UB :: Volume #7

#632 Part 2: Time of acceleration

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The innumerable Starry Sky storm shell from raids in all directions, making beginning of god pupil blood shrink. Next flickers, its complete body, was involved in the Starry Sky storm. 无数星空风暴炮弹从四面八方袭来,让血之始神瞳孔一缩。下一瞬,它全部身躯,被卷入星空风暴中。 And, from attack in all directions, never stops. unlucky fellow.” 并且,来自四面八方的攻击,从未停止。“倒霉的家伙。” In the battleship, spreads two mean sighs, has not known how long, in Starry Sky, only had a blood nuclear of fist size, using not own powerful force to protect itself, runs away crazily. 战舰内,传出两个幸灾乐祸的叹息声,不知过了多久,星空中,只剩下了一个拳头大小的血核,用着一股不属于自己的强大的力量保护自己,疯狂逃窜。 However, does not allow it to flee, the powerful Space seal, blocked to decide it together instantaneously in Starry Sky. 不过,根本不容它逃离,一道强大的空间封印,就瞬间把它封锁定在了星空中。 Epoch God also has the disparity, grasps Miraculous Divine Skill Epoch God, and Rin this type, compared with over 10 Divine Skill Miraculous monsters, still no 纪元神亦有差距,掌握一个出神入化神技纪元神,和凛这种,超十个神技出神入化的怪物相比,依然不 Is a rank. 是一个级别。 At the beginning of god blood is muddled in the situation, and spitting blood, it falls to Shi Yu their hands in directly, becomes prisoner of war general existence. 在血之始神糊涂且吐血的情况下,它直接落到时宇他们手中,成为了战俘一般的存在。 The battleship goes slowly here, the interior, spreads together the sound, making the beginning of god blood awaken. 战舰缓缓行驶到这边,内部,传出一道声音,让血之始神惊醒。 „The outside fellow, you had an evil intention a moment ago, wants to take by force us, plunders the blood.” “外边的家伙,刚才你是不是生出了一丝恶意,想打劫我们,掠夺血液。” No. “没. Is just wanted to deny by Space extrusion the beginning of god of blood, sees only several gun tubes to fill the fluctuation again, making its eyelid jump. 空间挤压的血之始神刚想否认,只见数门炮管再次弥漫起波动,让它眼皮一跳。 day the dog, anything, how this awakens, first strange life, was the monster combination that could not understand, although it indeed wants to take by force, but all thoughts and evil thoughts, kept the heart. 日了狗,什么东西啊,怎么这次苏醒,遇到的第一个陌生生命,就是看不懂的怪物组合,它虽然的确是想进行打劫,但是一切念头和恶念,都留在了心底啊。 Can this also to then be flickered the second by the sensation? 这也能被感知到然后被瞬秒? Slow.” Before the Starry Sky storm artillery has not launched, the beginning of god blood stops to say hastily: I acknowledged, indeed thought such a small one after next, but I was too hungry, totally is instinctive.” “慢着。”星空风暴炮未发射之前,血之始神连忙喊停道:“我承认,的确想了那么一小下下,但我实在太饿了,完全是出于本能。” „Are you place of deep sleep come?” “你是沉睡之地而来?” The Starry Sky artillery has not launched, but inside spreads the sound again, hears this sound, the beginning of god blood relaxes, then nods fast, since the opposite party knows that the place of deep sleep said. 星空炮没有发射,而里面再次传出声音,听到这道声音,血之始神松了口气,然后快速点了点头,既然对方知道沉睡之地就好说了。 Looks in the status of its Universe Overlord Legion member, should not press it. 看在它宇宙霸主军团成员的身份,应该不会难为它吧。 Now the place of deep sleep, but also there is Epoch God of deep sleep. ” Shi Yu. 现在沉睡之地,还有没有沉睡的纪元神。”时宇 Was about not to have, because certain special reasons, we regained consciousness ahead of time, left the place of deep sleep respectively. ” 快没了,因为某些特殊原因,我们都提前苏醒,各自离开了沉睡之地。” Perhaps this Time words, have been exposed. 这个时间的话,说不定都已经走光。 Slightly stares. 略瞪。 The beginning of god blood said that Shi Yu almost excited presses down the open fire key. As if detected surrounding situation is not right, the beginning of god blood added hastily: Waits for, I also blindly guessed that.. Perhaps a group of fellows, have not walked, 血之始神说完,时宇差点激动的按下开炮键。仿佛是察觉到了周围的情况的不对劲,血之始神连忙补充道:“等一下,我也是瞎猜的,..说不定还有一批家伙,没走, I thought that I send off you.” Shi Yu uncomfortable say/way. “我看我还是把你送走吧。”时宇不爽道。 10 days later, Shi Yu they, arrived around the place of deep sleep diligently. 十天后,时宇他们,还是努力的来到了沉睡之地附近。 This, they except for the beginning of god blood, have not met other Epoch God. 这一路,他们除了血之始神,就没遇到其他纪元神了。 When they arrive at the Core galaxy that the place of deep sleep , is also the same sensation, no sensation to existences of other powerful Epoch God, this cannot help but makes Shi Yu somewhat wonder. 当他们来到沉睡之地所在的核心星系后,也是一样的感知,没有感知到其他强大纪元神的存在,这不由得让时宇有些纳闷。 What is main, the place that this piece of bird does not defecate, even the Overlord network has no way to use, causing him to look to arrange in order that king said to defend natives of Singapore not to know that from where looks. 最主要的是,这片鸟不拉屎的地方,连霸主网络都没法用,导致他想找列王说的那个守星人都不知道从何找起。 You, are looking for me.” “你们,是在找我吗。” However, here defending native of Singapore, as if had the sound of this piece of galaxy fortunately, Shi Yu they just enters to gaze at frequently. 不过,还好这里的守星人,似乎起时时刻刻这片星系的动静,时宇他们刚刚一进入就被注视到。 A spirit body shape purple sends loli, emerged out of thin air in the front of battleship. 一个灵体形态的紫发萝莉,凭空出现在了战舰的前方。
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