域所设置的关卡并不弱,唯有天阳境后期的实力才有可能通过,他们这些在外面观望的人,大多都是没有多大的把握。 Outside Phoenix Roost Building, the jade, on the jade has gloss glittering, whenever some people inspect after heavily, on that jade is will appear his name, behind the name also has the time of overcoming an obstacle 凤栖楼外,有一面玉璧,玉璧上有光泽闪烁,每当有人通过重重考核后,那玉璧上便是会出现他的名字,名字后面还会有着闯关的时间 When whenever on the jade has new name appear(ance), will then cause many exclamation to envy the sound. 而每当玉璧上有新的名字出现时,则是会引起诸多的惊叹羡慕声。 However more when people in looking to jade 0.】, Will cannot help but look to the most top position, there has three names to attract everyone's attention. 不过更多的人在看向玉璧时【零零.】,还是会不由自主的看向最顶部的位置,那里有着三个名字吸引了所有人的注意。 Han Jinhe, 23 breaths. 韩金鹤,二十三息。 Xue Qingmei, 35 breaths. 薛青梅,三十五息。 Wang Su, 40 breaths. 王宿,四十息。 Behind them these time, in other these frequently half-stick of incense, in stick of incense appear extremely dazzling. 他们后面的这些时间,在其他那些动辄半柱香,一炷香之中显得极为的刺目。 But numerous loose cultivator are looking in the eyes of these three names, full is the meaning of awe. 而众多散修望着这三个名字的眼中,也满是敬畏之意。 These three are in loose cultivator that this time receives to recruit to come the most dazzling dark horse. 这三位可谓是此次受到征召而来的散修之中最为璀璨夺目的黑马。 The strength that they show, making everyone shock, before then, who didn't expect, actually can also hide this grade of character in that loose cultivator, their background, place in Heaven Abyss Territory's Heavenly Sun Realm even, with Bian Buji, Mu Youlan these top Heavenly Sun Realm compares favorably absolutely sufficiently. 他们展现出来的实力,让所有人都震惊,在此之前,谁都没想到,在那散修之中竟然还能够隐藏着这等人物,他们的底蕴,就算是放在天渊域的天阳境内,都绝对足以跟边不及,木幽兰这些顶尖天阳境媲美。 Perhaps Heavenly Sun Realm in Heaven Abyss Territory, only has Qin Lian to press their head. 天渊域内的天阳境,恐怕也就唯有秦莲能够压他们一头。 Many lines of sight are looking at that three names, finally has the talking in whispers sound to get up. 诸多的视线望着那三个名字,最后有着窃窃私语声响起。 Hears Han Jinhe, Xue Qingmei, the Wang Su three people had not formally announced that joins the Heaven Abyss Territory's team “不过听说韩金鹤,薛青梅,王宿三人都还没有正式宣布加入天渊域的队伍” Un, yes, they are want to beg the Captain status it is said.” “嗯,是的,据说他们是想要讨要队长的身份。” Hehe, is this is unsatisfied about that two original Captain?” “呵呵,这是对那两位原队长不满意吗?” „The Qin Lian strength is placed there, Han Jinhe they feared that perhaps is nothing opinion they go to that Honored Elder Zhou Yuan 秦莲的实力摆在那里,韩金鹤他们怕是没什么意见他们恐怕是冲着那位周元元老去的呢” Really is unappreciative, but Zhou Yuan now one of the Heaven Abyss Territory five big honored elder, this is what kind of position, is their looks for trouble?” “真是不识抬举啊,周元如今可是天渊域五大元老之一,这是何等地位,他们这是找不自在吗?” Also not complete, the present is Heaven Abyss Territory invites the outstanding heroes broadly, if Han Jinhe they do not like, will leave Heaven Abyss Territory to go to other territories directly and that's the end, others will welcome very much, moreover many people will follow them, if they left, will fear the person in this Phoenix Roost Building to walk half, that biography, will be the laughingstock.” “也不尽然,如今是天渊域广邀群雄,若是韩金鹤他们不喜欢了,直接离开天渊域前往其他域就是了,想必人家会欢迎得很,而且还有不少人跟随他们,如果他们真是离开了,怕这凤栖楼内的人能走一半,那传出去,才是笑柄。” I thought actually Han Jinhe they do right, Zhou Yuan is honored elder is not false, but he after all is only Heavenly Sun Realm initial stage, although he previously defeated Lu Qing, but that is because he drew support from the external force, Han Jinhe don't they, which have fought many battles? You want them to obey a direction of Heavenly Sun Realm initial stage, perhaps they somewhat cannot endure.” “我倒是觉得韩金鹤他们做得没错,周元元老不假,但他毕竟只是天阳境初期,虽说他此前打败了陆庆,可那是因为他借助了外力,韩金鹤他们这些人,哪个不是身经百战?你要他们听从一个天阳境初期的指挥,恐怕他们是有些忍不下来。” Yes, in that Ancient Origin Heaven, if competes, others can also manage you are Heaven Abyss Territory's honored elder?” “是啊,在那古源天内,若是竞争起来,别人还会管你是不是天渊域的元老?” „” “” Around Phoenix Roost Building, resounded talking in whispers and quarrel of sound countless, numerous vision bring teasing, they felt, today will perhaps have a good play. 凤栖楼周围,响起了无数的窃窃私语以及争吵声,众多目光都是带着戏谑,他们觉得,今日恐怕会有一出好戏。 But at this time, in the floor of that roof, several hundred forms is spreading. 而此时,在那楼顶的楼层中,数百道身影散布着。 In that center, three forms sit together, in their behind, is follows large quantities of forms that or sits or stands, they look to the vision of that three form, is full of the belief. 在那中心处,有三道身影坐在一起,在他们的身后,皆是或坐或立的跟着大批的身影,他们看向那三道身影的目光,都是充满着信服。 Three person's shadows come, is a facial features delicate man, the male hair ties, the golden braid falls is conducting the back, his look is gentle, the corner of the eye that but that raises slightly, has the arrogance of hidden. 三道人影居中的,是一名面容秀气的男子,男子头发束起,有一条金色的发辫落在背上,他神色平和,但那微微扬起的眼角,却是带着隐藏的傲气。 Han Jinhe. 韩金鹤 In its left side, is a facial features sweet and pretty female, a women's capable short hair, is wearing the loose cultivation long gown, even so, is some are unable to cover up that irritable stature curve as before. 在其左侧,是一名面容娇美的女子,女子一头干练的短发,身穿着宽松的修炼袍服,但即便如此,依旧是有些无法遮掩那火暴的身材曲线。 She is Xue Qingmei. 她是薛青梅 The right side is also a man, just his body on tall and strong, the skin is dark, the whole body hair is exuberant, in the bronze bell eye, full is Fiendish Qi, looked made one be awed at the sight. 右侧也是一位男子,只不过他的身躯就魁梧许多,皮肤黝黑,浑身毛发旺盛,铜铃般的眼睛中,满是凶煞之气,一看就令人望而生畏。 Wang Su. 王宿 These three people, are most expert that this Heaven Abyss Territory draws on. 这三人,便是此次天渊域招来的最强者 It is said shortly afterward, Primordial Heaven Nine Territories forces must start to meet again Han Jinhe indifferently said. “据说再过不久,混元天九域人马就要开始碰头了”韩金鹤淡淡的道 „Hasn't Heaven Abyss Territory answered to us?” The Xue Qingmei careful eyebrow wrinkled the wrinkle, said. 天渊域还不给我们答复吗?”薛青梅细细的眉皱了皱,道。 We must obtain are not many, is only a Captain status, we do not want by the person optional direction.” “我们要求得也不多,只是一个队长身份,我们不想被人随意的指挥而已。” They have seen too many resorting to all means as loose cultivator, some captains even treat as the cannon fodder the teammate, recklessly sacrifice. 他们身为散修见过太多的不择手段,一些指挥者甚至将队友当做炮灰,肆意牺牲。 The say/way of Wang Su jar sound jar air/Qi: „The Qin Lian words, I am convinced actually, but feared that Honored Elder Zhou Yuan relies on the status to direct forcefully, when the time comes does our casualty to be big, how do I do right by these brothers who I draw?” 王宿瓮声瓮气的道:“秦莲的话,我倒是服气的,但就怕那位周元元老自恃身份要强行指挥,到时候搞得我们死伤太大,我怎么对得起我拉来的这些兄弟?” Han Jinhe said in a soft voice: Today is the final deadline, if has not given the answer, I planned to leave Heaven Abyss Territory.” 韩金鹤轻声道:“今天算是最后的期限吧,若是还不给答复吧,那我就打算离开天渊域了。” Which Brother Han goes, we also go with you!” Behind Han Jinhe, has some sounds to make a sound immediately. 韩哥去哪,我们也跟你去!”韩金鹤后面,顿时有着一些声音响起来。 Xue Qingmei and Wang Su are also nodded, agreed. 薛青梅王宿也是点点头,表示认同。 Their this statement, immediately in this 1st floor about half of many loose cultivator are echoes, other other half, is look at each other in dismay, the eye reveal hesitant and worried. 他们三人这一表态,顿时这一楼内将近一半多的散修都是附和起来,余下的另外一半,则是面面相觑,眼露犹豫和担忧。 In the building a confusion is noisy, Heaven Abyss Territory's Heavenly Sun Realm appear(ance), looks to the Han Jinhe three people: Elder Qin Lian is invited.” 而当楼内一片混乱吵闹的时候,一名天渊域的天阳境出现,看向韩金鹤三人:“秦莲长老有请。” Han Jinhe they look at each other one, the corners of the mouth reveal wipe the smile, it seems like Heaven Abyss Territory cannot bear the pressure, finally must choose the concessions. 韩金鹤他们对视一眼,嘴角露出一抹笑容,看来天渊域也是承受不住压力,终于是要选择让步了。 Therefore they stand up, follow that Heaven Abyss Territory's Heavenly Sun Realm to go upstairs directly, then opens the front door, entered in a spacious hall. 于是他们站起身来,跟随着那天渊域的天阳境直接上楼,然后推开大门,进了一座宽敞的大厅内。 Enters the hall, their first saw the physique to be tall and straight, appearance elegantly beautiful Qin Lian. 进入大厅,他们第一眼就看见了身姿挺拔,容颜冷艳的秦莲 However what surprises them is, Qin Lian does not sit in the seat of honor unexpectedly. 不过让得他们意外的是,秦莲竟然并非坐在首座。 The vision that they somewhat have doubts looks to that first place, sees only a youth to sit in meditation, a pair of calm eye, gentle and mild static gaze they who enter the hall. 他们有些疑惑的目光看向那首座处,只见得一名青年静坐,一对波澜不惊的眼目,正平静的注视着进入大厅的他们。 The eye pupil of Han Jinhe concentrates slightly, the thoughts rotation, then guessed correctly at present the status of youth. 韩金鹤的眼瞳微微一凝,心思转动,然后便是猜出了眼前青年的身份。 This was, then moves Heaven Abyss Territory's Honored Elder Zhou Yuan?” Han Jinhe pale sound said. “想必这一位,便是名动天渊域的周元元老了吧?”韩金鹤淡声道。 He, has not waited for Zhou Yuan's to reply, said: Since is Honored Elder Zhou Yuan here, that today's matter was simpler, does not know that our requests, Heaven Abyss Territory whether to agree?” 他顿了顿,也没有等待周元的回答,道:“既然是周元元老在此,那今日的事情就更简单了,不知道我们的请求,天渊域能否同意?” The Zhou Yuan eyelid lifts, said: Is your three people of matter that applied to become Captain?” 周元眼皮一抬,道:“是你们三人申请成为队长的事情吗?” Han Jinhe light nods. 韩金鹤淡淡点头 Xue Qingmei and Wang Su are also staring at Zhou Yuan, the look not salty is not light. 薛青梅王宿也是盯着周元,神色不咸不淡。 Zhou Yuan is staring at three people, after the moment, he smiles, the teacup in hand put gently, the light sound resounds. 周元盯着三人,片刻后,他笑了笑,手中的茶杯轻轻的放了下去,平淡声音响起。 Is embarrassed your requests, was rejected by me.” “不好意思你们的请求,被我驳回了。”
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