UES :: Volume #17

#1616: Assassin raging tide

You heard, south six imperial princes entered a day of county about a year, initiated south drafted the plan, subjugated the non-Chinese southern person mountain, and short several months went on a punitive expedition against 36 barbarian countries, 720 barbarian cities and 13,000 barbarian strongholds, overawed the entire non-Chinese southern person mountain.” “你们听说了吗,六皇子进入南天郡才一年左右,就发起了南征计划,征讨南蛮大山,并且短短数个月就征伐了三十六个蛮国、七百二十个蛮城、一万三千座蛮寨,威震整个南蛮大山。” Far more than so, these 36 barbarian countries are only quite huge barbarian person influences that six imperial princes subjugate, barbarian person influences of other also many being not as good, but also cannot say that country, these influences were more.” “何止如此,这三十六个蛮国只是六皇子征讨的比较庞大的蛮人势力,其它还有很多略逊一筹的蛮人势力,还称不上蛮国,这些势力就更多了。” Six imperial princes are really the wise supernatural mights, before he left the national capital, south went to a day of county time, many people also laughed at six imperial princes to have eyes but fail to see, setting up a government office of choice constructed the place of tooth to be extremely barren, possibility that simply has not developed, how long but then to pass, six imperial princes the domain that had in a south day of county could have caught up with 1/3 Arriving Cloud Country impressively.” “六皇子真是英明神武,之前他离开国都,前往南天郡的时候,很多人还笑话六皇子有眼无珠,挑选的开府建牙之处太过贫瘠,根本没有发展起来的可能性,但是这才过去了多长时间,六皇子在南天郡拥有的地盘赫然已经赶得上三分之一个云来国了。” Takes a broad view at many imperial prince sovereign female, has the domain that which imperial prince sovereign female holds to catch up with six imperial princes 1/10, the big imperial prince and big sovereign female add to be multiplied by 100 again, only feared that does not have six imperial princes to hold the domain to be broad, six imperial princes are the true wise lords.” “放眼众多皇子皇女,有哪个皇子皇女占据的地盘赶得上六皇子十分之一,大皇子和大皇女加起来再乘以一百,只怕也没有六皇子占据地地盘广阔,六皇子才是真正的英明之主。” If we had known six imperial princes are so fierce, we should turn earlier his, rather than on the big imperial prince clever car(riage), what to do we should, probably want now the means to contact with six imperial princes, has a look whether to change job.” “若是早知道六皇子这么厉害,我们应该早点投靠他的,而不是上了大皇子的贼车,现在我们该怎么办,要不要想办法跟六皇子联络一下,看看能否跳槽。” ...... …… The Arriving Cloud Country high level in an uproar, without thinking for short about two years, Tang Junming can operate such big influence in a south day of county. 云来国高层为之哗然,怎么也没有想到短短两年左右,唐君明就能够在南天郡经营起这么大的势力。 If they know that Tang Junming also controlled the southern ten counties secretly, only fears them to be able with amazement. 若是他们知道唐君明暗地里还掌控了南部十个郡,只怕他们会更加骇然。 To be honest by influence that Tang Junming grasps at this moment, even if all imperial prince and sovereign female adds unable to catch up with its 11, let alone Tang Junming has the absolute sovereignty regarding these influences. 说实话以唐君明此刻掌握的势力,就算所有皇子和皇女加起来也赶不上其十一,更别说唐君明对于这些势力有着绝对的统治权。 Under the day Lingwu seal enslaves, the loyalty of Tang Junming subordinate powerhouse is without a doubt, was better than cloud Laihuang to subordinate high-level grasping. 天灵武印奴役之下,唐君明麾下强者的忠诚度毋庸置疑,远远地胜过了云来皇对麾下高层的掌握。 After cloud Laihuang learns of this news, cannot bear sighed again and again: Has the child so, husband duplicate/restores what request, the regret swallows the star grand ceremony to limit the future, otherwise......” 就连云来皇得知这个消息以后,也忍不住连连感叹:“有子如此,夫复何求,遗憾吞星大典限制前途,否则……” Following cloud Laihuang cannot say that the Duan Tianya talent aptitude he is also clear, without swallowing star grand ceremony, let alone was high-level Martial King, was also very difficult to step into on the continuous casting lineage/vein big boundary. 后面的云来皇说不出去了,段天涯的天赋资质他也清楚,若是没有吞星大典的话,别说是高级武王了,就连铸脉大境也很难踏入。 Even if has not swallowed the limit of star grand ceremony, Duan Tianya basically is impossible to become high-level Martial King. 所以就算没有吞星大典的限制,段天涯也基本上不可能成为高级武王 Now had swallowed the star grand ceremony, its consumption was no doubt big, but after all hopes of some achievement Martial King, therefore this was also the advantage outweighs the shortcoming, nitpicking somewhat was excessive. 如今有了吞星大典,其消耗固然大了很多,但是终归有成就武王的希望,所以这也是利大于弊,吹毛求疵就有些过分了。 cloud Laihuang is bigger regarding the support of Tang Junming, south sends out various skilled craftsmen to support the construction of day of county one after another. 云来皇对于唐君明的支持更大,接连派出各种能工巧匠支持南天郡的建设。 cloud Laihuang so supports regarding Tang Junming, selfishness that but also a little cannot say, is many empires the inherent selfishness. 云来皇对于唐君明如此支持,还有一点儿是不能说的私心,也是很多帝国所固有的私心。 That is the influence that in the Tang Junming surface exposes, the expansion is strengthened, all from the non-Chinese southern person mountain, does that can say the background and strength that increased entire Arriving Cloud Country, rather than rob various inherent county influences with cloud Laihuang, without threatening his rule, therefore cloud Laihuang will so support to Tang Junming. 那就是唐君明表面上展露出来的势力,无论是扩张还是增强,全都是来自于南蛮大山,这么做可以说增加了整个云来国的底蕴和实力,而不是跟云来皇抢夺固有的各郡势力,没有威胁到他的统治,所以云来皇对唐君明才会如此支持。 If Tang Junming is expands full power own influence in Arriving Cloud Country, only feared that cloud Laihuang will have to dislike. 若是唐君明是全力在云来国扩张自己的势力,只怕云来皇就会心生膈应了。 However this was cloud Laihuang has not checked the Tang Junming details, the use day of Lingwu seal, Tang Junming had controlled the southern ten counties quietly. 不过这也是云来皇没有查到唐君明的底细,利用天灵武印,唐君明可是已经悄无声息控制了南部十个郡。 Tang Junming caused the so big stir in Arriving Cloud Country, how could the big imperial prince and big sovereign female do not know, they first paid attention, gathered together again. 唐君明云来国造成了如此大的轰动,大皇子和大皇女岂能不知,他们第一时间就关注到了,再次聚在一起。 „Hasn't the assassin of taking a life sent out?” Duan Yun feng knits the brows to say. “杀生的刺客还没有出动吗?”段云凤皱眉道。 segment Qinghong also somewhat worries saying: Our reward have hit, but takes a life still to investigate, said that must guarantee absolutely safe, is really slow.” 段庆鸿也有些着急道:“我们的酬劳都已经打过去了,但是杀生还在调查,说是要确保万无一失,真是慢啊。” Can urge them, the Duan Tianya development speed was too fast, delays for day to expand several points, if could not trig should should do.” Duan Yun feng knits the brows to say. “能不能催催他们,段天涯的发展速度太快了,多耽误一天就多壮大几分,万一制不住了该如何是好。”段云凤皱眉道。 segment Qinghong nods: For these days I will urge them again, do not worry, the rise of strength in one single day cannot achieve, how even to promote Duan Tianya is not impossible to jump over again all of a sudden Martial King Realm.” 段庆鸿点了点头:“这几天我会再催一下他们,你也不要太着急,实力的提升不是一朝一夕能够做到的,就算再怎么提升段天涯也不可能一下子蹦到武王境吧。” Wants is not Martial King, takes a life to strike to kill it with ease, even Martial King, the person of taking a life still has to kill, the Duan Tianya influence increases again quick, is unable to make his strength jump all of a sudden.” “只要不是武王,杀生都能够轻松将其击杀,即便是武王,杀生的人也不是没有杀过,段天涯的势力增加的再快,也无法让他的实力一下子蹦上去。” But the influence is stronger, the acquired resources are more, you should also hear, swallows practicing of star grand ceremony to need the large amounts of resources, because Duan Tianya will so expand crazily the domain, plunders the non-Chinese southern person mountain the resources.” Duan Yun feng congealing sound said: We have been mistaken one time, without while Duan Tianya small and weak time killed him, now his wing initially becomes, if cannot seize the opportunity, only feared that we could not kill him again.” “可是势力越强,获得的资源就越多,你应该也听说过,吞星大典的修行需要大量的资源,正是因为如此段天涯才会疯狂地扩张地盘,搜刮南蛮大山的资源。”段云凤凝声道:“我们已经看走眼了一次,没有趁着段天涯弱小的时候杀了他,现在他羽翼初成,如果再不能抓住机会的话,只怕我们就再也杀不了他了。” segment Qinghong nods: Relax, person of taking a life, since received this duty, will not make that situation happen, but my multi- in addition will also urge.” 段庆鸿点头:“放心吧,杀生的人既然接下了这个任务,就绝不会让那种情况发生,不过我也会多加催促。” ...... …… Even if personally has not seen, Tang Junming still knows, as his expansion and promotion, the big imperial prince and big sovereign female do not look that helplessly he continues to grow, said accurately should be all imperial prince and sovereign females does not look helplessly Tang Junming promotes crazily, sooner or later will act to him. 即使未曾亲眼所见,唐君明也知道随着他的扩张和提升,大皇子和大皇女绝不会眼睁睁地看着他继续成长下去,准确地说应该是所有皇子和皇女都不会眼睁睁地看着唐君明就这么疯狂地提升下去,早晚会对他出手的。 However by the Tang Junming present strength and influence, can become the imperial prince and sovereign of female threat to other party is few, most was the big imperial prince and big sovereign female. 不过凭借唐君明如今的实力和势力,能够对他造成威胁的皇子和皇女已经很少了,其中之最就是大皇子和大皇女了。 Tang Junming has also prepared dealing, moreover is not only many imperial prince sovereign females, the non-Chinese southern person mountain will not let off him by barbarian country odd/surplus evil who he will break through. 唐君明也早就做好了应对的准备,而且不仅是众多皇子皇女们,还有南蛮大山被他攻破的蛮国余孽也不会放过他。 The position has the benefit that is high and affects to have is in a big way astonishing, its danger , this little Tang Junming is well aware, he also prepared assassinated at any time. 位置有多高、牵动的利益有多惊人、其危险也就有多大,这一点儿唐君明心知肚明,他也随时做好了被刺杀的准备。 In the two years many people have also assassinated him, but was basically struck to kill by the Tang Junming surrounding guard, or was blocked by Array Method. 这两年也有不少人刺杀过他,不过基本上都被唐君明周围的护卫击杀,或者是被阵法所拦。 Can arrange profound Grandmaster Array Method as one, let alone was high-level Martial Venerable, even low level Martial King and intermediate Martial King were still very difficult to intrude in Tang Junming Array Method. 作为一位能够布置玄阵的阵法大师,别说是高级武尊了,就算是低级武王、中级武王也很难闯入唐君明阵法之中。 Tang Junming has also been hiding the strength, by his true battle efficiency at this moment, only if the Martial King level assassin, otherwise could not injure its slightest. 唐君明也一直在隐藏自身实力,以他此刻的真正战斗力,除非是武王级刺客,否则根本伤不了其分毫。 But takes a broad view at entire Arriving Cloud Country, many Martial King, even if the big imperial prince and big sovereign female do utmost, only feared that is still very difficult to mobilize a Martial King level powerhouse to assassinate him. 可是放眼整个云来国,又有多少个武王呢,即便是大皇子和大皇女竭尽全力,只怕也很难发动一位武王级强者刺杀他。 Just like Tang Junming expected that as he goes on a punitive expedition against the news of 36 countries' to spread over Arriving Cloud Country, the wooden show under the forest, quick has a assassin to come to assassinate Tang Junming one after another. 正如唐君明预料的,随着他征伐三十六蛮国的消息传遍云来国,木秀于林之下,很快就有一波波刺客接连前来刺杀唐君明
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