UB :: Volume #7

#633: Cursed Behemoth

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Spirit king.” “灵王。” Sees this loli, in the Shi Yu heart one cold, called her name. 看到这个萝莉,时宇心中一凛,喊出了她的名字。 Universe Overlord Legion, spirit kings eight conferring the title of prince upon powerhouses, the unique over 7 powerhouses, this spirit king, the experience is not very it is said ordinary, from the beginning, is Human Beast Master. 宇宙霸主军团,八个封王强者之一的灵王,超脱七以上的强者,这个灵王,经历据说很不一般,在一开始,是个人类御兽师 Afterward, the accident/surprise becomes the dead souls, cultivates the present strength. 后来,意外成为了死灵,一路修炼到了如今的实力。 This experience, looks like with the relations of Mu Huiyin and Akame very much, no, rather, Akame their experiences, look like with her very much. 这个经历,和穆徽音赤瞳的关系很像,不,倒不如说,赤瞳她们的经历,和她很像。 The present spirit king, has not been Human, but, she also treats as Human to regard with oneself. 如今的灵王,已经算不上人类了,不过,她自己还拿自己当做人类看待。 The present responsibility, is the place of protection deep sleep, or usually she also conducts the deep sleep in the place of deep sleep. 现在的职责,就是守护沉睡之地,或者说,平常她自己也在沉睡之地进行沉睡。 Reason that so many Epoch God deep sleep here, has the reason, this piece of Star Territory, has the unique star lineage/vein, can enhancement their deep sleep qualities, provide many benefits effectively, is Overlord area alone one. 之所以这么多纪元神沉睡在这里,也是有原因的,这片星域,有着独特的星脉,能够有效的提高它们的沉睡质量,带来诸多的好处,是霸主疆域独一份。 Has the incomplete spirit king besides the body, Universe Overlord Legion, only allowed some Epoch God ranks Genius to consume the star lineage/vein force to conduct the deep sleep here. 除了身躯有残缺的灵王外,宇宙霸主军团,也只允许一些纪元神级别的天才在这里消耗星脉的力量进行沉睡了。 You were Shi Yu that row of kings said that was very regrettable, very unfortunately, you came late.” Spirit king Kaikou said. “你们就是列王所说的时宇了吧,很遗憾,十分不巧,你们来晚了一些。”灵王开口道。 Shi Yu and the others the purposes in coming, she has known through the row king. 时宇等人的来意,她已经通过列王知晓。 Shi Yu from the battleship, stands in Starry Sky and this purple sends loli to look at each other, reveals the forced smile saying: „It is not Epoch God will really regain consciousness completely, then left.” 时宇从战舰中而出,站立于星空和这个紫发萝莉对视,露出苦笑道:“不会真的是纪元神们全部苏醒,然后离开了吧。” No mistake.” The spirit king nods, said: It seems like you have known.” “没有错。”灵王点了点头,道:“看来你已经知道了。” Because certain special reasons, in Overlord area, no, in entire Universe, ancient times Epoch God of deep sleep was also good, the human race Myth Rank powerhouse of Breakthrough Myth Rank limit, should revive.” “因为某些特殊原因,霸主疆域内,不,全宇宙内,沉睡的远古纪元神也好,突破神级极限的人族神级强者也罢,应该都苏醒了过来了。” Because the situation is special, I not, because you will arrive detain them that want to leaves, after all I do not know when you will arrive, but, here is retaining their information, by these information, you could find them, was I confesses to the row king.” “因为情况特殊,我并没有因为你会到来就挽留想要离开的它们,毕竟我不知你何时会到来,不过,我这里保留着它们的信息,凭借这些信息,你或许可以找到它们,也算是我对列王交代了。” It looks like in the spirit king, Shi Yu attempts to subdue the new pet beast in the place of deep sleep, goes to seek on own initiative, is the same. 在灵王看来,时宇是在沉睡之地尝试收服新宠兽,还是去主动寻找,都是一样的。 I understand.” Shi Yu nods saying that after all, these Epoch God, were possibly busy preparing the Universe war, new round a Universe war that competed for the unique source, will soon start. “我明白。”时宇点了点头道,毕竟,这些纪元神,可能都忙着去准备宇宙大战了,新一轮争夺超脱本源的宇宙战争,即将开启。 But, the place of deep sleep Epoch God has not been left over.” Shi Yu cannot bear ask. “不过,沉睡之地已经一个纪元神都不剩下了吗。”时宇忍不住问。 Walked was too clean! 走的太干净了吧! Spirit kingly way: That actually not, but also is left over a special fellow, but, it not necessarily meets your requirement.” 灵王道:“那倒不是,还剩下一个特殊的家伙,只不过,它未必符合你的要求。” Even if you have seen Universe Sir Overlord, you are still not necessarily able to surrender it.” “就算你见过了宇宙霸主大人,你也未必能够降服它。” Also remains one not to walk?” Shi Yu heard this, is a little immediately affected. “还剩一个没走?”时宇听到了这个,顿时有点感动。 Before the situation was hurried, even if ran into the beginning of god blood, still had no free time to draw it, when sandbag sparring partner. Let alone, the beginning of god blood was also too weak. 之前情况匆忙,就算遇到了血之始神,也没空拉着它当沙包陪练。何况,血之始神也太弱了点。 At this time, heard spirit king saying that special existence, Shi Yu relaxes immediately, felt that at least circled such, is not studious. 此时,听到灵王说,还有一个特殊的存在,时宇顿时松了口气,感觉至少绕这么一圈,不会是无用功。 In Shi Yu Beast Space, beast pet this time is also meeting. 时宇御兽空间内,宠兽们此时也是开着会。 My goodness! 好家伙! Also remains a special individual to surrender the difficulty to be ultra-high, Eleven and the others look at each other in blank dismay, felt that this BUFF repeat was full. 还剩一个特殊个体降服难度超高,十一它们面面相觑,感觉这BUFF迭满了啊。 Clearly is, there is a new teammate to enter the rhythm of team. 分明是,又有新队友要入队的节奏。 Looks at this fellow, to what situation, can make Shi Yu settle on specially. 就看这个家伙,特殊到什么地步,能不能让时宇看中了。 In any case at least, the rank of Epoch God, is not absolutely weak, after arriving in the team, the strength absolutely is existence of top five. 反正至少,纪元神的等级,绝对不弱,来到队内后,实力绝对是前五的存在。 When the time comes,. Does not know that who will be squeezed out first six, the spirit king senior, can relate in detail. ” 到时候,.不知道谁会被挤出前六,灵王前辈,可以细说一下吗。” Good.” “好。” Sees Shi Yu also very to have the interest, spirit king Jie introduced: Its famous arrange/cloth unites, is Universe Behemoth.” 时宇还挺有兴致,灵王介绍道:“它名布戮,是一个宇宙巨兽。” The spirit king, in the Shi Yu team, explodes at this point instantaneously boils. 灵王说到这里,时宇队内,瞬间炸开锅。 beast pet looked to Xiao Zi, this anything luck. 宠兽们纷纷看向了小紫,这什么运气。 One pile of Epoch God walked, remaining one, is Universe Behemoth. 一堆纪元神都走了,就剩下・一个,正好是宇宙巨兽 Universe Behemoth and star life, it can be said that inborn sworn enemy, if the team really came Universe Behemoth, then Xiao Zi and opposite party, may have wearing in that. 宇宙巨兽和星球生命,可以说是天生的死对头,如果队伍真来了个宇宙巨兽,那么小紫和对方,可有的磨合了。 Looking like, initially Susu was like Duck. 就像是,当初素素鸭鸭一样。 Ni.” The Xiao Zi expression is calm, as if thought that had not mattered, Universe Behemoth on Universe Behemoth, the Susu elder sister can train powerful Abyss life, why can't it train one to Universe Behemoth that it always follows?? “咪。”小紫表情淡定,似乎觉得已经无所谓了,宇宙巨兽宇宙巨兽罢,素素姐能调教出来一个强大的深渊生命,为什么它不能调教出来一个对它言听计从的宇宙巨兽呢?? The tiger also eats the person, did not have the trainer to tame the tiger in the same old way, made the pet them! 老虎还吃人呢,不照样有驯兽师驯服了老虎,把它们做宠物! Its Xiao Zi, certainly! 小紫,也一定可以! Xiao Zi, you calmly, opposite party, but Epoch God.” Is holding the Xiao Zi Qi opens the mouth: „ You are Perfect God, the can be victorious opposite party. 小紫,你冷静点,对方可是纪元神。”抱着小紫开口:“你才是完美神,打不过对方的。 seaweed rice ball Xiao Zi: *** Ni??? 紫菜饭团小紫:***咪??? Why said, the opposite party not necessarily does meet my requirement?” Outside World, “为什么说,对方未必符合我的要求?”外界, Shi Yu asked to the spirit king. 时宇问向灵王。 loli spirit kingly way: You as Beast Master, contract beast pet, certain hope look for the right helper, rather than burden.” 萝莉灵王道:“你作为一个御兽师,契约宠兽,一定希望寻找到合适的帮手,而非累赘吧。” Burden?” Shi Yu surprise. “累赘?”时宇诧异。 Can arrive at the Epoch God level, what discussed the burden, this only Universe Behemoth that I said that was Universe Behemoth Clan Mutation, it has suffered the curse of Universe, the body filled unfortunately, might be called day of ghost Lone Star, according to statistics , in its 196 interplanetary navigation, altogether was hit by 196 Universe disasters. ” Shi Yu opens the mouth slightly, ha? “能到纪元神级,何谈累赘,”我说的这只宇宙巨兽,是宇宙巨兽变异体,它遭受过宇宙的诅咒,身上充满不幸,堪称天煞孤星,据统计,它196次星际航行中,一共遭受了196次宇宙灾害。”时宇微微张大嘴巴,哈? Its beforehand Race, has been not necessary to consider, but now, describes it with disaster hardship Behemoth, is more appropriate.” “它之前的种族,已经可以不必考虑,但现在,用灾厄巨兽来描述它,更为合适。” Also is at the deep sleep seal condition time, its misfortune will not bring unfortunately, even so, you also thought that it suits you.” “也只有处于沉睡封印状态的时候,它的厄运才不会带来不幸,即使是这样,你还觉得它适合你吗。” This. But why. ” Shi Yu is puzzled, why will have such individual. 这.可是为什么。”时宇不解,为什么会存在这样的个体。 According to the Universe Overlord Legion research results, its mother, had entered Era Ruins, possibly this is its cursed basis.” “根据宇宙霸主军团的研究成果,它的母亲,曾经进入过一处纪元遗迹,可能这就是它被诅咒的根本。” Spirit kingly way: Even in Universe Overlord Legion the fiercest scientist and Archaeology scientist, is unable to study to understand on it this strange curse.” 灵王道:“即使是宇宙霸主军团内最厉害的科学家、考古学家,也无法研究明白它身上这股奇怪的诅咒。” In 196 interplanetary navigation, altogether was hit by 196 Universe disasters, I want to know how it lives.” “196次星际航行中,一共遭受了196次宇宙灾害,我想知道,它是怎么活下来的。” Spirit kingly way: Originally also many people think it, because this curse must die, but, the fact is very often absurd, its talent potential is unique, was far in excess in Universe Behemoth Clan so-called Noble even king Clan.” 灵王道:“本来也有许多人认为它因为这诅咒必死,但是,事实往往很荒谬,它的天赋潜力独一无二,远远超越了宇宙巨兽中所谓的贵族甚至王。” Its adaptive faculty is extremely strong, although met with the disaster repeatedly, but can always turn danger into safety, its learning capability is extremely also strong, can very fast learned new skill, absorb enough experience to resist the disaster.” “它适应力极强,虽然多次遇灾害,但总能化险为夷,它学习能力也极强,能够十分快速的学会新技能,吸收足够的经验来抵御灾害。” This, it in situation that in everyone does not favor, grew the Epoch God level.” “就这样,它在所有人都不看好的情况下,一路成长到了纪元神级。” This is unfortunate, is lucky, no one can reach an agreement. “这到底是不幸,还是幸运,谁也说不好。 I do not understand so strange destiny curse.】 Cold this destiny grandmaster opened the mouth. 【我也不理解如此古怪的气运诅咒。】凛这位气运大师都开口了。 Perhaps, regarding it, is lucky and unfortunate knot Body-Fusion, although encountered many unfortunate things, but tempered such strong strength at least in the difficulty, but regarding its person, passer-by who even if did not know, so long as were extremely close to it, will be hit by the unexpected misfortune.” “或许,对于它自己来说,算是幸运、不幸的结合体吧,虽然遭遇了许多不幸的事情,但至少在困难中磨炼出来了这么强的实力,但对于它身边的人来说,哪怕是不认识的路人,只要太过接近它,都会遭受无妄之灾。” Therefore, it from beginning to end is the Universe Overlord Legion alone traveler, because its destiny curse is unable to affect to compare it to be powerful too many people, perhaps Universe Overlord Legion is unable to accommodate it.” “所以,它自始至终都是宇宙霸主军团内部的独行客,要不是因为它身上的气运诅咒无法影响比它强大太多的人,恐怕宇宙霸主军团都无法容下它。” Right, it had even attended the contests of 11 unique sources, but without exception, it has not arrived at the main battleground 11 times, because various disasters are accidental, is going to the midway to have the accident, the shadow of unique source has not seen continually.” “对了,它甚至已经参加了11次超脱本源的争夺战,但是11次无一例外,它还没到主要战场,就因为各种灾害意外,就在前往中途出了事故,连超脱本源的影子都没见到。” Shi Yu: 时宇:“ Gradually, the arrange/cloth unites this fellow “久而久之,布戮这个家伙” It how.” “它怎么了。” It suspended, had not participated in competition of unique source rottenly several times, this time was also same, other Epoch God went to prepare, only it, still in deep sleep.” “它摆烂了,已经数次没有参加超脱本源的争夺,这次也是一样,其他纪元神都前去准备,唯独它,依然在沉睡。” Shi Yu: „. Also some people recommend it, the source of fusion ordinary being aloof even, however, it in the battlefield, has not presented the source of being aloof.” 时宇:“.也有人推荐它,融合普通超脱之源就算了,然而,它已经在战场中,没有出现超脱之源。” Moreover, because was worried after arrange/cloth Lu promotes is Super God, the curse will not only not change for the better, instead will be stronger, Universe Overlord Legion does not dare to assign to the source of its being aloof on own initiative, if this type cursed Physique to the Super God level, perhaps will bring a huger disaster to Legion.” “另外,由于担心布戮升级为超神后,诅咒不仅不会得到好转,反而会更强,宇宙霸主军团也不敢主动分配给它超脱之源,如果这种诅咒体质到了超神级,恐怕会给军团带来更大的灾害。” At present it suspends the rotten deep sleep, perhaps is also a quite good choice, perhaps “眼下它摆烂沉睡,或许也是一个比较不错的选择,或许 Waits for Legion technical again Breakthrough, can have the opportunity to study to understand on it the strangeness. ” 军团的科技再次突破,能有机会研究明白它身上的古怪。” Sounds, was somewhat a pity.” Shi Yu said. “听起来,有些可惜。”时宇道。 Indeed pitifully, its strength, in this crowd of Epoch God, it can be said that strongest echelon, talent, is strongest, “的确可惜,它的实力,在这群纪元神中,可以说是最强一梯队的了,天赋,也是最强的, But because of this Physique, limited its life only. ” The spirit king shakes the head. 但唯独因为这个体质,限制了它的人生。”灵王摇头。 Therefore, after listening so many, you understood.” “所以,听了这么多后,你明白了吧。” Although it longs for having the partner, here conducted the deep sleep, but in fact, we do not recommend anybody to become its partner, this also for hello. “虽然它渴望拥有搭档,在这里进行了沉睡,但是事实上,我们不推荐任何人成为它的搭档,这也是为了你们好。 Naturally, stubborn Beast Master also has, some people had also heard arrange/cloth Lu deeds, thinks oneself are that person who it is destined, “当然,固执的御兽师也有,曾经也有人听说过布戮的事迹,认为自己就是它命中注定的那个人, But in fact, is the arrange/cloth unites on the contrary cannot take a liking to small and weak them. ” 但事实上,反倒是布戮根本瞧不上弱小的他们。” Once, had Myth Rank 12 heavy day of Beast Master, loses to the hand of arrange/cloth uniting.” “曾经,有神级12重天的御兽师,败于布戮之手。” Therefore, thinks the contract it, does a thankless job completely, if you think contract Epoch God, is other choice candidates, except for arrange/cloth extra, in Universe Overlord Legion, there are other Universe Behemoth Clan, although was inferior that the Behemoth empire are so many, but also enough you chose.” “所以,想契约它,完全是吃力不讨好,如果你想契约纪元神,还是选择其他的人选吧,除了布號外,宇宙霸主军团内,也有其他宇宙巨兽,虽然不如巨兽帝国那样多,但也足够你挑选了。” You feel.” After Shi Yu ponder, opens the mouth to ask. “你们觉得呢。”时宇沉思后,开口问道。 In Shi Yu Beast Space, Eleven and the others look at each other in blank dismay, shows the interested expression. 时宇御兽空间内,十一它们面面相觑,都露出饶有兴趣的表情。 „!!” “嗷嗷!!” Eyah!! “咿呀!! Eleven and the others, thought that this Universe Behemoth is quite interesting, Eleven wants to fight one to have a look with the opposite party, Ginseng Tot wants to have a look to study to relieve the curse thing approximately 十一它们,都觉得这个宇宙巨兽好有趣,十一是想和对方战斗一番看看,参宝宝则想看看能不能研究出解除诅咒的约物 Perhaps with the aid of the deduction of Shi Yu, has the opportunity! 借助时宇的推演,或许有机会! Some meanings, do not know that my wind of blessing, can counter-balance it to our backlash disaster hardship.” Rin also finds it very interesting, if some people can tame this Universe Behemoth, she felt, belonged to Shi Yu, because Shi Yu has her blessing, common disaster hardship, could not entangle Shi Yu. “有些意思,不知道我的祝福之风,能不能抵消它对我们反噬的灾厄。”凛也觉得很有意思,如果有人能驯服这个宇宙巨兽,她觉得,非时宇莫属了,因为时宇有着她的祝福,寻常灾厄,根本缠不上时宇 Sounds like very hard to deal with.” Qi pinches Xiao Zi saying: But, is strange, explained that more has the secret, by the empirical analysis of my Archaeology grandmaster, opposite party's curse is not simple.” The Qi thoughts, are to the Shi Yu appetite, if the spirit king said purely, Universe Behemoth is here strongest, strength no one can tame, Shi Yu has no interest many on the contrary. “听起来好像很难缠。”捏着小紫道:“不过,越是奇怪,就说明身上越有秘密,以我考古大师的经验分析来看,对方身上的诅咒不简单。”的心思,才是最对时宇胃口的,灵王要是单纯说,有一个宇宙巨兽是这里最强的,实力无人能驯服,时宇反倒没多少兴趣。 However, if must say, the opposite party body has doubtful because of the Universe curse that entering Era Ruins obtains, that made Shi Yu this Archaeology scientist a little curious. 但是,如果要说,对方身上有着疑似因为进入纪元遗迹而获得的宇宙诅咒,那就让时宇这个考古学家有点好奇了。 Under the gaze of spirit king, the eye of Shi Yu, is almost more and more green. 在灵王的注视下,时宇的眼睛,几乎是越来越绿。 Spirit king:? 灵王:? Interesting.” Shi Yu opens the mouth saying: Can give me an opportunity, I want to attempt.” “有意思。”时宇开口道:“可以给我一个机会吗,我想尝试一下.” Subdues this named arrange/cloth Lu disaster hardship Behemoth, I, the luck is always good, to decoding Era Ruins is also quite experienced, the strength arrives goes against heaven's will, if I am not good, no one can be good.” Shi Yu said with a smile self-confidently: Naturally, I must test to it “收服这个名为布戮的灾厄巨兽,我这个人,向来运气好,对破解纪元遗迹也颇有经验,实力更是强到逆天,我要是不行,也没人能行了。”时宇自信笑道:“当然,我也要对它考验一下”
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