羽涅界域外。Becausehere the Era Ruinsturbulenceattractedmanypeople, Shi Yuannounced in high profile here, is hardly inferiorentireKing Starwas announcing.
这里因为纪元遗迹的动荡吸引了不少人,时宇在此处高调宣布,几乎不亚于对着整个界王星进行公告。In the sky, Shi Yuflies highto stand, Eleventakes the greenbamboo, bitonewickedly.
“咔!”As ifwas saying,instakillMyth RankEleventh Heaven and instakillEpoch Godpeerlessdivine tool, is onlyitsfood.
仿佛是在说,秒杀神级十一重天、秒杀纪元神的绝世神器,只是它的食物。Those present, includingSenior Sister LuandHuangxiare the shocklooks atShi Yu.
Is Shi Yuearnest?时宇是认真的?Peoplehave not thoughtthisplaceEra Ruinscompetes for the joint performance
人们怎么也没想到此地的纪元遗迹争夺会演Turns into the currentKing Starfamestrongestrising starto be strongtooldgeneration of Super God
者的超脱挑战.MyDonghuangdomainlordShi YutoAzure DragonClanAzure DragonSuper God
我东煌界域界主时宇对青龙家族青龙超神Vermilion BirdClanVermilion BirdSuper GodWhite TigerClanWhite TigerSuper GodBlack Tortoise朱雀家族朱雀超神白虎家族白虎超神玄武Family/HomeClanBlack TortoiseSuper Godinitiates the uniqueduel.
„ Four SaintsClanFour SaintsSuper Godtoconsolidateownbeliefultra
The position of godlong-termandAssassin Starcooperationassassinatepotential
神之位长期与暗杀星合作暗杀有潜力的Four SaintsEvolutionIamit. Before for several years, IdecodeFour Saints Remainsto graspclearFour Saintsto enter四圣进化者我就是其中之.数年之前我破解四圣遗迹掌握清晰四圣进Road of Four SaintsSuper Godmeltinghasto dreadandcare aboutmystatus
化之路四圣超神心生忌惮又顾及我的身份Does not dareto beginthento invite the Assassin Starkillerto wantpersonallyto removeme.
„ But because the Assassin Starkillerstrengthwas instead killedbymealong withinsufficient
“但由于暗杀星的杀手实力不足被我反杀随Latter is Assassin Starcampaigncampaign that everyoneis familiar with
后便是大家熟悉的暗杀星战役这场战役Ifinallydetermined the Four SaintsSuper Goddirtysurface.
„ AlthoughFour SaintsClandeniedagain, butevidenceconclusiveFour Saintsultra
The beliefmonopoly practice of god was also the timeend.
„ SinceFour SaintsSuper Godis afraidnewFour SaintsSuper God born andit
“既然四圣超神这么害怕新的四圣超神诞生与它Competes withbeliefthenmeto bet the lifeto challengeone after another
们竞争信仰接下来我将赌上性命接连挑战Theirgod positionrecompositionKing StarFour Saintssystem.
„ Hopes that theydo not want, because the fearrejectsmyuniqueduel.
„ ThisuniqueduelonlyrepresentsmeandFour SaintsSuper Godgraciousness
“这场超脱决斗只代表我个人和四圣超神的恩Resentfuldoes not involveother influences on dividehighunderalsodivideslife and deathhope
怨不涉及其他势力既分高下也分生死希Looksto obtain the gaze of Sirkingto conduct the publicduel!
望得到界王大人的注视进行公开决斗!Shi Yuannounced in high profile the without a doubthiddenbusybodyinthisplace时宇在此地高调宣布毫无疑问被隐藏的好事者
The entire journeylive broadcastissued.
全程直播发布了出去.King Starshakes!
界王星震荡!Vermilion BirdClanindomain.朱雀家族所在界域.
The angerlit the vault of heaven of domaindirectly.
The fire and bloodskymake the life of entiredomaintremble
The anger of Super God.超神之怒.FeelshugeangryVermilion BirdSuper Godto livein the domaininnumerably
感受到巨大的愤怒朱雀超神所在界域无数生Spiritstartledbeginninglooksto the sky.
灵惊慌的起头看向天空.WaswhoenragedVermilion BirdSuper God.
是谁触怒了朱雀超神.Vermilion BirdSuper Godturns toward the previouseraas the uniqueexistenceachievement朱雀超神作为超脱的存在作为向着上个纪元Four SaintsEvolutionandEvolutionmostperfectionEvolutionit四圣进化且进化的最完美的进化者之它的
The dignityverylongno onehas daredto provoke.
„ Shi Yuyoudied.
“时宇你死定了.Vermilion BirdSuper Godangrily roarsnot to think that Shi Yuis so bold朱雀超神怒吼起来没想到时宇如此胆大包天Daresto disregarditsculturist of itsWill to it that makes a moveto darenot to know the immensity of heaven and earthto initiate „ uniqueduelunexpectedly.
竟然敢无视它的意志对它的培养者出手更是敢不知天高地厚的向它发起“超脱决斗.SomeMyth Ranksend out „ uniqueduelto the Super Godlevelabsolutelyissufficientlystartled
有神级对超神级发出“超脱决斗绝对是足以惊Moves the King Starimportant matter.
动界王星的大事.ThereforequickVermilion BirdSuper GodthenknowsinRace of domain
所以很快朱雀超神所在界域的种族便知晓WhyVermilion BirdSuper Godwill so lose one's temperalsoto feel is not possible
思议.king of FengthisConferred Gods Battle.
这个封神之王疯了吗.UniqueduelthisisMyth Rankhugsmustkill the Super Goddeterminationinstitute
超脱决斗这是神级抱着必杀超神的决心所King of Shi Yuthissent outduelConferred Gods Battleisworks asVermilion BirdSuper God
发出的决斗封神之王时宇这是把朱雀超神当Is the huntingobject to step onitscorpseto promoteSuper God!
做狩猎对象希望踩着它的尸体晋升超神啊!Dignityboth sides that thisis no different than the provocativeSuper Godpowerhouse
仇恨真的到了这种地步?Not is only Vermilion BirdSuper Godin the domainKing Starmajorborder areas
不仅是朱雀超神所在界域界王星各大界域都Has the powerhouseto vibrate.
有强者震动.FromConferred Gods BattlecommitteeSaatchiPresidentand otherofficialcharacterstoeoncrowcard
从封神委员会萨奇会长等官方人物到宙鸦卡Graciousness, deep, Demon Emperorchild of Tianshangand otherConferred Gods Battle games Geniuskings
恩、冥古、妖帝之子天商等封神天才界王starin abundanceturbulent, andfeltinconceivable.
星上上下下纷纷动荡并且感觉到了不可思议.Xuánkōng RealmLin Feng and other informationhas not thoughtactuallywaits till悬空界域林风原本在等情报没想到却等到Seeing that noticehand/subordinate the Lin Fengthencorners of the mouthtwitchedimmediately
了手下的通知随即林风便嘴角抽搐的看到了Shi Yu of some people of live broadcastsdeclare war the Four SaintsSuper Godvideo.
„ Crazyfellow. Has nothing to dowithShi YuandFour SaintsClanmuch
The powerhousescannot help butsighed.
强者都不由得感叹.Theydo not care about the cause and effecthoweverShi Yuactionnot to have
疑震撼人心.Challengesunique over fourtimepowerfulSuper GodbyMyth Rankand
以神级挑战超脱四次以上的强大超神而且Mustchallengefourthisone after anotheriscrazy.
是要接连挑战四个这是何等疯狂.Let alonewasMyth RankevenandFour SaintsSuper Godsame levelexistence
别说是神级了就算和四圣超神同级的存在Hasthisframe of mindare not many.
„ Does not have the means is really Four SaintsClangoes too faras far as I know
“没办法实在是四圣家族欺人太甚据我所知Lu QingyiandHuangxi of DonghuangdomainsuccessfullydecodedNirvana Remains东煌界域的陆青依、凰曦成功破解了涅槃遗迹Howeverat this time the Vermilion BirdSuper Godapprenticecameto fight forthis
„ WhatifShi YusaidisreallythisVermilion BirdClanlineage/veinsimply
“如果时宇说的是真的这朱雀家族脉简直ExtremelyrampantdomineeringShi Yu that the moldcarvespossiblyissolid
Driven beyond the limits of forbearance, althoughsaidindeedimpulsive.
在忍无可忍了吧虽然说的确冲动了点.Nirvana Remainsmattermanypeoplehave the testimony unable to cheatassassinate
涅槃遗迹事许多人有见证做不了假暗杀starmatterpeoplehad not thought that Shi Yuis lying.
If notwhybecauseto be really offendedFour SaintsbyassassinateShi Yu
如果不是因为真的被暗杀时宇何必去得罪四圣家Clansuchcolossus?族这样个庞然大物?Butis willingto believe that Shi Yuturns over to be willingto believe that butchallenge of Shi Yu
The actionineveryoneopinionisabsurd.
举动在所有人看来还是过于荒唐.No oneknows the energy that Shi Yu came from whereonlyworks ashim
谁也不知道时宇到底是从何而来的底气只把他当Doingbecame confusedmindtimenot to controlangrily.
做是被愤怒冲昏了头脑这次没有控制住.Let alonewas the bystandereven the person on one's own side is still the type. Withthis
别说是外人了就算是自己人也是样.与此SimultaneouslycausesShi Yu that entireKing Starvibratesto bringEmperor Kong
同时引起全界王星震动的时宇已经带着空帝When the personthroughinvestigatingextremely the holereturned toXuánkōng Realm.
„ Exploded. Comes back the Lin Fengthentoothache saying:
„ Shi Yu did youdoin the past.
„ Shi Yuyouwere extremely impulsive. After coming back, Emperor Kongdoes not endure
“时宇你太过冲动了.回来后空帝也忍不Livesto say.
住道.NowandFour Saints is Clangot angryalsotooearly. Female
The emperorandLu Qingyiopen the mouth.
Before mustknow , even ifcontainsEmperor Shi the Blue Starlineage/vein
The minute/sharedreaded that the Four SaintsClanbackgroundhas not easily torn to pieces the facial skin.
分忌惮四圣家族的底蕴没有轻易撕破脸皮.Howeverthistimebecause ofNirvana RemainsmatterShi Yuunexpectedly
但是这次因为涅槃遗迹的事情时宇竟然DirectopenlychallengesFour SaintsSuper God
直接公开挑战四圣超神Ido not have the impulsionyouto look that Ilikelyam easy the impulsiveperson.
我没冲动啊你们看我像容易冲动的人吗.Shi Yusaid with a smile: „ Thoughtpurelythistimeis a goodtime.时宇笑道:“纯粹是觉得这次是个好时机.Iwill not handle the matter that has not grasped.
The Shi YuwordsfallLin Fengto suspectoneselfmisunderstoodanything. „ You时宇话落林风怀疑自己是不是听错了什么.“你
The meaningisyouhad confidence that defeatsFour SaintsSuper God?
„ Un. Shi Yunodslayer on layer/heavily.
“嗯.时宇重重点头.BecauseShi Yusoself-confidentEmperor Kong, Lin Fengandfemale
The emperor, Senior Sister Luand otherface of vacant.
帝、陆学姐等人脸的茫然.EspeciallyEmperor Kong and Lin Fengbrainthunders.
尤其是空帝和林风大脑轰鸣.Super Godlevel of Shi Yueven under Myth Rankgrowsquicklyalso时宇在神级之下甚至超神级之下成长的快也就
罢了.However34years of TimedirectlyfrommostQuasi-Godto
但是三四年的时间直接从最准神到了Candefeatuniqueexistenceto be excessive.
可以战胜超脱的存在是不是过分了点.Even if not dareto write.
„ yiiinng. At this timetriesto seekin the Shi Yushoulder
“嘤嘤嘤.此时试图在时宇肩膀寻求Has the feeling.
存在感.Saw that Emperor KongspeechlessthatZhouLanto giveagain
看到空帝再次阵哑然那个周澜给Even ifhisfeelinghecanwinstillin the fee/spent very bigtime, but
他的感觉就算他能赢也得费上很大的功夫而Anderraticallycanperfectionextinguishkills the opposite party.
且还不定能完美灭杀对方.However the Shi Yuperformancepeoplesaw the sticka moment agoclearly
但是刚才时宇的表现众人清晰看到了棍ChilddirectcruelincomparableinstakillweekbillowstheyandShi Yu
子直接残暴无比的秒杀了周澜他们而且时宇Limited Remains of opposite partyconvenientlydisregardsvermilion
The birdSuper Godemptyshadowdomineeringtown/subdueskills the opposite party.
雀超神虚影强势镇杀对方.ThisabilityEmperor Kongself-examined, only ifhavebeast petonlyalsoto reach
这个能力空帝自问除非自己有只宠兽也达Got uptoSuper Godboth sidesotherwise is very with joint forces difficultto achieve.
到了超神双方起合力否则很难做到.Butthisis onlyownforceShi Yuhas not even increased
而这只是自己的力量时宇甚至还没增OtherShi Yubeast pethave not even entered the stage.
„ Youwent outthisto makewhatLin Fenghemp
“你们出去这趟到底做了什么林风麻Woodenhedoes not think that Shi Yuat such importantmatterwill lie, but
„ The biggestharvestpossiblysaw the UniverseOverlordmain body
神.Emperor KongandLin Feng:空帝、林风:Thereforedon't worry.
„ EvenUniverseOverlorddeterrenceweshoulderedcameFour Saintsultra
The godsare notouropponents. Shi Yuwas sayingtogiveEmperor Kongand the others
神不会是我们的对手.时宇说着为了给空帝等人Reassuring medicinebehindgraduallyreappearingtertiarydaySpaceemptyshadow.
个定心丸身后逐渐浮现三重天空间虚影.SeesthatnumerousBeast SpaceEmperor Kong, Lin Fengand Empress,
看到那重重的御兽空间空帝、林风、女帝、Senior Sister Luand the othersshow the oddexpression.陆学姐等人纷纷露出离谱的表情.Myth Ranktertiaryday?神级三重天?
„ Isthis. Shi Yutakes back the phenomenonto say with a smile: „ Right now
“就是这样.时宇收回异象笑道:“这下子Youalwaysbelieve that Ihaveability that canwithFour SaintsSuper God games.
你们总相信我有能和四圣超神的能力了吧.Icansayexplicitlythis is also notmypresentcompletecard in a hand
The Shi YuwordsfallEmperor Kongand the otherstheynot to knowsilentto be honest时宇话落空帝等人沉默老实说他们并不知道Myth Ranktertiarydaysomefierce, butthisunthinkable神级三重天到底有多厉害但是这匪夷所思的
The curtainindeedmadethemproducesomeletterstoShi Yu
„ Deciding to win. Senior Sister Luasked.
„ Felt relieved that canwinsurely. Shi Yusaid: Do not intertwinethis
了. Remains that rightSenior EmpressSenior Sister Luyoudecodedis
对了女帝前辈陆学姐你们破解的遗迹是What. Shi Yuasked.
After Lu Qingyiis silent, said: „ After Nirvana RemainsrecognizesLord, is equivalent陆青依沉默后道:“涅槃遗迹认主后就相当于
The item that canresurrectbeforeitsforcedoes not have the consumptionlight
个可以复活的道具在它力量没有消耗光之前Canmake the userresurrectrepeatedly.
„ Senior Empress, becauseresurrectsin the extremelyspecialwayhas added onagain
“女帝前辈因为以极为特殊的方式复活过再加上Myassistanceunderouraccident of sortsdecodedthislosing
迹No wonderthatZhouLancares aboutthis RemainsIto seizefromhishand
Before comerebirth Remains, hasresurrectingrebirtheffectShi Yuto say.
来的这个重生遗迹之前也有复活重生的功效时宇道.It is estimated thatbecausethisthingthatweekbillowscanhavesuchstrength
的吧.Shi Yulooked that saidto Remains in hand: „ ButpitifullyZhouLanhand时宇看向了手中的遗迹道:“但可惜周澜手
After therecognizedLordBeast Master dead , shattereddirectly.
中的这个认主的御兽师死掉后直接坏掉了.Hethrewshatteringrebirth RemainstoSenior Sister LuandSenior Empressconveniently
他随手把坏掉的重生遗迹扔给了陆学姐和女帝前辈Said: „ Youtake away the research.
„ UnderIthink that nowyouneedthisthingthis
“等下我想现在你更需要这个东西这Nirvana Remainsthinks that Itonowlordmedo not knowhowto solve
个涅槃遗迹现在认为我为主了我不知道怎么解Except thatthenyouandIhave the research, ifletsthisNirvana Remains
除接下来你和我起研究如果让这个涅槃遗迹Changesto recognizeyoutolord you are also biggerin the hope that in the uniqueduellives
改认你为主你在超脱决斗中活下来的希望也更大HuangxiseesShi Yuto throwrebirth Remainsto open the mouthto say.凰曦见时宇扔来重生遗迹开口道.
The Remainsanything'sindifferentkeyis the Shi Yuuniqueduel. „ No遗迹什么的无所谓关键是时宇的超脱决斗.“不Line. Emperor Kongsaid: „ Uniqueduelwill branch out the life and deathsurely
行的.空帝道:“超脱决斗是定会分出生死的So long as the fight the duelestablishmentdefeatedwill write offsurely. With
战斗只要决斗成立败者就定会被抹杀.用Othermethodsescapedeathto suffer the trial of Super Godpeaklevel
其他方法逃过死亡就会遭受超神巅峰级的审判Hunting and killing.
者的猎杀.Therefore the yidayestablishes can only wincannotlosethis is also unique
所以yi旦成立只能贏不能输这也是超脱Duelmost brutalplace.
决斗最残酷的地方.Todoes not needto manageme. Shi Yusaid: HasthatTimeresearchNirvanato lose
对不用管我.时宇道:有那个时间研究涅槃遗How the markItry to find the solutionunder the promotionbefore the duelsolid
The strength the King Staraspectexamines and approves the uniqueduel should not be quick
When according to the pastconventionyearhalf a yearcould not have hitthis
按照以往惯例没个年半载打不起来这段时In the middleI can also sprint a strength.
„ But.
„ Don't, butthenwatched changes quietly. Shi Yusmiled
“别可是了接下来静观其变吧.时宇笑了Saying with a smile.
„ Deliversto killmywaytoFour SaintsClanin vainreasonably
“白白给四圣家族送上个可以合理杀死我的方式Theywill treasurethisopportunitysurely.
它们定会珍惜这次机会的.Missedthisopportunityto be possiblenotnext
错过此次机会可就没下次了Emperor Kongsaid: „ No matter how before Ifirstfind the wayto relateEmperor Shi,空帝道:“不管如何我还是先想办法联系时帝前Generation. Alsomustsay that withthatfiveSuper God the situationtheyare blue
星Lin Fengsaid: „ You, ifsaidtothemmustscare to deathitsgate林风道:“你要是跟它们说了岂不是要吓死它门
„ ActuallyIsend out the uniquedueloriginal intentionnot to involve others
“其实我发出超脱决斗本意就是不想牵扯到其他人Do not be busy at workthismatterto givemeto process. When
„ Does not needto relateSenior Emperor Shievennot to needwithFive Great God Clans
“不用联系时帝前辈甚至也没必要跟五大神族的Super Godsaid.超神说.
Under Ican the depthprepare foryounot to needover the following several daysto take on
接下来几天我都会深度备战下你们不用担HeartonmanagementgoodXuánkōng RealmandDonghuangdomainwill do.
心就管理好悬空界域、东煌界域就行.Did not tellyouwalkedto sayagainwasted
不跟你们说了走了再多说下去就是浪费Prepared forTime. Shi Yuseesthemvice- to helpanything
The busyappearanceflickeredto moveto leavethisplacedirectlyto leave behindEmperor Kongthey
忙的样子直接瞬移离开此地留下了空帝他们For a very long timeis speechless.
„ Considers as finishedto believe that heLin Fengsaid.
„ Graciousnesshewill indeed not handle the matter that has not grasped. Lu Qingyinot
“恩他的确不会做没有把握的事情.陆青依道不Law of excessivelyuniqueduel is also the deceitoneself.
过超脱决斗的规则也就是欺骗欺骗自己罢了.IfShi Yureallydeathinuniqueduel how possiblynot
如果时宇真的在超脱决斗中死亡那么怎么可能不Related to others said that shecontinuous will also be straightwithFour SaintsClanImmortal
涉及其他人就说她也会跟四圣家族不死不休直To the Four SaintsClandestruction.
至将四圣家族覆灭.NaturallyLu QingyibelievesShi Yucanwinsurely.
当然陆青依还是相信时宇定能贏.ThenShi Yureturned to the Donghuangdomain, sincemustchallengeFour Saints
The Super Godthatpreparatory worknaturallymustbe donefully.超神那么准备工作自然得做充分.
„ How is Buluexciting! After coming back, Shi Yuto
“怎么样布戮刺激不刺激!回来后时宇对着Newtransportation vehicleBulusaid.
新交通工具布戮道.UniverseBehemothisUniverseBehemothis usingworthilyreallycrisplywith the randomgate宇宙巨兽不愧是宇宙巨兽用着真爽跟任意门Type.
„ Stimulatesin the UniverseBehemothBuluheartdepressedthisgoverning
The beastmaster is really a lunatic.
兽师果然是个疯子.Four SaintsSuper Godithad heardisfourveryancientSuper God.四圣超神它听说过是四个非常古老的超神.Justcame backShi Yu to withShi Yuwiththeirlife and deathduelarrange/cloth
刚刚跟时宇回来时宇就要跟它们生死决斗布Unitesin the heartto haveten thousandIron Eaterto roll.
戮心中有万个食铁兽滚过.Itfelt that oneselfencounters the life and deathdangersideShi Yu the probability
它感觉自己在时宇身边遇到生死危险的概率Act alonein a big way.
„ WhyIknowmymisfortune unable nowto subdue|grams you root
“我现在知道为什么我的厄运无法克你了你根Did not needyourselfto be soughtdailytroublesomebyto subdue|grams. Bulusaid.
„ Asked that youdo dareto hit.
“就问你敢不敢打吧.Hit! Bulusaid: „ Yousaida moment agotheirassassinateyouare
„ YouaremyBeast Masterwhose, no matter the enemyis we are.
„ Four SaintsSuper GodhowIturn into the stickto knockdirectlythem! Arrange/Cloth
“四圣超神又如何我直接变成棍子把它们敲死!布Unitesto say.
戮道.Itpossiblycannot be victoriousFour SaintsSuper Godhoweverto coordinate the Shi Yubeastitnot to have
所畏惧.Super God of uniquecenter-sectionithas not really hit.
„ yiiinng! PraisesBulu.
„ Had your wordsenough. Shi Yusaid with a smile: „ Waits for twodaysto giveyou
“有你这句话就够了.时宇笑道:“等过两天给你Pleasant surprise.
个惊喜.Bulu: Un?布戮:嗯?Shi Yuplanned that alsodrawsUniverseBehemothBuluotherskill时宇打算把宇宙巨兽布戮的其他技能也拉到出
The godsenter.
神入化.Itwas onlyfourskillMiraculous was so strong, ifthat
几个掌控技都达到出神入化它的实力说不定Canleapcomparesthemto be fierce.
能跃比它们还猛.Coordinates the Shi Yubeastto massacreabsolutely.
配合时宇兽绝对乱杀.Naturallythisis onlyShi Yumanyprepares for in plan
当然这个只是时宇诸多备战计划中的个Waitsto prepare for the planto prepareto completecompletely, let alonewas aloofeven
等全部备战计划准备完成别说超脱了就算是Is aloofhimalsoto have the confidenceclubto knock.
超脱他也有信心棒子敲死.Goodfirstto be busy atothermatters. Shi Yusaid.
„ Teacher YingTeacherOwl. Shi Yutwo that the entire journeywatches
“荧老师猫头鹰老师.时宇把全程观看的两位CatTeacher Catinvited.
„. At this timetwokittya littleare also depressedhas not thought that justreturned
“啊.此时两位猫猫也有点郁闷没想到刚回ComesShi Yu to handle such excitingmatter.
„ Said that wantsusto makeanything. Jewel Catsighedhas known
“说吧要我们做什么.宝石猫叹气已经知道Shi Yuthiswasmuststartto prepare.时宇这是要开始备战了.Moreovermustdraw inthemto have the help.
„ Under Teacher Yingyouhelpmake a vowIto hearprofound of Black TortoiseClan
“荧老师你帮忙许愿下我听说玄武家族的玄MilitarySuper Godhas the handIto fear that to the divinationitoccupiesoneselfloathsome appearance
It is not willingto accept the challengeotherFour SaintsSuper Godalsoto instigate
不愿意接受挑战连带着其他四圣超神也都怂了Althoughprobabilitynotbutgreatlyalsoaskedyouto actwithTeacherOwl
虽然几率不大但还请你出手和猫头鹰老师Hasunder the influence others 'sdivinationtothisshowdown.
„ Thisyoudo not needto be worried. TeacherOwlsaid: „ Yousincecontract
After thatShi Yubeast , the destinyisno onecanobserve
了那个时宇兽后命运已经不是谁都能观测的了Definitelycannot occupyanythingby the ability of thatold tortoisenot
以那个老乌龟的能力肯定占不出来什么不Wejointlyhave actedunder the influenceare notcannotsaybut actually
The uncertaintycangive the opposite partyto select the misjudgment.
„ Goodalsoto have a matter. Shi Yusaid: „ Iwantto knowFour SaintsSuper God
“好还有件事.时宇道:“我想知道四圣超神And evenFour SaintsClanare more informationto know oneself and other side
乃至四圣家族更多更多的情报正所谓知己知彼Being ever-victorious.
百战百胜.Thereforewho under youhelpmeseek forKing of Whistleblowersare. This
The partnersuchfierceintelligence networkaffirmed that the minute/sharefounditsbodypowerful
The shareweanditmake the pentransaction.
„ Ok! Owlsaid: „ Iestimatewith the aid ofbelowfamily/homeClan
Under most precious objectforceIcontact withbrother.
至宝的力量我联系下老弟哈.Said that Owlput outCrystal Ballto knock above
说完猫头鹰拿出个水晶球在上面敲了KnockedinCrystal Ballto presentonly the mousepersonlater
敲随后水晶球里面出现了只鼠人的Head picture.
头像.Thismouseperson the sound that opens the mouthto maketo be furious.
„ Is big sisteryoudoingmeto hearShi Yuyou
“老姐你们在干什么我都听说了时宇你Whymustinitiate the uniquedueltoFour SaintsSuper God. „ Youasked that myIaskedwhogoes. Owlsaid.
„ Hewants dead thatisFour SaintsSuper God.
„ Patriarch Tutudo not initiatechallengesmedefinitelyto haveenough
“图图族长别慌发起挑战我肯定是有足够把Grasps. Shi Yulooks atCrystal Ballto say with a smile.
„ Youhelpusto plan that under the foreknowledgedisclosed
“你来帮我们个忙好了我们打算预知下爆料RealstatusKing of Whistleblowers of kingshouldknowmuchaboutFour Saintsultra
The abilityinformation of godweneedwithitscooperationunder.
„ This. Patriarch Tutudoes not haveto thinkoneselfalsoignite
“啊这.图图族长怎么也没想到自己还引火Upper body.
上身了.VerydifficultKing of Whistleblowersstatuspossibly is so how easyto investigate
. Itsaid.
的.它道.Owlsaid: „ Do not be worried that toldyouto seenearbykittynot to have猫头鹰道:“别担心告诉你看见旁边的猫猫没
Our timewent to the Overlordareasuccessfullyto findanotherfourto make a vow
我们这次去霸主疆域成功找到了另外四枚许愿starshehas been aloofnowismostWish Star ClancoordinatesitsforcetrivialKing of Whistleblowersstatusto occupyin historynot
„ Ithink that knowwho after King of Whistleblowersis, wefirstuse the body
Under the sharesqueezes out the King of Whistleblowersvalueas the threatlater
份作为威胁榨取下爆料王的价值随后再Sells outvery happilyit.
„ ItsenjoysMetalnot to know that cango againstourfamily/homeClanmanyyears the earnings.
„ Ahem. kittynodwonderful. Patriarch Tutu:
Was the fuckthatpray for starscatonly unique? Oddhowpossiblythis卧槽那只祈星猫超脱了?离谱怎么可能这Quick.
The uniquepray for starscatadds onAstrology Clanmost precious objectforcereallyto have the possibility
超脱的祈星猫加上占星族至宝力量真的有可能Occupies the King of Whistleblowersstatus
The Patriarch Tutuforeheadflows offpea-sizedbeads of sweat.图图族长额头流下个豆大的汗珠.Thisbig sister who waits for mother wantsto sell outoneself
等下妈的自己这个老姐想把自己卖掉Changes money?
„ Alsois insufficientto unload the grindingto kill the donkey, so long as the King of Whistleblowerslittle darlinggathers
“也不至于这么卸磨杀驴只要爆料王乖乖合MakesShi Yuto say.
„ Hey. Actuallydoes not needis not the Four SaintsSuper Godcapital
The materialinAstrology Clanalsorecordedsome „ Patriarch Tututo say.
料吗占星族内也记载了些“图图族长道.Ithought that King of Whistleblowersis not simpleeasilydo not provokeitsratio
„ Indeed must therefore firstknow in advance that itsstatusdoesto decidewithagain
“的确所以要先预知到它的身份再做决定跟Does not contactwithit. Shi Yusaid.
The brotheryoubring the family/homeClanmost precious objectto come to the Donghuangdomainto be quicknow
老弟你现在带着家族至宝来东煌界域快Point. Otherwisewemeetyou. Owlsaid.
点啊.要不然我们去接你.猫头鹰道.Patriarch Tutu: „ You图图族长:“你们Patriarch Tutustartedto flustermother'sgroup of people able图图族长开始慌了妈的这群人能不能Does a proper business.
„ Brother? Youhow.
The Owlmotherlooksmouseface that inCrystal Ballis sweating profusely猫头鹰娘看着水晶球内满头大汗的鼠人脸Strange.
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