Shi Yualsosurpriselooks atPatriarch Tututo occupy the King of Whistleblowersstatus时宇也诧异的看着图图族长占爆料王身份Thisfellowflustersanything.
这家伙慌什么.【Does masterhave a possibilityitisKing of Whistleblowers.】
【主人有没有种可能它就是爆料王.】InBeast SpaceRin Said.御兽空间中凛道.Shi Yu: „时宇:“fuck.卧槽.
„ Comes to see the Shi Yucorners of the mouthto twitchby the general analysisresultlooks
“以普遍分析结果来看时宇嘴角抽搐的看着InCrystal Ball.水晶球里面.
„ Patriarch Tutuyouare not willingto coordinateusto investigateKing of Whistleblowers
“图图族长你这么不愿意配合我们调查爆料王的Againhow the statusadds onKing of Whistleblowersanythingto knowme
身份再加上爆料王什么都知道我怎么FeltyourAstrology Clanaccidental/surprisedconforms to the body of King of Whistleblowers
感觉你们占星族意外的符合爆料王的身Sharecharacteristics? Shi YulookedtoTeacherOwl.
„ Yourthisbrotheris notKing of Whistleblowers. Foresight Owl:
“你这老弟不会就是爆料王吧.预知猫头鹰:Shestares the bigeyeto look that graduallyfluctuatedto the younger brotherexpression in Crystal Ball.
„ Howis notpossiblyanythingto disclosewhatking. Water
“不不是怎么可能什么爆料什么王.水In the crystal ballPatriarch Tutubeckons with the handto denyhastily.
晶球内图图族长连忙摆手否认.Youbringto assistusto occupy the family/homeClanmost precious object. Cat
The eagleteachersaid.
„ This thisPatriarch Tutuwas scared.
„ Notreal! Jewel Catalsodividesdisclosedsurprised
Is the kingBrotherOwl?
王是猫头鹰老弟?Cracking a joke.
开什么玩笑.Howhatefulthatalsochanges money.
„ Good! Iacknowledged that IwasKing of Whistleblowersyouam tired. Tutu
The patriarchangersaid.族长怒道.HiswordsfellShi Yu, Jewel Cat, Owland the othersto be numerously silent
他话落时宇、宝石猫、猫头鹰等人都沉默了纷Numerousstubbornlystares atitsfaceto be inconceivable.
纷死死的盯着它脸不可思议.Whatalso is really?
„ I am also stem fromam compelledfor the promotion of Astrology Clanyou
“我也是出于生活所迫为了占星族的振兴你们Do not speak irresponsiblydo not thinkoccupiedcannotleave behind a mark
不要乱说也不要想着占了不能留下点痕Otherwise the markAstrology Clandiedyou unable to be inescapablethisto be possible
迹不然占星族就死定了你们也跑不了这可OffendingFour SaintsClanis more serious.
„ Yourwhat the hellyouworkedyoualsoto runto know in advance the spacewithme
Does matter of eonleveldoyouto thinkIdie. Shi Yusaid
The matter that thisfellowhandlesindeedoffendingFour SaintsClanis more dangerous.
„ Youdid not becomeAstrology Clan the child of predictionsteadily
“你不也是都成为占星族的预言之子了稳Why the healthygrowthis not goodalsoto goto toss aboutrandomly!
健发育不好吗为什么还去乱折腾!both sidesarguedinstantaneously.
„ HowhatefulKing of Whistleblowersismyyounger brotherthisalsosells for moneyunexpectedly.
“可恶爆料王竟是我弟弟这还怎么卖钱.TeacherOwlis scared.猫头鹰老师失魂落魄.
„ Punishes guilty family members? Jewel Catsuggested. „ Youshut up! King of WhistleblowersTutusaid: „ Present, whenservesit
“大义灭亲?宝石猫建议.“你们闭嘴!爆料王图图道:“现在的当务之IsShi YuuniqueduelhereindeedhasFour Saintsanxiouslyultra
急是时宇的超脱决斗我这里的确有四圣超God the strengths of materialhoweverthesefellowsdo not dependonly
The materialcandefeat.
„ Howyouactuallythink.
„ Youfirstleave alone, sinceyouareKing of Whistleblowersfirsthelp
“你先别管了既然你是爆料王先帮Is busy atdoing a matter. Shi Yusaid.
„ Whatmatter.
„ Tactictricksto askMonarchto enter the jaris the helpdisclosed that somevacationsdisappear
The breathconfusesFour SaintsSuper Godto makethemtreat it lightlynot to have the issue
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